Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-teas-5g-network-slice-application


TEAS Working Group                                               X. Geng
Internet-Draft                                       Huawei Technologies
Intended status: Informational                           L. M. Contreras
Expires: 25 April 2024                                        Telefonica
                                                                R. Rokui
                                                                 J. Dong
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                                I. Bykov
                                                   Ribbon Communications
                                                         23 October 2023

   IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5G End-to-End Network Slice


   Network Slicing is one of the core features of 5G defined in 3GPP,
   which provides different network service as independent logical
   networks.  To provide 5G network slices services, an end-to-end
   network slices have to span three network segments: Radio Access
   Network (RAN), Mobile Core Network (CN) and Transport Network (TN).
   This document describes the application of the IETF network slice
   framework in providing 5G end-to-end network slices, including
   network slice mapping in management plane, control plane and data

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  5G End-to-End Network Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  IETF Network Slices in Distributed RAN Deployment . . . .   6
     3.2.  IETF Network Slices in Centralized RAN Deployment . . . .   7
     3.3.  IETF Network Slices in Cloud RAN deployment (C-RAN) . . .   8
     3.4.  Relationship Between IETF Network Slices and 3GPP Network
           Slices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping Procedure  . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   5.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping in Management and Control
           Planes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.1.  Mapping EP_transport to IETF NS CE Endpoints  . . . . . .  15
     5.2.  Mapping IETF NS CE to PE Endpoints  . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     5.3.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping in Control Plane . . . . . .  17
   6.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping in Data Plane  . . . . . . . . .  18
     6.1.  Data Plane Mapping Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     6.2.  Methods for Mapping Between 3GPP E2E Network Slice and IETF
           Network Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.2.1.  Mapping based on VLAN ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       6.2.2.  Mapping based on MPLS Label or SR-MPLS SID  . . . . .  23
       6.2.3.  Mapping based on SRv6 SID . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       6.2.4.  Mapping based on Policy Based Routing (PBR) . . . . .  25
       6.2.5.  Mapping based on UDP Source Port  . . . . . . . . . .  26
   7.  IETF Network Slice request through IETF Network Slice NBI . .  27
     7.1.  Example according to CE-mode (OPTION 1) . . . . . . . . .  32
     7.2.  Example according to PE-mode (OPTION 2) . . . . . . . . .  39
     7.3.  Example According to PE-mode with Meeting Point Extension
           of ACaaS (OPTION 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
   8.  Gap Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
   11. Evolution Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52

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   12. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
   13. Annex 1: 3GPP Network Slice Mapping Parameters  . . . . . . .  52
   14. Annex 2: Data Plane Mapping Options . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59
     14.1.  Layer 3 and Layer 2 Encapsulations . . . . . . . . . . .  61
       14.1.1.  Consideration of the Virtual Network Functions
               (VNF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
   15. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
   16. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
     16.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
     16.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  66
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70

1.  Introduction

   Driven by the new applications, 3GPP introduced the concept of
   network slicing as a feature of its 5G specification.  Such a concept
   is meant to provide a customized connectivity service with specific
   capabilities and characteristics.  A network slice may include a set
   of network functions and resources(e.g. computation, storage and
   network resources).  The RFC XXXX Network Slice Services is defined
   in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] as a set of connections
   between a number of SDPs (e.g., CE, NF), where these connections
   having specific Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level
   Expectations (SLEs) over a common underlay network, with the traffic
   of one customer being separated from another.  The concept of RFC
   XXXX Network Slice Service is conceived as technology agnostic.

   Note to the RFC Editor: Please update "RFC XXXX Network Slice" with
   the RFC number assigned to I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices.

   The RFC XXXX Network Slice Services is specified in terms of the set
   of service delivery endpoints connected to the slice, the type of
   connectivity among them, and a set of SLOs and SLEs for each
   connectivity construct.

   In [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang], the endpoints are
   identified by an identifier, with some metrics associated to the
   connections among them as well as certain policies (e.g., rate limits
   for incoming and outgoing traffic).

   The 5G network slice as defined in [TS-23.501] does not take the
   transport network slice into consideration.  3GPP introduces the
   concept of 5G end-to-end network slice service, which is built on top
   of three network segments: Radio Access Network (RAN), Transport
   Network (TN) and Core Network (CN).  Transport network provides the
   required connectivity between RAN and CN or inside RAN/CN, with
   specific performance commitment.  The 5G end-to-end network slice

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   services may have distinct topology and performance requirements on
   the underlying transport network.  The transport network should have
   thus capability to support multiple IETF network slices.  The
   decision about the number of such IETF network slices is deployment

   This document focuses on the mapping between 5G Slices and underlying
   Transport Networks.  Specifically, the document describes how RFC
   XXXX Network Slice Services can be derived in the context of a 3GPP
   Slice Service.  To that aim, the document explores how and whether
   3GPP Slice Service parameters are mapped to parameters that are
   exposed in IETF service data models (mainly, IETF Network Slice
   Service Model, Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS), and
   bearers).  It is out of scope of this document to elaborate on the
   realization of RFC XXXX Network Slices.  These considerations are
   discussed in [I-D.ietf-teas-5g-ns-ip-mpls].

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   This document uses the terms defined in

   The following abbreviations are used in this document:

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      NSC: IETF Network Slice Controller

      NSI: Network Slice Instance

      NSSI: Network Slice Subnet Instance

      S-NSSAI: Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information

      RAN: Radio Access Network

      TN: Transport Network

      CN: Mobile Core Network

      DSCP: Differentiated Services Code Point

      CSMF: Communication Service Management Function

      NSMF: Network Slice Management Function

      NSSMF: Network Slice Subnet Management Function

      IOC: Information Object Class model, defined in 3GPP

3.  5G End-to-End Network Slice

   The scope of a 5G End-to-End Network Slice service discussed in this
   document is shown in Figure 1.  The transport networks (TN) provide
   the connectivity between and within RAN and CN.  To support automated
   enablement of 5G E2E network slices, multiple controllers are likely
   to manage 5G E2E network slices across RAN, CN and TN.  In addition,
   a 5G E2E network slice orchestrator is used to coordinate and control
   the overall creation and life cycle management of 5G E2E network
   slices across RAN, TN and CN.

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       <-------------------- 5G E2E Network Slice ------------------->

           |           5G E2E Network Slice Orchestrator         |
                   |                  |                   |
                   v                  v                   v
           |---------------|     |------------|    |--------------|
           |   RAN Slice   |     |    IETF    |    |   CN Slice   |
           |   Controller  |     |    NSC     |    |   Controller |
           |-------|-------|     |-----|------|    |------|-------|
                   |                   |                  |
                   v                   v                  v
        ............................        ..........................
        : RAN                      :        : CN                     :
        :                          :        :                        :
        : |-----|  |----|  |-----| : |----| : |----|  |----|  |----| :
        : | RAN |--| TN |--| RAN |---| TN |---| CN |--| TN |--| CN | :
        : | NFs |  |----|  | NFs | : |----| : | NFs|  |----|  | NFs| :
        : |-----|          |-----| :        : |----|          |----| :
        :                          :        :                        :
        :..........................:        :........................:

               Figure 1: Scope of 5G End to End Network Slice

   Depending on RAN deployment, a single 5G E2E network slice might have
   one or more IETF network slices.  Depends on the operator’s networks,
   one or more of the following RAN deployments might be used.  These
   RAN deployments are discussed in the following sections:

   *  Distributed RAN

   *  Centralized RAN

   *  Cloud RAN (C-RAN)

3.1.  IETF Network Slices in Distributed RAN Deployment

   Distributed RAN is the most common deployment of 3GPP RAN networks as
   shown in Figure 2.  RAN is connected to CN using a transport network
   (TN1).  In this deployment a single 5G E2E network slice might have
   one or more IETF network slices between EAN and CN networks.  In
   addition, one or more IETF network slices might be present inside the
   CN network to provide the connectivity between CN network functions
   (e.g., AMF, CMF and UPF).

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      <-------------- 5G E2E Network Slice  ------------>
         <---- RS--->           <---------- CS --------->

                   <- INS1 ->         <- INS2 ->
                   (1 or more)       (1 or more)

      .............          .........................
      : RAN       :          : CN                    :
      :           : ........ :        .......        :
      :  |-----|  : :      : : |----| :     : |----| :
      :  | NFs |  : :  TN1 : : | NFs| : TN2 : | NFs| :
      :  |-----|  : :      : : |----| :     : |----| :
      :           : :......: :        :.....:        :
      :...........:          :.......................:
      INS: IETF Network Slice
      RS: RAN Slice
      CS: Core Slice

        Figure 2: IETF network slices in distributed RAN deployment

3.2.  IETF Network Slices in Centralized RAN Deployment

   In general, the RAN network consists of network functions for
   processing the radio signal and transmit/receive the radio signal.
   As shown in Figure 3, in Centralized RAN deployment, two groups of
   network functions exit; NFs1 and NFs2 where NFs2 rocesses the radio
   signal and is connected to the transport network and NFs1 transmit
   and receive the carrier signal that is transmitted over the air to
   the end user equipment (UE).  In Centralized RAN, network functions
   NFs1 and NFs2 are separated by a transport network TN3 called
   fronthaul network (FH).  In this deployment a 5G E2E network slice
   contain of RAN and CN slices and one or more IETF network slices
   INS1, INS2 and INS3.  INS1 and INS2 are identical to the IETF network
   slices shown in Figure 2.  However, the IETF network slices INS3
   needed across RAN network to provide the connectivity among NFs1 and

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         <-------------------- 5G E2E Network Slice  ------------------>
           <-------- RS --------->           <---------- CS --------->

                <- INS3 ->        <- INS1 ->         <- INS2 ->
               (1 or more)       (1 or more)        (1 or more)

         .........................          ...........................
         : RAN                   :          : CN                      :
         :        .......        : ........ :         .......         :
         : |----| :     : |----| : :      : : |-----| :     : |-----| :
         : |NFs1| : TN3 : |NFs2| : : TN1  : : | NFs | : TN2 : | NFs | :
         : |----| :(FH) : |----| : : (BH) : : |-----| :(BH) : |-----| :
         :        :.....:        : :......: :         :.....:         :
         :.......................:          :.........................:
        INS: IETF Network Slice
        RS: RAN Slice
        CS: Core Slice
        FN: Fronthaul IETF network
        BH: Backhual IETF network

      Figure 3: IETF network slices in centralized RAN deployment

3.3.  IETF Network Slices in Cloud RAN deployment (C-RAN)

   In a Cloud RAN deployment, the network function NF2 is further
   disaggregated into real-time and non-real-time components.  As shown
   in Figure 4, these disaggregated components are called CU (Central
   Unit) and DU (Distributed Unit) where they are connected by a new
   network called Midhaul network (MH).

   In this deployment 3GPP network slice contains not only RAN and Core
   slices but IETF network slices INS1, INS2, INS3 and INS4.  IETF
   network slices INS1, INS2 and INS3 are similar to those in Figure 3.
   An additional IETF network slice INS4 is used to connect the DUs to
   CUs through F1 interfaces.

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     <---------------------- 5G E2E Network Slice  -------------------->
       <-------------- RS -------------->          <------- CS ------>

            <- INS3 ->      <- INS4 ->   <- INS1 ->     <- INS2 ->
            (1 or more)    (1 or more)  (1 or more)    (1 or more)

     ......................................        .....................
     : RAN                                :        :CN                 :
     :       .......       ......         : ...... :       .....       :
     : |----| :     : |---| :     : |---| : :    : : |---| :   : |---| :
     : |NFs1| : TN3 : |DU | : TN4 : |CU | : : TN1: : |NFs| :TN2: |NFs| :
     : |----| :(FH) : |---| : (MH): |---| : :(BH): : |---| :   : |---| :
     :        :.....:       :.....:       : :....: :       :...:       :
     :....................................:        :...................:
    INS: IETF Network Slice
    RS: RAN Slice
    CS: Core Slice
    FN: Fronthaul IETF network
    MN: Midhaul IETF network
    BH: Backhual IETF network
    DU: Distributed Unit
    CU: Central Unit

    Figure 4: IETF network slices in cloud RAN deployment (C-RAN)

3.4.  Relationship Between IETF Network Slices and 3GPP Network Slices

   For the sake of illustration, the descriptions below all take the TN
   slice between RAN and CN as an example, and the other cases are
   similar.  Figure 5 shows the correspondence between network entities
   in 5G slices and IETF slices respectively

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       |         CSMF        |
                  |                    +------------------------+
       +---------------------+         |  5G E2E Network Slice  |
       |         NSMF        |         |      Orchestrator      |
       +---------------------+         +------------------------+
             /    |    \                            |
            /     |     \           IETF Network Slice Service Interface
           /      |      \                          |
  +---------++---------++---------+    +------------------------+
  |    AN   ||    TN   ||   CN    |    |   IETF Network Slice   |
  |   NSSMF ||   NSSMF ||  NSSMF  |    |     Controller (NSC)   |
  |         ||         ||         |    +------------------------+
  +---------++---------++---------+   Network configuration interface
       |          |          |                      |
       |          |          |         +------------------------+
       |          |          |         |    Network Controllers |
       |          |          |         +------------------------+
       |          |          |                      |
       |          |          |                      |
   .─────.    .───────.    .───────.            .─────────.
  ╱  5G   ╲  ╱  IETF   ╲  ╱   5G    ╲          ╱   IETF    ╲
 (   RAN   )(  Network  )(   Core    )        (   Network   )
  `.     ,'  `.       ,'  `.       ,'          `.         ,'
    `───'      `─────'      `─────'              `───────'

   Figure 5: Relationship between 3GPP domain controllers and IETF
                       Network Slice Controller

   An example of 5G E2E Network Slice is showed in Figure 6.  Each e2e
   network slice contains RAN slice, CN slice and one or more IETF
   network Slices. 3GPP identifies each e2e network slice using an
   integer called S-NSSAI.  In Figure 6 there are three instances of e2e
   network slices which are identified by S-NSSAI 01111111, 02222222 and
   02333333, respectively.  Each instance of e2e network slice contains
   AN slice, CN Slice and one or more IETF network slices.  For example,
   e2e network slice 01111111 has AN Slice instance 4, CN Slice instance
   1 and IETF network slice 6.  Note that 3GPP does not cover the IETF
   network slice.  See [[I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] for details
   of IETF network slice.

