Internet DRAFT - draft-janz-nmrg-performance-digital-twin


Network Management Research Group                                C. Janz
Internet-Draft                                                    Y. You
Intended status: Informational                             Huawei Canada
Expires: 15 September 2023                                        A. Guo
                                                  Futurewei Technologies
                                                           14 March 2023

    Functional Design Aspects of Performance-Oriented Digital Twins


   Performance-Oriented Digital Twins (PODTs) provide "what-if" analysis
   - predictions of performance or, perhaps, of other behaviours in
   hypothetical situations of network, services, traffic, etc.  Key
   functional and design aspects of PODTs in support of multiple,
   concurrently-operating use case Management Plane (MP) applications
   are discussed.  Data and model management in concurrent session
   handling, inter-working with variable composition (from data and
   functional model perspectives) networks, performance and scalability
   are considered.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 15 September 2023.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Data and Model Management Supporting Concurrent Scenario-Based
           Computational Sessions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Data and Model Management Supporting Differences and Evolutions
           in MP Applications and Physical Networks  . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Performance-Related Functional Design Aspects . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Functional Design Implications of NDT Functional Extension
           Beyond Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   8.  Manageability Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   11. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

1.  Introduction

   A Network Digital Twin (NDT) - also referred to as a Digital Network
   Twin (DNT) - is a virtual replica of a real network (often referred
   to as a 'physical' network) that faithfully mimics the behaviours of
   the real network [I-D.draft-zhou-nmrg-digitaltwin-network-concepts].
   Its role may be limited to synthesizing behavioural information, such
   as performance predictions, for consumption by other MP functions;
   such analytical Performance-Oriented Digital Twins (PODTs) are
   considered in [I-D.draft-paillisse-nmrg-performance-digital-twin].
   Alternatively, the NDT may be held to encompass further management
   functions, such as closed loop components beyond data analysis, and
   thus to exercise active control over the physical network, services,
   etc.  In such cases, the functional equivalent of a PODT lies at the
   heart of the NDT.  Therefore, this draft focuses discussion on PODTs;
   considerations related to functional extension of the NDT role,
   beyond an analytical one, are considered in Section 6.

   In [I-D.draft-paillisse-nmrg-performance-digital-twin], PODT
   implementation challenges and certain implementation options -
   especially concerning key functional models - are discussed, as are
   required interfaces and related standards (Sections 4 and 7 of the
   reference, respectively).  This draft looks not at details of models

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   or interfaces but rather at general aspects of functional design.
   Several functional design principles are considered that may apply
   generically to PODTs.

   One such functional design principle is based on the fact that the
   behavioural or performance prediction information, synthesized from
   data by a particular PODT, may be used by multiple use case-based MP
   applications, and these applications may - usefully - operate
   concurrently.  What is different among such applications - or even
   among successive predictions sought by a single application - is not
   the nature of the behavioural or performance information yielded.
   The difference lies, rather, in the details of the scenarios for
   which prediction information is sought.  A PODT supporting multiple
   concurrent MP functions and applications requires careful handling of
   data and modeling to accommodate differences in scenario-driven data
   used in (what amount to) parallel - or at least, different -
   computational sessions.  This aspect is considered in Section 3.

   Another important functional design principle is related to the fact
   that, in practice, there are likely to be - among real network
   instances for which use of the PODT is desired, or with respect to
   evolutions of a given real network instance over time - considerable
   variations in network details, including network size, equipment
   types used, available instrumentation or other data sources, etc.
   Additionally, differences among MP applications, in terms of the
   nature and degree of hypotheticals involved in the scenarios they
   generate for performance prediction, may also drive variations in
   data types, availability, precision, etc.  As a practical matter, a
   PODT should be able to accommodate such variations, while
   consistently providing the best possible scenario-based performance
   predictions in support of all MP applications.  This, too, has
   implications for data and model management.  This aspect is
   considered in Section 4.

   Finally, supporting multiple, concurrently operating MP applications
   - many of which (e.g.  optimization-related applications) may require
   performance prediction on large numbers of different, detailed
   scenarios - requires high-performance PODT implementations.  Models
   may be more or less complicated and computationally intensive; data
   consumed may be considerable and run to large archived volumes over
   time.  Performance and scalability considerations are discussed in
   Section 5.

2.  Terminology

   *  Network Digital Twin (NDT): a virtual replica of a real network
      (often referred to as a 'physical' network) that faithfully mimics
      the behaviours of the real network.

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   *  Digital Network Twin (DNT): an alternative term for NDT.

   *  Performance-Oriented Digital Twin (PODT): An analytical NDT
      generates performance-oriented information based on "what-if"
      scenarios specified by other Management Plane applications.

   *  Optical Performance Digital Twin (OPDT): A PODT that generates
      optical transmission performance predictions.

