Internet DRAFT - draft-jennings-moq-quicr-proto


Network Working Group                                        C. Jennings
Internet-Draft                                                     cisco
Intended status: Informational                             S. Nandakumar
Expires: 12 January 2023                                           Cisco
                                                              C. Huitema
                                                    Private Octopus Inc.
                                                            11 July 2022

               QuicR - Media Delivery Protocol over QUIC


   Recently new use cases have emerged requiring higher scalability of
   media delivery for interactive realtime applications and much lower
   latency for streaming applications and a combination thereof.

   draft-jennings-moq-arch specifies architectural aspects of QuicR, a
   media delivery protocol based on publish/subscribe metaphor and Relay
   based delivery tree, that enables a wide range of realtime
   applications with different resiliency and latency needs.

   This specification defines the protocol aspects of the QuicR media
   delivery architecture.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 12 January 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                 QuicR Media                     July 2022

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
   as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Contributing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.1.  Typical Publish/Subscribe Message Exchange  . . . . . . .   5
     4.2.  Origin Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  Relays  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Names and Named Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  Named Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  Wildcarding with Names  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  QuicR Manifest  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.1.  Scope of the manifest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  QuicR Protocol Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     7.1.  Control Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     7.2.  QuicR Control Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       7.2.1.  Subscribe Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       7.2.2.  SUBSCRIBE_REPLY Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       7.2.3.  PUBLISH_INTENT Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       7.2.4.  Start Point Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       7.2.5.  Fragment Message  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       7.2.6.  Fin Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       7.2.7.  SUBSCRIBE_CANCEL Message  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       7.2.8.  RELAY_REDIRECT MESSAGE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     7.3.  Sending Media as Datagrams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       7.3.1.  Datagram Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   8.  Relay Function and Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     8.1.  Cache and Relaying  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     8.2.  Out of order relaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.3.  Relay or Cache or Drop Decisions  . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.4.  Cache cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.5.  Relay fail over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.6.  Relay Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Appendix B.  TODO Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

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1.  Introduction

   This specification defines QuicR, a publish and subscribe based media
   delivery protocol over QUIC.

   Recently new use cases have emerged requiring higher scalability of
   media delivery for interactive realtime applications and much lower
   latency for streaming applications and a combination thereof.

   On one side are use cases such as normal web conferences wanting to
   distribute out to millions of viewers and allow viewers to instantly
   move to being a presenter (a.k.a active participant).  On the other
   side are use cases such as streaming a soccer game to millions of
   people including people in the stadium watching the game live.
   Viewers watching an e-sports event want to be able to comment with
   low latency to ensure the interactivity aspects between what
   different viewers are preserved.  All of these use cases push towards
   latencies that are in the order of 100ms over the natural latency the
   network causes.

   The architecture for this specification is outlined in draft-
   jennings-moq-arch, where the principal idea is client endpoints
   publish and subscribe to named objects that is sent to, and received
   from relays, that forms an overlay delivery network similar to what
   CDN provides today.

   The architecture specification, draft-jennings-moq-arch, is a
   perquisite to read this specification.

   This specification defines the protocol specifics of the QuicR Media
   Delivery Architecture.

2.  Contributing

   All significant discussion of development of this protocol is in the
   GitHub issue tracker at: "

3.  Terminology

   *  Relay Function: Functionality of the QuicR architecture, that
      implements store and forward behavior at the minimum.  Such a
      function typically receives subscriptions and publishes data to
      the other endpoints that have subscribed to the named data.  Such
      functions may cache the data as well for optimizing the delivery

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   *  Relay: Server component (physical/logical) in the cloud that
      implements the Relay Function.

   *  Publisher: An endpoint that sends named objects to a Relay. [ also
      referred to as producer of the named object]

   *  Subscriber: An endpoint that subscribes and receives the named
      objects.  Relays can act as subscribers to other relays.
      Subscribers can also be referred to as consumers.

   *  Client/QuicR Client: An endpoint that acts as a Publisher,
      Subscriber, or both.  May also implement a Relay Function in
      certain contexts.

   *  Named Object: Application level chunk of Data that has a unique
      Name, a limited lifetime, priority and is transported via the
      protocol defined in this specification.

   *  Origin server: Component managing/authoring the names scoped under
      a domain for a specific application and is responsible for
      establishing trust between clients and relays for delivering
      media.  Origin servers MAY implement other QuicR functions, such
      as Relay function, as necessary.

