Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang


TEAS                                                               B. Wu
Internet-Draft                                                  D. Dhody
Intended status: Standards Track                     Huawei Technologies
Expires: 20 August 2024                                         R. Rokui
                                                                 T. Saad
                                                             J. Mullooly
                                                      Cisco Systems, Inc
                                                        17 February 2024

        A YANG Data Model for the RFC AAAA Network Slice Service


   This document defines a YANG data model for RFC AAAA Network Slice
   Service.  The model can be used in the Network Slice Service
   interface between a customer and a provider that offers RFC AAAA
   Network Slice Services.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 20 August 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components

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Internet-Draft      Network Slice Service YANG Model       February 2024

   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Acronyms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Network Slice Service Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Network Slice Service Model (NSSM) Usage  . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Network Slice Service Model (NSSM) Description  . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  SLO and SLE Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.2.  Network Slice Services  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.2.1.  Service Demarcation Points  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       5.2.2.  Connectivity Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       5.2.3.  SLO and SLE Policy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       5.2.4.  Network Slice Service Performance Monitoring  . . . .  24
       5.2.5.  Custom Topology Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       5.2.6.  Network Slice Service Compute . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   6.  Network Slice Service Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  55
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  56
   9.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
   10. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59
   Appendix A.  Augmentation Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
   Appendix B.  Examples of Network Slice Services . . . . . . . . .  62
     B.1.  Example-1: Two A2A Slice Services with Different Match
           Approaches  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
     B.2.  Example-2: Two P2P Slice Services with Different Match
           Approaches  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     B.3.  Example-3: A Hub and Spoke Slice Service with a P2MP
           Connectivity Construct  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  81
     B.4.  Example-4: An A2A Slice Service with Multiple SLOs and DSCP
           Matching  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  88
     B.5.  Example-5: An A2A Network Slice Service with SLO Precedence
           Policies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  93
     B.6.  Example-6: SDP at CE, L3 A2A Slice Service  . . . . . . . 100
     B.7.  Example-7: SDP at CE, L3 A2A Slice Service with Network
           Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
   Appendix C.  Complete Model Tree Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . 110
   Appendix D.  Comparison with the Design Choice of ACTN VN Model
           Augmentation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

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1.  Introduction

   This document defines a YANG [RFC7950] data model for
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] Network Slice Service.
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] discusses common framework and
   interface for Network Slice using IETF technologies.  The Network
   Slice Services may be referred to as RFC AAAA Network Slice Services.
   In this document, we simply use the term "Network Slice Service" to
   refer to this concept.

   The Network Slice Service Model (NSSM) can be used in the Network
   Slice Service Interface exposed by a provider to its customers
   (including of provider's internal use) in order to manage (e.g.,
   subscribe, delete, or change) Network Slice Services.  The agreed
   service will then trigger the appropriate Network Slice operation,
   such as instantiating, modifying, or deleting a Network Slice.

   The NSSM focuses on the requirements of a Network Slice Service from
   the point of view of the customer, not how it is implemented within a
   provider network.  The module is classified as customer service model
   (Section 2 of [RFC8309]).  As discussed in
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], the mapping between a Network
   Slice Service and its realization is implementation and deployment

   The NSSM conforms to the Network Management Datastore Architecture
   (NMDA) [RFC8342].

   Editorial Note: (To be removed by RFC Editor)

   This document contains several placeholder values that need to be
   replaced with finalized values at the time of publication.  Please
   apply the following replacements:

   *  "AAAA" -- the assigned RFC value for

   *  "DDDD" -- the assigned RFC value for this draft both in this draft
      and in the YANG models under the revision statement.

   *  The "revision" date in model, in the format XXXX-XX-XX, needs to
      be updated with the date the draft gets approved.

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2.  Conventions used in this document

   The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP14, [RFC2119], [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   The following terms are defined in [RFC6241] and are used in this

   *  client

   *  configuration data

   *  state data

   This document makes use of the terms defined in [RFC7950].

   The tree diagrams used in this document follow the notation defined
   in [RFC8340].

   This document also makes use of the terms defined in

   *  Attachment Circuit (AC): See Section 3.2 of

   *  Connectivity Construct: See Sections 3.2 and 4.2.1 of

   *  Customer: See Section 3.2 of [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices].

   *  Customer Higher-level Operation System: See Section 6.3.1 of

   *  Service Demarcation Point (SDP): See Sections 3.2 and 5.2

   In addition, this document defines the following term:

   *  Connection Group: Refers to one or more connectivity constructs
      that are grouped for administrative purposes, such as the

         Combine multiple connectivity constructs to support a set of

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         well-known connectivity service types, such as bidirectional
         unicast service, multipoint-to-point (MP2P) service, or hub-
         and-spoke service.

         Assign the same SLO/SLE policies to multiple connectivity
         constructs unless SLO/SLE policy is explicitly overridden at
         the individual connectivity construct level.

         Share specific SLO limits within multiple connectivity

2.1.  Acronyms

   The following acronyms are used in the document:

   A2A     Any-to-any
   AC      Attachment Circuit
   CE      Customer Edge
   MTU     Maximum Transmission Unit
   NSC     Network Slice Controller
   NSSM    Network Slice Service Model
   P2P     Point-to-point
   P2MP    Point-to-multipoint
   PE      Provider Edge
   QoS     Quality of Service
   SDP     Service Demarcation Point
   SLE     Service Level Expectation
   SLO     Service Level Objective

3.  Network Slice Service Overview

   As defined in Section 3.2 of [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], a
   Network Slice Service is specified in terms of a set of Service
   Demarcation Points (SDPs), a set of one or more connectivity
   constructs between subsets of these SDPs, and a set of Service Level
   Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Expectations (SLEs) for each SDP
   sending to each connectivity construct.  A communication type (point-
   to-point (P2P), point-to-multipoint (P2MP), or any-to-any (A2A)) is
   specified for each connectivity construct.

   The SDPs serve as the Network Slice Service ingress/egress points.
   An SDP is identified by a unique identifier in the context of a
   Network Slice Service.

   Examples of Network Slice Services that contain only one connectivity
   construct are shown in Figure 1.

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          |                                              |
          |                                              |
          |       Slice Service 1 with 1 P2P CC          |
    SDP1  O------------------->--------------------------O SDP2
          |                                              |
          |                                              |
          |       Slice Service 2 with 1 P2MP CC
          |                  +---------------------------O SDP4
    SDP3  O----------->------+                           |
          |                  +---------------------------O SDP5
          |                                              |
          |                                              |
          |       Slice Service 3 with 1 A2A  CC
    SDP6  O-----------<>-----+---------<>----------------O SDP8
          |                  |                           |
    SDP7  O-----------<>-----+---------<>----------------O SDP9
          |                                              |
          |                                              |
          |<------------Network Slice Services---------->|
          |        between endpoints SDP1 to SDP9        |

     CC: Connectivity construct
      O: Represents an SDP
   ----: Represents connectivity construct
   < > : Inbound/outbound directions

           Figure 1: Examples of Network Slice Services of Single
                           Connectivity Construct

   An example of Network Slice Services that contain multiple
   connectivity constructs is shown in Figure 2.

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          |                                              |
          |       Slice Service 4 with 2 P2P CCs         |
    SDP10 O------------------->--------------------------O SDP12
    SDP11 O------------------->--------------------------O SDP13
          |                                              |
          |                                              |
          |      Slice Service 5 with 2 P2P CCs          |
          | +----------------->-----------------------+  |
    SDP14 O/                                           \ O SDP15
          |\                                           / |
          | +-----------------<-----------------------+  |
          |                                              |
          |<-----------Network Slice Services----------->|
          |        between endpoints SDP10 to SDP15      |

    Slice Service: Network Slice Service
               CC: Connectivity construct
                O: Represents an SDP
             ----: Represents connectivity construct
             < > : Inbound/outbound directions

   Figure 2: Examples of Network Slice Services of Multiple Connectivity

   As shown in Figure 2, the Network Slice Service 4 contains two P2P
   connectivity constructs between the set of SDPs.  The Network Slice
   Service 5 is a bidirectional unicast service between SDP14 and SDP15
   that consists of two unidirectional P2P connectivity constructs.

4.  Network Slice Service Model (NSSM) Usage

   The NSSM can be used by a provider to expose its Network Slice
   Services, and by a customer to manage its Network Slices Services
   (e.g., request, delete, or modify).  The details about how service
   requests are handled by the provider (specifically, a controller),
   including which network operations are triggered, are internal to the
   provider.  The details of the Network Slices realization are hidden
   from customers.

   The Network Slices are applicable to use cases, such as (but not
   limited to) 5G, network wholesale services, network infrastructure
   sharing among operators, Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
   connectivity, and Data Center interconnect.
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-use-cases] provides a more detailed
   description of the usecases for Network Slices.

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   An Network Slice Controller (NSC) is an entity that exposes the
   Network Slice Service Interface to customers to manage Network Slice
   Services.  Typically, an NSC receives requests from its customer-
   facing interface (e.g., from a management system).  During service
   creation, this interface can convey data objects that the Network
   Slice Service customer provides, describing the needed Network Slices
   Service in terms of SDPs, the associated connectivity constructs, and
   the service objectives that the customer wishes to be fulfilled.
   Depending of whether the requirements and authorization checks are
   met, these service requirements are then translated into technology-
   specific actions that are implemented in the underlying network using
   a network-facing interface.  The details of how the Network Slices
   are put into effect are out of scope for this document.

   As shown in Figure 3, the NSSM is used by the customer's higher level
   operation system to communicate with an NSC for life cycle management
   of Network Slices including both enablement and monitoring.  For
   example, in the 5G End-to-end network slicing use-case the 5G network
   slice orchestrator acts as the higher layer system to manage the
   Network Slice Services.  The interface is used to support dynamic
   Network Slice management to facilitate end-to-end 5G network slice

             |        Network Slice Customer          |
             |   (e.g. 5G network slice orchestrator) |
                              | Network Slice Service Model (NSSM)
        |           Network Slice Controller (NSC)       |

           Figure 3: Network Slice Service Reference Architecture

   Note: The NSSM can be used recursively (hierarchical mode), i.e., an
   NSS can map to child NSSes.  As described in Section A.5 of
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], the Network Slice Service can
   support a recursive composite architecture that allows one layer of
   Network Slice Services to be used by other layers.

5.  Network Slice Service Model (NSSM) Description

   The NSSM, "ietf-network-slice-service", includes two main data nodes:
   "slo-sle-templates" and "slice-service" (see Figure 4).

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   The "slo-sle-templates" container is used by an NSC to maintain a set
   of common network slice SLO and SLE templates that apply to one or
   several Network Slice Services.  Refer to Section 5.1 for further
   details on the properties of a NSS templates.

   The "slice-service" list includes the set of Network Slice Services
   that are maintained by a provider. "slice-service" is the data
   structure that abstracts the Network Slice Service.  Under the
   "slice-service", the "sdp" list is used to abstract the SDPs.  The
   "connection-group" is used to abstract connectivity constructs
   between SDPs.  Refer to Section 5.2 for further details on the
   properties of a NSS.

   Figure 4 describes the overall tree structure of the NSSM.

   module: ietf-network-slice-service
     +--rw network-slice-services
        +--rw slo-sle-templates
        |  +--rw slo-sle-template* [id]
        |        ...
        +--rw slice-service* [id]
           +--rw id                              string
           +--rw description?                    string
           +--rw service-tags
           |     ...
           +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
           |     ...
           +--rw compute-only?                   empty
           +--rw status
           |     ...
           +--rw sdps
           |     ...
           +--rw connection-groups
           |     ...
           +--rw custom-topology

                 Figure 4: The NSSM Overall Tree Structure

5.1.  SLO and SLE Templates

   The "slo-sle-templates" container (Figure 5) is used by a Network
   Slice Service provider to define and maintain a set of common Network
   Slice Service templates that apply to one or several Network Slice
   Services.  The templates are assumed to be known to both the
   customers and the provider.  The exact definition of the templates is
   deployment specific to each provider.

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   +--rw slo-sle-templates
      +--rw slo-sle-template* [id]
         +--rw id              string
         +--rw description?    string
         +--rw template-ref?   slice-template-ref
         +--rw slo-policy
         |  +--rw metric-bound* [metric-type]
         |  |  +--rw metric-type          identityref
         |  |  +--rw metric-unit          string
         |  |  +--rw value-description?   string
         |  |  +--rw percentile-value?    percentile
         |  |  +--rw bound?               uint64
         |  +--rw availability?   identityref
         |  +--rw mtu?            uint32
         +--rw sle-policy
            +--rw security*               identityref
            +--rw isolation*              identityref
            +--rw max-occupancy-level?    uint8
            +--rw steering-constraints
               +--rw path-constraints
               +--rw service-functions

              Figure 5: "slo-sle-templates" Subtree Structure

   The NSSM provides the identifiers of SLO and SLE templates and the
   common attributes defined in Section 5.1 of
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices].  Considering that there are many
   attributes defined and some attributes could vary with service
   requirements, e.g., bandwidth, or latency, standard templates as well
   as custom "service-slo-sle-policy" are defined.  Customer can choose
   either a standard template provided by the operator or a custom

   1.  Standard template: The exact definition of the templates is
       deployment specific to the provider.  The attributes
       configuration of a standard template is optional.  When
       specifying attributes, a standard template can use "template-ref"
       to inherit some attributes of the predefined standard template
       and override the specific attributes.

   2.  Custom "service-slo-sle-policy": More description is provided in
       Section 5.2.3.

   Figure 6 shows an example where two standard network slice templates
   can be retrieved by the customers.

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   ========== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ===========

     "network-slice-services": {
       "slo-sle-templates": {
         "slo-sle-template": [
             "id": "PLATINUM-template",
             "description": "Two-way bandwidth: 1 Gbps,\
                             95th percentile latency 50ms",
             "slo-policy": {
               "metric-bound": [
                   "metric-type": "ietf-nss:two-way-delay-percentile",
                   "metric-unit": "milliseconds",
                   "percentile-value": "95.000",
                   "bound": "50"
             "sle-policy": {
               "isolation": ["ietf-nss:traffic-isolation"]
             "id": "GOLD-template",
             "description": "Two-way bandwidth: 1 Gbps,\
                             maximum latency 100ms",
             "slo-policy": {
               "metric-bound": [
                   "metric-type": "ietf-nss:two-way-delay-maximum",
                   "metric-unit": "milliseconds",
                   "bound": "100"
             "sle-policy": {
               "isolation": ["ietf-nss:traffic-isolation"]

                                  Figure 6

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   Figure 6 use folding as defined in [RFC8792] for long lines.

5.2.  Network Slice Services

   The "slice-service" is the data structure that abstracts a Network
   Slice Service.  Each "slice-service" is uniquely identified by "id"
   specified in the context of an NSC.

   A Network Slice Service has the following main data nodes:

   *  "description": Provides a textual description of an Network Slice

   *  "service-tags": Indicates a management tag (e.g., "customer-name"
      ) that is used to correlate the operational information of
      Customer Higher-level Operation System and Network Slices.  It
      might be used by a Network Slice Service provider to provide
      additional information to an NSC during the operation of the
      Network Slices.  E.g. adding tags with "customer-name" when
      multiple actual customers use a same Network Slice Service.
      Another use-case for "service-tag" might be for a provider to
      provide additional attributes to an NSC which might be used during
      the realization of Network Slice Services such as type of services
      (e.g., Layer 2 or Layer 3 technology).  These additional
      attributes can also be used by an NSC for various purposes such as
      monitoring and assurance of the Network Slice Services where the
      NSC can issue notifications to the customer system.  Note that all
      these attributes are optional.

   *  "slo-sle-policy": Defines SLO and SLE policies for the "slice-
      service".  More details are provided in Section 5.2.3.

   *  "compute-only": Is used to check the feasibility before
      instantiating a Network Slice Service.  More details are provided
      in Section 5.2.6.

   *  "status": Is used to show the both operational and administrative
      status of a Network Slice Service.  It can be used as indicator to
      detect Network Slice Service anomalies.

   *  "sdps": Represents a set of SDPs that are involved in the Network
      Slice Service.  More details are provided in Section 5.2.1.

