Internet DRAFT - draft-ihsan-nmrg-rl-vne-ps


Internet Engineering Task Force                                 I. Ullah
Internet-Draft                                                  Y-H. Han
Intended status: Informational                                 KOREATECH
Expires: 23 October 2022                                         TY. Kim
                                                           21 April 2022

    Reinforcement Learning-Based Virtual Network Embedding: Problem


   In Network virtualization (NV) technology, Virtual Network Embedding
   (VNE) is an algorithm used to map a virtual network to the substrate
   network.  VNE is the core orientation of NV which has a great impact
   on the performance of virtual network and resource utilization of the
   substrate network.  An efficient embedding algorithm can maximize the
   acceptance ratio of virtual networks to increase the revenue for
   Internet service provider.  Several works have been appeared on the
   design of VNE solutions, however, it has becomes a challenging issues
   for researchers.  To solved the VNE problem, we believe that
   reinforcement learning (RL) can play a vital role to make the VNE
   algorithm more intelligent and efficient.  Moreover, RL has been
   merged with deep learning techniques to develop adaptive models with
   effective strategies for various complex problems.  In RL, agents can
   learn desired behaviors (e.g, optimal VNE strategies), and after
   learning and completing training, it can embed the virtual network to
   the subtract network very quickly and efficiently.  RL can reduce the
   complexity of the VNE algorithm, however, it is too difficult to
   apply RL techniques directly to VNE problems and need more research
   study.  In this document, we presenting a problem statement to
   motivate the researchers toward the VNE problem using deep
   reinforcement learning.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 23 October 2022.

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   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction and Scope  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Reinforcement Learning-based VNE Solutions  . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Problem Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  State Representation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.2.  Action Space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.3.  Reward Description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.4.  Policy and RL Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.5.  Training Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.6.  Sim2Real Gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.7.  Generalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   7.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

1.  Introduction and Scope

   Recently, Network virtualization (NV) technology has received a lot
   of attention from academics and industry.  It allows multiple
   heterogeneous virtual networks to share resources on the same
   substrate network (SN) [RFC7364], [ASNVT2020].  The current large-
   size fixed substrate network architecture is no longer efficient and
   not extendable due to network ossification.  To overcome this
   limitations, traditional Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are

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   divided into two independent parts which work together.  One is the
   Service Providers (SPs) who create and own the different number of
   the VNs, and the other one is the Infrastructure Providers (InPs) who
   own the SN devices and links as underlying resources.  SPs generate
   and construct the customized Virtual Network Requests (VNRs), and
   lease the resources from InPs based on that requests.  In addition,
   two types of mediators can enter into the industry domain for better
   coordination of SPs and InPs.  One is the Virtual Network Providers
   (VNPs) who assemble and coordinate diverse virtual resources from one
   or more InPs, the other one is the Virtual Network Operators (VNOs)
   who create, manage, and operate the VN according to the demand of the
   SPs.  VNPs and VNOs could enable efficient use of the physical
   network and increase the commercial revenue of both SPs and InPs.  NV
   can increase network agility, flexibility and scalability while
   creating significant cost savings.  Greater network workload
   mobility, increased availability of network resources with good
   performance, and automated operations, are all the benefits of NV.

   Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) [VNESURV2013] is one of the main
   technique and strategy which used to map a virtual network to the
   substrate network.  VNE algorithm has two main parts, Node embedding:
   where virtual nodes of VN have to be mapped to the SN nodes, and Link
   embedding: where virtual links between the VNs have to be mapped to
   the physical paths in the substrate network.  It has been proven to
   be NP-Hard, and both node and link embeddings have become challenging
   for the researchers.  A virtual node and link should be efficiently
   embedded into a given SN, so that more VNR can be accepted with
   minimum cost.  The distance of the virtual nodes from each other in a
   given SN is a big contribution to the link failures and causes the
   rejection of VNRs.  Hence, an efficient and intelligent technique is
   required for VNE problem to reduce VNRs rejection [ENViNE2021].  In
   the perspective of the InPs, the efficient VNE performs better mostly
   in terms of revenue, acceptance ratio, and revenue-to-cost ratio.

