Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-satp-core


Internet Engineering Task Force                            M. Hargreaves
Internet-Draft                                             Quant Network
Intended status: Informational                               T. Hardjono
Expires: 10 January 2024                                             MIT
                                                             R. Belchior
                                                         Technico Lisboa
                                                             9 July 2023

                 Secure Asset Transfer Protocol (SATP)


   This memo This memo describes the Secure Asset Transfer (SAT)
   Protocol for digital assets.  SAT is a protocol operating between two
   gateways that conducts the transfer of a digital asset from one
   gateway to another.  The protocol establishes a secure channel
   between the endpoints and implements a 2-phase commit to ensure the
   properties of transfer atomicity, consistency, isolation and

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 10 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights

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   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  The Secure Asset Transfer Protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.2.  SAT Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.3.  Types of APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.4.  Types of Flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.5.  Resources and Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  SATP Message Format, identifiers and Descriptors  . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  SATP Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.3.  Digital Asset Resource Descriptors  . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.3.1.  Organization Identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.3.2.  Gateway / Endpoint ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.3.3.  Network or system Identifier  . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.3.4.  Resource  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.3.5.  Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.4.  Digital Asset Resource Client Descriptors . . . . . . . .  10
       5.4.1.  Organization Identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.4.2.  Gateway / Endpoint ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.4.3.  Organizational Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       5.4.4.  Name  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       5.4.5.  Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.5.  Gateway Level Access Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.6.  Negotiation of Security Protocols and Parameters  . . . .  12
       5.6.1.  TLS Established . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.6.2.  Client offers supported credential schemes  . . . . .  12
       5.6.3.  Server selects supported credential scheme  . . . . .  12
       5.6.4.  Client asserts or proves identity . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.6.5.  Sequence numbers initialized  . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.6.6.  Messages can now be exchanged . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.7.  Asset Profile Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.8.  Application Profile Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.9.  Discovery of Digital Asset Resources  . . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Identity and Asset Verification Flow (Stage 0)  . . . . . . .  14
   7.  Transfer Initiation and Commencement Flows (Stage 1)  . . . .  15
     7.1.  Transfer Initialization Claims  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     7.2.  Conveyance of Network Capabilities and Parameters . . . .  16
     7.3.  Transfer Proposal Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.4.  Transfer Proposal Receipt Message . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

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     7.5.  Transfer Proposal Reject and Conditional Reject
           Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     7.6.  Transfer Commence Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.7.  Commence Response Message (ACK-Commence)  . . . . . . . .  21
   8.  Lock Assertion and Receipt (Stage 2)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.1.  Lock Assertion Message  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.2.  Lock Assertion Receipt Message  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   9.  Commitment Preparation and Finalization (Stage 3) . . . . . .  24
     9.1.  Commit Preparation Message (Commit-Prepare) . . . . . . .  25
     9.2.  Commit Ready Message (Commit-Ready) . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     9.3.  Commit Final Assertion Message (Commit-Final) . . . . . .  27
     9.4.  Commit-Final Acknowledgement Receipt Message
           (ACK-Final-Receipt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     9.5.  Transfer Complete Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   10. SATP Session Resumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     10.1.  Primary-Backup Session Resumption  . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     10.2.  Recovery Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   11. Error Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     11.1.  Closure Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     11.2.  Error Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   12. Security Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   13. IANA Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   14. Appendix A: Error Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     14.1.  Transfer Commence and Response errors  . . . . . . . . .  34
     14.2.  Lock Assertion errors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     14.3.  Lock Assertion Receipt errors  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     14.4.  Commit Preparation errors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     14.5.  Commit Preparation Acknowledgement errors  . . . . . . .  35
     14.6.  Commit Ready errors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     14.7.  Commit Final Assertion errors  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   15. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     15.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     15.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36

1.  Introduction

   This memo proposes a secure asset transfer protocol (SATP) that is
   intended to be deployed between two gateway endpoints to transfer a
   digital asset from an origin network to a destination network.

   Both the origin and destination networks are assumed to be opaque in
   the sense that the interior constructs of a given network is not
   read/write accessible to unauthorized entities.

   The protocol utilizes the asset burn-and-mint paradigm whereby the
   asset to be transferred is permanently disabled or destroyed (burned)
   at the origin network and is re-generated (minted) at the destination

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   network.  This is achieved through the coordinated actions of the
   peer gateways handling the unidirectional transfer at the respective

   A gateway is assumed to be trusted to perform the tasks involved in
   the asset transfer.

   The overall aim of the protocol is to ensure that the state of assets
   in the origin and destination networks remain consistent, and that
   asset movements into (out of) networks via gateways can be accounted

   There are several desirable technical properties of the protocol.
   The protocol must ensure that the properties of atomicity,
   consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) are satisfied.

   The requirement of consistency implies that the asset transfer
   protocol always leaves both networks in a consistent state (that the
   asset is located in one system/network only at any time).

   Atomicity means that the protocol must guarantee that either the
   transfer commits (completes) or entirely fails, where failure is
   taken to mean there is no change to the state of the asset in the
   origin (sender) network.

   The property of isolation means that while a transfer is occurring to
   a digital asset from an origin network, no other state changes can
   occur to the asset.

   The property of durability means that once the transfer has been
   committed by both gateways, that this commitment must hold regardless
   of subsequent unavailability (e.g. crash) of the gateways
   implementing the SAT protocol.

   All messages exchanged between gateways are assumed to run over
   TLS1.2, and the endpoints at the respective gateways are associated
   with a certificate indicating the legal owner (or operator) of the

2.  Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS.  Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying significance described in RFC 2119.

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3.  Terminology

   The following are some terminology used in the current document:

   Client application: This is the application employed by a user to
   interact with a gateway.

