Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-ppvpn-vpls-ldp


   Internet Draft Document                              Marc Lasserre 
   Provider Provisioned VPN Working Group         Riverstone Networks 
   draft-ietf-ppvpn-vpls-ldp-00.txt                     Vach Kompella 
                                                           Nick Tingle 
                                                       Sunil Khandekar 
                                                     Timetra Networks 
                                                          Ali Sajassi 
                                                         Cisco Systems 
   Pascal Menezes                                       Loa Andersson 
   Terabeam Networks                                       Consultant 
   Andrew Smith                                            Pierre Lin 
   Consultant                                     Yipes Communication 
   Juha Heinanen                                          Giles Heron 
   Song Networks                                  PacketExchange Ltd. 
   Ron Haberman                                         Tom S.C. Soon 
   Masergy, Inc.                                        Yetik Serbest 
                                                           Eric Puetz 
   Nick Slabakov                                   SBC Communications 
   Rob Nath                                                           
   Riverstone Networks                                                
                                                         Luca Martini 
   Vasile Radaoca                                             Level 3 
   Nortel Networks                                     Communications 
   Expires: December 2003                                   June 2003 
                  Virtual Private LAN Services over MPLS 
   1.  Status of this Memo 
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance 
   with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that      
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as 
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
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   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
   2.  Abstract 
   This document describes a  virtual private LAN service (VPLS) 
   solution over MPLS, also known as Transparent LAN Services (TLS). A 
   VPLS creates an emulated LAN segment for a given set of users.  It 
   delivers a layer 2 broadcast domain that is fully capable of 
   learning and forwarding on Ethernet MAC addresses that is closed to 
   a given set of users.  Many VPLS services can be supported from a 
   single PE node. 
   This document describes the control plane functions of signaling 
   demultiplexor labels, extending [PWE3-CTRL] and rudimentary support 
   for availability (multi-homing).  It is agnostic to discovery 
   protocols.  The data plane functions of forwarding are also 
   described, focusing, in particular, on the learning of MAC 
   addresses.  The encapsulation of VPLS packets is described by [PWE3-

   3.  Conventions 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 
   Placement of this Memo in Sub-IP Area 
   The charter of the PPVPN WG includes L2 VPN services and this draft 
   specifies a model for Ethernet L2 VPN services over MPLS. 
   Existing Internet drafts specify how to provide point-to-point 
   Ethernet L2 VPN services over MPLS. This draft defines how 
   multipoint Ethernet services can be provided. 
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   Table of Contents 
   1. Status of this Memo.............................................1 
   2. Abstract........................................................2 
   3. Conventions.....................................................2 
   4. Overview........................................................4 
   5. Topological Model for VPLS......................................5 
   5.1. Flooding and Forwarding.......................................5 
   5.2. Address Learning..............................................6 
   5.3. LSP Topology..................................................6 
   5.4. Loop free L2 VPN..............................................7 
   6. Discovery.......................................................7 
   7. Control Plane...................................................7 
   7.1. LDP Based Signaling of Demultiplexors.........................7 
   7.2. MAC Address Withdrawal........................................9 
   7.2.1. MAC TLV.....................................................9 
   7.2.2. Address Withdraw Message Containing MAC TLV................10 
   8. Data Forwarding on an Ethernet VC Type.........................11 
   8.1. VPLS Encapsulation actions...................................11 
   8.1.1. VPLS Learning actions......................................12 
   9. Operation of a VPLS............................................12 
   9.1. MAC Address Aging............................................13 
   10. A Hierarchical VPLS Model.....................................13 
   10.1. Hierarchical connectivity...................................14 
   10.1.1. Spoke connectivity for bridging-capable devices...........14 
   10.1.2. Advantages of spoke connectivity..........................16 
   10.1.3. Spoke connectivity for non-bridging devices...............17 
   10.2. Redundant Spoke Connections.................................18 
   10.2.1. Dual-homed MTU device.....................................18 
   10.2.2. Failure detection and recovery............................19 
   10.3. Multi-domain VPLS service...................................20 
   11. Hierarchical VPLS model using Ethernet Access Network.........20 
   11.1. Scalability.................................................21 
   11.2. Dual Homing and Failure Recovery............................21 
   12. Significant Modifications.....................................22 
   13. Acknowledgments...............................................22 
   14. Security Considerations.......................................22 
   15. Intellectual Property Considerations..........................22 
   16. Full Copyright Statement......................................22 
   17. References....................................................23 
   18. Authors' Addresses............................................24 
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   4.  Overview 
   Ethernet has become the predominant technology for Local Area 
   Networks (LANs) connectivity and is gaining acceptance as an access 
   technology, specifically in Metropolitan and Wide Area Networks (MAN 
   and WAN respectively). An Ethernet port is used to connect a 
   customer to the Provider Edge (PE) router acting as an LER. Customer 
   traffic is subsequently mapped to a specific MPLS L2 VPN by 
   configuring L2 FECs based upon the input port ID and/or VLAN tag 
   depending upon the VPLS service. 
   Broadcast and multicast services are available over traditional 
   LANs. MPLS does not support such services currently. Sites that 
   belong to the same broadcast domain and that are connected via an 
   MPLS network expect broadcast, multicast and unicast traffic to be 
   forwarded to the proper location(s). This requires MAC address 
   learning/aging on a per LSP basis, packet replication across LSPs 
   for multicast/broadcast traffic and for flooding of unknown unicast 
   destination traffic. 
   The primary motivation behind Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) is 
   to provide connectivity between geographically dispersed customer 
   sites across MAN/WAN network(s), as if they were connected using a 
   LAN. The intended application for the end-user can be divided into 
   the following two categories:  

     - Connectivity between customer routers – LAN routing application 
     - Connectivity between customer Ethernet switches – LAN switching 

   [PWE3-ETHERNET] defines how to carry L2 PDUs over point-to-point 
   MPLS LSPs, called pseudowires (PW). Such PWs can be carried over 
   MPLS or GRE tunnels. This document describes extensions to [PWE3-
   CTRL] for transporting Ethernet/802.3 and VLAN [802.1Q] traffic 
   across multiple sites that belong to the same L2 broadcast domain or 
   VPLS. Note that the same model can be applied to other 802.1 
   technologies. It describes a simple and scalable way to offer 
   Virtual LAN services, including the appropriate flooding of 
   Broadcast, Multicast and unknown unicast destination traffic over 
   MPLS, without the need for address resolution servers or other 
   external servers, as discussed in [L2VPN-REQ]. 
   The following discussion applies to devices that are VPLS capable 
   and have a means of tunneling labeled packets amongst each other.  
   While MPLS LSPs may be used to tunnel these labeled packets, other 
   technologies may be used as well, e.g., GRE [MPLS-GRE].  The 
   resulting set of interconnected devices forms a private MPLS VPN. 

