Internet DRAFT - draft-jennings-moq-quicr-arch


Network Working Group                                        C. Jennings
Internet-Draft                                                     cisco
Intended status: Informational                             S. Nandakumar
Expires: 12 January 2023                                           Cisco
                                                            11 July 2022

               QuicR - Media Delivery Protocol over QUIC


   This specification outlines the design for a media delivery protocol
   over QUIC.  It aims at supporting multiple application classes with
   varying latency requirements including ultra low latency applications
   such as interactive communication and gaming.  It is based on a
   publish/subscribe metaphor where entities publish and subscribe to
   data that is sent through, and received from, relays in the cloud.
   The information subscribed to is named such that this forms an
   overlay information centric network.  The relays allow for efficient
   large scale deployments.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 12 January 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights

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   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
   as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  QuicR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Contributing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Advantages of QuicR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   5.  QuicR architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  QuicR Delivery Network Architecture with Origin as the only
           Relay Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.2.  QuicR Delivery Network Architecture . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Names and Named Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     6.1.  Object Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.2.  Named Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.3.  Wildcarding with Names  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   8.  Relays  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   9.  QuicR Usage Design Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     9.1.  QuicR Manifest Objects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     9.2.  QuicR Video Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       9.2.1.  RUSH over QuicR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       9.2.2.  Warp over QuicR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     9.3.  QuicR Audio Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     9.4.  QuicR Game Moves Objects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     9.5.  Messaging Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   11. Protocol Design Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     11.1.  HTTP/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     11.2.  QUIC Streams and Datagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     11.3.  QUIC Congestion Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     11.4.  Why not RTP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17

1.  Introduction

   Recently new use cases have emerged requiring higher scalability of
   delivery for interactive realtime applications and much lower latency
   for streaming applications and a combination thereof.  On one side
   are use cases such as normal web conferences wanting to distribute
   out to millions of viewers and allow viewers to instantly move to
   being a presenter.  On the other side are uses cases such as
   streaming a soccer game to millions of people including people in the

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   stadium watching the game live.  Viewers watching an e-sports event
   want to be able to comment with minimal latency to ensure the
   interactivity aspects between what different viewers are seeing is
   preserved.  All of these uses cases push towards latencies that are
   in the order of 100ms over the natural latency the network causes.

   Interactive realtime applications, such as web conferencing systems,
   require ultra low latency (< 150ms) delivery.  Such applications
   create their own application specific delivery network over which
   latency requirements can be met.  Realtime transport protocols such
   as RTP over UDP provide the basic elements needed for realtime
   communication, both contribution and distribution, while leaving
   aspects such as resiliency and congestion control to be provided by
   each application.  On the other hand, media streaming applications
   are much more tolerant to latency and require highly scalable media
   distribution.  Such applications leverage existing CDN networks, used
   for optimizing web delivery, to distribute media.  Streaming
   protocols such as HLS and MPEG-DASH operates on top of HTTP and gets
   transport-level resiliency and congestion control provided by TCP.

   This document outlines, QuicR, a unified architecture and protocol
   for data delivery that enables a wide range of realtime applications
   with different resiliency and latency needs without compromising the
   sclability and cost effectiveness associated with content delivery

1.1.  QuicR

   The architecture defines and uses QuicR, a delivery protocol that is
   based on a publish/subscribe metaphor where client endpoints publish
   and subscribe to named objects that is sent to, and received from
   relays, that forms an overlay delivery network similar to what CDN
   provides today.  The "subscribe" messages allow subscription to a
   name that includes a wildcard to match multiple published names, so a
   single "subscribe" can allow a client to receive publishes for a wide
   class of named objects.  Objects are named such that it is unique for
   the relay/delivery network and scoped to an application.

   QuicR provides services based on application requirements (with the
   support of underlying transport, where necessary) such as estimation
   of available bandwidth, fragmentation and reassembly, resiliency,
   congestion control and prioritization of data delivery based on data
   lifetime and importance of data.  It is designed to be NAT and
   firewall traversal friendly and can be fronted with load balancers.

