Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-quic-multipath


QUIC Working Group                                  刘彦梅 (Y. Liu), Ed.
Internet-Draft                                              Alibaba Inc.
Intended status: Standards Track                          马云飞 (Y. Ma)
Expires: 25 April 2024                            Uber Technologies Inc.
                                                      Q. De Coninck, Ed.
                                              University of Mons (UMONS)
                                                          O. Bonaventure
                                                  UCLouvain and Tessares
                                                              C. Huitema
                                                    Private Octopus Inc.
                                                      M. Kuehlewind, Ed.
                                                         23 October 2023

                      Multipath Extension for QUIC


   This document specifies a multipath extension for the QUIC protocol
   to enable the simultaneous usage of multiple paths for a single

Discussion Venues

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Discussion of this document takes place on the QUIC Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  High-level overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Handshake Negotiation and Transport Parameter . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Path Setup and Removal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Path Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Path State Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.3.  Path Close  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.3.1.  Use PATH_ABANDON Frame to Close a Path  . . . . . . .  11
       4.3.2.  Refusing a New Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.3.3.  Effect of RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID Frame  . . . . . . . .  12
       4.3.4.  Idle Timeout  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.4.  Path States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  Multipath Operation with Multiple Packet Number Spaces  . . .  15
     5.1.  Sending Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     5.2.  Packet Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     5.3.  Key Update  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   6.  Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.1.  Path Establishment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.2.  Path Closure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   7.  Implementation Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     7.1.  Number Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     7.2.  Congestion Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     7.3.  Computing Path RTT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     7.4.  Packet Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

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     7.5.  Retransmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     7.6.  Handling different PMTU sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     7.7.  Keep Alive  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     7.8.  Connection ID Changes and NAT Rebindings  . . . . . . . .  24
   8.  New Frames  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     8.1.  ACK_MP Frame  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     8.2.  PATH_ABANDON Frame  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     8.3.  PATH_STANDBY frame  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     8.4.  PATH_AVAILABLE frame  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
   9.  Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   11. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   12. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   13. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   14. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     14.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     14.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32

1.  Introduction

   This document specifies an extension to QUIC version 1
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT] to enable the simultaneous usage of multiple paths
   for a single connection.

   This proposal is based on several basic design points:

   *  Re-use as much as possible mechanisms of QUIC version 1.  In
      particular, this proposal uses path validation as specified for
      QUIC version 1 and aims to re-use as much as possible of QUIC's
      connection migration.

   *  Use the same packet header formats as QUIC version 1 to minimize
      the difference between multipath and non-multipath traffic being
      exposed on wire.

   *  Congestion Control must be per-path (following [QUIC-TRANSPORT])
      which usually also requires per-path RTT measurements

   *  PMTU discovery should be performed per-path

   *  The use of this multipath extension requires the use of non-zero
      Connection IDs in both directions.

   *  A path is determined by the 4-tuple of source and destination IP
      address as well as source and destination port.  Therefore, there
      can be at most one active paths/connection ID per 4-tuple.

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   *  If the 4-tuple changes without the use of a new connection ID
      (e.g. due to a NAT rebinding), this is considered as a migration

   The path management specified in Section 9 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]
   fulfills multiple goals: it directs a peer to switch sending through
   a new preferred path, and it allows the peer to release resources
   associated with the old path.  Multipath requires several changes to
   that mechanism:

   *  Allow simultaneous transmission of non-probing frames on multiple

   *  Continue using an existing path even if non-probing frames have
      been received on another path.

   *  Manage the removal of paths that have been abandoned.

   As such, this extension specifies a departure from the specification
   of path management in Section 9 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] and therefore
   requires negotiation between the two endpoints using a new transport
   parameter, as specified in Section 3.

   This extension uses multiple packet number spaces.  When multipath is
   negotiated, each destination connection ID is linked to a separate
   packet number space.  Using multiple packet number spaces enables
   direct use of the loss recovery and congestion control mechanisms
   defined in [QUIC-RECOVERY].

   This specification requires the sender to use a non-zero connection
   ID when opening an additional path.  Some deployments of QUIC use
   zero-length connection IDs.  However, when a node selects to use
   zero-length connection IDs, it is not possible to use different
   connection IDs for distinguishing packets sent to that node over
   different paths.

   Each endhost may use several IP addresses to serve the connection.
   In particular, the multipath extension supports the following

   *  The client uses multiple IP addresses and the server listens on
      only one.

   *  The client uses only one IP address and the server listens on
      several ones.

   *  The client uses multiple IP addresses and the server listens on
      several ones.

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   *  The client uses only one IP address and the server listens on only

   Note that in the last scenario, it still remains possible to have
   multiple paths over the connection, given that a path is not only
   defined by the IP addresses being used, but also the port numbers.
   In particular, the client can use one or several ports per IP address
   and the server can listen on one or several ports per IP address.

   This proposal does not cover address discovery and management.
   Addresses and the actual decision process to setup or tear down paths
   are assumed to be handled by the application that is using the QUIC
   multipath extension.  This is sufficient to address the first
   aforementioned scenario.  However, this document does not prevent
   future extensions from defining mechanisms to address the remaining
   scenarios.  Further, this proposal only specifies a simple basic
   packet scheduling algorithm, in order to provide some basic
   implementation guidance.  However, more advanced algorithms as well
   as potential extensions to enhance signaling of the current path
   state are expected as future work.

1.1.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   We assume that the reader is familiar with the terminology used in
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  When this document uses the term "path", it refers
   to the notion of "network path" used in [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

2.  High-level overview

   The multipath extensions to QUIC proposed in this document enable the
   simultaneous utilization of different paths to exchange non-probing
   QUIC frames for a single connection.  This contrasts with the base
   QUIC protocol [QUIC-TRANSPORT] that includes a connection migration
   mechanism that selects only one path to exchange such frames.

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   A multipath QUIC connection starts with a QUIC handshake as a regular
   QUIC connection.  See further Section 3.  The peers use the
   enable_multipath transport parameter during the handshake to
   negotiate the utilization of the multipath capabilities.  The
   active_connection_id_limit transport parameter limits the maximum
   number of active paths that can be used during a connection.  A
   multipath QUIC connection is thus an established QUIC connection
   where the enable_multipath transport parameter has been successfully

   To add a new path to an existing multipath QUIC connection, a client
   starts a path validation on the chosen path, as further described in
   Section 4.  In this version of the document, a QUIC server does not
   initiate the creation of a path, but it can validate a new path
   created by a client.  A new path can only be used once the associated
   4-tuple has been validated by ensuring that the peer is able to
   receive packets at that address (see Section 8 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).
   The Destination Connection ID is used to associate a packet to a
   packet number space that is used on a valid path.  Further, the
   sequence number of Destination Connection ID is used as numerical
   identifier in control frames.  E.g. an endpoint sends a PATH_ABANDON
   frame to request its peer to abandon the path on which the sender
   uses the Destination Connection ID with the sequence number contained
   in the PATH_ABANDON frame.

