Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-rift-auto-evpn


RIFT                                                        J. Head, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                             T. Przygienda
Intended status: Standards Track                                  W. Lin
Expires: 1 September 2024                               Juniper Networks
                                                        29 February 2024

                             RIFT Auto-EVPN


   This document specifies procedures that allow an EVPN overlay to be
   fully and automatically provisioned when using RIFT as underlay by
   leveraging RIFT's no-touch ZTP architecture.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 1 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Auto-EVPN Device Roles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  All Participating Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  ToF Nodes as Route Reflectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.1.  Data Center Interconnect Gateway Functions  . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Leaf Nodes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  RIFT System ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Auto-EVPN Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  RIFT Fabric ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.4.  Auto-EVPN Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.5.  MAC-VRF ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.6.  Loopback Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.6.1.  Leaf Nodes as Gateways  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.6.2.  ToF Nodes as Route Reflectors . . . . . . . . . . . .   9  Single Plane Route Reflector Election
                 Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10  Multiplane Route Reflector Election Procedures  .  11
     4.7.  Autonomous System Number  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.8.  Router ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.9.  Cluster ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.10. Route Target  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.11. Route Distinguisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.12. EVPN MAC-VRF Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.12.1.  Untagged Traffic in Multiple Fabrics . . . . . . . .  13  VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13  VNI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13  MAC Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13  IPv6 IRB Gateway Address . . . . . . . . . . . .  13  IPv4 IRB Gateway Address . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       4.12.2.  Tagged Traffic in Multiple Fabrics . . . . . . . . .  14  VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14  VNI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14  MAC Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14  IPv6 IRB Gateway Address . . . . . . . . . . . .  15  IPv4 IRB Gateway Address . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       4.12.3.  Tagged Traffic in a Single Fabric  . . . . . . . . .  15  VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15  VNI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15  MAC Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16  IPv6 IRB Gateway Address . . . . . . . . . . . .  16  IPv4 IRB Gateway Address . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       4.12.4.  Traffic Routed to External Destinations  . . . . . .  16  Route Distinguisher  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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  Route Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   5.  RIFT Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     5.1.  RIFT FSM / LIE Validation Requirements  . . . . . . . . .  17
     5.2.  RIFT Node-TIE Advertisements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   6.  Operational Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.1.  RIFT Underlay and Auto-EVPN Overlay . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.2.  Auto-EVPN Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.2.1.  Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value Pair . . . . .  20
       6.2.2.  Auto-EVPN Analytics (MAC-VRF) Key/Value Pair  . . . .  21
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Appendix A.  YANG Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Appendix B.  Thrift Models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     B.1.  common.thrift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     B.2.  encoding.thrift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     B.3.  common_evpn.thrift  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     B.4.  auto_evpn_kv.thrift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   Appendix C.  Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation  . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     C.1.  Variable Derivation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     C.2.  Variable Derivation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  89

1.  Introduction

   RIFT is a protocol that focuses heavily on operational simplicity.
   [RIFT] natively supports Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) functionality
   that allows each node in an underlay network to automatically derive
   its place in the topology and configure itself accordingly when
   properly cabled.  RIFT can also disseminate Key-Value information
   contained in Key-Value Topology Information Elements (KV-TIEs)
   [RIFT-KV].  These KV-TIEs can contain any information and therefore
   be used for any purpose.  Leveraging RIFT to provision EVPN overlays
   without any need for configuration and leveraging KV capabilities to
   easily validate correct operation of such overlay without a single
   point of failure would provide significant benefit to operators in
   terms of simplicity and robustness of such a solution.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

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2.  Design Considerations

   EVPN supports various service models, this document defines a method
   for the VLAN-Aware service model defined in [RFC7432].  Other service
   models may be considered in future revisions of this document.

   Each model has its own set of requirements for deployment.  For
   example, a functional BGP overlay is necessary to exchange EVPN NLRI
   regardless of the service model.  Furthermore, the requirements are
   made up of individual variables, such as each node's loopback address
   and AS number for the BGP session.  Some of these variables may be
   coordinated across each node in a network, but are ultimately locally
   significant (e.g. route distinguishers).  Similarly, calculation of
   some variables will be local only to each device.  RIFT contains
   currently enough topology information in each node to calculate all
   those necessary variables automatically.

   Once the EVPN overlay is configured and becomes operational, RIFT
   Key-Value TIEs can be used to distribute state information to allow
   for validation of basic operational correctness without the need for
   further tooling.

3.  Auto-EVPN Device Roles

   Auto-EVPN requires that each node understand its given role within
   the scope of the EVPN implementation so each node derives the
   necessary variables and provides the necessary overlay configuration.
   For example, a leaf node performing VXLAN gateway functions does not
   need to derive its own Cluster ID or learn one from the Route
   Reflector that it peers with.

3.1.  All Participating Nodes

   Not all nodes have to participate in Auto-EVPN, however if a node
   does assume an Auto-EVPN role, it MUST derive the following

      *IPv6 Loopback Address*
         Unique IPv6 loopback address used in BGP sessions.

      *Router ID*
         The BGP Router ID.

      *Autonomous System Number*
         The ASN for IBGP sessions.

      *Cluster ID*
         The Cluster ID for Top-of-Fabric IBGP route reflection.

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3.2.  ToF Nodes as Route Reflectors

   This section defines an Auto-EVPN role whereby some Top-of-Fabric
   nodes act as Route Reflectors.  It is expected that Route Reflectors
   would establish IBGP sessions with leaf nodes in the same fabric.
   The typical Route Reflector requirements do not change, however
   determining which specific values to use requires further

   ToF nodes performing Route Reflector functionality MUST derive the
   following variables:

      *IPv6 RR Loopback Address*
         The source address for IBGP sessions with leaf nodes in case
         ToF won election for one of the Route Reflectors in the fabric.

      *IPv6 RR Acceptable Prefix Range*
         Range of addresses acceptable by the Route Reflector to form a
         IBGP session.  This range covers ALL possible IPv6 Loopback
         Addresses derived by other Auto EVPN nodes in the current
         fabric and other Auto-EVPN RRs addresses.

      *Cluster ID*
         The Cluster ID for Top-of-Fabric IBGP route reflection.

3.2.1.  Data Center Interconnect Gateway Functions

   Implementations that require connectivity beyond the EVPN/VXLAN
   boundary can leverage Data Center Interconnect Gateway functionality.
   This requires additional considerations to ensure the appropriate
   reachability is present.

   First - new VRFs and accompanying variable derivation is required,
   this is decribed below.

   Second - additional Route Reflector election considerations in order
   to ensure that Route Reflectors with DCI gateway functionality are
   preferred.  This is described later in the document in Section 4.6.2.

   If DCI functionality is desired, the Top-of-Fabric nodes MUST be
   capable of routing toward the correct leaf node when it receives
   traffic from an external destination.  Therefore, it MUST be capable
   of deriving the following types of variables:

      *Route Distinguisher*
         The route distinguisher corresponding to a IP-VRF's IP prefix
         routes that MUST uniquely identify each node.

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      *Route Target*
         The route target that corresponds to an IP-VRF's IP prefix

         The VNI that corresponds to the Type-5 IP prefix routes within
         an IP-VRF.

3.3.  Leaf Nodes

   Leaf nodes derive their role from realizing they are at the bottom of
   the fabric, i.e. not having any southbound adjacencies.  Alternately,
   a node can assume a leaf node if it has only southbound adjacencies
   to nodes with explicit LEAF_LEVEL to allow for scenarios where RIFT
   leaves do NOT participate in Auto-EVPN.

   Leaf nodes MUST derive the following variables:

      *IPv6 RR Loopback Addresses*
         Addresses of the RRs present in the fabric.  Those addresses
         are used to build BGP sessions to the RR.

         Leaf node derives all the necessary variables to instantiate
         EVIs with layer-2 and optionally layer-3 functionality.

   If a leaf node is required to perform layer-2 VXLAN gateway
   functions, it MUST be capable of deriving the following types of

      *Route Distinguisher*
         The route distinguisher corresponding to a MAC-VRF that
         uniquely identifies each node.

      *Route Target*
         The route target that corresponds to a MAC-VRF.

      *MAC VRF Name*
         This is an optional variable to provide a common MAC VRF name
         across all leaves.

      *Set of VLANs*
         Those are VLANs provisioned either within the fabric or
         allowing to stretch across fabrics.

   For each VLAN derived in an EVI the following variables MUST be

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         The VLAN ID.

         This is an optional variable to provide a common VLAN name
         across all leaves.

         The VNI that corresponds to the VLAN ID.  This will contribute
         to the EVPN Type-2 route.

         Optional variables of the IRB for the VLAN if the leaf performs
         layer-3 gateway function.

4.  Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation

   As previously mentioned, not all nodes are required to derive all
   variables in a given network (e.g. a transit spine node may not need
   to derive any or participate in Auto-EVPN).  Additionally, all
   derived variables are derived from RIFT's FSM or ZTP mechanism so no
   additional flooding beside RIFT flooding is necessary for the

   It is also important to mention that all variable derivation is in
   some way based on combinations of System ID, MAC-VRF ID, Fabric ID,
   EVI, and VLAN and MUST comply precisely with calculation methods
   specified in the Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation section to allow
   interoperability between different implementations.  All foundational
   code elements are also mentioned there.

4.1.  RIFT System ID

   The 64-bit RIFT System ID that uniquely identifies a node as defined
   in RIFT [RIFT].

4.2.  Auto-EVPN Version

   This section describes extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE
   packet schemas in the form of a 16-bit value that identifies the
   Auto-EVPN Version.  Auto-EVPN capable nodes MUST support this
   extension, but MAY choose not to advertise it in LIEs and Node-TIEs
   when Auto-EVPN is not being utilized.

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   The complete encoding.thrift schema documented in RIFT [RIFT]
   describes both major and minor protocol/schema versions.  Auto-EVPN
   Version calculation is done by multiiplying a static value of 256 by
   the major version then adding the minor version, that is to say - 256

   This section also describes an extension to the NodeCapabilities
   schema indicating whether or not a node supports Auto-EVPN.

   The appendix (Appendix B) details described changes to the RIFT
   LIEPacket, NodeTIEElement, and NodeCapabilities Thrift schemas.

4.3.  RIFT Fabric ID

   RIFT operates on variants of Clos substrate which are commonly called
   an IP Fabric.  Since EVPN VLANs can be either contained within one
   fabric or span them, Auto-EVPN introduces the concept of a Fabric ID
   into RIFT.

   This section describes extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE
   packet schemas in the form of a 16-bit Fabric ID that identifies a
   node's membership within a particular fabric.  Auto-EVPN capable
   nodes MUST support this extension but MAY not advertise it when not
   participating in Auto-EVPN.  A non-present Fabric ID and value of 0
   is reserved as ANY_FABRIC and MUST NOT be used for any other purpose.

   The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the RIFT
   LIEPacket and NodeTIEElement Thrift schemas.

4.4.  Auto-EVPN Model

   This section describes extensions to the RIFT Node-TIE packet schema
   that describe a particular EVPN model (e.g.  VLAN-Aware).

   The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the RIFT
   NodeTIEElement Thrift schema.

4.5.  MAC-VRF ID

   This section describes a variable MAC-VRF ID that uniquely identifies
   an EVPN Instance (EVI) and is used in variable derivation procedures.
   Each EVPN EVI MUST be associated with a unique MAC-VRF ID, this
   document does not specify a method for making that association or
   ensuring that they are coordinated properly across fabric(s).

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4.6.  Loopback Address

   First and foremost, RIFT does not advertise anything more specific
   than the fabric default route in the southbound direction by default.
   However, Auto-EVPN nodes MUST advertise specific loopback addresses
   southbound to all other Auto-EVPN nodes so to establish MP-BGP
   reachability correctly in all scenarios.

   Auto-EVPN nodes MUST derive a ULA-scoped IPv6 loopback address to be
   used as both the IBGP source address, as well as the VTEP source when
   VXLAN gateways are required.  Calculation is done using the 6-bytes
   of reserved ULA space, the 2-byte Fabric ID, and the node's 8-byte
   System ID.  Derivation of the System ID varies slightly depending
   upon the node's location/role in the fabric and will be described in
   subsequent sections.

4.6.1.  Leaf Nodes as Gateways

   Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the
   2-byte Fabric ID, and the node's 8-byte System ID.

   In order for leaf nodes to derive IPv6 loopback addresses, algorithms
   shown in both auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback (Figure 28) and
   auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback (Figure 13) are required.

   IPv4 addresses MAY be supported, but it should be noted that they
   have a higher likelihood of collision.  The appendix contains the
   required auto_evpn_fidsid2v4loopback (Figure 27) algorithm to support
   IPv4 loopback derivation.

4.6.2.  ToF Nodes as Route Reflectors

   ToF nodes acting as Route Reflectors MUST derive their loopback
   address according to the specific section describing the algorithm.
   Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the
   2-byte Fabric ID, and the 8-byte System ID of each elected Route

   In order for the ToF nodes to derive IPv6 loopbacks, the algorithms
   shown in both auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback (Figure 28) and
   auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback (Figure 14) are required.

   In order for the ToF derive the necessary prefix range to facilitate
   peering requests from any leaf, the algorithm shown in
   "auto_evpn_fid2fabric_prefixes" (Figure 12) is required.

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   A topology MUST elect at least 1 Top-of-Fabric node as an IBGP Route
   Reflector, but SHOULD elect 3.  The election method varies depending
   upon whether the fabric is comprised of a single plane or multiple
   planes or if DCI gateway functionality is desired.  Single Plane Route Reflector Election Procedures

   Each ToF performs the election independently based on system IDs of
   other ToFs in the fabric obtained via southbound reflection.  The
   Route Reflector election procedures are defined as follows:

   1.  ToF node with the highest System ID.

   2.  ToF node with the lowest System ID.

   3.  ToF node with the 2nd highest System ID.

   4.  etc.

   This ordering is necessary to prevent a single node with either the
   highest or lowest System ID from triggering changes to Route
   Reflector loopback addresses as it would result in all BGP sessions

   For example, if two nodes, ToF01 and ToF02 with System IDs
   002c6af5a281c000 and 002c6bf5788fc000 respectively, ToF02 would be
   elected due to it having the highest System ID of the ToFs
   (002c6bf5788fc000).  If a ToF determines that it is elected as Route
   Reflector, it uses the knowledge of its position in the list to
   derive Route Reflector IPv6 loopback address.

   The algorithm shown in "auto_evpn_sids2rrs" (Figure 10) is required
   to accomplish this.  Data Center Interconnect Gateway Variations

   It is beneficial for ToF-RRs requiring DCI-GW functions to be
   preferred over ToF-RRs that do not.  As such, the
   "default_acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof" flag described in the
   NodeFlags schema (Appendix B.1) MUST be factored into election
   procedures mentioned in the previous section.  Essentially, ToFs
   flagged as requiring DCI-GW functions, will be sorted separately from
   those that do not.  That is to say, that ToFs requiring DCI-GW
   functions will always be preferred as RRs.

   For example, if a fabric contains 4 ToF nodes where 2 require DCI-GW
   functions and the other 2 do not, the election will take place as

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   1.  ToF node (DCI) with the highest System ID.

   2.  ToF node (DCI) with the lowest System ID.

   3.  ToF node (non-DCI) with the 2nd highest System ID.

   4.  ToF node (non-DCI) with the 2nd lowest System ID.  Multiplane Route Reflector Election Procedures

   As mentioned in the main RIFT [RIFT] specification, when an
   implementation uses multiplane fabrics, inter-ToF rings are
   recommended in order to facilitate northbound flooding between ToFs
   in different planes.

   If a multiplane implementation is using Auto-EVPN, those inter-Tof
   rings are REQUIRED to ensure that DCI/RR election works as intended.

   Each ToF performs the election independently based on system IDs of
   other ToFs in the other fabrics obtained from northbound flooding
   across the inter-ToF rings.  The highest System ID from each plane
   will be considered the Plane ID, which is then factored into the
   election as follows:

   1.  The ToF node with the highest Plane ID, DCI bit, System ID

   2.  The ToF node with the lowest Plane ID, DCI bit, System ID

   3.  The ToF node with the 2nd highest Plane ID, DCI bit, System ID

   4.  etc.

   This algorithm allows DCI/RRs to be split across planes for improved

4.7.  Autonomous System Number

   Nodes in each fabric MUST derive a private autonomous system number
   based on its Fabric ID so that it is unique across the fabric.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fid2private_AS (Figure 29) is
   required to derive the private ASN.

4.8.  Router ID

   Nodes MUST drive a Router ID that is based on both its System ID and
   Fabric ID so that it is unique to both.

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   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_sidfid2bgpid (Figure 15) is required
   to derive the BGP Router ID.

