Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-smime-ibepkg


     S/MIME Working Group                                     G. Appenzeller 
     Internet Draft                                         Voltage Security 
     Expires: December 2006                                        June 2006 
                              Identity-based Encryption  
                            Private Key Request Protocol 


     Status of this Document 

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     This document describes a protocol to request private keys from a 
     Private Key Generator (PKG) for an identity-based encryption system.   

     Table of Contents 

        1. Introduction...................................................2 
           1.1. Terminology...............................................2 
        2. Overview.......................................................2 
        3. Private Key Request............................................3 
           3.1. Request Structure.........................................3 
           3.2. Authentication............................................4 
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        4. Server Response Format.........................................4 
           4.1. Response containing a Private Key.........................5 
           4.2. Responses containing a Redirect...........................6 
           4.3. Responses indicating an Error.............................6 
        5. ASN.1 Module...................................................8 
        6. Security Considerations........................................9 
        7. IANA Considerations............................................9 
        8. References.....................................................9 
           8.1. Normative References......................................9 
        Author's Address.................................................10 
        Intellectual Property Statement..................................10 
        Disclaimer of Validity...........................................11 
        Copyright Statement..............................................11 
          1. Introduction 

        An identity-based encryption system [IBEARCH] allows the encryption 
        of messages using a user’s identity plus a set of public parameters. 
        For decryption users need a private key that is generated by a 
        private key generator. This document defines a protocol to retrieve 
        private keys from the private key generator (PKG) of an IBE system. 

        This document does not describe the actual algorithms used for 
        encryption or the mathematical structure of the public parameters, 
        they are described in [IBCS]. It also does not describe the 
        communication protocol to retrieve public parameters, it is described 
        in [IBEPPS]. 

          1.1. Terminology 

        The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
        "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this 
        document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [KEY]. 

          2. Overview 

        In an identity-based encryption (IBE) system messages are encrypted 
        using a public key that is locally calculated from public parameters 
        and a user’s identity and decrypted using a private key that 
        corresponds to the user’s public key. These private keys are 
        generated by a private key generator (PKG) based on a global secret 
        called a master secret. 

        When requesting a private key, a client has to transmit two 
        1. The identity it is requesting a key for 
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        2. Authentication credentials 
        These two are often not the same as a single user may have access to 
        multiple aliases. For example an email user may have access to the 
        keys that correspond to two different email addresses, e.g. and  

        This document defines the protocol to request private keys, a minimum 
        user authentication method for interoperability, and how to pass 
        authentication credentials to the server. It assumes that a client 
        has already determined the URL of the PKG. This can be done from 
        hints included in the IBE message format [IBCMS] and the system 
        parameters of the IBE system [IBEPPS]. 

          3. Private Key Request  

        To request a private key, a client performs a HTTP POST method as 
        defined in [RFC2616]. The request MUST happen over a secure protocol. 
        The requesting client MUST support either SSL v 3.0 [SSL3] protocol 
        or TLS v 1.1 [TLS]. When requesting the URL the client MUST abort the 
        key request if the server certificate verification of the SSL or TLS 
        connection fails [RFC2618]. Doing so is critical to protect the 
        authentication credentials and the private key against man-in-the-
        middle attacks when it is transmitted from the key server to the 

          3.1. Request Structure 

        The POST method contains in its body the following XML structure: 

        <ibe:request xmlns:ibe=\"\"> 
              <ibe:client version="clientID"/> 
                <oid> algorithmOID </oid> 

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        A <ibe:request> SHOULD include a <ibe:clientID> element that 
        identifies the client type and client version.  

        A key request MUST contain a valid ibeIdentityInfo that the private 
        key is requested for. This identity is the BASE64 encoding of the DER 
        encoding of the ASN.1 structure IBEIdentityInfo as defined in 

        A key request MUST contain a <ibe:algorithm> element that contains a 
        XER encoded ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER that identifies algorithm for 
        which a key is requested. OIDs for the BB1 and BF algorithms are 
        listed in [IBCS]. 