   Note that 3GPP uses the terms NSI and NSSI which are a set of network
   function and required resources (e.g. compute, storage and networking
   resources) which corresponds to network slice Instance, whereas
   S-NSSAI is an integer that identifies the e2e network slice.

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                  +-----------+ +-----------+  +-----------+
                  |  S-NSSAI  | |  S-NSSAI  |  |  S-NSSAI  |
                  |  01111111 | |  02222222 |  |  03333333 |
                  +---|-------+ +---|---|---+  +----|------+
                      |  +----------+   |           |
                      V  V              V           V
                   **********    **********    **********
      Core         * NSSI 1 *    * NSSI 2 *    * NSSI 3 *
      Network      **********    **********    **********
                        \              \             /
                         \              \           /
                         +-----+       +-----+    +-----+
      Transport          | IETF|       | IETF|    | IETF|
      Network            | NS 6|       | NS 7|    | NS 8|
                         +-----+       +-----+    +-----+
                             \              \   /
                              \              \ /
        Radio                **********   **********
       Access                * NSSI 4 *   * NSSI 5 *
       Network               **********   **********

          Figure 6: 5G End-to-End Network Slice and its components

   The following network slice related identifiers in management plane,
   control plane and data(user) plane play an important role in end-to-
   end network slice mapping

   *  Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information (S-NSSAI):
      The end-to-end network slice identifier, which is defined in
      [TS-23.501]; S-NSSAI is used during 3GPP network slice signalling

   *  IETF Network Slice Identifier: An identifier allocated by IETF
      Network Slice Controller (NSC) in management plane.  In data
      plane, IETF Network Slice Identifier may be instantiated with
      existing data plane identifiers and doesn't necessarily require
      new encapsulation.

   *  IETF Network Slice Interworking Identifier: Data-plane network
      slice identifier which is used for mapping the end-to-end network
      slice traffic to specific IETF network slice.  The IETF Network
      Slice Interworking Identifier is a new concept introduced by this
      draft, which may be instantiated with existing data plane
      identifiers and doesn't necessarily require new encapsulation.

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   *Note: the term "IETF Network Slice Interworking Identifier" is
   proposed but requires further discussion.  The term "handoff" is used
   sometimes along the document with similar purpose.  Alignment is
   needed.  Todo by documents editors.

4.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping Procedure

   This section provides a general procedure of network slice mapping:

                   |       NSMF      |
        +----------|     S-NSSAI     |----------+
        |          |(e.g., 011111111)|          |
        |          +-----------------+          |
        |                   |                   |
        V                   V                   V
 +-------------+ +---------------------+ +-------------+
 |  RAN NSSMF  | |       IETF NSC      | |   CN NSSMF  |
 +-------------+ +---------------------+ +-------------+
 |   RAN Slice | | IETF Network Slice  | |   CN Slice  |
 | Identifier  | |     Identifier      | |  Identifier |
 | (e.g., 4)   | |     (e.g., 6)       | |  (e.g., 1)  |    Management
 +-------------+ +---------------------+ +-------------+      Plane
      |           |                   |          |     -----------------
      |           |                   |          |
      V           V                   V          V     -----------------
   +-----+   +-----+             +-----+    +------+        Data
   | RAN |---|  PE |-----...-----| PE  |----|  CN  |        Plane
   +-----+   +-----+             +-----+    +------+

   Figure 7: Relation between IETF and 3GPP Network Slice management

   1.  3GPP NSMF receives the request from 3GPP CSMF for allocation of a
       network slice instance with certain characteristics.

   2.  Based on the service requirement, 3GPP NSMF acquires requirements
       for the end-to-end network slice instance, which is defined in
       Service Profile (section 6.3.3 of [TS-28.541]).

   3.  Based on Service Profile, 3GPP NSMF determines the network
       function and the required resources in AN, CN and TN networks.
       It also assigns the unique S-NSSAI ID.

   4.  3GPP NSMF sends a request to AN NSSMF for creation of AN Slice,
       which is out of the scope of this document.

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   5.  3GPP NSMF sends a request to CN NSSMF for creation of CN Slice,
       which is out of the scope of this document.

   6.  3GPP NSMF sends a request to an IETF NSC (acting as an NSSMF for
       transport network, from the perspective of the 3GPP Management
       System)) for creation of an RFC XXXX Network Slice Services.  The
       request contains attributes such as endpoints (based on the
       information from EP_Transport IOC), required SLA along with other
       IETF network slice attributes.  It also contains mapping
       information for IETF Network Slice Interworking Identifier.

   7.  The IETF NSC realizes the IETF Network Slice which satisfies the
       requirements of the RFC XXXX Network Slice Services requested
       between the specified endpoints (RAN/CN edge nodes). the IETF NSC
       might assign an IETF slice ID and send it to 3GPP NSMF.

   8.  The 3GPP NSMF could maintain the mapping relationship between
       S-NSSAI and RFC XXXX Network Slice Services ID.

5.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping in Management and Control Planes

   The transport network management Plane maintains the interface
   between 3GPP NSMF and TN NSSMF, which 1) in order to guarantees that
   IETF network slice could satisfy the requirements of connection
   between AN and CN, requirement parameters are necessary for ietf
   network slice northbound interface ; 2) builds up the mapping
   relationship between NSI identifier and RFC XXXX Network Slice
   Services ID.

   Service Profile defined in [TS-28.541] represents the requirement of
   end-to-end network slice instance in 5G network.  Parameters defined
   in Service Profile include Latency, resource sharing level,
   availability and so on.  How to decompose the end-to-end requirement
   to the transport network requirement is one of the key issues in
   Network slice requirement mapping.  GSMA (Global System for Mobile
   Communications Association) defines the [GST] to indicate the network
   slice requirement from the view of service provider.
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-use-cases] analyzes the parameters
   of GST and categorize the parameters into three classes, including
   the attributes with direct impact on the IETF network slice
   definition.  It is a good start for selecting the transport network
   relevant parameters in order to define Network Slice Profile for
   Transport Network.  Network slice requirement parameters are also
   necessary for the definition of transport network northbound
   interface.  NSMF delivers SLA/QoS related parameters and mapping
   related parameters to IETF NSC through the RFC XXXX Network Slice
   Services Interface.

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   3GPP TN NSSMF will request the RFC XXXX Network Slice Services adding
   in the RFC XXXX Network Slice Services request some slice identifier
   to the IETF NSC.  The mapping relationship between NSI identifier and
   IETF Network Slice service identifier could be maintained in both

   Then, at the time of provisioning a 3GPP slice, it is required to
   provide slice connectivity constructs by means of IETF network
   slices.  Then it is necessary to bind two different endpoints, as
   depicted in Figure 8:

   *  Mapping of EP_Transport (as defined by [TS-28.541]) to the
      endpoint at the CE side o f the IETF network slice.  This is
      necessary because the IETF Network Slice Controller (NSC) will
      receive as input for the RFC XXXX Network Slice Services the set
      of endpoints at CE side to be interconnected

   *  Mapping of the endpoints at both CE and PE side.  The endpoint at
      PE side should be elicited by some means by the IETF NSC, in order
      to establish and set up the connectivity construct intended for
      the customer slice request, according to the SLOs and SLEs
      received from the higher level system.

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        3GPP concern

       EP_RP_left                                           EP_RP_right
          |                                                       |
        --|--------                                            ---|-----
          |      /                                            /   |
          x     /                                            /    x
               O EP_Transport_left       EP_Transport_right O
              /A                                           /A
             / |                                          / |
        -----  |                                         ---|-------
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
        -------|--       ----------            ----------   |  -------
               | /      /        /  ____      /        /    | /
               V/      /        /  (    )    /        /     V/
               O<---->O        0==(      )==0        O<---->O
              /      /        /    (____)  /        /      /
             /      /        /            /        /      /
        -----      ----------            ----------      ----------
        CE_left     PE_left               PE_right       CE_right

        IETF concern

 Figure 8: conceptual view on 3GPP and TN connectivity meeting points

   The examples in Section 7 will show how the endpoints at both 3GPP
   and IETF concerns can be bound.

5.1.  Mapping EP_transport to IETF NS CE Endpoints

   The 3GPP Management system provides the EP_Transport IOC to extend
   the slice awareness to the transport network.  The EP_Transport IOC
   contains parameters as IP address, additional identifiers (i.e., vlan
   tag, MPLS label, etc), and associated QoS profile.  This IOC is
   related to the endpoints of the 3GPP managed functions (detailed in
   the EP_Application IOC).

   The information captured in the EP_Transport IOC (as part of the 3GPP
   concern) should be translated into the CE related parameters (as part
   of the IETF concern).  There will be cases where such translation is
   straightforward, as for instance, when the 3GPP managed functions run
   on monolithic, purpose- specific network elements, in the way that
   the IP address attribute from the EP_Transport IOC directly

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   corresponds to the IP address of an interface of such network
   element.  In this case, the information on EP_Transport IOC can be
   directly passed to the IETF NSC through the RFC XXXX Network Slice
   Services Interface, even though some additional information could be
   yet required, not being defined yet on 3GPP specifications (e.g., the
   mask applicable to the IP address field on EP_Transport).  Note that
   information gaps are further detailed in a summary section at the end
   of this document.

   However, there could be other cases where such a relationship is not
   straightforward.  This could be the case of virtualized 3GPP managed
   functions that could be instantiated on a general-purpose bare-metal
   server or in a data center.  In these other cases it is necessary to
   define additional means for eliciting the endpoint at the CE side
   corresponding to the endpoint of the 3GPP-related function.

   With solely EP_Transport characterization in 3GPP (i.e., according to
   3GPP Release 16 specifications), we could expect the NS CE endpoint
   being identified by a combination of IP address and some additional
   information such as vlan tag, MPLS label or SR SID that could
   discriminate against a certain logical interface.  The next hop
   router information is related to the next hop view from the
   perspective of the 3GPP entity part of the slice, then providing
   hints for determining the slice endpoint at the other side of the
   slice boundary.  Finally, the QoS profile, if present, helps to
   determine configurations needed at the PE side to respect the SLOs in
   the connection between CEs slice endpoints.

5.2.  Mapping IETF NS CE to PE Endpoints

   As described in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], there are
   different potential endpoint positions for an IETF NS.

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              |<---------------------- (1) ---------------------->|
              |                                                   |
              | |<-------------------- (2) -------------------->| |
              | |                                               | |
              | |        |<----------- (3) ----------->|        | |
              | |        |                             |        | |
              | |        |  |<-------- (4) -------->|  |        | |
              | |        |  |                       |  |        | |
              V V   AC   V  V                       V  V   AC   V V
          +-----+   |    +-----+                 +-----+    |   +-----+
          |     |--------|     |                 |     |--------|     |
          | CE1 |   |    | PE1 |. . . . . . . . .| PE2 |    |   | CE2 |
          |     |--------|     |                 |     |--------|     |
          +-----+   |    +-----+                 +-----+    |   +-----+
             ^              ^                       ^              ^
             |              |                       |              |
             |              |                       |              |
          Customer       Provider                Provider       Customer
          Edge 1         Edge 1                  Edge 2         Edge 2

                Figure 9: IETF Network Slice endpoints

   The information that is passed to the IETF NSC in terms of endpoints
   is the information relative to the CE side, which is the one known by
   the slice customer (i.e., the 3GPP Management system, that
   corresponds to the 3GPP managed functions).  From that information,
   the IETF NSC needs to infer the corresponding endpoint at the PE
   side, in order to setup the desired connectivity constructs with the
   SLOs indicated in the request.