4.  Overview

   At a high level, entities within QuicR architecture publish named
   media objects that are end-to-end encrypted and consume media by
   subscribing to the named objects.  The published data carry metadata
   identifying relative priority, time-to-live and other useful metadata
   that's authenticated for components implementing Relay functions to
   make drop/forwarding decisions.  Entities that perform "Relay"
   function provide the store and forward behavior to serve the
   subscription requests, they optimize media delivery latencies through
   local delivery and improved media quality via local repairs, wherever
   applicable.  The names (Section 5) used in the QuicR protocol are
   scoped and authorized to a domain by the Origin serving that domain.

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4.1.  Typical Publish/Subscribe Message Exchange

   A QuicR "Control Channel", based on QUIC streams, is used to setup
   properties for media delivery over a "Media Channel" which in turn
   can be over QUIC streams or QUIC datagrams.  The Control channel is
   typically used to setup QuicR names to be used, control media
   properties during setup and mid-session, start/stop media delivery
   and so on.  The media data itself is sent over the "Media Channel"
   and carry enough metadata to enable Relays and end-points to make a
   forward/drop decisions under congestion, for example.  Further
   details on the messages can be found in Section 7.

   Below is an high-level exchange capturing publish/subscribe flow
   between Alice, the publisher and Bob, Carl, the subscribers and the
   interactions that occur between Relays on-path and the origin server.
   The details on how the trust setup happens between these entities are
   skipped, however.

   In the exchange depicted following sequence happen

   *  Alice sets up a control channel (QUIC Stream) to the relay
      indicating its intent to publish media with name (video1/1) as the
      representation id.  It does so by sending "publish_intent".
      video1/1 might represent video stream camera-1, quality-id 1 (HD),
      for example.  QuicR manifests (Section 6) are used to setup and
      consume the names being published.

   *  On receiving the "publish_intent" from Alice, the Relay sets up
      another control channel to the authorized Origin server and
      forwards Alice's "publish_intent" message.

   *  Once "publish_intent_ok" is received from the Origin, Relay
      forwards the same to Alice to enable publishing the media over the
      media channel [QUIC Stream or QUIC Datagram]

   *  In the meanwhile, Bob and Carl subscribe to receiving media
      corresponding to the wildcard'ed name (video1/*).  They each send
      "subscribe" messages to the Relay on the control channel and the
      same is forwarded by the Relay to the Origin.  Successful
      subscribe responses are sent back to Bob and via the relay.  Relay
      makes note of Bob and Carl's interest in the name (video1/*).  The
      details of knowing the name via "manifest" is skipped in the

   *  Eventually, Alice publishes media on the name (video1/1) towards
      the relay on the media channel, which could be over QUIC Streams
      or QUIC Datagram as chosen by Alice.

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   *  Media from Alice gets cached at the relay and is forwarded to the
      Origin server (optionally).  On noting about interested
      subscribers, the media received from Alice is forwarded to both
      Bob and Carl from the local cache by the Relay.

   ┌───────┐     ┌───────┐    ┌───────┐        ┌───────┐         ┌───────┐
   │ Alice │     │  Bob  │    │ Carl  │        │ Relay │         │Origin │
   └───┬───┘     └───┬───┘    └───┬───┘        └───┬───┘         └───┬───┘
       │                          │                │                 │
       │          ctrl: pub_intent│                │                 │
       │             (video1/1)   │                │ ctrl:pub_intent │
       │                          │                │   (video1/1)    │
       ├─────────────┼────────────┼───────────────▶│                 │
       │             │            │                ├─────────────────▶
       │             │            │                │
       │                          │                │ ctrl:pub_intent_ok
       │           ctrl: pub_inten│_ok             │
       │                          │                │◀────────────────┤
       ◀─────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┤                 │
       │             │                             │                 │
       │             │  ctrl: subscribe (video1/*) │                 │
       │             │                             │                 │
       │             ├────────────┼────────────────▶ ctrl: subscribe │
       │             │            │                │   (video1/*)    │
       │             │            │                │─────────────────▶
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │            │                │     ctrl:       │
       │             │            │                │  subscribe_ok   │
       │             │            │                │   (video1/*)    │
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │            │                ◀─────────────────┤
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │                             │─────┐  add bob: │
       │             │ ctrl: subscribe_ok          │ ◀───┘  video1/* │
       │             │                             │                 │
       │             │◀───────────┼────────────────┤                 │
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │            │  ctrl:sub:     │                 │
       │             │            │  (video1/*)    │                 │
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │            ├────────────────▶ ctrl: subscribe │
       │             │            │                │   (video1/*)    │
       │             │            │                │─────────────────▶
       │             │            │                │     ctrl:       │
       │             │            │                │  subscribe_ok   │
       │             │            │                │   (video1/*)    │
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │            │                ◀─────────────────┤