        A client MAY include optional additional XML elements in the 
        <ibe:body> part of the key request. 

          3.2. Authentication 

        When a client requests a key from a PKG, the PKG SHOULD authenticate 
        the client before issuing the key. Authentication may either be done 
        through the key request structure or as part of the secure transport 

        A client or server implementing the request protocol MUST support 
        HTTP Basic Auth as described in [RFC2617]. A client and server SHOULD 
        also support HTTP Digest Auth as defined in [RFC2617].  

        For authentication methods that are not done by the transport 
        protocol, a client MAY include additional authentication information 
        in xml elements in the body part of the key request. If a client does 
        not know how to authenticate to a server, the client MAY send a key 
        request without authentication information. If the key server 
        requires the client to authenticate externally, it MAY reply with a 
        201 response code as defined below to redirect the client to the 
        correct authentication mechanism. 

          4. Server Response Format 

        The key server replies to the HTTP request with an HTTP response. If 
        the response has a redirect, client error or server error status 
        code, the client MUST abort the key request and fail. 

        If the PKG replies with a HTTP response that has a status code 
        indicating success, the body of the reply MUST contain the following 
        XML structure: 

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        <ibe:response xmlns:ic=""> 
           <ibe:responseType value="responseCode"/>  

        The responseCode describes the type of response from the key server. 
        The list of currently defined response codes is: 

         100  KEY_FOLLOWS 
         101  RESERVED 
         201  FOLLOW_ENROLL_URL 
         300  SYSTEM_ERROR 
         301  INVALID_REQUEST 
         303  CLIENT_OBSOLETE 

          4.1. Response containing a Private Key 

        If the key request was successful, the key server responds with KEY 
        FOLLOWS, and the <ibe:body> must contain a <ibe:privateKey> tag with 
        a valid private key. An example of this is shown below. 

          <ibe:response xmlns:ic=""> 
             <ibe:responseType value="100"/>  

        The privateKey is the Base64 encoding of the DER encoding of the 
        following ASN.1 structure: 

        IBEPrivateKeyReply ::= SEQUENCE { 
           pkgIdentity    IBEIdentityInfo, 
           pgkAlgorithm   OBJECT IDENTIFIER 
           pkgKeyData     OCTET STRING 
           pkgOptions     SEQUENCE OF Extensions 
        The pkgIdentity is an IBEIdentityInfo structure as defined in 
        [IBECMS]. It MUST be identical to the IBEIdentityInfo structure that 
        was sent in the key request. 

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        The pkgAlgorithm is an OID that identifies the algorithm of the 
        returned private key. The OIDs for the BB and BF algorithms are 
        defined in [IBCS]. 

        The pkgKeyData is a ASN.1 structure that contains the actual private 
        key. Private key formats for the BB and BF algorithms are defined in 

        A server MAY pass back additional information to a client in the 
        pkgOptions structure. The contents of the structure are defined in 
        the ASN.1 module below. 

          4.2. Responses containing a Redirect 

        A Key Server MAY support authenticating user to external 
        authentication mechanism. If this is the case, the server replies to 
        the client with response code 201 and the body MUST contain a 
        <ibe:location> element that specifies the URL of the authentication 
        mechanism. An example is shown below.  

        <ibe:response xmlns:ic=""> 
           <ibe:responseType value="201"/>  
              <ibe:location url=""/> 

        The client can now contact the authentication mechanism to obtain 
        authentication credentials. Once the client has obtained the 
        credential, it sends a new key request to the PKG with the correct 
        authentication token contained in the request. 

          4.3. Responses indicating an Error 

        If the server replies with a 3xx error code, the client MUST abort 
        the request and discard any data that is part of the response. 

        The meaning of the response codes for errors is as follows: 

        300 – This indicates an internal server error of the PKG. 

        301 – The request to the server is invalid or the server is not able 
        to fulfill this type of request. 

        303 – The server is not able to serve key requests for this type of 
        client. A client with a newer version of the protocol is required. 

