Internet DRAFT - draft-individual-ananda-sip-call-indicator


IETF                                                        A. Somadder
Internet Draft                                               Y. Agarwal
Intended status: RFC                                     April 24, 2015
Expires: October 2015

     'Urgent' Call Indicator in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This document proposes an extension to the Session Initiation
   Protocol (SIP). This extension provides the ability for calling SIP
   User to specify the call urgency while originating a call and for
   called SIP user agent to identify that call is an 'Urgent' call.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
   2. Conventions used in this document..............................3
   3. Motivation.....................................................3
   4. Usage of the sip.callindicator parameter.......................4
   5. UAC Behavior...................................................5
   6. Example........................................................5
   6.1. Registration Example.........................................5
   7. Security Considerations........................................8
   8. Grammar........................................................9
   9. IANA Considerations............................................9
   9.1. Media Feature Tag............................................9
   10. Conclusions..................................................10
   11. References...................................................11
   11.1. Normative References.......................................11
   11.2. Informative References.....................................11
   12. Acknowledgments..............................................11

1. Introduction

   Often while using mailing services (like using mail clients such as
   Outlook), we mark the mails as "Important" to convey to the end user
   that the mail has high priority and should be considered as urgent.

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   In normal SIP call establishment it is not possible to indicate to
   the called SIP user agent if caller is trying to reach the
   destination UA urgently. This draft recognizes the need of a similar
   facility during making SIP calls to enable callers to indicate to the
   destination UA that the call is or urgent or important nature to be

   This document defines SIP extension which can be used by calling UA
   to mark call as an 'Urgent' and Called Party SIP Agent can possibly
   define some different action than for a normal call. Like play
   different tone or ring even if in 'silent mode'.

   Note: Action of called SIP user agent in case of receiving a call
   with call indicator marked as 'Urgent' is informative.

2. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

3. Motivation

   In day to day life, we see there is need to make calls to other users
   and let them know that the call is urgent based on user's situations.
   However as long as there is no differentiation between a normal call
   and an urgent or important call, receiving end user cannot make the
   decision to answer the call or choose to ignore (not answer). The
   draft discusses the concept of a call indicator which can be set
   explicitly at the time of initiating a call from a SIP UA.

   The objective of the draft is to make possible the following:

   o  UA originating an SIP call shall be able to indicate that the call
      is urgent.

   o  Called UA shall able to identify incoming call as urgent and take
      one of the required actions, even when in a busy state (in
      meeting, in driving state, etc):

       o Play Special ringing

       o Override Mute mode and play special ringing

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       o Display special CLI with Urgent indication

   However, the possible actions are not scope of this draft and are
   left to the implementation of the SIP application residing on UA.

4. Usage of the sip.callindicator parameter

   The "sip.callIndicator" media feature tag is a new string parameter,
   defined in this document that allows a call to indicate the 'Urgency'
   preference related to the call.  A receiving UA includes the
   "sip.callIndicator" media feature tag in the Contact header field of
   REGISTER messages to indicate that it is "Call Indicator" selection-
   capable, and a SIP Registrar includes this tag in the Contact header
   field of its 200 OK response to confirm the registration of this
   preference, all as per RFC 3840 [RFC3840].

   A calling UA SHOULD include the "sip.callIndicator" media feature tag
   in the Accept-Contact header of an INVITE request in order to express
   its desire for a call to be routed to a "Call Indicator" selection-
   capable UA.  Otherwise, without this tag, 'Urgent' call determination
   is not possible until after the call is connected.  If a calling UA
   includes the "sip.callIndicator" tag and the SIP network elements
   that process the call (including the called UAs) implement the
   procedures of RFC 3840 and RFC 3841, the call will be preferentially
   routed to UAs that have advertised their support for this feature (by
   including it in the Contact header of their REGISTER requests, as
   documented above).

