Internet DRAFT - draft-janfred-eap-fido


EAP Method Update                                         J.-F. Rieckers
Internet-Draft                                                       DFN
Intended status: Standards Track                               S. Winter
Expires: 2 September 2024                                        RESTENA
                                                            1 March 2024



   This document specifies an EAP method leveraging FIDO2 keys for
   authentication in EAP.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the EAP Method Update
   Working Group mailing list (, which is archived
   at  Subscribe at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 2 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Overview over the EAP-FIDO protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  Overall protocol design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.1.1.  TLS handshake phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.1.2.  FIDO-exchange phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Client and server configuration and preconditions . . . .   7
       3.2.1.  Server configuration items and preconditions  . . . .   7
       3.2.2.  Client configuration items and preconditions  . . . .   9
   4.  EAP-FIDO protocol flow and message format . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.1.  TLS handshake phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.1.1.  EAP-FIDO Start packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.1.2.  Version negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.1.3.  Fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.1.4.  TLS Handshake Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.1.5.  TLS Server Certificate Verification . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.2.  FIDO-exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.2.1.  Message format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.2.2.  Protocol Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     4.3.  FIDO authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     4.4.  Error conditions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   5.  Implementation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   6.  Design decisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     6.1.  Registration of FIDO2 keys is out of scope  . . . . . . .  21
       6.1.1.  Discoverable Credentials vs. Server-Side
               Credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       6.1.2.  User involvement during registration  . . . . . . . .  23
     6.2.  FIDO2 key scopes and certificate name considerations  . .  24
     6.3.  EAP-Method with EAP-TLS vs standalone EAP method to be used
           in tunnels  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   7.  Implementation Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   9.  Deployment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     9.1.  Token Registration with User Presence vs. User
           Verification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27

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     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
   Appendix A.  Example use cases and protocol flows . . . . . . . .  29
     A.1.  Authentication using Discoverable Credentials with silent
           authentication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     A.2.  Authentication using Discoverable Credentials with silent
           auth for WiFi and uv auth for VPN . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     A.3.  Authentication with Server-Side Credentials . . . . . . .  29
     A.4.  Authentication with Server-Side Credentials and
           user-specific authentication policies . . . . . . . . . .  30
     A.5.  Authentication with mandatory verification after a
           timespan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     A.6.  Authentication with mandatory verification after a timespan
           with a grace period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     A.7.  2FA-Authentication with client certificate on TLS layer and
           FIDO in the inner authentication  . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   Appendix B.  Open Questions regarding Protocol design . . . . . .  32
     B.1.  How to determine the FIDO Relying Party ID? . . . . . . .  32
       B.1.1.  Option 1: Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
       B.1.2.  Option 2: Mandate RPID to equal Realm of the
               Username  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
       B.1.3.  Option 3: RPID is determined by the server and sent
               before the TLS handshake  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
       B.1.4.  Option 4: RPID is determined by the server and sent
               after the TLS handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
       B.1.5.  CURRENT DECISION: Option 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     B.2.  Missing Features  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       B.2.1.  Deprovisioning of EAP configuration . . . . . . . . .  34
     B.3.  Open questions regarding security . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       B.3.1.  Multiple signatures with the same parameters a
               problem?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   Appendix C.  Document Status  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     C.1.  Change History  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     C.2.  Missing Specs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36

1.  Introduction

   The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [RFC3748] is a widely
   used standard that allows a server to authenticate a client using
   different authentication methods.  There is a huge variety of EAP
   methods available, that serve different purposes and have different
   security implications.

   Two common EAP methods are EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS [RFC5281], that both
   use EAP-TLS [RFC5216] to provide confidentiality of the inner
   authentication.  This inner authentication is most commonly password-

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   based, meaning that an attacker that manages to compromise the TLS
   connection can eavesdrop on the authentication and observe the
   password.  The authentication of the server to the client within the
   TLS handshake thus is a vital security function of these EAP methods.

   Operational practice has shown that this is a common problem and
   possible flaw.  The specification for EAP-TLS [RFC5216] does not
   include guidance on how to decide if a certificate is valid for this
   specific authentication.  Instead it assumes the client has knowledge
   of the expected server name.  This assumption is reasonable, if all
   devices are managed centrally and the administrators can easily know
   and configure all security-relevant parameters in advance.  Devices
   in BYOD-environments like eduroam are not managed, so administrators
   cannot push the desired configuration on the devices, but instead
   have to rely on the users to configure their devices accordingly.
   This implies that the administrators are aware of all needed
   configuration items, provide the users with all this information, and
   the users must follow these guides.  Failure to configure the
   parameters correctly will result in connection failure, and
   frustration, first on the user's end, then on the side of the help
   desk, that has to deal with the users' problems.  If the user tries
   to omit these parameters and the implementation allows a fallback to
   just omitting the validation, the device will simply work, but now be
   dangerously susceptible to attacks, e.g. by rogue access points with
   the same SSID, to which the client will send their password to,
   regardless of the presented server certificate.  The second outcome
   is especially dangerous, because the operator cannot easily check
   whether the device correctly performed the certificate check, and
   since the connection just works, the user will not suspect that their
   local configuration is faulty.

   There are two major issues here, that this specification wants to
   address.  Firstly, the use of passwords as authentication method
   implies that the password needs to be sent to the server.  If an
   attacker observes this exchange, they can impersonate the user at any
   time.  Therefore, this specification uses FIDO authentication, which
   is based on asymmetric cryptography.  With this method, even if an
   attacker is able to compromise the TLS connection, the attacker
   cannot impersonate the user based on the observed data.  Since the
   private key is never revealed, phishing attacks are impossible too.

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   The second major issue is the missing implicit derivation of the
   expected server name that is used to validate the server's
   certificate.  With EAP-FIDO, the supplicants now have a clear
   specification on how to decide whether or not a server certificate is
   considered valid for the current authentication flow.  This is
   achieved by using the trust anchors available on most devices and a
   method to determine the valid server name based on implicit
   information of the authentication configuration.

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   This document uses terminology from EAP, as well as terminology from
   CTAP and WebAuthn.  The FIDO specific terminology is defined in
   [FIDO-Glossary].  There is some terminology that is ambiguous in the
   different contexts, to disambiguate it, the following terminology
   will be used in this document.  These terms will always be
   capitalized as shown here.

   FIDO Authenticator:  Authenticator as specified by [WebAuthn],
      Section 4: a cryptographic entity, existing in hardware or
      software, that can register and later assert possession of the
      registered key credential.

      This is not the same as the EAP authenticator, which is the entity
      that initiates the EAP conversation, i.e. the Access Point in the
      case of Enterprise-WiFi.

   Discoverable Credential:  a public key credential source that is
      discoverable and usable in authentication ceremonies where the
      Relying Party does not provide any Credential IDs.  See
      [WebAuthn], Section 4

   Server-Side Credential:  a public key credential source that is only
      usable in an authentication ceremony where the Relying Party
      supplies the Credential ID.  This means that the Relying Party
      must manage the credential's storage and discovery, as well as be
      able to first identify the user in order to discover the
      Credential IDs to supply this to the EAP Supplicant.

