Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-use-cases


TEAS Working Group                                         LM. Contreras
Internet-Draft                                                Telefonica
Intended status: Informational                                  S. Homma
Expires: 27 April 2023                                               NTT
                                                     J.A. Ordonez-Lucena
                                                             J. Tantsura
                                                            H. Nishihara
                                                            October 2022

   IETF Network Slice Use Cases and Attributes for the Slice Service
              Interface of IETF Network Slice Controllers


   This document analyses the needs of potential customers of network
   slices realized with IETF techniques in several use cases, identifies
   the functionalities for the IETF Network Slice Service Interface of
   an IETF Network Slice Controller to satisfy such requests.

   This document is intended to provide motivation and support for work
   on YANG models for the IETF Network Slice Service interface.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 April 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft   IETF Slice Service Interface use cases     October 2022

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions used in this document and terminology . . . . . .   4
   3.  IETF Network Slice Service Interface for IETF Network
           Slices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  IETF Network Slice Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  5G Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       4.1.1.  3GPP network slice  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6  Topology of the TN-NSS  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7  Traffic segregation and mapping to S-NSSAI
                 list  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7  Reachability information  . . . . . . . . . . . .  10  QoS profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.1.2.  Private 5G networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11  Structure Patterns of Private 5G system . . . . .  11  Use Cases Assumed in Private 5G . . . . . . . . .  11  Attributes Required in Private 5G . . . . . . . .  12
       4.1.3.  Generic network Slice Template  . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.1.4.  Categorization of GST attributes  . . . . . . . . . .  13  Attributes with direct impact on the IETF network
                 slice definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14  Attributes with indirect impact on the IETF network
                 slice definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14  Attributes with no impact on the IETF network slice
                 definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       4.1.5.  Provisioning procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     4.2.  NFV-based services  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       4.2.1.  Connectivity attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       4.2.2.  Provisioning procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     4.3.  Network sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       4.3.1.  Connectivity attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       4.3.2.  Provisioning procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     4.4.  SD-WAN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       4.4.1.  SD-WAN Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       4.4.2.  Connectivity Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       4.4.3.  SD-WAN Endpoint Attributes  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       4.4.4.  SD-WAN UNI Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     4.5.  Radio functional splits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

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       4.5.1.  Attributes and procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     4.6.  Data center interconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       4.6.1.  Connectivity attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       4.6.2.  Provisioning procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   5.  Summary of attributes and procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     5.1.  Summary of SLOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     5.2.  Summary of SLEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     5.3.  Summary of procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   6.  Gaps on related IETF Network Slice efforts  . . . . . . . . .  26
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   9.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     10.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

1.  Introduction

   A number of new technologies, such as 5G, NFV and SDN are not only
   evolving the network from a pure technological perspective but also
   are changing the concept in which new services are offered to the
   customers [I-D.homma-slice-provision-models] by introducing the
   concept of network slicing.

   The transport network is an essential component in the end-to-end
   delivery of services and, consequently, it is necessary to understand
   what could be the way in which the transport network is consumed as a
   slice.  For a definition of IETF network slice refer to

   In this document it is assumed that there exists a (logically)
   centralized component in the transport network, namely IETF Network
   Slice Controller (NSC) with the responsibilities on the control and
   management of the IETF network slices invoked for a given service, as
   requested by IETF network slice customers.

   This document analyses different use cases deriving the needs of
   potential IETF network slice customers in order to identify the
   functionality required on the IETF Network Slice Service Interface of
   the NSC to be exposed towards such IETF network slice customers.
   With that purpose, this document is intended to provide motivation
   and support for work on YANG models for the IETF Network Slice
   Service interface (such as e.g.
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang]).  As such, it might not
   be necessary to advance it to publication as an RFC.

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   Solutions to construct the requested IETF network slices are out of
   scope of this document.

2.  Conventions used in this document and terminology

   The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP14, [RFC2119], [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   Regarding terminology, the term "transport network" in the context of
   this document refers in broad sense to WAN, MBH, IP backbone and
   other network segments implemented by IETF technologies.

3.  IETF Network Slice Service Interface for IETF Network Slices

   In a general manner, the transport network supports different kinds
   of services.  These services consume capabilities provided by the
   transport network for deploying end-to-end services, interconnecting
   network functions or applications spread across the network and
   providing connectivity toward the final users of these services.

   Under the slicing approach, a IETF network slice customer requests to
   a IETF network slice controller a slice with certain characteristics
   and parametrization.  Such request it is assumed here to be done
   through a IETF Network Slice Service Interface exposed by the NSC to
   the customer, as reflected in Figure 1.

                            |                    |
                            |    IETF Network    |
                            |   Slice Customer   |
                            |                    |
                                       | IETF Network
                                       | Slice Service
                                       | Interface
                            |                    |
                            |    IETF Network    |
                            |  Slice Controller  |
                            |                    |

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           Figure 1: IETF Network Slice Service Interface concept

   The functionality supported by the IETF Network Slice Service
   Interface depends on the service objectives that the slice customer
   requires.  It is then important to understand the needs of the slice
   customers as well as the way of expressing them.

4.  IETF Network Slice Use Cases

   Different use cases for slice customers can be identified, as
   described in the following sections.

4.1.  5G Services

   5G services natively rely on the concept of network slicing. 5G is
   expected to allow vertical customers to request slices in such a
   manner that the allocated resources and capabilities in the network
   appear as dedicated for them.