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   5.  Topological Model for VPLS 
   An interface participating in a VPLS must be able to flood, forward, 
   and filter ethernet frames.  
   +----+                                              +----+ 
   + C1 +---+      ...........................     +---| C1 | 
   +----+   |      .                         .     |   +----+ 
   Site A   |   +----+                    +----+   |   Site B 
            +---| PE |------ Cloud -------| PE |---+ 
                +----+         |          +----+ 
                   .           |             . 
                   .         +----+          . 
                   ..........| PE |........... 
                             +----+         ^ 
                               |            |    
                               |            +-- Emulated LAN 
                             | C1 |          
                             Site C 
   The set of PE devices interconnected via pseudowires appears as a 
   single emulated LAN to customer C1. Each PE device will learn remote 
   MAC address to pseudowire associations and will also learn directly 
   attached MAC addresses on customer facing ports.   
   We note here again that while this document shows specific examples 
   using MPLS transport tunnels, other tunnels that can be used by 
   pseudo-wires, e.g., GRE, L2TP, IPSEC, etc., can also be used, as 
   long as the originating PE can be identified, since this is used in 
   the MAC learning process. 
   The scope of the VPLS lies within the PEs in the service provider 
   network, highlighting the fact that apart from customer service 
   delineation, the form of access to a customer site is not relevant 
   to the VPLS [L2VPN-REQ]. 
   The PE device is typically an edge router capable of running a 
   signaling protocol and/or routing protocols to set up pseudowires.  
   In addition, it is capable of setting up transport tunnels to other 
   PEs and deliver traffic over a pseudowire. 
   5.1.  Flooding and Forwarding 
   One of attributes of an Ethernet service is that all broadcast and 
   destination unknown MAC addresses are flooded to all ports. To 
   achieve flooding within the service provider network, all address 
   unknown unicast, broadcast and multicast frames are flooded over the 

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   corresponding pseudowires to all relevant PE nodes participating in 
   the VPLS.  
   Note that multicast frames are a special case and do not necessarily 
   have to be sent to all VPN members. For simplicity, the default 
   approach of broadcasting multicast frames can be used. Extensions 
   explaining how to interact with 802.1 GMRP protocol, IGMP snooping 
   and static MAC multicast filters will be discussed in a future 
   revision if needed. 
   To forward a frame, a PE must be able to associate a destination MAC 
   address with a pseudowire. It is unreasonable and perhaps impossible 
   to require PEs to statically configure an association of every 
   possible destination MAC address with a pseudowire. Therefore, VPLS-
   capable PEs must have the capability to dynamically learn MAC 
   addresses on both physical ports and virtual circuits and to forward 
   and replicate packets across both physical ports and pseudowires. 

   5.2.  Address Learning 
   Unlike BGP VPNs [BGP-VPN], reachability information does not need to 
   be advertised and distributed via a control plane.  Reachability is 
   obtained by standard learning bridge functions in the data plane.  
   As discussed previously, a pseudowire consists of a pair of uni-
   directional VC LSPs.  When a new MAC address is learned on an 
   inbound VC LSP, it needs to be associated with the outbound VC LSP 
   that is part of the same pair. The state of this pseudowire is 
   considered operationally up when both incoming and outgoing VC LSPs 
   are established.  Similarly, it is considered operationally down 
   when one of these two VC LSPs is torn down. 
   Standard learning, filtering and forwarding actions, as defined in 
   [802.1D-ORIG], [802.1D-REV] and [802.1Q], are required when a 
   logical link state changes. 
   5.3.  Tunnel Topology 
   PE routers typically run an IGP between them, and are assumed to 
   have the capability to establish transport tunnels.  Tunnel are set 
   up between PEs to aggregate traffic.  Pseudowires are signaled to 
   demultiplex the L2 encapsulated packets that traverse the tunnels. 
   In an Ethernet L2VPN, it becomes the responsibility of the service 
   provider to create the loop free topology.  For the sake of 
   simplicity, we define that the topology of a VPLS is a full mesh of 
   tunnels and pseudowires. 
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   5.4.  Loop free L2 VPN 
   For simplicity, a full mesh of pseudowires is established between 
   PEs.  Ethernet bridges, unlike Frame Relay or ATM where the 
   termination point becomes the CE node, have to examine the layer 2 
   fields of the packets to make a switching decision.  If the frame is 
   directed to an unknown destination, or is a broadcast or multicast 
   frame, the frame must be flooded. 
   Therefore, if the topology isn't a full mesh, the PE devices may 
   need to forward these frames to other PEs. However, this would 
   require the use of spanning tree protocol to form a loop free 
   topology, that may have characteristics that are undesirable to the 
   provider. The use of a full mesh and split-horizon forwarding 
   obviates the need for a spanning tree protocol. 
   Each PE MUST create a rooted tree to every other PE router that 
   serve the same VPLS.  Each PE MUST support a "split-horizon" scheme 
   in order to prevent loops, that is, a PE MUST NOT forward traffic 
   from one pseudowire to another in the same VPLS (since each PE has 
   direct connectivity to all other PEs in the same VPLS). 
   Note that customers are allowed to run STP such as when a customer 
   has  "back door" links used to provide redundancy in the case of a 
   failure within the VPLS.  In such a case, STP BPDUs are simply 
   tunneled through the provider cloud. 
   6.  Discovery 
   Currently, no discovery mechanism has been prescribed for VPLS.  
   There are three potential candidates, [BGP-DISC], [RADIUS-DISC], 
   7.  Control Plane 
   This document describes the control plane functions of Demultiplexor 
   Exchange (signaling of VC labels).  Some foundational work in the 
   area of support for multi-homing is laid, although that work is 
   described in a different document [VPLS-BRIDGING]. 
   7.1.  LDP Based Signaling of Demultiplexors 
   In order to establish a full mesh of pseudowires, all PEs in a VPLS 
   must have a full mesh of LDP sessions. 
   Once an LDP session has been formed between two PEs, all pseudowires 
   are signaled over this session. 
   In [PWE3-CTRL], the L2 VPN information is carried in a Label Mapping 
   message sent in downstream unsolicited mode, which contains the 

