Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-teas-nrp-scalability


TEAS Working Group                                               J. Dong
Internet-Draft                                                     Z. Li
Intended status: Informational                       Huawei Technologies
Expires: 5 September 2024                                        L. Gong
                                                            China Mobile
                                                                 G. Yang
                                                           China Telecom
                                                               G. Mishra
                                                            Verizon Inc.
                                                            4 March 2024

       Scalability Considerations for Network Resource Partition


   A network slice offers connectivity services to a network slice
   customer with specific Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Service
   Level Expectations (SLEs) over a common underlay network.

   RFC XXXX describes a framework for network slices built using
   networks that use IETF technologies.  As part of that framework, the
   Network Resource Partition (NRP) is introduced as a set of network
   resources that are allocated from the underlay network to carry a
   specific set of network slice service traffic and meet specific SLOs
   and SLEs.

   As the demand for network slices increases, scalability becomes an
   important factor.  Although the scalability of network slices can be
   improved by mapping a group of network slices to a single NRP, that
   design may not be suitable or possible for all deployments, thus
   there are concerns about the scalability of NRPs themselves.

   This document discusses some considerations for NRP scalability in
   the control and data planes.  It also investigates a set of
   optimization mechanisms.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Network Resource Partition Scalability Requirements . . . . .   4
   3.  Scalability Design Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Network Resource Partition Scalability Considerations . . . .   9
     4.1.  Control Plane Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.1.1.  Distributed Control Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.1.2.  Centralized Control Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.2.  Data Plane Scalability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Suggested Scalability Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.1.  Control Plane Optimization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.1.1.  Distributed Control Plane Optimization  . . . . . . .  12
       5.1.2.  Centralized Control Plane Optimization  . . . . . . .  14
     5.2.  Data Plane Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   6.  Solution Evolution Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   7.  Operational Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   10. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   11. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Appendix A.  Example Network Slicing Realizations . . . . . . . .  21
     A.1.  VPNs with Default NRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     A.2.  Multiple Routing Instances for NRPs . . . . . . . . . . .  22

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     A.3.  Resource-Aware Segment Routing based NRPs . . . . . . . .  23
     A.4.  MPLS-TE Virtual Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

1.  Introduction

   RFC Editor Note: Please replace "RFC XXXX" in this document with the
   RFC number assigned to draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices, and
   remove this note.

   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] defines network slicing in
   networks built using IETF technologies.  These network slices may be
   referred to as RFC XXXX Network Slices, but in this document we
   simply use the term "network slice" to refer to this concept: this
   document only applies to the type of network slice described in

   The network slice aims to offer a connectivity service to a network
   slice customer with specific Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and
   Service Level Expectations (SLEs) over a common underlay network.
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] defines the terminologies and the
   characteristics of network slices.  It also discusses the general
   framework, the components and interfaces for requesting and operating
   network slices.  The concept of a Network Resource Partition (NRP) is
   introduced by [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices] as part of the
   realization of network slices.  An NRP is a collection of network
   resources in the underlay network, which can be used to ensure the
   requested SLOs and SLEs of network slice services are met.

   [I-D.ietf-teas-enhanced-vpn] describes a layered architecture and the
   candidate technologies in different layers for delivering enhanced
   VPN services.  Enhanced VPNs aim to meet the needs of customers or
   applications which require connectivity services with advanced
   characteristics, such as the assurance of SLOs and specific SLEs.
   Enhanced VPN services can be delivered by mapping one or a group of
   overlay VPNs to an NRP which is allocated with a set of network
   resources.  The enhanced VPN architecture and technologies could be
   used for the realization of network slices.

   As the demand for network slice services increases, scalability (the
   number of network slices a network can support within the
   capabilities and stabilities of the network protocols) becomes an
   important factor.  Although the scalability of network slices can be
   improved by mapping a group of network slices to a single NRP, that
   design may not be suitable or possible for all deployments, thus
   there are concerns about the scalability of NRPs themselves.

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   This document discusses some considerations for NRP scalability in
   the control and data planes.  It also investigates a set of
   optimization mechanisms.

2.  Network Resource Partition Scalability Requirements

   As described in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], the connectivity
   constructs of network slices may be grouped together according to
   their characteristics (including SLOs and SLEs) and mapped to a given
   NRP.  The grouping and mapping of network slices are policy-based and
   under the control of the network operator.  For example, a network
   operator could consider a policy to host a large number of network
   slices using a relatively small number of NRPs to reduce the amount
   of state information to be maintained in the underlay network.  On
   the other hand, a one-to-one mapping between network slices and NRPs
   gives more fine-grained control of the network slices, but comes at
   the cost of increased (per network slice) state in the underlay

   With the introduction of various services that require enhanced
   connectivity, it is expected that the number of network slices will
   increase.  The potential numbers of network slices and underlying
   NRPs are estimated by classifying the network slice deployment into
   three typical scenarios:

   1.  Network slices can be used by a network operator to deliver
       different types of service.  For example, in a multi-service
       network, different network slices can be created to carry, e.g.,
       mobile transport services, fixed broadband services, and
       enterprise services respectively.  Each type of service could be
       managed by a separate team.  Some other types of service, such as
       multicast services, may also be deployed in a separate virtual
       underlay network.  A separate NRP may be created for each service
       type.  It is also possible that a network infrastructure operator
       provides network slice services to other network operators as
       wholesale services, and an NRP may also be needed for each
       wholesale service operator.  In this scenario, the number of NRPs
       in a network could be relatively small, such as in the order of
       10 or so.