4.9.  Cluster ID

   Route reflector nodes in each fabric MUST derive a Cluster ID that is
   based on its Fabric ID so that it is unique across the fabric.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fid2clusterid (Figure 30) is
   required to derive the BGP Cluster ID.

4.10.  Route Target

   Nodes hosting EVPN EVIs MUST derive a route target extended community
   based on the MAC-VRF ID for each EVI so that it is unique across the
   network.  Route targets MUST be of type 0 as per [RFC4360].

   For example, if given a MAC-VRF ID of 1, the derived route target
   would be "target:1"

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_evi2rt (Figure 16) is required to
   derive the Route Target community.

4.11.  Route Distinguisher

   Nodes hosting EVPN EVIs MUST derive a type-0 route distinguisher
   based on its System ID and Fabric ID so that it is unique per node
   within a fabric.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_sidfid2rd (Figure 22) is required to
   derive the Route Distinguisher.

4.12.  EVPN MAC-VRF Services

   It's obvious that applications utilizing Auto-EVPN overlay services
   may require a variety of layer-2 and/or layer-3 traffic
   considerations.  Variables supporting these services are also derived
   based on some combination of MAC-VRF ID, Fabric ID, and other
   constant values.  Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB) gateway
   address derivation also leverages a set of constant RANDOMSEEDS
   (Figure 9) values that MUST be used to provide additional entropy.

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   In order to ensure that VLAN ID's don't collide, a single deployment
   SHOULD NOT exceed 6 fabrics with 7 EVIs where each EVI terminates 30
   VLANs.  The algorithms shown in auto_evpn_fidevivlansvlans2desc
   (Figure 20) and auto_evpn_vlan_description_table (Figure 19) are
   required to derive VLANs accordingly.  An implementation MAY exceed
   this, but MUST indicate methods to ensure collision-free derivation
   and describe which VLANs are stretched across fabrics.

   Lastly, Table 3 shows example derivation results for the previously
   mentioned scaling figures.

4.12.1.  Untagged Traffic in Multiple Fabrics

   This section defines methods to derive unique VLAN, VNI, MAC, and
   gateway address values for deployments where untagged traffic is
   stretched across multiple fabrics.  VLAN

   Untagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VLAN
   tags based on MAC-VRF ID in conjunction with a constant value.  VNI

   Untagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VNIs
   based on MAC-VRF ID in conjunction with a constant value.  These VNIs
   MUST correspond to EVPN Type-2 routes.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni (Figure 18) is
   required to derive VNIs for Type-2 EVPN routes.  MAC Address

   The MAC address MUST be a unicast address and also MUST be identical
   for any IRB gateways that belong to an individual bridge-domain
   across fabrics.  The last 5-bytes MUST be a hash of the MAC-VRF ID
   and a constant value that is calculated using the previously
   mentioned random seed values.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac (Figure 26) is
   required to derive MAC addresses.  IPv6 IRB Gateway Address

   The derived IPv6 gateway address MUST be from a ULA-scoped range that
   will account for the first 6-bytes.  The next 5-bytes MUST be the
   last bytes of the derived MAC address.  Finally, the remaining
   7-bytes MUST be ::0001.

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   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet (Figure 25) is
   required to derive the IPv6 gateway address.  IPv4 IRB Gateway Address

   The derived IPv4 gateway address MUST be from a RFC1918 range, which
   accounts for the first octet.  The next octet MUST a hash of the MAC-
   VRF ID and a constant value of 1 that is calculated using the
   previously mentioned random seed values.  Finally, the remaining 2
   octets MUST be 0 and 1 respectively.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet
   (Figure 23) is required to derive the IPv4 gateway address.  It
   should be noted that there is a higher likelihood of address
   collisions when deriving IPv4 addresses.

4.12.2.  Tagged Traffic in Multiple Fabrics

   This section defines methods to derive unique VLAN, VNI, MAC, and
   gateway address values for deployments where tagged traffic is
   stretched across multiple fabrics.  VLAN

   Tagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VLAN
   tags based on MAC-VRF ID in conjunction with a constant value.  VNI

   Tagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VNIs
   based on MAC-VRF ID in conjunction with a constant value.  These VNIs
   MUST correspond to EVPN Type-2 routes.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni (Figure 18) is
   required to derive VNIs for Type-2 EVPN routes.  MAC Address

   The MAC address MUST be a unicast address and also MUST be identical
   for any IRB gateways that belong to an individual bridge-domain
   across fabrics.  The last 5-bytes MUST be a hash of the MAC-VRF ID
   and a constant value that is calculated using the previously
   mentioned random seed values.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac (Figure 26) is
   required to derive MAC addresses.

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 14]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024  IPv6 IRB Gateway Address

   The derived IPv6 gateway address MUST be from a ULA-scoped range that
   will account for the first 6-bytes.  The next 5-bytes MUST be the
   last bytes of the derived MAC address.  Finally, the remaining
   7-bytes MUST be ::0001.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet (Figure 25) is
   required to derive the IPv6 gateway address.  IPv4 IRB Gateway Address

   The derived IPv4 gateway address MUST be from a RFC1918 range, which
   accounts for the first octet.  The next octet MUST a hash of the MAC-
   VRF ID and a constant value of 16 that is calculated using the
   previously mentioned random seed values.  Finally, the remaining 2
   octets MUST be 0 and 1 respectively.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet
   (Figure 23) is required to derive the IPv4 gateway address.  It
   should be noted that there is a higher likelihood of address
   collisions when deriving IPv4 addresses.

4.12.3.  Tagged Traffic in a Single Fabric

   This section defines a method to derive unique VLAN, VNI, MAC, and
   gateway address values for deployments where untagged traffic is
   contained within a single fabric.  VLAN

   Tagged traffic contained to a single fabric MUST derive VLAN tags
   based on MAC-VRF ID and Fabric ID in conjunction with a constant
   value.  VNI

   Tagged traffic contained to a single fabric MUST derive VNIs based on
   MAC-VRF ID and Fabric ID in conjunction with a constant value.  These
   VNIs MUST correspond to EVPN Type-2 routes.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni (Figure 18) is
   required to derive VNIs for Type-2 EVPN routes.

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 15]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024  MAC Address

   The MAC address MUST be a unicast address and also MUST be identical
   for any IRB gateways that belong to an individual bridge-domain
   across fabrics.  The last 5-bytes MUST be a hash of the MAC-VRF ID
   and a constant value that is calculated using the previously
   mentioned random seed values.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac (Figure 26) is
   required to derive MAC addresses.  IPv6 IRB Gateway Address

   The derived IPv6 gateway address MUST be from a ULA-scoped range,
   which accounts for the first 6-bytes.  The next 5-bytes MUST be the
   last bytes of the derived MAC address.  Finally, the remaining
   7-bytes MUST be ::0001.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet (Figure 25) is
   required to derive the IPv6 gateway address.  IPv4 IRB Gateway Address

   The derived IPv4 gateway address MUST be from a RFC1918 range, which
   accounts for the first octet.  The next octet MUST a hash of the MAC-
   VRF ID and a constant value of 17 that is calculated using the
   previously mentioned random seed values.  Finally, the remaining 2
   octets MUST be 0 and 1 respectively.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet
   (Figure 23) is required to derive the IPv4 gateway address.  It
   should be noted that there is a higher likelihood of address
   collisions when deriving IPv4 addresses.

4.12.4.  Traffic Routed to External Destinations  Route Distinguisher

   Nodes hosting IP Prefix routes MUST derive a type-0 route
   distinguisher based on its System ID and Fabric ID so that it is
   unique per IP-VRF and per node.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_sidfid2rd (Figure 22) is required to
   derive the Route Target.

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 16]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024  Route Target

   Nodes hosting IP prefix routes MUST derive a route target extended
   community based on the MAC-VRF ID for each IP-VRF so that it is
   unique across the network.  Route targets MUST be of type 0.

   The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_evi2rt (Figure 16) is required to
   derive the Route Target community.

5.  RIFT Requirements

5.1.  RIFT FSM / LIE Validation Requirements

   Existing RIFT FSM adjacency rules MUST consider Auto-EVPN Version
   (Section 4.2) and Auto-EVPN Fabric ID (Section 4.3) values so that
   nodes that do not support Auto-EVPN can interoperate with those that
   do.  The LIE validation is extended with the following clause and if
   it is not met, miscabling should be declared:

   (if fabric_id is not advertised by either node OR
    if fabric_id is identical on both nodes)
   (if auto_evpn_version is not advertised by either node OR
    if auto_evpn_version is identical on both nodes)

5.2.  RIFT Node-TIE Advertisements

   All nodes utilizing Auto-EVPN MUST advertise their Auto-EVPN Version
   (Section 4.2), Auto-EVPN Fabric ID (Section 4.3), and Auto-EVPN Model
   (Section 4.4) values in at least one Node-TIE in each direction (i.e.
   North and South).

6.  Operational Considerations

   To fully realize the benefits of Auto-EVPN, it may help to describe
   the high-level methodology.  Simply put, RIFT automatically
   provisions the underlay and Auto-EVPN provisions the overlay.  The
   goal of this section is to draw clear lines between general fabric
   concepts, RIFT, and Auto-EVPN and how they fit into current network
   designs and practices.

   This section also describes an set of optional Key-Value TIEs that
   leverages the variables that have already been derived to provide
   further operational enhancement to the operator.

6.1.  RIFT Underlay and Auto-EVPN Overlay

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                      +----------------+    +----------------+
                      | Superspine-01  |    | Superspine-02  |
                      | Top-of-Fabric  |    | Top-of-Fabric  |
                      | RR/DCI Gateway |    | RR/DCI Gateway |
                      +-+--+------+--+-+    +-+--+------+--+-+
                        |  |      |  |        |  |      |  |
  +---------------------+  |      |  |        |  |      |  |
  |                        |      |  |        |  |      |  +---------------------+
  |            +-----------)------)--)--------+  |      |                        |
  |            |           |      |  |   +-------+      |                        |
  |            |           |      |  |   |              |                        |
  |            |           |      |  +---)--------------)-----------+            |
  |            |           |      |      |              |           |            |
  |            |        +--+      +------)----+         +--+        |            |
  |            |        |                |    |            |        |            |
  |            |        |            +---+    |            |        |            |
  |            |        |            |        |            |        |            |
+-+------------+-+    +-+------------+-+    +-+------------+-+    +-+------------+-+
| Spine-1-1      |    | Spine-1-2      |    | Spine-2-1      |    | Spine-2-2      |
| Top-of-PoD     |    | Top-of-PoD     |    | Top-of-PoD     |    | Top-of-PoD     |
| N/A            |    | N/A            |    | N/A            |    | N/A            |
+--+----------+--+    +--+----------+--+    +--+----------+--+    +--+----------+--+
   |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
   |          +----------)---+      |          |          +----------)---+      |
   |                     |   |      |          |                     |   |      |
   |          +----------+   |      |          |          +----------+   |      |
   |          |              |      |          |          |              |      |
+--+----------+--+    +------+------+--+    +--+----------+--+    +------+------+--+
| Leaf-1-1       |    | Leaf-1-2       |    | Leaf-2-1       |    | Leaf-2-2       |
| Leaf           +----+ Leaf           |    | Leaf           |    | Leaf           |
| Leaf Gateway   |    | Leaf Gateway   |    | Leaf Gateway   |    | Leaf Gateway   |
+--+-------------+    +--------------+-+    +--+-------------+    +----------------+
   |                                 |         |
   |               ESI               |         |
   | (00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:11:01) |         |
   |          +----------------------+         |
   |          |                                |
+--+----------+--+                          +--+-------------+
| Server-1-1     |                          | Server-2-2     |
+----------------+                          +----------------+

  +-------------- PoD-1 -------------+        +-------------- PoD-2 -------------+

                 Figure 1: Auto-EVPN Example Topology

   Figure 1 illustrates a typical 5-stage Clos IP fabric.  Each node is
   labelled in such a way that conveys the following:

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   1.  The nodes placement within the generic IP fabric.

   2.  The nodes role within the RIFT IP underlay.

   3.  The nodes role within the Auto-EVPN overlay.

   Table 1 should also help further align these concepts.

         | Fabric Placement | RIFT Role     | Auto-EVPN Role     |
         | Superspine       | Top-of-Fabric | Route Reflector    |
         |                  |               | and/or DCI Gateway |
         | Spine            | Spine or Top- | N/A                |
         |                  | of-PoD        |                    |
         | Leaf             | Leaf          | Leaf Gateway       |

                         Table 1: Role Associations

   It's also important to remember that Auto-EVPN simply takes existing
   EVPN overlay deployment scenarios and simplifies the provisioning.
   Figure 2 further illustrates the resulting EVPN overlay topology.

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                      +----------------+    +----------------+
                      | Superspine-01  |    | Superspine-02  |
                      | RR1            |    | RR2            |
                      |                |    |                |
                      +-+--+---------+-+    +-+--+---------+-+
                        |  |         |        |  |         |
  +---------------------+  |         |        |  |         |
  |                        |         |        |  |         |
  |            +-----------)---------)--------+  |         |
  |            |           |         |   +-------+         |
  |            |           |         |   |                 |
  |            |           |         +---)-----+           |
  |            |           |             |     |           |
  |            |        +--+             |     |           |
  |            |        |                |     |           |
  |            |        |            +---+     |           |
  |            |        |            |         |           |
+--+----------+--+    +------+------+--+    +--+-----------+-+
| Leaf-1-1       |    | Leaf-1-2       |    | Leaf-2-1       |
| Leaf Gateway   |    | Leaf Gateway   |    | Leaf Gateway   |
|                |    |                |    |                |
+--+-------------+    +--------------+-+    +--+-------------+
   |                                 |         |
   |               ESI               |         |
   | (00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:11:01) |         |
   |          +----------------------+         |
   |          |                                |
+--+----------+--+                          +--+-------------+
| Server-1-1     |                          | Server-2-2     |
+----------------+                          +----------------+

  +-------------- PoD-1 -------------+        +-------------- PoD-2 -------------+

                 Figure 2: Auto-EVPN Overlay Topology

6.2.  Auto-EVPN Analytics

   Leaf nodes MAY optionally advertise analytics information about the
   Auto-EVPN fabric to ToF nodes using RIFT Key-Value TIEs.  This may be
   advantageous in that overlay validation and troubleshooting
   activities can be performed on the ToF nodes.

6.2.1.  Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value Pair

   This Key/Value pair describes node level information within the
   context of the Auto-EVPN fabric.  The System ID of the advertising
   leaf node MUST be used to differentiate the node among other nodes in
   the fabric.

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   The Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value pair MUST be advertised
   with the Auto-EVPN Fabric ID encoded into the 3rd and 4th bytes of
   the Key Identifier.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |  Well-Known  |             Auto-EVPN (Global)                 |
     |     (Auto-EVPN Role,                                          |
     |      Established BGP Peer Count,                              |
     |      Total BGP Peer Count,)                                   |

           Figure 3: Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value Pair


      *Auto-EVPN Role:*
         A REQUIRED value indicating the node's Auto-EVPN role within
         the fabric.

         *0:*  Illegal value, MUST NOT be used.

         *1:*  Auto-EVPN Leaf Gateway

         *2:*  Auto-EVPN Top-of-Fabric Gateway

      *Established BGP Session Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of BGP
         sessions in the Established state.

      *Total BGP Peer Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of
         possible BGP sessions on the local node, regardless of state.

   Implementations leveraging Thrift for Key-Value functionality SHOULD
   refer to the auto_evpn_kv.thrift (Appendix B.4) schema in the

6.2.2.  Auto-EVPN Analytics (MAC-VRF) Key/Value Pair

   This Key/Value pair contains information about a specific MAC-VRF on
   a node within the Auto-EVPN fabric.

   The Auto-EVPN MAC-VRF Key/Value pair MUST be advertised with the
   Auto-EVPN MAC-VRF ID encoded into the 3rd and 4th bytes of the Key

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   All values advertised in this Key/Value pair MUST represent only
   state of the local node.

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |  Well-Known  |             Auto-EVPN (MAC-VRF)                |
     |     (Operational CE Interface Count,                          |
     |      Total CE Interface Count,                                |
     |      Operational IRB Interface Count,                         |
     |      Total IRB Interface Count,                               |
     |      EVPN Type-2 MAC Route Count,                             |
     |      EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP Route Count,                          |
     |      Configured VLAN Count,                                   |
     |      MAC-VRF Name,                                            |
     |      MAC-VRF Description,)                                    |

           Figure 4: Auto-EVPN Analytics (MAC-VRF) Key/Value Pair


      *Operational Customer Edge Interface Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of CE
         interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF where both
         administrative and operational status are "up".

      *Total Customer Edge Interface Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of CE
         interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF regardless of interface

      *Operational IRB Interface Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of IRB
         interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF where both
         administrative and operational status are "up".

