Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-rats-endorsements


RATS Working Group                                             D. Thaler
Internet-Draft                                                 Microsoft
Intended status: Informational                               H. Birkholz
Expires: 2 June 2024                                      Fraunhofer SIT
                                                              T. Fossati
                                                        30 November 2023

                           RATS Endorsements


   In the IETF Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) architecture, a
   Verifier accepts Evidence and, using Appraisal Policy typically with
   additional input from Endorsements and Reference Values, generates
   Attestation Results in formats needed by a Relying Parties.  This
   document explains the purpose and role of Endorsements and discusses
   some considerations in the choice of message format for Endorsements.

Discussion Venues

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Remote ATtestation
   ProcedureS Working Group mailing list (, which is
   archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 2 June 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction
   2.  Actual State vs Reference States
     2.1.  RATS Conceptual Messages
   3.  Conditionally Endorsed Values
   4.  Endorsing Identity
   5.  Multiple Endorsements
   6.  Endorsement Format Considerations
     6.1.  Security Considerations
     6.2.  Scalability Considerations
   7.  IANA Considerations
   8.  Acknowledgements
   9.  References
     9.1.  Normative References
     9.2.  Informative References
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Introduction

   Section 3 in the Remote ATtestation procedures (RATS) Architecture
   [RFC9334] gives an overview of the roles and conceptual messages in
   the IETF RATS Architecture.  As discussed in that document, a
   Verifier accepts a well-defined set of RATS conceptual messages:
   Evidence, Endorsements and Reference Values (as well es Policy for
   Appraisal of Evidence).  A Verifier appraises Evidence using
   Appraisal Policy for Evidence, typically against a set of Reference

   Various formats of conceptual messages exist, including standard and
   vendor-specific formats.  One of the purposes of a Verifier is
   depicted in Figure 9 of [RFC9334].  A Verifier is intended to be able
   to accept Evidence in a variety of formats and generate Attestation
   Results in the formats needed by a Relying Parties it is intended to

2.  Actual State vs Reference States

   Appraisal policies (Appraisal Policy for Evidence, and Appraisal
   Policy for Attestation Results) involve comparing the actual state of
   an Attester against desired or undesired states, in order to
   determine how trustworthy the Attester is for its purposes.  The
   state of an Attester represents its composition of components of
   execution environments (its "shape"), typically in a hierarchical
   manner.  The state of an Attester also encompasses the combination of
   static and dynamic constitution (e.g., provisioned and deployed
   software, firmware, and micro-code), static and dynamic
   configuration, and the resulting operational state of its components
   at a certain point of time.  Thus, a Verifier needs to receive
   messages with information about actual state, and information about
   desired/undesired states, and an appraisal policy that controls how
   the two are compared.

   Each Attester in general has at least one Attesting Environment and
   one Target Environment (e.g., hardware, firmware, Operating System,
   etc.).  Typically, each Attester has multiple Target Environments,
   each with their own set of claims (sometimes called a "claimset")
   representing their actual state.  Additionally, the number of Target
   Environments is not limited.

   "Actual state" is a group of claimsets about the actual state of the
   Attester at a given point in time.  Each claimset holds claims about
   a specific Target Environment that is essential to determining
   trustworthiness.  Generally speaking, each claim has a name (or other
   ID) and a singleton value, being the value of that specific Attester
   at a given point in time.  Some claims may inherently have multiple
   values, such as a list of files in a given location on the device,
   but for our purposes we will treat such a list as a single unit,
   meaning one Attester at one point in time.

   "Reference state" is a group of claimsets about the desired or
   undesired state of the Attester.  Typically, each claim has a name
   (or other ID) and a set of potential values, being the values that
   are allowed/disallowed when determining whether to trust the
   Attester.  In general there may be more gradation than simply
   "allowed or disallowed" so each value might include some more complex
   level of gradation in some implementations.

   That is, where actual state has a single value per claim per Target
   Environment applying to one device at one point in time, reference
   state can have a set of values per claim per Target Environment.  The
   appraisal policy then specifies how to match the actual value against
   the set of Reference Values.

   Some examples of such matching include:

   *  The actual value must be in the set of allowed Reference Values.

   *  The actual value must not be in the set of disallowed Reference

   *  The actual value must be in a range where two Reference Values are
      the min and max.

2.1.  RATS Conceptual Messages

   RATS conceptual messages in [RFC9334] fall into the above categories
   as follows:

   *  Actual state: Evidence, Endorsements, Attestation Results

   *  Reference state: Reference Values

   *  Appraisal policy: Appraisal Policy for Evidence, Appraisal Policy
      for Attestation Results

   The figure below shows an example of Verifier input for a layered
   Attester as discussed in [RFC9334].