   2.  Network slice services can be requested by customers of
       industrial verticals, where the assurance of SLOs and the
       fulfilment of SLEs are contractually defined between the customer
       and the slice service provider, possibly including financial
       penalties if service provider fails to honor the contract.  At
       the early stage of the vertical industrial deployment, a few
       customers in some industries will start using network slices to
       address the connectivity requirements and performance assurance

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       raised by their business, such as smart grid, manufacturing,
       public safety, on-line gaming, etc.  The realization of such
       network slices may require the provision of different NRPs for
       different industries, and some customers may require dedicated
       NRPs for strict service performance guarantees.  Considering the
       number of vertical industries and the number of customers in each
       industry, the number of NRPs needed may be in the order of 100.

   3.  With the advances in 5G and cloud networks, the type of network
       slices services defined in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices]
       could be widely used by customers of various vertical industries
       and enterprises who require guaranteed or predictable network
       service performance.  The number of network slices in this case
       may increase to the order of thousands.  Accordingly, the number
       of NRPs needed may be in the order of 1000.

   In [TS23501], the 3GPP defines a 32-bit identifier for a 5G network
   slice with an 8-bit Slice/Service Type (SST) and a 24-bit Slice
   Differentiator (SD).  This allows mobile networks (the Radio Access
   Networks (RANs) and mobile core networks) to potentially support a
   large number of 5G network slices.  A 5G network slice is not the
   same as a network slice discussed in this document and defined in
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices].  It is likely that multiple 5G
   network slices may be mapped to a single network slice defined by
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], but in some cases (for example,
   for specific SST or SD) the mapping may be closer to one-to-one.
   This may require increasing the number of network slices, the number
   of required NRPs may increase as well.

   Thus the question of the scalability of network slice services
   arises.  Mapping multiple network slices to a single NRP presents a
   significant scaling benefit, while a large number of NRPs may still
   be required, which raises scalability challenges too.

3.  Scalability Design Principles

   Scaling of network slicing can be achieved using a hierarchy of
   aggregation.  Multiple network slices can be supported by a single
   NRP; multiple NRPs can be enabled on a filtered (logical) topology;
   and multiple filtered (logical) topologies utilise a single
   underlying network.  The hierarchy, at any stage, may be made trivial
   (i.e., collapsed to a one-to-one mapping) according to the deployment
   objectives of the operator and the capabilities of the network

   To recap it in general terms:

   *  A network slice is an edge-to-edge service.

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   *  An NRP is a set of network resources (e.g., buffers, bandwidth,
      queues) and the associated per-packet behaviors on a connected set
      of links in the underlay network.

   *  A filtered topology defines a collection of network links and
      nodes (call it a virtual network if it makes it easier for you to
      think about) on which path computation or traffic steering can be

   Scalability concerns exist at multiple points in the network slicing

   *  The control protocols must be able to handle the distribution of
      information necessary to support the network slices, NRPs, and
      filtered topologies.

   *  The network nodes must be able to handle the computational load of
      determining paths based on the information of network slices, NRPs
      and filtered topologies..

   *  Path selection tools must be able to process network information
      and determine paths for network slice services on demand.

   *  The forwarding engines must be able to access the information in
      packets and make forwarding decisions at line speed.

   Assuming that it is achievable, it is desirable for NRPs to have
   minimum impact (zero being preferred) on routing information that is
   propagated using IGP today, and to not require additional SPF
   computations beyond those that are necessary.

   Assuming that an external mechanism can deal with path calculation
   and selection, it is desirable that in the calculated path
   information, the NRP identification should be decoupled from the
   information for path identification.

   Given all of these considerations, we can set out the following
   design principles:

   1.   A filtered topology is a subset of the underlying physical
        topology.  Thus, it defines which links (and nodes) are eligible
        to be used by the NRPs.  It may be selected as a set of links
        with particular characteristics, or it may be a set of
        forwarding paradigms applied to the topology.  Thus, a filtered
        topology may be realised through techniques such as multi-
        topology, coloring of links, virtual TE topology, or Flexible-

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   2.   It is not envisaged that there would be many filtered topologies
        active, so running SPF per filtered topology is not a high

   3.   Multiple NRPs can run on a single filtered topology meaning that
        the NRPs can be associated with the same filtered topology and
        use the SPF computation results from that topology.

   4.   Three separate things need to be identified by information
        carried within a packet:

        *  Forwarding path (e.g. the next-hop)

        *  NRP

        *  Topology (i.e., filtered topology)

        How this information is encoded (using separate fields, same
        field, or overloading existing fields) forms part of the
        solution work.