   Gateway: The computer system functionally capable of acting as a
   gateway in an asset transfer.

   Sender gateway: The gateway that initiates a unidirectional asset

   Recipient gateway: The gateway that is the recipient side of a
   unidirectional asset transfer.

   Claim: An assertion made by an Entity [JWT].

   Claim Type: Syntax used for representing a Claim Value [JWT].

   Gateway Claim: An assertion made by a Gateway regarding the status or
   condition of resources (e.g. assets, public keys, etc.) accessible to
   that gateway (e.g. within its network or system).

4.  The Secure Asset Transfer Protocol

4.1.  Overview

   The Secure Asset Transfer Protocol (SATP) is a gateway-to-gateway
   protocol used by a sender gateway with a recipient gateway to perform
   a unidirectional transfer of a digital asset.

   The protocol defines a number of API endpoints, resources and
   identifier definitions, and message flows corresponding to the asset
   transfer between the two gateways.

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                +----------+                +----------+
                |  Client  |                | Off-net  |
                |   (App)  |                | Resource |
                +----------+                +----------+
                     |                      |API Type-3|
                     |                      +----------+
                     |                           ^
                     V                           |
                +----------+                     |
                |API Type-1|                     |
     +------+   +----------+----+        +----+----------+   +------+
     |      |   |          |    |        |    |          |   |      |
     | Net. |   | Gateway  |API |        |API | Gateway  |   | Net. |
     | NW1  |---|    G1    |Type|<------>|Type|    G2    |---| NW2  |
     |      |   |          | 2  |        | 2  |          |   |      |
     +------+   +----------+----+        +----+----------+   +------+

                                  Figure 1

4.2.  SAT Model

   The model for SATP is shown in Figure 1.

   The Client (application) interacts with its local gateway (G1) over
   an interface (API Type-1) in order to provide instructions to the
   gateway with regards to actions to assets and related resources
   located in the local system or network (NW1).

   Gateways interact with each other over a gateway interface (API Type-
   2).  A given gateway may be required to access resources that are not
   located in network NW1 or network NW2.  Access to these types of
   resources are performed over an off-network interface (API Type-3).

4.3.  Types of APIs

   The following are the types of APIs in SATP:

   *  Gateway APIs for client (API Type-1): This the REST APIs that
      permit a Client (application) to interact with a local gateway,
      and issue instructions for actions pertaining to resources
      accessible to the gateway.

   *  Gateway APIs for peer gateways (API Type-2): This is the REST APIs
      employed by two (2) peer gateways in performing unidirectional
      asset transfers.

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   *  APIs for validation of off-network resources (API Type-3): This is
      the REST APIs made available by a resource server (resource owner)
      at which a gateway can access resources.

   The use of these APIs is dependent on the mode of access and the type
   of flow in question.

4.4.  Types of Flows

   The SAT protocol defines the following three (3) flows:

   *  Transfer Initiation flow: This flow deals with commencing a
      transfer from one gateway to another.  Several tasks are involved,
      including (but not limited to): (i) gateway identification and
      mutual authentication; (ii) exchange of asset type (definition)
      information; (iii) verification of the asset definition, and

   *  Lock-Assertion flow: This flow deals with the conveyance of signed
      assertions from the sender gateway to the receiver gateway
      regarding the locked status of an asset at the origin network.

   *  Commitment Establishment flow: This flow deals with the asset
      transfer and commitment establishment between two gateways.

   These flow will be discussed below.

4.5.  Resources and Identifiers

   (a) Resource addressing for systems or networks, using the URL

   (b) Client identification based on the URN format.  These are for
   identifying clients (developers and applications) who access these
   resources, and which in some use-cases require access authorization.

   (c) Protocol message family for negotiating authentication,
   authorisation, and parameters for confidential channel establishment.

   (d) Resource discovery mechanism for developers and applications to
   discover resources hosted at a gateway.  The gateway response is
   subject to the level of access granted to that developer or

5.  SATP Message Format, identifiers and Descriptors

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5.1.  Overview

   This section describes (i) the phases of SATP; (ii) the format of
   SATP messages; (iii) the format for resource descriptors; (iv) a
   method for gateways to implement access controls; (iv) protocol for
   negotiating security capabilities; (v) discovery and accessing
   resources and provisions for backward compatibility with existing

5.2.  SATP Message Format

   SATP messages are exchanged between applications (clients) and
   gateways (servers).  They consist of protocol negotiation and
   functional messages.

   Messages are in JSON format, with protocol specific mandatory fields,
   support for several authentication and authorization schemes and
   support for a free format field for plaintext or encrypted payloads
   directed at the gateway.

   JSON format message, mandatory fields are shown below:

   *  Version: SATP protocol Version (major, minor).

   *  Message Type: This refers to the type of request or response to be
      conveyed in this message.

   *  Session ID: unique identifier (UUIDv2) representing a session
      between two gateways handling a single unidirectional transfer.

   *  Transfer-Context ID: unique optional identifier (UUIDv2)
      representing the application layer context.

   *  Sequence Number: Monotonically increasing counter that uniquely
      represents a message from a session.

   *  Resource URL: Location of Resource to be accessed.

   *  Developer URN: Assertion of developer / application identity.

   *  Action/Response: GET/POST and arguments (or Response Code)

   *  Credential Profile: Specify type of auth (e.g.  SAML, OAuth,

   *  Credential Block: Credential token, certificate, string

   *  Payload Profile: Asset profile and capabilities

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   *  Application Profile: Vendor or Application specific profile

   *  Payload: Payload for POST, responses, and local networks.  The
      payload is specific to the current SAT phase.

   *  Payload Hash: hash of the current message payload.