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   following VC FEC TLV.  VC, C, VC Info Length, Group ID, Interface 
   parameters are as defined in [PWE3-CTRL]. 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |    VC tlv     |C|         VC Type             |VC info Length | 
    |                      Group ID                                 | 
    |                        VCID                                   | 
    |                       Interface parameters                    | 
    ~                                                               ~ 
    |                                                               | 

   This document uses the VC type value for Ethernet as defined in 
   VC Type  Description 
   0x0001   Frame Relay DLCI 
   0x0002   ATM AAL5 VCC transport 
   0x0003   ATM transparent cell transport 
   0x0004   Ethernet VLAN 
   0x0005   Ethernet 
   0x0006   HDLC 
   0x0007   PPP 
   0x8008   CEM [8] 
   0x0009   ATM VCC cell transport 
   0x000A   ATM VPC cell transport 
   VC types 0x0004 and 0x0005 identify pseudowire types that carry VLAN 
   tagged and untagged Ethernet traffic respectively, for point-to-
   point connectivity. 
   We use the VC type Ethernet with codepoint 0x0005 to identify 
   pseudowires that carry Ethernet traffic for multipoint connectivity.  
   The Ethernet VC Type described below, conforms to the Ethernet VC 
   Type defined in [PWE3-CTRL]. 
   In a VPLS, we use a VCID (to be substituted with a VPNID TLV later, 
   to address extending the scope of a VPLS) to identify an emulated 
   LAN segment.  Note that the VCID as specified in [PWE3-CTRL] is a 
   service identifier, identifying a service emulating a point-to-point 
   virtual circuit.  In a VPLS, the VCID is a single service 

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   7.2.  MAC Address Withdrawal 

   It MAY be desirable to remove or relearn MAC addresses that have 
   been dynamically learned for faster convergence. 
   We introduce an optional MAC TLV that is used to specify a list of 
   MAC addresses that can be removed or relearned using the Address 
   Withdraw Message. 

   The Address Withdraw message with MAC TLVs MAY be supported in order 
   to expedite removal of MAC addresses as the result of a topology 
   change (e.g., failure of the primary link for a dual-homed MTU-s). 
   If a notification message is sent on the backup link (blocked link), 
   which has transitioned into an active state (e.g., similar to 
   Topology Change Notification message of 802.1w RSTP), with a list of 
   MAC entries to be relearned,  the PE will update the MAC entries in 
   its FIB for that VPLS instance and send the message to other PEs 
   over the corresponding directed LDP sessions. 
   If the notification message contains an empty list, this tells the 
   receiving PE to remove all the MAC addresses learned for the 
   specified VPLS instance except the ones it learned from the sending 
   PE (MAC address removal is required for all VPLS instances that are 
   affected).  Note that the definition of such a notification message 
   is outside the scope of the document, unless it happens to come from 
   an MTU connected to the PE as a spoke.  In such a scenario, the 
   message will be just an Address Withdraw message as noted above. 

   7.2.1.  MAC TLV 

   MAC addresses to be relearned can be signaled using an LDP Address 
   Withdraw Message that contains a new TLV, the MAC TLV.  Its format 
   is described below.  The encoding of a MAC TLV address is the 6-byte 
   MAC address specified by IEEE 802 documents [g-ORIG] [802.1D-REV].   
     0                   1                   2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |U|F|       Type                |            Length             | 
    |                      MAC address #1                           | 
    |                      MAC address #n                           | 

   U bit 
        Unknown bit.  This bit MUST be set to 0.  If the MAC address 
   format is not understood, then the TLV is not understood, and MUST 
   be ignored. 

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   F bit 
        Forward bit.  This bit MUST be set to 0.  Since the LDP 
   mechanism used here is Targeted, the TLV MUST NOT be forwarded. 

        Type field.  This field MUST be set to 0x0404 (subject to IANA 
   approval).  This identifies the TLV type as MAC TLV. 

        Length field.  This field specifies the total length of the MAC 
   addresses in the TLV. 

   MAC Address 
        The MAC address(es) being removed. 

   The LDP Address Withdraw Message contains a FEC TLV (to identify the 
   VPLS in consideration), a MAC Address TLV and optional parameters.  
   No optional parameters have been defined for the MAC Address 
   Withdraw signaling. 

   7.2.2.  Address Withdraw Message Containing MAC TLV 

   When MAC addresses are being removed or relearned explicitly, e.g., 
   the primary link of a dual-homed MTU-s has failed, an Address 
   Withdraw Message can be sent with the list of MAC addresses to be 

   The processing for MAC TLVs received in an Address Withdraw Message 
     For each MAC address in the TLV: 
     - Relearn the association between the MAC address and the 
        interface/pseudowire over which this message is received 
     - Send the same message to all other PEs over the corresponding 
        directed LDP sessions. 
     For an Address Withdraw message with empty list: 
     - Remove all the MAC addresses associated with the VPLS instance 
        (specified by the FEC TLV) except the MAC addresses learned 
        over this link (over the pseudowire associated with the 
        signaling link over which the message is received)  
     - Send the same message to all other PEs over the corresponding 
        directed LDP sessions. 

   The scope of a MAC TLV is the VPLS specified in the FEC TLV in the 
   Address Withdraw Message.  The number of MAC addresses can be 
   deduced from the length field in the TLV.   

