Internet DRAFT - draft-iotops-km-iiot-frwk


Independent Submission                                      K. Makhijani
Internet-Draft                                                   L. Dong
Intended status: Informational                                 Futurewei
Expires: 28 April 2022                                   25 October 2021

              Framework For Integrated Industrial Networks


   Industry control networks host a diverse set of non-internet
   protocols supporting Industrial-IoT and legacy device connections.
   The integration between traditional information technology (IT) and
   operational technology (OT) so far has centered around collection of
   real-time data from devices in OT environment for consumption within
   the enterprise IT networks.  However, improvements in process control
   and automation require a far better interworking between the OT and
   IT applications.  This document provides a reference framework for
   integrated industry networks (IIN).  It highlights interfaces and
   their characteristics required for interconnecting components of OT
   and IT that maybe moved to the cloud or edges.  It suggests the use
   of IIN to bridge the differences between OT and IETF technologies.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 28 April 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Acronyms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  High Level Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Integrated Industrial Network Stack . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Deployment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.2.1.  Limited Domain Network Inspired Framework . . . . . .   8
     3.3.  Alignment with stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  IIoT New Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.1.  Device to Cloud Mechanisms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.2.  Preserving Performance and Deterministic Behavior . . . .  11
     4.3.  Preserving Safety and Task outcomes . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.4.  Interoperability with IP-world machines . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.5.  Digital Twin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  IIN Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.1.  Distributed Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.2.  Interfaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.3.  IIN Device Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.3.1.  Device Specific functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.3.2.  Transmission (Transport) Mechanisms . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.3.3.  Routing considerations to provide safety &
               security  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.3.4.  Traffic Profiles for different type of data . . . . .  15
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   There is very little cross-over between the network technologies used
   in the OT and IT environment.  The OT networks are responsible for
   automation and process control on premises such as factory floors,
   manufacturing plants, power grids, oil & gas industry, etc.  In
   contrast, IT networks traditionally facilitated business applications
   based on data received from OT applications.  With increased

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   automation, and growing demand for remote operations, it is imminent
   that the two technology domains need to interwork seamlessly and

   Due to lack of coordination between industrial networks and IETF
   technologies, their evolution priorities have been different and as a
   result, current IETF technologies and protocols are not well adapted
   in industrial networks.  Industrial systems and applications are
   becoming increasingly complex and proprietary as emerging use cases
   require a higher integration of OT-IT functions.

   The OT networks are often tied to a set of non-internet protocols
   such as Modbus, Profibus, CANbus, Profinet, etc [SURV].  There are
   more than 100 different protocols each with it's own packet format
   and are used in the industry.  On the other side inventory
   management, analytics, monitoring, supply chain and simulation
   software are part of IT and use IP based technologies.

      Note: use IETF technology (instead of IP-based) as a more
      inclusive term.

   No two industry sectors are same and present different requirements
   and challenges on the networks.  These differences are even more
   enhanced in industry automation and operations.  The processes,
   control operations, environmental conditions, frequency and type data
   collection vary across each sector.  Yet, there is a need for common,
   interoperable, off-the-shelf mechanisms and protocols so that
   applications can be deployed in relatively shorter time.

      Note: maybe later describe examples from different sectors. e.g.
      petrochemical or mining plant vs manufacturing and transportation.
      or simply refer to IIC case studies.

   This document provides a framework called 'Integrated Industrial
   Networks' (or IIN for short) and a discussion on integration of
   process control, monitoring and operations with IT.  It proposes (a)
   an idea about integrated industrial network stack that would support
   functions and capabilities from both OT and IT systems, (b) a
   structured deployment considerations, (c) alignment and coordination
   across stakeholders from other consortia and SDOs.

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2.  Terminology

   Industrial Control Networks:
      The industrial control networks are interconnection of equipments
      used for the operation, control or monitoring of machines in the
      industry environment.  It involves different level of
      communications - between field bus devices, digital controllers
      and software applications

   Industry Automation:
      Mechanisms that enable machine to machine communication by use of
      technologies that enable automatic control and operation of
      industrial devices and processes leading to minimizing human

   Control Loop:

   Feedback Control Loop:

   Programmable logic controllers (PLC):
      Industrial computers/servers for the control of manufacturing
      processes such as assembly lines.

   Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA):
      Software System to control industrial processes and collect and
      manage data.

   Distributed Control Systems (DCS):
      Systems of sensors and controllers that are distributed throughout
      a plant.

   Manufacturing Execution System (MES):
      Systems that connect production equipment across the factory
      floor, or multiple plants or sites.