   *  Message signature: Gateway EDCSA signature over the message

   Other relevant attributes may exists that need to be captured for
   logging purposes.

5.3.  Digital Asset Resource Descriptors

   Resources are identified by URL [RFC 1738] as described below:

   *  The type is new: application/satres

   *  The access protocol is SATP.

   Data included in the URL includes the folowing:

5.3.1.  Organization Identifier

   This MAY be a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) or other identifier
   linking resource ownership to a real world entity.  Any scheme for
   identifying gateway owners may be implemented (e.g.  LEI directory,
   closed user group membership, SWIFT BIC, etc.).

   The developer or application MAY validate the identity with the
   issuing authority.  The identifier is not a trusted identity, but MAY
   be relied on where trust has been established between the two parties
   (e.g. in a closed user group).

   The mechanisms to determine organizations identifiers is out of scope
   for the current specification.

5.3.2.  Gateway / Endpoint ID

   FQDN of the SATP compliant gateway.  Required to establish IP
   connectivity.  This MUST resolve to a valid IP address.

5.3.3.  Network or system Identifier

   Specific to the gateway behind which the target network operates.
   This field is local to the gateway and is used to direct SATP
   interactions to the correct underlying network.  This value maybe
   alphanumeric or a hexadecimal value.

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   For example: "tradelens-network", "EU-supply-chain".

5.3.4.  Resource

   Specifies a resource held on the underlying network.  This field must
   be meaningful to the network in question but is otherwise an
   arbitrary string.  The underlying object it points to may be a
   network address, data block, transaction ID, alias, etc. or a future
   object type not yet defined.

5.3.5.  Examples


5.4.  Digital Asset Resource Client Descriptors

   Resources are identified by URN as described below:

   *  The type is new: application/satpclient

   The URN format does not imply availability of access protocol.

   Data included in the URN includes the following:

5.4.1.  Organization Identifier

   Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) or other identifier linking resource
   ownership to a real-world entity.  Any scheme for identifying Gateway
   owners may be implemented (e.g.  LEI directory, closed user group
   membership, BIC, etc.).

   The Gateway MAY validate the identity with the issuing authority.
   The identifier is not a trusted identity, but MAY be relied on where
   trust has been established between the two parties (e.g. in a closed
   user group).

5.4.2.  Gateway / Endpoint ID

   Applications which interact with multiple networks can operate in a
   mode whereby the application connects to its local gateway, which
   then forwards application traffic to local networks and to remote
   networks via other SATP gateways.

   Where this is the case, this field identifies the "home" gateway for
   this application.  This may be required to carry out gateway to
   gateway handshaking and protocol negotiation, or for the server to
   look up use case specific data relating to the client.

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5.4.3.  Organizational Unit

   The organization unit within the organization that the client
   (application or developer) belongs to.  This assertion should be
   backed up with authentication via the negotiated protocol.

   The purpose of this field is to allow gateways to maintain access
   control mapping between applications and resources that are
   independent of the authentication and authorization schemes used,
   supporting future changes and supporting counterparties that operate
   different schemes.

5.4.4.  Name

   A locally unique (within the OU) identifier, which can identify the
   application, project or individual developer responsible for this
   client connection.  This is the most granular unit of access control,
   and gateways should ensure appropriate identifiers are used for the
   needs of the application or use case.

5.4.5.  Examples


5.5.  Gateway Level Access Control

   Gateways can enforce access rules based on standard naming
   conventions using novel or existing mechanisms such as AuthZ
   protocols using the resource identifiers above, for example:






   These rules would allow a client so identified to access resources
   directly, for example:


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   This method allows resource owners to easily grant access to
   individuals, groups and organizations.  Individual gateway
   implementations may implement access controls, including subsetting
   and supersetting or applications or resources according to their own

5.6.  Negotiation of Security Protocols and Parameters

5.6.1.  TLS Established

   TLS 1.2 or higher MUST be implemented to protect gateway
   communications.  TLS 1.3 or higher SHOULD be implemented where both
   gateways support TLS 1.3 or higher.

5.6.2.  Client offers supported credential schemes

   Capability negotiation prior to data exchange, follows a scheme
   similar to the Session Description Protocol [RFC 5939].  Initially
   the client (application) sends a JSON block containing acceptable
   credential schemes, e.g.  OAuth2.0, SAML in the "Credential Scheme"
   field of the SATP message.

5.6.3.  Server selects supported credential scheme

   The server (recipient Gateway) selects one acceptable credential
   scheme from the offered schemes, returning the selection in the
   "Credential Scheme" field of the SATP message.

   If no acceptable credential scheme was offered, an HTPP 511 "Network
   Authentication Required" error is returned in the Action/Response
   field of the SATP message.

5.6.4.  Client asserts or proves identity

   The details of the assertion / verification step are specific to the
   chosen credential scheme and are out of scope of this document.

5.6.5.  Sequence numbers initialized

   Sequence numbers are used to allow the server to correctly order
   operations from the client, some of which may be asynchronous,
   synchronous, idempotent with duplicate requests handled in different
   ways according to the use case.

   The initial sequence number is proposed by the client (sender
   gateway) after the finalization of credential verification.  The
   server (recipient gateway) MUST respond with the same sequence number
   to indicate acceptance.

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   The client (sender gateway) increments the sequence number with each
   new request.  Sequence numbers can be reused for retries in the event
   of a gateway timeout.

5.6.6.  Messages can now be exchanged

   Handshaking is complete at this point, and the client can send SAT
   messages to perform actions on resources, which MAY reference the SAT
   Payload field.