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   Further descriptions of how to deal with failures expeditiously with 
   different configurations will be described in other documents, such 
   8.  Data Forwarding on an Ethernet VC Type 
   This section describes the dataplane behavior on an Ethernet VPLS 
   pseudowire.  While the encapsulation is similar to that described in 
   [PWE3-ETHERNET], the NSP functions of stripping the service-
   delimiting tag, and using a "normalized" Ethernet packet are 
   8.1.  VPLS Encapsulation actions 
   In a VPLS, a customer Ethernet packet without preamble is 
   encapsulated with a header as defined in [PWE3-ETHERNET].  A 
   customer Ethernet packet is defined as follows: 
      - If the packet, as it arrives at the PE, has an encapsulation 
        that is used by the local PE as a service delimiter, i.e., to 
        identify the customer and/or the particular service of that 
        customer, then that encapsulation is stripped before the packet 
        is sent into the VPLS.  As the packet exits the VPLS, the 
        packet may have a service-delimiting encapsulation inserted. 
      - If the packet, as it arrives at the PE, has an encapsulation 
        that is not service delimiting, then it is a customer packet 
        whose encapsulation should not be modified by the VPLS.  This 
        covers, for example, a packet that carries customer specific 
        VLAN-Ids that the service provider neither knows about nor 
        wants to modify. 

   As an application of these rules, a customer packets may arrive at a 
   customer-facing port with a VLAN tag that identifies the customer's 
   VPLS instance.  That tag would be stripped before it is encapsulated 
   in the VPLS.  At egress, the packet may be tagged again, if a 
   service-delimiting tag is used, or it may be untagged if none is 
   Likewise, if a customer packet arrives at a customer-facing port 
   over an ATM VC that identifies the customer's VPLS instance, then 
   the ATM encapsulation is removed before the packet is passed into 
   the VPLS. 
   Contrariwise, if a customer packet arrives at a customer-facing port 
   with a VLAN tag that identifies a VLAN domain in the customer L2 
   network, then the tag is not modified or stripped, as it belongs 
   with the rest of the customer frame. 
   By following the above rules, the Ethernet packet that traverses a 
   VPLS is always a customer Ethernet packet.  Note that the two 
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   actions, at ingress and egress, of dealing with service delimiters 
   are local actions that neither PE has to signal to the other.  They 
   allow, for example, a mix-and-match of VLAN tagged and untagged 
   services at either end, and do not carry across a VPLS a VLAN tag 
   that has local significance only.  The service delimiter may be an 
   MPLS label also, whereby an Ethernet pseudowire given by [PWE3-
   ETHERNET] can serve as the access side connection into a PE.  An 
   RFC1483 PVC encapsulation could be another service delimiter.  By 
   limiting the scope of locally significant encapsulations to the 
   edge, hierarchical VPLS models can be developed that provide the 
   capability to network-engineer VPLS deployments, as described below. 

   8.1.1.  VPLS Learning actions 
   Learning is done based on the customer Ethernet packet, as defined 
   above.  The Forwarding Information Base (FIB) keeps track of the 
   mapping of customer Ethernet packet addressing and the appropriate 
   pseudowire to use.  We define two modes of learning: qualified and 
   unqualified learning.  However, the model followed in this VPLS 
   document is the unqualified learning model. 

   In unqualified learning, all the customer VLANs are handled by a 
   single VPLS, which means they all share a single broadcast domain 
   and a single MAC address space. This means that MAC addresses need 
   to be unique and non-overlapping among customer VLANs or else they 
   cannot be differentiated within the VPLS instance and this can 
   result in loss of customer frames. An application of unqualified 
   learning is port-based VPLS service for a given customer (e.g., 
   customer with non-multiplexed UNI interface where all the traffic on 
   a physical port, which may include multiple customer VLANs, is 
   mapped to a single VPLS instance).  
   In qualified learning, each customer VLAN is assigned to its own 
   VPLS instance, which means each customer VLAN has its own broadcast 
   domain and MAC address space. Therefore, in qualified learning, MAC 
   addresses among customer VLANs may overlap with each other, but they 
   will be handled correctly since each customer VLAN has its own FIB , 
   i.e., each customer VLAN has its own MAC address space.  Since VPLS 
   broadcasts multicast frames, qualified learning offers the advantage 
   of limiting the broadcast scope to a given customer VLAN.  