   // We need a good term to define a "single authentication", meaning
   // the single process of asking the FIDO Authenticator to sign the

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   // client data, with the option of previous discovery, in contrast to
   // the overall authentication process.  A complete EAP-FIDO flow may
   // consist of multiple of these "single authentications", and we
   // should have a clear terminology to say "this is just the single
   // instance" and "this is the overall authentication"
   // -- Janfred

3.  Overview over the EAP-FIDO protocol

   This section will cover both a rough overview of the protocol design,
   as well as the needed configuration parameters for the EAP-FIDO
   server and EAP-FIDO client.

3.1.  Overall protocol design

   The EAP-FIDO protocol comprises two phases: the TLS handshake phase
   and FIDO-exchange phase.

   During the TLS handshake phase, TLS is used to authenticate the EAP-
   FIDO server to the client.

   During the FIDO-exchange phase, the actual FIDO authentication is
   executed and the client authenticates itself to the server.

   Once the FIDO exchange is completed successfully, the client and
   server can derive keying material from the TLS handshake phase

3.1.1.  TLS handshake phase

   During the TLS handshake phase, the client and server establish a TLS
   tunnel.  This is done using EAP-TLS [RFC5216], [RFC9190], [RFC9427]
   with the modifications described in Section 4.1.4.  As part of the
   TLS handshake protocol, the EAP-FIDO server will send its certificate
   along with a chain of certificates leading to the certificate of a
   trusted CA.  The client will check this certificate using the rules
   in Section 4.1.5.

   Once the TLS tunnel is established, the client and server proceed to
   the FIDO-exchange phase to perform the authentication of the client.

3.1.2.  FIDO-exchange phase

   In this phase, the TLS record layer is used to securely tunnel
   information between the EAP-FIDO client and EAP-FIDO server.

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   For the FIDO-exchange phase, the client has two options, depending on
   the configuration and the capability of the FIDO token.

   If the FIDO Authenticator supports Discoverable Credentials and EAP-
   FIDO is configured to use these for authentication, the client
   generates a challenge from the TLS keying material and triggers a
   FIDO challenge.

   If the client is not configured to use Discoverable Credentials, the
   client first needs to send its username to the server.  The server
   will answer with a list of FIDO Credential IDs and the client will
   attempt to use one of these keys to authenticate.

   Depending on the details of the first single FIDO authentication, the
   server MAY trigger a second authentication, to enforce token-specific

3.2.  Client and server configuration and preconditions

   As the EAP-FIDO protocol aims to provide a means of authentication
   that is easy to setup and maintain for both users and server
   operators, there are only few configuration items required.  However,
   if several setups require a different setup than the one that is
   outlined as the default here, additional configuration parameters can
   be set to modify the default behavior.

   To better distinguish the server and client configuration items
   throughout this document, all server configuration options are
   prefixed with S_, all client options with C_.

3.2.1.  Server configuration items and preconditions

   The EAP-FIDO server configuration comprises of the following
   configuration items.

   S_FIDO_RPID:  The FIDO Relying Party ID to use for checking the FIDO

      This value must be a valid domain string as specified in
      [WebAuthn].  The value of S_FIDO_RPID MAY be derived dynamically
      for each authentication flow from the realm part of the NAI.
      However, administrators SHOULD set this configuration option to an
      explicit value, because client and server MUST agree on the same
      RPID, otherwise the signature check will fail.

   S_TLS_SERVER_CERT:  The certificate used for the EAP-TLS layer.

      The certificate SHOULD include a SubjectAltName:dnsName for the

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      domain eap-fido-authentication.<S_FIDO_RPID> (See Section 4.1.5)

   Additionally, the server needs access to a database of FIDO
   credentials.  Depending on the usecase and other requirements,
   different fields are needed in the database.

    | DB Field  | Description           | Mandatory                  |
    | username  | A reference to the    | only for Server-Side       |
    |           | user                  | Credentials (see remark 1) |
    | PKID      | The public key        | yes                        |
    |           | identifier of the     |                            |
    |           | stored public key     |                            |
    | PubKey    | The public key used   | yes                        |
    |           | to verify the FIDO    |                            |
    |           | assertion             |                            |
    | signCount | The last observed     | no (see remark 2)          |
    |           | signCount sent by the |                            |
    |           | FIDO Authenticator    |                            |

     Table 1: Database fields in the server's authentication database

   Depending on the use case, the database may have additional fields
   that save the last successful authentication with User Verification
   or User Presence, in order to implement time-dependent policies ( see
   Appendix A.5 for an example)


   1: The username may not be needed in cases where an identification of
   the individual user is not necessary and Discoverable Credentials are
   used.  Server-Side Credentials need a hint to the user, since the
   server must send a list of possible PKIDs to the client.  For
   Discoverable Credentials, this is not needed.  If a server operator
   does not care about the identity of the user or has other means to
   identify a user based on the used PKID, i.e. because the mapping is
   stored in a separate database, the EAP-FIDO server does not need
   access to this information.

   2: If present, the signCount field SHOULD be writable to the EAP-FIDO
   server.  The signCount functionality is intended to have a means for
   the server to detect when a credential was cloned and two instances
   are used in parallel.  The value is strictly monotonically increasing

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   for each FIDO Authenticator, so if at some point a signCount is
   transmitted that is smaller than or equal to the saved signCount, a
   second FIDO Authenticator is potentially using the same credential.
   How servers deal with such case is outside of the scope of this

3.2.2.  Client configuration items and preconditions

   The client configuration of EAP-FIDO is intended to be as simple as
   typing in one string and being connected.  However, the precondition
   is that the FIDO credential is already registered with the server.
   Details on this rationale can be found in Section 6.1.

   // A future version of this draft may include some means for the
   // server to signal a URL where to register the FIDO key.  The flow
   // could be the following: The user enters their realm, the server
   // recognizes that there is no FIDO credential available, send a URL
   // where the user can register their credential, the UI shows this
   // URL, the user can click their, log in with their credentials (i.e.
   // via SSO), register the FIDO token and then it just works. \o/ Of
   // course we need to make sure that no one can hijack that process,
   // so the EAP-TLS handshake must be performed, so the client knows it
   // talks with the correct server.
   // -- Janfred

   The client has several configuration options.  However, there is only
   one mandatory configuration option and user interfaces SHOULD present
   this option prominently.  If the server relies on Server-Side
   Credentials, it needs an identity, this option SHOULD be presented in
   the initial configuration interface as well, marked as optional.  The
   other configuration options SHOULD still be made available, i.e.
   behind an "Advanced" button, but SHOULD indicate the derived value
   based on the input in C_FIDO_RPID, to help the user understand what
   this value usually looks like and whether or not it is necessary to
   change the derived value.

   C_FIDO_RPID:  (Mandatory) The FIDO Relying Party ID to use.  This is
      the basis for all derived configuration items.

      The value must be a valid domain string as specified in

      Implementations MAY offer the user a set of known RPIDs, if
      Discoverable Credentials are used and there are already
      Credentials registered.

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   C_IDENTITY:  (Optional) The identity (username) of the user.