5.7.  Asset Profile Identification

   The client and server must mutually agree as to the asset type or
   profile that is the subject to the current transfer from the client
   and server.  The client must provide the server with the asset-
   identification number, or the server may provide the client with the
   asset-identification numbers for the digital asset supported by the

   Formal specification of asset identification is out of scope of this
   document.  Global numbering of digital asset types or profiles is
   expected to be performed by a legally recognized entity.

5.8.  Application Profile Negotiation

   Where an application relies on specific extensions for operation,
   these can be represented in an Application Profile.

   For example, a payments application tracks payments through the use
   of a cloud based API and will only interact with gateways that log
   messages to that API, a resource profile can be established:

   Application Name: TRACKER


   X-Tracking-Policy: Always

   As gateways implement this functionality, they support the TRACKER
   application profile, and the application is able to expand its reach
   by periodically polling for the availability of the profile.

   This is an intentionally generalized extension mechanism for
   application or vendor specific functionality.

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5.9.  Discovery of Digital Asset Resources

   Applications located outside a network or system SHOULD be able to
   discover which resources they are authorized to access in a network
   or system.

   Resource discovery is handled by the gateway in front of the network.
   For instance using a GET request against the gateway URL with no
   resource identifier could return a list of URLs available to the
   requester.  This list is subject to the access controls above.

   Gateways MAY allow applications to discover resources they do not
   have access to.  This should be indicated in the free text field, and
   gateways SHOULD implement a process for applications to request

   Formal specification of supported resource discovery methods is out
   of scope of this document.

6.  Identity and Asset Verification Flow (Stage 0)

   Prior to commencing the asset transfer from the sender gateway
   (client) to the recipient gateway (server), both gateways must
   perform a number of verifications steps.  The types of information
   required by both the sender and recipient are use-case dependent and
   asset-type dependent.

   The verifications include, but not limited to, the following:

   *  Gateway identity mutual verification: This is the identity of the
      gateway at the protocol and network layer.  This may include
      validating the X509 certificates of the gateways.

   *  Gateway owner verification: This is the verification of the
      identity (e.g.  LEI) of the owners of the gateways.

   *  Gateway device and state validation: This is the device
      attestation evidence [RATS] that a gateway must collect and convey
      to each other, where a verifier is assumed to be available to
      decode, parse and appraise the evidence.

   *  Originator and beneficiary identity verification: This is the
      identity and public-key of the entity (originator) in the origin
      network seeking to transfer the asset to another entity
      (beneficiary) in the destination network.

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   These are considered out of scope in the current specifications, and
   are assumed to have been successfully completed prior to the
   commencement of the transfer initiation flow.

7.  Transfer Initiation and Commencement Flows (Stage 1)

   This section describes the SATP Set-up stage, where a sender gateway
   interacts with a recipient gateway, proposing a session.

   These artifacst are contained in the Transfer Initiation Claims.

   Gateways MUST support the use of the HTTP GET and POST methods
   defined in RFC 2616 [RFC2616] for the endpoint.

   Clients (sender gateway) MAY use the HTTP GET or POST methods to send
   messages in this phase to the server (recipient gateway).  If using
   the HTTP GET method, the request parameters may be serialized using
   URI Query String Serialization.

   The client and server may be required to sign certain messages in
   order to provide standalone proof (for non-repudiation) independent
   of the secure channel between the client and server.  This proof may
   be required for audit verifications (e.g. post-event).

   (NOTE: Flows occur over TLS.  Nonces are not shown).

7.1.  Transfer Initialization Claims

   This is set of artifacts pertaining to the asset that must be agreed
   upon between the client (sender gateway) and the server (recipient

   The Transfer Initialization Claims consists of the following:

   *  digital_asset_id: This is the globally unique identifier for the
      digital asset located in the origin network.

   *  asset_profile_id: This is the globally unique identifier for the
      asset-profile definition (document) on which the digital asset was

   *  verified_originator_entity_id: This is the identity data of the
      originator entity (person or organization) in the origin network.
      This information must be verified by the sender gateway.

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   *  verified_beneficiary_entity_id: This is the identity data of the
      beneficiary entity (person or organization) in the destination
      network.  This information must be verified by the receiver

   *  originator_pubkey REQUIRED.  This is the public key of the asset
      owner (originator) in the origin network or system.

   *  beneficiary_pubkey REQUIRED.  This is the public key of the
      beneficiary in the destination network.

   *  sender_gateway_network_id REQUIRED.  This is the identifier of the
      origin network or system behind the client.

   *  recipient_gateway_network_id REQUIRED.  This is the identifier of
      the destination network or system behind the server.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The public key of client who
      sent this message.

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The public key of server for
      whom this message is intended.

   *  sender_gateway_owner_id: This is the identity information of the
      owner or operator of the sender gateway.

   *  receiver_gateway_owner_id: This is the identity information of the
      owner or operator of the recipient gateway.

7.2.  Conveyance of Network Capabilities and Parameters

   This is set of artifacts pertaining to the origin network behind the
   client (sender gateway) that MAY be communicated to the server
   (recipient gateway).  A server may accept the asset-related claims
   but reject the transfer request based on parameters of the origin

   Some of these parameters maybe gateway-specific (e.g. chosen
   signature algorithm), while others are inherent in the origin network
   (e.g. lock type; average lock duration time; etc.).

   The network capabilities list is as follows:

   *  sender_gateway_network_id REQUIRED.  This is the identifier of the
      origin network or system behind the client.

   *  signature_algorithm REQUIRED: The digital signature algorithm
      chosen by the client (sender gateway) for signing claims.

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   *  supported_signature_algorithm OPTIONAL: The list of algorithm-id
      that is supported by the client from which the server MAY select.

   *  Lock_type REQUIRED: faucet, timelock, hashlock, hashtimelock,
      multi-claim PC, destroy/burn (escrowed cross-claim).