             .-- .------------.   Appraisal    .-----------------. --.
             |   |Actual state|    Policy      | Reference state |   |
             |   |  (layer N) |                |    (layer N)    |   | R
             |   '------------'       |        '-----------------'   | e
             |                        |                              | f
             |   .------------.       |        .-----------------.   | e
    Evidence |   |Actual state|       |        | Reference state |   | r
             |   |  (layer 2) |       |        |    (layer 2)    |   | e
             |   '------------'       |        '-----------------'   | n
             |                        v                              | c
             |   .------------.  <==========>  .-----------------.   | e
             |   |Actual state|   Comparison   | Reference state |   |
             |   |  (layer 1) |     Rules      |    (layer 1)    |   | V
             '-- '------------'                '-----------------'   | a
                                                                     | l
             .-- .------------.                .-----------------.   | u
 Endorsement |   |Actual state|                | Reference state |   | e
             |   |  (layer 0) |                |    (layer 0)    |   | s
             '-- '------------'                '-----------------' --'

                    Figure 1: Example Verifier Input

   While the above example only shows one layer within Endorsements as
   the typical case, there could be multiple layers (see Section 5),
   such as a chip added to a hardware board potentially from a different

   A Trust Anchor Store is a special case of state above, where the
   Reference State would be the set of trust anchors accepted (or
   rejected) by the Verifier, and the Actual State would be a trust
   anchor used to verify Evidence or Endorsements.

   In layered attestation using DICE [TCG-DICE] for example, the actual
   state of each layer is signed by a key held by the next lower layer.
   Thus in the example diagram above, the layer 2 actual state (e.g., OS
   state) is signed by a layer 1 key (e.g., a signing key used by the
   firmware), the layer 1 actual state (e.g., firmware state) is signed
   by a layer 0 key (e.g., a hardware key stored in ROM), and the layer
   0 actual state (hardware specs and key ID) is signed by a layer 0 key
   (e.g., a vendor key) which is matched against the Verifier's trust
   anchor store, which is part of the layer 0 reference state depicted

3.  Conditionally Endorsed Values

   Some claims in Endorsements might be conditional.  A claim is
   conditional if it only applies if actual state matches Reference
   Values, according to some matching policy.

   Endorsers should not use conditionally endorsed values based on
   immutable values of actual state in Evidence (such as an immutable
   serial number for example).  An Endorser can, however, use
   conditionally endorsed values based on mutable values.  For example
   an Endorser for a given CPU might provide additional information
   about what the CPU supports based on current firmware configuration

   Policies around matching actual state in Evidence against reference
   states are normally expressed in Appraisal Policy for Evidence.
   Similarly, reference states are normally expressed in the Reference
   Values conceptual message.  Such policies allow a Verifier and
   Relying Parties to make their decisions about trustworthiness of an

   The use of conditionally endorsed values, however, is different in
   that a matching policy is not about trustworthiness (and hence not
   "appraisal" per se) but rather about whether an Endorser's claim is
   applicable or not, and thus usable as input to trustworthiness
   appraisal or not.

   As such the matching policy for conditionally endorsed values must be
   up to the Endorser not the Appraisal Policy Provider.  Thus, an
   Endorsement format that supports conditionally endorsed values would
   probably include some minimal matching policy (e.g., exact match
   against a singleton reference value).  This unfortunately complicates
   design as a Verifier may need multiple parsers for matching policies.

4.  Endorsing Identity

   One type of claims that might be endorsed would be claims having to
   do with identity, such as verification keys.  While identity claims
   are just another type of claims that may be endorsed, some
   implementations might treat them differently.  For example, a
   Verifier might perform a first step to cryptographically verify the
   Attester's identity before spending effort on another step to
   appraise other claims for determining trustworthiness.

   This document treats identity claims as with any other claims, but
   allows Appraisal Policy for Evidence to have multiple steps if

5.  Multiple Endorsements

   Figure Figure 1 showed an example with an Endorsement at layer 0,
   such as a hardware manufacturer providing claims about the hardware.
   However, the same could be done at other layers in addition.  For
   example, an OS vendor might provide additional static claims about
   the OS software it provides, and application developers might provide
   additional static claims about the applications they release.

   Figure 2 depicts an example with an Attester consisting of an
   application, OS, firmware, and hardware, each from a different vendor
   that provides an Endorsement for their own Target Environment,
   containing additional claims about that Target Environment.  Thus
   each Target Environment (application, OS, firmware, and hardware) has
   one set of claims in the Evidence, and an additional set of claims in
   the Endorsement from its manufacturer.  A Verifier that trusts each
   Endorser would thus use claims from both conceptual messages when
   comparing against reference state for a given Target Environment.