   *  "connection-groups": Abstracts the connections to the set of SDPs
      of the Network Slice Service.

   *  "custom-topology": Represents custom topology constraints for the
      Network Slice Service.  More details are provided in Section 5.2.5

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5.2.1.  Service Demarcation Points

   A Network Slice Service involves two or more SDPs.  A Network Slice
   Service can be modified by adding new "sdp"s.

   +--rw sdps
      +--rw sdp* [id]
         +--rw id                        string
         +--rw description?              string
         +--rw geo-location
         |     ...
         +--rw node-id?                  string
         +--rw sdp-ip-address*           inet:ip-address
         +--rw tp-ref?                   leafref
         +--rw service-match-criteria
         |     ...
         +--rw incoming-qos-policy
         |     ...
         +--rw outgoing-qos-policy
         |     ...
         +--rw sdp-peering
         |     ...
         +--rw ac-svc-name*              string
         +--rw ce-mode?                  boolean
         +--rw attachment-circuits
         |     ...
         +--rw status
         |     ...
         +--ro sdp-monitoring

                     Figure 7: "sdps" Subtree Structure

   Section 5.2 of [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] describes four
   possible ways in which an SDP may be placed:

   *  Within the CE

   *  Provider-facing ports on the CE

   *  Customer-facing ports on the PE

   *  Within the PE

   Although there are four options, they can be categorized into two:
   CE-based or PE-based.

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   In the four options, the Attachment Circuit (AC) may be part of the
   Network Slice Service or may be external to it.  Based on the AC
   definition in Section 5.2 of [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], the
   customer and provider may agree on a per {Network Slice Service,
   connectivity construct, and SLOs/SLEs} basis to police or shape
   traffic on the AC in both the ingress (CE to PE) direction and egress
   (PE to CE) direction, which ensures that the traffic is within the
   capacity profile that is agreed in a Network Slice Service.  Excess
   traffic is dropped by default, unless specific out-of-profile
   policies are agreed between the customer and the provider.

   To abstract the SDP options and SLOs/SLEs profiles, an SDP has the
   following characteristics:

   *  "id": Uniquely identifies the SDP within an NSC.  The identifier
      is a string that allows any encoding for the local administration
      of the Network Slice Service.

   *  "geo-location": Indicates SDP location information, which helps
      the NSC to identify an SDP.

   *  "node-id": A reference to the node that hosts the SDP, which helps
      the NSC to identify an SDP.  This document assumes that higher-
      level systems can obtain the node information, PE and CE, prior to
      the service requests.  For example, SAP Network [RFC9408] can
      obtain PE-related node information.  The implementation details
      are left to the NSC provider.

   *  "sdp-ip-address": The SDP IP information, which helps the NSC to
      identify an SDP.

   *  "tp-ref": A reference to a Termination Point (TP) in the custom
      topology defined in Section 5.2.5.

   *  "service-match-criteria": Defines matching policies for the
      Network Slice Service traffic to apply on a given SDP.

   *  "incoming-qos-policy" and "outgoing-qos-policy": Sets the incoming
      and outgoing QoS policies to apply on a given SDP, including QoS
      policy and specific ingress and egress traffic limits to ensure
      access security.  When applied in the incoming direction, the
      policy is applicable to the traffic that passes through the AC
      from the customer network or from another provider's network to
      the Network Slice.  When applied in the outgoing direction, the
      policy is applied to the traffic from the Network Slice towards
      the customer network or towards another provider's network.  If an
      SDP has multiple ACs, the "rate-limits" of "attachment-circuit"
      can be set to an AC specific value, but the rate cannot exceed the

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      "rate-limits" of the SDP.  If an SDP only contains a single AC,
      then the "rate-limits" of "attachment-circuit" is the same with
      the SDP.  The definition of AC refers to Section 5.2

   *  "sdp-peering": Specifies the peers and peering protocols for an
      SDP to exchange control-plane information, e.g.  Layer 1 signaling
      protocol or Layer 3 routing protocols, etc.  As shown in Figure 8

      +--rw sdp-peering
      |  +--rw peer-sap-id*   string
      |  +--rw protocols

                  Figure 8: "sdp-peering" Subtree Structure

      -  "peer-sap-id": Indicates the references to the remote endpoints
         of attachment circuits.  This information can be used for
         correlation purposes, such as identifying Service Attachment
         Points (SAPs) defined in [RFC9408], which defines a model of an
         abstract view of the provider network topology that contains
         the points from which the services can be attached.

      -  "protocols": Serves as an augmentation target.  Appendix A
         gives the example protocols of BGP, static routing, etc.

   *  "ac-svc-name": Indicates the names of AC services, for association
      purposes, to refer to the ACs that have been created.  When both
      "ac-svc-name" and the attributes of "attachment-circuits" are
      defined, the "ac-svc-name" takes precedence.

   *  "ce-mode": A flag node that marks the SDP as CE type.

   *  "attachment-circuits": Specifies the list of ACs by which the
      service traffic is received.  This is an optional SDP attribute.
      When an SDP has multiple ACs and some AC specific attributes are
      needed, each "attachment-circuit" can specify attributes, such as
      interface specific IP addresses, service MTU, etc.

   *  "status": Enables the control of the administrative status and
      report the operational status of the SDP.  These status values can
      be used as indicator to detect SDP anomalies.

   *  "sdp-monitoring": Provides SDP bandwidth statistics.

   Depending on the requirements of different cases, "service-match-
   criteria" can be used for the following purposes:

   *  Specify the AC type: physical or logical connection

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   *  Distinguish the SDP traffic if the SDP is located in the CE or PE

   *  Distinguish the traffic of different connection groups (CGs) or
      connectivity constructs (CCs) when multiple CGs/CCs of different
      SLO/SLE may be set up between the same pair of SDPs, as
      illustrated in Figure 9.  Traffic needs to be explicitly mapped
      into the Network Slice's specific connectivity construct.  The
      policies, "service-match-criteria", are based on the values in
      which combination of layer 2 and layer 3 header and payload fields
      within a packet to identify to which {Network Slice Service,
      connectivity construct, and SLOs/SLEs} that packet is assigned.

   *  Define specific out-of-profile policies: The customer may choose
      to use an explicit "service-match-criteria" to map any SDP's
      traffic or a subset of the SDP's traffic to a specific connection
      group or connectivity construct.  If a subset of traffic is
      matched (e.g. dscp-match) and mapped to a connectivity construct,
      the customer may choose to add a subsequent "match-any" to
      explicitly map the remaining SDP traffic to a separate
      connectivity construct.  If the customer chooses to implicitly map
      remaining traffic and if there are no additional connectivity
      constructs where the "sdp-id" source is specified, then that
      traffic will be dropped.

          |                                              |
          |                                              |
          |      Slice Service 6 with 2 P2P CCs          |
          v +--x-x-x-x-x-x---->---x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x---+  |
    SDP16 o/                                           \ o SDP17
          |\                                           / |
          | +--%-%-%-%-%-%---->---%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%---+  |
          |                                              |
          |<----------Network Slice Services------->|
          |        between endpoints SDP16 to SDP17      |

                  Figure 9: Application of Match Criteria

   If an SDP is placed at the port of a CE or PE, and there is only one
   single connectivity construct with a source at the SDP, traffic can
   be implicitly mapped to this connectivity construct since the AC
   information (e.g., VLAN tag) can be used to unambiguously identify
   the traffic and the SDP is the only source of the connectivity-
   construct.  Appendix B.1 shows an example of both the implicit and
   explicit approaches.  While explicit matching is optional in some use
   cases, it provides a more clear and readable implementation, but the
   choice is left to the operator.

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   To illustrate the use of SDP options, Figure 10 and Figure 11 are two
   examples.  How an NSC realize the mapping is out of scope for this

*  SDPs at customer-facing ports on the PEs: As shown in Figure 10 ,
   a customer of the Network Slice Service would like to connect two
   SDPs to satisfy specific service needs, e.g., network wholesale
   services.  In this case, the Network Slice SDPs are mapped to
   customer-facing ports of PE nodes.  The NSC uses "node-id" (PE
   device ID), "attachment-circuits" (ACs) or "ac-svc-name" to map
   SDPs to the customer-facing ports on the PEs.

              SDP1                                     SDP2
       (With PE1 parameters)                       (with PE2 parameters)
               o<---------- Network Slice 1 ------------>o
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |<----------- S1 ----------->|     +
               +     |                            |     +
               +     |    |<------ T1 ------>|    |     +
                 +   v    v                  v    v   +
                   + +----+                  +----+ +
    +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|          +-----+
    |     |----------X    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    |     |    |     |    |                  |    X----------|     |
    |     |----------X    |                  |    |     |    |     |
    +-----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +-----+
               AC    +----+                  +----+     AC
    Customer         Provider                Provider        Customer
    Edge 1           Edge 1                  Edge 2           Edge 2

    o: Representation of an SDP
    +: Mapping of an SDP to customer-facing ports on the PE
    X: Physical interfaces used for realization of the Network Slice Service
   S1: L0/L1/L2/L3 services used for realization of Network Slice Service
   T1: Tunnels used for realization of Network Slice Service

           Figure 10: An Example of SDPs Placing at PEs

*  SDPs within CEs: As shown in Figure 11 , a customer of the Network
   Slice Service would like to connect two SDPs to provide
   connectivity between transport portion of 5G RAN to 5G Core
   network functions.  In this scenario, the NSC uses "node-id" (CE
   device ID), "geo-location", "sdp-ip-address" (IP address of SDP
   for management), "service-match-criteria" (VLAN tag), "attachment-
   circuits" or or "ac-svc-name" (CE ACs) to map SDPs to the CE.  The
   NSC can use these CE parameters (and optionally other information

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   to uniquely identify a CE within an NSC, such as "peer-sap-id"
   [RFC9408]) to retrieve the corresponding PE device, interface and
   AC mapping details to complete the Network Slice Service

           SDP3                                     SDP4
    (With CE1 parameters)                       (with CE2 parameters)
    +o<----------------- Network Slice 2 ------------------->o
    +                                                       +
    +|<------------------------- S2 ---------------------->|+
    +|                                                     |+
    +|                 |<------ T2 ------>|                |+
    +|                 v                  v                |+
    +v            +----+                  +----+           v+
 +--+--+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-+---+
 |  +  X----------X    |                  |    |     |    | +   |
 |  o  |    |     |    |                  |    X----------X o   |
 |     X----------X    |                  |    |     |    |     |
 +-----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +-----+
            AC    +----+                  +----+     AC
 Customer         Provider                Provider         Customer
 Edge 1           Edge 1                  Edge 2           Edge 2

 o: Representation of an SDP
 +: Mapping of an SDP to CE
 X: Physical interfaces used for realization of the Network Slice Service
S2: L0/L1/L2/L3 services used for realization of the Network Slice Service
T2: Tunnels used for realization of network slice

           Figure 11: An Example of SDPs Placing at CEs

5.2.2.  Connectivity Constructs

   Section 4.2.1 of [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] defines the
   basic connectivity construct (CC) and CC types of a Network Slice
   Service, including P2P, P2MP, and A2A.

   A Network Slice Service involves one or more connectivity constructs.
   The "connection-groups" container is used to abstract CC, CC groups,
   and their SLO-SLE policies and the structure is shown in Figure 12.

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   +--rw connection-groups
      +--rw connection-group* [id]
         +--rw id                                 string
         +--rw connectivity-type?
         |       identityref
         +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
         |  +--:(standard)
         |  |     ...
         |  +--:(custom)
         |        ...
         +--rw service-slo-sle-policy-override?
         |       identityref
         +--rw connectivity-construct* [id]
         |  +--rw id
         |  |       uint32
         |  +--rw (type)?
         |  |     ...
         |  +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
         |  |     ...
         |  +--rw service-slo-sle-policy-override?
         |  |       identityref
         |  +--rw status
         |  |     ...

              Figure 12: "connection-groups" Subtree Structure

   The description of the "connection-groups" data nodes is as follows:

   *  "connection-group": Represents a group of CCs.  In the case of hub
      and spoke connectivity of the Slice Service, it may be inefficient
      when there are a large number of SDPs with the multiple CCs.  As
      illustrated in Appendix B.3, "connectivity-type" of "ietf-vpn-
      common:hub-spoke" and "connection-group-sdp-role" of "ietf-vpn-
      common:hub-role" or "ietf-vpn-common:spoke-role" can be specified
      [RFC9181].  Another use is for optimizing "slo-sle-policy"
      configurations, treating CCs with the same SLO and SLE
      characteristics as a connection group such that the connectivity
      construct can inherit the SLO/SLE from the group if not explicitly

   *  "connectivity-type": Indicates the type of the connection group,
      extending "vpn-common:vpn-topology" specified [RFC9181] with the
      NS connectivity type, e.g., P2P and P2MP.

   *  "connectivity-construct": Represents single connectivity
      construct, and "slo-sle-policy" under it represents the per-
      connectivity construct SLO and SLE requirements.

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   *  "slo-sle-policy" and "service-slo-sle-policy-override": The
      details of "slo-sle-policy" is defined in Section 5.2.3.  In
      addition to "slo-sle-policy" nodes of "connection-group" and
      "connectivity-construct", a leaf node "service-slo-sle-policy-
      override" is provided for scenarios with complex SLO-SLE
      requirements to completely override all or part of an "slo-sle-
      policy" with new values.  For example, if a particular
      "connection-group" or a "connectivity-construct" has a unique
      bandwidth or latency setting, that are different from those
      defined in the Slice Service, a new set of SLOs/SLEs with full or
      partial override can be applied.  In the case of partial override,
      only the newly specified parameters are replaced from the original
      template, while maintaining on pre-existing parameters not
      specified.  While a full override removes all pre-existing
      parameters, and in essence starts a new set of SLOs/SLEs which are

5.2.3.  SLO and SLE Policy

   As defined in Section 5 of [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], the
   SLO and SLE policy of the Network Slice Services define some common

   "slo-sle-policy" is used to represent these SLO and SLE policies.
   During the creation of a Network Slice Service, the policy can be
   specified either by a standard SLO and SLE template or a customized
   SLO and SLE policy.

   The policy can apply to per-network Slice Service, per-connection
   group "connection group", or per-connectivity construct
   "connectivity-construct".  Since there are multiple mechanisms for
   assigning a policy to a single connectivity construct, an override
   precedence order among them is as follows:

   *  Connectivity-construct at an individual sending SDP

   *  Connectivity-construct

   *  Connection-group

   *  Slice-level

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   That is, the policy assigned through the sending SDP has highest
   precedence, and the policy assigned by the slice level has lowest
   precedence.  Therefore, the policy assigned through the sending SDP
   takes precedence over the policy assigned through the connection-
   construct entry.  Appendix B.5 gives an example of the preceding
   policy, which shows a Slice Service having an A2A connectivity as
   default and several specific SLO connections.

   The SLO attributes include performance metric attributes,
   availability, and MTU.  The SLO structure is shown in Figure 13.

   +--rw slo-policy
   |  +--rw metric-bound* [metric-type]
   |  |  +--rw metric-type
   |  |  |       identityref
   |  |  +--rw metric-unit          string
   |  |  +--rw value-description?   string
   |  |  +--rw percentile-value?
   |  |  |       percentile
   |  |  +--rw bound?               uint64
   |  +--rw availability?   identityref
   |  +--rw mtu?            uint16

                 Figure 13: "slo-policy" Subtree Structure

   The list "metric-bound" supports the generic performance metric
   variations and the combinations and each "metric-bound" could specify
   a particular "metric-type". "metric-type" is defined with YANG
   identity and supports the following options:

      "one-way-bandwidth": Indicates the guaranteed minimum bandwidth
      between any two SDPs.  And the bandwidth is unidirectional.

      "two-way-bandwidth": Indicates the guaranteed minimum bandwidth
      between any two SDPs.  And the bandwidth is bidirectional.

      "one-way-delay-maximum": Indicates the maximum one-way latency
      between two SDPs, defined in [RFC7679].

      "two-way-delay-maximum": Indicates the maximum round-trip latency
      between two SDPs, defined in [RFC2681].  .

      "one-way-delay-percentile": Indicates the percentile objective of
      the one-way latency between two SDPs (See [RFC7679]).