   *  Lock_expiration_time REQUIRED: when will the lock or escrow

   *  Permissions OPTIONAL: list of identities (public-keys or X.509
      certificates) that can perform operations on the escrow or lock on
      the asset in the origin network.

   *  developer_URN OPTIONAL: Assertion of developer / application

   *  credential_profile REQUIRED: Specify type of auth (e.g.  SAML,
      OAuth, X.509).

   *  application_profile OPTIONAL: Vendor or Application specific

   *  logging_profile REQUIRED: contains the profile regarding the
      logging procedure.  Default is local store

   *  Access_control_profile REQUIRED: the profile regarding the
      confidentiality of the log entries being stored.  Default is only
      the gateway that created the logs can access them.

   *  Subsequent calls OPTIONAL: details possible escrow actions.

   *  History OPTIONAL: provides an history of the escrow, in case it
      has previously been initialized.

7.3.  Transfer Proposal Message

   The purpose of this message is for the client to initiate an asset
   Transfer and propose the set of claims related to the asset to be
   transferred.  This message must be signed by the client.

   Depending on the proposal, multiple rounds of communication between
   the client and the server may occur.

   This message is sent from the client to the Transfer Initialization
   Endpoint at the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

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   *  version REQUIRED: SAT protocol Version (major, minor).

   *  message_type REQUIRED: urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:init-proposal-msg.

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen by the
      client to identify the current session.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  transfer_init_claims: The set of artifacts and parameters as the
      basis for the current transfer.

   *  transfer_init_claims_format OPTIONAL: The format of the transfer
      initialization claims.

   *  network_capabilities_list REQUIRED: The set of origin network
      parameters reported by the client to the server.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The public key of client who
      sent this message.

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The public key of server for
      whom this message is intended.

   *  multiple_claims_allowed OPTIONAL: true/false.

   *  multiple_cancels_allowed OPTIONAL: true/false.

   *  client signature REQUIRED: The client's signature over the

7.4.  Transfer Proposal Receipt Message

   The purpose of this message is for the server to indicate explicit
   acceptance of the Transfer Initialization Claims in the transfer
   proposal message.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The message is sent from the server to the Transfer Proposal Endpoint
   at the client.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  version REQUIRED: SAT protocol Version (major, minor).

   *  message_type REQUIRED: urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:init-receipt-msg

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   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen by the
      client to identify the current session.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  hash_transfer_init_claims REQUIRED: Hash of the Transfer
      Initialization Claims received in the Transfer Proposal Message.

   *  Timestamp REQUIRED: timestamp referring to when the Initialization
      Request Message was received.

   Example: TBD.

7.5.  Transfer Proposal Reject and Conditional Reject Message

   The purpose of this message is for the server to indicate a rejection
   or conditional rejection of the Transfer Initialization Claims.  In
   the case of a conditional rejection, the server may propose a
   different set of claims (counter-proposal claims) to the client.

   If the server wishes to indicate a conditional rejection, the server
   MUST include a counter-proposal set of claims.

   If the server does not wish to proceed, the server MUST include an
   empty (blank) counter-proposal.

   Depending on the proposal and counter-proposal, multiple rounds of
   communication between the client and the server may occur.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The message is sent from the server to the Transfer Proposal Endpoint
   at the client.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  version REQUIRED: SAT protocol Version (major, minor).

   *  message_type REQUIRED: urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:init-reject-msg

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen by the
      client to identify the current session.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

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   *  hash_transfer_init_claims REQUIRED: Hash of the Transfer
      Initialization Claims received in the Transfer Proposal Message.

   *  transfer_init_counter_claims: The set of artifacts and parameters
      as the counter-proposal to the client.

   *  Timestamp REQUIRED: timestamp referring to when the Initialization
      Request Message was received.

   Example: TBD.

7.6.  Transfer Commence Message

   The purpose of this message is for the client to signal to the server
   that the client is ready to start the transfer of the digital asset.
   This message must be signed by the client.

   This message is sent by the client as a response to the Transfer
   Proposal Receipt Message previously receuved from the server.

   This message is sent by the client to the Transfer Commence Endpoint
   at the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED.  MUST be the value

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The public key of client who
      sent this message.

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The public key of server for
      whom this message is intended.

   *  hash_transfer_init_claims REQUIRED: Hash of the Transfer
      Initialization Claims received in the Transfer Proposal Message.

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of the last message, in this
      case the Transfer Proposal Receipt message.

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   *  client_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the client.  This number is
      meaningful only the client.

   *  client_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the client.

   For example, the client makes the following HTTP request using TLS
   (with extra line breaks for display purposes only):

    POST /token HTTP/1.1
      Authorization: Basic awHCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2ZG
      Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

          "message_type": "urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:transfer-commence-msg",
          "beneficiary_pubkey": "mBGHJjjuijh67yghb",
          "sender_net_system": "originNETsystem",

                                Figure 2

7.7.  Commence Response Message (ACK-Commence)

   The purpose of this message is for the server to indicate agreement
   to proceed with the asset transfer, based on the artifacts found in
   the previous Transfer Proposal Message.

   This message is sent by the server to the Transfer Commence Endpoint
   at the client.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:ack-commence-msg

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   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server who sent this

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of the last message, in this
      case the the Transfer Commence Message.

   *  server_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the server.  This number is
      meaningful only to the server.

   *  server_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the server.

   An example of a success response could be as follows: (TBD)

8.  Lock Assertion and Receipt (Stage 2)

   The messages in this stage pertain to the sender gateway providing
   the recipient gateway with a signed assertion that the asset in the
   origin network has been locked or disabled and under the control of
   the sender gateway.