   Being the IETF slice request a technology-agnostic procedure, the
   identification of the slice endpoints at the PE side should leverage
   on generic information passed through the RFC XXXX Network Slice
   Services Interface to the IETF NSC.

5.3.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping in Control Plane

   There is no explicit interaction between transport network and AN/CN
   in the 3GPP control plane signalling, but the S-NSSAI defined in
   [TS-23.501] is treated as the end-to-end network slice identifier in
   the control plane of AN and CN, which is used in UE registration and
   PDU session setup.  In this draft, it is assumed that there is a
   correspondence between S-NSSAI and the RFC XXXX Network Slice
   Services identifier in the management plane.

   However, edge nodes between transport network and CN/AN may have IETF
   control plane protocal interactions, for exmaple routing protocols.

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   ToDo: there is no direct relationship between 3GPP control plane
   signalling and IETF control plane.  Add sentence on this respect to
   provide some description here (Xuesong).

   Note: to ensure consistency with NBI YANG model (i.e., service tag)

6.  5G E2E Network Slice Mapping in Data Plane

   If multiple 5G E2E network slices data flows are carried from one
   physical interface between AN/CN and TN, there should be a mechanizm
   for provider edge (PE) nodes to distinguish between these flows in
   order to apply and to enforce the different SLO/SLE policy to each
   flow.  In other words, a solution needed in order to define an IETF
   Network Slice Interworking in the data plane.

   If different network slices are transported through different
   physical interfaces, 5G E2E network slices could be distinguished by
   the interface directly.  However if all flows from different 5G
   network slice flows are transported through same interface, the PE
   nodes needs to be able to distingush each flows.

6.1.  Data Plane Mapping Considerations

   The following picture shows the end-to-end network slice in data
   plane(taking the IETF network slice between RAN and UPF as an

   The mapping relationship between AN or CN network slice and an IETF
   Network Slice will be based on a IETF Network Slice Interworking
   identifier based on the information provided by the EP_Transport IOC.
   When the packet of an uplink flow goes from AN to TN, the packet is
   delivered according to the information provided by the EP_Transport
   IOC (e.g., the information provided in the logicalInterface field);
   then the encapsulation is read by the edge node of transport network,
   which maps the packet to the corresponding IETF network slice.

      <-----AN NS----> <----------TN NS-----------> <---- CN NS----->

      +--+       +-----+                           +----------------+
      |UE|- - - -|(R)AN|---------------------------|       UPF      |
      +--+       +-----+                           +----------------+

       Figure 10: The mapping between 3GPP slice and transport slice

   The mapping between 3GPP slice and transport slice in user plane
   could happens in: (R)AN: User data goes from (radio) access network
   to transport network

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   UPF: User data goes from core network functions to transport network

   The following picture shows the user plane protocol stack in end-to-
   end 5G system.

   ToDo: to add Figure title.

  +-----------+                    |                  |               |
  +-----------+                    |                  | +-----------+ |
  | PDU Layer +--------------------|------------------|-| PDU Layer | |
  +-----------+   +-------------+  |  +-------------+ | +-----------+ |
  |           |   | ___Relay___ |--|--| ___Relay___ |-|-|           | |
  |           |   |     \/ GTP-U|--|--|GTP-U\/ GTP-U|-|-|   GTP-U   | |
  |   5G-AN   |   |5G-AN +------+  |  +------+------+ | +-----------+ |
  |  Protocol |   |Protoc|UDP/IP|--|--|UDP/IP|UDP/IP|-|-|   UDP/IP  | |
  |   Layers  |   |Layers+------+  |  +------+------+ | +-----------+ |
  |           |   |      |  L2  |--|--|  L2  |  L2  |-|-|     L2    | |
  |           |   |      +------+  |  +------+------+ | +-----------+ |
  |           |   |      |  L1  |--|--|  L1  |  L1  |-|-|     L1    | |
  +-----------+   +-------------+  |  +-------------+ | +-----------+ |
       UE               RAN        |        UPF       |      UPF      |
                                   N3                 N9              N6

            Figure 11: Packet encapsulation in UE/RAN/UPF

   The following figure shows the typical encapsulation in N3 interface.

      | Application Protocols  |
      |       IP (User)        |
      |          GTP           |
      |          UDP           |
      |          IP            |
      |       Ethernet         |

          Figure 12: Typical packet encapsulation in N3 interface

   ToDo: to add Figure title.

   There are several options in the encapsulation that could be used in
   data plane of network slice mapping.

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6.2.  Methods for Mapping Between 3GPP E2E Network Slice and IETF
      Network Slice

   Referring to Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4, a 5G end-to-end network
   slice might have one or more IETF network slices.  Figure 13 is a
   general representation of any of transport networks in 5G end-to-end
   network slice where the IETF network slice INS_a provides the
   connectivity between network functions NF1 and NF2 to satisfy the
   specific SLO/ SLE.  For example, Figure 14 could represent IETF
   network slice INS1 of Figure 4 where connectivity needed between
   network functions CU and UPF or it could represent IETF network slice
   INS4 between network functions DU and CU.

   Suppose the network function NF1 sends the traffic to NF2.  The data
   plane mapping is mainly addresses how the identification of 3GPP
   network slice is conveyed and represented on data path, and how the
   provider network PE nodes map the traffic from context of 5G end-to-
   end network slice to the RFC XXXX Network Slice Servicess.nIt is
   crucial for PE nodes to be able to map the traffic to the appropriate
   IETF network slice so as to enforce the SLO/SLE policy.

             <------ IETF Network Slice Service INS_a ------>

                    AC         .-------.           AC
                    |        ,'         `.         |
                    |      ,'             `.       |
         --------   V   -------          -------   V   --------
         |      |       |     |          |     |       |      |
         | NF1  |-------| PE1 |          | PE2 |-------| NF2  |
         |      |-------|     |          |     |       |      |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'

           Figure 13: Typical IETF Network Slice in 3GPP Network

   To provide an overview of various mechanisms of mapping 5G E2E
   network slice to IETF network slices, we focus on IETF network slice
   INS1 in Figure 4 where IETF network slice INS1 provides the
   connectivity between network functions CU and UPF.  Figure 8 shows
   this scenario.  Although the various mapping techniques considered in
   this section is for IETF network slice INS1, they are all applicable
   to other IETF network slices of Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4,
   i.e., INS2, INS3 and INS4.

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   The IETF network slice INS1 provides the connectivity between service
   demarcation points SDP1 and SPD2.  These SDPs are the N3 interfaces
   on CU and UPF, respectively.  As shown in Figure 8(A) and
   Figure 8(B), the SDPs could be either loopback interfaces or a
   physical interfaces on CU and UPF network functions.  For simplicity
   case (A) is considered in this section although the various mapping
   methods are identically applicable to both cases (A) and (B).

             <-------------------- INS1 ------------------>

            SDP1                                        SDP2
          (N3 I/F)                                    (N3 I/F)
             |                 .-------.                  |
             |               ,'         `.                |
             v             ,'             `.              V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |   O  |       |     |          |     |       |  O   |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         |  CU  |       |     |          |     |       |  UPF |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'

                <----------------- INS1 --------------->

               SDP1                                  SDP2
             (N3 I/F)                               (N3 I/F)
                |              .-------.               |
                |            ,'         `.             |
                v          ,'             `.           V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |      *       |     |          |     |       *      |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         |  CU  |       |     |          |     |       |  UPF |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'
        <---> IETF Network Slice Service between SDP1 and SDP2
         *  SDP (N3 interface as CU IP interface)
         O  SDP (N3 as CU loopback interface)

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     Figure 14: Representation of a Typical IETF Network Slice in 3GPP

   Various techniques can be used to map the IETF network slice to 5G
   E2E network slice.  The section covers the following techniques which
   can be used for mapping between 5G E2E network slice and RFC XXXX
   Network Slice Servicess.  Note that these techniques might also be
   used by IETF network slice controller (NSC) to influence the
   realization of the IETF network slice services as well.  The latter
   case is out of scope of the current draft:

   *  Mapping based on VLAN

   *  Mapping based on MPLS label or SR-MPLS SID

   *  Mapping based on SRv6 SID

   *  Mapping based on Policy Based Routing (PBR)

   *  Mapping based on UDP source port

   It should be noted that the first three mapping mechanisms are
   briefly mentioned in [TS-28.541].

6.2.1.  Mapping based on VLAN ID

   In some scenarios, it would be possible for provider edge (PE) nodes
   to infer the identification of the 5G E2E network slices from the
   VLAN ID carried in the data path traffic, and map the traffic to the
   corresponding IETF network slice.  As shown in Figure 9, the IETF
   Network slice INS1 between network functions CU and UPF can be mapped
   using the VLAN ID.  In this scenario, the VLANs assigned by network
   functions CU and UPF are used for the handoff to the provider

   Refer to section 4.1 of [draft-srld-teas-5g-slicing] for details of
   this solution and how it is realized by provider network.

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            <-------------------- INS1 ------------------->

              VLAN Handoff  IP/MPLS Services
                    |              |
                    |              |
           N3 I/F   |          .---|---.                N3 I/F
             |      |        ,'    |    `.                |
             V      V      ,'      V      `.              V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |   O..........+======================+...........O  |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         | CU   |       |     |          |     |       | UPF  |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'

         O  SDP (N3 interface)
         +  Access points to provider network
         ... VLAN hand-off
         === IP/MPLS transport service in provider network
             (i.e., realization of INS1)

     Figure 15: VLAN hand-off based for IETF Network Slice Realization

6.2.2.  Mapping based on MPLS Label or SR-MPLS SID

   This section describes another solution for mapping the 5G E2E
   network slice traffic to IETF network slices based on MPLS/SR-MPLS
   labels/SIDs.  The labels/SIDs carried in the packets sent from CU to
   UPF can be used by the provider edge (PE) nodes to infer the
   identification of the 5G E2E network slices and map the packet to the
   corresponding IETF network slice.  Figure 10 shows an example where
   the 5G E2E network slice is mapped to IETF network slice INS1 using
   the MPLS label or SR-MPLS SID.  In this case, the MPLS label or SR-
   MPLS SID is used for the handoff to the provider network.

   Refer to section 4.3 of [draft-srld-teas-5g-slicing] for details of
   this solution and how it is realized by provider network.

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            <-------------------- INS1 ------------------->

             tunnel (represented by MPLS label or SR-MPLS SID)
           N3 I/F   |          .-------.                N3 I/F
             |      |        ,'         `.                |
             V      V      ,'             `.              V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |   *=============================================*  |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         | CU   |       |     |          |     |       | UPF  |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'
            * SDP1 and SPD2 (N3 Address)
            === tunnel between SDP1 and SDP2 (MPLS or SR-MPLS)

   Figure 16: MPLS label or SR-MPLS SID based IETF Network Slice Mapping

6.2.3.  Mapping based on SRv6 SID

   This section describes a solution for mapping the 5G E2E network
   slice traffic to IETF network slices based on SRv6 SIDs.  This
   solution is similar to the mapping based on MPLS label or SR-MPLS SID
   but using SRv6 tunnels.  As shown in Figure 11, the SRv6 SIDs is
   added by CU or UPF to the data path traffic between SDP1 and SPD2.
   The SRv6 SIDs can be used by the provider edge (PE) nodes to infer
   the identification of the 5G E2E network slices and map the traffic
   to the corresponding IETF network slice.

   In this solution, the identification of the 5G E2E network slice may
   be embedded into IPv6 SIDs, where the 32-bit 3GPP network slice
   identification is mapped into the 128-bit IPv6 SID, thus the SRv6 SID
   is used for the handoff to the provider network.

   Refer to section 4.2 of [draft-srld-teas-5g-slicing] for details of
   this solution and how it is realized by provider network.

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            <-------------------- INS1 ------------------->

               SRv6 tunnel (represented by SRv6 SID)
           N3 I/F   |          .-------.                N3 I/F
             |      |        ,'         `.                |
             V      V      ,'             `.              V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |   *=============================================*  |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         | CU   |       |     |          |     |       | UPF  |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'

            * SDP1 and SPD2 (N3 address)
            === SRv6 tunnel between SDP1 and SDP2

       Figure 17: SRV6 hand-off based for IETF Network Slice Mapping

6.2.4.  Mapping based on Policy Based Routing (PBR)

   This section provides a solution for mapping the 3GPP E2E network
   slice traffic to IETF network slices.  As shown in Figure 12, in some
   deployments of the 5G network slices, it would be possible for
   provider edge (PE) nodes to infer the identification of the 3GPP E2E
   network slice from the content of the IP data packet sent between CU
   and UPF.  In these cases, the PE nodes can identify the 5G E2E
   network slice using any combination of the following attributes and
   then map them to RFC XXXX Network Slice Servicess:

   *  Source N3 IP address

   *  Destination N3 IP address

   *  Ingress interface

   *  DSCP

   *  Other information in the packet (at IP/MPLS layer or upper layers
      such as UDP/TCP)

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   Once the PE nodes receives the IP packets, it may apply infer the
   conetext of the 5G E2E netweork slice and then apply a policy- based
   routing (PBR) to the packet to map the traffic of specific 5G E2E
   network slice to the corresponding IETF network slices in the
   provider network.  The details of this solution is beyond scope of
   this draft.