   9.  Operation of a VPLS 
   We show here an example of how a VPLS works.  The following 
   discussion uses the figure below, where a VPLS has been set up 
   between PE1, PE2 and PE3. 
   Initially, the VPLS is set up so that PE1, PE2 and PE3 have a full-
   mesh of Ethernet pseudowires.  The VPLS instance is assigned a 
   unique VCID. 
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   For the above example, say PE1 signals VC Label 102 to PE2 and 103 
   to PE3, and PE2 signals VC Label 201 to PE1 and 203 to PE3. 
   Assume a packet from A1 is bound for A2.  When it leaves CE1, say it 
   has a source MAC address of M1 and a destination MAC of M2.  If PE1 
   does not know where M2 is, it will multicast the packet to PE2 and 
   PE3.  When PE2 receives the packet, it will have an inner label of 
   201.  PE2 can conclude that the source MAC address M1 is behind PE1, 
   since it distributed the label 201 to PE1.  It can therefore 
   associate MAC address M1 with VC Label 102. 
                                                        /  A1 \ 
           ----                                    ----CE1    | 
          /    \          --------       -------  /     |     | 
          | A2 CE2-      /        \     /       PE1     \     / 
          \    /   \    /          \---/         \       ----- 
           ----     ---PE2                        | 
                       | Service Provider Network | 
                        \          /   \         / 
                 -----  PE3       /     \       / 
                 |Agg|_/  --------       ------- 
                -|   | 
         ----  / -----  ---- 
        /    \/    \   /    \                 CE = Customer Edge Router 
        | A3 CE3    --C4 A4 |                 PE = Provider Edge Router 
        \    /         \    /                 Agg = Layer 2 Aggregation 
         ----           ---- 
   9.1.  MAC Address Aging 
   PEs that learn remote MAC addresses need to have an aging mechanism 
   to remove unused entries associated with a VC Label.  This is 
   important both for conservation of memory as well as for 
   administrative purposes.  For example, if a customer site A is shut 
   down, eventually, the other PEs should unlearn A's MAC address.   
   As packets arrive, MAC addresses are remembered.  The aging timer 
   for MAC address M SHOULD be reset when a packet is received with 
   source MAC address M. 
   10.  A Hierarchical VPLS Model 
   The solution described above requires a full mesh of tunnel LSPs 
   between all the PE routers that participate in the VPLS service.  
   For each VPLS service, n*(n-1)/2 pseudowires must be setup between 
   the PE routers.  While this creates signaling overhead, the real 
   detriment to large scale deployment is the packet replication 
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   requirements for each provisioned VCs on a PE router.  Hierarchical 
   connectivity, described in this document reduces signaling and 
   replication overhead to allow large scale deployment. 
   In many cases, service providers place smaller edge devices in 
   multi-tenant buildings and aggregate them into a PE device in a 
   large Central Office (CO) facility. In some instances, standard IEEE 
   802.1q (Dot 1Q) tagging techniques may be used to facilitate mapping 
   CE interfaces to PE VPLS access points.  
   It is often beneficial to extend the VPLS service tunneling 
   techniques into the MTU (multi-tenant unit) domain.  This can be 
   accomplished by treating the MTU device as a PE device and 
   provisioning pseudowires between it and every other edge, as an 
   basic VPLS.  An alternative is to utilize [PWE3-ETHERNET] 
   pseudowires or Q-in-Q logical interfaces between the MTU and 
   selected VPLS enabled PE routers. Q-in-Q encapsulation is another 
   form of L2 tunneling technique, which can be used in conjunction 
   with MPLS signaling as will be described later. The following two 
   sections focus on this alternative approach.  The VPLS core 
   pseudowires (Hub) are augmented with access pseudowires (Spoke) to 
   form a two tier hierarchical VPLS (H-VPLS). 
   Spoke pseudowires may be implemented using any L2 tunneling 
   mechanism, expanding the scope of the first tier to include non-
   bridging VPLS PE routers. The non-bridging PE router would extend a 
   Spoke pseudowire from a Layer-2 switch that connects to it, through 
   the service core network, to a bridging VPLS PE router supporting 
   Hub pseudowires.  We also describe how VPLS-challenged nodes and 
   low-end CEs without MPLS capabilities may participate in a 
   hierarchical VPLS. 
   10.1.  Hierarchical connectivity 
   This section describes the hub and spoke connectivity model and 
   describes the requirements of the bridging capable and non-bridging 
   MTU devices for supporting the spoke connections. 
   For rest of this discussion we will refer to a bridging capable MTU 
   device as MTU-s and a non-bridging capable PE device as PE-r.  A 
   routing and bridging capable device will be referred to as PE-rs.   
   10.1.1.  Spoke connectivity for bridging-capable devices 
   As shown in the figure below, consider the case where an MTU-s 
   device has a single connection to the PE-rs device placed in the CO.  
   The PE-rs devices are connected in a basic VPLS full mesh.  For each 
   VPLS service, a single spoke pseudowire is set up between the MTU-s 
   and the PE-rs based on [PWE3-CTRL]. Unlike traditional pseudowires 
   that terminate on a physical (or a VLAN-tagged logical) port at each 