   In the following, the sender gateway takes the role of the client
   while the recipient gateway takes the role of the server.

   The flow follows a request-response model.  The client makes a
   request (POST) to the Lock-Assertion Endpoint at the server.

   Gateways MUST support the use of the HTTP GET and POST methods
   defined in RFC 2616 [RFC2616] for the endpoint.

   Clients MAY use the HTTP GET or POST methods to send messages in this
   phase to the server.  If using the HTTP GET method, the request
   parameters may be serialized using URI Query String Serialization.

   (NOTE: Flows occur over TLS.  Nonces are not shown).

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8.1.  Lock Assertion Message

   The purpose of this message is for the client (sender gateway) to
   convey a signed claim to the server (receiver gateway) declaring that
   the asset in question has been locked or escrowed by the client in
   the origin network (e.g. to prevent double spending).

   The format of the claim is dependent on the network or system of the
   client and is outside the scope of this specification.

   This message is sent from the client to the Lock Assertion Endpoint
   at the server.

   The server must validate the claims (payload) in this message prior
   to the next step.

   The message must be signed by the client.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:lock-assert-msg.

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client who sent this

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  lock_assertion_claim REQUIRED.  The lock assertion claim or
      statement by the client.

   *  lock_assertion_claim_format REQUIRED.  The format of the claim.

   *  lock_assertion_expiration REQUIRED.  The duration of time of the
      lock or escrow upon the asset.

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of the previous message.

   *  client_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the client.  This number is
      meaningful only to the client.

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   *  client_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the client.

8.2.  Lock Assertion Receipt Message

   The purpose of this message is for the server (receiver gateway) to
   indicate acceptance of the claim(s) in the lock-assertion message
   delivered by the client (sender gateway) in the previous message.

   This message is sent from the server to the Assertion Receipt
   Endpoint at the client.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED urn:ietf:satp:msgtype:assertion-receipt-msg.

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server who sent this

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of previous message.

   *  server_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the server.  This number is
      meaningful only to the server.

   *  server_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the server.

9.  Commitment Preparation and Finalization (Stage 3)

   This section describes the transfer commitment agreement between the
   client (sender gateway) and the server (receiver gateway).

   This phase must be completed within the time specified in the
   lock_assertion_expiration value in the lock-assertion message.

   In the following, the sender gateway takes the role of the client
   while the recipient gateway takes the role of the server.

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   The flow follows a request-response model.  The client makes a
   request (POST) to the Transfer Commitment endpoint at the server.

   Gateways MUST support the use of the HTTP GET and POST methods
   defined in RFC 2616 [RFC2616] for the endpoint.

   Clients MAY use the HTTP GET or POST methods to send messages in this
   phase to the server.  If using the HTTP GET method, the request
   parameters maybe serialized using URI Query String Serialization.

   The client and server may be required to sign certain messages in
   order to provide standalone proof (for non-repudiation) independent
   of the secure channel between the client and server.  This proof
   maybe required for audit verifications post-event.

   (NOTE: Flows occur over TLS.  Nonces are not shown).

9.1.  Commit Preparation Message (Commit-Prepare)

   The purpose of this message is for the client to indicate its
   readiness to begin the commitment of the transfer.

   This message is sent from the client to the Commit Prepare Endpoint
   at the server.

   The message must be signed by the client.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED.  It MUST be the value

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client who sent this

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of previous message.

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   *  client_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the client.  This number is
      meaningful only the client.

   *  client_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the client.

9.2.  Commit Ready Message (Commit-Ready)

   The purpose The purpose of this message is for the server to indicate
   to the client that: (i) the server has created (minted) an equivalent
   asset in the destination network; (ii) that the newly minted asset
   has been self-assigned to the server; and (iii) that the server is
   ready to proceed to the next step.

   This message is sent from the server to the Commit Ready Endpoint at
   the client.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED.  It MUST be the value

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server who sent this

   *  mint_assertion_claims REQUIRED.  The mint assertion claim or
      statement by the server.

   *  mint_assertion_format OPTIONAL.  The format of the assertion

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of previous message.

   *  server_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the server.  This number is
      meaningful only the server.

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   *  server_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the server.

9.3.  Commit Final Assertion Message (Commit-Final)

   The purpose of this message is for the client to indicate to the
   server that the client (sender gateway) has completed the
   extinguishment (burn) of the asset in the origin network.

   The message must contain standalone claims related to the
   extinguishment of the asset by the client.  The standalone claim must
   be signed by the client.

   This message is sent from the client to the Commit Final Assertion
   Endpoint at the server.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED.  It MUST be the value

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client who sent this

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  burn_assertion_claim REQUIRED.  The burn assertion signed claim or
      statement by the client.

   *  burn_assertion_claim_format OPTIONAL.  The format of the claim.

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of previous message.

   *  client_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the client.  This number is
      meaningful only the client.

   *  client_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the client.

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9.4.  Commit-Final Acknowledgement Receipt Message (ACK-Final-Receipt)

   The purpose of this message is to indicate to the client that the
   server has completed the assignment of the newly minted asset to the
   intended beneficiary at the destination network.

   This message is sent from the server to the Commit Final Receipt
   Endpoint at the client.

   The message must be signed by the server.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED.  It MUST be the value

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client for whom this message
      is intended..

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server who sent this

   *  assignment_assertion_claim REQUIRED.  The claim or statement by
      the server that the asset has been assigned by the server to the
      intended beneficiary.

   *  assignment_assertion_claim_format OPTIONAL.  The format of the

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of previous message.

   *  server_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the server.  This number is
      meaningful only the server.

   *  server_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the server.