   Figure 1 shows the the example of two virtual network request VNR1
   and VNR2 to embed them in the given substrate network.  VNR1 contain
   three virtual nodes (a, b, and c) with cpu demands (15, 30, and 10)
   respectively, and the link between virtual the nodes a-b,b-c, and c-a
   with bandwidth demands 15,20, and 35 respectively.  Similarly, VNR2
   contains virtual nodes and links with cpu and bandwidth demand
   respectively.  The purpose of the VNE algorithm to map the virtual
   nodes and links of the VNRs to the physical nodes and links of the
   given substrate as shown in Figure 1.  [ENViNE2021].

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           +----+                +----+         +----+          +----+
           | a  |                | d  |         | e  |          | f  |
           | 15 |                | 25 |__ _25___| 30 |__ _35_ __| 45 |
           +----+                +----+         +----+          +----+
          /      \                \                                 /
        15        35               30                              20
        /          \                \                             /
  +----+            +----+           +----+                 +----+
  | b  |            | c  |           | g  |                 | h  |
  | 30 |__ _20_ __ _| 10 |           | 15 |__ _ __10__ __ __| 35 |
  +----+            +----+           +----+                 +----+

           (VNR1)                                 (VNR2)
             ||   Embedding                         ||    Embedding
             VV                                     VV

        +----+              +----+       +----+                  +----+
 .......| a  |......35......| c  |       | d  |........25........| e  |
:  _____| 15 |              | 10 |_______| 25 |          ________| 30 |
: |     +----+              +----+       +----+         |        +----+
: |   A      |                | :   B      | :          |   C      |  :
: |   50     |__ ___50__ __ __| :   60     |_:_ __30 _ _|   40     |  :
: +__________+                +_:_________+  :          +__________+  :
:      |                        :     |      :                |       :
15     |                        :     |      :                |      35
:     40                       20     60     :               50       :
:      |                        :     |     30                |       :
:      |                       _:_____|_     :                |       :
+----:..............20........|.:       |    :                |   +----+
| b  | |   +----+.....30......|.........|....:                |   | f  |
| 30 |_|___| g  |             |       +----+                __|___| 45 |
+----+     | 15 |.....10......|.......| h  |........20.....|......+----+
 |   D     +____+             |    E  | 35 |               |     F    |
 |   50     |__ __ __ 70 _____|    40 +____+ ___ __ 50_ ___|     60   |
 +__________+                 +_________+                  +__________+

   Figure 1: Substrate network with embedded virtual network, VNR1
                               and VNR2

   Recently, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies
   have been widely used to solve networking problems [SUR2018],
   [MLCNM2018], [MVNNML2021].  There has been a surge in research
   efforts,specially,reinforcement learning (RL) which has been
   contributed much more in the many complex tasks, e.g. video games and
   auto-driving etc.  The main goal of an RL to learn better policies
   for sequential decision making problems (e.g., VNE) and solve them
   very efficiently.

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   Problems such as node classification, pattern matching, and network
   feature extraction, can be simplified by graph-related theories and
   techniques.  Graph neural network (GNN) is a new type of ML model
   architecture that can aggregate graph features (degrees, distance to
   specific nodes, node connectivity, etc.) on nodes [DVNEGCN2021].
   Graph convolution neural network (GCNN) is a natural generalization
   form of GNN which is used to automatically extract the features of
   underlying network, which optimizes the selection of VNE decision.
   The model can be used to cluster nodes and links according to the
   physical nodes and physical links attribute characteristics (CPU,
   storage, bandwidth, delay, etc.), and it is highly suitable for graph
   structures of any topological form.  Hence, GNN is useful to find the
   best VNE strategy by intelligent agent training, and the organic
   combination of VNE and GCN has a good prerequisite.