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   end, the spoke pseudowire terminates on a virtual bridge instance on 
   the MTU-s and the PE-rs devices. 
                                                         /      \ 
                                                        |   --   | 
                                                        |  /  \  | 
    CE-1                                                |  \B /  | 
     \                                                   \  --  / 
      \                                                  /------ 
       \   MTU-s                          PE1-rs        /   | 
        \ ------                          ------       /    |    
         /      \                        /      \     /     |      
        | \ --   |      VC-1            |   --   |---/      | 
        |  /  \--|- - - - - - - - - - - |--/  \  |          |    
        |  \B /  |                      |  \B /  |          |   
         \ /--  /                        \  --  / ---\      |    
          /-----                          ------      \     |     
         /                                             \    | 
       ----                                             \ ------ 
      |Agg |                                             /      \      
       ----                                             |  --    | 
      /    \                                            | /  \   | 
     CE-2  CE-3                                         | \B /   | 
                                                         \ --   / 
    MTU-s = Bridging capable MTU                          ------   
    PE-rs = VPLS capable PE                               PE3-rs 
   /  \  
   \B / = Virtual VPLS(Bridge)Instance 
    Agg = Layer-2 Aggregation 
   The MTU-s device and the PE-rs device treat each spoke connection 
   like an access port of the VPLS service. On access ports, the 
   combination of the physical port and/or the VLAN tag is used to 
   associate the traffic to a VPLS instance while the pseudowire tag 
   (e.g., VC label) is used to associate the traffic from the virtual 
   spoke port with a VPLS instance, followed by a standard L2 lookup to 
   identify which customer port the frame needs to be sent to.  MTU-s Operation 
   MTU-s device is defined as a device that supports layer-2 switching 
   functionality and does all the normal bridging functions of learning 
   and replication on all its ports, including the virtual spoke port.  
   Packets to unknown destination are replicated to all ports in the 
   service including the virtual spoke port.  Once the MAC address is 
   learned, traffic between CE1 and CE2 will be switched locally by the 
   MTU-s device saving the link capacity of the connection to the PE-
   Lasserre, Kompella et al.                                 [Page 15] 
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   rs.  Similarly traffic between CE1 or CE2 and any remote destination 
   is switched directly on to the spoke connection and sent to the PE-
   rs over the point-to-point pseudowire.   
   Since the MTU-s is bridging capable, only a single pseudowire is 
   required per VPLS instance for any number of access connections in 
   the same VPLS service.  This further reduces the signaling overhead 
   between the MTU-s and PE-rs.  
   If the MTU-s is directly connected to the PE-rs, other encapsulation 
   techniques such as Q-in-Q can be used for the spoke connection 
   pseudowire. However, to maintain a uniform end-to-end control plane 
   based on MPLS signaling, [PWE3-CTRL] can be used for distribution of 
   pseudowire tags (e.g., Q-in-Q tags or pseudowire labels) between 
   MTU-s and PE-rs.  PE-rs Operation 
   The PE-rs device is a device that supports all the bridging 
   functions for VPLS service and supports the routing and MPLS 
   encapsulation, i.e. it supports all the functions described in 
   The operation of PE-rs is independent of the type of device at the 
   other end of the spoke pseudowire.  Thus, the spoke pseudowire from 
   the PE-r is treated as a virtual port and the PE-rs device will 
   switch traffic between the spoke pseudowire, hub pseudowires, and 
   access ports once it has learned the MAC addresses. 
   10.1.2.  Advantages of spoke connectivity  
   Spoke connectivity offers several scaling and operational advantages 
   for creating large scale VPLS implementations, while retaining the 
   ability to offer all the functionality of the VPLS service.  
  - Eliminates the need for a full mesh of tunnels and full mesh of 
     pseudowires per service between all devices participating in the 
     VPLS service. 
  - Minimizes signaling overhead since fewer pseudowires are required 
     for the VPLS service. 
  - Segments VPLS nodal discovery.  MTU-s needs to be aware of only 
     the PE-rs node although it is participating in the VPLS service 
     that spans multiple devices.  On the other hand, every VPLS PE-rs 
     must be aware of every other VPLS PE-rs device and all of it’s 
     locally connected MTU-s and PE-r.  
  - Addition of other sites requires configuration of the new MTU-s 
     device but does not require any provisioning of the existing MTU-s 
     devices on that service. 
  - Hierarchical connections can be used to create VPLS service that 
     spans multiple service provider domains. This is explained in a 
     later section. 
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   10.1.3.  Spoke connectivity for non-bridging devices 
   In some cases, a bridging PE-rs device may not be deployed in a CO 
   or a multi-tenant building while a PE-r might already be deployed.  
   If there is a need to provide VPLS service from the CO where the PE-
   rs device is not available, the service provider may prefer to use 
   the PE-r device in the interim.  In this section, we explain how a 
   PE-r device that does not support any of the VPLS bridging 
   functionality can participate in the VPLS service. 
   As shown in this figure, the PE-r device creates a point-to-point 
   tunnel LSP to a PE-rs device.  Then for every access port that needs               
                                                         /      \ 
                                                        |   --   | 
                                                        |  /  \  | 
    CE-1                                                |  \B /  | 
     \                                                   \  --  / 
      \                                                  /------ 
       \   PE-r                           PE1-rs        /   | 
        \ ------                          ------       /    |    
         /      \                        /      \     /     |      
        | \      |      VC-1            |   --   |---/      | 
        |  ------|- - - - - - - - - - - |--/  \  |          |    
        |   -----|- - - - - - - - - - - |--\B /  |          |   
         \ /    /                        \  --  / ---\      |    
          ------                          ------      \     |     
         /                                             \    | 
       ----                                             \------ 
      | Agg|                                            /      \      
       ----                                            |  --    | 
      /    \                                           | /  \   | 
     CE-2  CE-3                                        | \B /   | 
                                                        \ --   / 
   to participate in a VPLS service, the PE-r device creates a point-
   to-point [PWE3-ETHERNET] pseudowire that terminates on the physical 
   port at the PE-r and terminates on the virtual bridge instance of 
   the VPLS service at the PE-rs.   
     PE-r Operation 
   The PE-r device is defined as a device that supports routing but 
   does not support any bridging functions.  However, it is capable of 
   Lasserre, Kompella et al.                                 [Page 17] 
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   setting up [PWE3-ETHERNET] pseudowires between itself and the PE-rs.  
   For every port that is supported in the VPLS service, a [PWE3-
   ETHERNET] pseudowire is setup from the PE-r to the PE-rs.  Once the 
   pseudowires are setup, there is no learning or replication function 
   required on part of the PE-r.  All traffic received on any of the 
   access ports is transmitted on the pseudowire.  Similarly all 
   traffic received on a pseudowire is transmitted to the access port 
   where the pseudowire terminates.  Thus traffic from CE1 destined for 
   CE2 is switched at PE-rs and not at PE-r.   
   This approach adds more overhead than the bridging capable (MTU-s) 
   spoke approach since a pseudowire is required for every access port 
   that participates in the service versus a single pseudowire required 
   per service (regardless of access ports) when a MTU-s type device is 
   used.  However, this approach offers the advantage of offering a 
   VPLS service in conjunction with a routed internet service without 
   requiring the addition of new MTU device. 
   10.2.  Redundant Spoke Connections 
   An obvious weakness of the hub and spoke approach described thus far 
   is that the MTU device has a single connection to the PE-rs device.  
   In case of failure of the connection or the PE-rs device, the MTU 
   device suffers total loss of connectivity.  
   In this section we describe how the redundant connections can be 
   provided to avoid total loss of connectivity from the MTU device.  
   The mechanism described is identical for both, MTU-s and PE-r type 
   of devices 
   10.2.1.  Dual-homed MTU device 
   To protect from connection failure of the pseudowire or the failure 
   of the PE-rs device, the MTU-s device or the PE-r is dual-homed into 
   two PE-rs devices, as shown in figure-3.  The PE-rs devices must be 
   part of the same VPLS service instance.    
   An MTU-s device will setup two [PWE3-ETHERNET] pseudowires (one each 
   to PE-rs1 and PE-rs2) for each VPLS instance. One of the two 
   pseudowires is designated as primary and is the one that is actively 
   used under normal conditions, while the second pseudowire is 
   designated as secondary and is held in a standby state.  The MTU 
   device negotiates the pseudowire labels for both the primary and 
   secondary pseudowires, but does not use the secondary pseudowire 
   unless the primary pseudowire fails.  Since only one link is active 
   at a given time, a loop does not exist and hence 802.1D spanning 
   tree is not required. 
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                                                         /      \ 
                                                        |   --   | 
                                                        |  /  \  | 
    CE-1                                                |  \B /  | 
      \                                                  \  --  / 
       \                                                 /------ 
        \  MTU-s                          PE1-rs        /   | 
         \------                          ------       /    |    
         /      \                        /      \     /     |      
        |   --   |   Primary PW         |   --   |---/      | 
        |  /  \--|- - - - - - - - - - - |--/  \  |          |    
        |  \B /  |                      |  \B /  |          |   
         \  -- \/                        \  --  / ---\      |    
          ------\                         ------      \     |     
          /      \                                     \    | 
         /        \                                     \ ------  
        /          \                                     /      \      
       CE-2         \                                   |  --    | 
                     \     Secondary PW                 | /  \   | 
                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |-\B /   | 
                                                         \ --   / 
   10.2.2.  Failure detection and recovery 
   The MTU-s device controls the usage of the pseudowires to the PE-rs 
   nodes.  Since LDP signaling is used to negotiate the pseudowire 
   labels, the hello messages used for the LDP session can be used to 
   detect failure of the primary pseudowire.  
   Upon failure of the primary pseudowire, MTU-s device immediately 
   switches to the secondary pseudowire.  At this point the PE3-rs 
   device that terminates the secondary pseudowire starts learning MAC 
   addresses on the spoke pseudowire.  All other PE-rs nodes in the 
   network think that CE-1 and CE-2 are behind PE1-rs and may continue 
   to send traffic to PE1-rs until they learn that the devices are now 
   behind PE3-rs.  The relearning process can take a long time and may 
   adversely affect the connectivity of higher level protocols from CE1 
   and CE2.  To enable faster convergence, the PE3-rs device where the 
   secondary pseudowire got activated may send out a flush message, 
   using the MAC TLV as defined in Section 6, to PE1-rs, who relays it 
   to all other PE-rs devices participating in the VPLS service.  Upon 
   receiving the message, all PE-rs nodes flush the MAC addresses 
   associated with that VPLS instance. 
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   10.3.  Multi-domain VPLS service 
   Hierarchy can also be used to create a large scale VPLS service 
   within a single domain or a service that spans multiple domains 
   without requiring full mesh connectivity between all VPLS capable 
   devices.   Two fully meshed VPLS networks are connected together 
   using a single LSP tunnel between the VPLS gateway devices.  A 
   single spoke pseudowire is setup per VPLS service to connect the two 
   domains together.  The VPLS gateway device joins two VPLS services 
   together to form a single multi-domain VPLS service.  The 
   requirements and functionality required from a VPLS gateway device 
   will be explained in a future version of this document. 
   11.  Hierarchical VPLS model using Ethernet Access Network 
   In the previous section, a two-tier hierarchical model that consists 
   of hub-and-spoke topology between MTU-s devices and PE-rs devices and 
   a full-mesh topology among PE-rs devices was discussed. In this 
   section the two-tier hierarchical model is expanded to include an 
   Ethernet access network. This model retains the hierarchical 
   architecture discussed previously in that it leverages the full-mesh 
   topology among PE-rs devices; however, no restriction is imposed on 
   the topology of the Ethernet access network (e.g., the topology 
   between MTU-s and PE-rs devices are not restricted to hub and spoke). 
   The motivation for an Ethernet access network is that Ethernet-based 
   networks are currently deployed by some service providers to offer 
   VPLS services to their customers. Therefore, it is important to 
   provide a mechanism that allows these networks to integrate with an 
   IP or MPLS core to provide scalable VPLS services. 
   One approach of tunneling a customer's Ethernet traffic via an 
   Ethernet access network is to add an additional VLAN tag to the 
   customer's data (which may be either tagged or untagged). The 
   additional tag is referred to as Provider's VLAN (P-VLAN). Inside the 
   provider's network each P-VLAN designates a customer or more 
   specifically a VPLS instance for that customer. Therefore, there is a 
   one to one correspondence between a P-VLAN and a VPLS instance.  
   In this model, the MTU-S device needs to have the capability of 
   adding the additional P-VLAN tag for non-multiplexed customer UNI 
   port where customer VLANs are not used as service delimiter. If 
   customer VLANs need to be treated as service delimiter (e.g., 
   customer UNI port is a multiplexed port), then the MTU-s needs to 
   have the additional capability of translating a customer VLAN (C-
   VLAN) to a P-VLAN in order to resolve overlapping VLAN-ids used by 
   different customers. Therefore, the MTU-s device in this model can be 
   considered as a typical bridge with this additional UNI capability. 