            <-------------------- INS1 ------------------->

                       PBR        INS1        PBR
                enforcement    realization    enforcement
                        |          |           |
                        |          |           |
           N3 I/F       |      .---|---.       |        N3 I/F
             |          |    ,'    |    `.     |          |
             V          V  ,'      V      `.   V          V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |   O..........+======================+..........O   |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         | CU   |       |     |          |     |       | UPF  |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'
         O  SDP ((N3 interface)
         +  Access points of IP/MPLS Services when PBR is enforced
         === IP/MPLS realizatiohn of the IETF network slice

       Figure 18: Policy Based Routing (PBR) based IETF Network Slice

6.2.5.  Mapping based on UDP Source Port

   This section provides another solution for mapping the 5G E2E network
   slice traffic to IETF network slices.  In some deployments of the 5G
   E2E network slices, it might be possible for PE nodes to infer the
   identification of the 3GPP E2E network slice based on the information
   of the GTP tunnels.  As shown in Figure 19, the source UDP port of
   the data packet may be used to infer the identification of 5G E2E
   network slices.  In this case, a mapping table between the
   identification of 5G network slice and the source UDP port needs to
   be maintained by network functions CU, UPF and the PE nodes.

   The details of this solution is described in

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           <-------------------- INS1 ------------------->
            GTP tunnels
           N3 I/F   |          .-------.                N3 I/F
             |      |        ,'         `.                |
             V      V      ,'             `.              V
         --------       -------          -------       --------
         |   *=============================================*  |
         |   *=============================================*  |
         |      |       | PE1 |          | PE2 |       |      |
         | CU   |       |     |          |     |       | UPF  |
         --------       ------- Provider -------       --------
                            `.  Network  ,'
                              `.       ,'
         *  SDP (N3 address)
            === GTP tunnels in context of IETF network slice INS1

     Figure 19: UDP source port soluiton for IETF Network Slice Mapping

7.  IETF Network Slice request through IETF Network Slice NBI

   As discussed in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], to fulfil IETF
   network slices and to perform monitoring on them, an entity called
   IETF Network Slice Controller (NSC) is required to take abstract
   requests for IETF network slices and realize them using suitable
   underlying technologies.  An IETF Network Slice Controller is the key
   building block for control and management of the IETF network slice.
   It provides the creation/modification/deletion, monitoring and
   optimization of transport Slices in a multi-domain, a multi-
   technology and multi-vendor environment.

   Figure 20 shows the NSC and its NBI interface for 5G.  Draft
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang] a addresses the service
   yang model of the NSC NBI interface for all network slicing use-

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                     |            5G Customer (Tenant)          |
                     |    5G E2E Network Slice Orchestrator     |
                                        | NSC NBI
                     |    IETF Network Slice Controller (NSC)   |
                                        | NSC SBI
                     |          Network Controller(s)           |

            Figure 20: IETF Network Slice Controller NBI for 5G

   As discussed in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], the main task of
   the IETF Network Slice Controller is to map abstract IETF network
   slice requirements from NBI to concrete technologies on SBI and
   establish the required connectivity, and ensure that required
   resources are allocated to IETF network slice.  There are a number of
   different technologies that can be used on SBI including physical
   connections, MPLS, TSN, Flex-E, PON etc.  If the undelay technology
   is IP/MPLS/Optics, any IETF models can be used during the realization
   of IETF network slice.

   There are no specific mapping requirements for 5G.  The only
   difference is that in case of 5G, the NBI interface contains
   additional 5G specific attributes such as customer name, mobile
   service type, 5G E2E network slice ID (i.e.  S-NSSAI) and so on (See
   Section 6).  These 5G specific attributes can be employed by IETF
   Network Slice Controller during the realization of 5G IETF network
   slices on how to map NBI to SBI.  They can also be used for assurance
   of 5G IETF network slices.  Figure 9 shows the mapping between NBI to
   SBI for 5G IETF network slices.

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                        | (1) NBI: Request to create/modify/delete
                        |          5G IETF Network Slice
             |  IETF Network Slice  | (2) Mapping between technology
             |    Controller (NSC)  |     agnostics NBI to technology
             +----------------------+     specific SBI
                       ^ ^ ^
                       | | |
                   |---| | |---|  (3) SBI: Realize 5G IETF Network Slice
                   |     |     |      by using various IETF models for
                   V     V     V      services, tunnels and paths
             |       Network        |-+
             |     Controller(s)    | |-+
             +----------------------+ | |
               +----------------------+ |

   Figure 9: Relationship between transport slice interface and IETF
   Service/Tunnels/Path data models

   The following figure illustrates the relationship between 3GPP or
   ORAN subsystems connected through IETF TN domain.  After the analysis
   of 3GPP Generic Network Resource Models (NRM) of [TS-28.540] Rel 17,
   [TS-28.541] Rel 17 and [TS-28.622] Rel 16 the following objects have
   been identified as entities on which the decision of mapping to IETF
   TN slices can be made.  These available delineators of network
   slices, represented by the arrows in the figure, are accessible in
   IETF domain and possible to be treated as triggers for decision of
   mapping 3GPP slice to IETF TN slice.

   Option (1) - the object class of 3GPP/ORAN subsystem is EP_Transport,
   [TS-28.541] clause 6.3.18, representing a list of attributes
   including IETF-related parameters, directly exposed to transport
   network domain: * ipAddress – an IP address assigned on the 3GPP/ORAN
   subsystem side of the link to TN. * logicInterfaceType and
   logicInterfaceId – in current release it is an ID of the VLAN and
   encapsulation type is 802.1Q

   These parameters can program the slice separation and be mapped to an
   IETF slice.

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   By instantiating EP_Transport per slice on 3GPP/ORAN subsystem the
   slicing may be implemented and mapped on slices in IETF TN domain.
   In this case EP_Transport parameters may be mapped to draft-ietf-
   teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang data model objects.  This option is
   described in the following example in section 7.1 of current

   Option (2) - the object class is EP_RP ([TS-28.622] clause 4.3.11),
   EP_F1U ([TS-28.541] clause 4.3.13), EP_NgU ([TS-28.541] clause
   4.3.11), EP_N3 ( [TS-28.541] clause 5.3.20), representing the 3GPP
   link and association between 3GPP/ORAN subsystems.  These attributes
   are not exposed directly to IETF TN domain and can be treated as
   loopbacks behind the link, defined in EP_Transport object class.
   Instantiation and manipulation of EP_RPs per slice may be mapped on
   slices in IETF TN domain, while link defined by parameters of
   EP_Transport may remain the same.  This delineation by loopbacks is
   adding secondary axis of flexibility to network slicing and needs to
   be mapped to draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang data model
   with different logic that delineation in option (1).

 +------------------------+                   +------------------------+
 ||3GPP or ORAN subsystem |Provider Provider  |3GPP or ORAN subsystem  |
 |(e.g. (O)-DU)           |Edge 1   Edge 2    |(e.g. (O)-CU-UP)        |
 |+----------------------+|    +--+   +--+    |+----------------------+|
 ||Bearer                ||    |  |   |  |    ||Bearer                ||
 ||    +------+ +-------+||  | |  =====  | |  ||+-------+ +------+    ||
 ||    │EP_RP │ │EP_Tran│||  | |PE|   |PE| |  |||EP_Tran| |EP_RP |    ||
 ||    │EP_F1U|-| sport X++--+-|  =====  |-+--|X  sport |-|EP_F1U|    ||
 ||    +---A--+ +---A---+||  | |  |   |  | |  |+----A---+ +-A----+    ||
 |+--------+--------+----+|  | +--+   +--+ |  |+----+-------+-------- +|
 +---------+--------+-----+  |             |  +-----+-------+----------+
            |        |        |             |        |       |
           (2)      (1)       AC            AC      (1)     (2)
      Customer Edge 1                               Customer Edge 2

   Figure 10: Slice mapping options analysis based on 3GPP NRM

   These basic options represent possible implementation options of
   objects and parameters Operator may use to instantiate slices and
   correlate them with network slices in IETF TN domain to ensure SLA
   and SLO per slice.

   Since 3GPP Generic Network Resource Models are not limiting use of
   these object classes and not mandating roles and mapping procedures,
   any combination of (1), (2) and (3) may be implemented in real
   slicing scenario.

   (Editorial note: Summarize gaps in one single section at the end)

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   (1) The use of slicing based on EP_Transport instantiation may be
   favorable due to direct exposure of connectivity parameters to IETF
   TN domain.  However, there are currently gaps in the NRM that may
   affect this option:

   *  The NRM Rel. 17 lacks definitions and object class structures for
      DC or DC-fabric implementations of RAN or CN instances.

   *  The attribute in EP_Transport qosProfile has no relation to
      clauses 5.3.84 QoSData and 5.3.79 FiveQiDscpMapping and cannot be
      extracted or mapped to SLO/SLE constructs as the information is
      not available in the IETF domain.

   *  The destination of the traffic may potentially be extracted from
      EP_RP ([TS-28.622] clause 4.3.11), but this information is not
      accessible in the IETF domain, so it cannot be extracted or mapped
      to communication type and connectivity constructs.

   *  Redundancy of EP_Transports is an open topic for failover and
      protection mechanisms

   (2) The option of using a common EP_Transport and multiple EP_RP with
   unique IP addresses may be suitable for DC and DC-Fabric
   implementations where EP_Transport establishes connectivity to the
   IETF TN domain and EP_RPs serve as virtual instance loopbacks.
   However, the lack of direct exposure of IP addresses and slice demand
   parameters in the IETF domain may make this slicing option
   challenging to implement.  Currently, the following gaps have been

   *  EP_Transport object class does not define a mechanism for active
      communication of EP_RP loopbacks to the IETF ingress PE device
      (e.g., no PE-CE protocols)

   *  Redundancy for EP_Transports is still an open topic for failover
      and protection mechanisms, with the added complexity of EP_RP
      loopback switchover

   *  Pre-installed policies in the IETF TN domain for pre-defined EP_RP
      loopbacks may result in network overprovisioning (e.g., PBR,
      policies, service-match-criteria)

   *  The absence of a common toolset for monitoring the existence and
      activity of EP_RP loopbacks may hinder root cause analysis and

   Following sub-sections present several examples for illustrating the
   mapping of 3GPP objects to IETF NBI YANG model.

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   Editorial note: further examples will be added in future versions of
   this document.

7.1.  Example according to CE-mode (OPTION 1)

   This example considers the request of a slice for realizing the F1-U
   [3GPP [TS-38.470] interface between a DU and a CU-UP elements (i.e.,
   INS4 in previous Figure 4).  Note that the example is equally valid
   for the realization of any other case.

   The example follows the CE-mode as described in Figure 11.

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     +-----+        Association between X and Y              +-----+
     |     |    according to 3GPP (i.e., NgU/N3 interface)   |     |
     | gNB |<----------------------------------------------->| UPF |
     |     |                                                 |     |
     +-----+                                                 +-----+

     +-----+       Association between DU and CU-UP          +-----+
     |     |    according to O-RAN (i.e., F1-U interface)    |     |
     |  DU |<----------------------------------------------->|CU-UP|
     |     |                                                 |     |
     +-----+                                                 +-----+
                        \__________  __________/
       SDP1                                                  SDP2
    (with CE1 parameters)                       (with CE2 parameters)
       o<----------------- IETF Network Slice ---------------->o
       +                                                       +
       +|<------------------------- S1 ---------------------->|+
       +|                                                     |+
       +|                 |<------- T1 ----->|                |+
       +|                 v                  v                |+
       +v            +----+                  +----+           v+
    +--+--+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-+---+
    |  +  |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | +   |
    |  o  X----------X    |                  |    X----------X o   |
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    +-----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +-----+
               AC    +----+                  +----+     AC
    Customer         Provider                Provider         Customer
    Edge 1           Edge 1                  Edge 2           Edge 2

   O: Representation of the IETF network slice endpoints (SDP) –
   loopback interface in this example
   +: Mapping of SDP to CE
   X: Physical interfaces used for realization of IETF network slice
   S1: L0/L1/L2/L3 services used for realization of IETF network slice
   T1: Tunnels used for realization of IETF network slice

   Figure 21: CE-mode slice realization example between DU and CU-UP –

   The 3GPP Management System is expected to handle different IOCs for
   both DU and CU-UP.  For each of those 3GPP network entities, one of
   the IOCs is the EP_RP, which describes each of the end-points in the
   association between 3GPP core entities, and the other IOC is the
   EP_Transport, which provides information attributes about the point

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   of attachment of each 3GPP core entity to the transport network.
   Both objects are cross-referenced, so it is possible to get the
   information of one of them from the other.