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        304 – The key request was processed correctly, but the authentication 
        credentials provided by the user were invalid, could not be verified, 
        or do not allow access to keys for this identity. 



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          5. ASN.1 Module 

        This section defines the ASN.1 module for the encodings discussed in 
        section 4. 
        IBEPKG { joint-iso-itu(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1)  
           identicrypt(114334) ibcs(1) ibcs2(2) pks(1) module (5) version(1) 
        IMPORTS IBEIdentityInfo 
          FROM BFCMS  
              { joint-iso-itu(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) 
                identicrypt(114334) ibcs(1) cms(4) module(5) version(1)  
        ibcs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu(2) country(16)  
              us(840) organization(1) identicrypt(114334) ibcs(1)  
        -- Private Key Format 
        IBEPrivateKeyReply ::= SEQUENCE { 
           pkgIdentity    IBEIdentityInfo, 
           pgkKeyType     OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 
           pkgKeyData     OCTET STRING, 
           pkgOptions     Extensions 
        Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OF Extension  
        Extension  ::=  SEQUENCE  { 
          id         OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 
          value      OCTET STRING   
        ibeParamExt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {  
          ibcs ibcs2(2) pks(1) extensions(2) 

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          6. Security Considerations 

        This entire document relates to security considerations. 

          7. IANA Considerations 

        No further action by the IANA is necessary for the protocols 
        described in this document. 

          8. References 

          8.1. Normative References 

        [CMS] R. Housley, “Cryptographic Message Syntax,” RFC 3369, August 

        [KEY] S. Brander, “Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
                  Levels,” BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 

        [P1363] IEEE P1363.3, “Standards Specifications for Public-Key 
                  Cryptography,” 2001. 

        [SSL3] A. Frier, P. Karlton, and P. Kocher, "The SSL 3.0 Protocol", 
              Netscape Communications Corp., Nov 18, 1996. 

        [TLS] T. Dierks, E. Rescorla, “The Transport Layer Security Protocol 
                  Version 1.1,” RFC 4346, April 2006. 

        [X509] ITU-T Recommendation X.509 (1997 E): Information Technology - 
              Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Authentication 
              Framework, June 1997.  

        [IBEARCH] L. Martin, M. Schertler, “Identity-based encryption 
              architecture,” draft-ietf-smime-ibearch-00.txt. 

        [IBCS] X. Boyen, L. Martin, “Identity-based cryptography standard 
              (IBCS) #1: supersingular curve implementations of the BF and 
              BB1 cryptosystems,” draft-ietf-smime-ibcs-00.txt. 

        [IBECMS] M. Schertler, L. Martin, “Using the Boneh-Franklin identity-
              based encryption algorithm with the Cryptographic Message 
              Syntax (CMS),” draft-ietf-smime-bfibecms-01.txt. 

        [IBEPPS] G. Appenzeller, “Parameter and policy lookup for identity-
             based encryption,” draft-ietf-smime-ibepkg-00.txt.  

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        [RFC2396] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform 
              Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 2396, August 
              1998.Author's Address 

        [RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frysyk, H., Masinter, 
              L., Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
              -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999. 

        [RFC2617] Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S., 
              Leach, P., Luotonen, A., Sink, E. and L. Stewart, "HTTP 
              Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication", RFC 
              2617, June 1999. [jg646] 

     Author's Address 

        Guido Appenzeller 
        Voltage Security 
        1070 Arastradero Rd Suite 100 
        Palo Alto CA 94304 
        Phone: +1 650 543 1280 
     Intellectual Property Statement 

        The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
        Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to 
        pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in 
        this document or the extent to which any license under such rights 
        might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has 
        made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information 
        on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be 
        found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. 

        Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any 
        assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an 
        attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of 
        such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this 
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        The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
        copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
        rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement 
        this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at 

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     Disclaimer of Validity 

        This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 

     Copyright Statement 

        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). 

        This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions 
        contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors 
        retain all their rights. 


        Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the 
        Internet Society. 



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