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9.5.  Transfer Complete Message

   The purpose of this message is for the client to indicate to the
   server that the asset transer session (identified by session_id) has
   been completed and that no further messages are to be expected from
   the client in regards to this transfer instance.

   The message closes the first message of Stage 2 (Transfer Commence

   This message is sent from the client to the Transfer Complete
   Endpoint at the server.

   The message must be signed by the client.

   The parameters of this message consists of the following:

   *  message_type REQUIRED.  It MUST be the value

   *  session_id REQUIRED: A unique identifier (UUIDv2) chosen earlier
      by client in the Initialization Request Message.

   *  transferContext_id OPTIONAL: An optional identifier (UUIDv2) used
      to identify the current transfer session at the application layer.

   *  client_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The client who sent this

   *  server_identity_pubkey REQUIRED.  The server for whom this message
      is intended.

   *  hash_prev_message REQUIRED.  The hash of previous message.

   *  hash_transfer_commence REQUIRED.  The hash of the Transfer
      Commence message at the start of Stage 2.

   *  client_transfer_number OPTIONAL.  This is the transfer
      identification number chosen by the client.  This number is
      meaningful only the client.

   *  client_signature REQUIRED.  The digital signature of the client.

10.  SATP Session Resumption

   This section answers the question how can a backup gateway build
   trust with the counter party gateway to resume the execution of the
   protocol, in the presence of errors and crashes?

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   Gateways may enter faulty state at any time while execution the
   protocol.  The faulty state can manifest itself by incorrect
   behaviour, leading to gateways emitting alerts and errors.

   In some instances, gateways may crash.  We employ either the primary-
   backup or self-healing paradigm, meaning that the crashed gateway
   will eventually be replaced by a functioning one, or recover,

   When a crash occurs, we initiate a recovery procedure by the backup
   gateway or the recovered gateway, as defined in the crash recovery
   draft [draft-belchior-gateway-recovery-05].  In either case, if the
   recovery happens within a time period d efined as max_timeout (in
   Stage 2), the recovered gateway triggers a session resumption.  The
   schema and order of the recovered messages is specified in the crash
   recovery draft.

   In the case where there is no answer from the gateway within the
   specified max_timeout, the counter-party gateway rollbacks the
   process until that stage.  Upon recovery, the crashed gateway learns
   that the counterparty gateway has initated a rollback, and it
   proceeds accordingly (by also initating a rollback).  Note that
   rollbacks can also happen in case of unresolved errors.

   The non-crashed gateway that conducts the rollback tries to
   communicate with the crashed gateway from time to time (self healing)
   or to contact the backup gateways (primary-backup).  In any case, and
   upon the completion of a rollback, the non-crashed gateway sends a
   ROLLBACK message to the recovered gateway to notify that a rollback
   happened.  The recovered gateway should answer with ROLLBACK-ACK.

   Since the self-healing recovery process does not require changes to
   the protocol (since from the counterparty gateway perspective, the
   sender gateway is just taking longer than normal; there are no new
   actions done or logs recorded), we focus on the primary-backup

10.1.  Primary-Backup Session Resumption

   Upon a gateway recovering using primary-backup, a new gateway
   (recovered gateway) takes over the crashed gateway.  The counter-
   party gateway assures that the recovered gateway is legitimate
   (according to the crash recovery specification).

   After the recovery, the gateways exchange information about their
   current view of the protocol, since the crashed gateway may have been
   in the middle of executing the protocol when it crashed.

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   After that, the gateways agree on the current state of the protocol.

10.2.  Recovery Messages

   We have omitted the logging procedure (only focusing the different
   messages).  As defined in the crash recovery draft [draft-belchior-
   gateway-recovery-05], there are a set of messages that are exchanged
   between the recovered gateway and counterparty gateway:

   *  RECOVER: when a gateway crashes and recovers, it sends a RECOVER
      message to the counterparty gateway, informing them of its most
      recent state.  The message contains various parameters such as the
      session ID, message type, SATP phase, sequence number, a flag
      indicating if the sender is a backup gateway, the new public key
      if the sender is a backup, the timestamp of the last known log
      entry, and the sender's digital signature.

   *  RECOVER-UPDATE: Upon receiving the RECOVER message, the
      counterparty gateway sends a RECOVER-UPDATE message.  This message
      carries the difference between the log entry corresponding to the
      received sequence number from the recovered gateway and the latest
      sequence number (corresponding to the latest log entry).  The
      message includes parameters such as the session ID, message type,
      the hash of the previous message, the list of log messages that
      the recovered gateway needs to update, and the sender's digital

   *  RECOVER-SUCCESS: The recovered gateway responds with a RECOVER-
      SUCCESS message if its logs have been successfully updated.  If
      there are inconsistencies detected, the recovered gateway
      initiates a dispute with a RECOVER-DISPUTE message.  The message
      parameters include session ID, message type, the hash of the
      previous message, a boolean indicating success, a list of hashes
      of log entries that were appended to the recovered gateway log,
      and the sender's digital signature.

   In case the recovery procedure has failed and a rollback process is
   needed, the following messages are used:

   *  ROLLBACK: A gateway that initiates a rollback sends a ROLLBACK
      message.  The message parameters include session ID, message type,
      a boolean indicating success, a list of actions performed to
      rollback a state (e.g., UNLOCK, BURN), a list of proofs specific
      to the DLT [SATP], and the sender's digital signature.

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   *  ROLLBACK-ACK: Upon successful rollback, the counterparty gateway
      sends a ROLLBACK-ACK message to the recovered gateway
      acknowledging that the rollback has been performed successfully.
      The message parameters are similar to those of the ROLLBACK

11.  Error Messages

   SATP SATP distinguishes between application driven closures
   (terminations) and those caused by errors at the SATP protocol level.