   Designing and applying RL techniques directly into VNE problems is
   not yet trivial, but may face several challenges.  Several works have
   been appeared on the design of VNE solutions using RL, which focuses
   on how to interact with the environment to achieve maximum cumulative
   return [VNEQS2021], [NRRL2020], [MVNE2020], [CDVNE2020], [PPRL2020],
   [RLVNEWSN2020], [QLDC2019], [VNFFG2020], [VNEGCN2020], [NFVDeep2019],
   [DeepViNE2019], [VNETD2019], [RDAM2018], [MOQL2018], [ZTORCH2018],
   [NeuroViNE2018], [QVNE2020].  This document outlines the problems
   encountered when designing and applying RL-based VNE solutions.
   Section 2 describes how to design RL-based VNE solutions.  Section 3
   gives terminology, and Section 4 describes the problem space details.

2.  Reinforcement Learning-based VNE Solutions

   As we discussed that RL has been studied in various fields (such as
   game, control system, operation research, information theory, multi-
   agent system, network system, etc.) and shows better performance than
   humans.  Unlike deep learning, RL trains a policy model by receiving
   rewards through interaction with the environment without training
   label data.

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   Recently, there have been several attempts to solve VNE problems
   using RL.  When applying RL-based algorithms to solve VNE problems,
   the RL agent automatically learns through the environment without
   human intervention.  Once the agent completed the learning process,
   it can generate the most appropriate embeddings decision (action)
   based on the his knowledge and network state.  For single embedding
   or action at each time step the agent get reward from the
   environments to adaptively train its policy for future action.  The
   RL agent gets the most optimized model based on the reward function
   defined according to each objective (revenue, cost, revenue to cost
   ratio and acceptance ratio).  The optimal RL policy model provides
   the VNE strategy appropriately according to the objective of the
   network operator.

   Figure 2. shows the virtual network embedding solution based on RL
   algorithm.  The RL strategy is divided into two main parts training
   process and an inference process.  In the training process, state
   information is composed of various substrate networks and VNRs
   (Environment), which are used as suitable inputs for RL models
   through feature extraction.  After that, the RL model is updated by
   model updater using a feature extracted state and reward.  In the
   inference process, using the trained RL model, the embedding result
   is provided to the operating network in real time.

   The following figure shows the detail about RL method based virtual
   networks embedding solutions.

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  RL Model Training Process
  | Training Environment                                               |
  | +-------------------+         RL-based VNE Agent                   |
  | | +---------+       |         +----------------------------------+ |
  | | | +---------+     |         |                   Action         | |
  | | | | +----------+  |<----------------------------------+     | |
  | | + | | Substrate|  |         |                         |        | |
  | |   | | Networks |  |         |  +----------+      +----------+  | |
  | |   + +----------+  |  State  |  | Feature  |      |    RL    |  | |
  | |                   |----------->|Extraction|----->|   Model  |  | |
  | | +--------+        |         |  +----------+      | (Policy) |  | |
  | | | +---------+     |         |       |            +----------+  | |
  | | + | +---------+   |         |       |   +---------+     A      | |
  | |   + |  VNRs   |   | Reward  |       +-->|  Model  |     |      | |
  | |     +---------+   |-------------------->| Updater |-----+      | |
  | +-------------------+         |           +---------+            | |
  |                               +----------------------------------+ |
  Inference Process                 |
  |                         + - - - - - - - +                          |
  | Operating Network       |   RL Model    |    Trained RL Model      |
  | (Inference Environment) |   Training    |------------------+       |
  | +-------------------+   |   Process     |                  |       |
  | |   +-----------+   |   + - - - - - - - +                  |       |
  | |   |           |   |         RL-based VNE Agent           |       |
  | |   | Substrate |   |         +----------------------------|-----+ |
  | |   |  Network  |   |         |                   Action   |     | |
  | |   |           |   |<--------------------------------+   |     | |
  | |   +-----------+   |         |                        |   V     | |
  | | +---------+       |         |  +------------+     +---------+  | |
  | | | +---------+     | State   |  |  Feature   |     | Trained |  | |
  | | + | +----------+  |----------->| Extraction |---->|   RL    |  | |
  | |   + |   VNRs   |  |         |  +------------+     |  Model  |  | |
  | |     +----------+  |         |                     +---------+  | |
  | +-------------------+         +----------------------------------+ |

             Figure 2: Two processes for RL method based VNE

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3.  Terminology

   Network Virtualization
      Network virtualization is the process of combining hardware and
      software network resources and network functionality into a
      single, software-based administrative entity, a virtual network

   Virtual Network Embedding (VNE)
      Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) [VNESURV2013] is one of the main
      techniques used to map a virtual network to the substrate network.