   In addition to these core features, an application using Multipath
   QUIC will typically need additional algorithms to handle the number
   of active paths and how they are used to send packets.  As these
   differ depending on the application's requirements, their
   specification is out of scope of this document.

   Using multiple packet number spaces requires changes in the way AEAD
   is applied for packet protection, as explained in Section 5.2, and
   tighter constraints for key updates, as explained in Section 5.3.

3.  Handshake Negotiation and Transport Parameter

   This extension defines a new transport parameter, used to negotiate
   the use of the multipath extension during the connection handshake,
   as specified in [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  The new transport parameter is
   defined as follows:

   *  enable_multipath (current version uses 0x0f739bbc1b666d06): the
      enable_multipath transport parameter is included if the endpoint
      supports the multipath extension as defined in this document.
      This parameter has a zero-length value.

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   If any of the endpoints does not advertise the enable_multipath
   transport parameter, then the endpoints MUST NOT use any frame or
   mechanism defined in this document.

   When advertising the enable_multipath transport parameter, the
   endpoint MUST use non-zero source and destination connection IDs.  If
   an enable_multipath transport parameter is received and the carrying
   packet contains a zero length connection ID, the receiver MUST treat
   this as a connection error of type MP_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION and close
   the connection.

   The enable_multipath parameter MUST NOT be remembered (Section 7.4.1
   of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).  New paths can only be used after handshake

   This extension does not change the definition of any transport
   parameter defined in Section 18.2. of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

   The transport parameter "active_connection_id_limit" [QUIC-TRANSPORT]
   limits the number of usable Connection IDs, and also limits the
   number of concurrent paths.  However, endpoints might prefer to
   retain spare Connection IDs so that they can respond to unintentional
   migration events (Section 9.5 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).

   Cipher suites with nonce shorter than 12 bytes cannot be used
   together with the multipath extension.  If such cipher suite is
   selected and the use of the multipath extension is negotiated,
   endpoints MUST abort the handshake with a TRANSPORT_PARAMETER error.

4.  Path Setup and Removal

   After completing the handshake, endpoints have agreed to enable
   multipath feature.  They can also start using multiple paths, unless
   both server preferred addresses and a disable_active_migration
   transport parameter were provided by the server, in which case a
   client is forbidden to establish new paths until "after a client has
   acted on a preferred_address transport parameter" (Section 18.2. of

   This document does not specify how an endpoint that is reachable via
   several addresses announces these addresses to the other endpoint.
   In particular, if the server uses the preferred_address transport
   parameter, clients cannot assume that the initial server address and
   the addresses contained in this parameter can be simultaneously used
   for multipath (Section 9.6.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).  Furthermore, this
   document does not discuss when a client decides to initiate a new
   path.  We delegate such discussion in separate documents.

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   To open a new path, an endpoint SHALL use different Connection IDs on
   different paths.  Still, the receiver may observe the same Connection
   ID used on different 4-tuples due to, e.g., NAT rebinding.  In such
   case, the receiver reacts as specified in Section 9.3 of

   This proposal adds two multipath control frames for path management:

   *  PATH_ABANDON frame for the receiver side to abandon the path (see
      Section 8.2)

   *  PATH_STANDBY and PATH_AVAILABLE frames to express a preference in
      path usage (see Section 8.3 and Section 8.4

   All new frames are sent in 1-RTT packets [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

4.1.  Path Initiation

   Connection IDs cannot be reused, thus opening a new path requires the
   use of a new Connection ID (see Section 9.5 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).
   Following [QUIC-TRANSPORT], each endpoint uses NEW_CONNECTION_ID
   frames to issue usable connections IDs to reach it.  As such to open
   a new path by initiating path validation, both sides need at least
   one unused Connection ID (see Section 5.1.1 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).

   If the transport parameter "active_connection_id_limit" is negotiated
   as N, the server provided N Connection IDs, and the client is already
   actively using N paths, the limit is reached.  If the client wants to
   start a new path, it has to retire one of the established paths.

   When the multipath option is negotiated, clients that want to use an
   additional path MUST first initiate the Address Validation procedure
   with PATH_CHALLENGE and PATH_RESPONSE frames described in Section 8.2
   of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  After receiving packets from the client on a
   new path, if the server decides to use the new path, the server MUST
   perform path validation (Section 8.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]) unless it
   has previously validated that address.

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   If validation succeeds, the client can continue to use the path.  If
   validation fails, the client MUST NOT use the path and can remove any
   status associated to the path initation attempt.  Section 9.1 of
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT] introduces the concept of "probing" and "non-
   probing" frames.  When the multipath extension is negotiated, the
   reception of "non-probing" packet on a new path needs to be
   considered as a path initiation attempt that does not impact the path
   status of any existing path.  Therefore, any frame can be sent on a
   new path at any time as long as the anti-amplification limits
   (Section of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]) and the congestion control
   limits for this path are respected.

   Further, in contrast with the specification in Section 9 of
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT], the server MUST NOT assume that receiving non-
   probing packets on a new path with a new Connection ID indicates an
   attempt to migrate to that path.  Instead, servers SHOULD consider
   new paths over which non-probing packets have been received as
   available for transmission.  Reception of QUIC packets on a new path
   containing a Connection ID that is already in use on another path
   should be considered as a path migration as further discussed in
   Section 7.8.

   As specified in Section 9.3 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT], the server is
   expected to send a new address validation token to a client following
   the successful validation of a new client address.  In situations
   where multiple paths are activated, the client may be recipient of
   several tokens, each tied to a different address.  When considering
   using a token for subsequent connections, the client ought to
   carefully select the token to use, due to the inherent ambiguity
   associated with determining the exact address to which a token is
   bound.  To alleviate such a token ambiguity issue, a server may issue
   a token that is capable of validating any of the previously validated

4.2.  Path State Management

   An endpoint uses PATH_STANDBY and PATH_AVAILABLE frames to inform
   that the peer should send packets in the preference expressed by
   these frames.  Note that the endpoint might not follow the peer’s
   advertisements, but these frames are still a clear signal of
   suggestion for the preference of path usage by the peer.  Each peer
   indicates its preference of path usage independently of the other
   peer.  It means that peers may have different usage preferences for
   the same path.  Depending on the sender's decisions, this may lead to
   usage of paths that have been indicated as "standby" by the peer or
   non-usage of some locally available paths.