      This configuration item is only needed if Server-Side Credentials
      are used.  It is RECOMMENDED that the identity is just the
      username and does not contain a realm.

   C_NAI:  (Optional, Derived) The NAI to use in the EAP layer.

      This option MUST be set to anonymous@<C_FIDO_RPID>, unless
      explicitly configured differently.

   C_EXPECTED_SERVERNAME:  (Optional, Derived) The expected server name
      to use to verify the server's identity.

      This option MUST be set to eap-fido-authentication.<C_FIDO_RPID>
      unless explicitly configured differently.
      // The prefix value is not final yet.  Might still change,
      // on the result of the name discussion.  Maybe we could also
      // reference RFC9525 here, especially Section 6.3 on how to match
      // DNS Domain Name Portion against a certificate.  In this case,
      // C_EXPECTED_SERVERNAME would be a DNS-ID according to RFC9525
      // terminology.
      // -- Janfred If manually configured, implementations MUST check
      that C_EXPECTED_SERVERNAME is either equal to or a subdomain (in
      any depth) of C_FIDO_RPID and MUST reject configurations that do
      not match this condition.

   C_TLS_TRUST_ANCHORS:  (Optional, with default) A set of trust anchors
      to use for checking the server certificate.

      This option MUST default to the set of trust anchors already
      present on the device, i.e. the set of trust anchors used to
      verify server certificates for HTTPS, unless the device has no
      such set available.  In this case, the implementation MUST enforce
      that this option is set.  Implementations MUST NOT allow this
      option to be set to trust certificates from unknown trust anchors.
      Implementations SHOULD allow to select multiple trust anchors.

4.  EAP-FIDO protocol flow and message format

   This section describes the EAP-FIDO protocol flow and the message

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   The protocol starts with the TLS handshake phase, and, after the TLS
   tunnel is established, continues with the FIDO exchange.

4.1.  TLS handshake phase

   The packet format for EAP-FIDO messages follows the format specified
   in [RFC5216], Section 3 with the following modifications:

   *  The Type field is set to <insert EAP code here, Proof of Concept
      uses the method type 255 "Experimental", once we have a stable
      message format we'll ask for IANA early allocation> (EAP-FIDO)

   *  Within the Flags field, the Version bits are set to the major
      version of EAP-FIDO.  For this specification, the major version is
      0.  Future EAP-FIDO versions MAY increase the version number.

4.1.1.  EAP-FIDO Start packet

   In the first packet from the server to the client, the S-bit of the
   Flags MUST be set, indicating the start of the EAP-FIDO protocol.
   The S-bit MUST NOT be set in any subsequent packet.  This packet
   contains only the EAP header (Code, Identifier, Length, Type) and the
   EAP-TLS flags.

   Future versions of EAP-FIDO may send additional data outside the TLS
   tunnel with the first EAP message, supplicants SHOULD ignore any
   additional data sent with this packet.

4.1.2.  Version negotiation

   The major version of EAP-FIDO is negotiated in the first exchange
   between server and client.  The server sets the highest major version
   number of EAP-FIDO that it supports in the V field of the flags in
   its Start message.  In the case of this specification, this is 0.  In
   its first EAP message in response, the client sets the V field to the
   highest major version number that it supports that is no higher than
   the version number offered by the server.  If the client version is
   not acceptable to the server, it sends an EAP-Failure to terminate
   the EAP session.  Otherwise, the version sent by the client in its
   response is the version of EAP-FIDO that MUST be used, and both
   server and client MUST set the V field to that version number in all
   subsequent EAP-TLS messages.

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   Given the limited range of the V field (values 0-7), future EAP-FIDO
   versions MUST NOT increase the major version if there are no changes
   to the outer message format.  Minor version updates that only affect
   the protocol flow within the TLS tunnel MUST be done with means
   available during the TLS handshake, i.e. using Application Layer
   Protocol Negotiation (ALPN).

4.1.3.  Fragmentation

   Each EAP-FIDO message contains a single leg of a half-duplex
   conversation.  Since EAP carrier protocols may constrain the length
   of an EAP message, it may be necessary to fragment an EAP-FIDO
   message across multiple EAP messages.

   This is done through the fragmentation mechanism within EAP-TLS.
   This method is described in [RFC5216], Section 2.1.5.

4.1.4.  TLS Handshake Requirements

   The client and server perform a TLS handshake following the
   specification in [RFC5216], Section 2 and [RFC9190], Section 2 with
   the following modifications:

   *  TLS version 1.3 or higher MUST be negotiated.

   *  Mutual authentication is not required.  Implementations MUST
      support EAP-FIDO without TLS client authentication, but MAY allow
      it, i.e. if EAP-FIDO is used as a 2-Factor authentication method
      where TLS client certificates are the first factor and the FIDO
      authentication is the second.

   *  The certificate of the server MUST be validated according to the
      verification steps described in the next section.

4.1.5.  TLS Server Certificate Verification

   Clients MUST validate the certificate sent by the server.  For this
   the client must first check that C_EXPECTED_SERVERNAME is set to the
   exact domain or a subdomain of C_FIDO_RPID.  This ensures that a
   misconfiguration cannot be used for cross-domain or even cross-
   protocol attacks.  The client then MUST validate that the server
   certificate is valid for the domain saved in the configuration item
   C_EXPECTED_SERVERNAME and the certificate chain leads back to a trust
   anchor listed in C_TLS_TRUST_ANCHORS.
   // Again, here we could look if we can reference RFC9525?
   // -- Janfred

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   *  TODO: OCSP Stapling?  Mandatory or not?

4.2.  FIDO-exchange

   After the TLS handshake is completed, the client and server perform
   the FIDO-exchange to authenticate the client inside the TLS tunnel.

   This section describes the message format and the protocol flow.

4.2.1.  Message format

   All EAP-FIDO messages in the inner authentication consist of a CBOR
   sequence with one or two elements:

   type:  integer to indicate the message type.  Table 2 contains a list
      of the different message types.

   attributes:  a CBOR encoded map with attributes.  A list of the
      different attributes, their assigned mapkey and the type are
      listed in Table 3.  This element is omitted in the Success
      indicator message.

               | Type | Description             | Sent by |
               | -2   | Error                   | Both    |
               | -1   | Failure indicator       | Both    |
               | 0    | Success indicator       | Both    |
               | 1    | Authentication Request  | Server  |
               | 2    | Authentication Response | Client  |
               | 3    | Information Request     | Client  |
               | 4    | Information Response    | Server  |

                          Table 2: Message types

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   | Mapkey | Type    | human-readable | Description                   |
   |        |         | Label          |                               |
   | 0      | UTF-8   | Identity       | User Identity (usually        |
   |        | String  |                | username)                     |
   | 1      | Byte    | Additional     | Additional Data to be         |
   |        | String  | Client Data    | signed by the FIDO            |
   |        |         |                | Authenticator                 |
   | 2      | Array   | PKIDs          | List of acceptable            |
   |        | of Byte |                | Credential IDs                |
   |        | Strings |                |                               |
   | 3      | Byte    | Auth Data      | Authdata according to         |
   |        | String  |                | [WebAuthn], Section 6.1       |
   | 4      | Byte    | FIDO Signature |                               |
   |        | String  |                |                               |
   | 5      | Array   | Authentication | Sent by the server to         |
   |        | of      | requirements   | indicate the current          |
   |        | UTF-8   |                | authentication                |
   |        | Strings |                | requirements, i.e. if         |
   |        |         |                | user presence or user         |
   |        |         |                | verification is required      |
   | 6      | Byte    | PKID           | Needed to identify the        |
   |        | String  |                | credential                    |
   | 7      | Integer | Error Code     | A code describing the         |
   |        |         |                | error, see Section 4.4        |
   |        |         |                | for a list of error           |
   |        |         |                | codes                         |
   | 8      | UTF-8   | Error          | An optional human-            |
   |        | String  | Description    | readable error                |
   |        |         |                | description                   |

                    Table 3: Mapkeys for the attributes

   We will now describe the meaning, format and required attributes for
   each message type.