      *Total IRB Interface Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of IRB
         interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF regardless of interface

      *EVPN Type-2 MAC Route Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 32-bit integer indicating the total number of
         EVPN Type-2 MAC routes.

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      *EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP Route Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 32-bit integer indicating the total number of
         EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP routes.

      *VLAN Count:*
         A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number
         configured VLANs.

      *MAC-VRF Name:*
         A RECOMMENDED string used to indicate the name of the MAC-VRF
         on the node.

      *MAC-VRF Description:*
         A RECOMMENDED string used to describe the MAC-VRF on the node,
         similar to that of an interface description.

   Implementations leveraging Thrift for Key-Value functionality SHOULD
   refer to the auto_evpn_kv.thrift (Appendix B.4) schema in the

7.  IANA Considerations

   This section requests the suggested values from the RIFT Well-Known
   Key-Type Registry and describes their use for Auto-EVPN.

      | Value | Key-Identifier | Description           | Status/   |
      |       |                |                       | Reference |
      | 3     | Auto-EVPN      | Analytics describing  | This      |
      |       | Analytics      | the state of a MAC-   | document. |
      |       | (MAC-VRF)      | VRF on a particular   |           |
      |       |                | node within a fabric. |           |
      | 4     | Auto-EVPN      | Analytics describing  | This      |
      |       | Analytics      | BGP state for an      | document. |
      |       | (Global)       | Auto-EVPN node within |           |
      |       |                | a fabric.             |           |

        Table 2: Auto-EVPN Suggested Value(s) for RIFT Well-Known
                            Key-Type Registry

8.  Security Considerations

   This document introduces no new security concerns to RIFT or other
   specifications referenced in this document.

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9.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Olivier Vandezande for some nice
   operational improvements for variable derivation procedures, as well
   as Matthew Jones and Michal Styszynski for their contributions.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4360]  Sangli, S., Tappan, D., and Y. Rekhter, "BGP Extended
              Communities Attribute", February 2006,

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A., Uttaro,
              J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet
              VPN", February 2015,

   [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
              Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", June
              2017, <>.

   [RIFT]     Przygienda, T., Sharma, A., Thubert, P., Rijsman, B.,
              Afanasiev, D., and J. Head, "RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees",
              Work in Progress draft-ietf-rift-rift-18, July 2023,

   [RIFT-KV]  Head, J. and T. Przygienda, "RIFT Key/Value Structure and
              Registry", Work in Progress, draft-head-rift-kv-registry-
              05, March 2023.

Appendix A.  YANG Model

   This section serves as a placeholder for a YANG model supporting RIFT

Appendix B.  Thrift Models

   This section contains the normative Thrift models required to support
   Auto-EVPN.  Per the main RIFT [RIFT] specification, all signed values
   MUST be interpreted as unsigned values.

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B.1.  common.thrift

   This section specifies extensions to RIFT common.thrift model.

   These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-EVPN.

/** EVPN Fabric ID */
typedef  i16    FabricIDType

const FabricIDType   undefined_fabric_id   = 0
const FabricIDType   default_fabric_id     = 1

const    bool   default_acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof         = false

enum AutoEVPNModel {

const AutoEVPNModel default_autoevpn_model = AutoEVPNModel.ERB_VLAN_BUNDLE

              Figure 5: RIFT Common Schema for Auto-EVPN

B.2.  encoding.thrift

   This section specifies extensions to RIFT encoding.thrift model.

   These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-EVPN.

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struct LIEPacket {
    /** provides the optional ID of the configured auto-evpn fabric. */
    35: optional common.FabricIDType       fabric_id;
    /** provides optional version of EVPN ZTP as 256 * MAJOR + MINOR */
    36: optional i16                       auto_evpn_version;

struct NodeTIEElement {
   /** All Auto EVPN elements MUST be present in at least one node TIE in each direction if auto evpn is running.  */
   /** It provides optional version of EVPN ZTP as 256 * MAJOR + MINOR, if set auto EVPN is enabled. */
   21: optional i16                             auto_evpn_version;
   /** It provides the optional ID of the Fabric configured */
   22: optional common.FabricIDType             fabric_id = common.default_fabric_id;
   /** provides optionally the EVPN model supported */
   25: optional common.AutoEVPNModel            auto_evpn_model = common.AutoEVPNModel.ERB_VLAN_BUNDLE,

struct NodeCapabilities {
   /** provides the optional ID of the configured auto-evpn fabric. */
   10: optional bool                           auto_evpn_support = false;

struct NodeFlags {
 /** acting as DCI for auto-evpn, necessary for proper RR election where DCIs are preferred */
    10: optional bool                        acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof = common.default_acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof,

             Figure 6: RIFT Encoding Schema for Auto-EVPN

B.3.  common_evpn.thrift

   This section defines common_evpn.thrift, a normative Thrift model to
   support the core functionality for Auto-EVPN.

   This model is REQUIRED in order to support Auto-EVPN.

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    Thrift file for common AUTO EVPN definitions for RIFT

    Copyright (c) Juniper Networks, Inc., 2016-
    All rights reserved.

namespace py common_evpn
namespace rs models

include "common.thrift"
include "encoding.thrift"
include "statistics.thrift"

const i8                    default_evis          = 3
const i8                    default_vlans_per_evi = 7

typedef i32       RouterIDType
typedef i32       ASType
typedef i32       ClusterIDType

struct EVPNAnyRole {
    1: required   common.IPv6Address                    v6_loopback,
    2: required   common.IPv6Address                    type5_v6_loopback,
    3: required   common.IPv4Address                    type5_v4_loopback,
    4: required   RouterIDType                          bgp_router_id,
    5: required   ASType                                autonomous_system,
    6: required   ClusterIDType                         cluster_id,
    /** prefixes to be redistributed north */
    7: required   set<common.IPPrefixType>              redistribute_north,
    /** prefixes to be redistributed south */
    8: required   set<common.IPPrefixType>              redistribute_south,
    /** group name for evpn auto overlay */
    9: required   string                                bgp_group_name,
    /** fabric prefixes to be advertised in rift instead of default */
   10: required   set<common.IPPrefixType>              fabric_prefixes,
    /** v6 loopback prefix range, used e.g. to clean up config  */
   20: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_loopback_range,
   21: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 rr_loopback_range,
   22: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 type5_loopback_range,
   23: required   common.IPv4PrefixType                 type5_v4_loopback_range,
    /** v6 addresses of all possible RR loopbacks in this config. Can be used for e.g. cleanup */
   24: required   set<common.IPv6PrefixType>            possible_elected_rrs,

struct PartialEVPNEVI {
    // route target per RFC4360
    1: required   CommunityType                         rt_target,

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    2: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_distinguisher,
    3: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_type5_distinguisher,
    5: required   string                                mac_vrf_name,
    6: required   VNIType                               type5_vni,

struct EVPNRRRole {
    2: required   common.IPv6Address                    v6_rr_addr_loopback,
    3: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_peers_allowed_range,
    4: required   map<MACVRFNumberType, PartialEVPNEVI> evis,

typedef i64         RTDistinguisherType
typedef i64         RTTargetType
typedef i16         MACVRFNumberType

typedef i16         VLANIDType
typedef binary      MACType

typedef i16         UnitType

struct IRBType {
    1: required   string                                name,
    2: required   UnitType                              unit,
    /// constant
    3: required   MACType                               mac,
    /// contains address of the gateway as well
    4: optional   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_subnet,
    /// contains address of the gateway as well
    5: optional   common.IPv4PrefixType                 v4_prefix,

typedef i32      VNIType

struct VLANType {
    1: optional   VLANIDType                            id,
    2: required   string                                name,
    3: optional   IRBType                               irb,
    5: optional   bool                                  stretched = false,
    6: optional   bool                                  is_native = false,

struct CEInterfaceType {
    2: optional   common.IEEE802_1ASTimeStampType       moved_to_ce,
    // we may not be able to obtain it in case of internal errors
    3: optional   string                                platform_interface_name,

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typedef i64       CommunityType

struct EVPNEVI {
    // route target per RFC4360
    1: required   CommunityType                         rt_target,
    2: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_distinguisher,
    3: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_type5_distinguisher,
    4: required   string                                mac_vrf_name,
    // fabric unique 24 bits VNI on non-stretch, otherwise unique across fabrics
    5: required   map<VNIType, VLANType>                vlans,
    6: required   VNIType                               type5_vni,

struct EVPNLeafRole {
    1: required   set<common.IPv6Address>               rrs,
    2: required   map<MACVRFNumberType, EVPNEVI>        evis,
    3: optional   map<common.LinkIDType,
                      CEInterfaceType>                  ce_interfaces,

    5: optional   binary                                leaf_unique_lacp_system_id,
    6: optional   binary                                fabric_unique_lacp_system_id,

/// structure to indicate EVPN roles assumed and their variables for
/// external platform to configure itself accordingly. Presence of
/// according structure indicates that the role is assumed.
struct EVPNRoles {
    1: required  EVPNAnyRole                            generic,
    2: optional  EVPNRRRole                             route_reflector,
    3: optional  EVPNLeafRole                           leaf,

const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_leaf_delay = 120
const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_interface_ce_delay = 180
/// default delay before AUTOEVPN FSM starts to compute anything
const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_AUTOEVPN_startup_delay = 60

               Figure 7: Auto-EVPN Common Thrift Schema

B.4.  auto_evpn_kv.thrift

   This section defines auto_evpn_kv.thrift as a method of supporting
   Auto-EVPN analytics functionality.

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include "common.thrift"

namespace py auto_evpn_kv
namespace rs models

/** We don't need the full role structure, only an indication of the node's basic role */
enum AutoEVPNRole {
    ILLEGAL            = 0,
    auto_evpn_leaf_erb = 1,
    auto_evpn_tof_gw   = 2,

const i8            AutoEVPNWellKnownKeyType  = 1
typedef i32         AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier
typedef i16         AutoEVPNCounterType
typedef i32         AutoEVPNLongCounterType

const i8            GlobalAutoEVPNTelemetryKV = 4
const i8            AutoEVPNTelemetryKV       = 3

/** Per the according RIFT draft the key comes from the well known space.
    Part of the key is used as Fabric-ID.

    1st     byte  MUST be = "Well-Known"
    2nd     byte  MUST be = "Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global)",
    3rd/4th bytes MUST be = FabricIDType
struct AutoEVPNTelemetryGlobalKV {
    /** Only values that the ToF cannot derive itself should be flooded. */
    1: required   set<AutoEVPNRole>            auto_evpn_roles,

    /** Established BGP peer count (for Auto-EVPN)
    2: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          established_bgp_peer_count,

    /** Total BGP peer count (for Auto-EVPN)
    3: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          total_bgp_peer_count,

/** Per the according RIFT draft the key comes from the well known space.
    Part of the key is used as MAC-VRF number.

    1st     byte  MUST be = "Well-Known"
    2nd     byte  MUST be = "Auto-EVPN Analytics (MAC-VRF)",
    3rd/4th bytes MUST be = MACVRFNumberType
struct AutoEVPNTelemetryMACVRFKV {
    /** Active CE interface count (up/up)
    1: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          active_ce_interfaces,

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    /** Total CE interface count
    2: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          total_ce_interfaces,

    /** Active IRB interface count (up/up)
    3: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          active_irb_interfaces,

    /** Total IRB interface count
    4: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          total_irb_interfaces,

    /** Local EVPN Type-2 MAC route count
    5: optional  AutoEVPNLongCounterType       local_evpn_type2_mac_routes,

    /** Local EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP route count
    6: optional  AutoEVPNLongCounterType       local_evpn_type2_mac_ip_routes,

    /** number of configured VLANs */
    7: optional  i16                           configured_vlans,

    /** optional human readable name */
    8: optional  string                        name,

    /** optional human readable string describing the MAC-VRF */
    9: optional  string                        description,

             Figure 8: Auto-EVPN Key-Value Thrift Schema

Appendix C.  Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation

C.1.  Variable Derivation Functions

   This section contains the normative derivation procedures that are
   REQUIRED to support Auto-EVPN.

/// indicates how many RRs we're computing in AUTO EVPN
pub const MAX_AUTO_EVPN_RRS: usize = 3;
/// indicates the fabric has no ID, used in computations to omit effects of fabric ID
pub const NO_FABRIC_ID: FabricIDType = 0;
/// invalid MACVRF number, MACVRFs start from 1
pub const NO_MACVRF: MACVRFNumberType = 0;
/// first MACVRF
pub const MIN_MACVRF : MACVRFNumberType  = 1;

/// unique v6 prefix for all nodes starts with this
pub fn auto_evpn_v6pref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A1", fid)
/// how many bytes in a v6pref for different purposes

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pub const AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN: usize = 8 * 5;
/// unique v6 prefix for route reflector purposes starts like this
pub fn auto_evpn_v6rrpref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A2", fid)
/// unique v6 prefix for type-5 purposes starts like this
pub fn auto_evpn_v6t5pref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A3", fid)
/// unique v6 prefix for IRB prefix purposes
pub fn auto_evpn_v6irbpref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A4", fid)
/// 2 bytes of prefix, then fabric ID, then another byte
pub const AUTO_EVPN_V6_FABPREFIXLEN: usize = 16 + 16 + 8;
/// unique v4 prefix for IRB purposes
pub const AUTO_EVPN_V4IRBPREF: &str = "10";

/// per RFC magic
const RT_TARGET_HIGH: CommunityType = 0;
const RT_TARGET_LOW: CommunityType = 0;

/// first available VLAN number
pub const FIRST_VLAN: UnsignedVLANIDType = 1;
// maximum vlan number one less than maximum to use as bitmask
pub const MAX_VLAN: UnsignedVLANIDType = 4095;
/// constant VLAN shift
pub const FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT: UnsignedVLANIDType = NATIVE_VLAN + 1;
/// NATIVE VLAN number
pub const NATIVE_VLAN: UnsignedVLANIDType = 1;

/// abstract description of VLAN properties for a derived VLAN
pub struct VLANDescription {
    pub vlan_id: UnsignedVLANIDType,
    pub name: String,
    /// can this VLAN be stretched across multiple fabrics
    pub stretchable: bool,
    pub native: bool,

/// maximum number of VLANs per MACVRF
pub const MAX_VLANS_PER_EVI: usize = 30;

/// maximum number of EVIs
pub const MAX_EVIS: MACVRFNumberType = 7;

pub type VLANStretchableType = bool;
pub type VLANNativeType = bool;

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pub type UnsignedVNIType = u32;
pub type UnsignedFabricIDType = u16;

pub type UnsignedUnitType = u16;
pub type UnsignedVLANIDType = u16;

pub type UnsignedRTDistinguisherType = u64;

pub const EXTRATYPE5_RD_DISTINGUISHER: u32 = 0xffff_ffff;

/// high bits of type 5 VNI
const TYPE5VNIHIGH: UnsignedVNIType = 0x0080_0000;
/// bitmask for type 2 VNI
const TYPE2VNIMASK: UnsignedVNIType = 0x00ff_ffff ^ TYPE5VNIHIGH;

/// random seeds used in several algorithms to increase entropy
pub const RANDOMSEEDS: [u64; 4] = [

                Figure 9: auto_evpn_const_structs_type

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/// function sorts vector of (is_dci, systemID) first,
/// splits of the DCIs from the non-DCIs and sorts them
/// followed by a shuffle taking largest/smallest/2nd largest/2nd smallest.
/// Ultimately both are merged which prefers the DCIs while
/// still making sure that the election is stable with a system ID joining
/// as smallest/largest.
pub(crate) fn auto_evpn_sids2rrs(v: Vec<(bool, UnsignedSystemID)>)
    -> Vec<UnsignedSystemID> {
    let (dcis, nondcis): (Vec<(bool, UnsignedSystemID)>, Vec<(bool, UnsignedSystemID)>) =
        v.into_iter().partition(|(dci, _)| *dci);

    vec![dcis, nondcis]
        .flat_map(|mut v| {
            if v.len() > 2 {
                let mut s = v.split_off(v.len() / 2);
                interleave(v.into_iter(), s.into_iter())
            } else {
        .map(|(_, sid)| sid)

                    Figure 10: auto_evpn_sids2rrs

   pub(crate) fn auto_evpn_v62octets(a: Ipv6Addr) -> Vec<u8> {

                       Figure 11: auto_evpn_v62octets

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/// fabric prefixes derived instead of advertising default on the fabric to allow
/// for default route on ToF or leaves
pub fn auto_evpn_fid2fabric_prefixes(fid: FabricIDType) -> Result<Vec<IPPrefixType>, ServiceErrorType> {
        (auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback(fid, ILLEGAL_SYSTEM_I_D as _), AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN),
        (auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback(fid, ILLEGAL_SYSTEM_I_D as _), AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN),
        .map(|(p, _)|
            match p {
                Ok(_) => Ok(
                        IPv6PrefixType {
                            address: auto_evpn_v62octets(p?),
                            prefixlen: AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN as _,
                Err(e) => Err(e),
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()