   The Relays are arranged in a logical tree (as shown below) where, for
   a given application, there is an origin Relay at root of the tree
   that controls the namespace.  Publish messages are sent towards the

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   root of the tree and down the path of any subscribers to that named
   object.  QuicR is designed to make it easy to implement relays so
   that fail over could happen between relays with minimal impact to the
   clients and relays can redirect a client to a different relay.

                 │            │
                 │            ▼
                 │       ┌────────┐
                 │   ▬ ▬▶│Relay-0 │ ◀▬▬ ▬▬ ▬▮
             pub │  ▮    │ Orgin  ├┐        ▮
                 │  ▮    └────────┘│        ▮
                 │  ▮ sub          │        ▮ sub
                 │  ▮          pub │        ▮
                 │  ▮              │        ▮
            ┌───────▮┐ ◀▬▮         │  ┌─────▮──┐
        ┌──▶│ Relay-1│   ▮         └─▶│ Relay-2│◀▮▮
        │   └─────┬──┘   ▮             ▲──┬────┤  ▮
    pub │         │      ▮ sub     sub ▮  │    │  ▮ sub
        │      pub│      ▮             ▮  │pub ▼  ▮
       ┌┴─────┐   │ ┌────▮─┐     ┌─────▮┐ │   ┌───▮──┐
       │Alice │   └▶│ Bob  │     │ Carl │◀┘   │Derek │
       └──────┘     └──────┘     └──────┘     └──────┘

                       Figure 1: QuicR Delivery Tree

   The design supports sending media and other named objects between a
   set of participants in a game or video call with under a hundred
   milliseconds of latency and meets the needs of conferencing systems.
   The design can also be used for large scale streaming to millions of
   participants with latency ranging from a few seconds to under a
   hundred milliseconds based on applications needs.  It can also be
   used as low latency publish/subscribe system for real time systems
   such as messaging, gaming, and IoT.

2.  Contributing

   All significant discussion of development of this protocol is in the
   GitHub issue tracker at: ""

   QuicR is pronounced something close to "quicker" but with more of a
   pirate "arrrr" at the end.

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3.  Terminology

   *  Relay Function: Functionality of the QuicR architecture, that
      implements store and forward behavior at the minimum.  Such a
      function typically receives subscriptions and publishes data to
      the other endpoints that have subscribed to the named data.  Such
      functions may cache the data as well for optimizing the delivery

   *  Relay: Server component (physical/logical) in the cloud that
      implements the Relay Function.

   *  Publisher: An endpoint that sends named objects to a Relay. [ also
      referred to as producer of the named object]

   *  Subscriber: An endpoint that subscribes and receives the named
      objects.  Relays can act as subscribers to other relays.
      Subscribers can also be referred to as consumers.

   *  Client/QuicR Client: An endpoint that acts as a Publisher,
      Subscriber, or both.  May also implement a Relay Function in
      certain contexts.

   *  Named Object: Application level chunk of Data that has a unique
      Name, a limited lifetime, priority and is transported via QuicR

   *  Origin server: Component managing the QuicR namespace for a
      specific application and is responsible for establishing trust
      between clients and relays.  Origin servers can implement other
      QuicR functions.

4.  Advantages of QuicR

   As its evident, QuicR and its architecture uses similar concepts and
   delivery mechanisms to those used by streaming standards such as HLS
   and MPEG-DASH.  Specifically the use of a CDN-like delivery network,
   the use of named objects and the receiver-triggered media/data
   delivery.  However, there are fundamental characteristics that QuicR
   provides to enable ultra low latency delivery for interactive
   applications such as conferencing and gaming.