   Fieldbus Devices:
      Operational Technology field devices include valves, transmitters,
      switches and actuators etc.

   Integrated Industrial Network (IIN):
      The term introduced in this document to represent a converged view
      of OT and IT networks.

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2.1.  Acronyms

   *  HMI: Human Machine Interface

   *  MES: Manufacturing Execution System

   *  IIN: Integrated Industrial Network

   *  IIC: Industrial Internet Consortium

3.  High Level Considerations

   In this framework a greater focus is on capturing functional and
   operational requirements for the emerging use cases.  The top three
   considerations are - first, to identify the components required to
   fulfill the needs for both IT and OT applications.  Second,
   Integrated Industrial Network (IIN) Framework needs to meet and adapt
   to evolving deployment strategies that include cloud and edge
   technologies.  Finally, mechanisms to coordinate with stakeholders
   (domain experts) should also be identified when discussing such a

3.1.  Integrated Industrial Network Stack

   Industrial Networks are a combination of technologies that provide
   capability for the delivery of process control data to/from (and
   across) the machines and sensors to different controllers and other
   application specific servers.  Thus, in IIN stack, one end often be
   an OT device and other end an IT function.

   In OT Systems traditionally,

   *  Operations or tasks are Well-defined: the emphasis is on having
      specific set of tasks performed with definitive outcomes and

   *  Safety is paramount: protecting and preventing the state of the
      system from potential harm or disruption.  The requirements in
      networks translate to multiple attributes such as each signals to
      shut off a valve are received in predictable (or real-time) and
      are never lost.

   In addition, there is also an emergence of new use cases and
   scenarios in OT:

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   *  Multiple applications: Number of use cases are increasing from
      traditional deployments.  A plant may need different industry
      protocols for different use cases.  For example, BACNet for
      building automation, ModBus devices for valve or pressure control,
      ProfiBus IP for surveillance.

   *  Virtualization: The role of software PLCs is growing.  When met
      with specific time-specific constraints, virtual PLCs can operate
      on actuators and sensors as well as physical PLCs.  In addition
      they can be extended to support rich set of new functions
      controlling different type of end devices from a single PLCs.  Not
      to mention systems such as SCADA, MES, HMI and ICS are also being
      virtualized and can be deployed and operated in distributed

   *  Analytics: New kinds of sensors are being deployed to monitor the
      health of the equipment and environmental conditions.  The data
      collected from sensors helps in predictive maintenance, changing
      production schedules etc.

   *  Simulation models: TBD.

   *  PLC and OT Cloudification: Due to virtualization of components, it
      is now possible to place them anywhere in edge or cloud depending
      on the application design.

   Some of the reasons why leveraging IETF technologies would be

   *  Scalability: IETF solutions are designed for scale and perform
      well when dealing with large-scale network connectivity and

   *  Monitoring: Available solutions for health, operations and
      management of the network devices.

   *  Security: Comprehensive set of security solutions (at least in IT

      Note: we can add more details on routing, device and service
      discovery or even transport.

      See Section 4 for details.

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3.2.  Deployment Considerations

   A conceptual industry adopted reference model for network
   segmentation is known by Purdue model or ISA-95 [ISA95].  It shows
   hierarchical levels through which ordered connectivity between the
   components (or entities) in Industry Control Systems (ICS) is
   established.  These levels range from 0 at the lowest level for the
   physical devices to applications at level 5.  Those levels also
   include other control and management equipments (potentially treated
   as in-network functions and capabilities).

     |      +-------------------------------+  Enterprise
     | L5   |    Enterprise applications    |  Security
     +--    +-------------------------------+  Zone
     |      +-------------------------------+
     | L4   | Gateways, servers (ops, mgmt) |  IDMZ
     +--    +-------------------------------+
     |      +-------------------------------+
     | L3   |    Supervisory controls       |  Industry
     |      +-------------------------------+  Security
     | L1   |  Device control               |  Zone
     |      +-------------------------------+
     | L0   |Sensors, Actuators, Robots, etc| (cells or zones)
     +--    +-------------------------------+

           Figure 1: ISA 95 or Purdue model of Automation Pyramid

   The scope and functions in each zone in [ISA95] are summarized below:

   *  Enterprise Security Zone:  The IT applications reside in
         enterprise networks and perform tasks necessary for business
         operations such as inventory control, supply-chain logistics,
         schedule and capacity planning.  They need to collect data from
         the OT systems in order to make those decisions.