               Figure 12: auto_evpn_fid2fabric_prefixes

/// local address with encoded fabric ID and system ID for collision free identifiers. Basis
/// for several different prefixes.
pub fn auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback(v6pref: &str, fid: FabricIDType,
                                         sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    assert!(fid != UNDEFINED_FABRIC_ID);
    let a = format!("{}00::{}",
                            chunk.fold(0u16, |v, n| (v << 8) | *n as u16))
                        .map(|v| format!("{:04X}", v))

        .map_err(|_| ServiceErrorType::INTERNALRIFTERROR)

             Figure 13: auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback

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/// auto evpn V6 loopback for RRs
pub fn auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback(fid: FabricIDType,
                                      preference: u8) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback(&auto_evpn_v6rrpref(fid), fid, (1 + preference) as _)

              Figure 14: auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback

/// auto evpn BGP router ID
pub fn auto_evpn_sidfid2bgpid(fid: FabricIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> u32 {
    assert!(fid != 0);
    let hs: u32 = ((sid & 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000) >> 32) as _;
    let mut ls: u32 = (sid & 0xffff_ffff) as _;
    ls = ls.rotate_right(7) ^ (fid as u32).rotate_right(13);
    max(1, hs ^ ls) // never a 0

                  Figure 15: auto_evpn_sidfid2bgpid

   /// route target bytes are type0/0 and then add EVI
   pub fn auto_evpn_evi2rt(evi: MACVRFNumberType) -> CommunityType {
       let wideevi = (evi + 1) as CommunityType;

       (RT_TARGET_HIGH << (64 - 8)) | (RT_TARGET_LOW << 64 - 16) |
           ((wideevi) << 17) |

                        Figure 16: auto_evpn_evi2rt

/// type-5 VNI for an EVI
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevi2type5vni(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType) -> UnsignedVNIType {
    TYPE5VNIHIGH | auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni(fid, evi, 0, false)

                 Figure 17: auto_evpn_fidevi2type5vni

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/// type-2 VNI for a specific VLAN
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType, vlanid: VLANIDType, stretchable: bool) -> UnsignedVNIType {
    let rfid = if stretchable {
        NO_FABRIC_ID as _
    } else {
        fid as UnsignedVNIType

    let revi = evi as UnsignedVNIType;
    let rvlan = vlanid as UnsignedVNIType;
// mask out high bits, VNI is only 24 bits
            rfid.rotate_left(16) ^
                revi.rotate_left(12) ^

                  Figure 18: auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni

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/// maximum VLANs per EVI supported by auto evpn when deriving
pub fn auto_evpn_vlan_description_table<'a>(vlans: usize)
                                            -> Result<&'a [(UnsignedVLANIDType, VLANStretchableType, VLANNativeType)], ServiceErrorType> {
    // up to 15 vlans can be activated
    const VLANSARRAY: [(UnsignedVLANIDType, bool, bool); MAX_VLANS_PER_EVI] = [
        (NATIVE_VLAN, true, true, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 1, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 2, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 3, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 4, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 5, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 6, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 7, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 8, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 9, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +10, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +11, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +12, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +13, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +14, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +15, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +16, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +17, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +18, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +19, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +20, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +21, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +22, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +23, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +24, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +25, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +26, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +27, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +28, false, false, ),

    if vlans > VLANSARRAY.len() {
        return Err(ServiceErrorType::INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE)


             Figure 19: auto_evpn_vlan_description_table

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const fn num_bits<T>() -> usize { std::mem::size_of::<T>() * 8 }

fn log2(x: u32) -> u32 {
    assert!(x > 0);
    num_bits::<u32>() as u32 - x.leading_zeros() - 1

/// delivers the vlan description that can be used to generate vlans for a
/// specific fabric ID and a MACVRF number
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevivlansvlans2desc(fid: UnsignedFabricIDType, macvrf: MACVRFNumberType,
                                       vlans: usize) -> Vec<VLANDescription> {
    assert!(NO_MACVRF != macvrf);

    // abstract description of derived VLANs
    let vlan_table = auto_evpn_vlan_description_table(vlans)
        .expect("vlan table in AUTO EVPN incorrect");

    let vlanshift = log2(vlan_table
        .map(|(vl, _, _)| *vl as usize)
        .expect("vlan table in AUTO EVPN incorrect")
        .expect("vlan table in AUTO EVPN incorrect")
        as u32);

        .map(move |(vid, stretch, native_)| {
            let stretchedfid = if !stretch {
            } else {
                NO_FABRIC_ID as _

            let reducedmacvrf = macvrf - MIN_MACVRF;

            // we shift fid & evi same amount to extinguish them possibly
            let fidandevishift = vlanshift + 1;
            let mut vlan_id = *vid ^ stretchedfid
                .rotate_left(fidandevishift) as UnsignedVLANIDType;
            // leave space for VLANs in the encoding
            vlan_id ^= reducedmacvrf.rotate_left(fidandevishift) as UnsignedVLANIDType;

            vlan_id %= MAX_VLAN;
            vlan_id = max(1, vlan_id);

            VLANDescription {

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                vlan_id: vlan_id as _,
                name: format!("V{}", vlan_id),
                stretchable: *stretch,
                native: *native_,

              Figure 20: auto_evpn_fidevivlansvlans2desc

/// IRB interface number.
/// fid/evi combination shifted up to not interfere with the VLAN-ID
/// and then add the VLAN-ID
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevivid2irb(_fid: FabricIDType, _evi: MACVRFNumberType, vid: VLANIDType) -> UnsignedUnitType {

    assert!(NO_MACVRF != _evi);

    // VLAN collision function is collision free to the point we can just ignore EVI
    // and assign IRB interface number to be same as VLAN which simplifies deployment
    let mut v: UnsignedUnitType = 0;

    v = v.wrapping_add(vid as UnsignedVLANIDType);
    max(1, v % (UnsignedUnitType::MAX - 1))

                  Figure 21: auto_evpn_fidevivid2irb

/// route distinguisher derivation
pub fn auto_evpn_sidfid2rd(sid: UnsignedSystemID, fid: UnsignedFabricIDType, extra: u32) -> UnsignedRTDistinguisherType {
    // generate type 0 route distinguisher, first 2 bytes 0 and then 6 bytes
    assert!(fid != NO_FABRIC_ID as _);
    // shift the 2 bytes we loose
    let convsid = sid as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType;
    let hs = ((sid & 0xffff_0000_0000_0000) >> 32) as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType;
    let mut ls: UnsignedRTDistinguisherType = convsid & 0x0000_ffff_ffff_ffff;
    ls ^= hs;
    ls ^= (fid as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType).rotate_left(16);
    ls ^= extra as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType;

                    Figure 22: auto_evpn_sidfid2rd

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/// v4 subnet derivation
pub fn auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet(v4pref: &str, fid: FabricIDType,
                                               evi: MACVRFNumberType, vid: VLANIDType,
                                               sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<IPv4PrefixType, ServiceErrorType> {

    assert!(NO_MACVRF != evi);

    // fid can be 0 for stretched v4subnets
    let mut sub = evi.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold((RANDOMSEEDS[0] & 0xff) as u8, |r, e| r.rotate_left(1) ^ e.rotate_right(1));
    sub ^= fid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold((RANDOMSEEDS[1] & 0xff) as u8, |r, e| r.rotate_left(2) ^ e.rotate_right(1));
    sub ^= vid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold((RANDOMSEEDS[2] & 0xff) as u8, |r, e| r.rotate_left(3) ^ e.rotate_right(1));

    let subnet = sub % 254; // make sure we don't show multicast subnet

    let _host = sid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(0u16, |r, e| r.rotate_left(3) ^ e.rotate_right(3) as u16);

    let a = format!("{}.{}.{}.{}",

        IPv4PrefixType {
            address: Ipv4Addr::from_str(&a)
                .map_err(|_| {
                .fold(0u32, |v, nv| v << 8 | (*nv as u32)) as IPv4Address
            prefixlen: 16,

          Figure 23: auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet

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/// generic v6 bytes derivation used for different purposes
pub fn auto_evpn_v6hash(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType, vid: VLANIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID)
                        -> [u8; 8] {

    let mut sub = evi.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(RANDOMSEEDS[3], |r, e| r.rotate_left(6) ^ e.rotate_right(4) as u64);
    sub ^= fid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(RANDOMSEEDS[0], |r, e| r.rotate_left(6) ^ e.rotate_right(4) as u64);
    sub ^= vid as u64;
    sub ^= sid;


                     Figure 24: auto_evpn_v6hash

/// v6 subnet derivation
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType,
                                       vid: VLANIDType,
                                       sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<IPv6PrefixType, ServiceErrorType> {

    assert!(NO_MACVRF != evi);

    let sb = auto_evpn_v6hash(fid, evi, vid, sid);

    let a = format!("{}:{:02X}{:02X}:{:02X}{:02X}:{:02X}{:02X}::1",
                    sb[3] ^ sb[0],
                    sb[4] ^ sb[1],

    Ok(IPv6PrefixType {
        address: Ipv6Addr::from_str(
            .map_err(|_| {
        prefixlen: 64,

              Figure 25: auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet

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/// MAC address derivation for IRB
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType,
                                  vid: VLANIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Vec<u8> {

    let sb = auto_evpn_v6hash(fid, evi, vid, sid);

         sb[3] ^ sb[0],
         sb[4] ^ sb[1],
         sb[5] ^ sb[2],

                Figure 26: auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac

/// v4 loopback address derivation for every node in auto-evpn, returns address and
/// subnet mask length
pub fn auto_evpn_fidsid2v4loopback(fid: FabricIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> (IPv4Address, u8) {
    let mut derived = sid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(0 as IPv4Address, |p, e| (p << 4) ^ (*e as IPv4Address));
    derived ^= fid as IPv4Address;
    // use the byte we loose for entropy
    derived ^= derived >> 24;
    // and sanitize for loopback range, we nuke 9 bits out
    derived &= 0x007f_ffff;

    let m = ((127 as IPv4Address) << 24) | derived;
    (m as _, 9)

                Figure 27: auto_evpn_fidsid2v4loopback

/// V6 loopback derivation for every node in auto-evpn
pub fn auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback(fid: FabricIDType,
                                  sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback(&auto_evpn_v6pref(fid), fid, sid)

                Figure 28: auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback

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   pub fn auto_evpn_fid2private_AS(fid: FabricIDType) -> u32 {
       assert!(fid != NO_FABRIC_ID);
       // range 4200000000-4294967294
       const DIFF: u32 = 4_294_967_294 - 4_200_000_000;
       64496 + ((fid as u32) << 3) % DIFF

                    Figure 29: auto_evpn_fid2private_AS

   pub fn auto_evpn_fid2clusterid(fid: FabricIDType) -> u32 {

                     Figure 30: auto_evpn_fid2clusterid

C.2.  Variable Derivation Results

   This section contains functional variable derviation results that can
   be used as a confirmation that an implementation conforms to
   procedures in this document.