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   The PE-rs device needs to be able to perform bridging functionality 
   over the standard Ethernet ports toward the access network as well as 
   over the pseudowires toward the network core. The set of pseudowires 
   that corresponds to a VPLS instance would look just like a P-VLAN to 
   the bridge portion of the PE-rs and that is why sometimes it is 
   referred to as Emulated VLAN. In this model the PE-rs may need to run 
   STP protocol in addition to split-horizon. Split horizon is run over 
   MPLS-core; whereas, STP is run over the access network to accommodate 
   any arbitrary access topology. In this model, the PE-rs needs to map 
   a P-VLAN to a VPLS-instance and its associated pseudowires and vise 
   The details regarding bridge operation for MTU-s and PE-rs (e.g., 
   encapsulation format for QinQ messages, customer’s Ethernet control 
   protocol handling, etc.) are outside of the scope of this document 
   and they are covered in [802.1ad]. However, the relevant part is the 
   interaction between the bridge module and the MPLS/IP pseudowires in 
   the PE-rs device. 
   11.1.  Scalability 
   Given that each P-VLAN corresponds to a VPLS instance, one may think 
   that the total number of VPLS instances supported is limited to 4K. 
   However, the 4K limit applies only to each Ethernet access network 
   (Ethernet island) and not to the entire network. The SP network, in 
   this model, consists of a core MPLS/IP network that connects many 
   Ethernet islands. Therefore, the number of VPLS instances can scale 
   accordingly with the number of Ethernet islands (a metro region can 
   be represented by one or more islands). Each island may consist of 
   many MTU-s devices, several aggregators, and one or more PE-rs 
   devices. The PE-rs devices enable a P-VLAN to be extended from one 
   island to others using a set of pseudowires (associated with that 
   VPLS instance) and providing a loop free mechanism across the core 
   network through split-horizon.  Since a P-VLAN serves as a service 
   delimiter within the provider's network, it does not get carried over 
   the pseudowires and furthermore the mapping between P-VLAN and the 
   pseudowires is a local matter. This means a VPLS instance can be 
   represented by different P-VLAN in different Ethernet islands and 
   furthermore each island can support 4K VPLS instances independent 
   from one another. 
   11.2.  Dual Homing and Failure Recovery 
   In this model, an MTU-s can be dual or triple homed to different 
   devices (aggregators and/or PE-rs devices). The failure protection 
   for access network nodes and links can be provided through running 
   MSTP in each island. The MSTP of each island is independent from 
   other islands and do not interact with each other.  If an island has 
   more than one PE-rs, then a dedicated full-mesh of pseudowires is 
   used among these PE-rs devices for carrying the SP BPDU packets for 
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   that island. On a per P-VLAN basis, the MSTP will designate a single 
   PE-rs to be used for carrying the traffic across the core. The loop-
   free protection through the core is performed using split-horizon and 
   the failure protection in the core is performed through standard 
   IP/MPLS re-routing. 