                        .-----------------------. .-------------.
         App            |            .--------. | | .--------.  |
         Endorser ----> |Endorsement |  app   | | | |  app   |  |
                        |            |claimset| | | |claimset|  |
                        |            '--------' | | '--------' E|
                        '-----------------------' |            v|
                                                  |            i|
                        .-----------------------. |            d|
         OS             |            .--------. | | .--------. e|
         Endorser ----> |Endorsement |   OS   | | | |   OS   | n|
                        |            |claimset| | | |claimset| c|
                        |            '--------' | | '--------' e|
                        '-----------------------' |             |
                                                  |             |
                        .-----------------------. |             |
         Firmware       |            .--------. | | .--------.  |
         Endorser ----> |Endorsement |firmware| | | |firmware|  |
                        |            |claimset| | | |claimset|  |
                        |            '--------' | | '--------'  |
                        '-----------------------' |             |
                                                  |             |
                        .-----------------------. |             |
         Hardware       |            .--------. | | .--------.  |
         Endorser ----> |Endorsement |hardware| | | |hardware|  |
                        |            |claimset| | | |claimset|  |
                        |            '--------' | | '--------'  |
                        '-----------------------' '-------------'
         Attester ---------------------------------------'

                      Figure 2: Multiple Endorsements

   When Target Environments from different vendors each have their own
   Endorser, it is important that a Verifier be able to distinguish
   which Endorser is allowed to provide an Endorsement about which
   Target Environment.  For example, the OS Endorser might be trusted to
   provide additional claims about the OS, but not about the hardware.
   Thus it is not as simple as saying that a Verifier has a trusted set
   of Endorsers.  The binding between Target Environment and Endorser
   might be part of the Appraisal Policy for Evidence, or might be
   specified as part of the Evidence itself, or some combination of the
   two.  An Endorsement format specification should explain how this
   concern is addressed.

6.  Endorsement Format Considerations

   This section discusses considerations around formats for

6.1.  Security Considerations

   In many scenarios, a Verifier can also support a variety of different
   formats, and while code size may not be a huge concern, simplicity
   and correctness of code is essential to security.  "Complexity is the
   enemy of security" is a popular security mantra and hence to increase
   security, any decrease in complexity helps.  As such, using the same
   format for both Evidence and Endorsements can reduce complexity and
   hence increase security.

6.2.  Scalability Considerations

   We currently assume that Reference Value Providers and Endorsers
   typically provide the same information to a potentially large number
   of clients (Verifiers, or potentially to other entities for later
   relay to a Verifier), and are generally on devices that are not
   constrained nodes, and hence additional scalability, including code
   size, is not a significant concern.

   The scenario where scalability in terms of code size is strongest,
   however, is when a Verifier is embedded into a constrained node.  For
   example, when a constrained node is a Relying Party for most
   purposes, but still needs a way to establish trust in the Verifier it
   will use.  In such a case, the Relying Party may have a constrained
   Verifier embedded in it that is only capable of appraising Evidence
   provided by its desired Verifier.  Thus, the Relying Party uses its
   embedded Verifier for purposes of appraising its desired Verifier
   which it treats as only an Attester, and once verified, then uses it
   for verification of all other Attesters.  In this scenario, the
   embedded Verifier may have code and data size constraints, and a very
   simple (by comparison) Appraisal Policy for Evidence and desired
   state (e.g., a required trust anchor that Evidence must be signed
   with and little else).

   Using the same message format for Evidence, Endorsements, and (later)
   Attestation Results received from the later Verifier, can provide a
   code size savings due to having only a single parser in this limited

   Similarly, an embedded constrained Verifier can choose to not support
   conditionally endorsed values, in order to avoid complexity
   introduced by such.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document does not require any actions by IANA.

8.  Acknowledgements

   The authors wish to thank Thomas Hardjono, Laurence Lundblade, and
   Kathleen Moriarty for feedback and ideas that contributed to this

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [RFC9334]  Birkholz, H., Thaler, D., Richardson, M., Smith, N., and
              W. Pan, "Remote ATtestation procedureS (RATS)
              Architecture", RFC 9334, DOI 10.17487/RFC9334, January
              2023, <>.

9.2.  Informative References

   [TCG-DICE] Trusted Computing Group, "DICE Certificate Profiles",
              n.d., <

Authors' Addresses

   Dave Thaler
   United States of America

   Henk Birkholz
   Fraunhofer SIT
   Rheinstrasse 75
   64295 Darmstadt

   Thomas Fossati