      "two-way-delay-percentile": Indicates the percentile objective of
      the round-trip latency between two SDPs (See [RFC2681])..

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      "one-way-delay-variation-maximum": Indicates the jitter constraint
      of the slice maximum permissible delay variation, and is measured
      by the difference in the one-way latency between sequential
      packets in a flow, as defined in [RFC3393]

      "two-way-delay-variation-maximum": Indicates the jitter constraint
      of the slice maximum permissible delay variation, and is measured
      by the difference in the two-way latency between sequential
      packets in a flow, as defined in [RFC3393].

      "one-way-delay-variation-percentile": Indicates the percentile
      objective of the delay variation, and is measured by the
      difference in the one-way latency between sequential packets in a
      flow, as defined in [RFC3393].

      "two-way-delay-variation-percentile": Indicates the percentile
      objective of the delay variation, and is measured by the
      difference in the two-way latency between sequential packets in a
      flow, as defined in [RFC5481].

      "one-way-packet-loss": Indicates maximum permissible packet loss
      rate (See [RFC7680], which is defined by the ratio of packets
      dropped to packets transmitted between two SDPs.

      "two-way-packet-loss": Indicates maximum permissible packet loss
      rate (See [RFC7680], which is defined by the ratio of packets
      dropped to packets transmitted between two SDPs.

   "availability": Specifies service availability defined as the ratio
   of uptime to the sum of uptime and downtime, where uptime is the time
   the Network Slice is available in accordance with the SLOs associated
   with it.

   "mtu": Refers to the service MTU.  If the customer sends packets that
   are longer than the requested service MTU, the network may discard it
   (or for IPv4, fragment it).  Depending on the service layer, the
   value can be an L3 service MTU (Section 7.6.6 [RFC9182]) or an L2
   service MTU (Section 7.4 [RFC9291] ).

   As shown in Figure 14, the following SLEs data nodes are defined.

      "security": The security leaf-list defines the list of security
      functions the customer requests the operator to apply to traffic
      between the two SDPs, including authentication, encryption, etc,
      which is defined in Section

      "isolation": Specifies the isolation types that a customer

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      expects, as defined in Section 8

      "max-occupancy-level": Specifies the number of flows that the
      operator admits (See Section

      "steering-constraints": Specifies the constraints the customer
      requests the operator to steer traffic for the Network Slice
      Service, which is defined as geographic restrictions in
      Section [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices].

   +--rw sle-policy
      +--rw security*
      |       identityref
      +--rw isolation*
      |       identityref
      +--rw max-occupancy-level?    uint8
      +--rw steering-constraints
         +--rw path-constraints
         +--rw service-functions

                 Figure 14: "sle-policy" Subtree Structure

   Figure 15 shows an example with a network slice "slo-policy".

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     "slice-services": {
       "slice-service": {
         "id": "exp-slice",
         "service-slo-sle-policy": {
           "description": "video-service-policy",
           "slo-policy": {
             "metric-bound": [
                 "metric-type": "ietf-nss:one-way-bandwidth",
                 "metric-unit": "Mbps",
                 "bound": "1000"
                 "metric-type": "ietf-nss:two-way-delay-maximum",
                 "metric-unit": "milliseconds",
                 "bound": "10"
             "availability": "ietf-nss:level-4",
             "mtu": "1500"

          Figure 15: An Example of a Slice Service of SLO Policies

5.2.4.  Network Slice Service Performance Monitoring

   The operation and performance status of Network Slice Services is
   also a key component of the NSSM.  The model provides SLO monitoring
   information with the following granularity:

   *  Per SDP: The incoming and outgoing bandwidths of an SDP are
      specified in "sdp-monitoring" under the "sdp".

   *  Per connectivity construct: The delay, delay variation, and packet
      loss status are specified in "connectivity-construct-monitoring"
      under the "connectivity-construct".

   *  Per connection group: The delay, delay variation, and packet loss
      status are specified in "connection-group-monitoring" under the

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   [RFC8639] and [RFC8641] define a subscription mechanism and a push
   mechanism for YANG datastores.  These mechanisms currently allow the
   user to subscribe to notifications on a per-client basis and specify
   either periodic or on-demand notifications.  By specifying subtree
   filters or xpath filters to "sdp", "connectivity-construct", or
   "connection-group", so that only interested contents will be sent.
   The example in Figure 24 shows the way for a customer to subscribe to
   the monitoring information for a particular Network Slice Service. .

   Additionaly, a customer can use the NSSM to obtain a snapshot of the
   Network Slice Service performance status through [RFC8040] or
   [RFC6241] interfaces.  For example, retrieve the per-connectivity-
   construc data by specifying "connectivity-construct" as the filter in
   the RESTCONF GET request.

5.2.5.  Custom Topology Constraints

   The Slice Service customer might request for some level of control
   over the topology or resources constraints.  "custom-topology" is
   defined as an augmentation target that references the context
   topology.  The leaf "network-ref" under this container is used to
   reference a predefined topology as a customized topology constraint
   for an Network Slice Service.  Section 1 of [RFC8345] defines a
   general abstract topology concept to accommodate both the provider's
   resource capability and the customer's preferences.  The abstract
   topology is a topology that contains abstract topological elements
   (nodes, links, and termination points).

   This document defines only the minimum attributes of a custom
   topology, which can be extended based on the implementation

   The following nodes are defined for the custom topology:

      "custom-topology": This container serves as an augmentation target
      for the Slice Service topology context, which can be multiple.
      This node is located directly under the "slice-service" list.

      "network-ref": This leaf is under the container "custom-topology",
      which is defined to reference a predefined topology as a
      customized topology constraint for a Network Slice Service, e.g.,
      a Service Attachment Points (SAPs) topology to request SDP
      feasibility checks on a SAPs network described in Section 3 of
      [RFC9408], an abstract Traffic Engineering (TE) topology defined
      in section-3.13 of [RFC8795] to customize the service paths in a
      Network Slice Service.

      "tp-ref": A reference to Termination Point (TP) in the custom

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      topology, under the list "sdp", can be used to associate an SDP
      with a TP of the customized topology.  The example TPs could be
      parent termination points of the SAP topology.

5.2.6.  Network Slice Service Compute

   A Network Slice Service is, by default, provisioned so that it can
   instantiate and trigger service delivery.  A Network Slice Service
   customer may request to check the feasibility of a request before
   instantiating or modifying a Network Slice Service . In such a case,
   the Network Slice Service is configured in "compute-only" mode to
   distinguish it from the default behavior.

   A "compute-only" Network Slice Service is configured as usual with
   the associated per slice SLOs/SLEs.  The NSC computes the feasible
   connectivity constructs to the configured SLOs/SLEs.  This
   computation does not create the Network Slice or reserve any
   resources in the provider's network, it simply computes the resulting
   Network Slice based on the request.  The Network Slice "admin-status"
   and the connection groups or connectivity construct list are used to
   convey the result.  For example, "admin-compute-only" can be used to
   show the status.  Customers can query the "compute-only" connectivity
   constructs attributes, or can subscribe to be notified when the
   connectivity constructs status change.

   The "compute-only" applies only if the data model is used with a
   protocol that does not natively support such operation, e.g.
   [RFC8040].  When using NETCONF, <edit-config> operation (Section 7.2
   of [RFC6241]), "test-only" of the <test-option> parameter also

               +--------+                                +--------+
               |customer|                                |  NSC   |
               +--------+                                +--------+
                    |                                         |
                    |                                         |
                    |  Configuration "compute-only"           |
   Compute the NS   |---------------------------------------->|
   as per the       |                                         |
   SDPs and         |                                         |
   SLOs/SLEs        |                                         |
                    |    Computed NS and status               |
                    |                                         |

    NS: Network Slice

           Figure 16: An Example of Network Slice Service Compute

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6.  Network Slice Service Module

   The "ietf-network-slice-service" module uses types defined in
   [RFC6991], [RFC8345], [RFC9179], [RFC9181], [RFC8776], and [RFC7640].

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-network-slice-service@2024-02-17.yang"
   module ietf-network-slice-service {
     yang-version 1.1;
     prefix ietf-nss;

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix inet;
         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Types";
     import ietf-geo-location {
       prefix geo;
         "RFC 9179: A YANG Grouping for Geographic Locations";
     import ietf-vpn-common {
       prefix vpn-common;
         "RFC 9181: A Common YANG Data Model for Layer 2 and Layer 3
     import ietf-network {
       prefix nw;
         "RFC 8345: A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies";
     import ietf-network-topology {
       prefix nt;
         "RFC 8345: A YANG Data Model for Network
                    Topologies, Section 6.2";
     import ietf-te-packet-types {
       prefix te-packet-types;
         "RFC 8776: Common YANG Data Types for Traffic Engineering,
                    Section 5";

       "IETF Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling (TEAS)

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        Working Group";
       "WG Web:  <>
        WG List:  <>

        Editor: Bo Wu
        Editor: Dhruv Dhody
        Editor: Reza Rokui
        Editor: Tarek Saad
        Editor: John Mullooly
       "This YANG module defines a model for the RFC AAAA Network Slice

        Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Revised BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC DDDD; see the
        RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     revision 2024-02-17 {
         "Initial revision.";
         "RFC DDDD: A YANG Data Model for Network Slice Service";

     /* Identities */

     identity service-tag-type {
         "Base identity for Network Slice Service tag type.";

     identity service-tag-customer {
       base service-tag-type;

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         "The Network Slice Service customer name tag type.";

     identity service-tag-service {
       base service-tag-type;
         "The Network Slice Service tag type, e.g. Layer 2 or
          Layer 3 service.";

     identity service-tag-opaque {
       base service-tag-type;
         "An opaque type, which can be used for future use,
          such as filtering of services.";

     identity attachment-circuit-tag-type {
         "Base identity for the attachment circuit tag type.";

     identity vlan-id {
       base attachment-circuit-tag-type;
         "Identity for VLAN ID tag type, 802.1Q dot1Q.";
         "IEEE Std 802.1Q: IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan
                           Area Networks--Bridges and Bridged

     identity cvlan-id {
       base attachment-circuit-tag-type;
         "Identity for C-VLAN ID tag type, 802.1ad QinQ VLAN IDs.";
         "IEEE Std 802.1ad: IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan
                            Area Networks---Virtual Bridged Local
                            Area Networks---Amendment 4: Provider

     identity svlan-id {
       base attachment-circuit-tag-type;
         "Identity for S-VLAN ID tag type, 802.1ad QinQ VLAN IDs.";

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         "IEEE Std 802.1ad: IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan
                            Area Networks---Virtual Bridged Local
                            Area Networks---Amendment 4: Provider

     identity ip-address-mask {
       base attachment-circuit-tag-type;
         "Identity for IP address mask tag type.";

     identity service-isolation-type {
         "Base identity for Network Slice Service isolation type.";

     identity traffic-isolation {
       base service-isolation-type;
         "Specify the requirement for separating the traffic of the
          customer's Network Slice Service from other services,
          which may be provided by the service provider using VPN
          technologies, such as L3VPN, L2VPN, EVPN, etc.";

     identity service-security-type {
         "Base identity for Network Slice Service security type.";

     identity authentication {
       base service-security-type;
         "Indicates that the Slice Service requires authentication.";

     identity integrity {
       base service-security-type;
         "Indicates that the Slice Service requires data integrity.";

     identity encryption {
       base service-security-type;
         "Indicates that the Slice Service requires data encryption.";

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     identity point-to-point {
       base vpn-common:vpn-topology;
         "Identity for point-to-point Network Slice
          Service connectivity.";

     identity point-to-multipoint {
       base vpn-common:vpn-topology;
         "Identity for point-to-multipoint Network Slice
          Service connectivity.";

     identity multipoint-to-multipoint {
       base vpn-common:vpn-topology;
         "Identity for multipoint-to-multipoint Network Slice
          Service connectivity.";

     identity multipoint-to-point {
       base vpn-common:vpn-topology;
         "Identity for multipoint-to-point Network Slice
          Service connectivity.";

     identity sender-role {
       base vpn-common:role;
         "Indicates that an SDP is acting as a sender.";

     identity receiver-role {
       base vpn-common:role;
         "Indicates that an SDP is acting as a receiver.";

     identity service-slo-metric-type {
         "Base identity for Network Slice Service SLO metric type.";

     identity one-way-bandwidth {

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       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "SLO bandwidth metric. Minimum guaranteed bandwidth between
          two SDPs at any time and is measured unidirectionally.";

     identity two-way-bandwidth {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "SLO bandwidth metric. Minimum guaranteed bandwidth between
          two SDPs at any time.";

     identity shared-bandwidth {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The shared SLO bandwidth bound. It is the limit on the
          bandwidth that can be shared amongst a group of
          connectivity constructs of a Slice Service.";

     identity one-way-delay-maximum {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The SLO objective of this metric is the upper bound of network
          delay when transmitting between two SDPs.";
         "RFC7679: A One-Way Delay Metric for IP Performance
          Metrics (IPPM)";

     identity one-way-delay-percentile {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The SLO objective of this metric is percentile objective of
          network delay when transmitting between two SDPs.
          The metric is defined in RFC7679.";
         "RFC7679: A One-Way Delay Metric for IP Performance
          Metrics (IPPM)";

     identity two-way-delay-maximum {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "SLO two-way delay is the upper bound of network delay when
          transmitting between two SDPs";

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         "RFC2681: A Round-trip Delay Metric for IPPM";

     identity two-way-delay-percentile {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The SLO objective of this metric is the percentile
          objective of network delay when the traffic transmitting
          between two SDPs.";
         "RFC2681: A Round-trip Delay Metric for IPPM";

     identity one-way-delay-variation-maximum {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The SLO objective of this metric is maximum bound of the
          difference in the one-way delay between sequential packets
          between two SDPs.";
         "RFC3393: IP Packet Delay Variation Metric for IP Performance
          Metrics (IPPM)";

     identity one-way-delay-variation-percentile {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The SLO objective of this metric is the percentile objective
          in the one-way delay between sequential packets between two
         "RFC3393: IP Packet Delay Variation Metric for IP Performance
          Metrics (IPPM)";

     identity two-way-delay-variation-maximum {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "SLO two-way delay variation is the difference in the
          round-trip delay between sequential packets between two SDPs.";
         "RFC5481: Packet Delay Variation Applicability Statement";

     identity two-way-delay-variation-percentile {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "The SLO objective of this metric is the percentile objective

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          in the round-trip delay between sequential packets between
          two SDPs.";
         "RFC5481: Packet Delay Variation Applicability Statement";

     identity one-way-packet-loss {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "This metric type refers to the ratio of packets dropped
          to packets transmitted between two SDPs in one-way.";
         "RFC7680: A One-Way Loss Metric for IP Performance
          Metrics (IPPM)";

     identity two-way-packet-loss {
       base service-slo-metric-type;
         "This metric type refers to the ratio of packets dropped
          to packets transmitted between two SDPs in two-way.";
         "RFC7680: A One-Way Loss Metric for IP Performance
          Metrics (IPPM)";

      * Identity for availability-type

     identity availability-type {
         "Base identity for availability.";

     identity level-1 {
       base availability-type;
         "Specifies the availability level 1: 99.9999%";

     identity level-2 {
       base availability-type;
         "Specifies the availability level 2: 99.999%";

     identity level-3 {

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       base availability-type;
         "Specifies the availability level 3: 99.99%";

     identity level-4 {
       base availability-type;
         "Specifies the availability level 4: 99.9%";

     identity level-5 {
       base availability-type;
         "Specifies the availability level 5: 99%";

     identity service-match-type {
         "Base identity for Network Slice Service traffic
          match type.";

     identity phy-interface-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses the physical interface as match criteria for
          Slice Service traffic.";

     identity vlan-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses the VLAN ID as match criteria for the Slice Service

     identity label-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses the MPLS label as match criteria for the Slice Service

     identity source-ip-prefix-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses source IP prefix as match criteria for the Slice Service