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Internet-Draft                  EAP-FIDO                      March 2024  Success indicator

   This message is the protected success indicator, as required by
   [RFC9427], Section 5.2.  It is sent by the server to indicate a
   successful authentication.  Since EAP is a strict request-response
   based protocol, the client needs to reply to a success indicator sent
   by the server, so the server can send an EAP-Success message.  The
   client will acknowledge the reception of this packet through the
   acknowledgement mechanism in EAP-TLS with an EAP-TLS acknowledgement

   To achieve the compatibility with the protected success indication
   mechanism of other EAP methods, the attributes field of the message
   MUST be omitted, that is, this message is only one byte with the
   value of 0x00.  Failure indicator

   A failure indicator message signals a non-recoverable error condition
   for the current authentication exchange.

   The attributes field of the message MUST contain at least the Error
   Code attribute with an error code describing the error and MAY
   contain the Error Description attribute with a human-readable error
   description.  Error

   The Error message signals an error condition and can be sent both
   from client to server and vice versa.  This error condition does not
   necessarily lead to an authentication failure, since the EAP-FIDO
   server may decide that the previous authentication is sufficient.
   (See Appendix A.6 for an example for this use case)

   The attributes field MUST contain at least the Error Code attribute
   with an error code describing the error and MAY contain an Error
   Description attribute with a human-readable error description.  Authentication Request

   An authentication request is sent by the server to initialize a new
   authentication request.  With this request, the server sends along
   information that the client needs to perform the FIDO authentication.

   The attributes field in the authentication request message contain
   the following attributes:

   PKIDs:  (Optional) A list of acceptable Credential IDs.  This can be

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      used to trigger a re-authentication of a specific credential or to
      provide a list of the Credential IDs for a specific user, if
      Server-Side Credentials are used.

   Authentication Requirements:  (Optional) A list of requirements for
      the FIDO authentication.  The possible options for this version of
      EAP-FIDO are "up" for requesting user presence and "uv" for
      requesting user verification.  Clients MUST ignore any other
      value, to ensure forward compatibility.

   Additional Client Data:  (Optional) Additional data to be signed by
      the FIDO Authenticator.

   If no attributes are transmitted, the attributes field MUST be set to
   an empty map, instead of omitting it completely.

   Since this packet signals the start of a new authentication, the
   client MUST initialize a new authentication and MUST NOT reuse
   information from any previous authentication attempt, even if the
   previous authentication exchange was not completed.  It MAY cache
   some data to perform sanity checks, i.e. to protect itself against
   misbehaving servers that try to re-initialize an authentication with
   the same parameters multiple times.  Authentication Response

   If a client has sufficient information to perform a FIDO
   authentication, the client sends an authentication response.  The
   authentication response signifies the completion of one
   authentication.  This message can be sent in response to either an
   Authentication Request or an Information Response.

   The attributes field in the authentication response message
   contain the following attributes:

   PKID:  The Credential ID of the FIDO Credential used to generate the

   Auth Data:  The signed auth data as returned from the FIDO
      Authenticator (see [FIDO-CTAP2], Section 6.2)

   FIDO Signature:  The signature as returned from the FIDO
      Authenticator (see [FIDO-CTAP2], Section 6.2)

   All three attributes MUST be present in the authentication response

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Internet-Draft                  EAP-FIDO                      March 2024  Information Request

   If a client does not have sufficient information to perform the FIDO
   authentication, the client can send an information request message to
   the server.

   This is the case if Server-Side Credentials are used, since the FIDO
   Authenticator needs the list of acceptable Credential IDs to access
   the actual credentials on the FIDO Authenticator.

   With the information request the client can transmit additional
   information that help the server to compile this information.

   The attributes field in the information request contains the
   following attributes:

   Identity:  The identity of the user (usually a username, configured
      in C_IDENTITY)

   A client MUST NOT send an Information Request packet twice for one
   authentication.  If a client does not get sufficient information to
   perform the FIDO authentication after the first Information Request
   and the subsequent Information Response, the client will not get more
   information by asking the server a second time.  In this case, a
   client MUST respond with an Error message, indicating Insufficient

   A server MUST respond with a Failure Indicator message if it receives
   an Information Request packet when it does not expect one.  Information Response

   The server answers to an Information Request from the client with an
   Information Response.

   This packet is used to transmit additional information to the client.

   The attributes field in the information response can contain any
   attribute that is also allowed in the Authentication Request packet.
   If an attribute was both present in the Authentication Request and
   the Information Response packet, the client MUST discard the previous
   value(s) of this attribute that were sent in the Authentication
   Request and use the value(s) in the Information Response packet.

   A server MUST NOT send an Information Response packet twice for one
   authentication.  A client MUST respond with a Failure Indicator
   message if it receives an Information Response packet when it does
   not expect one.

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4.2.2.  Protocol Sequence

   The FIDO exchange phase starts with the server sending an
   authentication request to the client.  This message is sent along
   with the last message of the server's TLS handshake.

   The Authentication Request can include authentication requirements,
   additional client data and a list of Credential IDs.

   The client then decides if it has sufficient information to perform
   the FIDO authentication.  This can be done by probing the FIDO
   Authenticator with all information given in the Authentication
   Request message.

   If the FIDO authentication is already possible at this point, the
   client performs the FIDO authentication process and sends an
   Authentication Response message with the results from the FIDO
   authentication to the server.  This authentication flow can be used
   if the FIDO Authenticator has a Discoverable Credential registered
   for the given Relying Party ID.

   If the client needs additional information, i.e. because it uses
   Server-Side Credentials and therefore needs a list of Credential IDs,
   the client sends an information request to the server, which includes
   additional information from client to help the server to fulfill the
   information request.  In the current specification, this is namely an
   identifier, from which the EAP-FIDO server can perform a lookup for
   all registered FIDO credentials registered to this identifier.

   Upon reception of the Information Request message from the client,
   the server looks up the registered Credential IDs for the given
   identity.  Depending on the lookup, the requirements for user
   presence or user verification may change from the previous
   assumption.  The found Credential IDs, and optionally also the
   updated authentication requirements, are then sent with the
   Information Response back to the client.