3.  Data and Model Management Supporting Concurrent Scenario-Based
    Computational Sessions

   That multiple use case-based MP applications may rely on the same
   PODT-based analytical function and information that it synthesizes,
   is illustrated in
   [I-D.draft-paillisse-nmrg-performance-digital-twin]: for greater
   simplicity and coherence, what follows refers specifically to the use
   cases associated with the Optical Performance Digital Twin (OPDT)
   that are described in that reference (Section 6).  However, as
   discussed in the reference, several of these use cases have generic
   counter-parts (i.e. are applicable to networks other than optical
   transmission networks) and, additionally, further use case categories
   are considered.

   With respect to OPDTs,
   [I-D.draft-paillisse-nmrg-performance-digital-twin] describes the
   following use cases:

   (1) Optical service (re-)provisioning

   (2.a) Optical service/network risk planning
   (2.b) Optical service/network dynamic restoration planning

   (3) Optical service planning

   (4) Optical network planning (incremental/brown field to green field)

   (5) Optical services/network optimization

   Note that: (1) describes an active operation undertaken on deployed
   and operating optical networks, potentially in an automation or semi-
   automation context; (2.a) and (2.b) describe potentially coupled
   analysis & planning operations that may be undertaken periodically or
   on an event-driven basis on deployed and operating optical networks,
   potentially in an automation or semi-automation context; (3)
   describes a planning operation, that may be undertaken periodically
   or on an event-driven basis on deployed and operating optical
   networks, potentially in an automation or semi-automation context;

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   (4) describes a planning operation, relevant to either deployed and
   operating optical networks or to hypothetical future optical
   networks.  In either context, optical service planning (3) may be an
   'embedded' function; (5) describes an 'embedded' function used in
   support of (2) through (4).

   All of these use cases may be handled by MP applications that rely on
   the same OPDT - or at least the same type and style of OPDT -
   generating the same type and format of transmission performance
   information (predictions) from the same fundamental data, using
   fundamentally the same models.  The differences consist in the
   detailed sourcing of data - in particular, between real network and
   service data and postulated, hypothetical data - and in the detailed
   usage of models.  For example, the OPDT-based modeling implicated in
   cases (1) and (3) above involves performance, status and other data
   strictly from the network as-deployed and operating, but also
   involves at least partly hypothetical postulated optical service
   states.  On the other hand, the OPDT-based modeling implicated in
   cases (2) and (4) involves performance, equipment specification and
   status, and other network data that is at least partly (and may be
   wholly - e.g. green field planning) hypothetical, as well as at least
   partly (and potentially wholly) hypothetical optical service states.
   All of these applications, and especially the potentially embedded
   application case (5), furthermore involve some degree of sequential
   or parallel presentation of multiple, partly differing scenarios for
   performance prediction.

   Accommodating these realities requires (ideally) concurrent operation
   of multiple, scenario-based computational 'sessions', requiring
   careful management of the different data sets and models involved in
   each, as well as of their differing life cycles.  Note that whether a
   given implementation is better described as operating concurrent
   sessions of the same OPDT, or as concurrently operating multiple OPDT
   instances of the same type, is largely a distinction without a
   meaningful difference for purposes of this discussion.

   OPDT (or, more broadly, PODT) computational sessions - in the sense
   just described - thus make use of network, service and other data
   that generally only partly map to current (or historical) data from
   the real twin.  However, that 'real' data must remain accessible to
   every session and uncorrupted by the partial substitution of real
   data with hypothetical data occurring differentially in each session,
   while being continuously updated and kept current with new data from
   the real network, management and control systems, etc.  There are
   different implementation methods available to achieve this, but
   careful design and implementation is critical.

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   Different PODT computational sessions also generally involve
   different detailed functional model compositions.  First, scenarios
   may involve additions to, deletions from, or other modifications to
   the set of deployed equipment or other elements, changes in
   connection configurations, etc.  Where network functional models are
   generated through composition from atomic equipment or element
   instances and their related models, differential network model
   composition by scenario-based session is clearly required.  Second,
   details of functional models invoked may differ depending on whether
   the counter-part to the digital instance is real - i.e. deployed and
   potentially operating - or hypothetical.  For example, in the case of
   OPDTs, the important erbium-doped fibre amplifier (EDFA) network
   element is a critical focal point for functional modeling.  According
   to [EDFA1], such functional models may be - in increasing order of
   accuracy and precision - generic, type-specific but instance-generic,
   or both type-and instance-specific.  Where the scenario-based network
   is fully deployed and operational, the latter models may be available
   and will yield more accurate performance predictions than the
   alternatives; whereas if the scenario-based network is entirely
   hypothetical (e.g. green field planning) then only type-specific
   models may be available (and would be preferred to generic models).
   This issue will be re-visited in Section 4.