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       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │                             ├────┐  add carl: │
       │             │   ctrl: subscribe_ok        │◀───┘  video1/*  │
       │             │                             │                 │
       │             │◀───────────┼────────────────┤                 │
       │                          │                │                 │
       │    media:pub:video1/1    │                │                 │
       │                          │                │     cache       │
       ├─────────────┼────────────┼───────────────▶│                 │
       │             │            │                │─────┐           │
       │             │            │                │ ◀───┘    [pub]  │
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │                          │  media:pub:    ├─────────────────▶
       │  media:pub:              │  (video1/1)    │                 │
       │  (video1/1)              │                │                 │
       │                          │◀───────────────┤                 │
       │◀────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┤                 │
       │             │            │                │                 │
       │             │            │                                  │

   {: title="Pub/Sub flow between Alice(publisher), Bob, Carl
   (subscribers), Relay and Origin"}

4.2.  Origin Server

   The Origin serves as the authorization authority for the named
   resources, in the manner similar to an HTTP origin.  QuicR names to
   be used under a given domain and the application are authorized by
   the Origin server.  It is also responsible for establishing necessary
   trust relationship between the clients, the relay and itself.

4.3.  Relays

   The Relays play an important role within the QuicR architecture.
   They receive subscriptions and intent to publish and forwards them
   towards the origin.  This may involve sending messages directly to
   the Origin Relay or possibly traverse another Relay on the path.
   Replies to theses message follow the reverse direction of the request
   and when the Origin gives the OK to a subscription or intent to
   publish, the Relay allows the subscription or future publishes to the
   Names in the request.  In this role, the Relays perform the role of
   subscribers (consumers) as well as publishers (producers).

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   Subscriptions received are aggregated.  When a relay receives a
   publish request with data, it will forward it both towards the Origin
   and to any clients or relays that have a matching subscriptions.
   This "short circuit" of distribution by a relay before the data has
   even reached the Origin servers provides significant latency
   reduction for clients closer to the relay.

   The Relay keeps an outgoing queue of objects to be sent to the each
   subscriber and objects are sent in strict priority order.  Relays MAY
   cache some of the information for short period of time and the time
   cached may depend on the origin and local cache policies.

   Section 8 covers further details on the Relay functionality.

5.  Names and Named Objects

   Names are basic elements with in the QuicR architecture and they
   uniquely identify objects.  For publishers of the media, the names
   identify application defined data objects being contributed and for
   the subscribers/receivers, the names correspond to application data
   objects to be consumed.

   The scope and granularity of the names and the data objects they
   represent are application defined and controlled.

   However, a given QuicR name must maintain certain properties as given

   *  Each published name must be unique and is scoped to a given domain
      and an application under that domain.

   *  Names should support a way for the subscribers to request for the
      associated data either by specifying the full or partial names.
      The latter is supported via wildcarding.

   *  Named objects should enable caching in relays in a way CDNs cache
      resources and thus can obtain similar benefits such caching
      mechanisms would offer.

5.1.  Named Objects

   The names of each object in QuicR is composed of the following

   1.  Domain Identifier

   2.  Application Identifier

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   3.  Data Identifier

   Domain component uniquely identifies a given application domain.
   This is like a HTTP Origin or an standardized identifier that
   uniquely identifies the application and a root relay function.

   Application component is scoped under a given Domain.  This component
   identifies aspects specific to a given application instance hosted
   under a given domain (e.g. which movie or meeting identifier).