   The client can now, with the additional information in the
   Information Response message, perform the FIDO authentication.  The
   result of the FIDO authentication is then sent to the Server in an
   Authentication Response message, which includes the PKID, Auth Data
   and FIDO Signature from the FIDO authentication result.

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   When a server receives an Authentication Response message, it
   validates the FIDO data.  If the FIDO authentication is successful
   and the FIDO key has sufficient authorization, the server sends a
   Success indication message to indicate the Success of the FIDO
   exchange phase.  The client will acknowledge this packet using the
   EAP-TLS acknowledgement mechanism and the server sends an EAP-Success

   Depending on the result of the FIDO authentication, the user presence
   or user verification assertions and the policy for a specific FIDO
   credential, the server MAY choose to trigger a second FIDO
   authentication with a different set of authentication requirements.
   This is done by sending a new Authentication Request message to the
   client.  This message MUST include a PKIDs attribute with only the
   PKID of the credential used in the previous FIDO authentication

   The client then triggers a new FIDO authentication process and
   answers with an Authentication Response message.

   The server MUST NOT trigger a challenge with the same Credential ID
   and Authentication Requirements twice.

4.3.  FIDO authentication

   This section will describe the actual FIDO authentication process,
   that is performed between the EAP-FIDO client and the FIDO

   (currently mainly a sub, more text is TODO)

   The client will use CTAP version 2.0 or above [FIDO-CTAP2] to
   communicate with the FIDO Authenticator.

   The Relying Party ID (RPID) is explicitly configured in C_FIDO_RPID

   The client data is a concatenation of two items.

   The first item is derived from the TLS keying material:

   FIDO_CHALLENGE_TLS = TLS-Exporter("fido challenge", NULL, 32)

   The second item is the optional additional client data sent by the

   Both items are concatenated and hashed using SHA-256.  The result is
   the clientDataHash for the FIDO authentication.

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   TODO: format of Authentication Requirements and how to send them
   using CTAP

   Completely TODO: Server side.  How to validate.  If up/uv was
   provided, even if not required, the server should update the "last
   up/uv seen" field for example.

4.4.  Error conditions

   TODO, only a stub, not yet finished.

   Errors can be non-recoverable, or recoverable.  If an error is non-
   recoverable, then it MUST only appear in a Failure Indication
   message.  If an error is recoverable, the peer may decide whether or
   not the current error condition is non-recoverable or not.  These
   errors can be included in both the Failure Indication message and the
   Error message.

   An example of a non-recoverable error is the Unexpected Message
   error.  In this case either the other peer is misbehaving or they
   have a different state, in both cases, a successful authentication is
   not possible.

   An example of a recoverable error, that may be sent with a Failure
   Indication message is the No Username configured error.  If the
   client receives the authentication request and there is no FIDO
   authenticator available with a Discoverable Credential, and there is
   no username configured, then it is unlikely that the server has more
   information.  In this case the client MAY send a Failure Indication
   message, signaling its unwillingness to try again.  A client MAY also
   choose to send this error within the Error message, in which case the
   decision on trying again lies with the server.

   In this table are some error conditions, the list is not yet complete
   and not ordered.

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   | Error | non-recoverable | human-readable | Description            |
   | code  |                 | Label          |                        |
   | ?     | no              | No username    | The client             |
   |       |                 | configured     | configuration had no   |
   |       |                 |                | username configured    |
   |       |                 |                | and no Discoverable    |
   |       |                 |                | Credential was         |
   |       |                 |                | available.             |
   | ?     | yes             | Unexpected     | The client or server   |
   |       |                 | Message        | received an            |
   |       |                 |                | unexpected message.    |
   |       |                 |                | Either one of the      |
   |       |                 |                | peers is misbehaving   |
   |       |                 |                | or they use            |
   |       |                 |                | incompatible           |
   |       |                 |                | versions.  Either      |
   |       |                 |                | way, a successful      |
   |       |                 |                | authentication is      |
   |       |                 |                | not possible under     |
   |       |                 |                | these circumstances.   |
   | ?     | no              | Insufficient   | The client did not     |
   |       |                 | Information    | have sufficient        |
   |       |                 |                | information to         |
   |       |                 |                | perform a FIDO         |
   |       |                 |                | authentication.        |

                                  Table 4

5.  Implementation Guidelines


6.  Design decisions

   This section documents several design decisions for the EAP-FIDO

6.1.  Registration of FIDO2 keys is out of scope

   The FIDO CTAP protocol has distinct primitives for the registration
   and the usage of a FIDO2 credential.  This specification requires
   that the registration of the security token has been done out-of-
   band, for example using the WebAuthn protocol in a browser context.

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   There are multiple degrees of freedom when registering a token with
   CTAP version 2.  This specification recognizes the following choices
   at registration time, and defines how to effectuate an authentication
   transaction for any combination of these choices.

6.1.1.  Discoverable Credentials vs. Server-Side Credentials

   FIDO2 tokens contain a master key which never leaves the security
   perimeter of the token.  FIDO2 tokens transact by generating
   asymmetric keypairs which are bound to a scope (often: a domain name,
   a RADIUS realm).  The scoped keying material can be accessed using
   two different methods:

   *  Server-Side Credentials: The keying material is not accessible
      directly, but only by providing a Credential ID that was generated
      during registration.  Depending on the actual implementation
      inside the FIDO Authenticator, the Credential ID may be used as a
      seed to re-generate the specific key pair with the help of the
      FIDO Authenticator's master key.  Other FIDO Authenticator
      implementations may store the keypair and generate a random
      Credential ID by which the key can be referenced.  To trigger an
      authentication, the client must provide the correct Credential ID
      to the FIDO Authenticator.  It is fair to assume that the number
      of Server-Side Credentials that a FIDO Authenticator can generate
      is not significantly limited, so the number of keys should not
      weigh in to the consideration whether or not it is worth to
      register a new Server-Side Credential for a given scope.

   *  Discoverable Credentials: The keying material is stored on the
      security token itself, along with the scope for which the keypair
      was generated.  During authentication transactions, only the scope
      (as configured, or as sent by the server) determines which keypair
      is to be used in the transaction.  The key can store multiple keys
      for the same scope.  The number of slots for Discoverable
      Credentials is limited, and this limit needs to be considered when
      deciding whether or not a new Discoverable Credential should be
      registered for a specific use case.

   EAP-FIDO supports both Discoverable and Server-Side Credentials.

   Registering a Discoverable Credential has several advantages and one

   *  No username needs to be sent during the authentication transaction

   *  The transaction requires less round-trips due to skipping the
      username transmission process

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   *  The amount of data sent from EAP server to EAP peer is
      significantly smaller, reducing the probability of extra
      roundtrips or packet fragmentation

   *  The scopes of the stored credentials can be seen and enumerated by
      the EAP supplicant, helping the user in finding the right value
      for configuring the EAP realm

   *  The Discoverable Credential consumes space on the FIDO
      Authenticator, which might be limited

6.1.2.  User involvement during registration

   Token registration can involve one of two levels of asserting the
   user presence.