   Finally, scenario-based computational session life cycles must be
   managed.  Such sessions may be short-lived, e.g. seeking one-time
   "what-if" scenario-based predictions; or, they may be long-lived,
   e.g. seeking continuous generation of prediction data as real twin-
   sourced data evolves.  MP application consumers of PODT-generated
   information control these life cycles, but PODT implementations must
   be equipped to manage them.

4.  Data and Model Management Supporting Differences and Evolutions in
    MP Applications and Physical Networks

   In practical application, PODTs are likely to be required to operate
   in conjunction with real networks that vary in a number of ways,
   including network size, specific equipment types involved, available
   instrumentation or other data sources, types and quality, etc.
   Additionally, as discussed in Section 3, differences among MP
   applications - in terms of the nature and degree of hypotheticals
   involved in the scenarios they generate for performance prediction -
   may also drive variations in data types, availability, precision,
   etc.  PODTs should be able to accommodate these variations, while
   always providing the best possible scenario-based performance
   predictions.  This has implications for both session-based functional
   model management and data management.

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   As a rule, the network functional models 'composed' for each MP
   application-driven PODT computational session, should make use of the
   most accurate atomic functional models available and usable under the
   circumstances.  For example, as discussed in Section 3, better
   functional models may be available when a given network element is
   deployed and operating - its type and potentially instance-specific
   information thus being known - than when it is a hypothetical
   element, in which case, only generic or type-specific models may be
   available.  Further, a real network may include equipment types for
   which type- and instance-specific models are not available; in such
   cases, generic models must be used, or a selection made from type-
   specific models thought to best represent the behaviours of the real
   equipment in question.

   Available data to 'feed' functional models may also vary according to
   circumstances of both real network and MP application-driven
   scenarios.  Functional models and available data should be used in
   flexible combination to deliver the best possible performance
   predictions under all circumstances.  This idea may be illustrated
   with an example based on optical transmission networks and OPDTs.
   Channel input powers to the various optical amplifiers in the network
   represent important input data to amplifier functional models.  If a
   given modeled amplifier is deployed and operating, then channel input
   powers - for channels currently operating - may possibly be measured
   on the real network directly at amplifier inputs.  If such
   measurements are not available, or the optical service channel in
   question is only a hypothetical, prospective channel, or if the
   scenario for modeling includes other hypothetical changes to the
   network or service configuration or state; then alternatives must be
   sought.  For example, if optical fibre link losses are accurately
   known at proximate channel wavelengths, they may be used in
   conjunction with measured or modeled channel powers at upstream
   points to estimate amplifier ingress powers.  Note that fibre link
   losses may have been obtained by direct or indirect measurement -
   meaning, in the latter case, inferred from available data (e.g. fibre
   link input and output powers on proximate operating channel
   wavelengths).  Finally, if fibre link losses are not accurately known
   - for example, in brown or green field planning scenarios, such data
   may not be available in respect of prospective incremental or new
   fibre plant - default loss coefficients and hypothesized fibre link
   lengths may be used to generate fibre link loss estimations.

   Again: functional models and available data should be used in
   flexible combination to deliver the best possible performance
   predictions under all circumstances.  Increased 'instrumentation' of
   the real network - scope and quality of relevant data generation -
   reduces the scope and degree of required modeling and leads to
   improved performance prediction results, but modeling may generally

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   be used in combination with available data to close 'gaps' in such
   instrumentation.  In respect of any needed input data to elements of
   session-based composed network functional models, a 'preference
   hierarchy' of data, and sources of data, may be established a priori
   and used in operation.  For example, considering the case of the
   prior paragraph: if directly measured channel input power is
   available, use it; if not, and if measured proximate channel fibre
   link losses have been directly measured, use them; if not, use
   default loss coefficient for the posited fibre type and length.  Data
   'tables' may be dynamic and built up through increasing measurement
   experience, and even PODT-based functional modeling experience, with
   respect to a given real or (partly) hypothetical network.  Increasing
   effective data quality may thus yield improvements in performance
   prediction quality over time - over and above the impacts of any
   experience-driven improvement to functional models.

   It should also be noted that flexible conjoint use of data and models
   may yield ways to verify the accuracy of data and models, through
   'prediction of measurables' - i.e. using modeling to generate data
   which is in fact directly measurable or available on the real
   network.  For example, fibre link losses or channel power
   measurements may be used to 'predict' - i.e., to use functional
   models to calculate - the optical signal to noise ratio of an
   operating channel at each point in an amplified transmission span.
   If such ratios are in fact directly measured by available network
   instrumentation, then the measured and 'modeled' values, in respect
   of operating optical service channels, may be compared.  Differences
   may be due to either data/measurement inaccuracies, functional model
   accuracy limitations, or both.  Where functional models have been
   established to be accurate, discrepancies may indicate variations in
   data - assumed or measured vs. 'actual' - that may prove useful in
   e.g. 'soft fault' detection, classification or localization.