   5.   NRP IDs should have domain-wide scope, and must be unique within
        a filtered topology.

   6.   Configuration mechanisms are used to set up packet/resource
        treatments on nodes.

   7.   Configuration mechanisms (such as southbound protocols from a
        controller) are used to set up resources and packet treatments
        of NRPs on the involved network nodes, and to install the
        bindings between domain-wide resource treatment identifiers (NRP
        IDs) and configured packet treatment.

   8.   The path computation or selection performed by or within a
        traffic engineering process, within or external to the head end
        node, (in particular the topology selection and path computation
        within that topology) may consider the characteristics of the
        filtered topology and the attributes of the NRP, but is agnostic
        to the resource treatment that the packets will receive within
        the network.  Ensuring that the selected components of the path
        are capable of supporting the resource treatments identified by
        the NRP ID, is a separate matter.

   9.   The selected path is indicated in the packets using existing or
        new mechanisms.  Whether that is SR-Policy, Flex-Algo, or
        something else is out of scope for this document, but it will
        obviously form part of the full set of network slicing solution

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   10.  The components or mechanisms that are responsible for deciding
        what path to select for network slice service packet , for
        deciding how to mark the packets to follow the selected path,
        and for determining what resource treatment identifier (NRP ID)
        to apply to packets are also responsible for ensuring sufficient
        consistency so that the whole solution works.

   Different operators can choose to deploy network slices at different
   scales, and while we may have opinions about what scales are sensible
   / workable / desirable, we do not attempt to constrain operators in
   their deployment choices.

   The routing protocols (IGP or BGP) does not have to be involved in
   any of these points, but when they need to, it is important to
   isolate information of network slices and NRPs from existing routing
   information, so that there is no impact on scaling or stability.
   Furthermore, the complexity of SPF computation should not be impacted
   by the increasing number of network slices and NRPs.

   Note that there is always a trade-off between optimal solutions and
   scalable solutions.

   *  We need to provide a scalable solution that can be deployed in all
      circumstances.  We should acknowledge that:

      -  We may need some extensions to the data/control/management
         plane to achieve this result.  I.e., it may be that this cannot
         be done today with existing tools.

      -  The scalable solution might not be optimal everywhere.

   *  We must understand that optimal solutions may be good for specific
      environments, but:

      -  Might not work in some environments.

      -  May have scalability issues in some other environments.

   We should allow for both of these approaches, but we need to be clear
   of the costs and benefits in all cases in order that:

   *  We support significant optimisations and acknowledge the cost of
      necessary protocol extensions.

   *  We allow solutions which are suitable for specific environments,
      with their limitations documented so that they do not creep into
      wider deployment.

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   In particular, we should be open to the use of approaches that do not
   require control plane extensions and that can be applied to
   deployments with limited scope.  Included in this are:

   *  Resource-aware SIDs

   *  L3VPN

   It is anticipated that any specification of a network slicing
   protocol solution will include considerations of scalability and
   discussion of the applicability of the solution.  This will not
   denegrate any specific solution, but will help clarify the type of
   deployment in which the solution is optimal while providing advice
   about its limitations in other deployments.  Appendix A provides some
   simple examples of different possible realizations, and outlines
   their scaling properties.

4.  Network Resource Partition Scalability Considerations

   This section analyses the scalability of NRPs in the control plane
   and data plane to understand the possible gaps in meeting the
   scalability requirements.

4.1.  Control Plane Scalability

   The control plane for establishing and managing NRPs could be based
   on the combination of a centralized controller and a distributed
   control plane.  The following subsections consider the scalability
   properties of both the distributed and the centralized control plane
   in such a design.

4.1.1.  Distributed Control Plane

   In some networks, multiple NRPs may need to be created for the
   delivery of network slice services.  Each NRP is associated with a
   logical topology.  The network resource attributes and the associated
   topology information of each NRP may need to be exchanged among the
   network nodes that participate in the NRP.  The scalability of the
   distributed control plane used for the distribution of NRP
   information needs to be considered from the following aspects:

   *  The number of control protocol instances maintained on each node.

   *  The number of control protocol sessions maintained on each link.

   *  The number of control messages advertised by each node.

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   *  The amount of attributes associated with each message (i.e., the
      size and the complexity of the messages).

   *  The number and frequency of computations (e.g., SPF computations)
      executed by each node.

   As the number of NRPs increases, it is expected that, at least in
   some of the above aspects, the overhead in the control plane may
   increase in relation to the number of the NRPs.  For example, the
   overhead of maintaining separate control protocol instances (e.g.,
   IGP instances) for each NRP is considered higher than maintaining the
   information of multiple NRPs in the same control protocol instance
   with appropriate separation, and the overhead of maintaining separate
   protocol sessions for different NRPs is considered higher than using
   a shared protocol session for exchanging the information about
   multiple NRPs.  To meet the scalability and performance requirements
   with the increasing number of NRPs, it is suggested to select the
   control plane mechanisms that have better scalability while still
   being able to provide the required functionality, isolation, and
   security for the NRPs.