   Figure 12 shows the information provided at the DU side corresponding
   to the intended association with the CU-UP at the other end.

     |          EP_F1U CU-UP1          |<---+
     +---------------------------------+    |
     |   Parameter    |      Value     |    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
     |  localAddress  |    |    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
     | remoteipaddress|   |    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
     | epTransportRef |EP_Transport 100|    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
                     A                      |
                     |                      |
                     |                      |
                     V                      |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |         EP_Transport 100          |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |    Parameter     |      Value     |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |    ipAddress     |    |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |logicInterfaceType|      vlan      |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    | logicInterfaceId |      100       |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |   NextHopInfo    |   |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |    qosProfile    |     5QI100     |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    | epApplicationRef | EP_F1U CU-UP1  |<--+

   Figure 22: 3GPP IOCs at DU side for the DU1 – CU-UP1 connection

   Similarly, at CU-UP side the following objects are provided for
   setting up the network slice service towards DU, as represented in
   Figure 13.

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     |            EP_F1U DU1           |<---+
     +---------------------------------+    |
     |   Parameter    |      Value     |    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
     |  localAddress  |   |    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
     | remoteipaddress|    |    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
     | epTransportRef |EP_Transport 100|    |
     +---------------------------------+    |
                     A                      |
                     |                      |
                     |                      |
                     V                      |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |         EP_Transport 100          |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |    Parameter     |      Value     |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |    ipAddress     |   |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |logicInterfaceType|      vlan      |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    | logicInterfaceId |      100       |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |   NextHopInfo    |  |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    |    qosProfile    |     5QI100     |   |
    +-----------------------------------+   |
    | epApplicationRef |   EP_F1U DU1   |<--+

   Figure 23: 3GPP IOCs at CU-UP side for the DU1 – CU-UP1 connection

   This is the basic information from where deriving the set of
   parameters feeding the NS NBI model.

   According to this example, the following mapping could be performed.

   *  SDPs: the SDPs in this example correspond to the IP addresses of
      the 3GPP core entities, thus at the DU1 side and
      at the CU-UP1 side, both contained in the EP_RP object.

   *  SLO / SLE policy: the SLO policy can be derived from the QoS
      profile indicated in the EP_Transport object.  SLE information are
      not directly expressed in 3GPP IOCs, then, if needed, SLE
      information should be complemented by other means (e.g., the 3GPP

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      Slice Profile could provide indication of high reliability which
      could be translated to SLE values in the NBI YANG model internally
      to the NSC).

   *  Peer SAP: the Next Hop info parameter in EP_Transport object can
      provide information about the SAP at the PE side, based on the IP
      address provided.

   *  AC: the conjugation of the IP address in the EP_Transport object,
      plus the information of the logical interface type and its
      identifier also in EP_Transport, can assist on determining the
      specific AC used for the network slice.

   The resulting mapping is summarized in Figure 14.

        SDP1                                                  SDP2
     (                                            (
        o<----------------- IETF Network Slice ---------------->o
        +                                                       +
        +|<------------------------- S1 ---------------------->|+
        +|                                                     |+
        +|  EP_Transport                         EP_Transport  |+
        +|   (      |<------ T1 ---->|   (   |+
        +|     /            v                v            \    |+
        +v    /       +-----+                +-----+       \   v+
     +--+--+ /        | PE1 |================| PE2 |        \ +-+---+
     |  +  |/  |      |     |                |     |     |   \| +   |
     |  o  X----------X     |                |     X----------X o   |
     |     |   |      |\    |                |    /|     |    |     |
     |     |   |      | \   |                |   / |     |    |     |
     |     |   |    Peer SAP|                | Peer SAP  |    |     |
     |     |   | (|================|(   |     |
     |     |   |      |     |                |     |     |    |     |
     +-----+   |      +-----+                +-----+     |    +-----+
     Customer  |      Provider               Provider    |    Customer
     Edge 1    |      Edge 1                 Edge 2      |    Edge 2
               |                                         |
        AC (vlan 100)                               AC (vlan 100)

   Figure 24: CE-mode slice realization example between DU and CU-UP
   with values

   Further parameters can be filled in the NS NBI YANG model from the
   information provided.  For instance, since there is one single pair
   of EP_Transport objects, one on each end of the intended slice
   service, the connectivity construct can be requested as p2p.  Since
   the ranges of IP address of both DU1 and CU-UP1 could pertain to
   different block of prefixes, the NSC can take the decision of

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   realizing the network slice as a routed service.  Here is important
   to remark that the IOCs from 3GPP do not provide any information
   regarding the mask applied to each prefix, so this can produce
   inconsistencies in the interpretation of the information received.
   Clearly this is a gap necessary to be solved.

   In addition to that, the logical interface type and its identifier
   can be used as match criteria for mapping traffic between DU1 and CU-
   UP1 on the intended slice service.

   As such, the NBI YANG model can result in something like:

     "data": {
       "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
         "slo-sle-templates": {
           "slo-sle-template": [
               "id": "5QI100", /* QoS profile  as in EP_Transport*/
               "template-description": "5QI100 description"
         "slice-service": [
             "service-id": "5GSliceMapping",
             "service-description": "example 5G Slice mapping",
             "slo-sle-template": "5QI100",
             "status": {
             "sdps": {
               "sdp": [
                   "sdp-id": "01",
                   "node-id": "DU1",
                   "sdp-ip": "",
                   "service-match-criteria": {
                     "match-criterion": [
                         "index": 1,
                         "match-type": "vlan-match",
                         "target-connection-group-id": "DU-CU"
                   "attachment-circuits": {
                     "attachment-circuit": [

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                         "ac-id": "100",
                         "ac-ip-address": "",
                         "ac-ip-prefix-length": ?,
                         "peer-sap-id": ""
                   "status": {
                   "sdp-id": "02",
                   "node-id": "CU-UP1",
                   "sdp-ip": "",
                   "service-match-criteria": {
                     "match-criterion": [
                         "index": 1,
                         "match-type": "vlan-match",
                         "target-connection-group-id": "DU-CU",
                         "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                   "attachment-circuits": {
                     "attachment-circuit": [
                         "ac-id": "100",
                         "ac-ip-address": "",
                         "ac-ip-prefix-length": ?,
                         "peer-sap-id": ""
                   "status": {
             "connection-groups": {
               "connection-group": [
                   "connection-group-id": "DU-CU",
                   "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                   "connectivity-construct": [
                       "cc-id": 1,
                       "a2a-sdp": [

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                           "sdp-id": "01"
                           "sdp-id": "02"

7.2.  Example according to PE-mode (OPTION 2)

   This example considers the request of a slice for realizing the F1-U
   [TS-38.470] interface between a DU and a CU-UP elements (i.e., INS4
   in previous Figure 4).  Note that the example is equally valid for
   the realization of any other case.

   The example follows the PE-mode as described in Figure 15.

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 +-----+        Association between X and Y              +-----+
 |     |    according to 3GPP (i.e., NgU/N3 interface)   |     |
 | gNB |<----------------------------------------------->| UPF |
 |     |                                                 |     |
 +-----+                                                 +-----+

 +-----+        Association between DU and CU-UP         +-----+
 |     |    according to O-RAN (i.e., F1-U interface)    |     |
 |  DU |<----------------------------------------------->|CU-UP|
 |     |                                                 |     |
 +-----+                                                 +-----+
                    \__________  __________/
              SDP1                                     SDP2
       (With PE1 parameters)                       (with PE2 parameters)
               o<--------- IETF Network Slice 1 ------->o
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |<----------- S1 ----------->|     +
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |    |<------ T1 ------>|    |     +
                 +   v    v                  v    v   +
                   + +----+                  +----+ +
    +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|          +-----+
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    |     |----------X    |                  |    X----------|     |
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    +-----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +-----+
               AC    +----+                  +----+     AC
    Customer         Provider                Provider        Customer
    Edge 1           Edge 1                  Edge 2           Edge 2

   O: Representation of the IETF network slice endpoints (SDP)
   +: Mapping of SDP to customer-facing ports on the PE
   X: Physical interfaces used for realization of IETF
 network slice service
   S1: L0/L1/L2/L3 services used for realization of IETF
 network slice service
   T1: Tunnels used for realization of IETF network slice service

   Figure 25: PE-mode slice realization – OPTION 2

   The resulting mapping is summarized in Figure 16.

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              SDP1                                     SDP2
       (With PE1 parameters)                       (with PE2 parameters)
          (                             (
               o<--------- IETF Network Slice 1 ------->o
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |<----------- S1 ----------->|     +
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |    |<------ T1 ------>|    |     +
                 +   v    v                  v    v   +
                   + +----+                  +----+ +
    +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|          +-----+
    |     |----------X    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    X----------|     |
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    +-----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +-----+
               |     +----+                  +----+     |
    Customer   |     Provider                Provider   |    Customer
    Edge 1     |     Edge 1                  Edge 2     |     Edge 2
               |                                        |
          AC (vlan 100)                            AC (vlan 100)

   Figure 26: PE-mode slice realization – OPTION 2

   From NBI YANG: “The IETF network slice controller (NSC) uses 'node-
   id' (PE device ID), 'attachment circuit' ( ACs ) to map SDPs to the
   customer-facing ports on the PEs”

   Gap: no info received in regards PE device ID.  However we can
   retrieve the PE port IP address from NextHopInfo parameter, as sdp-ip

  "data": {
    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "5QI100", /* QoS profile  as in EP_Transport*/
            "template-description": "5QI100 description"
      "slice-service": [
          "service-id": "5GSliceMapping-PE-mode",
          "service-description": "example 5G Slice mapping
following PE mode",
          "slo-sle-template": "5QI100", /* QoS profile  as
in EP_Transport*/

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          "status": {
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "sdp-id": "01",
                "node-id": "PE1",
                "sdp-ip": "", /* NextHopInfo IP
address in EP_Transport */
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "vlan-match", /*logicInterfaceType*/
                      "target-connection-group-id": "DU-CU"
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "ac-id": "100", /*logicInterfaceId*/
                      "ac-ip-address": "", /* Next
HopInfo IP address in EP_Transport, redundant, can be removed */
                      "ac-ip-prefix-length": ?, /* not available */
                      "peer-sap-id": ""
                "status": {
                "sdp-id": "02",
                "node-id": "PE2",
                "sdp-ip": "", /* NextHopInfo IP address
in EP_Transport */
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "vlan-match", /*logicInterfaceType*/
                      "target-connection-group-id": "DU-CU",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {

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                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "ac-id": "100", /*logicInterfaceId*/
                      "ac-ip-address": "", /* NextHopInfo
IP address in EP_Transport, redundant, can be removed */
                      "ac-ip-prefix-length": ?, /* not available */
                      "peer-sap-id": ""
                "status": {
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "connection-group-id": "DU-CU",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
** Note: there is a hint from NRM on {{TS-28.541}} Clause 4.3.11, 4.3.13, 5.3.20 relationsip between 3GPP elements on the logical link connection with attributes localAddress and remoteAddress. This information may be correlated with the connectivity and analyzed to make a decision on the connectivity type.**
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "cc-id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "01"
                        "sdp-id": "02"

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7.3.  Example According to PE-mode with Meeting Point Extension of ACaaS
      (OPTION 3)

   This example is based on the Option 2 when SDP is located on the PE
   and utilizing the same approach for the data model of the Network
   Slice Service, but "attachment-circuits" section of the model is
   refering to the identifiers that are created using the data models
   specified in [I-D.boro-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit]

   This example following the overall conception in [ZSM-003] of
   confederated data model approach and SDO Data Model cross-referencing
   in order to get quicker Service and Slice provisioning in multiple
   domains under various SDO areas of focus, fueling closed-loop
   automation direction in the Management lifecycle of Slices and

   3GPP NRM Rel 18 LogicalInterfaceInfo (Section 6.3.35 of [TS-28.541])
   represents 3GPP IOC with TN-related parameters of the 3GPP subsytem
   interpreted in this example (Option 3) as CE network configuration of
   current model and may be referenced as a 'peer-sap-id' remote
   endpoint of the attachment circuit with parameters as 'nf-
   termination-ip' and 'nf-termination-vlan' (see more on SAPs at
   [RFC9408]; and parameters related to the physical connection and
   associated with Bearer Service "ietf-ac-svc:attachement-

   3GPP NRM ConnectionPointInfo (Section 6.3 of [TS-28.541]) represents
   3GPP IOC with link to the external IETF data model
   [I-D.boro-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit] in order to link the
   corresponding 3GPP subsystem Transport Network-related slice Meeting
   Point (Clause 6.3.18 of [TS-28.541], EP_Transport) to the IETF
   Network Slice attachment circuit.