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          traffic. Examples of 'value' of this match type are
          '' and '2001:db8::1/64'.";

     identity destination-ip-prefix-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses destination IP prefix as match criteria for the Slice
          Service traffic. Examples of 'value' of this match type are
          '', '2001:db8::2/128'.";

     identity dscp-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses DSCP field in the IP packet header as match criteria
          for the Slice Service traffic.";

     identity acl-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Uses Access Control List (ACL) as match criteria
          for the Slice Service traffic.";
         "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access Control
          Lists (ACLs)";

     identity any-match {
       base service-match-type;
         "Matches any Slice Service traffic.";

     identity slo-sle-policy-override {
         "Base identity for SLO/SLE policy override options.";

     identity full-override {
       base slo-sle-policy-override;
         "The SLO/SLE policy defined at the child level overrides a
          parent SLO/SLE policy, which means that no SLO/SLEs are
          inherited from parent if a child SLO/SLE policy exists.";

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     identity partial-override {
       base slo-sle-policy-override;
         "The SLO/SLE policy defined at the child level updates the
          parent SLO/SLE policy. For example, if a specific SLO is
          defined at the child level, that specific SLO overrides
          the one inherited from a parent SLO/SLE policy, while all
          other SLOs in the parent SLO-SLE policy still apply.";

     /* Typedef */

     typedef percentile {
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 3;
         range "0..100";
         "The percentile is a value between 0 and 100
          to 3 decimal places, e.g., 10.000, 99.900 ,99.990, etc.
          For example, for a given one-way delay measurement,
          if the percentile is set to 95.000 and the 95th percentile
          one-way delay is 2 milliseconds, then the 95 percent of
          the sample value is less than or equal to 2 milliseconds.";

     typedef slice-template-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/ietf-nss:network-slice-services"
            + "/ietf-nss:slo-sle-templates"
            + "/ietf-nss:slo-sle-template"
            + "/ietf-nss:id";
         "This type is used by data models that need to reference
          Network Slice template.";

     /* Groupings */

     grouping service-slos {
         "A reusable grouping for directly measurable objectives of
          a Slice Service.";
       container slo-policy {
           "Contains the SLO policy.";
         list metric-bound {

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           key "metric-type";
             "List of Slice Service metric bounds.";
           leaf metric-type {
             type identityref {
               base service-slo-metric-type;
               "Identifies SLO metric type of the Slice Service.";
           leaf metric-unit {
             type string;
             mandatory true;
               "The metric unit of the parameter. For example,
                for time units, where the options are hours, minutes,
                seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds;
                for bandwidth units, where the options are bps, Kbps,
                Mbps, Gbps; for the packet loss rate unit,
                the options can be percentage.";
           leaf value-description {
             type string;
               "The description of the provided value.";
           leaf percentile-value {
             type percentile;
               "The percentile value of the metric type.";
           leaf bound {
             type uint64;
               "The bound on the Slice Service connection metric.
                When set to zero, this indicates an unbounded
                upper limit for the specific metric-type.";
         leaf availability {
           type identityref {
             base availability-type;
             "Service availability level";
         leaf mtu {
           type uint32;

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           units "bytes";
             "The MTU specifies the maximum length of data
              packets of the Slice Service.
              The value needs to be less than or equal to the
              minimum MTU value of all 'attachment-circuits'
              in the SDPs.";

     grouping service-sles {
         "A reusable grouping for indirectly measurable objectives of
          a Slice Service.";
       container sle-policy {
           "Contains the SLE policy.";
         leaf-list security {
           type identityref {
             base service-security-type;
             "The security functions that the customer requests
              the operator to apply to traffic between the two SDPs.";
         leaf-list isolation {
           type identityref {
             base service-isolation-type;
             "The Slice Service isolation requirement.";
         leaf max-occupancy-level {
           type uint8 {
             range "1..100";
             "The maximal occupancy level specifies the number of flows
              to be admitted and optionally a maximum number of
              countable resource units (e.g., IP or MAC addresses)
              a Network Slice Service can consume.";
         container steering-constraints {
             "Container for the policy of steering constraints
              applicable to the Slice Service.";
           container path-constraints {

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               "Container for the policy of path constraints
                applicable to the Slice Service.";
           container service-functions {
               "Container for the policy of service function
                applicable to the Slice Service.";

     grouping slice-service-template {
         "A reusable grouping for Slice Service templates.";
       container slo-sle-templates {
           "Contains a set of Slice Service templates.";
         list slo-sle-template {
           key "id";
             "List for SLO and SLE template identifiers.";
           leaf id {
             type string;
               "Identification of the Service Level Objective (SLO)
                and Service Level Expectation (SLE) template to be used.
                Local administration meaning.";
           leaf description {
             type string;
               "Describes the SLO and SLE policy template.";
           leaf template-ref {
             type slice-template-ref;
               "The reference to a standard template. When set it
                 indicates the base template over which further
                 SLO/SLE policy changes are made.";
           uses service-slos;
           uses service-sles;

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     grouping service-slo-sle-policy {
         "Slice service policy grouping.";
       choice slo-sle-policy {
           "Choice for SLO and SLE policy template.
            Can be standard template or customized template.";
         case standard {
             "Standard SLO template.";
           leaf slo-sle-template {
             type slice-template-ref;
               "Standard SLO and SLE template to be used.";
         case custom {
             "Customized SLO and SLE template.";
           container service-slo-sle-policy {
               "Contains the SLO and SLE policy.";
             leaf description {
               type string;
                 "Describes the SLO and SLE policy.";
             uses service-slos;
             uses service-sles;

     grouping bw-rate-limits {
         "Grouping for bandwidth rate limits.";
         "RFC 7640: Traffic Management Benchmarking";
       leaf cir {
         type uint64;
         units "bps";
           "Committed Information Rate. The maximum number of bits
            that a port can receive or send during one-second over an
       leaf cbs {

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         type uint64;
         units "bytes";
           "Committed Burst Size. CBS controls the bursty nature
            of the traffic. Traffic that does not use the configured
            CIR accumulates credits until the credits reach the
            configured CBS.";
       leaf eir {
         type uint64;
         units "bps";
           "Excess Information Rate, i.e., excess frame delivery
            allowed not subject to SLA. The traffic rate can be
            limited by EIR.";
       leaf ebs {
         type uint64;
         units "bytes";
           "Excess Burst Size. The bandwidth available for burst
            traffic from the EBS is subject to the amount of
            bandwidth that is accumulated during periods when
            traffic allocated by the EIR policy is not used.";
       leaf pir {
         type uint64;
         units "bps";
           "Peak Information Rate, i.e., maximum frame delivery
            allowed. It is equal to or less than sum of CIR and EIR.";
       leaf pbs {
         type uint64;
         units "bytes";
           "Peak Burst Size.";

     grouping service-qos {
         "Grouping for the Slice Service QoS policy.";
       container incoming-qos-policy {
           "The QoS policy imposed on ingress direction of the traffic ,
            from the customer network or from another provider's

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         leaf qos-policy-name {
           type string;
             "The name of the QoS policy that is applied to the
              attachment circuit. The name can reference a QoS
              profile that is pre-provisioned on the device.";
         container rate-limits {
             "Container for the asymmetric traffic control.";
           uses bw-rate-limits;
           container classes {
               "Container for service class bandwidth control.";
             list cos {
               key "cos-id";
                 "List of Class of Services.";
               leaf cos-id {
                 type uint8;
                   "Identifier of the CoS, indicated by
                    a Differentiated Services Code Point
                    (DSCP) or a CE-CLAN CoS (802.1p)
                    value in the service frame.";
                   "IEEE Std 802.1Q: Bridges and Bridged
               uses bw-rate-limits;
       container outgoing-qos-policy {
           "The QoS policy imposed on egress direction of the traffic,
            towards the customer network or towards another
            provider's network.";
         leaf qos-policy-name {
           type string;
             "The name of the QoS policy that is applied to the
              attachment circuit. The name can reference a QoS
              profile that is pre-provisioned on the device.";
         container rate-limits {

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             "The rate-limit imposed on outgoing traffic.";
           uses bw-rate-limits;
           container classes {
               "Container for classes.";
             list cos {
               key "cos-id";
                 "List of Class of Services.";
               leaf cos-id {
                 type uint8;
                   "Identifier of the CoS, indicated by
                    a Differentiated Services Code Point
                    (DSCP) or a CE-CLAN CoS (802.1p)
                    value in the service frame.";
                   "IEEE Std 802.1Q: Bridges and Bridged
               uses bw-rate-limits;

     grouping service-slo-sle-policy-override {
         "Slice Service policy override grouping.";
       leaf service-slo-sle-policy-override {
         type identityref {
           base slo-sle-policy-override;
         default "ietf-nss:full-override";
           "SLO/SLE policy override option.";

     grouping connectivity-construct-monitoring-metrics {
         "Grouping for connectivity construct monitoring metrics.";
       uses te-packet-types:one-way-performance-metrics-packet;
       uses te-packet-types:two-way-performance-metrics-packet;

     /* Main Network Slice Services Container */

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     container network-slice-services {
         "Contains a list of Network Slice Services";
       uses slice-service-template;
       list slice-service {
         key "id";
           "A Slice Service is identified by a service id.";
         leaf id {
           type string;
             "A unique Slice Service identifier within an NSC.";
         leaf description {
           type string;
             "Textual description of the Slice Service.";
         container service-tags {
             "Container for the list of service tags.";
           list tag-type {
             key "tag-type";
               "The service tag list.";
             leaf tag-type {
               type identityref {
                 base service-tag-type;
                 "Slice service tag type.";
             leaf-list value {
               type string;
                 "The tag values, e.g., 5G customer names when multiple
                  customers sharing same Slice Service in 5G scenario.";
         uses service-slo-sle-policy;
         leaf compute-only {
           type empty;
             "When present, the slice is computed. No resources are
              committed or reserved in the network.";
         uses vpn-common:service-status;

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         container sdps {
             "Slice Service SDPs.";
           list sdp {
             key "id";
             min-elements 2;
               "List of SDPs in this Slice Service.";
             leaf id {
               type string;
                 "The unique identifier of the SDP within the scope of
                  an NSC.";
             leaf description {
               type string;
                 "Provides a description of the SDP.";
             uses geo:geo-location;
             leaf node-id {
               type string;
                 "A unique identifier of an edge node of the SDP
                  within the scope of the NSC.";
             leaf-list sdp-ip-address {
               type inet:ip-address;
                 "IPv4 or IPv6 address of the SDP.";
             leaf tp-ref {
               type leafref {
                 + "current()/../../../custom-topology/network-ref]/"
                 + "nw:node/nt:termination-point/nt:tp-id";
                 "A reference to Termination Point (TP) in the custom
                 "RFC 8345: A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies";
             container service-match-criteria {
                 "Describes the Slice Service match criteria.";
               list match-criterion {

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                 key "index";
                   "List of the Slice Service traffic match criteria.";
                 leaf index {
                   type uint32;
                     "The identifier of a match criteria.";
                 leaf match-type {
                   type identityref {
                     base service-match-type;
                   mandatory true;
                     "Indicates the match type of the entry in the
                      list of the Slice Service match criteria.";
                 leaf-list value {
                   type string;
                     "Provides a value for the Slice Service match
                      criteria, e.g. IP prefix and VLAN ID.";
                 leaf target-connection-group-id {
                   type leafref {
                     + "/ietf-nss:connection-group"
                     + "/ietf-nss:id";
                   mandatory true;
                     "Reference to the Slice Service connection group.";
                 leaf connection-group-sdp-role {
                   type identityref {
                     base vpn-common:role;
                   default "vpn-common:any-to-any-role";
                     "Specifies the role of SDP in the connection group
                      When the service connection type is MP2MP,
                      such as hub and spoke service connection type.
                      In addition, this helps to create connectivity
                      construct automatically, rather than explicitly
                      specifying each one.";
                 leaf target-connectivity-construct-id {

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                   type leafref {
                     + "/ietf-nss:slice-service"
                     + "/ietf-nss:connection-groups"
                     + "/ietf-nss:connection-group[id"
                     + "=current()/../target-connection-group-id]"
                     + "/ietf-nss:connectivity-construct/ietf-nss:id";
                     "Reference to a Network Slice connection
             uses service-qos;
             container sdp-peering {
                 "Describes SDP peering attributes.";
               leaf-list peer-sap-id {
                 type string;
                   "Indicates the reference to the remote endpoints of
                    the attachment circuits. This information can be used
                    for correlation purposes, such as identifying SAPs
                    of provider equipments when requesting a service with
                    CE based SDP attributes.";
                   "RFC 9408: A YANG Network Data Model for Service
                    Attachment Points (SAPs)";
               container protocols {
                   "Serves as an augmentation target.
                    Protocols can be augmented into this container,
                    e.g. BGP, static routing.";
             leaf-list ac-svc-name {
               type string;
                 "Indicates the attachment circuit service names for
                  association purposes, to refer to ACs that have been
                  created before the slice creation.";
                  YANG Data Models for
                  'Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS)";

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             leaf ce-mode {
               type boolean;
                 "Indicates that SDP is on the CE.";
             container attachment-circuits {
                 "List of attachment circuits.";
               list attachment-circuit {
                 key "id";
                   "The Network Slice Service SDP attachment circuit
                    related parameters.";
                 leaf id {
                   type string;
                     "The identifier of attachment circuit.";
                 leaf description {
                   type string;
                     "The attachment circuit's description.";
                 leaf ac-svc-name {
                   type string;
                     "Indicates an attachment circuit (AC) service name
                      for association purposes, to refer to an AC that
                      has been created before the slice creation.
                      This node can override 'ac-svc-name' of
                      the parent SDP.";
                      YANG Data Models for
                      'Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS)";
                 leaf ac-node-id {
                   type string;
                     "The attachment circuit node ID in the case of
                 leaf ac-tp-id {
                   type string;
                     "The termination port ID of the
                      attachment circuit.";

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                 leaf ac-ipv4-address {
                   type inet:ipv4-address;
                     "The IPv4 address of the AC.";
                 leaf ac-ipv4-prefix-length {
                   type uint8;
                     "The IPv4 subnet prefix length expressed in bits.";
                 leaf ac-ipv6-address {
                   type inet:ipv6-address;
                     "The IPv6 address of the AC.";
                 leaf ac-ipv6-prefix-length {
                   type uint8;
                     "The IPv6 subnet prefix length expressed in bits.";
                 leaf mtu {
                   type uint32;
                   units "bytes";
                     "Maximum size of the Slice Service data packet
                      that can traverse an SDP.";
                 container ac-tags {
                     "Container for the attachment circuit tags.";
                   list ac-tag {
                     key "tag-type";
                       "The attachment circuit tag list.";
                     leaf tag-type {
                       type identityref {
                         base attachment-circuit-tag-type;
                         "The attachment circuit tag type.";
                     leaf-list value {
                       type string;
                         "The attachment circuit tag values.
                          For example, the tag may indicate
                          multiple VLAN identifiers.";

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                 uses service-qos;
                 container sdp-peering {
                     "Describes SDP peering attributes.";
                   leaf peer-sap-id {
                     type string;
                       "Indicates a reference to the remote endpoints
                        of an attachment circuit. This information can
                        be used for correlation purposes, such as
                        identifying a service attachment point (SAP)
                        of a provider equipment when requesting a
                        service with CE based SDP attributes.";
                       "RFC9408: A YANG Network Data Model for
                        Service Attachment Points (SAPs)";
                   container protocols {
                       "Serves as an augmentation target.
                        Protocols can be augmented into this container,
                        e.g., BGP or static routing.";
                 uses vpn-common:service-status;
             uses vpn-common:service-status;
             container sdp-monitoring {
               config false;
                 "Container for SDP monitoring metrics.";
               leaf incoming-bw-value {
                 type uint64;
                 units "bps";
                   "Indicates the absolute value of the incoming
                    bandwidth at an SDP from the customer network or
                    from another provider's network.";
               leaf incoming-bw-percent {
                 type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 5;
                   range "0..100";