   *  To support low latency the granularity of the delivered objects,
      in terms of time duration, need to be quite small making it
      complicated for clients to request each object individually.
      QuicR uses a publish and subscription semantic along with a
      wildcard name to simplify and speed object delivery for low
      latency applications.  For latency-tolerant applications, larger

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      granularity of data, aka group of objects, can be individually
      requested and delivered without instantiating state in the

   *  Some realtime applications operating in ultra low latency mode
      require objects delivered as and when they are available without
      having to wait for previous objects delayed due to network loss or
      out of order network delivery.  QuicR supports Quic datagrams
      based object delivery with delivering media fragments as and when
      they appear, for this purpose.  Note that QuicR also uses Quic
      stream for delivery of objects that are latency-tolerant.

   *  QuicR supports resiliency mechanisms that are more suitable for
      realtime delivery such as FEC and selective retransmission.

   *  QUIC's current congestion control algorithms need to be evaluated
      for efficacy in low latency interactive real-time contexts,
      specifically mechanisms such as slow start, multiplicative
      decrease and queue buildup drainage during BBR probing.  Based on
      the results of the evaluation work, QuicR can select the
      congestion control algorithm suitable for the application's class.

   *  Published objects in QuicR have associated max-age that specifies
      the validity of such objects. max-age influences relay's drop
      decisions and can also be used by the underlying QUIC transport to
      cease retransmissions associated with the named object.

   *  Unlike streaming architectures where media contribution and media
      distribution are treated differently, QuicR can be used for both
      object contribution/publishing and distribution/subscribing as the
      split does not exist for interactive communications.

   *  QuicR supports "aggregation of subscriptions" to the named objects
      where the subscriptions are aggregated at the relay functions and
      allows "short-circuited" delivery of published objects when there
      is a match at a given relay function.  This furher enables local
      error recovery where applicable.

   *  QuicR allows publishers to associate a priority with objects.
      Priorities can help the delivery network and the subscribers to
      make decisions about resiliency, latency, drops etc.  Priorities
      can be used to set relative importance between different qualities
      for layered video encoding, for example.

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   *  QuicR is designed so that objects are encrypted end-to-end and
      will pass transparently through the delivery network.  Any
      information required by the delivery network, e.g.,priorities,
      will be included as part of the metadata that is accessible to the
      delivery network for further processing as appropriate.

5.  QuicR architecture

   A typical media delivery architecture based on QuicR enables delivery
   tree allowing :

   *  Publishing entities to publish named data

   *  Subscribers to express interest in the named objects

   *  Delivery tree made up of one or more Relays to allow the flow of
      the named objects.

   In the following subsections, two common QuicR delivery tree
   architectures are non-normatively discussed

5.1.  QuicR Delivery Network Architecture with Origin as the only Relay

                          |Relay        |
       +----------------> | |-----+
       |                  +-------------+     |
       |                                ^     |
       |             |     |
       |                                |     |
       |     *|     |
       |                                |     |
       |                                |     v
   +-----------+                      +----------+
   | Publisher |                      |Subscriber|
   +-----------+                      +----------+

   The above picture shows QuicR delivery network for an hypothetical
   streaming architecture rooted at the Origin Relay (for the domain  In this architecture, the media contribution is done by
   publishing named objects corresponding to channel-22 to the ingest
   server at the Orgin Relay.  Media consumption happens via subscribes
   sent to the Origin Relay to the wildcard name (ch22/*) for all media
   streams happening over the named channel-22.  The media published
   either by the source publisher or the Relay (as Publisher) might be
   encoded into multiple qualities.

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   Note that "3" and "1" in the above notation refer to the Group ID and
   Object ID Components defined in {{named-objects}}.