   It is possible for the calling UA to utilize additional procedures
   defined in RFC 3840 and RFC 3841 to express a requirement (instead of
   a preference) that its call be delivered to "Urgency" preference
   selection-capable UAs. However, the calling UA SHOULD NOT require the
   "sip.callIndicator" media type. Doing so could result in call failure
   for a number of reasons, not only because there may not be any
   receiving UAs registered that have advertised their support for this
   feature, but also because one or more SIP network elements that
   process the call may not support the processing defined in RFC 3840
   and RFC 3841.  A calling UA that wishes to express this requirement
   should be prepared to relax it to a preference if it receives a
   failure response indicating that the requirement mechanism itself is
   not supported by the called UAs, their proxies, or other SIP network

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   When calls do connect through the use of "sip.callIndicator" either
   as a preference or a requirement, UAs should follow standard SIP call
   negotiation procedures.

5. UAC Behavior

   A caller wishing to express preferences for an 'urgent' call request
   includes Accept-Contact, Reject-Contact, or Request-Disposition
   header fields in the request, depending on their particular
   preferences.  No additional behavior is required after the request is

   The Accept-Contact, Reject-Contact, and Request-Disposition header
   fields in an ACK for a non-2xx final response, or in a CANCEL
   request, MUST be equal to the values in the original request being
   acknowledged or cancelled.  This is to ensure proper operation
   through stateless proxies.

6. Example

6.1. Registration Example

   Bob registers with the "Call Indicator" media feature tag.  The
   message flow is shown in Figure 1:

                 SIP Registrar                    Bob's SIP UA
                     |                               |
                     |          REGISTER F1          |
                     |                               |
                     |           200 OK F2           |
                     |                               |

   Figure 1: "Call Indicator" Media Feature Tag SIP Registration Example

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      F1 REGISTER Bob -> Registrar

      REGISTER SIP/2.0

      Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK309475a2

      From: <>;tag=a6c85cf

      To: <>

      Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710

      Max-Forwards: 70

      CSeq: 116 REGISTER

      Contact: <sip:bob-;transport=tcp>;+sip.callIndicator="urgent"

      Expires: 3600

      The registrar responds with a 200 OK:

      F2 200 OK Registrar -> Bob

      SIP/2.0 200 OK

      From: <>;tag=a6c85cf

      To: <>;tag=1263390604

      Contact: <sip:bob-;transport=tcp>;+sip.callIndicator="urgent"

      Expires: 120

      Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710

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      Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK309475a2

      CSeq: 116 REGISTER

      Expires: 3600

      Callers desiring to express a preference for fax will include the

      "sip.callIndicator" media feature tag in the Accept-Contact header
   of their


      INVITE SIP/2.0

      Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK74b43

      Max-Forwards: 70

      From: Alice <>;tag=9fxced76sl

      To: Bob <>

      Accept-Contact: *;+sip.callIndicator="urgent"


      CSeq: 1 INVITE

      Contact: <;transport=tcp>

      Content-Type: application/sdp

      Content-Length: 151

   The use cases and the examples of using "Call Indicator" are
   described for two scenarios below.

   Scenario 1: User A gets into a situation and needs to call a close
   friend / family member user B to inform about some urgent issue

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   (accident, car broke down with no support around, etc). But B can be
   at some place (like office) where B is in meeting or driving where B
   prefers to ignore a normal call from A user - or B can decide to call
   back later. This will leave user A helpless in case of URGENCY
   without any fault of B user.

   Scenario 2: User A calls user B who is busy in another call. If the
   call that A needs to make to B is an urgent call and Call Waiting is
   not available in network, then there needs to be some method to
   indicate the urgency of the call to the B user. However, if call
   waiting is available, then there should be some specific notification
   tone of altering the Call Waiting for Urgent Calls - so that the
   destination may realize the call urgency from A user.

   As an existing solution, destination SIP UA can set some special ring
   tone in advance for calls from a specific originating SIP UA and can
   consider all calls from this specific user as important.

   In the scenarios mentioned, destination SIP UA can still ignore the
   call from originating user if B is in the middle of some other
   activity (in urgent meeting, driving, etc). There are no means for
   destination SIP UA to identify the call as URGENT call.

   An alternative solution there are evidences of applications on smart
   phones and PDAs, where the SIP UA can set one or more of number from
   contacts as emergency contacts. If this user gets into an accident,
   then anyone can take his/her phone and call the emergency contact
   from the phone even if the phone's dial-pad is locked.