   The list of errors and desciption can be found in the Appendix.

  enum { session_closure(1), nonfatal_error (2) fatal_error(3), (255) } AlertLevel;

      enum {
      } AlertDescription;

      struct {
          AlertLevel level;
          AlertDescription description;
      } Alert;

                               Figure 3

11.1.  Closure Alerts

   The SATP client and server (gateways) must share knowledge that the
   transfer connection is ending in order to avoid third party attacks.

   (a) close_notify: This alert notifies the recipient that the sender
   gateway will not send any more messages on this transfer connection.
   Any data received after a closure alert has been received MUST be

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   (b) user_canceled: This alert notifies the recipient that the sender
   gateway is canceling the transfer connection for some reason
   unrelated to a protocol failure.

11.2.  Error Alerts

   When an error is detected by a SATP gateway, the detecting gateway
   sends a message to its peer.

   Upon transmission or receipt of a fatal alert message, both gateways
   MUST immediately close the connection.  Whenever a SATP
   implementation encounters a fatal error condition, it SHOULD send an
   appropriate fatal alert and MUST close the connection without sending
   or receiving any additional data.

   The following error alerts are defined:

   *  connection_error: There is an error in the TLS session
      establishment (TLS error codes should be reported-up to gateway

   *  bad_certificate: The gateway certificate was corrupt, contained
      signatures, that did not verify correctly, etc.  (Some common TLS
      level errors: unsupported_certificate, certificate_revoked,
      certificate_expired, certificate_unknown, unknown_ca).

   *  protocol_version_error: The SATP protocol version the peer has
      attempted to negotiate is recognized but not supported.

   *  (Others TBD)

12.  Security Consideration

   Gateways are of particular interest to attackers because they are a
   kind of end-to-end pipeline that enable the transferral of digital
   assets to external networks or systems.  Thus, attacking a gateway
   may be attractive to attackers instead of the network behind a

   As such, hardware hardening technologies and tamper-resistant crypto-
   processors (e.g.  TPM, Secure Enclaves, SGX) should be considered for
   implementations of gateways.

13.  IANA Consideration


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14.  Appendix A: Error Types

   The following lists the error associated with each message in SATP.

   (Note: these have been laid out for convenience, and may be grouped
   together more efficiently later).

14.1.  Transfer Commence and Response errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Transfer Commence and

   *  [err_2.1] Badly formed message.

   *  [err_2.2] Incorrect parameter.

   *  [err_2.3] ACK mismatch.

14.2.  Lock Assertion errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Lock Assertion:

   *  [err_2.4.1] Badly formed message: badly formed Claim.

   *  [err_2.4.2] Badly formed message: bad signature.

   *  [err_2.4.3] Badly formed message: wrong transaction ID.

   *  [err_2.4.4] Badly formed message: Mismatch hash values.

   *  [err_2.4.5] Expired signing-key certificate.

   *  [err_2.4.6] Expired Claim.

14.3.  Lock Assertion Receipt errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Lock Assertion

   *  [err_2.6.1] Badly formed message: badly formed Claim.

   *  [err_2.6.2] Badly formed message: bad signature.

   *  [err_2.6.3] Badly formed message: wrong transaction ID.

   *  [err_2.6.4] Badly formed message: Mismatch hash values.

   *  [err_2.6.5] Expired signing-key certificate.

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   *  [err_2.6.6] Expired Claim.

14.4.  Commit Preparation errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Commit Preparation:

   *  [err_3.1.1] Badly formed message: wrong transaction ID.

   *  [err_3.1.2] Badly formed message: mismatch hash value (i.e. from
      msg 2.6).

   *  [err_3.1.3] Incorrect parameter.

   *  [err_3.1.4] Message out of sequence.

14.5.  Commit Preparation Acknowledgement errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Commit Preparation

   *  [err_3.2.1] Badly formed message: wrong transaction ID.

   *  [err_3.2.2] Badly formed message: mismatch hash value.

   *  [err_3.2.3] Incorrect parameter.

   *  [err_3.2.4] Message out of sequence.

14.6.  Commit Ready errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Commit Ready:

   *  [err_3.4.1] Badly formed message: wrong transaction ID.

   *  [err_3.4.2] Badly formed message: mismatch hash value.

   *  [err_3.4.3] Incorrect parameter.

   *  [err_3.4.4] Message out of sequence (ACK mismatch).

14.7.  Commit Final Assertion errors

   The following are the list of errors related to Commit Final

   *  [err_3.6.1] Badly formed message: badly formed Claim.

   *  [err_3.6.2] Badly formed message: bad signature.

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   *  [err_3.6.3] Badly formed message: wrong transaction ID.

   *  [err_3.6.4] Badly formed message: Mismatch hash values.

   *  [err_3.6.5] Expired signing-key certificate.

   *  [err_3.6.6] Expired Claim.

15.  References

15.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, DOI 10.17487/RFC2234,
              November 1997, <>.

   [RFC7519]  Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token
              (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015,

15.2.  Informative References

              Belchior, R., Correia, M., Augusto, A., and T. Hardjono,
              "DLT Gateway Crash Recovery Mechanism", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-belchior-gateway-recovery-05, 19
              April 2023, <

   [NIST]     Yaga, D., Mell, P., Roby, N., and K. Scarfone, "NIST
              Blockchain Technology Overview (NISTR-8202)", October
              2018, <>.

   [RFC5939]  Andreasen, F., "Session Description Protocol (SDP)
              Capability Negotiation", RFC 5939, DOI 10.17487/RFC5939,
              September 2010, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Martin Hargreaves
   Quant Network

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   Thomas Hardjono

   Rafael Belchior
   Technico Lisboa

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