   Data identifier identifies aspects of application, for example
   representation_id in a CMAF segment or video stream from a conference
   user.  In cases where media being delivered is naturally grouped into
   independently consumable groups (video group of picture or audio
   synchronization points for example), this component is futher
   composed into set of such groups, which are in turn made up of set of
   objects (video frames idr, p-frame within a given gop).  Each such
   group is identified by a monotonically increasing integer and objects
   within the group are also identified by another set of monotonically
   increasing integers.  The groupID and objectID start at 0.

   Example: In the example below the domain component identifies domain, the application component identifies an
   instance of a meeting under this domain, say "meeting123", and the
   data component captures high resolution camera stream from the user
   "alice" being published as object 17 under group 15.

   Example 1

   Example 2

   Once a named object is created, the content inside the named object
   can never be changed.  Objects have an expiry time after which they
   should be discarded by caches.  Objects have an priority that the
   relays and clients can use to make drop decisions or sequencing the
   sending order.  The data inside an object is end-to-end encrypted
   whose keys are not available to Relay(s).

5.2.  Wildcarding with Names

   QuicR allows subscribers to request for media based on wildcard'ed
   names.  Wildcarding enables subscribes/requests for media to be made
   as aggregates instead of at the object level granularity.  Wildcard
   names are formed by skipping the right most segments of the "Data
   Identifier" component of the names.

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   For example, in an web conferencing use case, the client may
   subscribe to just the origin, meeting_id and one of the publishers so
   as to get all the media from that user in a particular.  The example
   matches all the named objects published by the user alice in the


   When subscribing, there is an option to tell the relay to one of:

   A.  Deliver any new objects it receives that match the name

   B.  Deliver any new objects it receives and in addition send any
   previous objects it has received that are in the same group that
   matches the name.

   C.  Wait until an object that has a objectId that matches the name is
   received then start sending any objects that match the name.

6.  QuicR Manifest

   QuicR Manifests provides a light-weight declarative way for the
   publishers to advertise their capabilities for publishing media.
   Publisher manifest advertisement captures supported codecs, encoding
   rates and also use case specific media properties such as languages
   supported.  Publisher advertisements are intend to declare
   publisher's capabilities and a publisher is free to choose a subset
   of those advertised in the manifest as part of the session and thus
   does not require a manifest update.  This could be, for example - to
   change encoding bitrate or the codec used.  However, in the case
   where a new capability needs to be advertised, a manifest update MAY
   be necessary.

   Publishers advertise their capabilities via QuicR Control channel, as
   and when its deemed necessary, under a well-known name.  Manifest
   objects are also scoped to a domain and the application under a given
   Origin server.

   Subscribers can retrieve the manifest for a given session by
   subscribing to the well-known manifest QuicR name.  On retrieving the
   manifest, Subscribers/Receivers of the media can discover names being
   published and proceed to request media for the corresponding names by
   sending appropriate subscriptions (with wildcarding as necessary).

   A representative well-known name for subscribing to manifest updates
   for channel-2, twitch live session, can be
   represented as

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   At any point in the session, updated manifest is pushed to the
   subscribers like any media objects are delivered to the subscribers
   of the manifest QuicR name.

6.1.  Scope of the manifest

   The role of the manifest is to identify the names as well as aspects
   pertaining to the associated data in a given usage context of the

   *  Typically a manifest identifies the domain and application aspects
      for the set of names that can be published.

   *  The content of Manifest is application defined and end-to-end

   *  The manifest is owned by the application's origin server and are
      accessed as a protected resources by the authorized QuicR clients.

   *  The QuicR protocol treats Manifests as a named object, thus
      allowing for clients to subscribe for the purposes of
      bootstrapping into the session as well as to follow manifest
      changes during a session [ new members joining a conference for

   *  The manifest has well known name on the Origin server.

   Also to note, a given application might provide non QuicR mechanisms
   to retrieve the manifest.

   Below is a sample manifest for streaming application where a media
   presentation server describes media streams available for
   distribution.  For downstream distribution of media data to clients
   with varying requirements, the central server (along with the source)
   generate different quality media representations.  Each such quality
   is represented with a unique name and subscribers are made know of
   the same via the Manifest.

   Note: Below json representation is provided as an example and need
   not be the only way to encode the manifest.