5.2.  QuicR Delivery Network Architecture

              +----> |Realay-O| <----------------+
              |      +--------+                  |
              |       ^       |                  |sub:alice-low
    pub:alice-hi      |       pub:alice-hi       |sub:alice-hi
    pub:alice-low     |       pub:alice-low      |
              | sub:alice-low |                  |
              |       |       |                  |
             +---------+      |  +------------------------+
     +------>| Relay-A |      +->|    Relay-B             |
     |       +---------+         +------------------------+
     |           |  ^              |    ^          |    ^
    pub1:alice-hi|  |              |    |          |    |
    pub2:alice-low  |              |    |          |    |
     |           |  |              |    |          |    |
     |          pub:alice-low     pub:alice-hi,low pub:alice-hi,low
     |           |  |              |    |          |    |
     |           | sub:alice-low   |   sub:alice*  |   sub:alice*
     |           v  |              v    |          v    |
     +------+    +---+              +----+         +-----+
     | Alice|    |Bob|              |Carl|         |Derek|
     +------+    +---+              +----+         +-----+

   The above picture shows QuicR media delivery tree formed with
   multiple relays in the network.  The example has 4 participants with
   Alice being the publisher and rest being the subscribers.  Alice's is
   capable of publishing video streams at 2 qualities identified by
   their appropriate names.  Bob subscribes to a low resolution video
   feed from alice, whereas Carl/Derek carryout wildcard subscribes to
   all the qualities of video feed published by Alice.  All the
   subscribes are sent to the Origin Relay and are saved at the on-path
   Relays, this allowing for "short-circuited" delivery of published
   data at the relays.  In the above example, Bob gets Alice's published
   data directly from Relay-A instead of hairpinning from the Origin
   Relay.  Carl and Derek, however get their video stream relayed from
   Alice via Origin Relay and Relay-B.

6.  Names and Named Objects

   Names are basic elements within the QuicR architecture and they
   uniquely identify objects.  Named objects can be cached in relays in
   a way CDNs cache resources and thus can obtain similar benefits such
   caching mechanisms would offer.

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6.1.  Object Groups

   Objects within QuicR belong to a group.  A group (a.k.a group of
   objects) represent an independent composition of set of objects,
   where there exists dependency relationship between the objects within
   the group.  Groups, thus can be independently consumable by the
   subscriber applications.

   A typical example would be a group of pictures/video frames or group
   of audio samples that represent synchronization point in the video
   conferencing example.

   The scope and granularity of the names and the data objects they
   represent are application defined and controlled.

   However, a given QuicR name must maintain certain properties as given

   *  Each published name must be unique and is scoped to a given domain
      and an application under that domain.

   *  Names should support a way for the subscribers to request for the
      associated data either by specifying the full or partial names.
      The latter is supported via wildcarding.

   *  Named objects should enable caching in relays in a way CDNs cache
      resources and thus can obtain similar benefits such caching
      mechanisms would offer.

6.2.  Named Objects

   The names of each object in QuicR is composed of the following

   1.  Domain Identifier

   2.  Application Identifier

   3.  Data Identifier

   Domain component uniquely identifies a given application domain.
   This is like a HTTP Origin and uniquely identifies the application
   and a root relay function.  This is a DNS domain name or IP address
   combined with a UDP port number mapped to into the domain.  Example:

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   Application component is scoped under a given Domain.  This component
   identifies aspects specific to a given application instance hosted
   under a given domain (e.g., meeting identifier, which movie or

   Data identifier identifies aspects of application, for example
   reprsentation_id in a CMAF segment or video stream from a conference
   user.  In cases where media being delivered is naturally grouped into
   independently consumable groups (video group of picture or audio
   synchronization points for example), this component is futher
   composed into set of such groups, which are in turn made up of set of
   objects (video frames idr, p-frame within a given gop).  Each such
   group is identified by a monotonically increasing integer and objects
   within the group are also identified by another set of monotonically
   increasing integers.  The groupID and objectID start at 0.

   Example: In the example below the domain component identifies domain, the application component identifies an
   instance of a meeting under this domain, say "meeting123", and the
   data component captures high resolution camera stream from the user
   "alice" being published as object 17 under group 15.


6.3.  Wildcarding with Names

   QuicR allows subscribers to request for media based on wildcard'ed
   names.  Wildcards enable subscriptions to be made as aggregates
   instead of at the individual object level granularity.  Wildcard
   names are formed by skipping the right most segments of names.