   In network slicing scenarios, a vertical customer requests a network
   operator to allocate a network slice instance (NSI) satisfying a
   particular set of service requirements.  The content/format of these
   requirements are highly dependent on the networking expertise and use
   cases of the customer under consideration.  To deal with this
   heterogeneity, it is fundamental for the network operator to define a
   a unified ability to interpret service requirements from different
   vertical customers, and to represent them in a common language, with
   the purposes of facilitating their translation/mapping into specific
   slicing-aware network configuration actions.  In this regard, model-
   based network slice descriptors built on the principles of
   reproducibility, reusability and customizability can be defined for
   this end.

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   As a starting point for such a definition, GSMA developed the idea of
   having a universal blueprint that, being offered by network
   operators, can be used by any vertical customer to order the
   deployment of an NSI based on a specific set of service requirements.
   The result of this work has been the definition of a baseline network
   slice descriptor called Generic network Slice Template (GST).  The
   GST contains multiple attributes that can be used to characterize a
   network slice.  A Network Slice Type (NEST) describes the
   characteristics of a network slice by means of filling GST attributes
   with values based on specific service requirements.  Basically, a
   NEST is a filled-in version of a GST.  Different NESTs allow
   describing different types of network slices.  For slices based on
   standardized service types, e.g. eMBB, uRLLC and mIoT, the network
   operator may have a set of readymade, standardized NESTs (S-NESTs).
   For slices based on specific industry use cases, the network operator
   can define additional NESTs.

   Service requirements from a given vertical customer are mapped to a
   NEST, which provides a self-contained description of the network
   slice to be provisioned for that vertical customer.  According to
   this reasoning, the NEST can be used by the network operator as input
   to the NSI preparation phase, which is defined in [TS28.530]. 3GPP is
   working on the translation of the GST/NEST attributes into NSI
   related requirements, which are defined in the "ServiceProfile" data
   type from the Network Slice Information Object Class (IOC) in
   [TS28.541].  These requirements are used by the 3GPP Management
   System to allocate the NSI across all network domains, including
   transport network.  The IETF network slice defines the part of that
   NSI that is deployed across the transport network.

   Despite the translation is an on-going work in 3GPP it seems
   convenient to start looking at the GST attributes to understand what
   kind of parameters could be required for the IETF Network Slice
   Service Interface.

4.1.1.  3GPP network slice

   A 3GPP network slice represents a logical network that provides
   specific capabilities and network characteristics, supporting the
   service requirements of one or more network slice customers.  The
   service requirements of each network slice customer are captured into
   a separate "ServiceProfile" artifact within the network slice class
   (see Network Slicing NRM fragment in TS 28.541).

   A 3GPP network slice spans from 5GNR access nodes to the UPF that
   terminates the PDU session, i.e. PSA UPF.  In this in-slice data
   path, there are TN segments (e.g. backhaul) that are out of scope of
   3GPP management domain.  For the provisioning and operation of these

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   TN segments, usually referred to as transport Network Slice Subnets
   (TN-NSS), the 3GPP management system relies on an external TN
   management system, which hosts (among other components) the IETF NSC.
   To proceed with this delegation, the 3GPP management system needs to
   make available to the TN management system the information described
   in the following sub-sections.  Topology of the TN-NSS

   The TN management system needs to know the transport termination/end
   points to determine the transport resources, either physical or
   virtual nodes.  3GPP management system systems need to provide the
   transport endpoints of 3GPP managed functions that are part of the
   RAN-NSS (e.g., gNB-CU-UP, gNB-CU-CP) and CN-NSS (e.g., UPF, AMF), and
   if applicable further information such as the next-hop router IP
   address configured in a RAN-NSS or CN-NSS.  The TN management system
   should be able to correlate this with the transport network topology
   and derive the site or border routers connecting to 3GPP managed
   functions.  Traffic segregation and mapping to S-NSSAI list

   As network functions can be shared by many network slices, it will be
   necessary to segregate the traffic belonging to specific slices on
   transport interfaces.

   One option for traffic segregation is to assign application endpoints
   to specific sets of S-NSSAI values.  The transport network can map
   packets to connectivity services based on local remote or remote
   endpoints, provided that the allocation of S-NSSAI to endpoints is
   known and exposed, and provided that the application endpoints are
   visible on the transport layer.  The application endpoints visible in
   a RAN-NSS and CN-NSS are already mapped to a specific set of S-NSSAI.
   Figure 2 illustrates an example of this solution, whereby a 3GPP
   network slice with S-NSSAI=1 is mapped to specific application
   endpoints (e.g., N3 tunnel endpoint 1) by the access network node.
   In this example, the TN management system decides to map application
   endpoints 1 and 2 to the same transport connectivity service A.  This
   mapping is implemented by the site router connecting to the access
   network node.  On the core network slice, a similar mapping is done
   by the border router.  Demultiplexing the packet streams belonging to
   different transport interfaces is based on regular routing and
   reachability of endpoint IP addresses.