   | Fabric ID | MAC-VRF ID | VLAN ID | Stretched | VNI    | IRB |
   | 1         | 1          | 1       | Y         | 4097   | 1   |
   | 1         | 1          | 2       | Y         | 4098   | 2   |
   | 1         | 1          | 3       | Y         | 4099   | 3   |
   | 1         | 1          | 4       | Y         | 4100   | 4   |
   | 1         | 1          | 5       | Y         | 4101   | 5   |
   | 1         | 1          | 6       | Y         | 4102   | 6   |
   | 1         | 1          | 7       | Y         | 4103   | 7   |
   | 1         | 1          | 8       | Y         | 4104   | 8   |
   | 1         | 1          | 9       | Y         | 4105   | 9   |
   | 1         | 1          | 74      | N         | 69706  | 74  |
   | 1         | 1          | 75      | N         | 69707  | 75  |
   | 1         | 1          | 76      | N         | 69708  | 76  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 44]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 1          | 77      | N         | 69709  | 77  |
   | 1         | 1          | 78      | N         | 69710  | 78  |
   | 1         | 1          | 79      | N         | 69711  | 79  |
   | 1         | 1          | 80      | N         | 69712  | 80  |
   | 1         | 1          | 81      | N         | 69713  | 81  |
   | 1         | 1          | 82      | N         | 69714  | 82  |
   | 1         | 1          | 83      | N         | 69715  | 83  |
   | 1         | 1          | 84      | N         | 69716  | 84  |
   | 1         | 1          | 85      | N         | 69717  | 85  |
   | 1         | 1          | 86      | N         | 69718  | 86  |
   | 1         | 1          | 87      | N         | 69719  | 87  |
   | 1         | 1          | 88      | N         | 69720  | 88  |
   | 1         | 1          | 89      | N         | 69721  | 89  |
   | 1         | 1          | 90      | N         | 69722  | 90  |
   | 1         | 1          | 91      | N         | 69723  | 91  |
   | 1         | 1          | 92      | N         | 69724  | 92  |
   | 1         | 1          | 93      | N         | 69725  | 93  |
   | 1         | 1          | 94      | N         | 69726  | 94  |
   | 1         | 2          | 65      | Y         | 8257   | 65  |
   | 1         | 2          | 66      | Y         | 8258   | 66  |
   | 1         | 2          | 67      | Y         | 8259   | 67  |
   | 1         | 2          | 68      | Y         | 8260   | 68  |
   | 1         | 2          | 69      | Y         | 8261   | 69  |
   | 1         | 2          | 70      | Y         | 8262   | 70  |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 2          | 71      | Y         | 8263   | 71  |
   | 1         | 2          | 72      | Y         | 8264   | 72  |
   | 1         | 2          | 73      | Y         | 8265   | 73  |
   | 1         | 2          | 10      | N         | 73738  | 10  |
   | 1         | 2          | 11      | N         | 73739  | 11  |
   | 1         | 2          | 12      | N         | 73740  | 12  |
   | 1         | 2          | 13      | N         | 73741  | 13  |
   | 1         | 2          | 14      | N         | 73742  | 14  |
   | 1         | 2          | 15      | N         | 73743  | 15  |
   | 1         | 2          | 16      | N         | 73744  | 16  |
   | 1         | 2          | 17      | N         | 73745  | 17  |
   | 1         | 2          | 18      | N         | 73746  | 18  |
   | 1         | 2          | 19      | N         | 73747  | 19  |
   | 1         | 2          | 20      | N         | 73748  | 20  |
   | 1         | 2          | 21      | N         | 73749  | 21  |
   | 1         | 2          | 22      | N         | 73750  | 22  |
   | 1         | 2          | 23      | N         | 73751  | 23  |
   | 1         | 2          | 24      | N         | 73752  | 24  |
   | 1         | 2          | 25      | N         | 73753  | 25  |
   | 1         | 2          | 26      | N         | 73754  | 26  |
   | 1         | 2          | 27      | N         | 73755  | 27  |
   | 1         | 2          | 28      | N         | 73756  | 28  |
   | 1         | 2          | 29      | N         | 73757  | 29  |
   | 1         | 2          | 30      | N         | 73758  | 30  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 46]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 3          | 129     | Y         | 12417  | 129 |
   | 1         | 3          | 130     | Y         | 12418  | 130 |
   | 1         | 3          | 131     | Y         | 12419  | 131 |
   | 1         | 3          | 132     | Y         | 12420  | 132 |
   | 1         | 3          | 133     | Y         | 12421  | 133 |
   | 1         | 3          | 134     | Y         | 12422  | 134 |
   | 1         | 3          | 135     | Y         | 12423  | 135 |
   | 1         | 3          | 136     | Y         | 12424  | 136 |
   | 1         | 3          | 137     | Y         | 12425  | 137 |
   | 1         | 3          | 202     | N         | 78026  | 202 |
   | 1         | 3          | 203     | N         | 78027  | 203 |
   | 1         | 3          | 204     | N         | 78028  | 204 |
   | 1         | 3          | 205     | N         | 78029  | 205 |
   | 1         | 3          | 206     | N         | 78030  | 206 |
   | 1         | 3          | 207     | N         | 78031  | 207 |
   | 1         | 3          | 208     | N         | 78032  | 208 |
   | 1         | 3          | 209     | N         | 78033  | 209 |
   | 1         | 3          | 210     | N         | 78034  | 210 |
   | 1         | 3          | 211     | N         | 78035  | 211 |
   | 1         | 3          | 212     | N         | 78036  | 212 |
   | 1         | 3          | 213     | N         | 78037  | 213 |
   | 1         | 3          | 214     | N         | 78038  | 214 |
   | 1         | 3          | 215     | N         | 78039  | 215 |
   | 1         | 3          | 216     | N         | 78040  | 216 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 3          | 217     | N         | 78041  | 217 |
   | 1         | 3          | 218     | N         | 78042  | 218 |
   | 1         | 3          | 219     | N         | 78043  | 219 |
   | 1         | 3          | 220     | N         | 78044  | 220 |
   | 1         | 3          | 221     | N         | 78045  | 221 |
   | 1         | 3          | 222     | N         | 78046  | 222 |
   | 1         | 4          | 193     | Y         | 16577  | 193 |
   | 1         | 4          | 194     | Y         | 16578  | 194 |
   | 1         | 4          | 195     | Y         | 16579  | 195 |
   | 1         | 4          | 196     | Y         | 16580  | 196 |
   | 1         | 4          | 197     | Y         | 16581  | 197 |
   | 1         | 4          | 198     | Y         | 16582  | 198 |
   | 1         | 4          | 199     | Y         | 16583  | 199 |
   | 1         | 4          | 200     | Y         | 16584  | 200 |
   | 1         | 4          | 201     | Y         | 16585  | 201 |
   | 1         | 4          | 138     | N         | 82058  | 138 |
   | 1         | 4          | 139     | N         | 82059  | 139 |
   | 1         | 4          | 140     | N         | 82060  | 140 |
   | 1         | 4          | 141     | N         | 82061  | 141 |
   | 1         | 4          | 142     | N         | 82062  | 142 |
   | 1         | 4          | 143     | N         | 82063  | 143 |
   | 1         | 4          | 144     | N         | 82064  | 144 |
   | 1         | 4          | 145     | N         | 82065  | 145 |
   | 1         | 4          | 146     | N         | 82066  | 146 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 4          | 147     | N         | 82067  | 147 |
   | 1         | 4          | 148     | N         | 82068  | 148 |
   | 1         | 4          | 149     | N         | 82069  | 149 |
   | 1         | 4          | 150     | N         | 82070  | 150 |
   | 1         | 4          | 151     | N         | 82071  | 151 |
   | 1         | 4          | 152     | N         | 82072  | 152 |
   | 1         | 4          | 153     | N         | 82073  | 153 |
   | 1         | 4          | 154     | N         | 82074  | 154 |
   | 1         | 4          | 155     | N         | 82075  | 155 |
   | 1         | 4          | 156     | N         | 82076  | 156 |
   | 1         | 4          | 157     | N         | 82077  | 157 |
   | 1         | 4          | 158     | N         | 82078  | 158 |
   | 1         | 5          | 257     | Y         | 20737  | 257 |
   | 1         | 5          | 258     | Y         | 20738  | 258 |
   | 1         | 5          | 259     | Y         | 20739  | 259 |
   | 1         | 5          | 260     | Y         | 20740  | 260 |
   | 1         | 5          | 261     | Y         | 20741  | 261 |
   | 1         | 5          | 262     | Y         | 20742  | 262 |
   | 1         | 5          | 263     | Y         | 20743  | 263 |
   | 1         | 5          | 264     | Y         | 20744  | 264 |
   | 1         | 5          | 265     | Y         | 20745  | 265 |
   | 1         | 5          | 330     | N         | 86346  | 330 |
   | 1         | 5          | 331     | N         | 86347  | 331 |
   | 1         | 5          | 332     | N         | 86348  | 332 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 5          | 333     | N         | 86349  | 333 |
   | 1         | 5          | 334     | N         | 86350  | 334 |
   | 1         | 5          | 335     | N         | 86351  | 335 |
   | 1         | 5          | 336     | N         | 86352  | 336 |
   | 1         | 5          | 337     | N         | 86353  | 337 |
   | 1         | 5          | 338     | N         | 86354  | 338 |
   | 1         | 5          | 339     | N         | 86355  | 339 |
   | 1         | 5          | 340     | N         | 86356  | 340 |
   | 1         | 5          | 341     | N         | 86357  | 341 |
   | 1         | 5          | 342     | N         | 86358  | 342 |
   | 1         | 5          | 343     | N         | 86359  | 343 |
   | 1         | 5          | 344     | N         | 86360  | 344 |
   | 1         | 5          | 345     | N         | 86361  | 345 |
   | 1         | 5          | 346     | N         | 86362  | 346 |
   | 1         | 5          | 347     | N         | 86363  | 347 |
   | 1         | 5          | 348     | N         | 86364  | 348 |
   | 1         | 5          | 349     | N         | 86365  | 349 |
   | 1         | 5          | 350     | N         | 86366  | 350 |
   | 1         | 6          | 321     | Y         | 24897  | 321 |
   | 1         | 6          | 322     | Y         | 24898  | 322 |
   | 1         | 6          | 323     | Y         | 24899  | 323 |
   | 1         | 6          | 324     | Y         | 24900  | 324 |
   | 1         | 6          | 325     | Y         | 24901  | 325 |
   | 1         | 6          | 326     | Y         | 24902  | 326 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 1         | 6          | 327     | Y         | 24903  | 327 |
   | 1         | 6          | 328     | Y         | 24904  | 328 |
   | 1         | 6          | 329     | Y         | 24905  | 329 |
   | 1         | 6          | 266     | N         | 90378  | 266 |
   | 1         | 6          | 267     | N         | 90379  | 267 |
   | 1         | 6          | 268     | N         | 90380  | 268 |
   | 1         | 6          | 269     | N         | 90381  | 269 |
   | 1         | 6          | 270     | N         | 90382  | 270 |
   | 1         | 6          | 271     | N         | 90383  | 271 |
   | 1         | 6          | 272     | N         | 90384  | 272 |
   | 1         | 6          | 273     | N         | 90385  | 273 |
   | 1         | 6          | 274     | N         | 90386  | 274 |
   | 1         | 6          | 275     | N         | 90387  | 275 |
   | 1         | 6          | 276     | N         | 90388  | 276 |
   | 1         | 6          | 277     | N         | 90389  | 277 |
   | 1         | 6          | 278     | N         | 90390  | 278 |
   | 1         | 6          | 279     | N         | 90391  | 279 |
   | 1         | 6          | 280     | N         | 90392  | 280 |
   | 1         | 6          | 281     | N         | 90393  | 281 |
   | 1         | 6          | 282     | N         | 90394  | 282 |
   | 1         | 6          | 283     | N         | 90395  | 283 |
   | 1         | 6          | 284     | N         | 90396  | 284 |
   | 1         | 6          | 285     | N         | 90397  | 285 |
   | 1         | 6          | 286     | N         | 90398  | 286 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 51]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 1          | 1       | Y         | 4097   | 1   |
   | 2         | 1          | 2       | Y         | 4098   | 2   |
   | 2         | 1          | 3       | Y         | 4099   | 3   |
   | 2         | 1          | 4       | Y         | 4100   | 4   |
   | 2         | 1          | 5       | Y         | 4101   | 5   |
   | 2         | 1          | 6       | Y         | 4102   | 6   |
   | 2         | 1          | 7       | Y         | 4103   | 7   |
   | 2         | 1          | 8       | Y         | 4104   | 8   |
   | 2         | 1          | 9       | Y         | 4105   | 9   |
   | 2         | 1          | 138     | N         | 135306 | 138 |
   | 2         | 1          | 139     | N         | 135307 | 139 |
   | 2         | 1          | 140     | N         | 135308 | 140 |
   | 2         | 1          | 141     | N         | 135309 | 141 |
   | 2         | 1          | 142     | N         | 135310 | 142 |
   | 2         | 1          | 143     | N         | 135311 | 143 |
   | 2         | 1          | 144     | N         | 135312 | 144 |
   | 2         | 1          | 145     | N         | 135313 | 145 |
   | 2         | 1          | 146     | N         | 135314 | 146 |
   | 2         | 1          | 147     | N         | 135315 | 147 |
   | 2         | 1          | 148     | N         | 135316 | 148 |
   | 2         | 1          | 149     | N         | 135317 | 149 |
   | 2         | 1          | 150     | N         | 135318 | 150 |
   | 2         | 1          | 151     | N         | 135319 | 151 |
   | 2         | 1          | 152     | N         | 135320 | 152 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 1          | 153     | N         | 135321 | 153 |
   | 2         | 1          | 154     | N         | 135322 | 154 |
   | 2         | 1          | 155     | N         | 135323 | 155 |
   | 2         | 1          | 156     | N         | 135324 | 156 |
   | 2         | 1          | 157     | N         | 135325 | 157 |
   | 2         | 1          | 158     | N         | 135326 | 158 |
   | 2         | 2          | 65      | Y         | 8257   | 65  |
   | 2         | 2          | 66      | Y         | 8258   | 66  |
   | 2         | 2          | 67      | Y         | 8259   | 67  |
   | 2         | 2          | 68      | Y         | 8260   | 68  |
   | 2         | 2          | 69      | Y         | 8261   | 69  |
   | 2         | 2          | 70      | Y         | 8262   | 70  |
   | 2         | 2          | 71      | Y         | 8263   | 71  |
   | 2         | 2          | 72      | Y         | 8264   | 72  |
   | 2         | 2          | 73      | Y         | 8265   | 73  |
   | 2         | 2          | 202     | N         | 139466 | 202 |
   | 2         | 2          | 203     | N         | 139467 | 203 |
   | 2         | 2          | 204     | N         | 139468 | 204 |
   | 2         | 2          | 205     | N         | 139469 | 205 |
   | 2         | 2          | 206     | N         | 139470 | 206 |
   | 2         | 2          | 207     | N         | 139471 | 207 |
   | 2         | 2          | 208     | N         | 139472 | 208 |
   | 2         | 2          | 209     | N         | 139473 | 209 |
   | 2         | 2          | 210     | N         | 139474 | 210 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 2          | 211     | N         | 139475 | 211 |
   | 2         | 2          | 212     | N         | 139476 | 212 |
   | 2         | 2          | 213     | N         | 139477 | 213 |
   | 2         | 2          | 214     | N         | 139478 | 214 |
   | 2         | 2          | 215     | N         | 139479 | 215 |
   | 2         | 2          | 216     | N         | 139480 | 216 |
   | 2         | 2          | 217     | N         | 139481 | 217 |
   | 2         | 2          | 218     | N         | 139482 | 218 |
   | 2         | 2          | 219     | N         | 139483 | 219 |
   | 2         | 2          | 220     | N         | 139484 | 220 |
   | 2         | 2          | 221     | N         | 139485 | 221 |
   | 2         | 2          | 222     | N         | 139486 | 222 |
   | 2         | 3          | 129     | Y         | 12417  | 129 |
   | 2         | 3          | 130     | Y         | 12418  | 130 |
   | 2         | 3          | 131     | Y         | 12419  | 131 |
   | 2         | 3          | 132     | Y         | 12420  | 132 |
   | 2         | 3          | 133     | Y         | 12421  | 133 |
   | 2         | 3          | 134     | Y         | 12422  | 134 |
   | 2         | 3          | 135     | Y         | 12423  | 135 |
   | 2         | 3          | 136     | Y         | 12424  | 136 |
   | 2         | 3          | 137     | Y         | 12425  | 137 |
   | 2         | 3          | 10      | N         | 143370 | 10  |
   | 2         | 3          | 11      | N         | 143371 | 11  |
   | 2         | 3          | 12      | N         | 143372 | 12  |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 3          | 13      | N         | 143373 | 13  |
   | 2         | 3          | 14      | N         | 143374 | 14  |
   | 2         | 3          | 15      | N         | 143375 | 15  |
   | 2         | 3          | 16      | N         | 143376 | 16  |
   | 2         | 3          | 17      | N         | 143377 | 17  |
   | 2         | 3          | 18      | N         | 143378 | 18  |
   | 2         | 3          | 19      | N         | 143379 | 19  |
   | 2         | 3          | 20      | N         | 143380 | 20  |
   | 2         | 3          | 21      | N         | 143381 | 21  |
   | 2         | 3          | 22      | N         | 143382 | 22  |
   | 2         | 3          | 23      | N         | 143383 | 23  |
   | 2         | 3          | 24      | N         | 143384 | 24  |
   | 2         | 3          | 25      | N         | 143385 | 25  |
   | 2         | 3          | 26      | N         | 143386 | 26  |
   | 2         | 3          | 27      | N         | 143387 | 27  |
   | 2         | 3          | 28      | N         | 143388 | 28  |
   | 2         | 3          | 29      | N         | 143389 | 29  |
   | 2         | 3          | 30      | N         | 143390 | 30  |
   | 2         | 4          | 193     | Y         | 16577  | 193 |
   | 2         | 4          | 194     | Y         | 16578  | 194 |
   | 2         | 4          | 195     | Y         | 16579  | 195 |
   | 2         | 4          | 196     | Y         | 16580  | 196 |
   | 2         | 4          | 197     | Y         | 16581  | 197 |
   | 2         | 4          | 198     | Y         | 16582  | 198 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 55]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 4          | 199     | Y         | 16583  | 199 |
   | 2         | 4          | 200     | Y         | 16584  | 200 |
   | 2         | 4          | 201     | Y         | 16585  | 201 |
   | 2         | 4          | 74      | N         | 147530 | 74  |
   | 2         | 4          | 75      | N         | 147531 | 75  |
   | 2         | 4          | 76      | N         | 147532 | 76  |
   | 2         | 4          | 77      | N         | 147533 | 77  |
   | 2         | 4          | 78      | N         | 147534 | 78  |
   | 2         | 4          | 79      | N         | 147535 | 79  |
   | 2         | 4          | 80      | N         | 147536 | 80  |
   | 2         | 4          | 81      | N         | 147537 | 81  |
   | 2         | 4          | 82      | N         | 147538 | 82  |
   | 2         | 4          | 83      | N         | 147539 | 83  |
   | 2         | 4          | 84      | N         | 147540 | 84  |
   | 2         | 4          | 85      | N         | 147541 | 85  |
   | 2         | 4          | 86      | N         | 147542 | 86  |
   | 2         | 4          | 87      | N         | 147543 | 87  |
   | 2         | 4          | 88      | N         | 147544 | 88  |
   | 2         | 4          | 89      | N         | 147545 | 89  |
   | 2         | 4          | 90      | N         | 147546 | 90  |
   | 2         | 4          | 91      | N         | 147547 | 91  |
   | 2         | 4          | 92      | N         | 147548 | 92  |
   | 2         | 4          | 93      | N         | 147549 | 93  |
   | 2         | 4          | 94      | N         | 147550 | 94  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 56]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 5          | 257     | Y         | 20737  | 257 |
   | 2         | 5          | 258     | Y         | 20738  | 258 |
   | 2         | 5          | 259     | Y         | 20739  | 259 |
   | 2         | 5          | 260     | Y         | 20740  | 260 |
   | 2         | 5          | 261     | Y         | 20741  | 261 |
   | 2         | 5          | 262     | Y         | 20742  | 262 |
   | 2         | 5          | 263     | Y         | 20743  | 263 |
   | 2         | 5          | 264     | Y         | 20744  | 264 |
   | 2         | 5          | 265     | Y         | 20745  | 265 |
   | 2         | 5          | 394     | N         | 151946 | 394 |
   | 2         | 5          | 395     | N         | 151947 | 395 |
   | 2         | 5          | 396     | N         | 151948 | 396 |
   | 2         | 5          | 397     | N         | 151949 | 397 |
   | 2         | 5          | 398     | N         | 151950 | 398 |
   | 2         | 5          | 399     | N         | 151951 | 399 |
   | 2         | 5          | 400     | N         | 151952 | 400 |
   | 2         | 5          | 401     | N         | 151953 | 401 |
   | 2         | 5          | 402     | N         | 151954 | 402 |
   | 2         | 5          | 403     | N         | 151955 | 403 |
   | 2         | 5          | 404     | N         | 151956 | 404 |
   | 2         | 5          | 405     | N         | 151957 | 405 |
   | 2         | 5          | 406     | N         | 151958 | 406 |
   | 2         | 5          | 407     | N         | 151959 | 407 |
   | 2         | 5          | 408     | N         | 151960 | 408 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 5          | 409     | N         | 151961 | 409 |
   | 2         | 5          | 410     | N         | 151962 | 410 |
   | 2         | 5          | 411     | N         | 151963 | 411 |
   | 2         | 5          | 412     | N         | 151964 | 412 |
   | 2         | 5          | 413     | N         | 151965 | 413 |
   | 2         | 5          | 414     | N         | 151966 | 414 |
   | 2         | 6          | 321     | Y         | 24897  | 321 |
   | 2         | 6          | 322     | Y         | 24898  | 322 |
   | 2         | 6          | 323     | Y         | 24899  | 323 |
   | 2         | 6          | 324     | Y         | 24900  | 324 |
   | 2         | 6          | 325     | Y         | 24901  | 325 |
   | 2         | 6          | 326     | Y         | 24902  | 326 |
   | 2         | 6          | 327     | Y         | 24903  | 327 |
   | 2         | 6          | 328     | Y         | 24904  | 328 |
   | 2         | 6          | 329     | Y         | 24905  | 329 |
   | 2         | 6          | 458     | N         | 156106 | 458 |
   | 2         | 6          | 459     | N         | 156107 | 459 |
   | 2         | 6          | 460     | N         | 156108 | 460 |
   | 2         | 6          | 461     | N         | 156109 | 461 |
   | 2         | 6          | 462     | N         | 156110 | 462 |
   | 2         | 6          | 463     | N         | 156111 | 463 |
   | 2         | 6          | 464     | N         | 156112 | 464 |
   | 2         | 6          | 465     | N         | 156113 | 465 |
   | 2         | 6          | 466     | N         | 156114 | 466 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 2         | 6          | 467     | N         | 156115 | 467 |
   | 2         | 6          | 468     | N         | 156116 | 468 |
   | 2         | 6          | 469     | N         | 156117 | 469 |
   | 2         | 6          | 470     | N         | 156118 | 470 |
   | 2         | 6          | 471     | N         | 156119 | 471 |
   | 2         | 6          | 472     | N         | 156120 | 472 |
   | 2         | 6          | 473     | N         | 156121 | 473 |
   | 2         | 6          | 474     | N         | 156122 | 474 |
   | 2         | 6          | 475     | N         | 156123 | 475 |
   | 2         | 6          | 476     | N         | 156124 | 476 |
   | 2         | 6          | 477     | N         | 156125 | 477 |
   | 2         | 6          | 478     | N         | 156126 | 478 |
   | 3         | 1          | 1       | Y         | 4097   | 1   |
   | 3         | 1          | 2       | Y         | 4098   | 2   |
   | 3         | 1          | 3       | Y         | 4099   | 3   |
   | 3         | 1          | 4       | Y         | 4100   | 4   |
   | 3         | 1          | 5       | Y         | 4101   | 5   |
   | 3         | 1          | 6       | Y         | 4102   | 6   |
   | 3         | 1          | 7       | Y         | 4103   | 7   |
   | 3         | 1          | 8       | Y         | 4104   | 8   |
   | 3         | 1          | 9       | Y         | 4105   | 9   |
   | 3         | 1          | 202     | N         | 200906 | 202 |
   | 3         | 1          | 203     | N         | 200907 | 203 |
   | 3         | 1          | 204     | N         | 200908 | 204 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 1          | 205     | N         | 200909 | 205 |
   | 3         | 1          | 206     | N         | 200910 | 206 |
   | 3         | 1          | 207     | N         | 200911 | 207 |
   | 3         | 1          | 208     | N         | 200912 | 208 |
   | 3         | 1          | 209     | N         | 200913 | 209 |
   | 3         | 1          | 210     | N         | 200914 | 210 |
   | 3         | 1          | 211     | N         | 200915 | 211 |
   | 3         | 1          | 212     | N         | 200916 | 212 |
   | 3         | 1          | 213     | N         | 200917 | 213 |
   | 3         | 1          | 214     | N         | 200918 | 214 |
   | 3         | 1          | 215     | N         | 200919 | 215 |
   | 3         | 1          | 216     | N         | 200920 | 216 |
   | 3         | 1          | 217     | N         | 200921 | 217 |
   | 3         | 1          | 218     | N         | 200922 | 218 |
   | 3         | 1          | 219     | N         | 200923 | 219 |
   | 3         | 1          | 220     | N         | 200924 | 220 |
   | 3         | 1          | 221     | N         | 200925 | 221 |
   | 3         | 1          | 222     | N         | 200926 | 222 |
   | 3         | 2          | 65      | Y         | 8257   | 65  |
   | 3         | 2          | 66      | Y         | 8258   | 66  |
   | 3         | 2          | 67      | Y         | 8259   | 67  |
   | 3         | 2          | 68      | Y         | 8260   | 68  |
   | 3         | 2          | 69      | Y         | 8261   | 69  |
   | 3         | 2          | 70      | Y         | 8262   | 70  |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 2          | 71      | Y         | 8263   | 71  |
   | 3         | 2          | 72      | Y         | 8264   | 72  |
   | 3         | 2          | 73      | Y         | 8265   | 73  |
   | 3         | 2          | 138     | N         | 204938 | 138 |
   | 3         | 2          | 139     | N         | 204939 | 139 |
   | 3         | 2          | 140     | N         | 204940 | 140 |
   | 3         | 2          | 141     | N         | 204941 | 141 |
   | 3         | 2          | 142     | N         | 204942 | 142 |
   | 3         | 2          | 143     | N         | 204943 | 143 |
   | 3         | 2          | 144     | N         | 204944 | 144 |
   | 3         | 2          | 145     | N         | 204945 | 145 |
   | 3         | 2          | 146     | N         | 204946 | 146 |
   | 3         | 2          | 147     | N         | 204947 | 147 |
   | 3         | 2          | 148     | N         | 204948 | 148 |
   | 3         | 2          | 149     | N         | 204949 | 149 |
   | 3         | 2          | 150     | N         | 204950 | 150 |
   | 3         | 2          | 151     | N         | 204951 | 151 |
   | 3         | 2          | 152     | N         | 204952 | 152 |
   | 3         | 2          | 153     | N         | 204953 | 153 |
   | 3         | 2          | 154     | N         | 204954 | 154 |
   | 3         | 2          | 155     | N         | 204955 | 155 |
   | 3         | 2          | 156     | N         | 204956 | 156 |
   | 3         | 2          | 157     | N         | 204957 | 157 |
   | 3         | 2          | 158     | N         | 204958 | 158 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 61]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 3          | 129     | Y         | 12417  | 129 |
   | 3         | 3          | 130     | Y         | 12418  | 130 |
   | 3         | 3          | 131     | Y         | 12419  | 131 |
   | 3         | 3          | 132     | Y         | 12420  | 132 |
   | 3         | 3          | 133     | Y         | 12421  | 133 |
   | 3         | 3          | 134     | Y         | 12422  | 134 |
   | 3         | 3          | 135     | Y         | 12423  | 135 |
   | 3         | 3          | 136     | Y         | 12424  | 136 |
   | 3         | 3          | 137     | Y         | 12425  | 137 |
   | 3         | 3          | 74      | N         | 208970 | 74  |
   | 3         | 3          | 75      | N         | 208971 | 75  |
   | 3         | 3          | 76      | N         | 208972 | 76  |
   | 3         | 3          | 77      | N         | 208973 | 77  |
   | 3         | 3          | 78      | N         | 208974 | 78  |
   | 3         | 3          | 79      | N         | 208975 | 79  |
   | 3         | 3          | 80      | N         | 208976 | 80  |
   | 3         | 3          | 81      | N         | 208977 | 81  |
   | 3         | 3          | 82      | N         | 208978 | 82  |
   | 3         | 3          | 83      | N         | 208979 | 83  |
   | 3         | 3          | 84      | N         | 208980 | 84  |
   | 3         | 3          | 85      | N         | 208981 | 85  |
   | 3         | 3          | 86      | N         | 208982 | 86  |
   | 3         | 3          | 87      | N         | 208983 | 87  |
   | 3         | 3          | 88      | N         | 208984 | 88  |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 3          | 89      | N         | 208985 | 89  |
   | 3         | 3          | 90      | N         | 208986 | 90  |
   | 3         | 3          | 91      | N         | 208987 | 91  |
   | 3         | 3          | 92      | N         | 208988 | 92  |
   | 3         | 3          | 93      | N         | 208989 | 93  |
   | 3         | 3          | 94      | N         | 208990 | 94  |
   | 3         | 4          | 193     | Y         | 16577  | 193 |
   | 3         | 4          | 194     | Y         | 16578  | 194 |
   | 3         | 4          | 195     | Y         | 16579  | 195 |
   | 3         | 4          | 196     | Y         | 16580  | 196 |
   | 3         | 4          | 197     | Y         | 16581  | 197 |
   | 3         | 4          | 198     | Y         | 16582  | 198 |
   | 3         | 4          | 199     | Y         | 16583  | 199 |
   | 3         | 4          | 200     | Y         | 16584  | 200 |
   | 3         | 4          | 201     | Y         | 16585  | 201 |
   | 3         | 4          | 10      | N         | 213002 | 10  |
   | 3         | 4          | 11      | N         | 213003 | 11  |
   | 3         | 4          | 12      | N         | 213004 | 12  |
   | 3         | 4          | 13      | N         | 213005 | 13  |
   | 3         | 4          | 14      | N         | 213006 | 14  |
   | 3         | 4          | 15      | N         | 213007 | 15  |
   | 3         | 4          | 16      | N         | 213008 | 16  |
   | 3         | 4          | 17      | N         | 213009 | 17  |
   | 3         | 4          | 18      | N         | 213010 | 18  |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 4          | 19      | N         | 213011 | 19  |
   | 3         | 4          | 20      | N         | 213012 | 20  |
   | 3         | 4          | 21      | N         | 213013 | 21  |
   | 3         | 4          | 22      | N         | 213014 | 22  |
   | 3         | 4          | 23      | N         | 213015 | 23  |
   | 3         | 4          | 24      | N         | 213016 | 24  |
   | 3         | 4          | 25      | N         | 213017 | 25  |
   | 3         | 4          | 26      | N         | 213018 | 26  |
   | 3         | 4          | 27      | N         | 213019 | 27  |
   | 3         | 4          | 28      | N         | 213020 | 28  |
   | 3         | 4          | 29      | N         | 213021 | 29  |
   | 3         | 4          | 30      | N         | 213022 | 30  |
   | 3         | 5          | 257     | Y         | 20737  | 257 |
   | 3         | 5          | 258     | Y         | 20738  | 258 |
   | 3         | 5          | 259     | Y         | 20739  | 259 |
   | 3         | 5          | 260     | Y         | 20740  | 260 |
   | 3         | 5          | 261     | Y         | 20741  | 261 |
   | 3         | 5          | 262     | Y         | 20742  | 262 |
   | 3         | 5          | 263     | Y         | 20743  | 263 |
   | 3         | 5          | 264     | Y         | 20744  | 264 |
   | 3         | 5          | 265     | Y         | 20745  | 265 |
   | 3         | 5          | 458     | N         | 217546 | 458 |
   | 3         | 5          | 459     | N         | 217547 | 459 |
   | 3         | 5          | 460     | N         | 217548 | 460 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 5          | 461     | N         | 217549 | 461 |
   | 3         | 5          | 462     | N         | 217550 | 462 |
   | 3         | 5          | 463     | N         | 217551 | 463 |
   | 3         | 5          | 464     | N         | 217552 | 464 |
   | 3         | 5          | 465     | N         | 217553 | 465 |
   | 3         | 5          | 466     | N         | 217554 | 466 |
   | 3         | 5          | 467     | N         | 217555 | 467 |
   | 3         | 5          | 468     | N         | 217556 | 468 |
   | 3         | 5          | 469     | N         | 217557 | 469 |
   | 3         | 5          | 470     | N         | 217558 | 470 |
   | 3         | 5          | 471     | N         | 217559 | 471 |
   | 3         | 5          | 472     | N         | 217560 | 472 |
   | 3         | 5          | 473     | N         | 217561 | 473 |
   | 3         | 5          | 474     | N         | 217562 | 474 |
   | 3         | 5          | 475     | N         | 217563 | 475 |
   | 3         | 5          | 476     | N         | 217564 | 476 |
   | 3         | 5          | 477     | N         | 217565 | 477 |
   | 3         | 5          | 478     | N         | 217566 | 478 |
   | 3         | 6          | 321     | Y         | 24897  | 321 |
   | 3         | 6          | 322     | Y         | 24898  | 322 |
   | 3         | 6          | 323     | Y         | 24899  | 323 |
   | 3         | 6          | 324     | Y         | 24900  | 324 |
   | 3         | 6          | 325     | Y         | 24901  | 325 |
   | 3         | 6          | 326     | Y         | 24902  | 326 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 3         | 6          | 327     | Y         | 24903  | 327 |
   | 3         | 6          | 328     | Y         | 24904  | 328 |
   | 3         | 6          | 329     | Y         | 24905  | 329 |
   | 3         | 6          | 394     | N         | 221578 | 394 |
   | 3         | 6          | 395     | N         | 221579 | 395 |
   | 3         | 6          | 396     | N         | 221580 | 396 |
   | 3         | 6          | 397     | N         | 221581 | 397 |
   | 3         | 6          | 398     | N         | 221582 | 398 |
   | 3         | 6          | 399     | N         | 221583 | 399 |
   | 3         | 6          | 400     | N         | 221584 | 400 |
   | 3         | 6          | 401     | N         | 221585 | 401 |
   | 3         | 6          | 402     | N         | 221586 | 402 |
   | 3         | 6          | 403     | N         | 221587 | 403 |
   | 3         | 6          | 404     | N         | 221588 | 404 |
   | 3         | 6          | 405     | N         | 221589 | 405 |
   | 3         | 6          | 406     | N         | 221590 | 406 |
   | 3         | 6          | 407     | N         | 221591 | 407 |
   | 3         | 6          | 408     | N         | 221592 | 408 |
   | 3         | 6          | 409     | N         | 221593 | 409 |
   | 3         | 6          | 410     | N         | 221594 | 410 |
   | 3         | 6          | 411     | N         | 221595 | 411 |
   | 3         | 6          | 412     | N         | 221596 | 412 |
   | 3         | 6          | 413     | N         | 221597 | 413 |
   | 3         | 6          | 414     | N         | 221598 | 414 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 1          | 1       | Y         | 4097   | 1   |
   | 4         | 1          | 2       | Y         | 4098   | 2   |
   | 4         | 1          | 3       | Y         | 4099   | 3   |
   | 4         | 1          | 4       | Y         | 4100   | 4   |
   | 4         | 1          | 5       | Y         | 4101   | 5   |
   | 4         | 1          | 6       | Y         | 4102   | 6   |
   | 4         | 1          | 7       | Y         | 4103   | 7   |
   | 4         | 1          | 8       | Y         | 4104   | 8   |
   | 4         | 1          | 9       | Y         | 4105   | 9   |
   | 4         | 1          | 266     | N         | 266506 | 266 |
   | 4         | 1          | 267     | N         | 266507 | 267 |
   | 4         | 1          | 268     | N         | 266508 | 268 |
   | 4         | 1          | 269     | N         | 266509 | 269 |
   | 4         | 1          | 270     | N         | 266510 | 270 |
   | 4         | 1          | 271     | N         | 266511 | 271 |
   | 4         | 1          | 272     | N         | 266512 | 272 |
   | 4         | 1          | 273     | N         | 266513 | 273 |
   | 4         | 1          | 274     | N         | 266514 | 274 |
   | 4         | 1          | 275     | N         | 266515 | 275 |
   | 4         | 1          | 276     | N         | 266516 | 276 |
   | 4         | 1          | 277     | N         | 266517 | 277 |
   | 4         | 1          | 278     | N         | 266518 | 278 |
   | 4         | 1          | 279     | N         | 266519 | 279 |
   | 4         | 1          | 280     | N         | 266520 | 280 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 1          | 281     | N         | 266521 | 281 |
   | 4         | 1          | 282     | N         | 266522 | 282 |
   | 4         | 1          | 283     | N         | 266523 | 283 |
   | 4         | 1          | 284     | N         | 266524 | 284 |
   | 4         | 1          | 285     | N         | 266525 | 285 |
   | 4         | 1          | 286     | N         | 266526 | 286 |
   | 4         | 2          | 65      | Y         | 8257   | 65  |
   | 4         | 2          | 66      | Y         | 8258   | 66  |
   | 4         | 2          | 67      | Y         | 8259   | 67  |
   | 4         | 2          | 68      | Y         | 8260   | 68  |
   | 4         | 2          | 69      | Y         | 8261   | 69  |
   | 4         | 2          | 70      | Y         | 8262   | 70  |
   | 4         | 2          | 71      | Y         | 8263   | 71  |
   | 4         | 2          | 72      | Y         | 8264   | 72  |
   | 4         | 2          | 73      | Y         | 8265   | 73  |
   | 4         | 2          | 330     | N         | 270666 | 330 |
   | 4         | 2          | 331     | N         | 270667 | 331 |
   | 4         | 2          | 332     | N         | 270668 | 332 |
   | 4         | 2          | 333     | N         | 270669 | 333 |
   | 4         | 2          | 334     | N         | 270670 | 334 |
   | 4         | 2          | 335     | N         | 270671 | 335 |
   | 4         | 2          | 336     | N         | 270672 | 336 |
   | 4         | 2          | 337     | N         | 270673 | 337 |
   | 4         | 2          | 338     | N         | 270674 | 338 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 2          | 339     | N         | 270675 | 339 |
   | 4         | 2          | 340     | N         | 270676 | 340 |
   | 4         | 2          | 341     | N         | 270677 | 341 |
   | 4         | 2          | 342     | N         | 270678 | 342 |
   | 4         | 2          | 343     | N         | 270679 | 343 |
   | 4         | 2          | 344     | N         | 270680 | 344 |
   | 4         | 2          | 345     | N         | 270681 | 345 |
   | 4         | 2          | 346     | N         | 270682 | 346 |
   | 4         | 2          | 347     | N         | 270683 | 347 |
   | 4         | 2          | 348     | N         | 270684 | 348 |
   | 4         | 2          | 349     | N         | 270685 | 349 |
   | 4         | 2          | 350     | N         | 270686 | 350 |
   | 4         | 3          | 129     | Y         | 12417  | 129 |
   | 4         | 3          | 130     | Y         | 12418  | 130 |
   | 4         | 3          | 131     | Y         | 12419  | 131 |
   | 4         | 3          | 132     | Y         | 12420  | 132 |
   | 4         | 3          | 133     | Y         | 12421  | 133 |
   | 4         | 3          | 134     | Y         | 12422  | 134 |
   | 4         | 3          | 135     | Y         | 12423  | 135 |
   | 4         | 3          | 136     | Y         | 12424  | 136 |
   | 4         | 3          | 137     | Y         | 12425  | 137 |
   | 4         | 3          | 394     | N         | 274826 | 394 |
   | 4         | 3          | 395     | N         | 274827 | 395 |
   | 4         | 3          | 396     | N         | 274828 | 396 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 3          | 397     | N         | 274829 | 397 |
   | 4         | 3          | 398     | N         | 274830 | 398 |
   | 4         | 3          | 399     | N         | 274831 | 399 |
   | 4         | 3          | 400     | N         | 274832 | 400 |
   | 4         | 3          | 401     | N         | 274833 | 401 |
   | 4         | 3          | 402     | N         | 274834 | 402 |
   | 4         | 3          | 403     | N         | 274835 | 403 |
   | 4         | 3          | 404     | N         | 274836 | 404 |
   | 4         | 3          | 405     | N         | 274837 | 405 |
   | 4         | 3          | 406     | N         | 274838 | 406 |
   | 4         | 3          | 407     | N         | 274839 | 407 |
   | 4         | 3          | 408     | N         | 274840 | 408 |
   | 4         | 3          | 409     | N         | 274841 | 409 |
   | 4         | 3          | 410     | N         | 274842 | 410 |
   | 4         | 3          | 411     | N         | 274843 | 411 |
   | 4         | 3          | 412     | N         | 274844 | 412 |
   | 4         | 3          | 413     | N         | 274845 | 413 |
   | 4         | 3          | 414     | N         | 274846 | 414 |
   | 4         | 4          | 193     | Y         | 16577  | 193 |
   | 4         | 4          | 194     | Y         | 16578  | 194 |
   | 4         | 4          | 195     | Y         | 16579  | 195 |
   | 4         | 4          | 196     | Y         | 16580  | 196 |
   | 4         | 4          | 197     | Y         | 16581  | 197 |
   | 4         | 4          | 198     | Y         | 16582  | 198 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 4          | 199     | Y         | 16583  | 199 |
   | 4         | 4          | 200     | Y         | 16584  | 200 |
   | 4         | 4          | 201     | Y         | 16585  | 201 |
   | 4         | 4          | 458     | N         | 278986 | 458 |
   | 4         | 4          | 459     | N         | 278987 | 459 |
   | 4         | 4          | 460     | N         | 278988 | 460 |
   | 4         | 4          | 461     | N         | 278989 | 461 |
   | 4         | 4          | 462     | N         | 278990 | 462 |
   | 4         | 4          | 463     | N         | 278991 | 463 |
   | 4         | 4          | 464     | N         | 278992 | 464 |
   | 4         | 4          | 465     | N         | 278993 | 465 |
   | 4         | 4          | 466     | N         | 278994 | 466 |
   | 4         | 4          | 467     | N         | 278995 | 467 |
   | 4         | 4          | 468     | N         | 278996 | 468 |
   | 4         | 4          | 469     | N         | 278997 | 469 |
   | 4         | 4          | 470     | N         | 278998 | 470 |
   | 4         | 4          | 471     | N         | 278999 | 471 |
   | 4         | 4          | 472     | N         | 279000 | 472 |
   | 4         | 4          | 473     | N         | 279001 | 473 |
   | 4         | 4          | 474     | N         | 279002 | 474 |
   | 4         | 4          | 475     | N         | 279003 | 475 |
   | 4         | 4          | 476     | N         | 279004 | 476 |
   | 4         | 4          | 477     | N         | 279005 | 477 |
   | 4         | 4          | 478     | N         | 279006 | 478 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 71]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 5          | 257     | Y         | 20737  | 257 |
   | 4         | 5          | 258     | Y         | 20738  | 258 |
   | 4         | 5          | 259     | Y         | 20739  | 259 |
   | 4         | 5          | 260     | Y         | 20740  | 260 |
   | 4         | 5          | 261     | Y         | 20741  | 261 |
   | 4         | 5          | 262     | Y         | 20742  | 262 |
   | 4         | 5          | 263     | Y         | 20743  | 263 |
   | 4         | 5          | 264     | Y         | 20744  | 264 |
   | 4         | 5          | 265     | Y         | 20745  | 265 |
   | 4         | 5          | 10      | N         | 282634 | 10  |
   | 4         | 5          | 11      | N         | 282635 | 11  |
   | 4         | 5          | 12      | N         | 282636 | 12  |
   | 4         | 5          | 13      | N         | 282637 | 13  |
   | 4         | 5          | 14      | N         | 282638 | 14  |
   | 4         | 5          | 15      | N         | 282639 | 15  |
   | 4         | 5          | 16      | N         | 282640 | 16  |
   | 4         | 5          | 17      | N         | 282641 | 17  |
   | 4         | 5          | 18      | N         | 282642 | 18  |
   | 4         | 5          | 19      | N         | 282643 | 19  |
   | 4         | 5          | 20      | N         | 282644 | 20  |
   | 4         | 5          | 21      | N         | 282645 | 21  |
   | 4         | 5          | 22      | N         | 282646 | 22  |
   | 4         | 5          | 23      | N         | 282647 | 23  |
   | 4         | 5          | 24      | N         | 282648 | 24  |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 5          | 25      | N         | 282649 | 25  |
   | 4         | 5          | 26      | N         | 282650 | 26  |
   | 4         | 5          | 27      | N         | 282651 | 27  |
   | 4         | 5          | 28      | N         | 282652 | 28  |
   | 4         | 5          | 29      | N         | 282653 | 29  |
   | 4         | 5          | 30      | N         | 282654 | 30  |
   | 4         | 6          | 321     | Y         | 24897  | 321 |
   | 4         | 6          | 322     | Y         | 24898  | 322 |
   | 4         | 6          | 323     | Y         | 24899  | 323 |
   | 4         | 6          | 324     | Y         | 24900  | 324 |
   | 4         | 6          | 325     | Y         | 24901  | 325 |
   | 4         | 6          | 326     | Y         | 24902  | 326 |
   | 4         | 6          | 327     | Y         | 24903  | 327 |
   | 4         | 6          | 328     | Y         | 24904  | 328 |
   | 4         | 6          | 329     | Y         | 24905  | 329 |
   | 4         | 6          | 74      | N         | 286794 | 74  |
   | 4         | 6          | 75      | N         | 286795 | 75  |
   | 4         | 6          | 76      | N         | 286796 | 76  |
   | 4         | 6          | 77      | N         | 286797 | 77  |
   | 4         | 6          | 78      | N         | 286798 | 78  |
   | 4         | 6          | 79      | N         | 286799 | 79  |
   | 4         | 6          | 80      | N         | 286800 | 80  |
   | 4         | 6          | 81      | N         | 286801 | 81  |
   | 4         | 6          | 82      | N         | 286802 | 82  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 73]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 4         | 6          | 83      | N         | 286803 | 83  |
   | 4         | 6          | 84      | N         | 286804 | 84  |
   | 4         | 6          | 85      | N         | 286805 | 85  |
   | 4         | 6          | 86      | N         | 286806 | 86  |
   | 4         | 6          | 87      | N         | 286807 | 87  |
   | 4         | 6          | 88      | N         | 286808 | 88  |
   | 4         | 6          | 89      | N         | 286809 | 89  |
   | 4         | 6          | 90      | N         | 286810 | 90  |
   | 4         | 6          | 91      | N         | 286811 | 91  |
   | 4         | 6          | 92      | N         | 286812 | 92  |
   | 4         | 6          | 93      | N         | 286813 | 93  |
   | 4         | 6          | 94      | N         | 286814 | 94  |
   | 5         | 1          | 1       | Y         | 4097   | 1   |
   | 5         | 1          | 2       | Y         | 4098   | 2   |
   | 5         | 1          | 3       | Y         | 4099   | 3   |
   | 5         | 1          | 4       | Y         | 4100   | 4   |
   | 5         | 1          | 5       | Y         | 4101   | 5   |
   | 5         | 1          | 6       | Y         | 4102   | 6   |
   | 5         | 1          | 7       | Y         | 4103   | 7   |
   | 5         | 1          | 8       | Y         | 4104   | 8   |
   | 5         | 1          | 9       | Y         | 4105   | 9   |
   | 5         | 1          | 330     | N         | 332106 | 330 |
   | 5         | 1          | 331     | N         | 332107 | 331 |
   | 5         | 1          | 332     | N         | 332108 | 332 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 74]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 1          | 333     | N         | 332109 | 333 |
   | 5         | 1          | 334     | N         | 332110 | 334 |
   | 5         | 1          | 335     | N         | 332111 | 335 |
   | 5         | 1          | 336     | N         | 332112 | 336 |
   | 5         | 1          | 337     | N         | 332113 | 337 |
   | 5         | 1          | 338     | N         | 332114 | 338 |
   | 5         | 1          | 339     | N         | 332115 | 339 |
   | 5         | 1          | 340     | N         | 332116 | 340 |
   | 5         | 1          | 341     | N         | 332117 | 341 |
   | 5         | 1          | 342     | N         | 332118 | 342 |
   | 5         | 1          | 343     | N         | 332119 | 343 |
   | 5         | 1          | 344     | N         | 332120 | 344 |
   | 5         | 1          | 345     | N         | 332121 | 345 |
   | 5         | 1          | 346     | N         | 332122 | 346 |
   | 5         | 1          | 347     | N         | 332123 | 347 |
   | 5         | 1          | 348     | N         | 332124 | 348 |
   | 5         | 1          | 349     | N         | 332125 | 349 |
   | 5         | 1          | 350     | N         | 332126 | 350 |
   | 5         | 2          | 65      | Y         | 8257   | 65  |
   | 5         | 2          | 66      | Y         | 8258   | 66  |
   | 5         | 2          | 67      | Y         | 8259   | 67  |
   | 5         | 2          | 68      | Y         | 8260   | 68  |
   | 5         | 2          | 69      | Y         | 8261   | 69  |
   | 5         | 2          | 70      | Y         | 8262   | 70  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 75]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 2          | 71      | Y         | 8263   | 71  |
   | 5         | 2          | 72      | Y         | 8264   | 72  |
   | 5         | 2          | 73      | Y         | 8265   | 73  |
   | 5         | 2          | 266     | N         | 336138 | 266 |
   | 5         | 2          | 267     | N         | 336139 | 267 |
   | 5         | 2          | 268     | N         | 336140 | 268 |
   | 5         | 2          | 269     | N         | 336141 | 269 |
   | 5         | 2          | 270     | N         | 336142 | 270 |
   | 5         | 2          | 271     | N         | 336143 | 271 |
   | 5         | 2          | 272     | N         | 336144 | 272 |
   | 5         | 2          | 273     | N         | 336145 | 273 |
   | 5         | 2          | 274     | N         | 336146 | 274 |
   | 5         | 2          | 275     | N         | 336147 | 275 |
   | 5         | 2          | 276     | N         | 336148 | 276 |
   | 5         | 2          | 277     | N         | 336149 | 277 |
   | 5         | 2          | 278     | N         | 336150 | 278 |
   | 5         | 2          | 279     | N         | 336151 | 279 |
   | 5         | 2          | 280     | N         | 336152 | 280 |
   | 5         | 2          | 281     | N         | 336153 | 281 |
   | 5         | 2          | 282     | N         | 336154 | 282 |
   | 5         | 2          | 283     | N         | 336155 | 283 |
   | 5         | 2          | 284     | N         | 336156 | 284 |
   | 5         | 2          | 285     | N         | 336157 | 285 |
   | 5         | 2          | 286     | N         | 336158 | 286 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 76]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 3          | 129     | Y         | 12417  | 129 |
   | 5         | 3          | 130     | Y         | 12418  | 130 |
   | 5         | 3          | 131     | Y         | 12419  | 131 |
   | 5         | 3          | 132     | Y         | 12420  | 132 |
   | 5         | 3          | 133     | Y         | 12421  | 133 |
   | 5         | 3          | 134     | Y         | 12422  | 134 |
   | 5         | 3          | 135     | Y         | 12423  | 135 |
   | 5         | 3          | 136     | Y         | 12424  | 136 |
   | 5         | 3          | 137     | Y         | 12425  | 137 |
   | 5         | 3          | 458     | N         | 340426 | 458 |
   | 5         | 3          | 459     | N         | 340427 | 459 |
   | 5         | 3          | 460     | N         | 340428 | 460 |
   | 5         | 3          | 461     | N         | 340429 | 461 |
   | 5         | 3          | 462     | N         | 340430 | 462 |
   | 5         | 3          | 463     | N         | 340431 | 463 |
   | 5         | 3          | 464     | N         | 340432 | 464 |
   | 5         | 3          | 465     | N         | 340433 | 465 |
   | 5         | 3          | 466     | N         | 340434 | 466 |
   | 5         | 3          | 467     | N         | 340435 | 467 |
   | 5         | 3          | 468     | N         | 340436 | 468 |
   | 5         | 3          | 469     | N         | 340437 | 469 |
   | 5         | 3          | 470     | N         | 340438 | 470 |
   | 5         | 3          | 471     | N         | 340439 | 471 |
   | 5         | 3          | 472     | N         | 340440 | 472 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 3          | 473     | N         | 340441 | 473 |
   | 5         | 3          | 474     | N         | 340442 | 474 |
   | 5         | 3          | 475     | N         | 340443 | 475 |
   | 5         | 3          | 476     | N         | 340444 | 476 |
   | 5         | 3          | 477     | N         | 340445 | 477 |
   | 5         | 3          | 478     | N         | 340446 | 478 |
   | 5         | 4          | 193     | Y         | 16577  | 193 |
   | 5         | 4          | 194     | Y         | 16578  | 194 |
   | 5         | 4          | 195     | Y         | 16579  | 195 |
   | 5         | 4          | 196     | Y         | 16580  | 196 |
   | 5         | 4          | 197     | Y         | 16581  | 197 |
   | 5         | 4          | 198     | Y         | 16582  | 198 |
   | 5         | 4          | 199     | Y         | 16583  | 199 |
   | 5         | 4          | 200     | Y         | 16584  | 200 |
   | 5         | 4          | 201     | Y         | 16585  | 201 |
   | 5         | 4          | 394     | N         | 344458 | 394 |
   | 5         | 4          | 395     | N         | 344459 | 395 |
   | 5         | 4          | 396     | N         | 344460 | 396 |
   | 5         | 4          | 397     | N         | 344461 | 397 |
   | 5         | 4          | 398     | N         | 344462 | 398 |
   | 5         | 4          | 399     | N         | 344463 | 399 |
   | 5         | 4          | 400     | N         | 344464 | 400 |
   | 5         | 4          | 401     | N         | 344465 | 401 |
   | 5         | 4          | 402     | N         | 344466 | 402 |