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     "liveSessionID" : "",
     "streams: [
         "id": "1234",
         "codec": "av1",
         "quality": "1280x720_30fps",
         "bitrate": "1200kbps",
         "crypto": "aes128-gcm",
         "id": "5678",
         "codec": "av1",
         "quality": "3840x2160_30fps",
         "bitrate": "4000kbps",
         "crypto": "aes256-gcm",
         "id": "9999",
         "codec": "av1",
         "quality": "640x480_30fps",
         "crypto": "aes128-gcm",

   Given the above manifest, if a publisher wants to send a 4k stream,
   it does so by publishing objects following the below pattern

  //4K Stream
  publish: quicr://[groupN/objectM ...]

   If at any point, the producer intends to move to a lower quality
   stream due to underlying network conditions, it can do so by
   switching the published stream as below

  //480p Stream
  publish: quicr://[groupN/objectM ...]

   and subscriber who is capable of receiving any of the qualities can
   do so by

   // Receiving any of the published streams and use its name
   // to know more information about media properties via manifest and
   // object data
   subscribe: quicr://*

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7.  QuicR Protocol Design

   QuicR supports delivering media over QUIC Streams as well as over
   QUIC Datagrams as chosen by the application.

   Media delivery in QuicR is started by the publisher/subscriber
   setting up a "Control Channel" for a given QuicR name.  The control
   channel, which is based on QUIC stream, is used to configure and
   setup properties for the "Media Channel".  Media data is delivered
   over the Media Channel over QUIC streams or QUIC datagrams based on
   the application settings.  The Control Channel can also be used to
   configure in-session parameters.

7.1.  Control Channel

   When a client or relay begins a transaction with the relay/origin,
   the client starts by opening a new bilateral stream.  This stream
   will act as the "control channel" for the exchange of data, carrying
   a series of control messages in both directions.  The same channel
   can be used for carrying media "fragment" messages if the media data
   is sent in "stream" mode.

   The control stream will remain open as long as the peers are still
   sending or receiving the media.  If either peer closes the control
   stream, the other peer will close its end of the stream and discard
   the state associated with the media transfer.

   Streams are "one way".  If a peer both sends and receive media, there
   will be different control streams for sending and receiving.

7.2.  QuicR Control Messages

   The control channel carry series of messages, encoded as a length
   followed by a message value:

   quicr_message {

   The length is encoded as a 16 bit number in big endian network order.

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7.2.1.  Subscribe Message

   Entities that intend to receive named objects will do so via
   subscriptions to the named objects.  Subscriptions are sent from the
   QuicR clients to the origin server(s) (via relays, if present) and
   are typically processed by the relays.  See {#relay_behavior} for
   further details.  All the subscriptions MUST be authorized at the
   Origin server.

   Subscriptions are typically long-lived transactions and they stay
   active until one of the following happens

   *  a client local policy dictates expiration of a subscription.

   *  optionally, a server policy dictates subscription expiration.

   *  the underlying transport is disconnected.

   When an explicit indication is preferred to indicate the expiry of
   subscription, it is indicated via "SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRY" message.

   While the subscription is active for a given name, the Relay(s) must
   send named objects it receives to all the matching subscribers.  A
   QuicR client can renew its subscriptions at any point by sending a
   new "quicr_subscribe_message".  Such subscriptions MUST refresh the
   existing subscriptions for that name.  A renewal period of 5 seconds

   enum subscribe_intent

   quicr_subscribe_message {
    *     message_type(i),
    *     name_length(i),
    *     name(...),
    *     mask(7)
    *     subscribe_intent intent,
    *     [datagram_stream_id(i)]
    * }

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   The message type will be set to SUBSCRIBE_STREAM (1) if the client
   wants to receive the media in stream mode (via QUIC streams), or
   SUBSCRIBE_DATAGRAM (2) if receiving in datagram mode.  If in datagram
   mode, the client must select a datagram stream id that is not yet
   used for any other media stream.

   The origin field in the name identifies the Origin server for which
   this subscription is targeted.  "name" identified the fully formed
   name or wildcard name along with the appropriate bitmask length.

   The "intent" field specifies how the Relay Function should provided
   the named objects to the client.  Following options are defined for
   the "intent"

   *  immediate: Deliver any new objects it receives that match the name

   *  catch_up: Deliver any new objects it receives and in addition send
      any previous objects it has received that matches the name.