   *  Industrial Demilitarized Zone:  The OT and IT networks were
         designed to prevent direct communication between them.  The
         IDMZ serves as an information sharing layer between the IT and
         OT (L4 and L3) systems.  This indicates that additional
         security rules, inspection and protection of device identity
         and access is necessary when transiting from L3 to L4.

   *  Manufacturing Zone:  Consists of Levels 0 through 3 site wide
         production system.

         -  Site operations (L3): Supports side-wide view of the
            production system.  Also provide data to L4.

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         -  Area supervisory control (L2): Performs operation and
            control over a zone or smaller area in a production floor.
            Each area has specific set of tasks or operations to

         -  Basic control (L1): For the actual control of the equipment.
            L1 components send commands to L0 equipments to perform
            tasks (e.g. start motor, alter pressure level, or reduce
            motor speed).

         -  Process(L0): Level for the process equipments performing
            actual operations are performed.  This include equipment and
            devices such as motors, pressure valves, temperature, speed,
            etc sensors, etc.

3.2.1.  Limited Domain Network Inspired Framework

   Effectively, industrial networks are under a single administrative
   control or a limited group of administrators.  They are expected to
   extend across different geographies and over a range of distances.

   RFC 8799 [LDN] introduces a formal structure and taxonomy to describe
   large-scale private networks called limited domains.  LDNs use public
   Internet for connectivity across multiple sites and adhere to
   Internet protocols.  However, with in a site, it is acceptable to use
   proprietary protocols.  Thus, an LDN comprises of Internal, External
   and Boundary protocols.

   Industrial networks also extend to multiple sites.  The enterprise
   services will reside in the cloud or edges, while factory floors or
   plants are at remote locations.  Structurally, ISA architecture
   (Figure 1) can be expressed as IETF's Limited Domain Networks [LDN]
   framework.  Thus, L4 and L5 levels in enterprise zone are one site,
   connected via global Internet to L3-L0 levels at factory floors or
   plants.  Using LDN model, we get break down the framework
   requirements systematically:

   *  Inside Network Requirements (manufacturing zone)  Inside networks
         support OT specific protocols and maybe combination of IP and
         non-IP solutions.  This may utilize encapsulations in IP,
         compression of headers in IP or new native-short header

   *  Outside Network Requirements (global or public Internet)  External
         public networks will interconnect different sites using IETF
         technologies of the Internet.  These may utilize pure IPv6,
         NAT, VPNS or similar technologies.

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   *  Boundary Network Requirements - for translations between inside to
      outside protocols.

      Note: LDN is a methodology that helps in defining deployment
      boundaries (how, what, where) between the use specific protocols
      in a network-zone. it is specifically interesting here because of
      2 reasons - as virtualized components move from one site to other
      security, safety and data-privacy perimeter changes.  We need to
      make sure proper security profiles get applied.  Secondly, it
      especially aligns well with the border protocols mapping to the
      IDMZ definition in Purdue model.  There is one problem though -
      instinctively, we see edge services located in boundary protocols
      (or in IDMZ) not as a separate site.  So RFC8799 needs to say more
      than translations about the border protocols.

3.3.  Alignment with stakeholders

   The paradigms of networking in OT are quite different than IP based
   best-effort networking protocols.  Yet, IETF protocols are
   extensively used in OT applications.  Often, it is not possible to
   get contributors directly from the OT sectors, then it would make
   more sense to coordinate with well-established consortia where OT
   scenarios and requirements are is discussed may be utilized.  Two
   well established foundations are IIC [IIC] and OPC-UA [OPC].  For
   example, a [IIC_TALK] provided overview of IIC activities.

   Industrial IoT Consortium (IIC) provides use cases, scenarios, and
   best-practice frameworks to solve specific problems and solution pain
   points.  It is a rich resources of case studies and demonstrations of
   different test beds.  The IIC itself is not involved in standards
   development, but may help in formalizing requirements, further
   insights into solutions developed in IETF, and potentially help
   adoption of those solutions.

   Open Platform Communications-Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) provides
   interoperability across different hardware platforms using a standard
   data model.  It standardizes various information models,
   corresponding client-server architecture and defines necessary access
   mechanisms to those information models.  The OPC-UA is an abstraction
   layer to provide common interface to different data look-up and event
   notifications.  A number of information models are provided by OPC-UA
   can be found here [OPC_INFO].  Foe example, OPC has a specification
   on PLCs.  It abstracts PLC specific protocols (such as Modbus,
   Profibus, etc.) into a standardized interface allowing HMI/SCADA
   systems to interface with a middleware that converts generic-OPC
   read/write requests into device-specific requests and vice-versa.