   Substrate Network (SN)
      The underlying physical network which contains the resources such
      as CPU and bandwidth for virtual networks is called substrate

   Virtual Network Request (VNR)
      Virtual Network Request is a complete single Virtual network
      containing virtual nodes and virtual links.

      In RL, an agent is the component that makes the decision abd take
      action (i.e., embedding decision).

      State is a representation (e.g., remaining SN capacity and
      requested VN resource) of the current environment, and it tells
      the agent what situation it is in currently.

      Actions (i.e., node and link embedding) are behavior an RL agent
      can do to change the states of the environment.

      A policy defines an agent's way of behaving at a given time.  It
      is a mapping from perceived states of environment to actions to be
      taken when in those states.  It is usually implemented as a deep
      learning model because the state and action spaces are too large
      to be completely known.

      A reward is the feedback which provides an agent to the agent for
      taking actions that lead to good outcomes (i.g., achieve the
      objective of the network operator).

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      An environment is the agent's world in which it lives and
      interacts.  The agent can interact with the environment by
      performing some action but cannot influence the rules of the
      environment by those actions.

4.  Problem Space

   RL contains three main components: state representation, action
   space, and reward description.  For solving a VNE problem, we need to
   consider how to design the three main RL components.  In addition, a
   specific RL algorithm, training environment, sim2real gap, and
   generalization are also important issues that should be considered
   and addressed.  We will describe each one in detail as follows.

4.1.  State Representation

   The way to understand and observe the VNE problem is crucial for an
   RL agent to establish a thorough knowledge of the network status and
   generate efficient embedding decisions.  Therefore, it is essential
   to firstly design the state representation that serves as the input
   to the agent.  The state representation is the information which an
   agent can receive from the environment, and consists of a set of
   values representing the current situation in the environment.  Based
   on the state representation, the RL agent selects the most
   appropriate action through its policy model.  In the VNE problem, an
   RL agent needs to know the information of the overall SN entities and
   their current status in order to use the resources of the nodes and
   links of the substrate network.  Also it must know the requirements
   of the VNR.  Therefore, in the VNE problem, the state usually should
   represent the current resource state of the nodes and links of the
   substrate network (ie, CPU, memory, storage, bandwidth, delay, loss
   rate, etc.) and the requirements of the virtual node and link of the
   VNR.  The collected status information is used as raw input, or
   refined status information through the feature extraction process is
   used as input for the RL agent.  The state representation may vary
   depending on the operator's objective and VNE strategy.  The method
   of determining such feature extraction and representation greatly
   affects the performance of the agent.

4.2.  Action Space

   In RL, an action represents a decision that an RL agent can take
   based on current state representation.  The set of all possible
   actions is called an action space.  In the VNE problems, actions are
   generally divided into node embedding and link embedding.  The action
   for node embedding means the VNR's nodes are assigned to which nodes
   in the SN.  Also, for link embedding, the action represents the

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   selected paths between the selected substrate network nodes from the
   node embedding result.  If the policy model of the RL agent is well
   trained, it will select the embedding result to maximize the reward
   appropriate for the operator's objectives.  The output actions
   generated from the agent will indicate the adjustment of allocated
   resources.  It is noted that, at each point of time step, an RL
   algorithm may decide to 1) embed each virtual node onto substrate
   nodes and then embed each virtual link onto substrate paths
   separately, or 2) embed the given whole VNR onto substrate nodes and
   links in the SN at once.  In the former case, at every single step, a
   learning agent focuses on exactly one virtual node from the current
   VNR, and it generates a certain substrate node to host the virtual
   node.  Link embedding is then performed separately in the same time
   step.  To solve the VNE problem efficiently, mapping of virtual nodes
   and links are considered together, although they are performed
   separately.  Link mapping is considering more complex than node
   mapping, because a virtual link can be mapped onto a physical path
   with different hops.  On the other hand, at every single step, a
   learning agent can try to embed the given whole VNR, i.e., all
   virtual nodes and links in the given VNR, onto a subset of SN
   components.  The whole VNR embedding should be handled as a graph
   embedding, so that the action space is huge and the design of the RL
   algorithm is usually more difficult than the one with each node and
   link embedding.