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Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 4          | 403     | N         | 344467 | 403 |
   | 5         | 4          | 404     | N         | 344468 | 404 |
   | 5         | 4          | 405     | N         | 344469 | 405 |
   | 5         | 4          | 406     | N         | 344470 | 406 |
   | 5         | 4          | 407     | N         | 344471 | 407 |
   | 5         | 4          | 408     | N         | 344472 | 408 |
   | 5         | 4          | 409     | N         | 344473 | 409 |
   | 5         | 4          | 410     | N         | 344474 | 410 |
   | 5         | 4          | 411     | N         | 344475 | 411 |
   | 5         | 4          | 412     | N         | 344476 | 412 |
   | 5         | 4          | 413     | N         | 344477 | 413 |
   | 5         | 4          | 414     | N         | 344478 | 414 |
   | 5         | 5          | 257     | Y         | 20737  | 257 |
   | 5         | 5          | 258     | Y         | 20738  | 258 |
   | 5         | 5          | 259     | Y         | 20739  | 259 |
   | 5         | 5          | 260     | Y         | 20740  | 260 |
   | 5         | 5          | 261     | Y         | 20741  | 261 |
   | 5         | 5          | 262     | Y         | 20742  | 262 |
   | 5         | 5          | 263     | Y         | 20743  | 263 |
   | 5         | 5          | 264     | Y         | 20744  | 264 |
   | 5         | 5          | 265     | Y         | 20745  | 265 |
   | 5         | 5          | 74      | N         | 348234 | 74  |
   | 5         | 5          | 75      | N         | 348235 | 75  |
   | 5         | 5          | 76      | N         | 348236 | 76  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 79]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 5          | 77      | N         | 348237 | 77  |
   | 5         | 5          | 78      | N         | 348238 | 78  |
   | 5         | 5          | 79      | N         | 348239 | 79  |
   | 5         | 5          | 80      | N         | 348240 | 80  |
   | 5         | 5          | 81      | N         | 348241 | 81  |
   | 5         | 5          | 82      | N         | 348242 | 82  |
   | 5         | 5          | 83      | N         | 348243 | 83  |
   | 5         | 5          | 84      | N         | 348244 | 84  |
   | 5         | 5          | 85      | N         | 348245 | 85  |
   | 5         | 5          | 86      | N         | 348246 | 86  |
   | 5         | 5          | 87      | N         | 348247 | 87  |
   | 5         | 5          | 88      | N         | 348248 | 88  |
   | 5         | 5          | 89      | N         | 348249 | 89  |
   | 5         | 5          | 90      | N         | 348250 | 90  |
   | 5         | 5          | 91      | N         | 348251 | 91  |
   | 5         | 5          | 92      | N         | 348252 | 92  |
   | 5         | 5          | 93      | N         | 348253 | 93  |
   | 5         | 5          | 94      | N         | 348254 | 94  |
   | 5         | 6          | 321     | Y         | 24897  | 321 |
   | 5         | 6          | 322     | Y         | 24898  | 322 |
   | 5         | 6          | 323     | Y         | 24899  | 323 |
   | 5         | 6          | 324     | Y         | 24900  | 324 |
   | 5         | 6          | 325     | Y         | 24901  | 325 |
   | 5         | 6          | 326     | Y         | 24902  | 326 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 80]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 5         | 6          | 327     | Y         | 24903  | 327 |
   | 5         | 6          | 328     | Y         | 24904  | 328 |
   | 5         | 6          | 329     | Y         | 24905  | 329 |
   | 5         | 6          | 10      | N         | 352266 | 10  |
   | 5         | 6          | 11      | N         | 352267 | 11  |
   | 5         | 6          | 12      | N         | 352268 | 12  |
   | 5         | 6          | 13      | N         | 352269 | 13  |
   | 5         | 6          | 14      | N         | 352270 | 14  |
   | 5         | 6          | 15      | N         | 352271 | 15  |
   | 5         | 6          | 16      | N         | 352272 | 16  |
   | 5         | 6          | 17      | N         | 352273 | 17  |
   | 5         | 6          | 18      | N         | 352274 | 18  |
   | 5         | 6          | 19      | N         | 352275 | 19  |
   | 5         | 6          | 20      | N         | 352276 | 20  |
   | 5         | 6          | 21      | N         | 352277 | 21  |
   | 5         | 6          | 22      | N         | 352278 | 22  |
   | 5         | 6          | 23      | N         | 352279 | 23  |
   | 5         | 6          | 24      | N         | 352280 | 24  |
   | 5         | 6          | 25      | N         | 352281 | 25  |
   | 5         | 6          | 26      | N         | 352282 | 26  |
   | 5         | 6          | 27      | N         | 352283 | 27  |
   | 5         | 6          | 28      | N         | 352284 | 28  |
   | 5         | 6          | 29      | N         | 352285 | 29  |
   | 5         | 6          | 30      | N         | 352286 | 30  |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 81]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 6         | 1          | 1       | Y         | 4097   | 1   |
   | 6         | 1          | 2       | Y         | 4098   | 2   |
   | 6         | 1          | 3       | Y         | 4099   | 3   |
   | 6         | 1          | 4       | Y         | 4100   | 4   |
   | 6         | 1          | 5       | Y         | 4101   | 5   |
   | 6         | 1          | 6       | Y         | 4102   | 6   |
   | 6         | 1          | 7       | Y         | 4103   | 7   |
   | 6         | 1          | 8       | Y         | 4104   | 8   |
   | 6         | 1          | 9       | Y         | 4105   | 9   |
   | 6         | 1          | 394     | N         | 397706 | 394 |
   | 6         | 1          | 395     | N         | 397707 | 395 |
   | 6         | 1          | 396     | N         | 397708 | 396 |
   | 6         | 1          | 397     | N         | 397709 | 397 |
   | 6         | 1          | 398     | N         | 397710 | 398 |
   | 6         | 1          | 399     | N         | 397711 | 399 |
   | 6         | 1          | 400     | N         | 397712 | 400 |
   | 6         | 1          | 401     | N         | 397713 | 401 |
   | 6         | 1          | 402     | N         | 397714 | 402 |
   | 6         | 1          | 403     | N         | 397715 | 403 |
   | 6         | 1          | 404     | N         | 397716 | 404 |
   | 6         | 1          | 405     | N         | 397717 | 405 |
   | 6         | 1          | 406     | N         | 397718 | 406 |
   | 6         | 1          | 407     | N         | 397719 | 407 |
   | 6         | 1          | 408     | N         | 397720 | 408 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 82]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 6         | 1          | 409     | N         | 397721 | 409 |
   | 6         | 1          | 410     | N         | 397722 | 410 |
   | 6         | 1          | 411     | N         | 397723 | 411 |
   | 6         | 1          | 412     | N         | 397724 | 412 |
   | 6         | 1          | 413     | N         | 397725 | 413 |
   | 6         | 1          | 414     | N         | 397726 | 414 |
   | 6         | 2          | 65      | Y         | 8257   | 65  |
   | 6         | 2          | 66      | Y         | 8258   | 66  |
   | 6         | 2          | 67      | Y         | 8259   | 67  |
   | 6         | 2          | 68      | Y         | 8260   | 68  |
   | 6         | 2          | 69      | Y         | 8261   | 69  |
   | 6         | 2          | 70      | Y         | 8262   | 70  |
   | 6         | 2          | 71      | Y         | 8263   | 71  |
   | 6         | 2          | 72      | Y         | 8264   | 72  |
   | 6         | 2          | 73      | Y         | 8265   | 73  |
   | 6         | 2          | 458     | N         | 401866 | 458 |
   | 6         | 2          | 459     | N         | 401867 | 459 |
   | 6         | 2          | 460     | N         | 401868 | 460 |
   | 6         | 2          | 461     | N         | 401869 | 461 |
   | 6         | 2          | 462     | N         | 401870 | 462 |
   | 6         | 2          | 463     | N         | 401871 | 463 |
   | 6         | 2          | 464     | N         | 401872 | 464 |
   | 6         | 2          | 465     | N         | 401873 | 465 |
   | 6         | 2          | 466     | N         | 401874 | 466 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 83]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 6         | 2          | 467     | N         | 401875 | 467 |
   | 6         | 2          | 468     | N         | 401876 | 468 |
   | 6         | 2          | 469     | N         | 401877 | 469 |
   | 6         | 2          | 470     | N         | 401878 | 470 |
   | 6         | 2          | 471     | N         | 401879 | 471 |
   | 6         | 2          | 472     | N         | 401880 | 472 |
   | 6         | 2          | 473     | N         | 401881 | 473 |
   | 6         | 2          | 474     | N         | 401882 | 474 |
   | 6         | 2          | 475     | N         | 401883 | 475 |
   | 6         | 2          | 476     | N         | 401884 | 476 |
   | 6         | 2          | 477     | N         | 401885 | 477 |
   | 6         | 2          | 478     | N         | 401886 | 478 |
   | 6         | 3          | 129     | Y         | 12417  | 129 |
   | 6         | 3          | 130     | Y         | 12418  | 130 |
   | 6         | 3          | 131     | Y         | 12419  | 131 |
   | 6         | 3          | 132     | Y         | 12420  | 132 |
   | 6         | 3          | 133     | Y         | 12421  | 133 |
   | 6         | 3          | 134     | Y         | 12422  | 134 |
   | 6         | 3          | 135     | Y         | 12423  | 135 |
   | 6         | 3          | 136     | Y         | 12424  | 136 |
   | 6         | 3          | 137     | Y         | 12425  | 137 |
   | 6         | 3          | 266     | N         | 405770 | 266 |
   | 6         | 3          | 267     | N         | 405771 | 267 |
   | 6         | 3          | 268     | N         | 405772 | 268 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 84]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 6         | 3          | 269     | N         | 405773 | 269 |
   | 6         | 3          | 270     | N         | 405774 | 270 |
   | 6         | 3          | 271     | N         | 405775 | 271 |
   | 6         | 3          | 272     | N         | 405776 | 272 |
   | 6         | 3          | 273     | N         | 405777 | 273 |
   | 6         | 3          | 274     | N         | 405778 | 274 |
   | 6         | 3          | 275     | N         | 405779 | 275 |
   | 6         | 3          | 276     | N         | 405780 | 276 |
   | 6         | 3          | 277     | N         | 405781 | 277 |
   | 6         | 3          | 278     | N         | 405782 | 278 |
   | 6         | 3          | 279     | N         | 405783 | 279 |
   | 6         | 3          | 280     | N         | 405784 | 280 |
   | 6         | 3          | 281     | N         | 405785 | 281 |
   | 6         | 3          | 282     | N         | 405786 | 282 |
   | 6         | 3          | 283     | N         | 405787 | 283 |
   | 6         | 3          | 284     | N         | 405788 | 284 |
   | 6         | 3          | 285     | N         | 405789 | 285 |
   | 6         | 3          | 286     | N         | 405790 | 286 |
   | 6         | 4          | 193     | Y         | 16577  | 193 |
   | 6         | 4          | 194     | Y         | 16578  | 194 |
   | 6         | 4          | 195     | Y         | 16579  | 195 |
   | 6         | 4          | 196     | Y         | 16580  | 196 |
   | 6         | 4          | 197     | Y         | 16581  | 197 |
   | 6         | 4          | 198     | Y         | 16582  | 198 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 85]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 6         | 4          | 199     | Y         | 16583  | 199 |
   | 6         | 4          | 200     | Y         | 16584  | 200 |
   | 6         | 4          | 201     | Y         | 16585  | 201 |
   | 6         | 4          | 330     | N         | 409930 | 330 |
   | 6         | 4          | 331     | N         | 409931 | 331 |
   | 6         | 4          | 332     | N         | 409932 | 332 |
   | 6         | 4          | 333     | N         | 409933 | 333 |
   | 6         | 4          | 334     | N         | 409934 | 334 |
   | 6         | 4          | 335     | N         | 409935 | 335 |
   | 6         | 4          | 336     | N         | 409936 | 336 |
   | 6         | 4          | 337     | N         | 409937 | 337 |
   | 6         | 4          | 338     | N         | 409938 | 338 |
   | 6         | 4          | 339     | N         | 409939 | 339 |
   | 6         | 4          | 340     | N         | 409940 | 340 |
   | 6         | 4          | 341     | N         | 409941 | 341 |
   | 6         | 4          | 342     | N         | 409942 | 342 |
   | 6         | 4          | 343     | N         | 409943 | 343 |
   | 6         | 4          | 344     | N         | 409944 | 344 |
   | 6         | 4          | 345     | N         | 409945 | 345 |
   | 6         | 4          | 346     | N         | 409946 | 346 |
   | 6         | 4          | 347     | N         | 409947 | 347 |
   | 6         | 4          | 348     | N         | 409948 | 348 |
   | 6         | 4          | 349     | N         | 409949 | 349 |
   | 6         | 4          | 350     | N         | 409950 | 350 |