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                 Transport Interface                      Transport Interface
                 (App_EP "x" <-> CSR)                      (BR <-> App_EP "x")

     +--------------+         +-------+              +-------+        +--------------+
 +---|----+    +----|----+    |       |              |       |    +---|-----+    +---|----+
 |NSS-AN 1|----| App_EP 1|<-->|--     |              |     --|<-->|App_EP 1 |----|NSS-CN 1|
 +---|----+    +----|----+    |  \  +-|--Transport-----+  /  |    +---|-----+    +---|----+
     |              |         |   --|   Connectivity   |--   |        |              |
 +---|----+    +----|----+    |  /  +-|-----"A"--------+  \  |    +---|-----+    +---|----+
 |NSS-AN 2|----| App_EP 2|<-->|--     |              |     --|<-->|App_EP 2 |----|NSS-CN 2|
 +---|----+    +----|----+    |       |              |       |    +---|-----+    +---|----+
     |              |         |       |              |       |        |              |
 +---|----+         |         |       |              |       |        |          +---|----+
 |NSS-AN 3|-        |         |       |              |       |        |          |NSS-CN 3|
 +---|----+ \  +----|----+    |     +----Transport-----+     |    +---|-----+    +---|----+
     |       --| App_EP 3|<-->|-----|   Connectivity   |-----|<-->|App_EP 3 |--      |
 +---|----+ /  +----|----+    |     +-------"B"--------+     |    +---|-----+  \ +---|----+
 |NSS-AN 4|-        |         |       |              |       |        |         -|NSS-CN 4|
 +---|----+         |         |       |              |       |        |          +---|----+
     +--------------+         +-------+              +-------+        +--------------+

 Access network node(s)  Cell Site Router (CSR)  Border Router (BR)   Core network node(s)

       S-NSSAI=1: {NSS-AN 1, App_EP 1, Transport Connectivity A, App_EP 1, NSS-CN 1}
       S-NSSAI=2: {NSS-AN 2, App_EP 2, Transport Connectivity A, App_EP 2, NSS-CN 2}
       S-NSSAI=4: {NSS-AN 4, App_EP 3, Transport Connectivity B, App_EP 3, NSS-CN 3}

    Figure 2: Mapping of S-NSSAI to specific application endpoints

   Despite the simplicity of the above-referred approach, notice that it
   is not a universal solution as the application endpoint addresses are
   not always visible to the TN, for example when they are encrypted by
   IPSec tunnels.  In such a case, the application endpoints are not
   visible to the site router, and thus cannot be used for transport
   connectivity mappings.  To deal with these situations, an alternative
   solution is to use the concept of logical transport interfaces.  A
   logical transport interface is a virtual interface separate from
   application endpoints; it can be for example a specific IP address /
   VLAN combination that corresponds to an IPSec termination point, an
   identifier (e.g., MPLS label, segment ID) that the TN recognizes, or
   it can be just a logical interface defined on top of top a physical
   transport interface.  As long as the interface identity can derived
   from packet headers, the TN nodes can perform the mapping to
   transport connectivity services.  In this regard, it is useful to
   indicate to the TN which traffic types are carried over an interface
   (e.g., N3 user plane packets, N2 control plane packets, etc.).

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   Figure 3 illustrates an example on the use of this solution.  As
   seen, logical transport need to be exposed from 3GPP management
   system to TN management system, so that the latter can create
   transport network topology and determine the TN resources to support
   the 3GPP slice.

         Logical transport interface,               Logical transport interface,
           exposed by RAN NSSMF                         exposed by CN NSSMF

    +--------+              +-------+            +-------+             +-------+
    |        |              |       |            |       |             |       |
+---|----+  +----Logical-----+      |            |      +----Logical----+  +---|----+
|NSS-AN 1|--|   Transport    |-     |            |     -|   Transport   |--|NSS-CN 1|
+---|----+  +--Interface 1---+ \  +---Transport----+  / +--Interface 1--+  +---|----+
    |        |              |   --|  Connectivity  |--   |             |       |
+---|----+  +----Logical-----+ /  +-------"A"------+  \ +----Logical----+  +---|----+
|NSS-AN 2|--|   Transport    |-     |            |     -|   Transport   |--|NSS-CN 2|
+---|----+  +--Interface 2---+      |            |      +--Interface 1--+  +---|----+
    |        |              |       |            |       |             |       |
+---|----+   |              |       |            |       |             |   +---|----+
|NSS-AN 3|-  |              |       |            |       |             |  -|NSS-CN 3|
+---|----+ \+----Logical-----+    +---Transport---+    +----Logical-----+/ +---|----+
    |       |   Transport    |----|  Connectivity |----|   Transport    |      |
+---|----+ /+--Interface 2---+    +-------"B"-----+    +--Interface 1---+\ +---|----+
|NSS-AN 4|-  |              |       |            |       |             |  -|NSS-CN 4|
+---|----+   |              |       |            |       |             |   +---|----+
    |        |              |       |            |       |             |       |
    +--------+              +-------+            +-------+             +-------+

  Access network            Cell Site           Border Router         Core network
     node(s)               Router (CSR)             (BR)                 node(s)

  S-NSSAI=1: {NSS-AN 1, Logical Transport Interface 1, Transport Connectivity A,
                Logical Transport Interface 1, NSS-CN 1}
  S-NSSAI=2: {NSS-AN 2, Logical Transport Interface 2, Transport Connectivity A,
                Logical Transport Interface 2, NSS-CN 2}
  S-NSSAI=4: {NSS-AN 4, Logical Transport Interface 3, Transport Connectivity B,
                Logical Transport Interface 3, NSS-CN 4}

                Figure 3: Logical Transport Interfaces

   For traffic segregation, though solutions might be valid, 3GPP
   prefers the second solution: on the use of concept of transport
   logical interface.  The reason is that it does not impose 1:1 mapping
   between application endpoint and transport interface (allowing for
   better redundancy) and that it always works, no matter if encryption.
   To support this solution, the 3GPP has recently extended the Network
   Slice NRM fragment, including a new Information Object Class called

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   EP_Transport.  This class provides a complete characterization of the
   logical transport interface, including transport level information
   (i.e., IP address, reachability information, QoS profile) and the set
   of application endpoints aggregated to this interface.  For further
   information on reachability information and QoS profile, see next
   subsections.  For further details on fields of EP_Transport, see
   Network Slice NRM fragment in TS 28.541.  Reachability information