4.3.  Reward Description

   Designing rewards is an important issue for an RL algorithm.  In
   general, the reward is the benefit that an RL agent follows when
   performing its determined action.  Reward is an immediate value that
   evaluates only the current state and action.  The value of reward
   depends on success or failure of each step.  In order to select the
   action that gives the best results in the long run, an RL agent needs
   to select the action with the highest cumulative reward.  The reward
   is calculated through the reward function according to the objective
   of the environment, and even in the same environment, it may be
   different depending on the operator's objective.  Based on the given
   reward the agent can evaluate the effectiveness to improve the
   policy.  Hence, the reward function play a important rules in the
   training process of RL.  In the VNE problem, the overall objectives
   are to reduce the VNE rejection, embed them with minimum cost,
   maximize the revenue, and increase the resource utilization of
   physical resources.  Reward function should be designed to achieve
   one or multiple ones of these objectives.  Each objective and its
   correspondent reward design are outlined as follows:

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      Revenue is the sum of the virtual resources requested by the VN,
      and calculated to determine the total cost of the resources.
      Typically, a successful action (e.g., VNR is embedded without
      violation) is treated to be a good reward which also increases the
      revenue.  Otherwise, a failed action (e.g., VNR is rejected) leads
      that the agent will receive a negative reward as well as
      decreasing the revenue.

      Cost is the expenditure incurred when VNR is embedded as a
      substrate network.  It's not a good embedding result to pursue
      only high revenue.  It is important for the network operator and
      SP to spend less.  The lower the cost, the better the agent will
      be rewarded.

   Acceptance Ratio
      Acceptance ratio is the ratio measured by the number of
      successfully embedded virtual network requests divided by total
      number of virtual network requests.  To achieve a high acceptance
      ratio, the agent is trying to embed maximum VNR and get a good
      reward.  Getting a good reward is usually proportional to the
      acceptance ratio.

   Revenue-to-cost ratio
      To balance and compare the cost of resources for embedding VNR,
      the revenue is divided by cost.  Revenue-to-cost ratio compares
      the embedding algorithms with respect to their embedding results
      in terms of the cost and revenue.  Since most VNOs are most
      interested in this objective, a reward function should be made to
      relate to this performance metric.

4.4.  Policy and RL Algorithms

   The policy is the strategy that the agent employs to determine the
   next action based on the current state.  It maps states to actions
   that promise the highest reward.  Therefore, an RL agent updates its
   policy repeatedly in the learning phase to maximize the expected
   cumulative reward.  Unlike supervised learning, in which each sample
   has a corresponding label indicating the preferred output of the
   learning model, an RL agent relies on reward signals to evaluate the
   effectiveness of actions and further improve the policy.  From the
   perspective of RL, the goal of VNE is to find an optimal policy to
   embed an VNR onto the given SN in any state at any time.  There are
   two types of RL algorithms: on-policy and off-policy.  In on-policy
   RL algorithms, the (behaviour) policy of the exploration step to
   select an action and the policy to learn are the same.  On-policy
   algorithms work with a single policy, and require any observations