   As the [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] has flexibility of
   Network-Specific abstraction, a need for more attention to
   connectivity parameters was identified during collaboration activity
   in O-RAN Alliance Working Group 9 between the 3GPP SA5
   representatives and IETF contributors.

   [I-D.boro-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit] is used jointly to the
   Network Slice Service YANG model to capture and reflect IETF PE
   connectivity to 3GPP subsystem parameters such as:

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   *  Physical parameters of the bearer, captured in the "ietf-bearer-
      svc" YANG Module of [I-D.boro-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit],
      contains the physical connectivity parameters that the link is
      utilizing, site location, (3GPP) device information, the IETF PE
      is connected to, and administrative operational parameters as
      status and activation time constraints.

   *  Location information, correlated with NRM [TS-28.623] in
      corresponding 3GPP element id in Clause A 2.2.2 IOC
      ManagedElement.locationName attribute.

   *  Logical connectiviy parameters: e.g., VLAN, IPv4, and IPv6.

   *  Routing protocols

   While 3GPP NRM Rel 17 (Section 6.3.18 of [TS-28.541]) EP_Transport
   Attribute "nextHopInfoList" from Clause is associated with
   service:sdp:sdp-ip" value, in 3GPP NRM Rel 18 [TS-28.541] Clause
   6.3.18 EP_Transport Attribute list no longer contains IP address of
   TN element, but a link to IETF meeting point with connectionPointId
   value of "ietf-ac-svc:attachement-circuits:ac:name".

   Provisioning procedures of the 3GPP Elements are captured in
   [TS-28.531] where relationship between NRM leaf and IETF AC "ietf-ac-
   svc:attachement-circuits:ac:name" is depicted.

      Note: Possible values of the attribute, specifyng the type of the
      connection point identifier "connectionPointIdType" are VLAN,
      MPLS, Segment, IPv4, IPv6, and Attachment Circuit (AC).  In
      current exmanple Option 3 "Attachment Circuit (AC)" is used.

   Figure 21 captures Transport-related parameters.

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              SDP1                                     SDP2
       (With PE1 parameters)                       (with PE2 parameters)
          (                             (
               o<--------- IETF Network Slice 1 ------->o
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |<----------- S1 ----------->|     +
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |    |<------ T1 ------>|    |     +
                 +   v    v                  v    v   +
  (        + +----+                  +----+ +      (
    +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|          +------+
    |     |----------X    |                  |    |     |    |      |
    | DU1 |    |     |    |                  |    X----------|CU-UP1|
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |      |
    +-----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +------+
               |     +----+                  +----+     |
    Customer   |     Provider                Provider   |    Customer
    Edge 1     |     Edge 1                  Edge 2     |     Edge 2
               |                                        |
          AC-ID (vlan 100)                          AC-ID (vlan 100)

                              Figure 21

   The following attributes mapping is assumed in this example:

3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.18 EP_Transport
         ipAddress: ''
         localLogicalInterfaceInfo: "DU1_LogicalInterfaceInfo"
         qosProfile: '5QI100'
         connectionPointRefList: "DU1_Meeting_point"
3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo: "DU1_LogicalInterfaceInfo"
         logicalInterfaceType: 'VLAN'
         logicalInterfaceId: '100'
         systemName: 'DU1'
         portName: 'XE'
         routingProtocol: 'Static'

** Note: LogicalInterfaceInfo.routingProtocol has Allowed values:  RIP, IGMP, OSPF, EGP, EIGRP, BGP, IS-IS.**
** Identified gap: No Static or Direct_connect value is available.**

3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.41    ConnectionPointInfo: "DU1_Meeting_point"
         connectionPointId: 'ac01-DU1'
         connectionPointIdType: 'Attachment_Circuit'

** Note: connectionPointIdType has Allowed values: VLAN, MPLS, Segment, IPV4, IPV6, Attachment Circuit (AC) with multiplicity: 1

3GPP NRM {{TS-28.623}} Clause A 2.2.2 IOC ManagedElement

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         id: 'DU1'
         locationName: 'Site1.AAA1.ZIP1'
** Note: The physical location (e.g., an address) of an 3GPP entity. It may contain no information to support the case where the derivative of ManagedElement needs to represent a distributed multi-location NE."**

3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.18 EP_Transport
         ipAddress: ''
         localLogicalInterfaceInfo: "CU-UP1_LogicalInterfaceInfo"
         qosProfile: '5QI100'
         connectionPointRefList: "CU-UP1_Meeting_point"

3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo: "CU-UP1_LogicalInterfaceInfo"
         logicalInterfaceType: 'VLAN'
         logicalInterfaceId: '100'
         systemName: 'CU-UP1'
         portName: 'XE'
         routingProtocol: 'Static'

3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.41    ConnectionPointInfo: "CU-UP1_Meeting_point"
         connectionPointId: 'ac01-CU-UP1'
         connectionPointIdType: 'Attachment_Circuit'

3GPP NRM {{TS-28.623}} Clause A 2.2.2 IOC ManagedElement
         id: 'CU-UP1'
         locationName: 'Site1.AAA2.ZIP2'
  "data": {
    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "5QI100", /* QoS profile  as in EP_Transport*/
            "template-description": "5QI100 description"
      "slice-service": [
          "service-id": "5GSliceMapping-PE-mode",
          "service-description": "example 5G Slice mapping
following PE mode",
          "slo-sle-template": "5QI100", /* QoS profile  as
in EP_Transport*/
          "status": "active"
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [

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                "sdp-id": "01",
                "node-id": "PE1",
                "ac-svc-name:ac-ref": [
** 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} DU1.ConnectionPointInfo."DU1_Meeting_point".connectionPointId **
                "status": "active"
                "sdp-id": "02",
                "node-id": "PE2",
                "ac-svc-name:ac-ref": [
                 "ac01-CU-UP1" **3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} CU-UP1.ConnectionPointInfo.
                "status": "active"
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "connection-group-id": "DU-CU",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "cc-id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "01"
                        "sdp-id": "02"

"ietf-ac-svc:attachment-circuits": {
       "ac": [

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           "name": "ac01-DU1",
** 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.41 ConnectionPointInfo.connectionPointId **
           "description": "meeting point DU1-PE1",
           "l2-connection": {
             "encapsulation": {
               "type": "ietf-vpn-common:dot1q",
** 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo.logicalInterfaceType **
         logicalInterfaceType: 'VLAN'
               "dot1q": {
                 "cvlan-id": 100
** 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo.logicalInterfaceId **
             "bearer-reference": "line-156"
           "ip-connection": {
             "ipv4": {
               "local-address": "",
               "prefix-length": 24,
               "address": [
                   "address-id": "1",
                   "customer-address": ""
**3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.18 DU1.EP_Transport.ipAddress**
           "routing-protocols": {
             "routing-protocol": [
                 "id": "1",
                 "type": "ietf-vpn-common:direct-routing"
** 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo.routingProtocol **
           "name": "ac01-CU-UP1",
** 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.41 ConnectionPointInfo.connectionPointId **
           "description": "meeting point CU-UP1-PE2",
           "l2-connection": {
             "encapsulation": {
               "type": "ietf-vpn-common:dot1q",
** 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo.logicalInterfaceType **
               "dot1q": {
                 "cvlan-id": 100
** 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo.logicalInterfaceId **

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             "bearer-reference": "line-345"
           "ip-connection": {
             "ipv4": {
               "local-address": "",
               "prefix-length": 24,
               "address": [
                   "address-id": "1",
                   "customer-address": ""
**3GPP NRM {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.18 CU-UP1.EP_Transport.ipAddress**
           "routing-protocols": {
             "routing-protocol": [
                 "id": "1",
                 "type": "ietf-vpn-common:direct-routing"
** 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo.routingProtocol **

   "bearers": [
           "id": "line-156" //Note that bearer-reference is returned in the response
           "description": "link DU1-PE1"
           "customer-point": {
             "identified-by": "ietf-bearer-svc:site-and-device-id",
               "device": {
                 "device-id": "DU1"
** Either 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo: "DU1_LogicalInterfaceInfo".
systemName or 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.623}} Clause A 2.2.2 IOC **
                 "site": {
                   "site-id": "Site1.AAA1.ZIP1"
** 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.623}} Clause A 2.2.2 IOC ManagedElement.DU1.locationName**
           "id": "line-345"
           "description": "link CU-UP1-PE2"
           "customer-point": {
             "identified-by": "ietf-bearer-svc:site-and-device-id",
             "device": {
                 "device-id": "CU-UP1"

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** Either 3GPP NRM Rel 18 {{TS-28.541}} Clause 6.3.35 LogicalInterfaceInfo: "CU-UP1_LogicalInterfaceInfo".
systemName or 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.623}} Clause A 2.2.2 IOC **
                 "site": {
                   "site-id": "Site1.AAA2.ZIP2"
** 3GPP NRM {{TS-28.623}} Clause A 2.2.2 IOC ManagedElement.CU-UP1.locationName**

8.  Gap Analysis

   The way in which 3GPP is characterizing the slice endpoint (i.e.,
   EP_Transport) is based on Layer 3 information (e.g., the IP Address).
   However the information provided seems not to be sufficient for
   instructing the IETF Network Slice Controller for the realization of
   the IETF NEtwork Slice.  For instance, some basic information such as
   the mask associated to the IP address of the EP_Transport is not
   specified, as well as other kind of parameters like the connection
   MTU or the connectivity type (unicast, multicast, etc).  More
   sophisticated information could be required as well, like the level
   of isolation or protection necessary for the intended slice.

   In the case in which the 3GPP managed function runs on a purpose-
   specific network element, the IP address specified in the
   EP_Transport IOC serves as reference to identify the CE endpoint,
   assuming the endpoint of the CE has been configured with that IP
   address.  With that information (together with the logical interface
   ID) should be sufficient for the IETF NSC to identify the counterpart
   endpoint at the PE side, and configuring it accordingly (e.g., with a
   compatible IP address) for setting up the slice end-to-end.
   Similarly, the next hop information in EP_Transport can help validate
   the end-to-end slice between PE endpoints.

   In the case in which the 3GPP managed function is instantiated as a
   virtualized network function, the direct association between the IP
   address of EP_Transport and the actual endpoint mapped at the CE is
   not so clear.  It could be the case, for instance when the
   virtualized network function is instantiated at the internal of a
   data center, that the CE facing the PE is far from the point where
   the function is deployed, being that connectivity extended through
   the internals of the data center (or by some internal configuration
   of a virtual switch in a server).  In these situations additional
   information is needed for accomplishing the end-to-end connection.

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   At the same time, [TS-28.541] IOC contains useful parameters to be
   used in IETF Network Slice creation mechanism and enriching IETF
   Network Slice model.  The following parameters may be suggested as a
   candidates to the correlation of the IETF Network Slice parameters
   and IETF Network Slice model enrichments:

   *  For the latency, dLThptPerSliceSubnet, uLThptPerSliceSubnet,
      reliability and delayTolerance attributes, the following NRM apply
      (with reference to the section in that specification):

      -  CNSliceSubnetProfile (section 6.3.22 in [TS-28.541])

      -  RANSliceSubnetProfile (section 6.3.23 in [TS-28.541])

      -  TopSliceSubnetProfile (section 6.3.24 in [TS-28.541])

   *  For the qosProfile attribute, the NRM which applies is
      EP_Transport (detailed in section 6.3.18 in [TS-28.541])

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no request of IANA.

   Note to RFC Editor: this section may be removed on publication as an

10.  Security Considerations

11.  Evolution Considerations

   3GPP NRM evolution to confiderated data model approach is considered
   for Rel. 18

12.  Acknowledgments

   The work of Luis M.  Contreras has been partially funded by the
   European Commission under Horizon 2020 project Int5Gent (grant
   agreement 957403.

   Thanks to Philip Eardley ( for his contribution
   to this document.

13.  Annex 1: 3GPP Network Slice Mapping Parameters

   The network slice concept was introduced in 3GPP specifications from
   the first 5G release, corresponding to Release 15.  As captured in
   [TS-23.501], a network slice represents a logical network providing
   specific network capabilities and network characteristics.

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   To make slicing a reality, every technical domain is split into one
   or more logical network partitions, each referred to as a network
   slice subnet.  The definition of multiple slice subnets on a single
   domain allows each segment to provide differentiated behaviors, in
   terms of functionality and/or performance, tailored to some specific
   needs.  The stitching of slice subnets across the RAN, CN and TN
   results in the definition of 5G network slices in 3GPP.