   Each physical or logical transport interface will carry the traffic
   associated with some 3GPP application endpoints that may be using IP
   addresses separate from the transport interface.  These IP addresses
   must be reachable within the TN-NSS, and hence they need to be
   advertised to populate forwarding tables.  A 3GPP network function
   can advertise such reachability information by running a dynamic
   routing protocol towards the next hop router.  If that is not
   possible, it can create association between the reachability data
   with the logical transport interface and expose it towards the 3GPP
   and TN management system.  This information can be derived from the
   IP addresses available for application and transport endpoints.  QoS profiling

   Each TN-NSS may be associated a "TNSliceSubnetProfile", which hosts
   the SLO requirements (e.g., guaranteed throughput, bounded latency,
   maximum jitter) that the TN-NSS must support.  "TNSliceSubnetProfile"
   is a 3GPP artifact that result from the decomposition of e2e service
   requirements ("ServiceProfile" artifact ) into domain-specific
   service requirements ("RANSliceSubnetProfile", "CNSliceSubnetProfile"
   and "TNSliceSubnetProfile") applicable to RAN-NSS, CN-NSS and TN-NSS
   respectively.  Unlike "RANSliceSubnetProfile" and
   "CNSliceSubnetProfile", there is not agreement yet on the specific
   parameters to be captured by the "TNSliceSubnetProfile".  Further
   work in this regard in the upcoming 3GPP SA5 meetings.

   Upon receiving the "TNSliceSubnetProfile" from the 3GPP management
   system, the TN management system translates the SLO requirements
   therein into a QoS profile, which includes applicability and use of
   DSCPs and other QoS related properties onto the TN-NSS realization.
   To enable this, each logical interface may have an associated QoS
   profile.  The QoS profile is just a reference to the detailed profile
   parameters which are logically provisioned on both sides of a logical
   transport interface.

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4.1.2.  Private 5G networks

   Private 5G is one of variations of 5G service provision.  Private 5G
   allows unlicensed as well as licensed companies to establish and
   operate 5G networks, with frequency band assigned for private 5G, in
   their own companies.

   Private 5G can be customized flexibly rather than public 5G, and thus
   it enables us to provide networks specialized for their use cases.
   Private 5G is also called non-public 5G, and its deployment scenarios
   and service attributes are described in (ref.  [TS23.501]).  Structure Patterns of Private 5G system

   In Private 5G, a Service Provider does not necessarily have its own
   resources (e.g., radio bases, transit network and server resources
   for 5G CP functions) and can flexibly customize and deploy by
   selecting and combining various resources.

   Private 5G has several structure patterns:

   *  Pattern 1: a service provider has all resources including radio
      bases, transit networks, and server resources for 5G CP functions.

   *  Pattern 2: a service provider has radio bases and server resources
      for 5G CP functions, and lends transit networks from other network

   *  Pattern 3: a service provider has only radio bases and lends
      transit networks and server resources for 5G CP functions from
      other network operators and data center companies.

   In pattern 2 and 3, it is assumed that a service provider uses
   network slices provided by other companies.  Use Cases Assumed in Private 5G

   Private 5G provides a wireless communication environment which has
   specific features depending on applications or usage, within limited
   areas.  From such aspects, within 5G use cases (ref.  [TS22.261]),
   the following communication types and use cases could be especially
   expected to be provided with private 5G.

   *  High-bandwidth and reliable communication:

      -  VR streaming

   *  Low latency and jitter:

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      -  Smart factory

      -  Remote automated robot operation (e.g., robot concierge/
         assistant, robot waiter, drone)

   *  High-bandwidth on up-link and low latency and jitter

      -  Remote surgery

      -  Uploading of high-definition video  Attributes Required in Private 5G

   Private 5G has some distinguished requirements to network slice as

   *  QoS customization:

      -  assured bandwidth

      -  assured latency and jitter

      -  customization of UL/DL rate on throughput (e.g., for video
         upstreaming consumes much UL bandwidth)

   *  Multi-homing (for high reliability, preparing multiple paths
      traverse different physical routes)

   *  Performance monitoring (e.g., for connectivity status and service
      availability of devices)

   *  Traffic flow separation/segregation (e.g., segregation of user
      plane and other communications physically and/or logically)

4.1.3.  Generic network Slice Template

   The structure of the GST is defined in [GSMA].  The template defines
   a total of 35 attributes.  For each of them, the following
   information is provided:

   *  Attribute definition, which provides a formal definition of what
      the attribute represents.

   *  Attribute parameters, including:

      -  Value, e.g. integer, float.

      -  Measurement unit, e.g. milliseconds, Gbps

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      -  Example, which provides examples of values the parameter can
         take in different use cases.

      -  Tag, which allow describing the type of parameter, according to
         its semantics.  An attribute can be tagged as a
         characterization attribute or a scalability attribute.  If it
         is characterization attribute, it can be further tagged as a
         performance-related attribute, a functionality-related
         attribute or an operation-related attribute.

      -  Exposure, which allow describing how this attribute interact
         with the slice customer, either as an API or a KPI.

   *  Attribute presence, either mandatory, conditional or optional.

   Attributes from GST can be used by the network operator (slice
   controller) and a vertical customer (slice customer) to agree SLA.

   GST attributes are generic in the sense that they can be used to
   characterize different types of network slices.  Once those
   attributes become filled with specific values, it becomes a NEST
   which can be ordered by slice customers.

4.1.4.  Categorization of GST attributes

   Not all the GST attributes as defined in [GSMA] have impact in the
   transport network since some of them are specific to either the radio
   or the mobile core part.