   *  UP (userPresence): the registration ceremony ensures that a person
      is present at the token while registering the device (e.g. human
      tissue needs to touch a physical security key while the
      registration transaction executes).

   *  UV (userVerification): the security token registers a unique
      property of the user during the registration ceremony, such that
      it is asserted that only the exact same person can interact with
      the token in the future (e.g. by registering a fingerprint or
      facial recognition)

   During authentication transactions, an EAP-FIDO server can request
   one of three levels of asserting user presence.

   *  Silent (interaction with a human is not required)

   *  UP (physical interaction with a person is required)

   *  UV (physical interaction with the registered user is required).

   An authentication transaction can not request a higher level than was
   set at registration time; i.e. a token registered in UP mode can not
   transact in UV mode.

   EAP-FIDO supports all three transaction modes, and the server can
   signal its required minimum assertion level for each individual
   authentication transaction.

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6.2.  FIDO2 key scopes and certificate name considerations

   The scope of a FIDO2 key as set during the registration transaction
   determines the contexts in which it can be used.  In EAP-FIDO, the
   following three notions interplay:

   *  the realm of username as used in the EAP-Identity exchange ("outer

   *  the servername as presented during the EAP-TLS exchange by the
      EAP-FIDO server

   *  the relyingPartyIdentifier (rpId) that is used during the FIDO
      CTAP client authentication phase

   Since FIDO keys may be used in other contexts, such as [WebAuthn], we
   have to ensure that the security parameters of EAP-FIDO and other
   FIDO-based protocols align.

   The most important restriction regards the relation between domain
   name and Relying Party ID.  This relation ensures that a FIDO
   credential is linked to a specific scope and cannot be used outside
   of that scope.  Thus, in EAP-FIDO we must a equivalent dependency,
   that prevents the usage of a FIDO credential outside its intended
   scope, which could serve as basis for a cross-protocol attack.

   Therefore, we require that the configuration item
   C_EXPECTED_SERVERNAME, which is used to verify the server certificate
   within the EAP-TLS handshake, is the same as or a subdomain of
   C_FIDO_RPID.  This ensures that only an entity with a valid
   certificate within the scope the FIDO credential is registered to can
   also use the FIDO credential for EAP-FIDO.

   This check MUST be done within the supplicant, and the server has to
   trust the supplicant's implementation to actually check this.

6.3.  EAP-Method with EAP-TLS vs standalone EAP method to be used in

   Since there already exist EAP methods that provide a TLS tunnel and
   are capable of encapsulating further EAP methods, e.g.  EAP-PEAP,
   EAP-TTLS or EAP-TEAP, the question arises, why this specification
   does not focus solely on the FIDO exchange as a standalone EAP method
   instead of re-specifying a new EAP-method that again makes use of

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   The main reason for a decision against this is the potential for
   misconfiguration.  One of the goals for this EAP method is to provide
   a means to validate the server certificate using implicit
   configuration options.  Using EAP-TTLS or EAP-PEAP would counteract
   this goal, since in most supplicants the configuration for the
   different phases of the tunneled TLS methods is done separately, so
   the users would have to configure the certificate check parameters
   manually again.  Additionally, not every supplicant application may
   allow the code for the phase 2 exchange to access information about
   the phase 1 exchange, namely the server certificate parameters, which
   is necessary for the security of the EAP-FIDO exchange.  Specifying
   EAP-FIDO as standalone EAP methods could therefore require modifying
   the EAP stack.  Implementers might be tempted to re-use the insecure
   and error-prone configuration interfaces.  To prevent this from the
   start, EAP-FIDO specifies an EAP-TLS based EAP method that cannot be
   used standalone.

   Although this requires potentially duplicate code for supplicants
   that support multiple EAP-TLS based methods, the authors believe this
   means of specification to be more resistant against implementation
   errors and prevent error-prone user interfaces.

7.  Implementation Status

   Note to RFC editor: Remove this section, as well as the reference to
   [RFC7942] before publication

   This section records the status of known implementations of the
   protocol defined by this specification at the time of posting of this
   Internet-Draft, and is based on a proposal described in [RFC7942].
   The description of implementations in this section is intended to
   assist the IETF in its decision processes in progressing drafts to
   RFCs.  Please note that the listing of any individual implementation
   here does not imply endorsement by the IETF.  Furthermore, no effort
   has been spent to verify the information presented here that was
   supplied by IETF contributors.  This is not intended as, and must not
   be construed to be, a catalog of available implementations or their
   features.  Readers are advised to note that other implementations may

   According to [RFC7942], "this will allow reviewers and working groups
   to assign due consideration to documents that have the benefit of
   running code, which may serve as evidence of valuable experimentation
   and feedback that have made the implemented protocols more mature.
   It is up to the individual working groups to use this information as
   they see fit".

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   There is one early prototype proof-of-concept implementation of EAP-
   FIDO into hostap (hostapd for the server side, wpa_supplicant on the
   client side) available.  The implementation was done before the
   specification of this draft was finished and is therefore not
   compatible with any draft version (different message format,
   simplified message flow, missing security checks), but serves as a
   proof-of-concept for the overall principle of using FIDO to perform
   an eduroam login.  The source code can be found under

8.  Security Considerations

   TODO Security

   The security properties of FIDO are described in [FIDO-SecRef]

9.  Deployment Considerations

   This section will list considerations for deploying EAP-FIDO.  It is
   intended to help local administrators to decide which parameters
   should be used in their deployment and give a brief overview over our
   suggested best practices.

9.1.  Token Registration with User Presence vs. User Verification

   In many use cases, it is desirable for a deployer to attribute an
   authentication transaction to a specific individual on an ongoing
   basis.  If this ongoing attribution is important, tokens need to be
   registered in User Verification (UV) mode.

   A token which is registered with User Presence (UP) only does not
   allow to ascertain the binding to a specific individual on an ongoing
   basis.  The registration process makes sure that the token belongs to
   an authorized user initially at registration time - but this
   individual may transfer the token to other individuals post-
   registration, either by conscious decision or by accident.  The new
   owner will be trivially able to complete an eventual UP challenge in
   the future, because UP challenges do not involve a personal
   authentication factor.  Examples of such transfers include a physical
   hand-over of a USB Security Token, sharing the credential of a
   platform authenticator using AirDrop or theft of a device.

   A token which is registered with User Verification (UV) on the
   contrary can be issued a UV challenge, which will require the
   personal authentication factor used during registration (e.g.  PIN,
   biometric).  While it may still be possible to transfer the token
   along with the authentication factor (say, USB Security Token and

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   associated PIN), this behavior is then equivalent to directly sharing
   the password in password-based EAP types or the private key of a
   Client Certificate for certificate based login.  This has a higher
   psychological barrier, is a known problem, and can be sanctioned by
   the deployer in the same way as traditional password sharing is.
   Additionally, this prevents an attacker that came into possession of
   the FIDO token without consent/knowledge of the original owner from
   completing UV challenges, since they are missing the required
   verification credential (i.e.  PIN or biometric).

   We want to emphasize that preventing users from transferring
   ownership is only possible if the used FIDO keys require biometric
   authentication and this can not be circumvented (i.e. by a backup-PIN
   or a PIN-based mechanism to add new fingerprints).

