Internet DRAFT - draft-irtf-mobopts-location-privacy-ps


MobOpts Research Group                                     Rajeev Koodli
INTERNET DRAFT                                     Nokia Research Center
11 July 2005

    IP Address Location Privacy and Mobile IPv6:  Problem Statement

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   In this document, we discuss Location Privacy as applicable to
   Mobile IPv6.  We document the concerns arising from revealing Home
   Address to an on-looker and from disclosing Care of Address to a

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Abstract                                                               i

 1. Introduction                                                       1

 2. Problem Definition                                                 2
     2.1. Disclosing the Care of Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
     2.2. Revealing the Home Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2

 3. Problem Illustration                                               3

 4. Conclusion                                                         4

 5. IANA Considerations                                                5

 6. Security Considerations                                            5

 7. Acknowledgment                                                     5

 8. Author's Address                                                   5

 A. Background                                                         5

Intellectual Property Statement                                        6

Disclaimer of Validity                                                 7

Copyright Statement                                                    7

Acknowledgment                                                         7

   1. Introduction

   The problems of location privacy, and privacy when using IP for
   communication have become important.  IP privacy is broadly concerned
   with protecting user communication from unwittingly revealing
   information that could be used to analyze and gather sensitive user
   data.  Examples include gathering data at certain vantage points,
   collecting information related to specific traffic, and monitoring
   (perhaps) certain populations of users for activity during specific
   times of the day, etc.  In this document, we refer to this as the
   "profiling" problem.

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   Location privacy is concerned with the problem of revealing user
   roaming.  A constant identifier with global scope can reveal that a
   user has roamed.  The globally visible identifier could be a user
   identifier or a device identifier, and sometimes a binding between
   the two may also be available, e.g., through DNS. This problem is
   particularly applicable to Mobile IP where the Home Address on a
   visited network can reveal device roaming and, together with a
   user identifier (such as an NAI), can reveal user roaming.  When
   roaming is revealed, it could lead to more targetted profiling.  Even
   when the binding between user identifier and the Home Address is
   unavailable, freely available tools on the Internet can map the Home
   Address to the owner of the Home Prefix, which can reveal that a user
   from a particular ISP has roamed.  So, the location privacy problem
   is a subset of the profiling problem in which revealing a globally
   visible identifier compromises a user's location privacy.  In
   addition, a user may not wish to reveal roaming to correspondent(s).
   In Mobile IP, this translates to the use of Care of Address.  In this
   document, the concerns arising from the use of a globally visible
   identifier, such as a Home Address, when roaming outside the home
   network are described.  Similarly, the concerns from revealing a Care
   of Address to a correspondent are also outlined.  The solutions to
   these problems are meant to be specified in a separate document.

   This document is only concerned with IP Address Location Privacy in
   the presence of IP Mobility, as applied to Mobile IPv6.  It does not
   address the overall profiling problem.  Specifically, it does not
   concern itself with MAC addresses.  Some other work may address the
   problem of profiling IP and MAC identifiers (see for instance [1]).

   2. Problem Definition

   2.1. Disclosing the Care of Address

   When a Mobile IP MN roams from its home network to a visited
   network, use of Care of Address in communication with a correspondent
   reveals that the MN has roamed.  The assumption here is that the
   correspondent somehow knows the Home Address of the MN. For instance,
   a correspondent may obtain it from DNS, which may contain the Home
   Address or the IP address of an agent to which the user identifier
   (such as a SIP URI) is mapped to.

   2.2. Revealing the Home Address

   When a Mobile IP MN roams from its home network to a visited network,
   use of Home Address in communication with a correspondent reveals to
   an on-looker that the MN has roamed.  When a binding of Home Address
   to a user identifier (such as a SIP URI or NAI) is available, the

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   Home Address can be used to also determine that the user has roamed.
   This problem is independent of whether the MN uses Care of Address
   to communicate directly with the correspondent (i.e., uses route
   optimization), or the MN communicates via the Home Agent (i.e., uses
   reverse tunneling).

   3. Problem Illustration

   This section is intended to provide the overall scope under which the
   above problems are applicable.

   Consider a Mobile Node at its home network.  Whenever it is involved
   in IP communication, its correspondents can see an IP address valid
   on the home network.  Elaborating further, the users involved in peer
   - peer communication are likely to see a user-friendly identifier
   such as a SIP URI, and the communication end-points in the IP
   stack will see IP addresses.  Users uninterested in or unaware of
   IP communication details will not see any difference when the MN
   acquires a new IP address.  Of course any user can ``tcpdump'' or
   ``ethereal'' a session, capture IP packets and map the MN's IP
   address to an approximate geo-location.  When this mapping reveals a
   ``home location'' of the user, the correspondent can conclude that
   the user has not roamed.  Assessing the physical location based on
   IP addresses is similar to assessing the geographical location based
   on the area-code of a telephone number.  The granularity of the
   physical area corresponding to an IP address can vary depending on
   how sophisticated the available tools are, how often an ISP conducts
   its network re-numbering, etc.