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 86]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   | 6         | 5          | 257     | Y         | 20737  | 257 |
   | 6         | 5          | 258     | Y         | 20738  | 258 |
   | 6         | 5          | 259     | Y         | 20739  | 259 |
   | 6         | 5          | 260     | Y         | 20740  | 260 |
   | 6         | 5          | 261     | Y         | 20741  | 261 |
   | 6         | 5          | 262     | Y         | 20742  | 262 |
   | 6         | 5          | 263     | Y         | 20743  | 263 |
   | 6         | 5          | 264     | Y         | 20744  | 264 |
   | 6         | 5          | 265     | Y         | 20745  | 265 |
   | 6         | 5          | 138     | N         | 413834 | 138 |
   | 6         | 5          | 139     | N         | 413835 | 139 |
   | 6         | 5          | 140     | N         | 413836 | 140 |
   | 6         | 5          | 141     | N         | 413837 | 141 |
   | 6         | 5          | 142     | N         | 413838 | 142 |
   | 6         | 5          | 143     | N         | 413839 | 143 |
   | 6         | 5          | 144     | N         | 413840 | 144 |
   | 6         | 5          | 145     | N         | 413841 | 145 |
   | 6         | 5          | 146     | N         | 413842 | 146 |
   | 6         | 5          | 147     | N         | 413843 | 147 |
   | 6         | 5          | 148     | N         | 413844 | 148 |
   | 6         | 5          | 149     | N         | 413845 | 149 |
   | 6         | 5          | 150     | N         | 413846 | 150 |
   | 6         | 5          | 151     | N         | 413847 | 151 |
   | 6         | 5          | 152     | N         | 413848 | 152 |