10.  IANA Considerations

   This document has IANA actions:

   *  EAP type code point for EAP-FIDO

   *  EAP-FIDO registry

      -  Message types, should probably be of policy "Specification

      -  Attributes, should be split with "Specification Required" and
         "Private use"

      -  Error codes, should be split with "Specification Required" and
         "Private use"

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5216]  Simon, D., Aboba, B., and R. Hurst, "The EAP-TLS
              Authentication Protocol", RFC 5216, DOI 10.17487/RFC5216,
              March 2008, <>.

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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   [RFC9190]  Preuß Mattsson, J. and M. Sethi, "EAP-TLS 1.3: Using the
              Extensible Authentication Protocol with TLS 1.3",
              RFC 9190, DOI 10.17487/RFC9190, February 2022,

   [RFC9427]  DeKok, A., "TLS-Based Extensible Authentication Protocol
              (EAP) Types for Use with TLS 1.3", RFC 9427,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9427, June 2023,

11.2.  Informative References

              FIDO Alliance, "Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP)",
              21 June 2022, <

              FIDO Alliance, "FIDO Technical Glossary", 23 May 2022,

              FIDO Alliance, "FIDO Security Reference", 23 May 2022,

              IETF, "EMU @ IETF 115, Minutes", 7 November 2022,

   [RFC3748]  Aboba, B., Blunk, L., Vollbrecht, J., Carlson, J., and H.
              Levkowetz, Ed., "Extensible Authentication Protocol
              (EAP)", RFC 3748, DOI 10.17487/RFC3748, June 2004,

   [RFC5281]  Funk, P. and S. Blake-Wilson, "Extensible Authentication
              Protocol Tunneled Transport Layer Security Authenticated
              Protocol Version 0 (EAP-TTLSv0)", RFC 5281,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5281, August 2008,

   [RFC7942]  Sheffer, Y. and A. Farrel, "Improving Awareness of Running
              Code: The Implementation Status Section", BCP 205,
              RFC 7942, DOI 10.17487/RFC7942, July 2016,

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   [WebAuthn] World Wide Web Consortium, "Web Authentication: An API for
              accessing Public Key Credentials Level 2", 8 April 2021,

Appendix A.  Example use cases and protocol flows

A.1.  Authentication using Discoverable Credentials with silent

   With this use case, the server will send an Authentication Request
   containing only the Relying Party Id attribute.

   The client can trigger the silent authentication with the
   Discoverable Credential stored on the FIDO Authenticator and includes
   the response from the FIDO Authenticator into the Authentication
   Response message.

   The server can look up the Credential IDs in its database, verify the
   FIDO signature with the stored public key and, if the signature was
   valid, send a protected success indicator to the client.  The client
   responds with an acknowledgement and the server sends an EAP-Success

A.2.  Authentication using Discoverable Credentials with silent auth for
      WiFi and uv auth for VPN

   With this use case, the server will modify the Authentication Request
   based on which RADIUS client (the Wifi Controller or the VPN
   appliance) sent the request.

   If the WiFi appliance sent the request, silent auth is used, and the
   flow is identical with the previous use case.

   If the request came from the VPN appliance (e.g. because the VPN is
   done via IPSEC with EAP), the server adds "uv" in the Authentication
   Requirements attribute, which triggers an UV action on the client's

   The client triggers the authentication with the Discoverable
   Credential with user verification and responds to the server with the
   authentication data.  The server verifies the signature, sends a
   success indication, the client acknowledges and the server sends an

A.3.  Authentication with Server-Side Credentials

   In this use case, the FIDO Authenticator does not have a Discoverable
   Credential for the Relying Party ID.  Instead, the server has a list
   of Credential IDs stored for each username.

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   After the initial Authentication Request from the server, the client
   does not have enough data to trigger the FIDO Authentication, so it
   needs additional information.

   The client then sends an Information Request message with its

   The server looks up the username in its database and sends back a
   list of Credential IDs it has stored for this user with an
   Information Response message.

   The client can now trigger the FIDO authentication with this list and
   responds with an Authentication Response, that includes the
   Credential ID that was actually used for this FIDO authentication.

   The server can now verify the signature and client and server
   finalize the EAP method.

A.4.  Authentication with Server-Side Credentials and user-specific
      authentication policies

   In this use case, different users have different authentication
   policies, i.e. employees are allowed to use silent authentication,
   but administrators need an authentication with user presence.

   The server starts with an AuthenticationRequest and no authentication
   requirements or an empty array as authentication requirements.  The
   client transmits its identity to the server in the Information
   Request message.  Now the server looks up the user and their
   registered Credential IDs, and checks whether or not user presence
   verification is necessary.

   If it is necessary, the server includes an authentication
   requirements attribute with the "up" value along with the PKIDs in
   the Information Response message.  Since the client discards any
   previous attribute values, it now performs a FIDO authentication with
   user presence, and responds to the server.

A.5.  Authentication with mandatory verification after a timespan

   It may be desired to force a user verification after a timespan, to
   ensure that the FIDO token is still in possession of the user.  This
   timespan is specific for each token, so the check whether or not the
   token is still allowed to perform only silent authentication can only
   be done after the authentication has happened.

   Given, a user has two registered token, one was verified recently and
   the other exceeded the verification timespan.

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   The server start with an authentication request, the client answers
   with an Information Request and the Identity, the server transmits
   the Information Response with the two PKIDs and the client performs
   the silent FIDO authentication with the "expired" FIDO token.  After
   sending the Authentication Response, the server verifies the FIDO
   authentication and recognizes the expired FIDO token.  Now the server
   sends a new Authentication Request with the PKID of the expired token
   and "uv" as Authentication Requirement.  The client now performs the
   FIDO authentication again, this time with user verification and sends
   the Authentication Response to the server.  The server stores the
   timestamp of the successful user verification in its database and
   sends the success indicator.

A.6.  Authentication with mandatory verification after a timespan with a
      grace period

   As with the previous example, in this case the FIDO token again have
   a token-specific timeout to allow silent authentication for a period
   of time after a successful user verification.  Unlike in the previous
   example, this time there is a grace period that still allows a silent
   authentication for a while after the timer expired.  The intention is
   to not kick out the user in the moment the timer expires, i.e. a user
   is currently not in the vicinity of the device at that time, but one
   would not want to kick out the user if it needs to reconnect due to
   poor WiFi performance.  Instead, the user may choose a convenient
   time to verify their identity/presence within this grace period.

   The protocol flow is the same as the previous example, but this time
   the second Authentication Request from the server cannot be answered
   from the client, since the user is not performing the user
   verification.  Instead, the client will send an Error message with
   error code TODO (FIDO authentication Timeout).

   The server can now decide whether or not the silent authentication is
   still acceptable.  If it is, meaning that the timeout for silent
   authentication has expired, but it is still in the grace period, it
   answers with a Success Indicator.  If not, meaning that the grace
   period has expired too, the server will send a Failure Indicator with
   the appropriate error code.