   However, even in such a scenario, it is not possible for user to
   indicate through any means to the destination that the call is
   urgent. There are no means for B user to identify the call as URGENT

   To address the concern of indicating the outgoing call as an 'Urgent'
   call, the "Call Indicator" media feature tag is introduced. This
   shall allow the originating user to enable the 'Urgent' indicator
   while making the call; in addition, the indicator shall also be used
   in the SIP UA of destination user to indicate and perform some
   actions to show the call needs to be answered.

7. Security Considerations

   This media feature tag can be used in ways which affect application
   behaviors for both originating and destination SIP User Agents.  For

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   example, the SIP caller preferences extension [RFC3841] allows for
   call routing decisions to be based on the values of these parameters.
   Therefore, if an attacker can modify the values of this tag, they
   might be able to affect the behavior of applications.  As a result,
   applications that utilize this media feature tag SHOULD provide a
   means for ensuring its integrity.  Similarly, this feature tag should
   only be trusted as valid when it comes from the user or User Agent
   described by the tag.  As a result, protocols for conveying this
   feature tag SHOULD provide a mechanism for guaranteeing authenticity.

8. Grammar

   This specification defines a new Contact header field parameter,
   "+sip.callIndicator". The grammar includes the definitions from

   The ABNF [RFC5234] is:

       contact-params      =/ c-p-callindicator

       c-p-callindicator   = "+sip.callIndicator" EQUAL

                         DQUOTE "<" callIndicator-tag ">" DQUOTE

       callIndicator-tag   = "default" / "urgent" / "promotional"

   The value of the callIndicator-tag if not present with the Contact
   header shall indicate 'default' call indicator.

9. IANA Considerations

   This specification adds a new media feature tag to the SIP Media
   Feature Tag Registration Tree per the procedures defined in RFC 2506
   [RFC2506] and RFC 3840 [RFC3840].

9.1. Media Feature Tag

   This section registers a new media feature tag, per the procedures
   defined in [RFC2506].  The tag is placed into the sip tree, which is
   defined in [RFC3840]. This media feature tag specifies caller

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   preferences for to mark the call as an 'urgent' call. Its value is a
   list of token, each of which specifies a particular directive.

   Media feature tag name: sip.callIndicator

   Token Values: urgent, promotional, default (Normal).

   Default: default

   ASN.1 Identifier:  <XX>

   Summary of the media feature indicated by this tag:  This feature tag
   contains a token string containing a value that indicates the call
   indicator associated with the UA instance registering the Contact.

   Values appropriate for use with this feature tag:  Token with an
   equality relationship.  Values are:

   urgent: The device supports the 'urgent' call indicator as an
   originating UA.

   promotional: The device supports the 'urgent' call indicator as an
   originating UA.

   default: The device supports the 'normal' call indicator to show that
   the call is a normal call without any preferences to indicate to
   destination UA.

   The feature tag is intended primarily for use in the following
   applications, protocols, services, or negotiation mechanisms: This
   feature tag is most useful in a communications application, for
   describing the necessity of an originating SIP UA (device, such as a
   phone or PDA) to mark the call as 'urgent' to be answered.

   Examples of typical use:  Allowing the originating SIP UA to mark the
   call as an 'urgent' call and routing a call to a specific device with
   the information to display special CLI or play special tone to alert
   destination SIP UA about the call urgency.

10. Conclusions

   <Add any conclusions>

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11. References

11.1. Normative References

   [1]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
         Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [2]   Crocker, D. and Overell, P.(Editors), "Augmented BNF for Syntax
         Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, Internet Mail Consortium and
         Demon Internet Ltd., November 1997.

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2234] Crocker, D. and Overell, P.(Editors), "Augmented BNF for
             Syntax Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, Internet Mail
             Consortium and Demon Internet Ltd., November 1997.

11.2. Informative References

   [3]   Faber, T., Touch, J. and W. Yue, "The TIME-WAIT state in TCP
         and Its Effect on Busy Servers", Proc. Infocom 1999 pp. 1573-

   [Fab1999] Faber, T., Touch, J. and W. Yue, "The TIME-WAIT state in
             TCP and Its Effect on Busy Servers", Proc. Infocom 1999 pp.

12. Acknowledgments

   This document was prepared using

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Authors' Addresses

   Ananda Somadder
   Bangalore, India

   Phone: +91-9980982520

   Yogendra Agarwal
   Bangalore, India

   Phone: +91-9900085351

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