   In the analysis performed in this document, the attributes have been
   categorized as:

   *  Directly impactive attributes, which are those that have direct
      impact on the definition of the IETF network slice, i.e.,
      attributes that can be directly translated into requirements
      required to be satisfied by a IETF network slice.

   *  Indirectly impactive attributes, which are those that impact in an
      indirect manner on the definition of the IETF network slice, i.e.,
      attributes that indirectly impose some requirements to a IETF
      network slice.

   *  Non-impactive attributes, that are those which do not have impact
      on the IETF network slice at all.

   The following sections describe the attributes falling into the three

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Internet-Draft   IETF Slice Service Interface use cases     October 2022  Attributes with direct impact on the IETF network slice

   The following attributes impose requirements in the IETF network

   *  Availability

   *  Deterministic communication

   *  Downlink throughput per network slice

   *  Energy efficiency

   *  Group communication support

   *  Isolation level

   *  Maximum supported packet size

   *  Mission critical support

   *  Performance monitoring

   *  Slice quality of service parameters

   *  Support for non-IP traffic

   *  Uplink throughput per network slice

   *  User data access (i.e., tunneling mechanisms)  Attributes with indirect impact on the IETF network slice

   The following attributes indirectly impose requirements in the IETF
   network slice to support the end-to-end service.

   *  Area of service (i.e., the area where terminals can access a
      particular network slice)

   *  Delay tolerance (i.e., if the service can be delivered when the
      system has sufficient resources)

   *  Downlink (maximum) throughput per UE

   *  Network functions owned by Network Slice Customer

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   *  Maximum number of (concurrent) PDU sessions

   *  Performance prediction (i.e., capability to predict the network
      and service status)

   *  Root cause investigation

   *  Session and Service Continuity support

   *  Simultaneous use of the network slice

   *  Supported device velocity

   *  UE density

   *  Uplink (maximum) throughput per UE

   *  User management openness (i.e., capability to manage users'
      network services and corresponding requirements)

   *  Latency from (last) UPF to Application Server  Attributes with no impact on the IETF network slice definition

   The following attributes do not impact the IETF network slice.

   *  Location based message delivery (not related to the geographical
      spread of the network slice itself but with the localized
      distribution of information)

   *  MMTel support, i.e. support of and Multimedia Telephony Service
      (MMTel)as well as IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) support.

   *  NB-IoT Support, i.e., support of NB-IoT in the RAN in the network

   *  Maximum number of (simultaneous) UEs

   *  Positioning support

   *  Radio spectrum

   *  Synchronicity (among devices)

   *  V2X communication mode

   *  Network Slice Specific Authentication and Authorization (NSSAA)

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4.1.5.  Provisioning procedures

   3GPP identifies in [TS28.541] a number of procedures for the
   provisioning of a network slice in general.  It can be assumed that
   similar procedures may also apply to a transport slice, facilitating
   a consistent management and control of end-to-end slices.

   The envisioned procedures are the following:

   *  Slice instance allocation: this procedure permits to create a new
      slice instance (or reuse an existing one).

   *  Slice instance de-allocation: this procedure decommissions a
      previously instantiated slice.

   *  Slice instance modification: this procedure permits the change in
      the characteristics of an existing slice instance.

   *  Get slice instance status: this procedure helps to retrieve run-
      time information on the status of a deployed slice instance.

   *  Retrieval of slice capabilities: this procedure assists on getting
      information about the capabilities (e.g. maximum latency

   All these procedures fit in the operation of transport network

4.2.  NFV-based services

   NFV technology allows the flexible and dynamic instantiation of
   virtualized network functions (and their composition into network
   services) on top of a distributed, cloud-enabled compute
   infrastructure.  This infrastructure can span across different points
   of presence in a carrier network.  By leveraging on transport network
   slicing, connectivity services established across geographically
   remote points of presence can be enriched by providing additional QoS
   guarantees with respect present state-of-the-art mechanisms, as
   conventional L2/L3 VPNs.

4.2.1.  Connectivity attributes

   The connectivity services are expressed through a number of
   attributes as listed:

   *  Incoming and outgoing bandwidth: bandwidth required for the
      connectivity services (in Mbps).

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   *  Qos metrics: set of metrics (e.g., cost, latency and delay
      variation) applicable to a specific connectivity service

   *  Directionality: indication if the traffic is unidirectional or

   *  MTU: value of the largest PDU to be transmitted in the
      connectivity service.

   *  Protection scheme: indication of the kind of protection to be
      performed (e.g., 1;1, 1+1, etc.)

   *  Connectivity mode: indication of the service is point-to-point of

   All those attributes will assist on the characterization of the
   connectivity slice to be deployed, and thus, are relevant for the
   definition of a IETF network slice supporting such connectivity.

4.2.2.  Provisioning procedures

   ETSI NFV defines the role of WAN Infrastructure Manager (WIM) as the
   component in charge of managing and controlling the connectivity
   external to the PoPs.  In [IFA032] a number of interfaces are
   identified to be exposed by the WIM for supporting the multi-site
   connectivity, thus representing the capabilities expected for a
   transport network slice, as well, in case of satisfying such
   connectivity needs by means of the slice concept.

   The interfaces considered are the following:

   *  Multi-Site Connectivity Service (MSCS) Management: this interface
      permits the creation, termination, update and query of MSCSs,
      including reservation.  It also enables subscription for
      notifications and information retrieval associated to the
      connectivity service.

   *  Capacity Management: this interface allows querying about the
      capacity (e.g. bandwidth), topology, and network edge points of
      the connectivity service, as well as about information of consumed
      and available capacity on the underlying network resources.