4.1.2.  Centralized Control Plane

   The use of a centralized network controller may help to reduce the
   amount of computation overhead in the network, but may transfer some
   of the scalability concerns from network nodes to the network
   controller.  Thus, the scalability of the controller also needs to be

   A centralized controller can have a global view of the network, and
   is usually used for Traffic Engineering (TE) path computation with
   various constraints, or for the global optimization of TE paths in
   the network.  To provide TE path computation and optimization for
   multiple NRPs, the controller needs to know the up-to-date topology
   and resource information of all the NRPs.  Additionally, for some
   events such as link or node failures, any updates to the NRPs may
   need to be distributed to the controller in real time, and may affect
   the planning and operation of some NRPs.  When there is a significant
   change in the network which impacts multiple NRPs, or multiple NRPs
   require global optimization concurrently, there may be a heavy
   processing burden at the controller, and a large amount of signaling
   traffic to be exchanged between the controller and corresponding NRP
   components.  These factors need to be taken into consideration from a
   scalability and performance standpoint.

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4.2.  Data Plane Scalability

   Each NRP is allocated a subset of network resources.  There may be a
   number of NRPs, each providing support for a set of network slices
   where each set of the slices requires a similar set of SLOs and SLEs.
   The sets of resources for each NRP may overlap, but may be
   independent to better enable the delivery of the SLOs and SLEs, and
   to avoid the risk of interference between the slices in different

   As the number of NRPs increases, the underlay network needs to
   provide a finer granularity of network resource partitioning, which
   means the amount of state maintained on the network nodes is likely
   to increase.

   Network slice service traffic needs to be processed and forwarded by
   network nodes according to a forwarding policy that is associated
   with the topology and the resource attributes of the NRP it is mapped
   to, this means that some fields in the data packet need to be used to
   identify the NRP and its associated topology and resources either
   directly or implicitly.  Different approaches for encapsulating the
   NRP information in data packets may have different scalability

   One practical approach is to reuse some of the existing fields in the
   data packet to indicate the NRP the packet belongs to.  For example,
   the destination IP address or MPLS forwarding label could be reused
   to identify the NRP.  This would avoid the complexity of introducing
   new fields into the data packet, but the additional semantics
   introduced to existing fields might require additional processing.
   Moreover, introducing NRP-specific semantics to existing fields in
   the packet could result in an increase in the number of identifiers
   (field values) that need to be assigned.  Such an increase would be
   in proportion to the number of the NRPs.  For example, if the
   destination IP address is used to identify an NRP, then a node which
   participates in M NRPs would need M IP addresses to be assigned to
   it.  This might cause scalability problems in networks where a
   relatively large number of NRPs are in use.

   An alternative approach is to introduce a new dedicated field in the
   data packet for identifying an NRP.  And if this new field carries a
   network wide unique NRP identifier (NRP ID), it could be used
   together with the existing fields to determine the packet forwarding
   behavior.  The potential issue with this approach lies in the
   difficulty of introducing a new field in some data plane

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   In addition, the introduction of NRP-specific packet forwarding
   impacts the number of the forwarding entries maintained by the
   network nodes.

5.  Suggested Scalability Optimizations

   To support more network slice services while keeping the amount of
   network state at a reasonable scale, one basic approach is to
   classify a set of network slice services (e.g., services which have
   similar service characteristics and performance requirements) into a
   group, and to map that group to an NRP, which is allocated with an
   aggregated set of network resources and the combination of the
   required logical topologies to meet the service requirements of the
   whole group of network slice services.  Different groups of network
   slice services may be mapped to different NRPs, each of which is
   allocated with different set of network resources from the underlay
   network.  According to the deployment policy of the operator,
   appropriate grouping of network slice services and mapping to NRPs
   could meet the network slice service requirements.  However, in some
   network scenarios, such aggregation mechanism might not be
   applicable.  The following sub-sections suggests further optimization
   in control plane and data plane respectively.

5.1.  Control Plane Optimization

   Control plane optimization may be considered in terms of distributed
   and centralized control planes.

5.1.1.  Distributed Control Plane Optimization

   Several optimization mechanisms can be considered to reduce the
   distributed control plane overhead and improve its scalability.

   The first control plane optimization consists of reducing the number
   of control plane sessions used for the establishment and maintenance
   of the NRPs.  When multiple NRPs have the same connection
   relationship between two adjacent network nodes, an optimization
   could be achieved if a single control protocol session were used for
   all these NRPs.  The information specific to the different NRPs could
   be exchanged over the same control protocol session, with necessary
   identifiers in the control messages to distinguish the information
   specific to different NRPs.  This could reduce the overhead in a node
   of creating and maintaining a separate control protocol session for
   each NRP, and could also reduce the amount of control plane messages.

   The second potential control plane optimization is to decouple the
   resource information of the NRP from the associated logical topology
   information, so that the resource attributes and the topology

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   attributes of the NRP can be advertised and processed separately.  In
   a network, it is possible that multiple NRPs are associated with the
   same logical topology, or multiple NRPs may share the same set of
   network resources hosted by a specific set of network nodes and
   links.  With topology sharing, it is more efficient to advertise only
   one copy of the topology information, and allow multiple NRPs
   deployed over the very same topology to exploit this topology
   information.  More importantly, with this approach, the result of
   topology-based route computation can also be shared by multiple NRPs,
   so that the overhead of per NRP route computation is avoided.
   Similarly, for the resource sharing case, information about a set of
   network resources allocated on a particular network node or link
   could be advertised in the control plane only once, and then be
   referred to by multiple NRPs which share that set of resource.