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   PATH_AVAILABLE indicates that a path is "available", i.e., it
   suggests to the peer to use its own logic to split traffic among
   available paths.  PATH_STANDBY marks a path as "standby", i.e., it
   suggests that no traffic should be sent on that path if another path
   is available.  If no frame indicating a path usage preference was
   received for a certain path, the preference of the peer is unknown
   and the sender needs to decide based on it own local logic if the
   path should be used.

   Endpoints use Destination Connection ID Sequence Number field in
   these frames to identify which path state is going to be changed.
   Notice that both frames can be sent via a different path and
   therefore might arrive in different orders.  The PATH_AVAILABLE and
   PATH_STANDBY frames share a common sequence number space to detect
   and ignore outdated information.

   If all available path are marked as "standby", no guidance is
   provided about which path should be used preferably.

4.3.  Path Close

   Each endpoint manages the set of paths that are available for
   transmission.  At any time in the connection, each endpoint can
   decide to abandon one of these paths, following for example changes
   in local connectivity or changes in local preferences.  After an
   endpoint abandons a path, the peer will not receive any more non-
   probing packets on that path.  Non-probing packets are defined in
   Section 9.1 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

   An endpoint that wants to close a path SHOULD use explicit request to
   terminate the path by sending the PATH_ABANDON frame (see
   Section 4.3.1).  Note that while abandoning a path will cause
   Connection ID retirement, only retiring the associated Connection ID
   does not necessarily advertise path abandon (see Section 4.3.3).
   However, implicit signals such as idle time or packet losses might be
   the only way for an endhost to detect path closure (see
   Section 4.3.4).

   Note that other explicit closing mechanisms of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] still
   apply on the whole connection.  In particular, the reception of
   either a CONNECTION_CLOSE (Section 10.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]) or a
   Stateless Reset (Section 10.3 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]) closes the

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4.3.1.  Use PATH_ABANDON Frame to Close a Path

   Both endpoints, namely the client and the server, can initiate path
   closure, by sending a PATH_ABANDON frame (see Section 8.2) which
   requests the peer to stop sending packets with the corresponding
   Destination Connection ID.

   When sending or receiving a PATH_ABANDON frame, endpoints SHOULD wait
   for at least three times the current Probe Timeout (PTO) interval as
   defined in Section 6.2 of [QUIC-RECOVERY] after the last packet was
   sent on the path, before sending the RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame for
   the corresponding Connection ID.  This is inline with the requirement
   of Section 10.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] to ensure that paths close
   cleanly and that delayed or reordered packets are properly discarded.
   The effect of receiving a RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame is specified in
   the next section.

   Usually, it is expected that the PATH_ABANDON frame is used by the
   client to indicate to the server that path conditions have changed
   such that the path is or will be not usable anymore, e.g. in case of
   a mobility event.  The PATH_ABANDON frame therefore recommends to the
   receiver that no packets should be sent on that path anymore.  In
   addition, the RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame is used indicate to the
   receiving peer that the sender will not send any packets associated
   to the Connection ID used on that path anymore.  The receiver of a
   PATH_ABANDON frame MAY also send a PATH_ABANDON frame to indicate its
   own unwillingness to receive any packet on this path anymore.

   PATH_ABANDON frames can be sent on any path, not only the path that
   is intended to be closed.  Thus, a path can be abandoned even if
   connectivity on that path is already broken.

   If a PATH_ABANDON frame is received for the only active path of a
   QUIC connection, the receiving peer SHOULD send a CONNECTION_CLOSE
   frame and enter the closing state.  If the client received a
   PATH_ABANDON frame for the last open path, it MAY instead try to open
   a new path, if available, and only initiate connection closure if
   path validation fails or a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame is received from
   the server.  Similarly the server MAY wait for a short, limited time
   such as one PTO if a path probing packet is received on a new path
   before sending the CONNECTION_CLOSE frame.

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4.3.2.  Refusing a New Path

   An endpoint may deny the establishment of a new path initiated by its
   peer during the address validation procedure.  According to
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT], the standard way to deny the establishment of a
   path is to not send a PATH_RESPONSE in response to the peer's

4.3.3.  Effect of RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID Frame

   Receiving a RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame causes an endpoint to discard
   the resources associated with that Connection ID.  Specifically, the
   endpoint should not use the sequence number of the retired Connection
   ID anymore in any control frames, as the peer will not be able to
   associate those frames to a path and will therefore ignore them.
   This means an endpoint is also not required to acknowledge any late
   packets carrying that Connection ID and, hence, it can remove the
   list of received packets used to send acknowledgements after
   receiving the RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame.

   The peer, that sent RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame, can keep sending data
   using the same IP addresses and UDP ports previously associated with
   that Connection ID, but MUST use a different connection ID when doing
   so.  If no new connection ID is available anymore, the endpoint
   cannot send on this path.  This can happen if, e.g., the Connection
   ID issuer requests retirement of a Connection ID using the Retire
   Prior To field in the NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame but does provide
   sufficient new CIDs.

   Note that even if a peer cannot send on a path anymore because it
   does not have a valid Connection ID to use, it can still acknowledge
   packets received on the path, by sending ACK_MP frames on another
   path, if available.  But also note that, as there is no valid CID
   associated with the path, the other end cannot send multipath control
   frames that contain the sequence number of a Connection ID, such as

   If the peer cannot send on a path and no data is received on the
   path, the idle time-out will close the path.  If, before the idle
   timer expires, a new Connection ID gets issued by its peer, the
   endpoint can re-activate the path by sending a packet with a new
   Connection ID on that path.

   If the sender retires a Connection ID that is still used by in-flight
   packets, it may receive ACK_MP frames referencing the retired
   Connection ID.  If the sender stops tracking sent packets with
   retired Connection ID, these would be spuriously marked as lost.  To
   avoid such performance issue without keeping retired Connection ID

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   state, an endpoint should first stop sending packets with the to-be-
   retired Connection ID, then wait for all in-flight packets to be
   either acknowledged or marked as lost, and finally retire the
   Connection ID.