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   | 6         | 5          | 153     | N         | 413849 | 153 |
   | 6         | 5          | 154     | N         | 413850 | 154 |
   | 6         | 5          | 155     | N         | 413851 | 155 |
   | 6         | 5          | 156     | N         | 413852 | 156 |
   | 6         | 5          | 157     | N         | 413853 | 157 |
   | 6         | 5          | 158     | N         | 413854 | 158 |
   | 6         | 6          | 321     | Y         | 24897  | 321 |
   | 6         | 6          | 322     | Y         | 24898  | 322 |
   | 6         | 6          | 323     | Y         | 24899  | 323 |
   | 6         | 6          | 324     | Y         | 24900  | 324 |
   | 6         | 6          | 325     | Y         | 24901  | 325 |
   | 6         | 6          | 326     | Y         | 24902  | 326 |
   | 6         | 6          | 327     | Y         | 24903  | 327 |
   | 6         | 6          | 328     | Y         | 24904  | 328 |
   | 6         | 6          | 329     | Y         | 24905  | 329 |
   | 6         | 6          | 202     | N         | 417994 | 202 |
   | 6         | 6          | 203     | N         | 417995 | 203 |
   | 6         | 6          | 204     | N         | 417996 | 204 |
   | 6         | 6          | 205     | N         | 417997 | 205 |
   | 6         | 6          | 206     | N         | 417998 | 206 |
   | 6         | 6          | 207     | N         | 417999 | 207 |
   | 6         | 6          | 208     | N         | 418000 | 208 |
   | 6         | 6          | 209     | N         | 418001 | 209 |
   | 6         | 6          | 210     | N         | 418002 | 210 |

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   | 6         | 6          | 211     | N         | 418003 | 211 |
   | 6         | 6          | 212     | N         | 418004 | 212 |
   | 6         | 6          | 213     | N         | 418005 | 213 |
   | 6         | 6          | 214     | N         | 418006 | 214 |
   | 6         | 6          | 215     | N         | 418007 | 215 |
   | 6         | 6          | 216     | N         | 418008 | 216 |
   | 6         | 6          | 217     | N         | 418009 | 217 |
   | 6         | 6          | 218     | N         | 418010 | 218 |
   | 6         | 6          | 219     | N         | 418011 | 219 |
   | 6         | 6          | 220     | N         | 418012 | 220 |
   | 6         | 6          | 221     | N         | 418013 | 221 |
   | 6         | 6          | 222     | N         | 418014 | 222 |

                 Table 3: Example Derivation Results

Authors' Addresses

   Jordan Head (editor)
   Juniper Networks
   1137 Innovation Way
   Sunnyvale, CA
   United States of America

   Tony Przygienda
   Juniper Networks
   1137 Innovation Way
   Sunnyvale, CA
   United States of America

Head, et al.            Expires 1 September 2024               [Page 89]
Internet-Draft               RIFT Auto-EVPN                February 2024

   Wen Lin
   Juniper Networks
   10 Technology Park Drive
   Westford, MA
   United States of America

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