                  # O #### O #### O        * O **** O **** O
                 #  #      #      #       *  *      *      *
                O   #      #      #      O   *      *      *
                 #  #      #      #       *  *      *      *
                  # O #### O #### O        * O **** O **** O

                        NRP-1                    NRP-2
                         ^^                       ^^
                         ||      O-----O-----O    ||
                         <<<<  / | \ / |     |  >>>>
                              O  |  X  |     |
                               \ | / \ |     |

                            Underlay Network Topology


          O     Virtual node
          ###   Virtual links with a set of reserved resources
          ***   Virtual links with another set of reserved resources

                   Figure 1. Topology Sharing between NRPs

   Figure 1 gives an example of two NRPs that share the same logical
   topology.  NRP-1 and NRP-2 are associated with the same logical
   topology, while the resource attributes of each NRP are different.
   In this case, the information of the shared network topology can be
   advertised using either MT or Flex-Algo, then the two NRPs can be
   associated with the same MT or Flex-Algo, and the outcomes of
   topology-based route computation can be shared by the two NRPs for
   further generating the corresponding NRP-specific routing and
   forwarding entries.

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                    # O #### O #### O         * O ***** O #### O
                   #  #      #      #        *     * *  #      #
                  O   #      #      #       O       *   #      #
                   #  #      #      #        *     * *  #      #
                    # O #### O #### O         * O ***** O #### O

                          NRP-1                      NRP-2
                           ^^                         ^^
                           ||       O-----O-----O     ||
                           <<<<   / | \ / |     |   >>>>
                                 O  |  X  |     |
                                  \ | / \ |     |

                              Underlay Network Topology


           O     Virtual node
           ###   Virtual links with a set of reserved resource
           ***   Virtual links with another set of reserved resource

                     Figure 2. Resource Sharing between NRPs

   Figure 2 gives another example of two NRPs which have different
   logical topologies, while they share the same set of network
   resources on a subset of the links.  In this case, the information
   about the shared resources allocated on the those links needs to be
   advertised only once, and both NRP-1 and NRP-2 can refer to the
   common set of allocated link resources for constraint based path

   The control protocol extensions for support of scalable NRPs are out
   of the scope of this document.  Proposals for solutions (such as that
   provided in [I-D.dong-lsr-sr-enhanced-vpn]) need to highlight their
   scalability properties and applicability so that implementers and
   deployers can make informed decisions.

5.1.2.  Centralized Control Plane Optimization

   For the optimization of the centralized control plane, it is
   suggested that the centralized controller is used to provide a
   computational facility to supplement the distributed control plane
   rather than as a replacement for the whole distributed control plane.
   In this way, the workload for NRP-specific path computation can be
   shared by both the centralized controller and the network nodes.  In
   addition, the centralized controller may be realized through multiple
   network entities, each of which is responsible for one subset or

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   region of the network.  This is the typical approach for scale-out of
   the centralized controller to avoid a single controller becoming
   congested or overloaded.

5.2.  Data Plane Optimization

   One potential optimization in the data plane consists of decoupling
   the identifiers used for topology-based forwarding from the
   identifier used for the NRP-inferred resource-specific processing.
   One possible mechanism is to introduce a dedicated network-wide NRP
   Identifier (NRP ID) in the packet header to uniquely identify the set
   of local network resources allocated to an NRP on each participating
   network node and link for the processing of packets.  Then the
   existing identifiers in the packet header used for topology based
   forwarding (e.g., destination IP address, MPLS forwarding labels) are
   kept unchanged.  The benefit is that the amount of the existing
   topology-specific identifiers will not be impacted by the increasing
   number of NRPs.  Since this new NRP ID field will be used together
   with other existing fields of the packet to determine the packet
   forwarding behavior, this may require network nodes to maintain a
   hierarchical forwarding table in the data plane.  Figure 3 shows the
   concept of using separate data plane identifiers for topology-
   specific and resource-specific packet forwarding and processing

                         |       Packet Header      |
                         |                          |
                         | +----------------------+ |
                         | | Topology-specific IDs| |
                         | +----------------------+ |
                         |                          |
                         | +----------------------+ |
                         | |        NRP ID        | |
                         | +----------------------+ |

    Figure 3. Decoupled Topology and Resource Identifiers in Data Packet

   In an IPv6 [RFC8200] network, this could be achieved by carrying the
   NRP ID for the resource-specific forwarding in a new dedicated field
   in either the IPv6 base header or the extension headers.  The
   destination IP address field would be retained for routing towards
   the destination prefix in the corresponding topology.  Note that the
   NRP ID needs to be parsed by every node along the path that is
   capable of NRP-aware forwarding.  [I-D.ietf-6man-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id]
   introduces a mechanism of carrying the NRP ID in the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
   extension header.