4.3.4.  Idle Timeout

   [QUIC-TRANSPORT] allows for closing of connections if they stay idle
   for too long.  The connection idle timeout in multipath QUIC is
   defined as "no packet received on any path for the duration of the
   idle timeout".  When only one path is available, servers MUST follow
   the specifications in [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

   When more than one path is available, hosts shall monitor the arrival
   of non-probing packets and the acknowledgements for the packets sent
   over each path.  Hosts SHOULD stop sending traffic on a path if for
   at least the period of the idle timeout as specified in Section 10.1.
   of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] (a) no non-probing packet was received or (b) no
   non-probing packet sent over this path was acknowledged, but MAY
   ignore that rule if it would disqualify all available paths.  To
   avoid idle timeout of a path, endpoints can send ack-eliciting
   packets such as packets containing PING frames (Section 19.2 of
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT]) on that path to keep it alive.  Sending periodic
   PING frames also helps prevent middlebox timeout, as discussed in
   Section 10.1.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

   Server MAY release the resource associated with paths for which no
   non-probing packet was received for a sufficiently long path-idle
   delay, but SHOULD only release resource for the last available path
   if no traffic is received for the duration of the idle timeout, as
   specified in Section 10.1 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  This means if all
   paths remain idle for the idle timeout, the connection is implicitly

   Server implementations need to select the sub-path idle timeout as a
   trade- off between keeping resources, such as connection IDs, in use
   for an excessive time or having to promptly reestablish a path after
   a spurious estimate of path abandonment by the client.

4.4.  Path States

   Figure 1 shows the states that an endpoint's path can have.

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          | PATH_CHALLENGE sent/received on new path
    +------------+    Path validation abandoned
    | Validating |----------------------------------+
    +------------+                                  |
          |                                         |
          | PATH_RESPONSE received                  |
          |                                         |
          v                                         |
    +------------+     Path blackhole detected      |
    |   Active   |----------------------------------+
    +------------+                                  |
          |                                         |
          | PATH_ABANDON sent/received              |
          v                                         |
    +------------+                                  |
    |   Closing  |                                  |
    +------------+                                  |
          |                                         |
          | RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID sent && received   |
          | or                                      |
          | Path's draining timeout                 |
          | (at least 3 PTO)                        |
          v                                         |
    +------------+                                  |
    |   Closed   |<---------------------------------+

                         Figure 1: States of a path

   In non-final states, hosts have to track the following information.

   *  Associated 4-tuple: The tuple (source IP, source port, destination
      IP, destination port) used by the endhost to send packets over the

   *  Associated Destination Connection ID: The Connection ID used to
      send packets over the path.

   In Active state, hosts MUST also track the following information:

   *  Associated Source Connection ID: The Connection ID used to receive
      packets over the path.  The endpoint relies on its sequence number
      to send path control information and specifically acknowledge
      packets belonging to that Connection ID-specific packet number

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   A path in the "Validating" state performs path validation as
   described in Section 8.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

   The endhost can use all the paths in the "Active" state, provided
   that the congestion control and flow control currently allow sending
   of new data on a path.  Note that if a path became idle due to a
   timeout, endpoints SHOULD send PATH_ABANDON frame before closing the

   In the "Closing" state, the endhost SHOULD NOT send packets on this
   path anymore, as there is no guarantee that the peer can still map
   the packets to the connection.  The endhost SHOULD wait for the
   acknowledgment of the PATH_ABANDON frame before moving the path to
   the "Closed" state to ensure a graceful termination of the path.

   When a path reaches the "Closed" state, the endhost releases all the
   path's associated resources, including the associated Connection IDs.
   Endpoints SHOULD send RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frames for releasing the
   associated Connection IDs following [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  Considering
   endpoints are not expected to send packets on the current path in the
   "Closed" state, endpoints can send RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frames on
   other available paths.  Consequently, the endhost is not able to send
   nor receive packets on this path anymore.

5.  Multipath Operation with Multiple Packet Number Spaces

   The QUIC multipath extension uses different packet number spaces for
   each path.  This also means that the same packet number can occur on
   each path and the packet number is not a unique identifier anymore.
   This requires changes to the ACK frame as well as packet protection
   as described in the following subsections.

   When multipath is negotiated, each Destination Connection ID is
   linked to a separate packet number space.  Each CID-specific packet
   number space starts at packet number 0.  When following the packet
   number encoding algorithm described in Appendix A.2 of
   [QUIC-TRANSPORT], the largest packet number (largest_acked) that has
   been acknowledged by the peer in this new CID's packet number space
   is initially set to "None".

5.1.  Sending Acknowledgements

   The ACK_MP frame, as specified in Section 8.1, is used to acknowledge
   1-RTT packets.  Compared to the QUIC version 1 ACK frame, the ACK_MP
   frame additionally contains the receiver's Destination Connection ID
   Sequence Number field to distinguish the Connection ID-specific
   packet number space.

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   Acknowledgements of Initial and Handshake packets MUST be carried
   using ACK frames, as specified in [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  The ACK frames,
   as defined in [QUIC-TRANSPORT], do not carry the Destination
   Connection ID Sequence Number field to identify the packet number
   space.  If the multipath extension has been successfully negotiated,
   ACK frames in 1-RTT packets acknowledge packets sent with the
   Connection ID having sequence number 0.

   As soon as the negotiation of multipath support is completed,
   endpoints SHOULD use ACK_MP frames instead of ACK frames to
   acknowledge application data packets, including 0-RTT packets, using
   the initial Connection ID with sequence number 0 after the handshake

   ACK_MP frames (defined in Section 8.1) can be returned on any path.
   If the ACK_MP is preferred to be sent on the same path as the
   acknowledged packet (see Section 7.3 for further guidance), it can be
   beneficial to bundle an ACK_MP frame with the PATH_RESPONSE frame
   during path validation.

5.2.  Packet Protection

   Packet protection for QUIC version 1 is specified in Section 5 of
   [QUIC-TLS].  The general principles of packet protection are not
   changed for QUIC Multipath.  No changes are needed for setting packet
   protection keys, initial secrets, header protection, use of 0-RTT
   keys, receiving out-of-order protected packets, receiving protected
   packets, or retry packet integrity.  However, the use of multiple
   number spaces for 1-RTT packets requires changes in AEAD usage.

   Section 5.3 of [QUIC-TLS] specifies AEAD usage, and in particular the
   use of a nonce, N, formed by combining the packet protection IV with
   the packet number.  When multiple packet number spaces are used, the
   packet number alone would not guarantee the uniqueness of the nonce.

   In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the nonce, the nonce N is
   calculated by combining the packet protection IV with the packet
   number and with the least significant 32 bits of the Destination
   Connection ID sequence number.

   Section 19 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] encodes the Connection ID Sequence
   Number as a variable-length integer, allowing values up to 2^62-1; in
   this specification, a range of less than 2^32-1 values MUST be used
   before updating the packet protection key.