      Note: OPC-UA information model similar to YANG?

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   IETF solutions will focus on leveraging or extending IETF
   technologies for IT and OT integration which is at the infrastructure
   or communication layer.  Thus, providing protocols that could
   potentially benefit higher-level OPC-UA work.

   Both IIC and OPC could provide guidance to the lower level work.

   *  For Discussion: assuming there is an IIN framework - how does it
      fit in the OPC-UA architecture and facilitate adoption of existing
      information models.

4.  IIoT New Requirements

   Traditionally, OT and IT experts have focussed on different concerns.
   On a production floor or with OT, the focus is generally on no-
   congestion, lossless reliable transmission, and real-time or
   deterministic communication.  Quality of manufactured goods, and
   efficiency of processes is also an important concern for OT experts.

   With Industry 4.0 initiatives (such as smart factory and smart
   manufacturing), these concerns are beginning to overlap, i.e. OT
   networks are also required to be concerned with scalability,
   security, operations and maintenance from remote locations.

   The fundamental requirement for industrial networks is to support
   legacy devices (even when the network infrastructure is upgraded)
   while enabling emerging applications.

   *  Requirements from legacy device support:

      1.  Support for protocol formats and their core capabilities.

      2.  Support for traffic profiles for different types of services

      3.  Support for security and separation as designed in OT systems.

   *  Requirements from Emerging Trends:

      1.  Support device to cloud communication (remote operations)

      2.  Virtualization (virtual PLCs, digital twins)

      3.  High-volume data emission (analytics and surveillance)

      4.  Explicit location awareness (to determine edge networks,
          latency sensitive controls, safety operations).

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      5.  Enhanced Industry data and device security (movement of
          sensitive data and remote control)

4.1.  Device to Cloud Mechanisms

   Perimeter of device control is expanding from factory floors to the
   cloud.  It is anticipated that Industrial IoT controls when extended
   to the cloud or edge compute platforms will offer better integration
   with sophisticated business logic application architectures.

   With adoption of virtualization several of supervisory or management
   equipment could transition to IT infrastructure.  It may or may not
   remain on-premises.  All scenarios are possible - moving L1,L2, L3 to
   separate IT network on the same floor, to the edge or to the cloud.
   Now extending the communication to the edge and cloud nodes increases
   the distance requiring adoption of layer 3 network designs.

4.2.  Preserving Performance and Deterministic Behavior

   Shorter addresses are inherent to industry control systems to provide
   implicit determinism.  For this purpose, the industrial networks use
   fieldbus interface with the controllers.

4.3.  Preserving Safety and Task outcomes

4.4.  Interoperability with IP-world machines

   To develop further on different type of address format support.  From
   smaller address of legacy devices to IT based applications with IP

   (OT-Address)--->(Industry Control)--->(IP-Address)
   (control dev)       ( network )       (application)

   Preferably allow OT devices to understand IP-addresses for the
   servers they connect to.

4.5.  Digital Twin

      Note: Should we include this.  A digital twin is a virtual 3D
      representation of the real world.  It can show physical objects,
      processes, relationships, and behaviors - and it can represent
      them as they are now, as they were in the past or will be in the
      years ahead.  Some discussions have already begun, for example

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5.  IIN Framework

   Above mentioned emerging trends such as virtualization of PLCs or
   moving MES or HMI into the cloud will have a significant impact on
   the framework.  It moves functions from manufacturing zone to the
   cloud which not only influences how latency, safety and resiliency
   can be assured but also moves the security zones.

5.1.  Distributed Architecture

     +--(L0-L4)----+                      (L4-L5) *L1,L2,L3*
     | +-----------|-+                     +-------------+
     | |Manufacturing|------<Detnet>-------|Enterprise   |
   __| |Zones      |-|---------------------|Zone         |
   | | |(IINS proto) |<BP>            <BP> | (IETF proto)|
   | +-|-----------+ |                     |             |
   |   +-|-+- site B-+   (L1) *L3-L4*      +-------------+
   |_TSN____|   |<BP>     +--------------+         |
                +-------- | Edge Services|---------+
   |                      +--------------+                |
   +---------------Limited Domain Network ----------------+
                  of an industry vertical

    Figure 2: Integrated Framework with new placements for ISA 95 levels

   In Figure 2, LDN taxonomy of internal, external and boundary
   protocols is used.  The round brackets represent current Purdue model
   levels.  Note that both Manufacturing and Enterprise zones are
   'inside protocols' in LDN terminology but can (or may) run different
   protocol stacks.  Each zone may deploy either custom of standard
   protocols.  They interact using outside protocols i.e., public
   Internet technologies.  The translation from inside to outside
   protocol happens through boundary protocols (shown as <BP> in the

   *  IINS (Integrated Industrial Network Stack) Protocols:  A set of
         inside protocols that are used in traditional manufacturing
         zones.  These are expected to support and extend existing
         industry protocols or may even be new extensions.  Note that as
         a level component moves to cloud, those IINS will have to be
         supported in the cloud as well.