   *  Fault Management: this interface serves for the provision of
      alarms related to the MSCSs.

   *  Performance Management: this interface assists on the retrieval of
      performance information (measurement results collection and
      notifications) related to MSCSs.

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4.3.  Network sharing

   Network sharing is one of the means network operators exploit for
   increasing efficiencies.  There are different scenarios of network
   sharing, being especially popular in the deployment of mobile
   networks, typically referred to as Radio Access Network (RAN)
   sharing.  From an operational perspective, in RAN sharing we have two
   roles: master operator, being the actor (e.g. infrastructure
   provider, network operator) to which the deployment and daily
   operation of shared RAN elements are entrusted to; and the
   participant operators, who are the mobile operators who share the RAN
   facilities provided by the master operator.  Note that in this
   context the master and participant operator can be seen as provider
   and customer, respectively.

   While there exist different modes of RAN sharing [TS23.251],
   including passive RAN sharing (infrastructure site sharing) and
   active RAN sharing (e.g.  Multi-Operator Core Networks or MOCN), most
   of the cases require the establishment of separated connections in
   order to separate the traffic per participant operator.  Such
   connections typically extend from the cell site to some pre-defined
   and agreed interconnection points, from which the traffic is routed
   and delivered to individual participant operators.

   The above-referred connections can have specific attributes.  Aspects
   like guaranteed bandwidth (in line with the expected load from the
   aggregated cells), redundancy, bounded latency (per kind of traffic),
   or secure delivery of the information should be considered.

   The master operator is the one in charge of provisioning the
   connections and collecting management data (e.g. performance
   measurements, telemetry, fault alarms, trace data) for individual
   participant operators.  The use of network slicing could make the
   network sharing approach more flexible by allowing the other
   operators control and manage the established connections [MEF].

   The implications of the RAN sharing scenario here described can be
   extended to either fixed networks or even to mobile networks
   leveraging on radio functional split (i.e., including fronthaul and
   midhaul network segments).

4.3.1.  Connectivity attributes

   The connections for RAN sharing typically consider attributes like:

   *  Maximum and Guaranteed Bit Rate (MBR and GBR respectively).

   *  Bounded latency (e.g., for user plane, control plane, etc)

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   *  Packet loss rate.

   *  IP addressing (consistent among the operators sharing the

   *  L2/L3 reachability.

   *  Recovery time (on the event of failures).

   *  Secure connection (e.g., encryption support).

4.3.2.  Provisioning procedures

   The expected provisioning procedures are:

   *  Connection provisioning between site and interconnection point.
      Those connections could evolve in time in terms of capacity
      depending on the capacity growth of each particular site.

   *  Collection of management data, including performance measurements,
      fault alarms and trace data.

4.4.  SD-WAN

   SD-WAN is a solution to provide a virtual overlay network for
   connecting between customer's sites, (virtual) private cloud, or
   public cloud/Internet.  SD-WAN operates over one or more underlay
   networks, and enables to offer more differentiated service delivery
   capabilities.  SD-WAN can be esteemed as a type of network slices or
   can be established over underlay networks provided as network slices.
   The definitions, specification, service attributes, and framework of
   SD-WAN is defined in Metro Ethernet Forum ([MEF-70]).

   SD-WAN forwards traffic based on application flows, and the policies
   include rules and constraints on the forwarding of the application
   flows.  In SD-WAN, it may be required from the customer to adjust the
   behaviors based on its needs in near real time.  The service provider
   is required to monitor the performance of the service and modify the
   forwarding policies based on the real-time telemetry from the
   underlying network components.

4.4.1.  SD-WAN Structure

   SD-WAN has three logical constructs:

   *  SD-WAN virtual connection

   *  SD-WAN virtual connection endpoint

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   *  SD-WAN UNI

   Several additional components may be visible to the customer.  These

   *  Customer network

   *  Service provider network

   *  Underlay connectivity

   *  Tunnel virtual connection

   The following figure shows the overview of SD-WAN structure.  In this
   case, the customer sites are connected with underlay connectivity#1
   and they are also connected to remote private cloud with underlay
   connectivity#2.  An SD-WAN endpoint is usually located in each
   customer network site as a CPE or a customer edge, and it allocates
   application flow to appropriate underlay connectivity.

                                 |      \
                              ,-/ Private`--.
                             |     cloud     |
                          - - - - |EP | - - - - -
                        |         +---+          |
                        |           #            |
             /---------\|           #            |/----------\
            | Customer +--+=========#===========+--+ Customer |
            | Network  |EP|. . . . . . . . . . .|EP| Network  |
            | site A   +--+   Service Provider  +--+ site B   |
             \--------/|        Network            |\--------/
                       | - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
                       |                           |
                   SD-WAN UNI                 SD-WAN UNI

             * Legend
               . . . : Underlay connectivity#1
               ===== : Underlay Connectivity#2
               EP    : SD-WAN Endpoint

                   Figure 4: Overview of SD-WAN Structure

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   SD-WAN may be provided as a network slice, or it is realized on
   several network slices provided as underlay connectivities.  In the
   former case, a network slice PE will be mapped to CE in SD-WAN.  In
   the later case, PEs of the provider of underlay connectivities will
   behave as network slice PEs.