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                 units "percent";
                 mandatory true;
                   "Indicates a percentage of the incoming bandwidth
                    at an SDP from the customer network or
                    from another provider's network.";
               leaf outgoing-bw-value {
                 type uint64;
                 units "bps";
                   "Indicates the absolute value of the outgoing
                    bandwidth at an SDP towards the customer network or
                    towards another provider's network.";
               leaf outgoing-bw-percent {
                 type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 5;
                   range "0..100";
                 units "percent";
                 mandatory true;
                   "Indicates a percentage of the outgoing bandwidth
                    at an SDP towards the customer network or towards
                    another provider's network.";
         container connection-groups {
             "Contains connection groups.";
           list connection-group {
             key "id";
               "List of connection groups.";
             leaf id {
               type string;
                 "The connection group identifier.";
             leaf connectivity-type {
               type identityref {
                 base vpn-common:vpn-topology;
               default "vpn-common:any-to-any";

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                 "Connection group connectivity type.";
             uses service-slo-sle-policy;
             /* Per connection group service-slo-sle-policy
              * overrides the per slice service-slo-sle-policy.
             uses service-slo-sle-policy-override;
             list connectivity-construct {
               key "id";
                 "List of connectivity constructs.";
               leaf id {
                 type uint32;
                   "The connectivity construct identifier.";
               choice type {
                 default "p2p";
                   "Choice for connectivity construct type.";
                 case p2p {
                     "P2P connectivity construct.";
                   leaf p2p-sender-sdp {
                     type leafref {
                       path "../../../../sdps/sdp/id";
                       "Reference to a sender SDP.";
                   leaf p2p-receiver-sdp {
                     type leafref {
                       path "../../../../sdps/sdp/id";
                       "Reference to a receiver SDP.";
                 case p2mp {
                     "P2MP connectivity construct.";
                   leaf p2mp-sender-sdp {
                     type leafref {
                       path "../../../../sdps/sdp/id";
                       "Reference to a sender SDP.";

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                   leaf-list p2mp-receiver-sdp {
                     type leafref {
                       path "../../../../sdps/sdp/id";
                       "Reference to a receiver SDP.";
                 case a2a {
                     "A2A connectivity construct.";
                   list a2a-sdp {
                     key "sdp-id";
                       "List of included A2A SDPs.";
                     leaf sdp-id {
                       type leafref {
                         path "../../../../../sdps/sdp/id";
                         "Reference to an SDP.";
                     uses service-slo-sle-policy;
               uses service-slo-sle-policy;
               /* Per connectivity construct service-slo-sle-policy
                * overrides the per slice service-slo-sle-policy.
               uses service-slo-sle-policy-override;
               uses vpn-common:service-status;
               container connectivity-construct-monitoring {
                 config false;
                   "SLO status per connectivity construct.";
                 uses connectivity-construct-monitoring-metrics;
             container connection-group-monitoring {
               config false;
                 "SLO status per connection group.";
               uses connectivity-construct-monitoring-metrics;
         container custom-topology {

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             "Serves as an augmentation target.
              Container for custom topology, which is indicated by the
              referenced topology predefined, e.g., an abstract RFC8345
           uses nw:network-ref;

                Figure 17: Network Slice Service YANG Module

7.  Security Considerations

   The YANG module specified in this document defines a schema for data
   that is designed to be accessed via network management protocols such
   as NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040].  The lowest NETCONF layer
   is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement secure
   transport is Secure Shell (SSH) [RFC6242].  The lowest RESTCONF layer
   is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is TLS

   The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [RFC8341]
   provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or
   RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or
   RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

   There are a number of data nodes defined in these YANG modules that
   are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the
   default).  These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable
   in some network environments.  Write operations (e.g., edit-config)
   and delete operations to these data nodes without proper protection
   or authentication can have a negative effect on network operations.
   These are the subtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/
   vulnerability in the "ietf-network-slice-service" module:

   * /ietf-network-slice-service/network-slice-services/slo-sle-

   This subtree specifies the Network Slice Service SLO templates and
   SLE templates.  Modifying the configuration in the subtree will
   change the related Network Slice Service configuration in the future.
   By making such modifications, a malicious attacker may degrade the
   Slice Service functions configured at a certain time in the future.

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   * /ietf-network-slice-service/network-slice-services/slice-service

   The entries in the list above include the whole network
   configurations corresponding with the Network Slice Service which the
   higher management system requests, and indirectly create or modify
   the PE or P device configurations.  Unexpected changes to these
   entries could lead to service disruption and/or network misbehavior.

   Some of the readable data nodes in these YANG modules may be
   considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments.  It
   is thus important to control read access (e.g., via get, get-config,
   or notification) to these data nodes.  These are the subtrees and
   data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability in the "ietf-network-
   slice-service" module:

   * /ietf-network-slice-service/network-slice-services/slo-sle-

   Unauthorized access to the subtree may disclose the SLO and SLE
   templates of the Network Slice Service.

   * /ietf-network-slice-service/network-slice-services/slice-service

   Unauthorized access to the subtree may disclose the operation status
   information of the Network Slice Service.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document request to register the following URI in the IETF XML
   registry [RFC3688]:

      URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-network-slice-service
      Registrant Contact: The IESG.
      XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace.

   This document requests to register the following YANG module in the
   YANG Module Names registry [RFC7950].

           Name: ietf-network-slice-service
           Namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-network-slice-service
           Prefix: ietf-nss
           Maintained by IANA: N
           Reference: RFC DDDD

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9.  Acknowledgments

   The authors wish to thank Mohamed Boucadair, Kenichi Ogaki, Sergio
   Belotti, Qin Wu, Yao Zhao, Susan Hares, Eric Grey, Daniele
   Ceccarelli, Ryan Hoffman, Adrian Farrel, Aihua Guo, Italo Busi, and
   many others for their helpful comments and suggestions.

   Thanks to Ladislav Lhotka for the YANG Doctors review.

10.  Contributors

   The following authors contributed significantly to this document:

      Luis M. Contreras

      Liuyan Han
      China Mobile

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

              Farrel, A., Drake, J., Rokui, R., Homma, S., Makhijani,
              K., Contreras, L. M., and J. Tantsura, "A Framework for
              Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-
              network-slices-25, 14 September 2023,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3688]  Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004,

   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

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Internet-Draft      Network Slice Service YANG Model       February 2024

   [RFC6242]  Wasserman, M., "Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure
              Shell (SSH)", RFC 6242, DOI 10.17487/RFC6242, June 2011,

   [RFC6991]  Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., "Common YANG Data Types",
              RFC 6991, DOI 10.17487/RFC6991, July 2013,

   [RFC7950]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language",
              RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016,

   [RFC8040]  Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF
              Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8340]  Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams",
              BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, March 2018,

   [RFC8341]  Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration
              Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018,

   [RFC8342]  Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., Shafer, P., Watsen, K.,
              and R. Wilton, "Network Management Datastore Architecture
              (NMDA)", RFC 8342, DOI 10.17487/RFC8342, March 2018,

   [RFC8345]  Clemm, A., Medved, J., Varga, R., Bahadur, N.,
              Ananthakrishnan, H., and X. Liu, "A YANG Data Model for
              Network Topologies", RFC 8345, DOI 10.17487/RFC8345, March
              2018, <>.

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC8639]  Voit, E., Clemm, A., Gonzalez Prieto, A., Nilsen-Nygaard,
              E., and A. Tripathy, "Subscription to YANG Notifications",
              RFC 8639, DOI 10.17487/RFC8639, September 2019,

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   [RFC8641]  Clemm, A. and E. Voit, "Subscription to YANG Notifications
              for Datastore Updates", RFC 8641, DOI 10.17487/RFC8641,
              September 2019, <>.

   [RFC8776]  Saad, T., Gandhi, R., Liu, X., Beeram, V., and I. Bryskin,
              "Common YANG Data Types for Traffic Engineering",
              RFC 8776, DOI 10.17487/RFC8776, June 2020,

   [RFC9179]  Hopps, C., "A YANG Grouping for Geographic Locations",
              RFC 9179, DOI 10.17487/RFC9179, February 2022,

   [RFC9181]  Barguil, S., Gonzalez de Dios, O., Ed., Boucadair, M.,
              Ed., and Q. Wu, "A Common YANG Data Model for Layer 2 and
              Layer 3 VPNs", RFC 9181, DOI 10.17487/RFC9181, February
              2022, <>.

   [RFC9408]  Boucadair, M., Ed., Gonzalez de Dios, O., Barguil, S., Wu,
              Q., and V. Lopez, "A YANG Network Data Model for Service
              Attachment Points (SAPs)", RFC 9408, DOI 10.17487/RFC9408,
              June 2023, <>.

11.2.  Informative References

              Boucadair, M., Roberts, R., de Dios, O. G., Barguil, S.,
              and B. Wu, "YANG Data Models for Bearers and 'Attachment
              Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS)", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit-
              06, 9 February 2024,

              Boucadair, M., Roberts, R., de Dios, O. G., Barguil, S.,
              and B. Wu, "A Common YANG Data Model for Attachment
              Circuits", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              opsawg-teas-common-ac-05, 9 February 2024,

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Internet-Draft      Network Slice Service YANG Model       February 2024

              Lee, Y., Dhody, D., Ceccarelli, D., Bryskin, I., and B. Y.
              Yoon, "A YANG Data Model for Virtual Network (VN)
              Operations", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              teas-actn-vn-yang-23, 30 January 2024,

              Contreras, L. M., Homma, S., Ordonez-Lucena, J. A.,
              Tantsura, J., and H. Nishihara, "IETF Network Slice Use
              Cases and Attributes for the Slice Service Interface of
              IETF Network Slice Controllers", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-use-
              cases-01, 24 October 2022,

   [RFC2681]  Almes, G., Kalidindi, S., and M. Zekauskas, "A Round-trip
              Delay Metric for IPPM", RFC 2681, DOI 10.17487/RFC2681,
              September 1999, <>.

   [RFC3393]  Demichelis, C. and P. Chimento, "IP Packet Delay Variation
              Metric for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM)", RFC 3393,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3393, November 2002,

   [RFC5481]  Morton, A. and B. Claise, "Packet Delay Variation
              Applicability Statement", RFC 5481, DOI 10.17487/RFC5481,
              March 2009, <>.

   [RFC7640]  Constantine, B. and R. Krishnan, "Traffic Management
              Benchmarking", RFC 7640, DOI 10.17487/RFC7640, September
              2015, <>.

   [RFC7679]  Almes, G., Kalidindi, S., Zekauskas, M., and A. Morton,
              Ed., "A One-Way Delay Metric for IP Performance Metrics
              (IPPM)", STD 81, RFC 7679, DOI 10.17487/RFC7679, January
              2016, <>.

   [RFC7680]  Almes, G., Kalidindi, S., Zekauskas, M., and A. Morton,
              Ed., "A One-Way Loss Metric for IP Performance Metrics
              (IPPM)", STD 82, RFC 7680, DOI 10.17487/RFC7680, January
              2016, <>.

   [RFC8309]  Wu, Q., Liu, W., and A. Farrel, "Service Models
              Explained", RFC 8309, DOI 10.17487/RFC8309, January 2018,

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Internet-Draft      Network Slice Service YANG Model       February 2024

   [RFC8792]  Watsen, K., Auerswald, E., Farrel, A., and Q. Wu,
              "Handling Long Lines in Content of Internet-Drafts and
              RFCs", RFC 8792, DOI 10.17487/RFC8792, June 2020,

   [RFC8795]  Liu, X., Bryskin, I., Beeram, V., Saad, T., Shah, H., and
              O. Gonzalez de Dios, "YANG Data Model for Traffic
              Engineering (TE) Topologies", RFC 8795,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8795, August 2020,

   [RFC9182]  Barguil, S., Gonzalez de Dios, O., Ed., Boucadair, M.,
              Ed., Munoz, L., and A. Aguado, "A YANG Network Data Model
              for Layer 3 VPNs", RFC 9182, DOI 10.17487/RFC9182,
              February 2022, <>.

   [RFC9291]  Boucadair, M., Ed., Gonzalez de Dios, O., Ed., Barguil,
              S., and L. Munoz, "A YANG Network Data Model for Layer 2
              VPNs", RFC 9291, DOI 10.17487/RFC9291, September 2022,

Appendix A.  Augmentation Considerations

   The NSSM defines the minimum attributes of Slice Services.  In some
   scenarios, further extension, e.g. the definition of AC technology
   specific attributes and the "isolation" SLE characteristics are

   For AC technology specific attributes, if the customer and provider
   need to agree, through configuration, on the technology parameter
   values, such as the protocol types and protocol parameters between
   the PE and the CE.  The following shows an example where BGP and
   static routing are augmented to the Network Slice Service model.  The
   protocol types and definitions can reference

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   module: ietf-network-slice-service-proto-ex
     augment /ietf-nss:network-slice-services/ietf-nss:slice-service
       +--rw bgp
       |  +--rw name?             string
       |  +--ro local-as?         inet:as-number
       |  +--rw peer-as?          inet:as-number
       |  +--rw address-family?   identityref
       +--rw static-routing-ipv4
       |  +--rw lan?        inet:ipv4-prefix
       |  +--rw lan-tag?    string
       |  +--rw next-hop?   union
       |  +--rw metric?     uint32
       +--rw static-routing-ipv6
          +--rw lan?        inet:ipv6-prefix
          +--rw lan-tag?    string
          +--rw next-hop?   union
          +--rw metric?     uint32

       Figure 18: Example YANG Tree Augmenting SDP Peering Protocols

   In some scenarios, for example, when multiple Slice Services share
   one or more ACs, independent AC services, defined in
   [I-D.ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit], can be used.

   For "isolation" SLE characteristics, the following identities can be

     identity service-interference-isolation-dedicated {
       base service-isolation-type;
         "Specify the requirement that the Slice Service is not impacted
          by the existence of other customers or services in the same
          network, which may be provided by the service provider using
          dedicated network resources, similar to a dedicated
          private network.";

            Figure 19: Example "isolation" Identity Augmentation

Appendix B.  Examples of Network Slice Services

B.1.  Example-1: Two A2A Slice Services with Different Match Approaches

   Figure 20 shows an example of two Network Slice Service instances
   where the SDPs are the customer-facing ports on the PE:

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   *  Network Slice 1 on SDP1, SDP11a, and SDP4, with an A2A
      connectivity type.  This is a L3 Slice Service and using the
      uniform low latency "slo-sle-template" policy between all SDPs.
      These SDPs will also have AC eBGP peering sessions with unmanaged
      CE elements (not shown) using an AC augmentation model such as the
      one shown above.

   *  Network Slice 2 on SDP2, SDP11b, with A2A connectivity type.  This
      is a L3 Slice Service and using the uniform high bandwidth "slo-
      sle-template" policy between all SDPs.

   Slice 1 uses the explicit match approach for mapping SDP traffic to a
   "connectivity-construct", while slice 2 uses the implicit approach.
   Both approaches are supported.  The "slo-sle-templates" templates are
   known to the customer.

   Note: These two slices both use service-tags of "L3".  This "service-
   tag" is operator defined and has no specific meaning in the YANG
   model other to give a hint to the NSC on the service expectation
   being L3 forwarding.  In other examples we may choose to eliminate
   it.  The usage of this tag is arbitrary and up to the operator and
   the NSC on it's need and usage.

|CE1     o------/  VLAN100
+--------+      |  SDP1 +------+
+--------+      +------o|  PE A+---------------+
|CE2     o-------/-----o|      |               |
+--------+         SDP2 +---+--+               |
   |                  |
                  VLAN200   |              +---+--+ VLAN100
                            |              |      | SDP4      +--------+
                            |              |PE C  o-----/-----o CE21   |
+--------+ |              +---+--+           +--------+
|        o------/ VLAN101   |                  |
|        |      | SDP11a+---+---+              |
|CE11    |      +------o|PE B   +--------------+
|        o-------/-----o|       |
+--------+        SDP11b+------ +

             Figure 20: Example of Two A2A Slice Services

   Figure 21 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the Network
   Slice Service instances request.