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   (state, action, reward, next state) to have been generated using that
   policy.  Representative on-policy algorithms include A2C, A3C, TRPO,
   and PPO.  On the other hand, off-policy RL algorithms work with two
   policies.  These are a policy being learned, called the target
   policy, and the policy being followed that generates the
   observations, called the behaviour policy.  In off-policy RL
   algorithms, the learning policy and the behaviour policy are not
   necessarily the same.  It allows the use of exploratory policies for
   collecting the experience, since learning and behavior policies are
   separated.  In the VNE problem, various experiences can be
   accumulated by extracting embedding results using various behavior
   policies.  Representative off-policy algorithms include Q-learning,
   DQN, DDPG, and SAC.  There are different classifications for RL
   algorithms: model-based and model-free.  In model-based RL
   algorithms, an RL agent learns its optimal behavior indirectly by
   learning a model of the environment by taking actions and observing
   the outcomes that include the next state and the immediate reward.
   The models predict the outcomes of actions.  The model is used
   instead of the environment or in addition to interaction with it to
   learn optimal policies.  This becomes, however, impractical when the
   state and action space is large.  Unlike model-based algorithms,
   model-free RL algorithms learn directly by trial and error with the
   environment and do not require the relatively large memory.  Since
   data efficiency or safety is very important even in VNE problems, the
   use of model-based algorithms can be actively considered.  However,
   since it is not easy to build a good model that mimics a real network
   environment, a model-free RL algorithm may be more suitable for VNE
   problems.  In conclusion, a good RL algorithm selection plays an
   important role in solving the VNE problem, and VNE performance
   metrics vary depending on the selected RL algorithm.

4.5.  Training Environment

   Simulation is the use of software to simulate an interacting
   environment that is difficult to actually execute and test.  An RL
   algorithm learns by iteratively interacting with the environment.
   However, in the real environment, various variables such as failure
   and component consumption exist.  Therefore, it is necessary to learn
   through a simulation that simulates the real environment.  In order
   to solve the VNE problem, we need to use a network simulator similar
   to the real environment because it is difficult to repeatedly
   experiment with real network environments using an RL algorithm, and
   it is very challenging and overwhelming to directly apply an RL
   algorithm to real-world environments.  When solving VNE problems, a
   network simulation environment similar to a real network is required.
   The network simulation environment should have a general SN
   environment and VNR required by the operator.  The SN has nodes and
   links between nodes, and each has capacity such as CPU and Bandwidth.

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   In the case of VNR, there are virtual nodes and links required by the
   operator, and each must have its own requirements.

   As described in [DTwin2022], a digital twin network is a virtual
   representation of the physical network environment and can be built
   by applying digital twin technologies to the environment and creating
   virtual images of diverse physical network facilities.  The digital
   twin for networks is an expansion platform of network simulation.  In
   [DTwin2022], Section 8.2 describes that a digital twin network
   provides the complete machine learning lifecycle development by
   providing a realistic network environment, including network
   topologies, etc.  Hence, RL algorithms to solve the VNE problem can
   be trained and verified on a digital twin network upfront before
   deployed to the physical networks, and the verification accuracy will
   be generally high when the digital twin network reproduces network
   behaviors well under various conditions.  On the other hand, two
   placeholders marked as [DTwin2022] in the above new paragraph should
   be replaced with the right reference number after inserting the
   following new Internet-Draft, which introduces the definition,
   architecture, and use-cases of digital twin network, into "Section 7.
   Informative References" of our Internet Draft.

4.6.  Sim2Real Gap

   Sim-to-real is a very comprehensive concept and applied in many
   fields including robotics and classic machine vision tasks.  An RL
   algorithm iteratively learns through a simulation environment to
   train a model of the desired policy.  The trained model is then
   applied to the real environment and/or tuned more for adapting to the
   real one.  However, when the trained model is applied in the
   simulation to the real environment, sim2real gap problem arises.
   Closing the gap between simulation and reality gap in terms of
   actuation requires simulators to be more accurate, and to account for
   variability in agent dynamics.  Obviously, the simulation environment
   does not match perfectly to the real environment which mostly fails
   in the tuning process and gives poor performance in the model because
   of the Sim2Real gap.  The sim2real gap is caused by the difference
   between the simulation and the real environment.  It is because the
   simulation environment cannot perfectly simulate the real
   environment, and there are many variables in the real environment.
   In a real network environment for VNE, the SN's nodes and links may
   fail due to external factors, or capacity such as CPU may change
   suddenly.  In order to solve this problem, the simulation environment
   should be more robust or the trained RL model should be generalized.
   To reduce the gap between sim and real network environments we need
   to train our model with an efficient and large number of VNR and keep
   learning the agent not only depend on previous memorization.