   To calculate the nonce, a 96 bit path-and-packet-number is composed
   of the least significant 32 bits of the Connection ID Sequence Number
   in network byte order, two zero bits, and the 62 bits of the

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   reconstructed QUIC packet number in network byte order.  If the IV is
   larger than 96 bits, the path-and-packet-number is left-padded with
   zeros to the size of the IV.  The exclusive OR of the padded packet
   number and the IV forms the AEAD nonce.

   For example, assuming the IV value is 6b26114b9cba2b63a9e8dd4f, the
   Connection ID Sequence Number is 3, and the packet number is aead,
   the nonce will be set to 6b2611489cba2b63a9e873e2.

   Due to the way the nonce is constructed, endpoints MUST NOT use more
   than 2^32 Connection IDs without a key update.

5.3.  Key Update

   The Key Phase bit update process for QUIC version 1 is specified in
   Section 6 of [QUIC-TLS].  The general principles of key update are
   not changed in this specification.  Following QUIC version 1, the Key
   Phase bit is used to indicate which packet protection keys are used
   to protect the packet.  The Key Phase bit is toggled to signal each
   subsequent key update.

   Because of network delays, packets protected with the older key might
   arrive later than the packets protected with the new key, however
   receivers can solely rely on the Key Phase bit to determine the
   corresponding packet protection key, assuming that there is
   sufficient interval between two consecutive key updates (Section 6.5
   of [QUIC-TLS]).

   When this specification is used, endpoints SHOULD wait for at least
   three times the largest PTO among all the paths before initiating a
   new key update after receiving an acknowledgement that confirms
   receipt of the previous key update.  This interval is different from
   that of QUIC version 1 which used three times the PTO of the only one
   active path.

   Following Section 5.4 of [QUIC-TLS], the Key Phase bit is protected,
   so sending multiple packets with Key Phase bit flipping at the same
   time should not cause linkability issue.

6.  Examples

6.1.  Path Establishment

   Figure 2 illustrates an example of new path establishment using
   multiple packet number spaces.

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      Client                                                  Server

      (Exchanges start on default path)
      1-RTT[]: NEW_CONNECTION_ID[C1, Seq=1] -->
                          <-- 1-RTT[]: NEW_CONNECTION_ID[S1, Seq=1]
                          <-- 1-RTT[]: NEW_CONNECTION_ID[S2, Seq=2]
      (starts new path)
      1-RTT[0]: DCID=S2, PATH_CHALLENGE[X] -->
                      Checks AEAD using nonce(CID sequence 2, PN 0)
      Checks AEAD using nonce(CID sequence 1, PN 0)
      1-RTT[1]: DCID=S2, PATH_RESPONSE[Y],
                ACK_MP[PID=1, PN=0], ... -->

                Figure 2: Example of new path establishment

   In Figure 2, the endpoints first exchange new available Connection
   IDs with the NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame.  In this example, the client
   provides one Connection ID (C1 with sequence number 1), and server
   provides two Connection IDs (S1 with sequence number 1, and S2 with
   sequence number 2).

   Before the client opens a new path by sending a packet on that path
   with a PATH_CHALLENGE frame, it has to check whether there is an
   unused Connection IDs available for each side.  In this example, the
   client chooses the Connection ID S2 as the Destination Connection ID
   in the new path.

   If the client has used all the allocated CID, it is supposed to
   retire those that are not used anymore, and the server is supposed to
   provide replacements, as specified in [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  Usually, it
   is desired to provide one more Connection ID as currently in use, to
   allow for new paths or migration.

6.2.  Path Closure

   In this example, the client detects the network environment change
   (client's 4G/Wi-Fi is turned off, Wi-Fi signal is fading to a
   threshold, or the quality of RTT or loss rate is becoming worse) and
   wants to close the initial path.

   Figure 3 illustrates an example of path closing.  For the first path,
   the server's 1-RTT packets use DCID C1, which has a sequence number
   of 1; the client's 1-RTT packets use DCID S2, which has a sequence
   number of 2.  For the second path, the server's 1-RTT packets use
   DCID C2, which has a sequence number of 2; the client's 1-RTT packets

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   use DCID S3, which has a sequence number of 3.  Note that the paths
   use different packet number spaces.  In this case, the client is
   going to close the first path.  It identifies the path by the
   sequence number of the DCID its peer uses for sending packets over
   that path, hence using the DCID sequence number 1 (which relates to
   C1).  Optionally, the server confirms the path closure by sending an
   PATH_ABANDON frame by indicating the sequence number of the DCID the
   client uses to send over that path, which corresponds to the sequence
   number 2 (of S2).  Both the client and the server can close the path
   after receiving the RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame for that path.

   Client                                                      Server

   (client tells server to abandon a path)
   1-RTT[X]: DCID=S2 PATH_ABANDON[dcid_seq_num=1]->
                              (server tells client to abandon a path)
                  <-1-RTT[Y]: DCID=C1 PATH_ABANDON[dcid_seq_num=2],
                                                  ACK_MP[PID=2, PN=X]
   (client retires the corresponding CID)
                               (server retires the corresponding CID)

                    Figure 3: Example of closing a path.

7.  Implementation Considerations

7.1.  Number Spaces

   As stated in Section 1, when multipath is negotiated, each
   Destination Connection ID is linked to a separate packet number
   space.  This a big difference between implementations of QUIC as
   specified in [QUIC-TRANSPORT], which only have to manage three number
   spaces for Initial, Handshake and Application packets.

   Implementation of multipath capable QUIC will need to carefully model
   the relations between paths and number spaces, as shown in Figure 4.

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      | CID received from peer: |
      | Previous Sender Number  |
      | Space                   |-- - - - - - +
      +-------------------------+             |
      | CID received from peer: |
      | Sender Number Space     |             |
      +-------------------------+             v
                         ^             +----------------+
                         |             | Path (4 tuple) |
                         +-------------| - RTT          |
                   +------------------>| - Congestion   |
                   |                   |   state        |
                   v                   +----------------+
      +-------------------------+             ^
      | CID provided to peer:   |             |
      | Receiver Number Space   |
      +-------------------------+             |
      | CID previously used by  |-- - - - - - +
      | Peer: old Receiver      |
      | Number Space            |

                  Figure 4: Send and Receive number spaces

   The path is defined by the 4-tuple through which packets are received
   and sent.  Packets sent on the path will include the Destination
   Connection ID currently used for that path, selected from the list of
   CID provided by the peer.  Packets received on the path carry a
   Destination CID selected by the peer from the list provided to that

   The relation between CIDs and paths is not fixed.  A node may decide
   to rotate the Destination CID it uses, a NAT may decide to change the
   4-tuple over which packets from that path will be received.
   Implementation will have to manage these evolving relations.