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    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "high-BW-template",
            "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"
            "id": "low-latency-template",
            "description": "lowest possible latency forwarding behavior"
      "slice-service": [
          "id": "slice1",
          "description": "example slice1",
          "service-tags": {
            "tag-type": [
                "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
                "value": [
          "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "id": "1",
                "node-id": "PE-A",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [

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                      "id": "ac1",
                      "description": "AC1 connected to device 1",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet5/0/0/0.100",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "3a",
                "node-id": "PE-B",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac3a",
                      "description": "AC3a connected to device 3",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/4.101",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",

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                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "4",
                "node-id": "PE-C",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac4",
                      "description": "AC4 connected to device 4",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-C",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet4/0/0/3.100",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}

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                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix1",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "1"
                        "sdp-id": "3a"
                        "sdp-id": "4"
                    "status": {}
          "id": "slice2",
          "description": "example slice2",
          "service-tags": {
            "tag-type": [
                "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
                "value": [
          "slo-sle-template": "high-BW-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [

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                "id": "2",
                "node-id": "PE-A",
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac2",
                      "description": "AC2 connected to device 2",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet7/0/0/3.200",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "3b",
                "node-id": "PE-B",
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac3b",
                      "description": "AC3b connected to device 3",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/4.201",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [

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                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix2",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "2"
                        "sdp-id": "3b"
                    "status": {}

  Figure 21: Example of a Message Body to Create Two A2A Slice Services

B.2.  Example-2: Two P2P Slice Services with Different Match Approaches

   Figure 22 shows an example of two Network Slice Service instances
   where the SDPs are the customer-facing ports on the PE:

   *  Network Slice 3 on SDP5 and SDP7a with P2P connectivity type.
      This is a L2 Slice Service and using the uniform low-latency "slo-
      sle-template" policies between the SDPs.  A connectivity-group
      level slo-policy has been applied with a delay-based metric bound
      of 10ms which will apply to both connectivity-constructs.

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   *  Network Slice 4 on SDP6 and SDP7b, with P2P connectivity type.
      This is a L2 Slice Service and using the high bandwidth "slo-sle-
      template" policies between the SDPs.  Traffic from SDP6 and SDP7b
      is requesting a bandwidth of 1000Mbps, while in the reverse
      direction from SDP7b to SDP6, 5000Mbps is being requested.

   Slice 3 uses the explicit match approach for mapping SDP traffic to a
   "connectivity-group", while slice 2 uses the implicit approach.  Both
   approaches are supported.

   Note: These two slices both use service-tags of "L2".  This "service-
   tag" is operator defined and has no specific meaning in the YANG
   model other to give a hint to the NSC on the service expectation
   being L2 forwarding.  Other examples we may choose to eliminate it.
   The usage of this tag is arbitrary and up to the operator and the NSC
   on it's need and usage.

   |  CE5   o------/  VLAN100
   +--------+      |  SDP5 +------+
   +--------+      +------o| PE A +---------------+
   |  CE6   o-------/-----o|      |               |
   +--------+         SDP6 +---+--+               |
                    VLAN200    |                  |
                               |              +---+--+
                               |              |      |
                               |              | PE C o
   +--------+                  |              +---+--+
   |        o------/ VLAN101   |                  |
   |        |      | SDP7a +---+--+               |
   | CE7    |      +------o| PE B +---------------+
   |        o-------/-----o|      |
   +--------+        SDP7b +------+

                Figure 22: Example of Two P2P Slice Services

   Figure 23 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the Network
   Slice Service instances request.

    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "high-BW-template",
            "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"

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            "id": "low-latency-template",
            "description": "lowest possible latency forwarding behavior"
      "slice-service": [
          "id": "slice3",
          "description": "example slice3",
          "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "id": "5",
                "node-id": "PE-A",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix3"
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac5",
                      "description": "AC5 connected to device 5",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet5/0/0/1",
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}

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                "id": "7a",
                "node-id": "PE-B",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix3"
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac7a",
                      "description": "AC7a connected to device 7",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/5",
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix3",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-nss:point-to-point",
                "service-slo-sle-policy": {
                  "slo-policy": {
                    "metric-bound": [
                        "metric-type": "ietf-nss:one-way-delay-maximum",

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                        "metric-unit": "milliseconds",
                        "bound": "10"
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "p2p-sender-sdp": "5",
                    "p2p-receiver-sdp": "7a",
                    "status": {}
                    "id": 2,
                    "p2p-sender-sdp": "7a",
                    "p2p-receiver-sdp": "5",
                    "status": {}
          "id": "slice4",
          "description": "example slice4",
          "slo-sle-template": "high-BW-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "id": "6",
                "node-id": "PE-A",
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac6",
                      "description": "AC6 connected to device 6",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet7/0/0/4",
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [

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                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "7b",
                "node-id": "PE-B",
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac7b",
                      "description": "AC7b connected to device 7",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/5",
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix4",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-nss:point-to-point",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "p2p-sender-sdp": "6",
                    "p2p-receiver-sdp": "7b",
                    "service-slo-sle-policy": {

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                      "slo-policy": {
                        "metric-bound": [
                            "metric-type": "ietf-nss:one-way-bandwidth",
                            "metric-unit": "Mbps",
                            "bound": "1000"
                    "status": {}
                    "id": 2,
                    "p2p-sender-sdp": "7b",
                    "p2p-receiver-sdp": "6",
                    "service-slo-sle-policy": {
                      "slo-policy": {
                        "metric-bound": [
                            "metric-type": "ietf-nss:one-way-bandwidth",
                            "metric-unit": "Mbps",
                            "bound": "5000"
                    "status": {}

  Figure 23: Example of a Message Body to Create Two P2P Slice Services

   The example shown in Figure 24 illustrates how a customer subscribes
   to the monitoring information of "slice3".  The customer is
   interested in is the operational and performance status of SDPs and
   connectivity constructs.

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   ============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ===============

   POST /restconf/operations/ietf-subscribed-notifications:establish-\
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-subscribed-notifications:input": {
       "stream-subtree-filter": {
         "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
           "slice-service": [
               "id": "slice3",
               "sdps": {
                 "sdp": [
                     "id": "5",
                     "status": {
                       "oper-status": {
                         "status": {}
                     "sdp-monitoring": {
                       "incoming-bw-value": {},
                       "outgoing-bw-value": {}
                     "id": "7a",
                     "status": {
                       "oper-status": {
                         "status": {}
                     "sdp-monitoring": {
                       "incoming-bw-value": {},
                       "outgoing-bw-value": {}
               "connection-groups": {
                 "connection-group": [
                     "id": "matrix3",
                     "connectivity-type": "ietf-nss:point-to-point",
                     "connectivity-construct": [

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                         "id": 1,
                         "p2p-sender-sdp": "5",
                         "p2p-receiver-sdp": "7a",
                         "status": {
                           "oper-status": {
                             "status": "{}"
                         "connectivity-construct-monitoring": {
                           "one-way-min-delay": {},
                           "one-way-max-delay": {}
                         "id": 2,
                         "p2p-sender-sdp": "7a",
                         "p2p-receiver-sdp": "5",
                         "status": {
                           "oper-status": {
                             "status": {}
                         "connectivity-construct-monitoring": {
                           "one-way-min-delay": {},
                           "one-way-max-delay": {}
       "ietf-yang-push:periodic": {
         "period": "500"

        Figure 24: Example of a Message Body to Subscribe Monitoring
                      Information of the Slice Service

   The example Figure 25 shows a snapshot of YANG JSON data for the body
   of operational and performance status of the Network Slice Service

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     "slice-service": [
         "id": "slice3",
         "description": "example slice3",
         "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template",
         "status": {
           "oper-status": {
             "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
         "sdps": {
           "sdp": [
               "id": "5",
               "node-id": "PE-A",
               "status": {
                 "oper-status": {
                   "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
               "sdp-monitoring": {
                 "incoming-bw-value": "10000",
                 "outgoing-bw-value": "10000"
               "id": "7a",
               "node-id": "PE-B",
               "status": {
                 "oper-status": {
                   "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
               "sdp-monitoring": {
                 "incoming-bw-value": "10000",
                 "outgoing-bw-value": "10000"
         "connection-groups": {
           "connection-group": [
               "id": "matrix3",
               "connectivity-type": "ietf-nss:point-to-point",
               "connectivity-construct": [

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                   "id": 1,
                   "p2p-sender-sdp": "5",
                   "p2p-receiver-sdp": "7a",
                   "status": {
                     "oper-status": {
                       "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
                   "connectivity-construct-monitoring": {
                     "one-way-min-delay": "15",
                     "one-way-max-delay": "20"
                   "id": 2,
                   "p2p-sender-sdp": "7a",
                   "p2p-receiver-sdp": "5",
                   "status": {
                     "oper-status": {
                       "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
                   "connectivity-construct-monitoring": {
                     "one-way-min-delay": "15",
                     "one-way-max-delay": "20"
         "id": "slice4",
         "description": "example slice4",
         "slo-sle-template": "high-BW-template",
         "status": {
           "oper-status": {
             "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
         "sdps": {
           "sdp": [
               "id": "6",
               "node-id": "PE-A",
               "status": {
                 "oper-status": {

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                   "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
               "sdp-monitoring": {
                 "incoming-bw-value": "10000000",
                 "outgoing-bw-value": "10000000"
               "id": "7b",
               "node-id": "PE-B",
               "status": {
                 "oper-status": {
                   "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
               "sdp-monitoring": {
                 "incoming-bw-value": "10000000",
                 "outgoing-bw-value": "10000000"
         "connection-groups": {
           "connection-group": [
               "id": "matrix4",
               "connectivity-type": "ietf-nss:point-to-point",
               "connectivity-construct": [
                   "id": 1,
                   "p2p-sender-sdp": "6",
                   "p2p-receiver-sdp": "7b",
                   "status": {
                     "oper-status": {
                       "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
                   "connectivity-construct-monitoring": {
                     "one-way-min-delay": "150",
                     "one-way-max-delay": "200"
                   "id": 2,
                   "p2p-sender-sdp": "7b",
                   "p2p-receiver-sdp": "6",
                   "status": {

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                     "oper-status": {
                       "status": "ietf-vpn-common:op-up"
                   "connectivity-construct-monitoring": {
                     "one-way-min-delay": "150",
                     "one-way-max-delay": "200"

      Figure 25: Example of a Message Body of a Snapshot of Monitoring
                            of the Slice Service

B.3.  Example-3: A Hub and Spoke Slice Service with a P2MP Connectivity

   Figure 26 shows an example of one Network Slice Service instance
   where the SDPs are the customer-facing ports on the PE:

      Network Slice 5 is a hub-spoke slice with SDP14 as the hub and
      SDP11, SDP12, SDP13a, SDP13b as spokes.  This is a L3 Slice
      Service and using the uniform low-latency "slo-sle-template"
      policies between all spokes and the hub SDPs, but using an
      explicit set of SLO policies with a latency metric of 10ms for hub
      to spoke traffic.

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|Device11o------/  VLAN100
+--------+      |  SDP11+------+
+--------+      +------o|  A   +---------------+
|Device12o-------/-----o|      |               |
+--------+         SDP12+---+--+               |
   |                  |
                  VLAN200   |              +---+--+ VLAN100
                            |              |      | SDP14     +--------+
                            |              |   C  o-----/-----oDevice14|
+--------+ |              +---+--+           +--------+
|        o------/ VLAN101   |                  |
|        |      | SDP13a+---+--+               |
|Device13|      +------o|  B   +---------------+
|        o-------/-----o|      |
+--------+        SDP13b+------+

         Figure 26: Example of A Hub and Spoke Slice Service

   Figure 27 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the hub-
   spoke Network Slice Service instances request.

  "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
    "slo-sle-templates": {
      "slo-sle-template": [
          "id": "high-BW-template",
          "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"
          "id": "low-latency-template",
          "description": "lowest possible latency forwarding behavior"
    "slice-service": [
        "id": "slice5",
        "description": "example slice5",
        "service-tags": {
          "tag-type": [
              "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
              "value": [

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        "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template",
        "status": {},
        "sdps": {
          "sdp": [
              "id": "11",
              "node-id": "PE-A",
              "service-match-criteria": {
                "match-criterion": [
                    "index": 1,
                    "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                    "target-connection-group-id": "matrix5",
                    "connection-group-sdp-role": "ietf-vpn-common:spoke-role"
              "attachment-circuits": {
                "attachment-circuit": [
                    "id": "ac11",
                    "description": "AC11 connected to device 11",
                    "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                    "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet5/0/0/2",
                    "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                    "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                    "ac-tags": {
                      "ac-tag": [
                          "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                          "value": [
                    "status": {}
              "status": {}
              "id": "12",

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              "node-id": "PE-A",
              "service-match-criteria": {
                "match-criterion": [
                    "index": 1,
                    "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                    "target-connection-group-id": "matrix5",
                    "connection-group-sdp-role": "ietf-vpn-common:spoke-role"
              "attachment-circuits": {
                "attachment-circuit": [
                    "id": "ac12",
                    "description": "AC12 connected to device 12",
                    "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                    "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet7/0/0/5",
                    "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                    "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                    "ac-tags": {
                      "ac-tag": [
                          "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                          "value": [
                    "status": {}
              "status": {}
              "id": "13a",
              "node-id": "PE-B",
              "service-match-criteria": {
                "match-criterion": [
                    "index": 1,
                    "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                    "target-connection-group-id": "matrix5",
                    "connection-group-sdp-role": "ietf-vpn-common:spoke-role"

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              "attachment-circuits": {
                "attachment-circuit": [
                    "id": "ac13a",
                    "description": "AC13a connected to device 13",
                    "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                    "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/6",
                    "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                    "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                    "ac-tags": {
                      "ac-tag": [
                          "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                          "value": [
                    "status": {}
              "status": {}
              "id": "13b",
              "node-id": "PE-B",
              "service-match-criteria": {
                "match-criterion": [
                    "index": 1,
                    "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                    "target-connection-group-id": "matrix5",
                    "connection-group-sdp-role": "ietf-vpn-common:spoke-role"
              "attachment-circuits": {
                "attachment-circuit": [
                    "id": "ac13b",
                    "description": "AC3b connected to device 13",
                    "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                    "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/4",
                    "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                    "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,

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                    "ac-tags": {
                      "ac-tag": [
                          "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                          "value": [
                    "status": {}
              "status": {}
              "id": "14",
              "node-id": "PE-C",
              "service-match-criteria": {
                "match-criterion": [
                    "index": 1,
                    "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                    "target-connection-group-id": "matrix5",
                    "connection-group-sdp-role": "ietf-vpn-common:hub-role"
              "attachment-circuits": {
                "attachment-circuit": [
                    "id": "ac14",
                    "description": "AC14 connected to device 14",
                    "ac-node-id": "PE-C",
                    "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet4/0/0/3",
                    "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                    "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                    "ac-tags": {
                      "ac-tag": [
                          "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                          "value": [

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                    "status": {}
              "status": {}
        "connection-groups": {
          "connection-group": [
              "id": "matrix5",
              "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:hub-spoke",
              "connectivity-construct": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "p2mp-sender-sdp": "14",
                  "p2mp-receiver-sdp": [
                  "service-slo-sle-policy": {
                    "slo-policy": {
                      "metric-bound": [
                          "metric-type": "ietf-nss:one-way-delay-maximum",
                          "metric-unit": "milliseconds",
                          "bound": "10"
                  "status": {}

    Figure 27: Example of a Message Body to Create A Hub and Spoke
                            Slice Service

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B.4.  Example-4: An A2A Slice Service with Multiple SLOs and DSCP

   Figure 28 shows an example of a Network slice instance where the SDPs
   are the customer-facing ports on the PE:

      Network Slice 6 on SDP21, SDP23a, and SDP24, with A2A connectivity
      type.  This is a L3 Slice Service and using the uniform "standard"
      slo-sle-template policies between all SDPs.  For traffic matching
      the DSCP of EF, a slo-sle-template policy of "low-latency" will be
      used.  The slice uses the explicit match approach for mapping SDP
      traffic to a connectivity construct.

| CE21   o------/  VLAN100
+--------+      |  SDP21+------+
                +------o| PE A +---------------+
                        |      |               |
                        +---+--+               |
                            |                  |
                            |              +---+--+ VLAN100
                            |              |      | SDP24     +--------+
                            |              | PE C o-----/-----o CE24   |
+--------+ |              +---+--+           +--------+
|        o------/ VLAN101   |                  |
|        |      | SDP23a+---+--+               |
|CE23    |      +------o| PE B +---------------+
|        o              |      |
+--------+              +------+

    Figure 28: Example of An A2A Slice Service with DSCP Matching

   Figure 29 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the Network
   Slice Service instances request.