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4.7.  Generalization

   Generalization refers to the trained model's ability to adapt
   properly to previously unseen new observations.  An RL algorithm
   tries to learn a model that optimizes some objective with the purpose
   of performing well on data that has never been seen by the model
   during training.  In terms of VNE problems, the generalization is a
   measure of how the agent's policy model performs on predicting unseen
   VNR.  The RL agent not only has to memorize all the previous variance
   of the VNR but also to learn and explore more possible variance.  It
   is important to have good and efficient training data for VNR with
   good variance and train the model with all possible VNRs.

5.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

   All drafts are required to have an IANA considerations section (see
   Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs
   [RFC5226] for a guide).  If the draft does not require IANA to do
   anything, the section contains an explicit statement that this is the
   case (as above).  If there are no requirements for IANA, the section
   will be removed during conversion into an RFC by the RFC Editor.

6.  Security Considerations

   All drafts are required to have a security considerations section.
   See RFC 3552 [RFC3552] for a guide.

7.  Informative References

              Sharif, Kashif., Li, Fan., Latif, Zohaib., Karim, MM., and
              Sujit. Biswas, "A Survey of Network Virtualization
              Techniques for Internet of Things using SND and NFV",
              DOI 10.1145/3379444, April 2020,

              "A Continuous-Decision Virtual Network Embedding Scheme
              Relying on Reinforcement Learning",
              DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2020.2971543, February 2020,

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Internet-Draft     ML-based Virtual Network Embedding         April 2022

              Dolati, M., Hassanpour, S. B., Ghaderi, M., and A.
              Khonsari, "DeepViNE: Virtual Network Embedding with Deep
              Reinforcement Learning", BCP 72, RFC 3552,
              DOI 10.1109/INFCOMW.2019.8845171, September 2019,

              Yang, H., Zhou, C., Duan, X., Lopez, D., Pastor, A., and
              Q. Wu, "Digital Twin Network: Concepts and Reference
              Architecture", DOI
              irtf-nmrg-network-digital-twin-arch/, March 2022,

              Zhang, Peiying., Wang, Chao., Kumar, NeeraJ., Zhang,,
              Weishan., and Lei. Liu, "Dynamic Virtual Network Embedding
              Algorithm based on Graph Convolution Neural Network and
              Reinforcement Learning", DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3095094,
              July 2021, <>.

              ULLAH, IHSAN., Lim, Hyun-Kyo., and Youn-Hee. Han, "Ego
              Network-Based Virtual Network Embedding Scheme for Revenue
              Maximization", DOI 10.1109/ICAIIC51459.2021.9415185, April
              2021, <>.

              Ayoubi, Sara., Noura, Limam., Salahuddin, Mohammad.,
              Shahriar, Nashid., Boutaba, NRaouf., Estrada-Solano,
              Felipe., and Oscar. M. Caicedo, "Machine Learning for
              Cognitive Network Management",
              DOI 10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700560, January 2018,

   [MOQL2018] "Multi-Objective Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based
              on Q-learning and Curiosity-Driven",
              DOI 10.1109/TETC.2018.2871549, June 2018, <https://jwcn-

   [MVNE2020] "Modeling on Virtual Network Embedding using Reinforcement
              Learning", DOI 10.1002/cpe.6020, September 2020,

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Internet-Draft     ML-based Virtual Network Embedding         April 2022

              Boutaba, Raouf., Shahriar, Nashid., A, Mohammad., and
              Noura. Limam, "Managing Virtualized Networks and Services
              with Machine Learning",
              DOI 48b8fc73c1609d4632d7db5e67e373a62a3cc1f6, January
              2021, <

              "NeuroViNE: A Neural Preprocessor for Your Virtual Network
              Embedding Algorithm", DOI 10.1109/INFOCOM.2018.8486263,
              June 2018, <>.

              Xiao, Y., Zhang, Q., Liu, F., Wang, J., Zhao, M., Zhang,
              Z., and J. Zhang, "NFVdeep: Adaptive Online Service
              Function Chain Deployment with Deep Reinforcement
              Learning", RFC 1129, DOI 10.1145/3326285.3329056, June
              2019, <>.

   [NRRL2020] "Network Resource Allocation Strategy Based on Deep
              Reinforcement Learning", DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2020.3000330,
              June 2020, <>.