4.4.2.  Connectivity Attributes

   SD-WAN defined in MEF-70 has several attributes on its connectivity
   as below:

   o SD-WAN Identifier:  the value is a string that is used by the
      customer and service provider to uniquely identify an SD-WAN

   o Endpoint list:  the value is a list contains endpoint identifiers
      and their connected endpoints.

   o Service Uptime Objective:  the value is the proportion of time that
      the connectivity service is working during a given time period.

   o Reserved Prefixes:  the values are IP prefixes reserved by the
      service provider for use for SD-WAN within its own network or for
      distribution to the customer via DHCP or SLAAC.

   o List for Policies:  the value is a list of policies applied to
      application flows and application flow groups at endpoints.  An
      SD-WAN policy list contains policy name and list of policy
      criteria.  Support of the criteria listed below would be required:

      * Encryption:  indicates whether or not the application flow
         requires encryption

      * Public-Private:  indicates whether the application flow can
         traverse public or private underlay connectivity services (or

      * Internet-Breakout:  indicates whether the application flow
         should be forwarded to an Internet destination.

      * Billing-Method:  indicate the application flow can be sent over
         an underlay connectivity service that has usage-based or flat-
         rate billing.

      * Backup:  indicates whether this application flow can use a TVC
         designated as aEUR&#157;backupaEUR&#157;.

      * Bandwidth:  specifies a rate limit on the application flow.

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   o List of Application Flow Groups:  the value is a list of
      application flow groups that application flows can be members of.
      An application flow group list contains application flow group
      name and application flow group policy.

   o List of Application Flows:  the value is a list of the application
      flows that are recognized by the SD-WAN.  An application flow list
      contains application flow name, list of application flow criteria,
      and application flow group name.  The criteria is listed below:

      *  Ethertype

      *  C-VLAN ID list

      *  IPv4 source address

      *  IPv4 destination address

      *  IPv4 source or destination address

      *  IPv4 protocol list

      *  IPv6 source address

      *  IPv6 destination address

      *  IPv6 source or destination address

      *  IPv6 next header list

      *  TCP/UDP source port list

      *  TCP/UDP destination port list

      *  Application identifier

      *  any

4.4.3.  SD-WAN Endpoint Attributes

   SD-WAN contains some endpoints as boundary nodes between underlay
   connections and customers sites.  [MEF-70] defines some attributes
   for SD-WAN endpoints as below:

   o Endpoint Identifier:  the value is for identification of SD-WAN
      endpoint for management purposes.

   o Endpoint UNI:  the value is for identification of the UNI that the

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      endpoint is associated with.

   o Endpoint policy map:  the value is for mapping policies to
      application flows and application flow groups.

4.4.4.  SD-WAN UNI Attributes

   SD-WAN UNI is a reference point that represents the demarcation
   between the responsibility of the customer and the responsibility of
   the provider.  Some attributes for UNI is defined in [MEF-70] as

   o SD-WAN UNI Identifier:  the value is for identification of the UNI
      for management purposes.

   o SD-WAN UNI L2 Interface:  the value describes the underlay L2
      interface for the UNI.

   o SD-WAN UNI Maximum L2 Frame Size:  the value specifies the maximum
      length L2 frame that is accepted by the provider.

   o SD-WAN UNI IPv4 connection addressing:  the value describes IPv4
      connection address mechanisms (e.g., Static or DHCP).

   o SD-WAN UNI IPv6 connection addressing:  the value describes IPv6
      connection address mechanisms (e.g., DHCP, SLAAC, Static or Link-

4.5.  Radio functional splits

   The disaggregation of the software stack in radio base stations
   allows the centralization of some of the radio processing functions.
   O-RAN is promoting the interoperability of implementations of radio
   functional splits, defining an architecture where three main entities
   can be considered: the Radio Unit (RU), with some basic processing,
   the Distributed Unit (DU) with the rest of real-time processing
   capabilities, and the Centralized Unit (CU) with the non-real-time
   processing of the software stack.  The network segment between RU and
   DU is known as fronthaul (FH), while the segment between DU and CU is
   referred as midhaul (MH).  Figure 5 shows this situation.

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               :  Radio functional split               :
 +-------+     :                                       :
 | radio |     :+----+ Fronthaul +----+ Midhaul +----+ : Backhaul +-----+
 | base  | <=> :| RU |<=========>| DU |<=======>| CU | :<========>| UPF |
 |station|     :+----+           +----+         +----+ :          +-----+
 +-------+     :                                       :
               :                                       :

                Figure 5: Logical Transport Interfaces

   The fronthaul leverages on eCPRI protocol which can be transported
   directly on Ethernet frames or encapsulated in IP/UDP (for the user
   plane).  The midhaul can be transported in a similar way as the

   With current specifications, individual service flows being carried
   by FH cannot be distinguished, so no possibility of differentiating
   connectivity slices at that point.  Similar thing happens for MH.
   The only possible differentiation per flow can happen in downstream
   direction from CU to DU, but this basically can only help for
   policing traffic at that point (i.e., slice is yet the same).

   Advanced scenarios such as RU sharing could allow traffic
   differentiation per mobile operator based on e.g. vlans, being each
   of those vlans mapped to a different slice.

4.5.1.  Attributes and procedures

   The attributes of IETF network slices for the conveniently supported
   the radio functional split are based on main characteristics of FH/
   MH: Latency, BW, and packet loss, as specified in [O-RAN].
   Geographical location could have an impact due to latency
   restrictions for FH.

   Regarding slice management procedures, it can be assumed a similar
   lifecycle as in 3GPP slices.

4.6.  Data center interconnection

   The distribution of computing facilities in the form of
   interconnected data centers is changing the traffic profiles observed
   on operators' networks.  For some applications is necessary to
   provide guarantees over the WAN connection in the form of a network

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   In many large data centers, Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is
   becoming the prevalent type traffic.  The growth of this traffic is
   driven by the trend of storage disaggregation and the offload
   capabilities enabled by RDMA.  RDMA can be carried on top of IP/UDP,
   in which is known as RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE).