    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "high-BW-template",
            "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"
            "id": "low-latency-template",
            "description": "lowest possible latency forwarding behavior"

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            "id": "standard-template",
            "description": "take the standard forwarding path"
      "slice-service": [
          "id": "slice6",
          "description": "example slice6",
          "service-tags": {
            "tag-type": [
                "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
                "value": [
          "slo-sle-template": "standard-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "id": "21",
                "node-id": "PE-A",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-dscp-match",
                      "value": [
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix6",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 2
                      "index": 2,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix6",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [

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                      "id": "ac21",
                      "description": "AC21 connected to device 21",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet5/0/0/0",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 24,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "23a",
                "node-id": "PE-B",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-dscp-match",
                      "value": [
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix6",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 2
                      "index": 2,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix6",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac23a",

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                      "description": "AC23a connected to device 23",
                      "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet8/0/0/4",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 24,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "24",
                "node-id": "PE-C",
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-dscp-match",
                      "value": [
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix6",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 2
                      "index": 2,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix6",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac24",
                      "description": "AC24 connected to device 24",

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                      "ac-node-id": "PE-C",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet4/0/0/3",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 24,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix6",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "21"
                        "sdp-id": "23a"
                        "sdp-id": "24",
                        "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template"
                    "status": {}
                    "id": 2,
                    "a2a-sdp": [

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                        "sdp-id": "21"
                        "sdp-id": "23a"
                        "sdp-id": "24"
                    "status": {}

       Figure 29: Example of a Message Body to Create An A2A Slice
                        Service with DSCP Matching

B.5.  Example-5: An A2A Network Slice Service with SLO Precedence

   Figure 30 shows an example of a Network slice instance "slice-7" with
   four SDPs: SDP1, SDP2, SDP3 and SDP4 with A2A connectivity type.  All
   SDPs are designated as customer-facing ports on the PE.

   The service is realized using a single A2A connectivity construct,
   and a low-bandwidth "slo-sle-template" policy applied to SDP4 and
   SDP3, while a high-bandwidth "slo-sle-template" policy applied to
   SDP1 and SDP2.  Notice that the "slo-sle-templates" at the
   connecitivty construct level takes precedence over the one specified
   at the group level.

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+--------+         2001:db8:0:1::1                  2001:db8:0:3::1
|CE1     o------/  VLAN100                          VLAN100
+--------+      |  SDP1 +------+           +------+ SDP3
                +------o| PE A +-----------| PE C |           +--------+
                        |      |           |      |-----/-----o CE3    |
                        +---+--+           +------+           +--------+
                            |                  |
                            |                  |
                            |                  |
                            |                  |
+--------+  2001:db8:0:2::1 |                  |
|CE2     o------/ VLAN100   |                  |    2001:db8:0:4::1
+--------+      | SDP2  +---+--+           +---+--+ VLAN100
                +------o| PE B +-----------|PE D  | SDP4      +--------+
                        |      |           |      o-----/-----o    CE4 |
                        +------+           +---+--+           +--------+

    Figure 30: Example of An A2A Slice Service with SLO Precedence

   Figure 31 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the Network
   Slice Service instances request.

     "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
       "slo-sle-templates": {
         "slo-sle-template": [
             "id": "high-BW-template",
             "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"
             "id": "low-BW-template",
             "description": "lowest BW forwarding behavior"
       "slice-service": [
           "id": "slice-7",
           "description": "Foo",
           "service-tags": {
             "tag-type": [
                 "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-customer",
                 "value": [

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                 "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
                 "value": [
           "status": {},
           "sdps": {
             "sdp": [
                 "id": "SDP1",
                 "description": "Central Office 1 at location PE-A",
                 "node-id": "PE-A",
                 "sdp-ip-address": [
                 "service-match-criteria": {
                   "match-criterion": [
                       "index": 1,
                       "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-vlan-match",
                       "value": [
                       "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1"
                 "attachment-circuits": {
                   "attachment-circuit": [
                       "id": "AC-SDP1",
                       "description": "Device 1 to PE-A",
                       "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                       "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet1/0/0/0",
                       "ac-ipv6-address": "2001:db8:0:1::1",
                       "ac-ipv6-prefix-length": 64,
                       "ac-tags": {
                         "ac-tag": [
                             "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                             "value": [

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                       "incoming-qos-policy": {
                         "qos-policy-name": "QoS-Gold",
                         "rate-limits": {
                           "cir": "1000000",
                           "cbs": "1000",
                           "pir": "5000000",
                           "pbs": "1000"
                       "status": {}
                 "status": {}
                 "id": "SDP2",
                 "description": "Central Office 2 at location PE-B",
                 "node-id": "PE-B",
                 "sdp-ip-address": [
                 "service-match-criteria": {
                   "match-criterion": [
                       "index": 1,
                       "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-vlan-match",
                       "value": [
                       "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1"
                 "attachment-circuits": {
                   "attachment-circuit": [
                       "id": "AC-SDP2",
                       "description": "Device 2 to PE-B",
                       "ac-node-id": "PE-B",
                       "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet2/0/0/0",
                       "ac-ipv6-address": "2001:db8:0:2::1",
                       "ac-ipv6-prefix-length": 64,
                       "ac-tags": {
                         "ac-tag": [
                             "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",

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                             "value": [
                       "incoming-qos-policy": {
                         "qos-policy-name": "QoS-Gold",
                         "rate-limits": {
                           "cir": "1000000",
                           "cbs": "1000",
                           "pir": "5000000",
                           "pbs": "1000"
                       "status": {}
                 "status": {}
                 "id": "SDP3",
                 "description": "Remote Office 1 at location PE-C",
                 "node-id": "PE-C",
                 "sdp-ip-address": [
                 "service-match-criteria": {
                   "match-criterion": [
                       "index": 1,
                       "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-vlan-match",
                       "value": [
                       "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1"
                 "attachment-circuits": {
                   "attachment-circuit": [
                       "id": "AC-SDP3",
                       "description": "Device 3 to PE-C",
                       "ac-node-id": "PE-C",
                       "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet3/0/0/0",
                       "ac-ipv6-address": "2001:db8:0:3::1",

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                       "ac-ipv6-prefix-length": 64,
                       "ac-tags": {
                         "ac-tag": [
                             "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                             "value": [
                       "incoming-qos-policy": {
                         "qos-policy-name": "QoS-Gold",
                         "rate-limits": {
                           "cir": "1000000",
                           "cbs": "1000",
                           "pir": "5000000",
                           "pbs": "1000"
                       "status": {}
                 "status": {}
                 "id": "SDP4",
                 "description": "Remote Office 2 at location PE-D",
                 "node-id": "PE-D",
                 "sdp-ip-address": [
                 "service-match-criteria": {
                   "match-criterion": [
                       "index": 1,
                       "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-vlan-match",
                       "value": [
                       "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1"
                 "attachment-circuits": {
                   "attachment-circuit": [

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                       "id": "AC-SDP4",
                       "description": "Device 4 to PE-D",
                       "ac-node-id": "PE-A",
                       "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet4/0/0/0",
                       "ac-ipv6-address": "2001:db8:0:4::1",
                       "ac-ipv6-prefix-length": 64,
                       "ac-tags": {
                         "ac-tag": [
                             "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                             "value": [
                       "incoming-qos-policy": {
                         "qos-policy-name": "QoS-Gold",
                         "rate-limits": {
                           "cir": "1000000",
                           "cbs": "1000",
                           "pir": "5000000",
                           "pbs": "1000"
                       "status": {}
                 "status": {}
           "connection-groups": {
             "connection-group": [
                 "id": "matrix1",
                 "slo-sle-template": "low-BW-template",
                 "connectivity-construct": [
                     "id": 1,
                     "a2a-sdp": [
                         "sdp-id": "SDP1",
                         "slo-sle-template": "high-BW-template"
                         "sdp-id": "SDP2",

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                         "slo-sle-template": "high-BW-template"
                         "sdp-id": "SDP3"
                         "sdp-id": "SDP4"
                     "status": {}

        Figure 31: Example of a Message Body to Create an A2A Slice
                        Service with SLO Precedence

B.6.  Example-6: SDP at CE, L3 A2A Slice Service

   Figure 32 shows an example of one Network slice instance where the
   SDPs are located at the PE-facing ports on the CE:

   *  Network Slice 8 with SDP31 on CE Device1, SDP33 (with two ACs) on
      Device 3 and SDP34 on Device 4, with an A2A connectivity type.
      This is a L3 Slice Service and using the uniform low-latency slo-
      sle-template policy between all SDPs.

   *  This example also introduces the optional attribute of "sdp-ip".
      In this example it could be a loopback on the device.  How this
      "sdp-ip" is used by the NSC is out-of-scope here, but an example
      could be it is the management interface of the device.  The SDP
      and AC details are from the perspective of the CE in this example.
      How the CE ACs are mapped to the PE ACs are up to the NSC
      implementation and out-of-scope in this example.

      SDP31 ac-id=ac31, node-id=Device1, interface: GigabitEthernet0
      vlan 100

      SDP33 ac-id=ac33a, node-id=Device3, interface: GigabitEthernet0
      vlan 101

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      SDP33 ac-id=ac33b, node-id=Device3, interface: GigabitEthernet1
      vlan 201

      SDP34 ac-id=ac34, node-id=Device4, interface: GigabitEthernet3
      vlan 100

    v      VLAN200      +------+
+--------+ ac31         | PE A +---------------+
|  CE1   o-------/-----o|      |               |                SDP34
+--------+              +---+--+               |       SDP-ip
                            |                  |                 |
SDP33                       |                  |                 |
SDP-ip         |              +---+--+              v
    |    |              |      |           +--------+
    v      VLAN101          |              | PE C o-----/-----o CE2    |
+--------+ ac33a            |              +---+--+    ac34   +--------+
|        o------/           |                  |       VLAN201
|        |      |       +---+---+              |
|  CE3   |      +------o| PE B  +--------------+
|        o-------/-----o|       |
+--------+ ac33b        +-------+

     Figure 32: Example of an A2A Slice Service with CE Based SDP

   Figure 33 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the Network
   Slice Service instances request.

    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "high-BW-template",
            "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"
            "id": "low-latency-template",
            "description": "lowest possible latency forwarding behavior"

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      "slice-service": [
          "id": "slice8",
          "description": "slice-8",
          "service-tags": {
            "tag-type": [
                "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
                "value": [
          "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "id": "31",
                "node-id": "Device-1",
                "sdp-ip-address": [
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac31",
                      "description": "AC1 connected to PE-A",
                      "ac-node-id": "Device-1",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet0",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [

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                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "33",
                "node-id": "Device-3",
                "sdp-ip-address": [
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac33a",
                      "description": "AC33a connected to PE-B",
                      "ac-node-id": "Device-3",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet0",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}

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                      "id": "ac33b",
                      "description": "AC33b connected to PE-B",
                      "ac-node-id": "Device-3",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet1",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,
                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "34",
                "node-id": "Device-4",
                "sdp-ip-address": [
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac34",
                      "description": "AC34 connected to PE-C",
                      "ac-node-id": "Device-4",
                      "ac-tp-id": "GigabitEthernet3",
                      "ac-ipv4-address": "",
                      "ac-ipv4-prefix-length": 26,

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                      "ac-tags": {
                        "ac-tag": [
                            "tag-type": "ietf-nss:vlan-id",
                            "value": [
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix1",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "31"
                        "sdp-id": "33"
                        "sdp-id": "34"
                    "status": {}

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      Figure 33: Example of a Message Body to Create an CE based A2A
                              Slice Services

B.7.  Example-7: SDP at CE, L3 A2A Slice Service with Network

   Figure 34 shows an example of one Network slice instance where the
   SDPs are located at the PE-facing ports on the CE.

   In this example it is assumed that the NSC already has circuit
   binding details between the CE and PE which were previously assigned
   (method is out-of-scope) or the NSC has mechanisms to determine this
   mapping.  While the NSC capabilities are out-of-scope of this
   document, the NSC may use the CE device name, "sdp-id", "sdp-ip",
   "ac-id" or the "peer-sap-id" to complete this AC circuit binding.

   We are introducing the "peer-sap-id" in this example, which in this
   case, is an operator provided identifier that the slice requester can
   use for the NSC to identify the service attachment point (saps) in an
   abstracted way.  How the NSC uses the "peer-sap-id" is out of scope
   of this document, but a possible implementation would be that the NSC
   was previously provisioned with a "peer-sap-id" to PE
   device/interface/VLAN mapping table.  Alternatively, the NSC can
   request this mapping from an external database.

   *  Network Slice 9 with SDP31 on CPE Device1, SDP33 (with two ACs) on
      Device 3 and SDP34 on Device 4, with an A2A connectivity type.
      This is a L3 Slice Service and using the uniform low-latency slo-
      sle-template policy between all SDPs.

      SDP31 ac-id=ac31, node-id=Device1, peer-sap-id=

      SDP33 ac-id=ac33a, node-id=Device3,

      SDP33 ac-id=ac33b, node-id=Device3,

      SDP34 ac-id=ac34, node-id=Device4,

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    v                   +-------------------------+
+--------+ ac31         |                         |
|Device1 o-------/-----o|sap                      |             SDP34
+--------+              |                         |       2001:db8:0:3::1
                        |     Abstracted          |              |
SDP33                   |   Provider Network      |              |
2001:db8:0:2::1         |                         |              v
    |                   |                         |           +--------+
    v                   |                      sap|-----/-----o Device4|
+--------+ ac33a        |                         |    ac41   +--------+
|        o------/       |                         |
|        |      |       |                         |
|Device3 |      +------o|sap                      |
|        o-------/-----o|sap                      |
+--------+ ac33b        +-------------------------+

    Figure 34: Example of a Message Body to Create an A2A CE Based
                    Slice Service with Abstraction

   Figure 35 shows an example YANG JSON data for the body of the Network
   Slice Service instances request.