5.  Performance-Related Functional Design Aspects

   The support of multiple, concurrently operating MP applications -
   many of which (e.g. optimization-related applications) may require
   performance prediction on large numbers of different, detailed
   scenarios - requires high-performance PODT implementations.
   Functional models themselves may be more or less complicated and
   computationally-intensive, and data consumed may be considerable and
   run to large archive volumes over time.High-performance data
   collection methodologies are considered in
   [I-D.draft-zcz-nmrg-digitaltwin-data-collection].  Data comes from
   other MP applications e.g. network or service configuration, from
   managed entities - the real network - or from the real network
   through MP applications.

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   Various techniques can be used to support high-performance PODT to
   support functional design and implementation.  The common idea is to
   split functional modeling into smaller tasks.  Such tasks can be of
   two types: having dependencies on other tasks, or independent of
   other tasks.  Independent tasks can be assigned to different compute
   resources (workers), and executed in parallel:

   *  In an embedded system, a multiple worker-thread strategy can be
      used to support high performance;

   *  On a server-based platform, a PODT may run under a microservices
      architecture, with workers located in difference processors or on
      different servers depending on the size and complexity of the
      emulated network.  These distributed computing systems can greatly
      improve performance and support complex functional modeling of
      large-scale networks and concurrent sessions supporting multiple
      MP applications.

   *  Processors on real network elements can serve as distributed
      worker resources as well, performing functional modeling tasks
      directly related to them, and easy computational requirements on
      server-based platforms.

   Dependent tasks need orchestration to schedule, synchronize and
   dispatch compute requests to tasks.  Stream processing framework -
   like Kafka - are effective frameworks to support this.

6.  Functional Design Implications of NDT Functional Extension Beyond

   As described in Section 1 (and in e.g.
   [I-D.draft-zhou-nmrg-digitaltwin-network-concepts]), some functional
   conceptions of NDTs extend beyond the analytical function of PODTs to
   encompass further management functions, such as closed loop
   components extending to decision and action.  Such NDTs may thus
   exercise active control over the real network, service
   configurations, etc.
   However, in such cases, the functional equivalent of a PODT lies at
   the heart of the NDT - i.e.  representing the data and analysis
   closed loop components.  Therefore, the PODT-specific functional
   design aspects considered in this document may be considered to apply
   to NDTs broadly, with the qualification that what amount to the MP
   applications driving and using the functional equivalent of PODTs -
   in the manner described in this document - are partly or wholly
   encompassed within the functional perimeter of the NDT.

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7.  Conclusion

   PODTs represent an important class of NDTs in their own right, and
   their functional equivalent lies at the heart of NDTs with active
   network-driving capabilities.  The 'what-if' scenarios analyzed by
   PODTs are generated by various use case-oriented MP applications.
   Information and model management among concurrent computational
   sessions, driven by such MP applications, is thus an important
   functional design concern.  Also important is information and model
   management to accommodate variations and evolutions among real
   network co-operating with PODTs.  Functional design for high and
   scalable operational performance is a further important functional
   design criterion.

8.  Manageability Considerations


9.  Security Considerations


10.  IANA Considerations

   This document requires no IANA actions.

11.  Informative References

   [EDFA1]    You, Y., Jiang, Z., and C. Janz, "Machine Learning-Based
              EDFA Gain Model",
              Web, September

              Paillisse, J., Almasan, P., Ferriol, M., Barlet, P.,
              Cabellos, A., Xiao, S., Shi, X., Cheng, X., Janz, C., Guo,
              A., Perino, D., Lopez, D., and A. Pastor, "Performance-
              Oriented Digital Twins for Packet and Optical Networks",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-paillisse-nmrg-
              performance-digital-twin-01, 24 October 2022,

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              Zhou, C., Chen, D., Martinez-Julia, P., and Q. Ma, "Data
              Collection Requirements and Technologies for Digital Twin
              Network", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-zcz-
              nmrg-digitaltwin-data-collection-02, 12 March 2023,

              Zhou, C., Yang, H., Duan, X., Lopez, D., Pastor, A., Wu,
              Q., Boucadair, M., and C. Jacquenet, "Digital Twin
              Network: Concepts and Reference Architecture", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-zhou-nmrg-digitaltwin-
              network-concepts-07, 5 March 2022,



Authors' Addresses

   Christopher Janz
   Huawei Canada

   Yuren You
   Huawei Canada

   Aihua Guo
   Futurewei Technologies

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