   From a management viewpoint, the concept of network slice subnet
   represents an independently manageable yet composable portion of a
   network slice.  The rules for the definition of network slice subnet
   and their composition into network slices are detailed in the 5G
   Network Resource Model (NRM) [TS-28.541], specifically in the Network
   Slice NRM fragment.  This fragment captures the information model of
   5G network slicing, which specifies the relationships between
   different slicing related managed entities, which is represented as
   Information Object Class (IOC).  The IOC that have been defined
   including: NetworkSlice IOC, NetworkSliceSubnet IOC, ManagedFunction
   IOC and EP_Transport IOC.

   Information Object Class EP_Transport [TS-28.541] Clause 6.3.18
   represents logical interface parameters of 3GPP subsystems, providing
   specific network capabilities and network characteristics.
   Relationships of Transport slicing-related 3GPP IOCs and IETF domain
   represented on the Figure X for NgU/N3 slices with traffic between
   3GPP CU-UP (or ORAN) CU-UP and 3GPP UPF, while the Figure Y similarly
   represents F1-U slices with traffic between 3GPP (or ORAN) DU and
   3GPP (or ORAN) CU-UP.

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                |      Slices in 3GPP domain       |
                |  Model defined in IOC TS-28.541  |
                |          NgU/N3 slices           |
   +-----------------|+                         |
   |   3GPP CU-UP /  ||                       +-|---------------+
   | ORAN O-CU-UP #1 ||        .-----.        | |3GPP (i)UPF #1 |
   | +---------------V|      ,'  TN   `.      +-V--------------+|
   | | EP_NgU link to |     |  domain   |     | EP_N3 link to  ||
   | |     UPF #1     |    ;             :    |    CU-UP #1    ||
   | |+---------------|    ;  .-------.  :    +---------------+||
   | ||EP_Transport 10+------(Slice 10 )------|EP_Transport 10|||
   | |+---------------|   |   `-------'   |   +---------------+||
   | |                |   |               |   |                ||
   | |+---------------|   :   .-------.   ;   +----------------||
   | ||EP_Transport 20+------(Slice 20 )------|EP_Transport 20 ||
   | |+---------------|A   :  `-------'  ;   A+----------------||
   | +----------------||    |           |    |+----------------+|
   |            . . . ||     |         |     || . . .           |
   | +----------------||      `.     ,'      |+----------------+|
   | | EP_NgU link to ||        `---'        || EP_NgU link to ||
   | |     UPF #N     ||                     ||   CU-UP #N     ||
   | +----------------||                     |+----------------+|
   +------------------+|                     |+-----------------+
                       |                     |
                |    logical transport interfaces     |
                |     e.g. GTP-U, IPSec endpoint      |

       Figure 22: Slicing example realization between 3GPP subsystems
                       and TN on the NgU/N3 interface

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                |      Slices in 3GPP domain       |
                |  Model defined in IOC TS-28.541  |
                |            F1-U slices           |
   +--------------|+                       +|-----------------+
   |  3GPP DU /   ||                       ||  3GPP CU-UP /   |
   | ORAN O-DU #1 ||                       ||ORAN O-CU-UP #1  |
   |              ||        .-----.        ||                 |
   |+-------------V|      ,'  TN   `.      +V---------------+ |
   || EP_F1-U link |     |  domain   |     |EP_F1-U link to | |
   || to CU-UP #1  |    ;             :    |     DU #1      | |
   |+--------------|    ;   .-----.   :    +--------------+ | |
   ||EP_Transport 1+-------(Slice 1)-------|EP_Transport 1| | |
   |+--------------|   |    `-----'    |   +--------------+ | |
   ||              |   |               |   |                | |
   |+--------------|   :    .-----.    ;   +--------------+ | |
   ||EP_Transport 2+-------(Slice 2)-------|EP_Transport 2| | |
   |+--------------|A   :   `-----'   ;   A+--------------+ | |
   |+--------------||    |           |    |+----------------+ |
   |         . . . ||     |         |     || . . .            |
   |+--------------||      `.     ,'      |+----------------+ |
   || EP_F1-U link ||        `---'        ||EP_F1-U link to | |
   || to CU-UP #N  ||                     ||     DU #N      | |
   |+--------------||                     |+----------------+ |
   +---------------+|                     |+------------------+
                    |                     |
                    |                     |
             |    logical transport interfaces     |
             |     e.g. GTP-U, IPSec endpoint      |

       Figure 23: Slicing example realization between 3GPP subsystems
                        and TN on the F1-U interface

   For the transport (i.e., connectivity) related part of a network
   slice, the key focus is on the EP_Transport IOC.  Instances of this
   IOC serves to instantiate 3GPP interfaces (e.g., N3) which are needed
   to support Network Slicing and to define Network Slice transport
   resources within the 5G NRM.  In a nutshell, the EP_Transport IOC
   permits to define additional logical interfaces for each slice
   instance of the 3GPP user plane.

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   According to [TS-28.541], the EP_Transport construct on 3GPP side has
   the following attributes: ipAddress, logicaInterfaceInfo,
   nextHopInfo, qosProfile and epApplicationRef In which, nextHopInfo
   could be used for choosing PE node in transport network and
   LogicalInterfaceInfo could be used for Transport Network Slice

   nextHopInfo (optional): identifies the ingress transport node.  Each
   node can be identified by any combination of IP address of next-hop
   router of transport network, system name, port name and IP management
   addresses of transport nodes.

   logicInterfaceInfo (mandatory): a set of parameters, which includes
   logicInterfaceType and logicInterfaceId.  It specifies the type and
   identifier of a logical interface.  It could be a VLAN ID, MPLS Tag
   or Segment ID.  This is assigned uniquely per slice.

   From the Transport Network domain side, these parameters assist on
   the definition of the CE transport interface configuration and shall
   be taken as an input to the transport service model to create
   coherent Network Slice transport service.  Figure 17 illustrates how
   the EP_Transport parameters can relate to the IETF ones for
   determining the endpoint connectivity.

   +-----------------------+        .-----.        +-----------------+
   |     3GPP CU-UP /      |      ,'  TN   `.      | 3GPP (i)UPF #1  |
   |    ORAN O-CU-UP #1    |     |  domain   |     |                 |
   |+----------------------|  +-----------+   :    +----------------+|
   ||EP_NgU link to UPF #1 |  |   PE 1    |   :    | EP_N3 link to  ||
   ||                      |  |           |    :   |    CU-UP #1    ||
   ||+---------------------|  | .-------. |    |   +---------------+||
   |||  EP_Transport for   +--+(Slice 10 )+----+---| EP_Transport  |||
   |||     S-NSSAI FWA     |  |A`-------' |    ;   +---------------+||
   |||logicInterfaceType = |  +|----------+   ;    +----------------+|
   |||       Vlan ID       |   |:             ;    +-----------------+
   ||| logicInterfaceId =  |   | |           |
   |||      Vlan 200       |   |  |         |
   |||ipAddress = |   |   `.     ,'
   ||+--------------A------|   |     `---'
   |+---------------|------| +-+-------------------+
   +----------------|------+ |   nextHopInfoList   |
                    |        |NextHopInfo = IP/mask|
     +--------------+------+ |       of PE 1       |
     | epApplicationRef =  | | system name = PE 1  |
     |EP_NgU link to UPF#1 | |  port name = Gi1/1  |
     +---------------------+ +---------------------+

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   Figure 24: Example of 3GPP EP_Transport IOC TS-28.541 parameters with
                            correlation to IETF

   Furthermore, that same parameters should be leveraged for
   constituting the connectivity construct allowing endpoint
   interconnection.  That is, there is no additional information that
   could be leveraged at service level that the one provided by
   EP_Transport, which essentially reflects an endpoint view.  Figure 18
   represents this relationship between 3GPP and IETF parameters.

      3GPP subsystem - CE                   Transport Network node - PE
    +----------------------+                 +----------------------+
    |InformationObjectClass|                 |   IETF Slice Model   |
    |                      <----------------->                      |
    |     EP_Transport     |                 |  LxSM + extensions   |
    +----------------------+                 +----------------------+

    Representation of connectivity:
    EP_NgU/N3, link between (O)-CU-UP and UPF
    F1-U, link between (O)-DU and (O)-CU-UP

       Figure 25: Relationships of the 3GPP parameters with the IETF

   Leveraging on the EP_Transport information, the IETF NSC should be
   instructed through its NBI on performing the slice connection.
   Figure 19 graphically represents the slice connection (e.g., for Ng-
   U/N3) as expected by 3GPP by using connectivity constructs (of a IETF
   Network Slice service) to be configured by the IETF Network Slice

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     Slices in 3GPP domain                         Slices in 3GPP domain
  Model defined in IOC TS-28.541          Model defined in IOC TS-28.541

+------------------+                                +------------------+
|3GPP CU-UP / ORAN |                                |   3GPP UPF #1    |
|   O-CU-UP #1     |      Slices in IETF domain     |                  |
|                  |                                |                  |
|+-----------------|     +----+           +----+    +-----------------+|
|| EP_NgU link to  |     |PE 1|           |PE 2|    |  EP_N3 link to  ||
||     UPF #1      |     |    |    .-.    |    |    |    CU-UP #1     ||
||+----------------|     |    |   |   |   |    |    +----------------+||
||| EP_Transport   |     |    |  |     |  |    |    |EP_Transport for|||
|||for S-NSSAI 100 o--------------PDU 1-------------o  S-NSSAI 100   |||
|||   Vlan 100     |     |    | |       | |    |    |    Vlan 100    |||
|||  IP   |<--->|    | ;       : |    |<-->|  IP   |||
||+----------------|     |    |;         :|    |    +----------------+||
||+----------------|     |    ||         ||    |    +----------------+||
||| EP_Transport   |     |    ||         ||    |    |EP_Transport for|||
|||for S-NSSAI 200 o--------------PDU 2-------------o  S-NSSAI 200   |||
|||   Vlan 200     |     |    ||         ||    |    |    Vlan 200    |||
|||  IP   |<--->|    ||   TN    ||    |<-->|  IP   |||
||+----------------|     |    ||         ||    |    +----------------+||
||                 |     |    ||         |+----+    +-----------------+|
|+-----------------|     |    ||         |          +------------------+
|+-----------------|     |    |:         ;+----+    +------------------+
|| EP_NgU link to  |     |    | :       ; |PE 3|    |   3GPP UPF #2    |
||     UPF #2      |     |    | |       | |    |    +-----------------+|
||Serving S-NSSAI  o--------------PDU 3-------------o  EP_N3 link to  ||
||      100        |<--->|    |  :     ;  |    |<-->|    CU-UP #1     ||
|+-----------------|     |    |  :     ;  |    |    | Serving S-NSSAI ||
+------------------+     +----+   `. ,'   +----+    |       100       ||
                                   '                +-----------------+|

    Figure 26: Example of CU-UP Slice in the 3GPP domain using an
                      IETF Network Slice service

   From the perspective of IETF Network Slice realization, some of these
   options could be realized in a straightforward manner while other
   could require of advanced features (e.g., PBR, SRv6, FlexE, etc).
   RFC XXXX Network Slice Services may be a set of techniques and
   underlaying technologies, so multiple models may be used to define

   According to the [TS-28.541] attributes in the EP_Transport, the IETF
   Network Slice may be defined by the following combination of the

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    |                   EP_Transport attribute name                    |
    |                                                                  |
    |   ipAddress   |logicInterfaceId|   nextHopInfo  | qosProfile     |
    |                   Different                     |  Same for all  |
    |                   per slice                     |    slices      |
    |  Same for all |           Different             |  Same for all  |
    |    slices     |           per slice             |    slices      |
    |   Different   |  Same for all  |   Different    |  Same for all  |
    |   per slice   |    slices      |   per slice    |    slices      |
    |         Same for all           |   Different    |  Same for all  |
    |           slices               |   per slice    |    slices      |
    |                            Different                             |
    |                            per slice                             |
    |  Same for all |                    Different                     |
    |    slices     |                    per slice                     |

        Figure 27: Variations of Slice implementation options

   From the perspective of IETF Network Slice realization, some of these
   options could be realized in a straightforward manner while other
   could require of advanced features (e.g., PBR, SRv6, FlexE, etc).

   RFC XXXX Network Slice Services may be a set of techniques and
   underlaying technologies, so multiple models may be used to define

14.  Annex 2: Data Plane Mapping Options

   The following picture shows the end-to-end network slice in data

   +--+       +-----+                           +----------------+
   |UE|- - - -|(R)AN|---------------------------|       UPF      |
   +--+       +-----+                           +----------------+
    |<----AN NS---->|<----------TN NS---------->|<----CN NS----->|

             Figure 28: End-to-end network slice in data plane

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   The mapping between 3GPP slice and transport slice in user plane
   could happens in:

   (R)AN: User data goes from (radio) access network to transport

   Editor's Note: As figure 4.7.1. in [TS-28.530] describes, TN NS will
   not only exist between AN and CN but may also within AN NS and CN NS.
   However, here we just show the TN between AN and CN as an example to
   avoid unnecessary complexity.