5.2.  Interfaces

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        Site A          Site B             Site C
     <--------->     <---------->        <--------->
       +-----+          +-----+            +----------+
       | L0  |---L0_L1--| L1  |----L1_L2---|L2--L2_X--L5|
       +-----+          +-----+            +----------+
    <----------->     <---------------------------->
            Site M

                Figure 3: Interfaces dependent on the levels

   Figure 3 above depicts that in IIN framework, boundaries between the
   interfaces should not be crossed.  Moreover, equipment or functions
   from different levels may be placed at different sites, but in this
   framework direct communication from higher levels to devices is not

   *  L0_L1 interface decides the communication channel between the
      process and basic control levels even when there may be a number
      network devices.  These network devices are typically IIoT
      gateways that perform protocol translations (such as Modbus to

   *  L1_L2 interface serves as communication between supervisory
      control devices and PLCs.

   *  L2_X interface is very likely IP interface for levels beyond L2,
      not sure if need to define an interface. it will be used for IT
      enterprise applications. however, it will still need to
      participate in functional requirements of data security and
      operational safety (meeting latency, resiliency targets).

      Note: later add network device details in between.

   Each interface has at least three attributes associated - whether a
   particular request is authorized, the service level guarantees
   (latency, data rate, frequency, etc), security profile.

   In Figure 3, a level based hierarchical co-location is shown to be

   *  L0 is site A, L1 is site B and above L2 in site C.

   *  L0 is site A, L1 above in Site Y.

   *  L0, L1 in site M and above L2 in site C.

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5.3.  IIN Device Functions

   These functions apply to end nodes as well as network nodes or other
   gateways in the network.

   The topologies in the manufacturing zones do not change very
   frequently and devices are also designed for long-term use with
   minimal time between the failures.  Such design considerations may be
   used to simply network operations and configurations.

   Assuming this is a layer 3 network architecture, there should be an
   assignment and association between the network address and end
   devices' physical addresses.  Note that legacy devices are either on
   serial bus or their information is carried over Ethernet media.

   Further motivation and analysis for adapting to OT/IT asymmetric
   address formats is covered in

   Additionally, adapting these devices to network layer requires
   support for the following mechanisms:

5.3.1.  Device Specific functions

   *  discovery and on-boarding

   *  Device identification and authentication

   *  Device addresses and their assignment and management

5.3.2.  Transmission (Transport) Mechanisms

   Currently, L0 and L1 devices do not use any transport protocol.  The
   data is embedded after control header.  With a network layer
   solution, TCP maybe too heavy for field-bus devices.  Some other
   means of assuring device delivery will be needed.

5.3.3.  Routing considerations to provide safety & security

   Routing protocols will be necessary as the scale of the devices grow
   at the same time it should be kept simple.  Possibly, Interior
   Gateway Protocol (IGP) will be deployed.  Here it may be useful to
   provide guidelines on IGP features that provide distribution of
   routes (for different devices), path information.

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5.3.4.  Traffic Profiles for different type of data

   Differentiating traffic and assigning priorities is required so that
   important data is not dropped.  This is in addition to use of Detnet
   for time-sensitive services.

   Different type of data can include - process data (high priority),
   monitoring data (low priority), fault, alarms, signals data (high),
   health-check sensors data (medium), etc.

      Todo: Also discuss Detnet [DETNET] here.

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document requires no actions from IANA.

7.  Security Considerations

   This document introduces no new security issues.

8.  Acknowledgements

9.  Informative References

   [DETNET]   Finn, N., Thubert, P., Varga, B., and J. Farkas,
              "Deterministic Networking Architecture", RFC 8655,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8655, October 2019,

              Makhijani, K. and L. Dong, "Requirements and Scenarios for
              Industry Internet Addressing", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-km-industrial-internet-requirements-00, 10
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Authors' Addresses

   Kiran Makhijani
   Santa Clara, CA 95050,
   United States of America


   Lijun Dong
   Santa Clara, CA 95050,
   United States of America


Makhijani & Dong          Expires 28 April 2022                [Page 16]