   Data associated with the transmission and reception on a given path
   can be associated to either the "path state", or to the state of
   either the sender or receiver number spaces.  For example:

   *  RTT measurements and congestion state are logically associated
      with the 4-tuple.  They will remain unchanged if data starts being
      received or sent through the same 4-tuple using new CIDs.

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   *  Implementations of loss recovery typically maintain lists of
      packets sent and not yet acknowledged.  Such information, along
      with the value of the next PN to use for sending, is logically
      associated with the "Sender Number Space", and with the peer-
      provided CID used for sending on the path.

   *  Sending of acknowledgement requires keeping track of the PN of
      received packets and of acknowledgements previously sent.  Such
      information is logically associated with the "Receiver Number
      Space", and with the CID used by the peer for sending on the path.

   When the link between paths and CID changes, the information tied to
   the now unused CID remains useful for some time.  For example, the
   list of packet numbers to acknowledge maintained in the old receiver
   number space could still be used to send ACK_MP frames for that
   number space.  Similarly, the list of packets sent but not yet
   acknowledged with an old sender number space can be used when
   processing incoming ACK_MP frames for that number space.  Such data
   should not be discarded immediately after a CID change, but only
   later, for example when the CID is retired.

7.2.  Congestion Control

   When the QUIC multipath extension is used, senders manage per-path
   congestion status as required in Section 9.4 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].
   However, in [QUIC-TRANSPORT] only one active path is assumed and as
   such the requirement is to reset the congestion control status on
   path migration.  With the multipath extension, multiple paths can be
   used simultaneously, therefore separate congestion control state is
   maintained for each path.  This means a sender is not allowed to send
   more data on a given path than congestion control for that path

   When a Multipath QUIC connection uses two or more paths, there is no
   guarantee that these paths are fully disjoint.  When two (or more
   paths) share the same bottleneck, using a standard congestion control
   scheme could result in an unfair distribution of the bandwidth with
   the multipath connection getting more bandwidth than competing single
   paths connections.  Multipath TCP uses the LIA congestion control
   scheme specified in [RFC6356] to solve this problem.  This scheme can
   immediately be adapted to Multipath QUIC.  Other coupled congestion
   control schemes have been proposed for Multipath TCP such as [OLIA].

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7.3.  Computing Path RTT

   Acknowledgement delays are the sum of two one-way delays, the delay
   on the packet sending path and the delay on the return path chosen
   for the acknowledgements.  When different paths have different
   characteristics, this can cause acknowledgement delays to vary
   widely.  Consider for example a multipath transmission using both a
   terrestrial path, with a latency of 50ms in each direction, and a
   geostationary satellite path, with a latency of 300ms in both
   directions.  The acknowledgement delay will depend on the combination
   of paths used for the packet transmission and the ACK transmission,
   as shown in Table 1.

            | ACK Path \ Data path | Terrestrial | Satellite |
            | Terrestrial          | 100ms       | 350ms     |
            | Satellite            | 350ms       | 600ms     |

              Table 1: Example of ACK delays using multiple

   The ACK_MP frames describe packets that were sent on the specified
   path, but they may be received through any available path.  There is
   an understandable concern that if successive acknowledgements are
   received on different paths, the measured RTT samples will fluctuate
   widely, and that might result in poor performance.  While this may be
   a concern, the actual behavior is complex.

   The computed values reflect both the state of the network path and
   the scheduling decisions by the sender of the ACK_MP frames.  In the
   example above, we may assume that the ACK_MP will be sent over the
   terrestrial link, because that provides the best response time.  In
   that case, the computed RTT value for the satellite path will be
   about 350ms.  This lower than the 600ms that would be measured if the
   ACK_MP came over the satellite channel, but it is still the right
   value for computing for example the PTO timeout: if an ACK_MP is not
   received after more than 350ms, either the data packet or its ACK_MP
   were probably lost.

   The simplest implementation is to compute smoothedRTT and RTTvar per
   Section 5.3 of [QUIC-RECOVERY] regardless of the path through which
   MP_ACKs are received.  This algorithm will provide good results,
   except if the set of paths changes and the ACK_MP sender revisits its
   sending preferences.  This is not very different from what happens on
   a single path if the routing changes.  The RTT, RTT variance and PTO

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   estimates will rapidly converge to reflect the new conditions.  There
   is however an exception: some congestion control functions rely on
   estimates of the minimum RTT.  It might be prudent for nodes to
   remember the path over which the ACK MP that produced the minimum RTT
   was received, and to restart the minimum RTT computation if that path
   is abandoned.

7.4.  Packet Scheduling

   The transmission of QUIC packets on a regular QUIC connection is
   regulated by the arrival of data from the application and the
   congestion control scheme.  QUIC packets that increase the number of
   bytes in flight can only be sent when the congestion window allows
   it.  Multipath QUIC implementations also need to include a packet
   scheduler that decides, among the paths whose congestion window is
   open, the path over which the next QUIC packet will be sent.  Most
   frames, including control frames (PATH_CHALLENGE and PATH_RESPONSE
   being the notable exceptions), can be sent and received on any active
   path.  The scheduling is a local decision, based on the preferences
   of the application and the implementation.

   Note that this implies that an endpoint may send and receive ACK_MP
   frames on a path different from the one that carried the acknowledged
   packets.  As noted in Section 7.3 the values computed using the
   standard algorithm reflect both the characteristics of the path and
   the scheduling algorithm of ACK_MP frames.  The estimates will
   converge faster if the scheduling strategy is stable, but besides
   that implementations can choose between multiple strategies such as
   sending ACK_MP frames on the path they acknowledge packets, or
   sending ACK_MP frames on the shortest path, which results in shorter
   control loops and thus better performance.

7.5.  Retransmissions

   Simultaneous use of multiple paths enables different retransmission
   strategies to cope with losses such as: a) retransmitting lost frames
   over the same path, b) retransmitting lost frames on a different or
   dedicated path, and c) duplicate lost frames on several paths (not
   recommended for general purpose use due to the network overhead).
   While this document does not preclude a specific strategy, more
   detailed specification is out of scope.

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7.6.  Handling different PMTU sizes

   An implementation should take care to handle different PMTU sizes
   across multiple paths.  One simple option if the PMTUs are relatively
   similar is to apply the minimum PMTU of all paths to each path.  The
   benefit of such an approach is to simplify retransmission processing
   as the content of lost packets initially sent on one path can be sent
   on another path without further frame scheduling adaptations.