   Given the overall growth in DC cluster sizes per location and related
   limitations e.g. in terms of power consumption and cooling, the RDMA
   traffic can require to be delivered across distributed data centers,
   thus impacting the Data Center Interconnection.  Similar problematic
   is addressed e.g. by [IOWN].

   To provide lossless characteristics, as required by RDMA, there are a
   number of technics that are commonly used in DC space, as for example
   Data Center Quantized Congestion Notification (DCQCN).

   In order to facilitate provisioning of a RDMA compliant slice in the
   WAN, a set of attributes shall be described.  To be completed in
   further versions of this document.

4.6.1.  Connectivity attributes

   To be completed.

4.6.2.  Provisioning procedures

   To be completed.

5.  Summary of attributes and procedures

   After analysing the different use cases, a number of attributes and
   procedures can be identified to provide IETF Network Slice services.
   Following sections summarize the findings per SLO, SLE and

   Editor Note: this summary is yet under review.

5.1.  Summary of SLOs

   The following SLOs can be considered common to the majority of use

   *  Bandwidth (or throughput), as an indication of the amount of
      traffic allowed to the delivered.  It can be expressed
      unidirectional or bidirectional.

   *  Latency, as an indication of the maximum delay expected in a

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   *  Jitter (or delay variation), as an indication of the maximum
      variation on the delay expected in a connection.

   *  Packet loss, as an indication of the bounded limit of packet
      losses allowed in a connection

   *  To be completed

5.2.  Summary of SLEs

   To be completed.

5.3.  Summary of procedures

   The following procedures allow to cover the analysed use cases.

   *  IETF Network Slice provision, including allocation and de-
      allocation of the slice.

   *  IETF Network Slice modification (or update) of an existing
      allocated slice.

   *  Retrieval (or query) of IETF Network Slice status and capabilities
      of an existing allocated slice.

   *  IETF Network Slice reservation, allowing a late instantiation of
      the slice.

   *  IETF Network Slice fault management, permitting the collection of
      alarms associated to the IETF NEtwork Slice.

   *  IETF Network Slice performance management, permitting the
      retrieval of performance measurements associated to the IETF
      NEtwork Slice.

6.  Gaps on related IETF Network Slice efforts

   Based on the performed analysis, this section captures gaps
   identified so far on related IETF Network Slice documents, like the
   framework [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] and the NBI YANG model

   To be completed in forthcoming versions of the document.

7.  Security Considerations

   This document does not include any security considerations.

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8.  IANA Considerations

   This document does not include any IANA considerations

9.  Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank (in alphabetical order) Mohamed
   Boucadair, Daniele Cecarelli, Dhruv Dhody, Jie Dong, Adrian Farrel,
   Joel Halpern, Greg Mirsky, and Gyan Mishra for their review, helpful
   comments and suggestions.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

10.2.  Informative References

   [GSMA]     "Generic Network Slice Template, version 3.0", NG.116 ,
              May 2020.

              Homma, S., Nishihara, H., Miyasaka, T., Galis, A., OV, V.
              R., Diego Lopez, R., Luis Contreras, M., Jose Ordonez-
              Lucena, A., Martinez-Julia, P., Qiang, L., Rokui, R.,
              Ciavaglia, L., and X. D. Foy, "Network Slice Provision
              Models", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-homma-
              slice-provision-models-02, 4 November 2019,

              Wu, B., Dhody, D., Rokui, R., Saad, T., and L. Han, "IETF
              Network Slice Service YANG Model", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-
              yang-02, 11 July 2022, <

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              Farrel, A., Drake, J., Rokui, R., Homma, S., Makhijani,
              K., Contreras, L. M., and J. Tantsura, "Framework for IETF
              Network Slices", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices-14, 3 August 2022,

   [IFA032]   "IFA032 Interface and Information Model Specification for
              Multi-Site Connectivity Services V3.2.1.", ETSI GS NFV-IFA
              032 V3.2.1 , April 2019.

   [IOWN]     "RDMA over Open APN PoC Reference", IOWN , July 2022.

   [MEF]      "Slicing for Shared 5G Fronthaul and Backhaul", MEF White
              paper , April 2020.

   [MEF-70]   "SD-WAN Service Attributes and Services", MEF-70 , July

   [O-RAN]    "O-RAN Xhaul Transport Requirements 1.0", O-RAN.WG9.XTRP-
              REQ-v01.00 , November 2020.

   [TS23.251] "TS 23.251 Network Sharing; Architecture and functional
              description (Release 16) V16.0.0.", 3GPP TS 23.251
              V16.0.0 , July 2020.

   [TS28.530] "TS 28.530 Management and orchestration; Concepts, use
              cases and requirements (Release 16) V16.0.0.", 3GPP TS
              28.530 V16.0.0 , September 2019.

   [TS28.541] "TS 28.541 Management and orchestration; 5G Network
              Resource Model (NRM); Stage 2 and stage 3 (Release 16)
              V16.2.0.", 3GPP TS 28.541 V16.2.0 , September 2019.

Authors' Addresses

   Luis M. Contreras
   Ronda de la Comunicacion, s/n
   Sur-3 building, 1st floor
   28050 Madrid

Contreras, et al.         Expires 27 April 2023                [Page 28]
Internet-Draft   IETF Slice Service Interface use cases     October 2022

   Shunsuke Homma

   Jose A. Ordonez-Lucena
   Ronda de la Comunicacion, s/n
   Sur-3 building, 1st floor
   28050 Madrid

   Jeff Tantsura

   Hidetaka Nishihara

Contreras, et al.         Expires 27 April 2023                [Page 29]