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   In an MPLS [RFC3032] network, this may be achieved by inserting a
   dedicated NRP ID either in the MPLS label stack or as a specific
   field that follows the MPLS label stack.  Thus, the existing MPLS
   forwarding labels are used for topology-specific packet forwarding
   purposes, and the NRP ID is used to determine the set of network
   resources for packet processing.  This requires that both the
   forwarding label and the NRP ID are parsed by nodes along the
   forwarding path of the packet, and the forwarding behavior may depend
   on the position of the NRP ID in the packet.  A possible approach for
   carrying the NRP ID is to use MPLS Network Actions (MNA)
   [I-D.ietf-mpls-mna-fwk], but specific solutions are out of the scope
   of this document.

6.  Solution Evolution Perspectives

   Based on the analysis provided by this document, the control and data
   plane for NRP may need to evolve to support the increasing number of
   network slice services and the increasing number of NRPs in the
   network.  Appendix A provides some examples of network slicing
   solutions with limited applicability, and identifies their
   scalability concerns.  However, a more generic and scalable solution
   could be more widely applicable and offer a future-proof mechanism.
   This section describes the evolution taking the SR-based NRP
   solutions as an example, while the analysis and optimization in this
   document are generic and not specific to SR.

   First, by introducing resource-awareness with specific SR SIDs
   [I-D.ietf-spring-resource-aware-segments], and using Multi-Topology
   or Flex-Algo mechanisms to define the logical topology of the NRP,
   providing a small number of NRPs in the network is possible, and can
   meet the requirements for limited number of network slice services.
   This mechanism is called the "Basic SR-based NRP".

   As the required number of network slice services increases, more NRPs
   may be needed, then the control plane scalability could be improved
   by decoupling the topology attributes from the resource attributes,
   so that multiple NRPs could share the same topology or resource
   attributes to reduce the overhead.  The data plane can still rely on
   the resource-aware SIDs.  This mechanism is called the "scalable SR-
   based NRP".  Both the basic and the scalable SR-based NRP mechanisms
   are described in [I-D.ietf-spring-sr-for-enhanced-vpn].

   Whenever the data plane scalability becomes a concern, a new
   dedicated NRP ID can be introduced in the data packet to decouple the
   resource-specific identifiers from the topology-specific identifiers
   in the data plane, so as to reduce the number of IP addresses or SR
   SIDs needed in supporting a large number of NRPs.  This is called the
   NRP-ID-based mechanism.

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7.  Operational Considerations

   The instantiation of NRPs require NRP-specific configurations of the
   participating network nodes and links.  There can also be cases where
   the topology or the set of network resources allocated to an existing
   NRP needs to be modified.  Of course, the amount of configurations
   for NRP instantiation and modification will increase with the number
   of NRPs.

   For the management and operation of NRPs and the optimization of
   paths within the NRPs, the status of NRPs needs to be monitored and
   reported to the network controller.  The increasing number of NRPs
   would require additional NRP status information to be monitored.

8.  Security Considerations

   This document discusses scalability considerations about the network
   control plane and data plane of NRPs in the realization of network
   slice services, and investigates some mechanisms for scalability
   optimization.  As the number of NRPs supported in the data plane and
   control plane of the network can be limited, this may be exploited as
   an attack vector by requesting a large number of network slices,
   which then result in the creation of a large number of NRPs.

   One protection against this is to improve the scalability of the
   system to support more NRPs.  Another possible solution is to make
   the network slice controller aware of the scaling constraints of the
   system and dampen the arrival rate of new network slices and NRPs
   request, and raise alarms when the thresholds are crossed.

   The security considerations in [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices]
   and [I-D.ietf-teas-enhanced-vpn] also apply to this document.

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no request of IANA.

10.  Contributors

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   Fengwei Qin

   Jim Guichard

   Pavan Beeram

   Tarek Saad

   Zhibo Hu

   Adrian Farrel

11.  Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank Adrian Farrel, Dhruv Dhody, Donald
   Eastlake, Kenichi Ogaki, Mohamed Boucadair, Christian Jacquenet and
   Kiran Makhijani for their review and valuable comments to this

   Thanks, also, to the ad hoc design team of Les Ginsberg, Pavan
   Beeram, John Drake, Tarek Saad, Francois Clad, Tony Li, Adrian
   Farrel, Joel Halpern, and Peter Psenak who contributed substantially
   to establishing the design principles for scaling network slices.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

              Dong, J., Bryant, S., Li, Z., Miyasaka, T., and Y. Lee, "A
              Framework for NRP-based Enhanced Virtual Private Network",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-
              enhanced-vpn-17, 25 December 2023,

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              Farrel, A., Drake, J., Rokui, R., Homma, S., Makhijani,
              K., Contreras, L. M., and J. Tantsura, "A Framework for
              Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-
              network-slices-25, 14 September 2023,

   [RFC3032]  Rosen, E., Tappan, D., Fedorkow, G., Rekhter, Y.,
              Farinacci, D., Li, T., and A. Conta, "MPLS Label Stack
              Encoding", RFC 3032, DOI 10.17487/RFC3032, January 2001,