   The following picture shows the user plane protocol stack in end-to-
   end 5G system.

  +-----------+                    |                  |               |
  +-----------+                    |                  | +-----------+ |
  | PDU Layer +--------------------|------------------|-| PDU Layer | |
  +-----------+   +-------------+  |  +-------------+ | +-----------+ |
  |           |   | ___Relay___ |--|--| ___Relay___ |-|-|           | |
  |           |   |     \/ GTP-U|--|--|GTP-U\/ GTP-U|-|-|   GTP-U   | |
  |   5G-AN   |   |5G-AN +------+  |  +------+------+ | +-----------+ |
  |  Protocol |   |Protoc|UDP/IP|--|--|UDP/IP|UDP/IP|-|-|   UDP/IP  | |
  |   Layers  |   |Layers+------+  |  +------+------+ | +-----------+ |
  |           |   |      |  L2  |--|--|  L2  |  L2  |-|-|     L2    | |
  |           |   |      +------+  |  +------+------+ | +-----------+ |
  |           |   |      |  L1  |--|--|  L1  |  L1  |-|-|     L1    | |
  +-----------+   +-------------+  |  +-------------+ | +-----------+ |
       UE              5G-AN       |        UPF       |      UPF      |
                                   N3                 N9              N6

     Figure 29: User plane protocol stack in end-to-end 5G system

   The following figure shows the typical encapsulation in N3 interface.

      | Application Protocols  |
      |       IP (User)        |
      |          GTP           |
      |          UDP           |
      |          IP            |
      |       Ethernet         |

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              Figure 30: Typical encapsulation in N3 interface

14.1.  Layer 3 and Layer 2 Encapsulations

   If the encapsulation above IP layer is not visible to Transport
   Network, it is not able to be used for network slice interworking
   with transport network.  In this case, IP header and Ethernet header
   could be considered to provide information of network slice
   interworking from AN or CN to TN.

      | Application Protocols  |      ^
      +------------------------+      |
      |       IP (User)        |  Invisible
      +------------------------+     for
      |          GTP           |     TN
      +------------------------+      |
      |          UDP           |      V
      |          IP            |
      |       Ethernet         |

            Figure 31: IP header for network slice interworking

   The following field in IP header and Ethernet header could be

   IP Header:

   *  DSCP: It is traditionally used for the mapping of QoS identifier
      between AN/CN and TN network.  Although some values (e.g.  The
      unassigned code points) may be borrowed for the network slice
      interworking, it may cause confusion between QoS mapping and
      network slicing mapping.;

   *  Destination Address: It is possible to allocate different IP
      addresses for entities in different network slice, then the
      destination IP address could be used as the network slice
      interworking identifier.  However, it brings additional
      requirement to IP address planning.  In addition, in some cases
      some AN or CN network slices may use duplicated IP addresses.

   *  Option fields/headers: It requires that both AN and CN nodes can
      support the encapsulation and decapsulation of the options.

   Ethernet header

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   *  VLAN ID: It is widely used for the interconnection between AN/CN
      nodes and the edge nodes of transport network for the access to
      different VPNs.  One possible problem is that the number of VLAN
      ID can be supported by AN nodes is typically limited, which
      effects the number of IETF network slices a AN node can attach to.
      Another problem is the total amount of VLAN ID (4K) may not
      provide a comparable space as the network slice identifiers of
      mobile networks.  Two or more options described above may also be
      used together as the IETF Network Slice Interworking ID, while it
      would make the mapping relationship more complex to maintain.

   In some other case, when AN or CN could support more layer 3
   encapsulations, more options are available as follows:

   If the AN or CN could support MPLS, the protocol stack could be as

      | Application Protocols  |      ^
      +------------------------+      |
      |       IP (User)        |  Invisible
      +------------------------+     for
      |          GTP           |     TN
      +------------------------+      |
      |          UDP           |      V
      |         MPLS           |
      |          IP            |
      |       Ethernet         |

            Figure 32: MPLS label for network slice interworking

   A specified MPLS label could be used to as a IETF Network Slice
   Interworking ID.

   If the AN or CN could support SRv6, the protocol stack is as follows:

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      | Application Protocols  |      ^
      +------------------------+      |
      |       IP (User)        |  Invisible
      +------------------------+     for
      |          GTP           |     TN
      +------------------------+      |
      |          UDP           |      V
      |          SRH           |
      |         IPv6           |
      |       Ethernet         |

               Figure 33: SRH for network slice interworking

   The following field could be considered to identify a network slice:

   *  SRv6 functions: AN/CN is supposed to support the new function
      extension of SRv6.

   *  Optional TLV: AN/CN is supposed to support the extension of
      optional TLV of SRH. ### Above Layer 3 Encapsulations If the
      encapsulation above IP layer is visible to Transport Network, it
      is able to be used to identify a network slice.  In this case, UPD
      and GTP-U could be considered to provide information of network
      slice interworking between AN or CN and TN.

      | Application Protocols  |     |
      +------------------------+ Invisible
      |       IP (User)        |     for
      +------------------------+     TN
      |          GTP           |     |
      |          UDP           |
      |          IP            |
      |       Ethernet         |

            Figure 34: UDP Header for network slice interworking

   The following field in UDP header could be considered:

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   UDP Header:

   *  UDP Source port: The UDP source port is sometimes used for load
      balancing.  Using it for network slice mapping would require to
      disable the load-balancing behavior.

   A similar approach to this is followed in

14.1.1.  Consideration of the Virtual Network Functions (VNF)

   In some 5G network slice deployments, it might be beneficial to
   deploy RAN and Core network functions such as DU, CU and UPF as
   virtual network functions (VNF) inside a data center (DC).  As an
   example, consider Figure 14 where the CU and UPF have been deployed
   as VNF.  The definition of the RFC XXXX Network Slice Services INS1
   stays identical to its PNF counterpart (physical network function)
   which are discussed in sections 7.2.1 to 7.2.5, i.e., INS1 is an IETF
   network slice service which provides the connectivity between SDP1
   and SDP2 to satisfy certain SLO/SLE.

   However, the mapping of INS1 might be different from previous use
   cases.  Figure 14 shows one possible solution for mapping of INS1
   where the 5G E2E network slice is first mapped inside the data center
   and then mapped to provider network PE nodes.  One potential mapping
   in the data center is to use VxLAN ID to infer the identification of
   5G E2E network slice inside the data center, and any of the options
   described in 7.2.1 to 7.2.5 in the provider network PE1 and PE2.

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            <-------------------- INS1 ------------------->
              Mapping of INS1       Mapping of INS1
              in data center        in provider network
                      |              |
             SDP1     |              |                     SDP2
              |       |          .---|---.                  |
              V       V        ,'    |    `.                V
       |------------|        ,'      V      `.        |------------|
       |  --------  |     -------          -------    |  --------  |
       |  |   O...........+======================+..........O   |  |
       |  |      |  |     | PE1 |          | PE2 |    |  |      |  |
       |  | CU   |  |     |     |          |     |    |  | UPF  |  |
       |  --------  |     ------- Provider -------    |  -------   |
       |            |         `.  Network  ,'         |            |
       |------------|           `.       ,'           |------------|
            DC1                   -------                   DC2
            DC  Data Center
            O   SDP (N3 address)
            === Mapping of INS1 on Provider Network PE nodes
            ... Mapping of INS1 in data centers

        Figure 35: VNF Consideration for IETF Network Slice Mapping

15.  Summary

   From all the options overviewed, it should be noted that current 3GPP
   Release 16 only supports through EP_Transport IOC the following slice
   handoff identifier: vlan tag.  MPLS or SID labels.  Thus, the
   consideration of more options as the ones here reported is a gap on
   3GPP specifications.

16.  References

16.1.  Normative References

              Chunduri, U., Kaippallimalil, J., Bhaskaran, S., Tantsura,
              J., and P. Muley, "Mobility aware Transport Network
              Slicing for 5G", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-dmm-tn-aware-mobility-08, 18 October 2023,

              Dong, J., Bryant, S., Li, Z., Miyasaka, T., and Y. Lee, "A
              Framework for Enhanced Virtual Private Network (VPN+)",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-

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Internet-Draft  IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5    October 2023

              enhanced-vpn-15, 23 October 2023,

              Wu, B., Dhody, D., Rokui, R., Saad, T., and J. Mullooly,
              "A YANG Data Model for the IETF Network Slice Service",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-
              network-slice-nbi-yang-08, 23 October 2023,

              Contreras, L. M., Homma, S., Ordonez-Lucena, J. A.,
              Tantsura, J., and H. Nishihara, "IETF Network Slice Use
              Cases and Attributes for the Slice Service Interface of
              IETF Network Slice Controllers", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-use-
              cases-01, 24 October 2022,

              Farrel, A., Drake, J., Rokui, R., Homma, S., Makhijani,
              K., Contreras, L. M., and J. Tantsura, "A Framework for
              Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-
              network-slices-25, 14 September 2023,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC9408]  Boucadair, M., Ed., Gonzalez de Dios, O., Barguil, S., Wu,
              Q., and V. Lopez, "A YANG Network Data Model for Service
              Attachment Points (SAPs)", RFC 9408, DOI 10.17487/RFC9408,
              June 2023, <>.

16.2.  Informative References

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Internet-Draft  IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5    October 2023

              "Mobility aware Transport Network Slicing for 5G", 19
              April 2023, <

              "A Realization of IETF Network Slices for 5G Networks
              Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies", 23 May 2023,

   [GST]      "GSMA Generic Network Slice Template", 27 January 2023,

              Boucadair, M., Roberts, R., de Dios, O. G., Barguil, S.,
              and B. Wu, "YANG Data Models for 'Attachment Circuits'-as-
              a-Service (ACaaS)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-boro-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit-07, 10 July
              2023, <

              Szarkowicz, K. G., Roberts, R., Lucek, J., Boucadair, M.,
              and L. M. Contreras, "A Realization of RFC XXXX Network
              Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS
              Technologies", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-teas-5g-ns-ip-mpls-01, 16 October 2023,

              Dong, J., Li, Z., Gong, L., Yang, G., Mishra, G. S., and
              F. Qin, "Scalability Considerations for Network Resource
              Partition", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              teas-nrp-scalability-03, 21 October 2023,

              Saad, T., Beeram, V. P., Dong, J., Wen, B., Ceccarelli,
              D., Halpern, J. M., Peng, S., Chen, R., Liu, X.,
              Contreras, L. M., Rokui, R., and L. Jalil, "Realizing
              Network Slices in IP/MPLS Networks", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ns-ip-mpls-02, 13 March
              2023, <

Geng, et al.              Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 67]
Internet-Draft  IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5    October 2023

              "3GPP TS 23.501: System architecture for the 5G System
              (5GS)", 25 March 2022,

              "3GPP TS 28.530 Management and orchestration; Concepts,
              use cases and requirements", 25 March 2022,

              "3GPP TS 28.531 Management and orchestration;
              Provisioning", 25 March 2022,

              "Management and orchestration; 5G Network Resource Model
              (NRM); Stage 1", 31 December 2017,

              "3GPP TS-28.541 Management and orchestration; 5G Network
              Resource Model (NRM); Stage 2 and stage 3", 7 June 2019,

              "Telecommunication management; Generic Network Resource
              Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information
              Service (IS)", 22 January 2015,

              "Generic Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration
              Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set (SS) definitions", 29
              June 2023,

Geng, et al.              Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 68]
Internet-Draft  IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5    October 2023

              "NG-RAN; F1 general aspects and principles", 25 March

   [ZSM-003]  "ETSI ZSM003 Zero-touch network and Service Management
              (ZSM); End-to-end management and orchestration of network
              slicing", June 2021,


   Jose Ordonez-Lucena
   Ronda de la Comunicacion, s/n Sur-3 building, 3rd floor
   Madrid, 28050

   Ran Pang
   China Unicom

   Liuyan Han
   China Mobile

   Jaehwan Jin
   LG U+

   Jeff Tantsura

   Shunsuke Homma
   NTT 3-9-11, Midori-cho Musashino-shi,,

Geng, et al.              Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 69]
Internet-Draft  IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5    October 2023

   Xavier de Foy
   InterDigital Inc.

   Kiran Makhijani
   Futurewei Networks
   United States of America

   Hannu Flinck

   Rainer Schatzmayr
   Deutsche Telekom

   Ali Tizghadam
   TELUS Communications Inc

   Christopher Janz
   Huawei Canada

   Henry Yu
   Huawei Canada

Authors' Addresses

   Xuesong Geng
   Huawei Technologies

Geng, et al.              Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 70]
Internet-Draft  IETF Network Slice Application in 3GPP 5    October 2023

   Luis M. Contreras

   Reza Rokui

   Jie Dong
   Huawei Technologies

   Ivan Bykov
   Ribbon Communications

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