   Now consider that the MN roams to a new IP network, acquires a Care
   of Address and would like to communicate with its correspondents.
   It can either communicate directly or reverse tunnel its packets
   through the Home Agent.  Using reverse tunneling does not reveal the
   new IP address of the MN, although performance may vary depending
   on the particular scenario.  In some instances, the performance
   difference could be noticeable enough to serve as a hint to the
   correspondent.  With those correspondents with which it can disclose
   its new IP address ``on the wire'', the MN has the option of using
   route-optimized communication.  The transport protocol still sees
   the Home Address with route optimization.  Unless the correspondent
   runs some packet capturing utility, the user cannot see which mode
   (reverse tunneling or route optimization) is being used, but knows
   that it is communicating with the same peer whose URI it knows.  This
   is similar to conversing with a roaming cellphone user whose phone
   number, like the URI, remains unchanged.

   Let us consider the roaming mobile node again.  Regardless of whether
   it uses route optimization or reverse tunneling, its Home Address is

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   revealed in data packets.  When equipped with an ability to inspect
   packets ``on the wire'', an on-looker can determine that the MN has
   roamed and could possibly also determine that the user has roamed.
   This could compromise the location privacy even if the MN took steps
   to hide its roaming information from a correspondent.

   The above description is valid regardless of whether a Home Address
   is static or is dynamically allocated.  In either case, the mapping
   of IP address to geo-location will most likely yield results with
   the same level of granularity.  With the freely available tools on
   the Internet, this granularity is the physical address of the ISP or
   the organization which registers ownership of a prefix chunk.  Since
   an ISP or an organization is not, rightly, required to provide a
   blue-print of its subnets, the granularity remains fairly coarse for
   a mobile wireless network.  However, sophisticated attackers might
   be able to conduct site mapping and obtain more fine-grained subnet

   A compromise in location privacy could lead to more targetted
   profiling of user data.  An eavesdropper may specifically track the
   traffic containing the Home Address, and monitor the movement of the
   Mobile Node with changing Care of Address.  The profiling problem is
   not specific to Mobile IPv6, but could be triggered by a compromise
   in location privacy due to revealing the Home Address.
   A correspondent may take advantage of the knowledge that a user
   has roamed when Care of Address is revealed, and modulate actions
   based on such a knowledge.  Such an information could cause concern
   to a mobile user especially when the correspondent turns out be

   Finally, it is also worthwhile to note that both the Home Address
   and the Care of Address could be subject to profiling, just as
   any other user traffic.  However, applying existing techniques to
   thwart profiling may have implications to Mobile IPv6 signaling
   performance.  For instance, changing the Care of Address often would
   cause additional Return Routability and binding management signaling.
   And, changing the Home Address often has implications on IPSec
   security association management.  These issues need to be addressed
   in the solutions.

   4. Conclusion

   In this document, we have formulated the IP Location Privacy problem
   in the presence of Mobile IPv6.  The problem can be summarized as
   follows:  disclosing Care of Address to a correspondent and revealing
   Home Address to an on-looker can compromise the location privacy of a
   Mobile Node, and hence that of a user.  Solutions to this problem are

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   expected to specifically address the use of Mobile IPv6 addresses,
   and not other identifiers (such as MAC addresses).

   5. IANA Considerations

   There are no IANA considerations introduced by this draft.

   6. Security Considerations

   This document discusses location privacy because of IP mobility.
   Solutions to provide location privacy, especially any signaling over
   the Internet, must be secure in order to be effective.  Individual
   solutions must describe the security implications.

   7. Acknowledgment

   James Kempf and Qiu Ying reviewed an earlier version and provided


   [1] W. Haddad and et al.  Privacy for Mobile and Multi-homed Nodes:
       MoMiPriv Problem Statement (work in progress).  Internet Draft,
       Internet Engineering Task Force, October 2004.

   [2] J. Polk, J. Schnizlein, and M. Linsner.  DHCP Option for
       Coordinate-based Location Configuration Information.  Request for
       Comments 3825, Internet Engineering Task Force, July 2004.

   8. Author's Address

     Rajeev Koodli
     Nokia Research Center
     313 Fairchild Drive
     Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
     Phone: +1 650 625 2359
     Fax: +1 650 625 2502

   A. Background

   The location privacy topic is broad and often has different
   connotations.  It also spans multiple layers in the OSI reference

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   model.  Besides, there are attributes beyond an IP address alone
   that can reveal hints about location.  For instance, even if a
   correspondent is communicating with the same end-point it is used
   to, the ``time of the day'' attribute can reveal a hint to the
   user.  Some roaming cellphone users may have noticed that their SMS
   messages carry a timestamp of their ``home network'' timezone (for
   location privacy or otherwise) which can reveal that the user is in
   a different timezone when messages are sent during ``normal'' time
   of the day.  Furthermore, tools exist on the Internet which can map
   an IP address to the physical address of an ISP or the organization
   which owns the prefix chunk.  Taking this to another step, with
   in-built GPS receivers on IP hosts, applications can be devised
   to map geo-locations to IP network information.  Even without GPS
   receivers, geo-location can also be obtained in environments where
   [Geopriv] is supported, for instance as a DHCP option [2].

   In summary, a user's physical location can be determined or guessed
   with some certainty and with varying levels of granularity by
   different means even though IP addresses themselves do not inherently
   provide any geo-location information.  It is perhaps useful to bear
   this broad scope in mind as the problem of IP address location
   privacy in the presence of IP Mobility is addressed.

   Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the
   use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at

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   Disclaimer of Validity

   This document and the information contained herein are provided

   Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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