   [RFC8200]  Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017,

12.2.  Informative References

              Dong, J., Hu, Z., Li, Z., Tang, X., Pang, R., and S.
              Bryant, "IGP Extensions for Scalable Segment Routing based
              Virtual Transport Network (VTN)", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-dong-lsr-sr-enhanced-vpn-10, 23
              October 2023, <

              Dong, J., Li, Z., Xie, C., Ma, C., and G. S. Mishra,
              "Carrying Network Resource Partition (NRP) Information in
              IPv6 Extension Header", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-6man-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id-06, 20 February 2024,

              Xie, C., Ma, C., Dong, J., and Z. Li, "Applicability of
              IS-IS Multi-Topology (MT) for Segment Routing based
              Network Resource Partition (NRP)", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt-07, 23
              January 2024, <

              Andersson, L., Bryant, S., Bocci, M., and T. Li, "MPLS
              Network Actions Framework", Work in Progress, Internet-

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              Draft, draft-ietf-mpls-mna-fwk-06, 24 January 2024,

              Dong, J., Miyasaka, T., Zhu, Y., Qin, F., and Z. Li,
              "Introducing Resource Awareness to SR Segments", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-spring-resource-
              aware-segments-08, 23 October 2023,

              Dong, J., Miyasaka, T., Zhu, Y., Qin, F., and Z. Li,
              "Segment Routing based Network Resource Partition (NRP)
              for Enhanced VPN", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-spring-sr-for-enhanced-vpn-07, 4 March 2024,

              Saad, T., Beeram, V. P., Dong, J., Wen, B., Ceccarelli,
              D., Halpern, J. M., Peng, S., Chen, R., Liu, X.,
              Contreras, L. M., Rokui, R., and L. Jalil, "Realizing
              Network Slices in IP/MPLS Networks", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ns-ip-mpls-03, 26 November
              2023, <

              Zhu, Y., Dong, J., and Z. Hu, "Using Flex-Algo for Segment
              Routing (SR) based Virtual Transport Network (VTN)", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-zhu-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-
              flexalgo-06, 10 July 2023,

   [RFC2702]  Awduche, D., Malcolm, J., Agogbua, J., O'Dell, M., and J.
              McManus, "Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS",
              RFC 2702, DOI 10.17487/RFC2702, September 1999,

   [RFC3209]  Awduche, D., Berger, L., Gan, D., Li, T., Srinivasan, V.,
              and G. Swallow, "RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP
              Tunnels", RFC 3209, DOI 10.17487/RFC3209, December 2001,

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   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February
              2006, <>.

   [RFC4915]  Psenak, P., Mirtorabi, S., Roy, A., Nguyen, L., and P.
              Pillay-Esnault, "Multi-Topology (MT) Routing in OSPF",
              RFC 4915, DOI 10.17487/RFC4915, June 2007,

   [RFC5120]  Przygienda, T., Shen, N., and N. Sheth, "M-ISIS: Multi
              Topology (MT) Routing in Intermediate System to
              Intermediate Systems (IS-ISs)", RFC 5120,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5120, February 2008,

   [RFC7926]  Farrel, A., Ed., Drake, J., Bitar, N., Swallow, G.,
              Ceccarelli, D., and X. Zhang, "Problem Statement and
              Architecture for Information Exchange between
              Interconnected Traffic-Engineered Networks", BCP 206,
              RFC 7926, DOI 10.17487/RFC7926, July 2016,

   [RFC8453]  Ceccarelli, D., Ed. and Y. Lee, Ed., "Framework for
              Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN)", RFC 8453,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8453, August 2018,

   [RFC9350]  Psenak, P., Ed., Hegde, S., Filsfils, C., Talaulikar, K.,
              and A. Gulko, "IGP Flexible Algorithm", RFC 9350,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9350, February 2023,

   [TS23501]  "3GPP TS23.501", 2016,

Appendix A.  Example Network Slicing Realizations

   This appendix contains some network slicing realisation examples.
   This is not intended to be a complete set of possible solutions, nor
   does it provide definitive ways to realize network slices and NRPs.
   The purpose of this appendix is to show how NRPs and network slices
   can be realised using existing tools and techniques, but explains
   some of the scaling issues that may arise and so how the
   applicability of these approaches may be limited.
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ns-ip-mpls] describes a scalable solution to realize
   network slicing in IP/MPLS networks.

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A.1.  VPNs with Default NRP

   A possible deployment of network slices is to manage each network
   slice as one or multiple Layer-3 or Layer-2 VPNs and to support all
   of these VPNs on a single NRP that maps to the entire underlay
   network.  This approach is perfectly functional and provides the
   required connectivity associated with the network slice services.  In
   this case, the VPN identifiers may be considered as the identifiers
   of the network slices, which may present a scaling issue both in
   terms of the number of network slice identifiers available, and the
   routing protocols used for distribution of VPN routing information

   However, with only one NRP (the "default NRP"), the provision of
   services with sophisticated SLOs and SLEs may not be fulfilled, and
   additional network functions such as those discussed in Appendix A.3
   and Appendix A.4 may be needed.

   Thus, this approach may be a suitable solution for a modest number of
   network slices with relatively simple Service Level Agreements
   (SLAs), but more sophisticated approaches may be needed to address
   the scalability and advanced service levels with more than one NRPs.