   For example, in an web conferencing use case, the client may
   subscribe to just the origin and meetingId to get all the media for a
   particular conference as indicated by the example below.  The example
   matches all the named objects published as part of meeting123.


   When subscribing, there is an option to tell the relay to one of:

   A.  Deliver any new objects it receives that matches the name

   B.  Deliver any new objects it receives and in addition send any
   previous objects it has received that are in the same group that
   matches the name.

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   C.  Waits until an object that has an objectID that matches the name
   is received then start sending any objects that match the name.

7.  Objects

   Once a named object is created, the content inside the named object
   can never be changed.  Objects have an expiry time after which they
   should be discarded by caches.  Objects have a priority that the
   relays and clients can use to sequence the sending order.  The data
   inside an object is end-to-end encrypted whose keys are not available
   to Relay(s).

8.  Relays

   The Relays receive subscriptions and intent to publish request and
   forward them towards the origin.  This may send the messages directly
   to the Origin Relay or possibly traverse another Relay.  Replies to
   theses message follow the reverse direction of the request and when
   the Origin gives the OK to a subscription or intent to publish, the
   Relay allows the subscription or future publishes to the Names in the

   Subscription received are aggregated.  When a relay receives a
   publish request with data, it will forward it both towards the Origin
   and to any clients or relays that have a matching subscription.  This
   "short circuit" of distribution by a relay before the data has even
   reached the Origin servers provides significant latency reduction for
   nearby client.

   The Relay keeps an outgoing queue of objects to be sent to the each
   subscriber and objects are sent in priority order.

   Relays MAY cache some of the information for short period of time and
   the time cached may depend on the Origin.

9.  QuicR Usage Design Patterns

   This section explains design patterns that can be used to build
   applications on top of QuicR.

9.1.  QuicR Manifest Objects

   QuicR Manifests provides a light-weight declarative way for the
   publishers to advertise their capabilities for publishing media.
   Publisher manifest advertisement captures supported codecs, encoding
   rates and also use case specific media properties such as languages
   supported.  Publisher advertisements are intend to declare
   publisher's capabilities and a publisher is free to choose a subset

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   of those advertised in the manifest as part of the session and thus
   doesnot require a manifest update.  However, in the case where a new
   capability needs to be advertised, a manifest update MAY be

   Names can be discovered via manifests.  In such cases, the role of
   the manifest is to identify the names as well as aspects pertaining
   to the associated data in a given usage context of the application.

   *  Typically a manifest identifies the domain and application aspects
      for the set of names that can be published.

   *  The content of Manifest is application defined and end-to-end

   *  The manifest is owned by the application's origin server and are
      accessed as a protected resources by the authorized QuicR clients.

   *  The QuicR protocol treats Manifests as a named object, thus
      allowing for clients to subscribe for the purposes of
      bootstrapping into the session as well as to follow manifest
      changes during a session [ new members joining a conference for

   *  The manifest has well known name on the Origin server.

   Also to note, a given application might provide non QuicR mechanisms
   to retrieve the manifest.

9.2.  QuicR Video Objects

   Most video applications would use the data identifier component to
   identity the video stream, as well as the encoding point such as
   resolution and bitrate.  Each independently decodable set of frames
   would go in a single group, and each frame inside that group would go
   in a separate named object inside the group.  This allows an
   application to receive a given encoding of the video by subscribing
   just to the data identifier component of the Name with a wildcard for
   group and object IDs.

   This also allows a subscription to get all the frames in the current
   group if it joins later, or wait until the next group before starting
   to get data, based on the subscription options.  Changing to a
   different bitrate or resolution would use a new subscription to the
   appropriate Name.

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   The QUIC transport that QuicR is running on provides the congestion
   control but the application can see what objects are received and
   determine if it should change it's subscription to a different
   bitrate data identifier component.

   Today's video is often encoded with I-frames at a fixed interval but
   this can result in pulsing video quality.  Future system may want to
   insert I-frames at each change of scene resulting in groups with a
   variable number of frames.  QuicR easily supports that.