7.7.  Keep Alive

   The QUIC specification defines an optional keep alive process, see
   Section 5.3 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  Implementations of the multipath
   extension should map this keep alive process to a number of paths.
   Some applications may wish to ensure that one path remains active,
   while others could prefer to have two or more active paths during the
   connection lifetime.  Different applications will likely require
   different strategies.  Once the implementation has decided which
   paths to keep alive, it can do so by sending Ping frames on each of
   these paths before the idle timeout expires.

7.8.  Connection ID Changes and NAT Rebindings

   Section 5.1.2 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] indicates that an endpoint can
   change the Connection ID it uses for to another available one at any
   time during the connection.  As such a sole change of the Connection
   ID without any change in the address does not indicate a path change
   and the endpoint can keep the same congestion control and RTT
   measurement state.

   While endpoints assign a Connection ID to a specific sending 4-tuple,
   networks events such as NAT rebinding may make the packet's receiver
   observe a different 4-tuple.  Servers observing a 4-tuple change will
   perform path validation (see Section 9 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT]).  If path
   validation process succeeds, the endpoints set the path's congestion
   controller and round-trip time estimator according to Section 9.4 of

   Section 9.3 of [QUIC-TRANSPORT] allows an endpoint to skip validation
   of a peer address if that address has been seen recently.  However,
   when the multipath extension is used and an endpoint has multiple
   addresses that could lead to switching between different paths, it
   should rather maintain multiple open paths instead.

   If an endpoint uses a new Connection ID after an idle period and a
   NAT rebinding leads to a 4-tuple changes on the same packet, the
   receiving endpoint may not be able to associate the packet to an
   existing path and will therefore consider this as a new path.  This

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   leads to an inconsistent view of open paths at both peers, however,
   as the "old" path will not work anymore, it will be silently closed
   after the idle timeout expires.

8.  New Frames

   All the new frames MUST only be sent in 1-RTT packet.

   If an endpoint receives a multipath-specific frame in a different
   packet type, it MUST close the connection with an error of type

   All multipath-specific frames relate to a Destination Connection ID
   sequence number.  If an endpoint receives a Destination Connection ID
   sequence number greater than any previously sent to the peer, it MUST
   treat this as a connection error of type MP_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.  If
   an endpoint receives a multipath-specific frame with a Destination
   Connection ID sequence number that it cannot process anymore (e.g.,
   because the Connection ID might have been retired), it MUST silently
   ignore the frame.

8.1.  ACK_MP Frame

   The ACK_MP frame (types TBD-00 and TBD-01) is an extension of the ACK
   frame defined by [QUIC-TRANSPORT].  It is used to acknowledge packets
   that were sent on different paths using multiple packet number
   spaces.  If the frame type is TBD-01, ACK_MP frames also contain the
   sum of QUIC packets with associated ECN marks received on the
   acknowledged packet number space up to this point.

   ACK_MP frame is formatted as shown in Figure 5.

     ACK_MP Frame {
       Type (i) = TBD-00..TBD-01
            (experiments use  0x15228c00-0x15228c01),
       Destination Connection ID Sequence Number (i),
       Largest Acknowledged (i),
       ACK Delay (i),
       ACK Range Count (i),
       First ACK Range (i),
       ACK Range (..) ...,
       [ECN Counts (..)],

                       Figure 5: ACK_MP Frame Format

   Compared to the ACK frame specified in [QUIC-TRANSPORT], the
   following field is added.

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   Destination Connection ID Sequence Number:  The sequence number of
      the Connection ID identifying the packet number space of the 0-RTT
      and 1-RTT packets which are acknowledged by the ACK_MP frame.

8.2.  PATH_ABANDON Frame

   The PATH_ABANDON frame informs the peer to abandon a path.

   PATH_ABANDON frames are formatted as shown in Figure 6.

     PATH_ABANDON Frame {
       Type (i) = TBD-02 (experiments use 0x15228c05),
       Destination Connection ID Sequence Number (i),
       Error Code (i),
       Reason Phrase Length (i),
       Reason Phrase (..),

                    Figure 6: PATH_ABANDON Frame Format

   PATH_ABANDON frames contain the following fields:

   Destination Connection ID Sequence Number:  The sequence number of
      the Destination Connection ID used by the receiver of the frame to
      send packets over the path to abandon.

   Error Code:  A variable-length integer that indicates the reason for
      abandoning this path.

   Reason Phrase Length:  A variable-length integer specifying the
      length of the reason phrase in bytes.  Because an PATH_ABANDON
      frame cannot be split between packets, any limits on packet size
      will also limit the space available for a reason phrase.

   Reason Phrase:  Additional diagnostic information for the closure.
      This can be zero length if the sender chooses not to give details
      beyond the Error Code value.  This SHOULD be a UTF-8 encoded
      string [RFC3629], though the frame does not carry information,
      such as language tags, that would aid comprehension by any entity
      other than the one that created the text.

   PATH_ABANDON frames are ack-eliciting.  If a packet containing a
   PATH_ABANDON frame is considered lost, the peer SHOULD repeat it.

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8.3.  PATH_STANDBY frame

   PATH_STANDBY Frames are used by endpoints to inform the peer about
   its preference to not use the path associated to the Destination
   Connection IDs in the frame for sending.  PATH_STANDBY frames are
   formatted as shown in Figure 7.

     PATH_STANDBY Frame {
       Type (i) = TBD-03 (experiments use 0x15228c07)
       Destination Connection ID Sequence Number (i),
       Path Status sequence number (i),

                    Figure 7: PATH_STANDBY Frame Format

   PATH_STANDBY Frames contain the following fields:

   Destination Connection ID Sequence Number:  The sequence number of
      the Destination Connection ID used by the receiver of this frame
      to send packets over the path the status update corresponds to.
      All Destination Connection IDs that have been issued MAY be
      specified, even if they are not yet in use over a path.

   Path Status sequence number:  A variable-length integer specifying
      the sequence number assigned for this PATH_STANDBY frame.  The
      sequence number space is shared with the PATH_AVAILABLE frame and
      the sequence number MUST be monotonically increasing generated by
      the sender of the PATH_STANDBY frame in the same connection.  The
      receiver of the PATH_STANDBY frame needs to use and compare the
      sequence numbers separately for each Destination Connection ID
      Sequence Number.

   Frames may be received out of order.  A peer MUST ignore an incoming
   PATH_STANDBY frame if it previously received another PATH_STANDBY
   frame or PATH_AVAILABLE for the same Destination Connection ID
   Sequence Number with a Path Status sequence number equal to or higher
   than the Path Status sequence number of the incoming frame.

   PATH_STANDBY frames are ack-eliciting.  If a packet containing a
   PATH_STANDBY frame is considered lost, the peer SHOULD resend the
   frame only if it contains the last status sent for that path -- as
   indicated by the sequence number.