A.2.  Multiple Routing Instances for NRPs

   An realization of NRP is to use a separate instance of the routing
   protocol for each independent network topology, and to map each
   topology to an NRP, which can be associated with a separate set of
   network links and nodes.  The advantage of this approach is that each
   instance only has to handle advertisements for the links and nodes
   that are part of the topology, and for only one set of metrics.

   However, each router that is in more than one topology must continue
   to run a SPF computations for each topology.  It is possible that the
   routers do not need to maintain forwarding information for each
   topology if the destination addresses are assigned to specific

   The biggest drawback is that routers that are part of more than one
   NRP must maintain separate protocol state for each protocol instance,
   and this may be a significant overhead.  Further, run-time issues
   with one protocol instance may have a direct effect on the function
   of other protocol instances on the same router.  Additionally,
   network operation and diagnostics may become complicated when
   protocol messages from multiple instances of a protocol are seen
   within the network.

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   Thus, this approach may be applicable only where NRPs use underlying
   topology resources that do not overlap significantly, and, in any
   case, only for a very small number of NRPs.

A.3.  Resource-Aware Segment Routing based NRPs

   One existing mechanism of building NRPs is to use resource-aware
   Segment Identifiers (either SR-MPLS or SRv6)
   [I-D.ietf-spring-resource-aware-segments] to identify the subset of
   network resources allocated to NRPs in the data plane based on the
   mechanisms described in [I-D.ietf-spring-sr-for-enhanced-vpn].
   Network slices can be provisioned as L3 or L2 VPNs similar to the
   mechanisms described in Appendix A.1.This approach can provide NRPs
   with dedicated network resources, thus allows the SLOs and SLEs of
   the network slices to be met.

   In the control plane, Multi-topology routing ([RFC4915] and
   [RFC5120]) can be used to define a small number of independent
   network topologies within the same routing protocol instance.  Each
   topology can be associated with an NRP that supports a set of network
   slices.  Alternatively, Flexible Algorithm [RFC9350] can be used to
   define the topological constraints and calculation algorithms for
   distributed path computation, which allows different forwarding
   paradigms to be constructed on the underlay network.  So each NRP can
   also be assigned with a different Flex-Algo.  The NRP resource
   attributes and the associated topology or topology constraints can be
   distributed using mechanisms based on Multi-topology
   [I-D.ietf-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt] or Flex-Algo

   It is suitable for networks where a relatively small number of NRPs
   are needed.  As the number of NRPs increases, there may be several
   scalability challenges with this approach:

   1.  In OSPFv2, only 128 values are available to identify the
       different network topologies.  In in IS-IS, 4096 values are
       available to identify different network topologies.  As for Flex-
       Algo, only 128 unique Flex-Algo identifiers are available in the
       IGP extensions.  This places a practical limit on the number of
       NRPs that can be supported in this approach.

   2.  A larger concern, however, is that SPF computations must be
       performed at each router for each topology.  As the number of
       independent topologies increases, this computational load also
       increases and may become a burden for routers.  This means that
       there may be a low limit to the number of NRPs that can be
       supported using this technique.

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   3.  The number of resource-aware SR SIDs will increase in proportion
       to the number of NRPs, and the number of network segments (e.g.
       nodes and links) in the network, which will bring burden both to
       the distribution of the SR SIDs and related information in
       control protocols, and to the installation of forwarding table
       entries for those SIDs in the data plane.

A.4.  MPLS-TE Virtual Networks

   MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) ([RFC2702]) allows control of
   forwarding and the use of resources within an MPLS network.  The use
   of resource reservation and the establishment of a set of traffic
   engineered MPLS label-switched paths (TE-LSPs) allows an MPLS network
   to be partitioned into multiple virtual networks ([RFC7926],

   Each TE virtual network may be mapped to an NRP that supports a set
   of network slices.  This can give a high level predictability to the
   NRP and allows the SLOs and SLEs of the network slices to be met.

   However, each LSP must be planned, established, and maintained in the
   network.  While this could be done using a central controller, it is
   usually achieved using the RSVP-TE signaling protocol [RFC3209].
   Concerns have been expressed about the scalability of this protocol
   because it is a 'soft state' protocol, and because it requires a
   relatively large amount of state to be maintained on network nodes.
   Further, each virtual network (i.e., each NRP) requires a separate
   set of TE-LSPs meaning that the problem is not just O(n^2) for the
   mesh of LSPs between n edge nodes, but O(m*n^2) where there are m

   Thus, while this approach may facilitate high quality NRPs, it could
   present significant scaling concerns for the protocol engines on the
   routers in the network.

Authors' Addresses

   Jie Dong
   Huawei Technologies
   Huawei Campus, No. 156 Beiqing Road

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   Zhenbin Li
   Huawei Technologies
   Huawei Campus, No. 156 Beiqing Road

   Liyan Gong
   China Mobile
   No. 32 Xuanwumenxi Ave., Xicheng District

   Guangming Yang
   China Telecom
   No.109 West Zhongshan Ave., Tianhe District

   Gyan Mishra
   Verizon Inc.

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