9.2.1.  RUSH over QuicR

   RUSH is an application-level protocol for ingesting live video.  This
   section defines at a higher level how aspects of the RUSH protocol
   could be realized with QuicR.

   RUSH's video frame is equivalent to QuicR video object that
   represents an instance of encoder output.  For video ingestion, the
   RUSH publisher can assign the same groupID for all the frames
   generated between the I-Frame boundaries and the RUSH's frameID can
   be directly mapped to QuicR's object ID.  RUSH multistream mode can
   be enabled by publishing each frame over QUIC Stream indicated via
   QuicR API, since QuicR supports both the QUIC Datagram and QUIC
   Stream modes of transport.

   The identifiers for the track and session forms the application
   component of the name.

   Below is an example that shows RUSH's video frame mapped to QuicR
   name for the session1, track 12 and video-id that maps to a given
   encoding.  The groupID and objectID follow the encoder output.  The
   payload of the published message will be formed by the actual encoded
   data along with metadata such as PresentationTimeStamp (PTS) and so


9.2.2.  Warp over QuicR

   Warp is a segmented live video transport protocol.  Warp maps live
   media to QUIC streams based on the underlying media encoding.

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   Conceptually, each Warp video media segment maps to QuicR groupID and
   frames within the segment to QuicR objectID.  Warp video media
   segments are made up of I-Frames and zero or more related frames,
   which map to QuicR group of objects.  QuicR named objects correspond
   to these frames mapped to these segments and are published
   individually.  For a given channel and video quality, a segment and
   its frames can be mapped to QuicR name as below:


   In this example, groupID 12 maps to Warp segmentId 12 and objectID 0
   corresponds to I-frame within that segment.

9.3.  QuicR Audio Objects

   Each small chuck of audio, such as 10 ms, can be its own QuicR

   Future sub 2 kbps audio codecs may take advantage of a rapidly
   updated model that are needed to decode the audio which could result
   in audio needing to use groups like video to ensure all the objects
   needed to decode some audio are in the same group.

9.4.  QuicR Game Moves Objects

   Some games send out a base set of state information then incremental
   deltas to it.  Each time a new base set is sent, a new group can be
   formed and each increment change as an Object in the group.  When new
   players join, they can subscribe to sync up to the latest state by
   subscribing to the current group and the incremental changes that

9.5.  Messaging Objects

   Chat applications and messaging system can form a manifest
   representing the roster of the people in a given channel or talk
   room.  The manifest can provide information on the application
   component of the QuicR Name for user that are contributing messages.
   A subscription to each application such component enables reception
   of each new message.  Each message would be a single object.
   Typically QuicR would be used to get the recent messages and then a
   more traditional HTTP CDN approach could be used to retrieve copies
   of all the older objects.

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10.  Security Considerations

   The links between Relay and other Relays or Clients can be encrypted,
   however, this does not protect the content from Relays.  To mitigate
   this, all the objects need to be end-to-end encrypted with a keying
   mechanism outside the scope of this protocol.  For may applications,
   simply getting the keys over HTTPS for a particular object/group from
   the origin server will be adequate.  For other applicants keying
   based on MLS may be more appropriate.  Many applications can leverage
   the existing key managed schemes used in HLS and DASH for DRM
   protected content.

   Relays reachable on the Internet are assumed to have a burstiness
   relationship with the Origin and the protocol provides a way to
   verify that any data moved is on behalf of a given Origin.

   Relays in a local network may choose to process content for any
   Origin but since only local users can access them, there is a way to
   manage which applications use them.

   Subscriptions need to be refreshed at least every 5 seconds to ensure
   liveness and consent for the client to continue receiving data.

11.  Protocol Design Considerations

11.1.  HTTP/3

   It is tempting to base this on HTTP but there are a few high level
   architectural mismatches.  HTTP is largely designed for a stateless
   server in a client server architecture.  The whole concept of the
   PUB/SUB is that the relays are _not_ stateless and keep the
   subscription information and this is what allows for low latency and
   high throughput on the relays.