   A PATH_STANDBY frame MAY be bundled with a NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame or
   a PATH_RESPONSE frame in order to indicate the preferred path usage
   before or during path initiation.

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8.4.  PATH_AVAILABLE frame

   PATH_AVAILABLE frames are used by endpoints to inform the peer that
   the path associated to the Destination Connection IDs in the frame is
   available for sending.  PATH_AVAILABLE frames are formatted as shown
   in Figure 8.

       Type (i) = TBD-03 (experiments use 0x15228c08),
       Destination Connection ID Sequence Number (i),
       Path Status sequence number (i),

                   Figure 8: PATH_AVAILABLE Frame Format

   PATH_AVAILABLE frames contain the following fields:

   Destination Connection ID Sequence Number:  The sequence number of
      the Destination Connection ID used by the receiver of this frame
      to send packets over the path the status update corresponds to.
      All Destination Connection IDs that have been issued MAY be
      specified, even if they are not yet in use over a path.

   Path Status sequence number:  A variable-length integer specifying
      the sequence number assigned for this PATH_AVAILABLE frame.  The
      sequence number space is shared with the PATH_STANDBY frame and
      the sequence number MUST be monotonically increasing generated by
      the sender of the PATH_AVAILABLE frame in the same connection.
      The receiver of the PATH_AVAILABLE frame needs to use and compare
      the sequence numbers separately for each Destination Connection ID
      Sequence Number.

   Frames may be received out of order.  A peer MUST ignore an incoming
   PATH_AVAILABLE frame if it previously received another PATH_AVAILABLE
   frame or PATH_STANDBY frame for the same Destination Connection ID
   Sequence Number with a Path Status sequence number equal to or higher
   than the Path Status sequence number of the incoming frame.

   PATH_AVAILABLE frames are ack-eliciting.  If a packet containing a
   PATH_AVAILABLE frame is considered lost, the peer SHOULD resend the
   frame only if it contains the last status sent for that path -- as
   indicated by the sequence number.

   A PATH_AVAILABLE frame MAY be bundled with a NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame
   or a PATH_RESPONSE frame in order to indicate the preferred path
   usage before or during path initiation.

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9.  Error Codes

   Multipath QUIC transport error codes are 62-bit unsigned integers
   following [QUIC-TRANSPORT].

   This section lists the defined multipath QUIC transport error codes
   that can be used in a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with a type of 0x1c.
   These errors apply to the entire connection.

   MP_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION (experiments use 0x1001d76d3ded42f3): An
   endpoint detected an error with protocol compliance that was not
   covered by more specific error codes.

10.  IANA Considerations

   This document defines a new transport parameter for the negotiation
   of enable multiple paths for QUIC, and three new frame types.  The
   draft defines provisional values for experiments, but we expect IANA
   to allocate short values if the draft is approved.

   The following entry in Table 2 should be added to the "QUIC Transport
   Parameters" registry under the "QUIC Protocol" heading.

      | Value                    | Parameter Name.  | Specification |
      | TBD (current version     | enable_multipath | Section 3     |
      | uses 0x0f739bbc1b666d06) |                  |               |

           Table 2: Addition to QUIC Transport Parameters Entries

   The following frame types defined in Table 3 should be added to the
   "QUIC Frame Types" registry under the "QUIC Protocol" heading.

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     | Value                        | Frame Name     | Specification |
     | TBD-00 - TBD-01 (experiments | ACK_MP         | Section 8.1   |
     | use 0x15228c00-0x15228c01)   |                |               |
     | TBD-02 (experiments use      | PATH_ABANDON   | Section 8.2   |
     | 0x15228c05)                  |                |               |
     | TBD-03 (experiments use      | PATH_STANDBY   | Section 8.3   |
     | 0x15228c07)                  |                |               |
     | TBD-04 (experiments use      | PATH_AVAILABLE | Section 8.4   |
     | 0x15228c08)                  |                |               |

               Table 3: Addition to QUIC Frame Types Entries

   The following transport error code defined in Table 4 should be added
   to the "QUIC Transport Error Codes" registry under the "QUIC
   Protocol" heading.

   |Value              |Code                 |Description|Specification|
   |TBD (experiments   |MP_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION|Multipath  |Section 9    |
   |use                |                     |protocol   |             |
   |0x1001d76d3ded42f3)|                     |violation  |             |

                   Table 4: Error Code for Multipath QUIC

11.  Security Considerations


12.  Contributors

   This document is a collaboration of authors that combines work from
   three proposals.  Further contributors that were also involved one of
   the original proposals are:

   *  Qing An

   *  Zhenyu Li

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13.  Acknowledgments

   Thanks to Marten Seemann and Kazuho Oku for their thorough reviews
   and valuable contributions!

14.  References

14.1.  Normative References

              Iyengar, J., Ed. and I. Swett, Ed., "QUIC Loss Detection
              and Congestion Control", RFC 9002, DOI 10.17487/RFC9002,
              May 2021, <>.

   [QUIC-TLS] Thomson, M., Ed. and S. Turner, Ed., "Using TLS to Secure
              QUIC", RFC 9001, DOI 10.17487/RFC9001, May 2021,

              Iyengar, J., Ed. and M. Thomson, Ed., "QUIC: A UDP-Based
              Multiplexed and Secure Transport", RFC 9000,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9000, May 2021,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3629]  Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
              10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, DOI 10.17487/RFC3629, November
              2003, <>.

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

14.2.  Informative References

   [OLIA]     Khalili, R., Gast, N., Popovic, M., Upadhyay, U., and J.
              Le Boudec, "MPTCP is not pareto-optimal: performance
              issues and a possible solution", Proceedings of the 8th
              international conference on Emerging networking
              experiments and technologies, ACM , 2012.

              Huitema, C., "Quic Timestamps For Measuring One-Way
              Delays", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-huitema-

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              quic-ts-08, 28 August 2022,

   [RFC6356]  Raiciu, C., Handley, M., and D. Wischik, "Coupled
              Congestion Control for Multipath Transport Protocols",
              RFC 6356, DOI 10.17487/RFC6356, October 2011,

Authors' Addresses

   Yanmei Liu (editor)
   Alibaba Inc.

   Additional contact information:

      刘彦梅 (editor)
      Alibaba Inc.

   Yunfei Ma
   Uber Technologies Inc.

   Additional contact information:

      Uber Technologies Inc.

   Quentin De Coninck (editor)
   University of Mons (UMONS)

   Olivier Bonaventure
   UCLouvain and Tessares

   Christian Huitema
   Private Octopus Inc.

   Mirja Kuehlewind (editor)

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