A.7.  2FA-Authentication with client certificate on TLS layer and FIDO
      in the inner authentication

   Since EAP-FIDO uses TLS, it is possible to perform two-factor
   authentication directly with only EAP-FIDO.  In this case, the client
   and server perform mutual authentication at the TLS layer.

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   The server can now determine the identity of the user based on the
   certificate and already look up the stored Credential IDs.  With this
   lookup, the server can already include the PKIDs in the
   Authentication Request.  The client doesn't need to send an
   Information Request, since it already has all information.  It can
   immediately perform the FIDO authentication process and send the
   Authentication Response to the server.

Appendix B.  Open Questions regarding Protocol design

   Note to RFC Editor: Remove this section and all references from this
   section before publication.

   Since this specification is an early draft, there are a lot of open
   questions that we want to get community feedback on.

B.1.  How to determine the FIDO Relying Party ID?

   FIDO needs a relying party ID to function.  The question is how this
   RPID is determined and verified, there are several options that all
   have pros and cons.

   The main thing is to have in mind, that there are three relevant
   parameters, that need to be put into a certain relationship:

   *  the RADIUS realm (i.e. '')

   *  the RPID (i.e. '')

   *  the Server Certificate Name (usually subjectAltName:DNS, i.e.
      '', in the following abbreviated simply with

   All these three parameters need to be in a pre-defined relationship
   to allow a simple and hard-to-mess-up-and-still-secure configuration.
   Both the client and the server have to agree on what the RPID is, in
   order for the FIDO authentication to succeed.  If there is a defined
   relationship between the RPID and the certificate name (i.e.  SAN
   needs to be a subrealm of the RPID), then the client needs to verify
   the certificate against exactly that.  When does the client do that?
   What security implications does that bring?  All these options need
   some thought.

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B.1.1.  Option 1: Configuration

   The first option would be to just have the RPID as a configuration
   item, maybe with a default on the realm of the outer username.
   Adding a configuration option complicates the setup of the EAP
   method, but hopefully not too much.  A misconfiguration of the RPID
   is also not that critical from a security standpoint.  The effects of
   a misconfigured RPID are only a problem if the used FIDO key is also
   registered with a third party, in which case the third party could
   trick the client to connect to a bogus network.

   If the RPID deviates from the realm, the client could send the
   requested RPID using Server Name Indication.

B.1.2.  Option 2: Mandate RPID to equal Realm of the Username

   The second option would be to mandate that the RPID is equal to the
   realm portion of the username.  This restricts options on how to use
   EAP-FIDO and may cause unnecessary difficulties in routing, if the
   convenient routing domain (e.g. the registered domain for a company)
   should not be used as RPID due to security concerns, or different
   RPIDs should be used under the same routing realm.

B.1.3.  Option 3: RPID is determined by the server and sent before the
        TLS handshake

   Since the RPID plays an important role in the decision whether or not
   the certificate sent by the server is to be trusted, the RPID should
   be determined before the TLS handshake.  The server could determine
   the RPID based on the outer username and send it as payload in the
   EAP-TLS Start packet.  This way, the client has a clear indication as
   to whether or not to trust the server certificate sent in the
   subsequent TLS handshake.

   However, this opens up some security issues that are yet to be
   investigated, since the RPID could be modified by an on-path

B.1.4.  Option 4: RPID is determined by the server and sent after the
        TLS handshake

   With this option, the problem is that the client needs to cache the
   server certificate in order to determine if the RPID is valid. for
   the given certificate, unless the rules for certificate verification
   and RPID determination specify it otherwise.  One possibility to
   circumvent this would be to allow the server certificate names and
   the RPID to deviate, but validate both against the realm of the outer
   username, e.g. a realm of with a server certificate for

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   This, however, adds a whole lot more of security concerns, especially
   in environments with different independent divisions under the same
   domain suffix.

B.1.5.  CURRENT DECISION: Option 1

   With draft-janfred-eap-fido-02 we introduced wording that the Relying
   Party ID is the origin of all configuration items.  All other
   configuration items on the client side are derived from that.  This
   also means that we have a default DNS name that we check the server
   certificate against: eap-fido-authentication.<RPID>.  The name is not
   final yet and should not be hardcoded in any code other than proof-
   of-concept code.  That it is ok to just define a specific subdomain
   and mandate it was picked from RFC 8461 (MTA-STS), where mta-
   sts.<mail domain part> is mandated as host that will serve the MTA-
   STS file.

B.2.  Missing Features

   There are a lot of features, that have been brought up by several
   people at several occasions.  This EAP method could include spec to
   address these problems.  Also there may be FIDO-specific things that
   are not part of this specification.

B.2.1.  Deprovisioning of EAP configuration

   It may be useful to directly include a way to signal in-band that an
   EAP configuration should be deleted.

   The idea stems from the discussion at IETF 115 about EAP-DIE

   With EAP-FIDO it may be desirable to also allow for deletion of
   Discoverable Credentials.  (Maybe residential Server-Side Credentials

   Input on the need and specific way to achieve this is welcome.

B.3.  Open questions regarding security

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B.3.1.  Multiple signatures with the same parameters a problem?

   The current specification allows the server to send additional data
   for the FIDO client-data-hash, but if the server omits that, the
   client-data-hash is only comprised of the exported key material from
   TLS.  Now the interesting question is: Is this a problem?  Could a
   malicious server, that came in possession of a certificate that the
   client trusts, perform multiple authentication runs and observe the
   client's behavior and analyze the different signatures?  Basically,
   this could be a chosen-plaintext attack, where the attacker could
   control at least some portions of the plaintext.  One way around this
   would be to include a nonce in the TLS-Exporter for the FIDO
   challenge, so the client selects this nonce and sends it to the
   server, this way the server can not predict the plaintext used for
   signing.  The possibility of a double-signature with the same data is
   prevented by the counter increasing with every signature, but maybe
   some authenticators do not implement this counter.  The research
   whether or not this is a problem is still TODO, if FIDO experts have
   an opinion about this, please contact the authors.

Appendix C.  Document Status

   Note to RFC Editor: Remove this section before publication.

C.1.  Change History


      -  Initial draft version


      -  Updated terminology to align with the FIDO/WebAuthn terminology

      -  Reword introduction


      -  Rewording of introduction - better description under which
         circumstances the current practice is flawed.

      -  Add Section describing client and server configuration

      -  Add eap-fido-authentication.<RPID> as default server identity.

      -  Refine wording around server name verification

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      -  Adjust message formats and attribute mapkeys to not transmit
         the RPID any more.

      -  Add first few paragraphs on error handling

C.2.  Missing Specs

   *  Error codes and Error handling

   *  Key derivation for i.e. WPA2

      -  Will be exported from TLS layer, maybe include some information
         from the FIDO exchange to bind it to the FIDO exchange?


   The document authors want to thank Alexander Clouter for the idea of
   a default authentication server name.

Authors' Addresses

   Jan-Frederik Rieckers
   Deutsches Forschungsnetz | German National Research and Education Network
   Alexanderplatz 1
   10178 Berlin

   Stefan Winter
   Fondation Restena | Restena Foundation
   2, avenue de l'Université
   L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

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