    "ietf-network-slice-service:network-slice-services": {
      "slo-sle-templates": {
        "slo-sle-template": [
            "id": "high-BW-template",
            "description": "take the highest BW forwarding path"
            "id": "low-latency-template",
            "description": "lowest possible latency forwarding behavior"
      "slice-service": [
          "id": "slice-9",
          "description": "example slice7",
          "service-tags": {
            "tag-type": [

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                "tag-type": "ietf-nss:service-tag-service",
                "value": [
          "slo-sle-template": "low-latency-template",
          "status": {},
          "sdps": {
            "sdp": [
                "id": "31",
                "node-id": "Device-1",
                "sdp-ip-address": [
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1"
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac31",
                      "sdp-peering": {
                        "peer-sap-id": ""
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "33",
                "node-id": "Device-3",
                "sdp-ip-address": [
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [

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                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1",
                      "target-connectivity-construct-id": 1
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac33a",
                      "sdp-peering": {
                        "peer-sap-id": ""
                      "status": {}
                      "id": "ac33b",
                      "sdp-peering": {
                        "peer-sap-id": ""
                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
                "id": "34",
                "node-id": "Device-4",
                "sdp-ip-address": [
                "service-match-criteria": {
                  "match-criterion": [
                      "index": 1,
                      "match-type": "ietf-nss:service-any-match",
                      "target-connection-group-id": "matrix1"
                "attachment-circuits": {
                  "attachment-circuit": [
                      "id": "ac34",
                      "sdp-peering": {
                        "peer-sap-id": ""

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                      "status": {}
                "status": {}
          "connection-groups": {
            "connection-group": [
                "id": "matrix1",
                "connectivity-type": "ietf-vpn-common:any-to-any",
                "connectivity-construct": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "a2a-sdp": [
                        "sdp-id": "31"
                        "sdp-id": "33"
                        "sdp-id": "34"
                    "status": {}

       Figure 35: Example of a Message Body to Create an A2A Slice
                         Service with Abstraction

Appendix C.  Complete Model Tree Structure

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Internet-Draft      Network Slice Service YANG Model       February 2024

   module: ietf-network-slice-service
     +--rw network-slice-services
        +--rw slo-sle-templates
        |  +--rw slo-sle-template* [id]
        |     +--rw id              string
        |     +--rw description?    string
        |     +--rw template-ref?   slice-template-ref
        |     +--rw slo-policy
        |     |  +--rw metric-bound* [metric-type]
        |     |  |  +--rw metric-type          identityref
        |     |  |  +--rw metric-unit          string
        |     |  |  +--rw value-description?   string
        |     |  |  +--rw percentile-value?    percentile
        |     |  |  +--rw bound?               uint64
        |     |  +--rw availability?   identityref
        |     |  +--rw mtu?            uint32
        |     +--rw sle-policy
        |        +--rw security*               identityref
        |        +--rw isolation*              identityref
        |        +--rw max-occupancy-level?    uint8
        |        +--rw steering-constraints
        |           +--rw path-constraints
        |           +--rw service-functions
        +--rw slice-service* [id]
           +--rw id                              string
           +--rw description?                    string
           +--rw service-tags
           |  +--rw tag-type* [tag-type]
           |     +--rw tag-type    identityref
           |     +--rw value*      string
           +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
           |  +--:(standard)
           |  |  +--rw slo-sle-template?         slice-template-ref
           |  +--:(custom)
           |     +--rw service-slo-sle-policy
           |        +--rw description?   string
           |        +--rw slo-policy
           |        |  +--rw metric-bound* [metric-type]
           |        |  |  +--rw metric-type          identityref
           |        |  |  +--rw metric-unit          string
           |        |  |  +--rw value-description?   string
           |        |  |  +--rw percentile-value?    percentile
           |        |  |  +--rw bound?               uint64
           |        |  +--rw availability?   identityref
           |        |  +--rw mtu?            uint32
           |        +--rw sle-policy
           |           +--rw security*               identityref
           |           +--rw isolation*              identityref

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           |           +--rw max-occupancy-level?    uint8
           |           +--rw steering-constraints
           |              +--rw path-constraints
           |              +--rw service-functions
           +--rw compute-only?                   empty
           +--rw status
           |  +--rw admin-status
           |  |  +--rw status?        identityref
           |  |  +--rw last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |  +--ro oper-status
           |     +--ro status?        identityref
           |     +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           +--rw sdps
           |  +--rw sdp* [id]
           |     +--rw id                        string
           |     +--rw description?              string
           |     +--rw geo-location
           |     |  +--rw reference-frame
           |     |  |  +--rw alternate-system?    string
           |     |  |  |       {alternate-systems}?
           |     |  |  +--rw astronomical-body?   string
           |     |  |  +--rw geodetic-system
           |     |  |     +--rw geodetic-datum?    string
           |     |  |     +--rw coord-accuracy?    decimal64
           |     |  |     +--rw height-accuracy?   decimal64
           |     |  +--rw (location)?
           |     |  |  +--:(ellipsoid)
           |     |  |  |  +--rw latitude?    decimal64
           |     |  |  |  +--rw longitude?   decimal64
           |     |  |  |  +--rw height?      decimal64
           |     |  |  +--:(cartesian)
           |     |  |     +--rw x?           decimal64
           |     |  |     +--rw y?           decimal64
           |     |  |     +--rw z?           decimal64
           |     |  +--rw velocity
           |     |  |  +--rw v-north?   decimal64
           |     |  |  +--rw v-east?    decimal64
           |     |  |  +--rw v-up?      decimal64
           |     |  +--rw timestamp?         yang:date-and-time
           |     |  +--rw valid-until?       yang:date-and-time
           |     +--rw node-id?                  string
           |     +--rw sdp-ip-address*           inet:ip-address
           |     +--rw tp-ref?                   leafref
           |     +--rw service-match-criteria
           |     |  +--rw match-criterion* [index]
           |     |     +--rw index
           |     |     |       uint32
           |     |     +--rw match-type

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           |     |     |       identityref
           |     |     +--rw value*
           |     |     |       string
           |     |     +--rw target-connection-group-id          leafref
           |     |     +--rw connection-group-sdp-role?
           |     |     |       identityref
           |     |     +--rw target-connectivity-construct-id?   leafref
           |     +--rw incoming-qos-policy
           |     |  +--rw qos-policy-name?   string
           |     |  +--rw rate-limits
           |     |     +--rw cir?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw cbs?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw eir?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw ebs?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw pir?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw pbs?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw classes
           |     |        +--rw cos* [cos-id]
           |     |           +--rw cos-id    uint8
           |     |           +--rw cir?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw cbs?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw eir?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw ebs?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw pir?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw pbs?      uint64
           |     +--rw outgoing-qos-policy
           |     |  +--rw qos-policy-name?   string
           |     |  +--rw rate-limits
           |     |     +--rw cir?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw cbs?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw eir?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw ebs?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw pir?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw pbs?       uint64
           |     |     +--rw classes
           |     |        +--rw cos* [cos-id]
           |     |           +--rw cos-id    uint8
           |     |           +--rw cir?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw cbs?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw eir?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw ebs?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw pir?      uint64
           |     |           +--rw pbs?      uint64
           |     +--rw sdp-peering
           |     |  +--rw peer-sap-id*   string
           |     |  +--rw protocols
           |     +--rw ac-svc-name*              string
           |     +--rw ce-mode?                  boolean

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           |     +--rw attachment-circuits
           |     |  +--rw attachment-circuit* [id]
           |     |     +--rw id                       string
           |     |     +--rw description?             string
           |     |     +--rw ac-svc-name?             string
           |     |     +--rw ac-node-id?              string
           |     |     +--rw ac-tp-id?                string
           |     |     +--rw ac-ipv4-address?
           |     |     |       inet:ipv4-address
           |     |     +--rw ac-ipv4-prefix-length?   uint8
           |     |     +--rw ac-ipv6-address?
           |     |     |       inet:ipv6-address
           |     |     +--rw ac-ipv6-prefix-length?   uint8
           |     |     +--rw mtu?                     uint32
           |     |     +--rw ac-tags
           |     |     |  +--rw ac-tag* [tag-type]
           |     |     |     +--rw tag-type    identityref
           |     |     |     +--rw value*      string
           |     |     +--rw incoming-qos-policy
           |     |     |  +--rw qos-policy-name?   string
           |     |     |  +--rw rate-limits
           |     |     |     +--rw cir?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw cbs?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw eir?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw ebs?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw pir?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw pbs?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw classes
           |     |     |        +--rw cos* [cos-id]
           |     |     |           +--rw cos-id    uint8
           |     |     |           +--rw cir?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw cbs?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw eir?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw ebs?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw pir?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw pbs?      uint64
           |     |     +--rw outgoing-qos-policy
           |     |     |  +--rw qos-policy-name?   string
           |     |     |  +--rw rate-limits
           |     |     |     +--rw cir?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw cbs?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw eir?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw ebs?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw pir?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw pbs?       uint64
           |     |     |     +--rw classes
           |     |     |        +--rw cos* [cos-id]
           |     |     |           +--rw cos-id    uint8

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           |     |     |           +--rw cir?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw cbs?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw eir?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw ebs?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw pir?      uint64
           |     |     |           +--rw pbs?      uint64
           |     |     +--rw sdp-peering
           |     |     |  +--rw peer-sap-id?   string
           |     |     |  +--rw protocols
           |     |     +--rw status
           |     |        +--rw admin-status
           |     |        |  +--rw status?        identityref
           |     |        |  +--rw last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |     |        +--ro oper-status
           |     |           +--ro status?        identityref
           |     |           +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |     +--rw status
           |     |  +--rw admin-status
           |     |  |  +--rw status?        identityref
           |     |  |  +--rw last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |     |  +--ro oper-status
           |     |     +--ro status?        identityref
           |     |     +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |     +--ro sdp-monitoring
           |        +--ro incoming-bw-value?     uint64
           |        +--ro incoming-bw-percent    decimal64
           |        +--ro outgoing-bw-value?     uint64
           |        +--ro outgoing-bw-percent    decimal64
           +--rw connection-groups
           |  +--rw connection-group* [id]
           |     +--rw id                                 string
           |     +--rw connectivity-type?
           |     |       identityref
           |     +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
           |     |  +--:(standard)
           |     |  |  +--rw slo-sle-template?
           |     |  |          slice-template-ref
           |     |  +--:(custom)
           |     |     +--rw service-slo-sle-policy
           |     |        +--rw description?   string
           |     |        +--rw slo-policy
           |     |        |  +--rw metric-bound* [metric-type]
           |     |        |  |  +--rw metric-type
           |     |        |  |  |       identityref
           |     |        |  |  +--rw metric-unit          string
           |     |        |  |  +--rw value-description?   string
           |     |        |  |  +--rw percentile-value?
           |     |        |  |  |       percentile

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           |     |        |  |  +--rw bound?               uint64
           |     |        |  +--rw availability?   identityref
           |     |        |  +--rw mtu?            uint32
           |     |        +--rw sle-policy
           |     |           +--rw security*
           |     |           |       identityref
           |     |           +--rw isolation*
           |     |           |       identityref
           |     |           +--rw max-occupancy-level?    uint8
           |     |           +--rw steering-constraints
           |     |              +--rw path-constraints
           |     |              +--rw service-functions
           |     +--rw service-slo-sle-policy-override?
           |     |       identityref
           |     +--rw connectivity-construct* [id]
           |     |  +--rw id
           |     |  |       uint32
           |     |  +--rw (type)?
           |     |  |  +--:(p2p)
           |     |  |  |  +--rw p2p-sender-sdp?
           |     |  |  |  |       -> ../../../../sdps/sdp/id
           |     |  |  |  +--rw p2p-receiver-sdp?
           |     |  |  |          -> ../../../../sdps/sdp/id
           |     |  |  +--:(p2mp)
           |     |  |  |  +--rw p2mp-sender-sdp?
           |     |  |  |  |       -> ../../../../sdps/sdp/id
           |     |  |  |  +--rw p2mp-receiver-sdp*
           |     |  |  |          -> ../../../../sdps/sdp/id
           |     |  |  +--:(a2a)
           |     |  |     +--rw a2a-sdp* [sdp-id]
           |     |  |        +--rw sdp-id
           |     |  |        |       -> ../../../../../sdps/sdp/id
           |     |  |        +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
           |     |  |           +--:(standard)
           |     |  |           |  +--rw slo-sle-template?
           |     |  |           |          slice-template-ref
           |     |  |           +--:(custom)
           |     |  |              +--rw service-slo-sle-policy
           |     |  |                 +--rw description?   string
           |     |  |                 +--rw slo-policy
           |     |  |                 |  +--rw metric-bound*
           |     |  |                 |  |       [metric-type]
           |     |  |                 |  |  +--rw metric-type
           |     |  |                 |  |  |       identityref
           |     |  |                 |  |  +--rw metric-unit
           |     |  |                 |  |  |       string
           |     |  |                 |  |  +--rw value-description?
           |     |  |                 |  |  |       string

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           |     |  |                 |  |  +--rw percentile-value?
           |     |  |                 |  |  |       percentile
           |     |  |                 |  |  +--rw bound?
           |     |  |                 |  |          uint64
           |     |  |                 |  +--rw availability?
           |     |  |                 |  |       identityref
           |     |  |                 |  +--rw mtu?
           |     |  |                 |          uint32
           |     |  |                 +--rw sle-policy
           |     |  |                    +--rw security*
           |     |  |                    |       identityref
           |     |  |                    +--rw isolation*
           |     |  |                    |       identityref
           |     |  |                    +--rw max-occupancy-level?
           |     |  |                    |       uint8
           |     |  |                    +--rw steering-constraints
           |     |  |                       +--rw path-constraints
           |     |  |                       +--rw service-functions
           |     |  +--rw (slo-sle-policy)?
           |     |  |  +--:(standard)
           |     |  |  |  +--rw slo-sle-template?
           |     |  |  |          slice-template-ref
           |     |  |  +--:(custom)
           |     |  |     +--rw service-slo-sle-policy
           |     |  |        +--rw description?   string
           |     |  |        +--rw slo-policy
           |     |  |        |  +--rw metric-bound* [metric-type]
           |     |  |        |  |  +--rw metric-type
           |     |  |        |  |  |       identityref
           |     |  |        |  |  +--rw metric-unit          string
           |     |  |        |  |  +--rw value-description?   string
           |     |  |        |  |  +--rw percentile-value?
           |     |  |        |  |  |       percentile
           |     |  |        |  |  +--rw bound?               uint64
           |     |  |        |  +--rw availability?   identityref
           |     |  |        |  +--rw mtu?            uint32
           |     |  |        +--rw sle-policy
           |     |  |           +--rw security*
           |     |  |           |       identityref
           |     |  |           +--rw isolation*
           |     |  |           |       identityref
           |     |  |           +--rw max-occupancy-level?    uint8
           |     |  |           +--rw steering-constraints
           |     |  |              +--rw path-constraints
           |     |  |              +--rw service-functions
           |     |  +--rw service-slo-sle-policy-override?
           |     |  |       identityref
           |     |  +--rw status

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           |     |  |  +--rw admin-status
           |     |  |  |  +--rw status?        identityref
           |     |  |  |  +--rw last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |     |  |  +--ro oper-status
           |     |  |     +--ro status?        identityref
           |     |  |     +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time
           |     |  +--ro connectivity-construct-monitoring
           |     |     +--ro one-way-min-delay?         uint32
           |     |     +--ro one-way-max-delay?         uint32
           |     |     +--ro one-way-delay-variation?   uint32
           |     |     +--ro one-way-packet-loss?       decimal64
           |     |     +--ro two-way-min-delay?         uint32
           |     |     +--ro two-way-max-delay?         uint32
           |     |     +--ro two-way-delay-variation?   uint32
           |     |     +--ro two-way-packet-loss?       decimal64
           |     +--ro connection-group-monitoring
           |        +--ro one-way-min-delay?         uint32
           |        +--ro one-way-max-delay?         uint32
           |        +--ro one-way-delay-variation?   uint32
           |        +--ro one-way-packet-loss?       decimal64
           |        +--ro two-way-min-delay?         uint32
           |        +--ro two-way-max-delay?         uint32
           |        +--ro two-way-delay-variation?   uint32
           |        +--ro two-way-packet-loss?       decimal64
           +--rw custom-topology
              +--rw network-ref?
                      -> /nw:networks/network/network-id

Appendix D.  Comparison with the Design Choice of ACTN VN Model

   The difference between the ACTN VN model and the Network Slice
   Service requirements is that the Network Slice Service interface is a
   technology-agnostic interface, whereas the VN model is bound to the
   TE Topologies.  The realization of the Network Slice does not
   necessarily require the slice network to support the TE technology.

   The ACTN VN (Virtual Network) model introduced
   in[I-D.ietf-teas-actn-vn-yang] is the abstract customer view of the
   TE network.  Its YANG structure includes four components:

   *  VN: A Virtual Network (VN) is a network provided by a service
      provider to a customer for use and two types of VN has defined.
      The Type 1 VN can be seen as a set of edge-to-edge abstract links.
      Each link is an abstraction of the underlying network which can
      encompass edge points of the customer's network, access links,
      intra-domain paths, and inter-domain links.

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   *  AP: An AP is a logical identifier used to identify the access link
      which is shared between the customer and the IETF scoped Network.

   *  VN-AP: A VN-AP is a logical binding between an AP and a given VN.

   *  VN-member: A VN-member is an abstract edge-to-edge link between
      any two APs or VN-APs.  Each link is formed as an E2E tunnel
      across the underlying networks.

   The Type 1 VN can be used to describe Network Slice Service
   connection requirements.  However, the Network Slice SLOs and Network
   Slice SDPs are not clearly defined and there's no direct equivalent.
   For example, the SLO requirement of the VN is defined through the TE
   Topologies YANG model, but the TE Topologies model is related to a
   specific implementation technology.  Also, VN-AP does not define
   "service-match-criteria" to specify a specific SDP belonging to an
   Network Slice Service.

Authors' Addresses

   Bo Wu
   Huawei Technologies
   101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District
   Jiangsu, 210012

   Dhruv Dhody
   Huawei Technologies
   Divyashree Techno Park
   Bangalore 560066

   Reza Rokui

   Tarek Saad
   Cisco Systems, Inc

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   John Mullooly
   Cisco Systems, Inc

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