   [PPRL2020] "A Privacy-Preserving Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for
              Multi-Domain Virtual Network Embedding",
              DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2020.2971543, September 2020,

   [QLDC2019] "A Q-Learning-Based Approach for Virtual Network Embedding
              in Data Center", DOI 10.1007/s00521-019-04376, July 2019,

   [QVNE2020] Yuan, Y., Tian, Z., Wang, C., Zheng, F., and Y. Lv, "A Q-
              learning-Based Approach for Virtual Network Embedding in
              Data Center", DOI 10.1007/s00521-019-04376-6, July 2020,

   [RDAM2018] "RDAM: A Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Attribute
              Matrix Representation for Virtual Network Embedding",
              DOI 10.1109/TETC.2018.2871549, September 2018,

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   [RFC3552]  Rescorla, E. and B. Korver, "Guidelines for Writing RFC
              Text on Security Considerations", BCP 72, RFC 3552,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3552, July 2003,

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 5226,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5226, May 2008,

   [RFC7364]  Thomas, P.T., Eric, Y., David, A., Luyuan, A., Larry, A.,
              and A. Maria Napierala, "Problem Statement: Overlays for
              Network Virtualization", October 2015,

              "Reinforcement Learning for Virtual Network Embedding in
              Wireless Sensor Networks",
              DOI 10.1109/WiMob50308.2020.9253442, October 2020,

   [SUR2018]  Boutaba, Raouf., Salahuddin, Mohammad., Limam, Noura.,
              Ayoubi, Sara., Shahriar, Nashid., Estrada-Solano, Felipe.,
              and Oscar. M. Caicedo, "A Comprehensive survey on Machine
              Learning for Networking: Evolution, Applications and
              Research Opportunities", DOI 10.1186/s13174-018-0087-2,
              June 2018, <

              Yan, Z., Ge, J., Wu, Y., Li, L., and T. Li, "Automatic
              Virtual Network Embedding: A Deep Reinforcement Learning
              Approach With Graph Convolutional Networks", RFC 1129,
              DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2020.2986662, April 2020,

              Wang, Chao., Batth, Ranbir Singh., Zhang, Peiying., Aujla,
              Gagangeet., Duan, Youxiang., and Lihua. Ren, "VNE Solution
              for Network Differentiated QoS and Security Requirements:
              From the Perspective of Deep Reinforcement Learning",
              DOI 10.1007/s00607-020-00883-w, January 2021,

              Fischer, Fischer., Botero, Juan Felipe., Till Beck,
              Michael;., Karim, MM., De Meer, Hermann., and Xavier.

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Internet-Draft     ML-based Virtual Network Embedding         April 2022

              Hesselbach, "Virtual Network Embedding: A Survey",
              DOI 10.1109/SURV.2013.013013.00155, April 2020,

              Wang, S., Bi, J., V.Vasilakos, A., and Q. Fan, "VNE-TD: A
              Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Temporal-
              Difference Learning", BCP 72, RFC 3552,
              DOI 10.1016/j.comnet.2019.05.004, October 2019,

              Anh Quang, P.T., Hadjadj-Aoul, Y., and A. Outtagarts,
              "Evolutionary Actor-Multi-Critic Model for VNF-FG
              Embedding", RFC 1129, DOI 10.1109/CCNC46108.2020.9045434,
              January 2020, <>.

              Sciancalepore, V., Chen, X., Yousaf, F. Z., and X. Costa-
              Perez, "Z-TORCH: An Automated NFV Orchestration and
              Monitoring Solution", BCP 72, RFC 3552,
              DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2018.2867827, August 2018,

Authors' Addresses

   Ihsan Ullah
   1600, Chungjeol-ro, Byeongcheon-myeon, Dongnam-gu
   Republic of Korea

   Youn-Hee Han
   1600, Chungjeol-ro, Byeongcheon-myeon, Dongnam-gu
   Republic of Korea

Ullah, et al.            Expires 23 October 2022               [Page 18]
Internet-Draft     ML-based Virtual Network Embedding         April 2022

   TaeYeon Kim
   218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu
   Republic of Korea

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