   12.  Significant Modifications 
   Between rev 04 and this one, these are the changes: 
       o minor revisions of text 
       o cleanup of use of MPLS LSPs for tunnels 
       o clearly states qualified learning is out of scope for current 
       o corrected MAC TLV description 

   13.  Acknowledgments 
   We wish to thank Joe Regan, Kireeti Kompella, Anoop Ghanwani, Joel 
   Halpern, Rick Wilder, Jim Guichard, Steve Phillips, Norm Finn, Matt 
   Squire, Muneyoshi Suzuki, Waldemar Augustyn, and Eric Rosen for 
   their valuable feedback.  In addition, we would like to thank Rajiv 
   Papneja (ISOCORE), Winston Liu (ISOCORE), and Charlie Hundall 
   (Extreme) for identifying issues with the draft in the course of the 
   interoperability tests. 
   14.  Security Considerations 
   Security issues resulting from this draft will be discussed in 
   greater depth at a later point.  It is recommended in [RFC3036] that 
   LDP security (authentication) methods be applied.  This would 
   prevent unauthorized participation by a PE in a VPLS.  Traffic 
   separation for a VPLS is effected by using VC labels.  However, for 
   additional levels of security, the customer MAY deploy end-to-end 
   security, which is out of the scope of this draft.  In addition, the 
   L2FRAME] document describes security issues in greater depth. 
   15.  Intellectual Property Considerations 
   This document is being submitted for use in IETF standards 
   16.  Full Copyright Statement 
      Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.  
   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to 
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it 
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published 
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any 
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph 
   are included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this 
   Lasserre, Kompella et al.                                 [Page 22] 
   Internet Draft  draft-ietf-ppvpn-vpls-ldp-00.txt         June 2003 
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing 
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other 
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of 
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for 
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be 
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than 
   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be 
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. 
   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an 
   17.  References 
   [PWE3-ETHERNET] "Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet 
   Frames Over IP/MPLS Networks", draft-ietf-pwe3-ethernet-encap-
   02.txt, Work in progress, February 2003. 
   [PWE3-CTRL] "Transport of Layer 2 Frames Over MPLS", draft-ietf-
   pwe3-control-protocol-02.txt, Work in progress, February 2003. 
   [802.1D-ORIG] Original 802.1D - ISO/IEC 10038, ANSI/IEEE Std 802.1D-
   1993 "MAC Bridges". 
   [802.1D-REV] 802.1D - "Information technology - Telecommunications 
   and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan 
   area networks - Common specifications - Part 3: Media Access Control 
   (MAC) Bridges: Revision. This is a revision of ISO/IEC 10038: 1993, 
   802.1j-1992 and 802.6k-1992. It incorporates P802.11c, P802.1p and 
   P802.12e." ISO/IEC 15802-3: 1998. 
   [802.1Q] 802.1Q - ANSI/IEEE Draft Standard P802.1Q/D11, "IEEE 
   Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Virtual Bridged 
   Local Area Networks", July 1998. 
   [BGP-VPN] Rosen and Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS VPNs". draft-ietf-ppvpn-
   rfc2547bis-04.txt, Work in Progress, May 2003. 
   [RFC3036] "LDP Specification", L. Andersson, et al.  RFC 3036.  
   January 2001. 
   [RADIUS-DISC] " Using Radius for PE-Based VPN Discovery", Juha 
   Heinanen, draft-heinanen-radius-pe-discovery-04.txt, Work in 
   Progress, June 2003. 
   Lasserre, Kompella et al.                                 [Page 23] 
   Internet Draft  draft-ietf-ppvpn-vpls-ldp-00.txt         June 2003 
   [BGP-DISC] "Using BGP as an Auto-Discovery Mechanism for Network-
   based VPNs", Ould-Brahim, et. al., draft-ietf-ppvpn-bgpvpn-auto-
   05.txt, Work in Progress, May 2003. 
   [LDP-DISC] "Discovering Nodes and Services in a VPLS Network", O. 
   Stokes et al, draft-stokes-ppvpn-vpls-discover-00.txt, Work in 
   Progress, June 2002. 
   [VPLS-BRIDGING] "Bridging and VPLS", draft-finn-ppvpn-bridging-vpls-
   00.txt, Work in Progress, June 2002. 
   [L2VPN-SIG] "LDP-based Signaling for L2VPNs", draft-rosen-ppvpn-l2-
   signaling-03.txt, Work in Progress, May 2003. 
   [L2FRAME] "L2VPN Framework", draft-ietf-ppvpn-l2-framework-03, Work 
   in Progress, February 2003. 

   [L2VPN-REQ] "Service Requirements for Layer 2 Provider Provisioned 
   Virtual Private Networks", draft-ietf-ppvpn-l2vpn-requirements-
   00.txt, Work in Progress, May 2003. 
   [802.1ad] "IEEE standard for Provider Bridges", Work in Progress, 
   December 2002. 
   18.  Authors' Addresses 
   Marc Lasserre  
   Riverstone Networks  
   Vach Kompella  
   TiMetra Networks  
   274 Ferguson Dr.  
   Mountain View, CA 94043  
   Sunil Khandekar 
   TiMetra Networks  
   274 Ferguson Dr.  
   Mountain View, CA 94043  
   Nick Tingle  
   TiMetra Networks  
   274 Ferguson Dr.  
   Mountain View, CA 94043  
   Lasserre, Kompella et al.                                 [Page 24] 
   Internet Draft  draft-ietf-ppvpn-vpls-ldp-00.txt         June 2003 
   Ali Sajassi 
   Cisco Systems, Inc. 
   170 West Tasman Drive 
   San Jose, CA  95134 
   Loa Andersson   
   Pascal Menezes   
   Andrew Smith  
   Giles Heron  
   PacketExchange Ltd.  
   Juha Heinanen  
   Tom S. C. Soon  
   SBC Technology Resources Inc.  
   Yetik Serbest 
   SBC Communications   
   Eric Puetz 
   SBC Communications   
   Ron Haberman 
   Masergy Inc.  
   Luca Martini  
   Level 3 Communications, LLC.  
   Rob Nath  
   Riverstone Networks  

   Lasserre, Kompella et al.                                 [Page 25]