   In today's CDN, the CDN nodes end up faking the credentials of the
   origin server and this limits how and where they can be deployed.  A
   design with explicitly designed relays that do not need to do this,
   while still assuming an end-to-end encrypted model so the relays did
   not have access to the content makes for a better design.

   It would be possible to start with something that looked like HTTP as
   the protocol between the relays with special conventions for
   wildcards in URLs of a GET and ways to stream non final responses for
   any responses perhaps using something like multipart MIME.  However,
   most of the existing code and logic for HTTP would not really be
   usable with the low latency streaming of data.  It is probably much
   simpler and more scalable to simply define a PUB/SUB protocol
   directly on top of QUIC.

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11.2.  QUIC Streams and Datagrams

   There are pro and cons to mapping object transport on top of streams
   or on top of QUIC datagrams.  The working group would need to sort
   this out and consider the possibility of using both for different
   types of data and if there should be support for a semi-reliable
   transport of data.  Some objects, for example the manifest
   {{#manifest} would always want to be received in a reliable way while
   other objects may have to be realtime.

11.3.  QUIC Congestion Control

   The basic idea in BBR of speeding up to probe then slowing down to
   drain the queue build up caused during probe can work fine with real
   time applications.  However, the current implementations in QUIC do
   not appear optimized for real-time applications, resulting in higher
   jitter (under certain conditions).  In order to avoid play-out drops,
   the jitter buffers add latency to compensate for this.  Probing for
   the RTT has been one of the phases that causes particular problems
   for this.  To reduce the latency of QUIC, this work should coordinate
   with the QUIC working group to have the QUIC working group develop
   congestion control optimizations for low latency use of QUIC.

11.4.  Why not RTP

   RTP has several desirable properties that optimize the transport of
   media over networks, including media payload formats explicitly
   designed for network packets, transport feedback, packet loss
   resilience mechanisms, multiplexing, and strong security.  It also
   has experimental congestion control (CC) algorithms explicitly
   designed for media delivery (RMCAT), without the issues described
   above in BBR.

   However, these properties have less value in the context of QuicR for
   the following reasons.  QUIC adequately handles multiplexing,
   security, and transport feedback (except ack timestamps which require
   extensions proposed in drafts that have not yet been adopted by the
   QUIC WG).  QUIC lacks CC and resilience mechanisms optimized for
   media, but direct reuse of unaltered RTP mechanisms is not practical,
   so these aspects must be redesigned in the context of QUIC anyway,
   although they can leverage learnings from RTP.

   Finally, and most significantly, RTP media payload formats that were
   optimized for network packets are less useful in QuicR since a
   primary goal is to unify the streaming and real-time media delivery
   protocols.  Streaming protocols use "container" formats like CMAF,
   ISOBMFF, etc.  Codecs always first define their core "elementary"
   bitstream format, then define their container format binding, and

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   finally define their RTP payload format binding.  These always
   differ.  The differences are not significant enough to justify
   supporting both, so QuicR only supports the container format binding.

   It is also interesting to observe that the use of RTP inadvertantly
   leads to media description and negotiation using SDP.  Such
   complexity is justifiable when huge variation exists between clients'
   capabilities with very basic common lowest denominators.  Today, and
   while variations still exist, streamlining media capabilities into
   reasonable capability sets that are declared by publishers and
   subscribed to by subscribers is very feasible and is how the
   streaming applications do operate.  Simpler forms can and should be
   used for media declarations.  As a very wise guru once put it "RTP is
   an gateway drug to SDP and friends done't let friends try to debug

   In summary, the desirable aspects of RTP are absorbed into QUIC or
   QuicR layers rather than direct encapsulation of RTP.

Appendix A.  Acknowledgments

   Thanks to <TODO> for contributions and suggestions to this

Authors' Addresses

   Cullen Jennings


   Suhas Nandakumar


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