   *  wait_up: Wait until an object that has a objectId that matches the
      name is received then start sending any objects that match the
      name.  Aggregating Subscriptions

   Subscriptions are aggregated at entities that perform Relay Function.
   Aggregating subscriptions helps reduce the number of subscriptions
   for a given named object in transit and also enables efficient
   distribution of published media with minimal copies between the
   client and the origin server/ or other relays, as well as reduce the
   latencies when there are multiple subscribers for a given named
   object behind a given cloud server.  Wildcard Names

   The names used in "quicr_subscribe_message" can be truncated by
   skipping the right most segments of the name that is application
   specific, in which case it will act as a wildcard subscription to all
   names that match the provided part of the name.  The same is
   indicated via bitmask associated with the name in
   "quicr_subscribe_message".  Wildcard search on Relay(s) thus turns
   into a bitmask at the appropriate bit location of the hashed name.

7.2.2.  SUBSCRIBE_REPLY Message

   A "quicr_subscribe_reply" provides result of the subscription.

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   enum response

       Response response
       [Reason Phrase Length (i),
       [Reason Phrase (..)],

   A response of "ok" indicates successful subscription, for "failed" or
   "expired" responses, "Reason Phrase" shall be populated with
   appropriate reason.  An response of "redirect" informs the client
   that relay is no longer serving the subscriptions and client should
   retry to the alternate relay provided in the redirect message.

7.2.3.  PUBLISH_INTENT Message.

   The "quicr_publish_intent_message" indicates the names chosen by a
   Publisher for transmitting named objects within a session.  This
   message is sent to the Origin Server whenever a given publisher
   intends to publish on a new name (which can be at the beginning of
   the session or during mid session).  This message is authorized at
   the Origin server and thus requires a mechanism to setup the initial
   trust (via out of band) between the publisher and the origin server.

   quicr_publish_intent_message {
    *     message_type(i),
    *     name_length(i),
    *     name(...)
    *     datagram_capable(i)
    * }

   The message type will be set to PUBLISH_INTENT (6).  The
   "datagram_capable" flag is set to 0 if the client can only publish/
   post data in stream mode, to 1 if the client is also capable of
   posting media fragments as datagrams.

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   On a successful validation at the Origin server, a
   "publish_intent_ok" message is returned by the Origin server.  The
   "publish_intent_ok" message is sent in response to the
   "quicr_publish_intent_message", on the server side of the QUIC
   control stream.  This message indicates the publisher is authorized
   for using the intended name provided in

   quicr_publish_intent_ok_message {
     *     message_type(i),
     *     use_datagram(i),
     *     [datagram_stream_id(i)]

   The message id is set to PUBLISH_INTENT_OK (7).  The "use_datagram"
   flag is set to 0 if the server wants to receive data in stream mode,
   and to 1 if the server selects to receive data fragments as
   datagrams.  In that case, the server must select a datagram stream id
   that is not yet used to receive any other media stream.

   This message enables cloud relays to know the authorized names from a
   given Publisher.  This helps to make caching decisions, deal with
   collisions and so on.

   "A>A cloud relay could start caching the data associated with the
   names that has not been validated yet by the origin server and decide
   to flush its cache if no PUBLISH\_INTENT\_OK is received within a
   given implementation defined timeout.  This is an optimization that
   would allow publishers to start transmitting the data without needing
   to wait a RTT."

7.2.4.  Start Point Message

   The Start Point message indicates the begin of message to be sent for
   the media.  They correspond to Group ID and Object ID of the first
   object that will be sent for the media.  It may be sent by the server
   that received a "quicr_subscribe_message", or by the client that sent
   a "quicr_publish_intent_message".  This message is optional: by
   default, media streams start with Group ID and Object ID set to 0.

    * quicr_start_point_message {
    *     message_type(i),
    *     start_group_id(i),
    *     start_object_id(i),
    *     flags(i)
    * }

   The message id is set to START_POINT (8).

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7.2.5.  Fragment Message

   The quicr_fragment_message message is used to convey the content of a
   media stream as a series of fragments:

   quicr_fragment_message {
    *     message_type(i),
    *     group_id(i),
    *     object_id(i),
    *     best_before(i),
    *     flags(i),
    *     offset_and_fin(i),
    *     length(i),
    *     data(...)

    flags := Reserved (3) | IsDiscardable (1) | Priority (3)

   The message type will be set to FRAGMENT (5).  The "offset_and_fin"
   field encodes two values, as in:

   offset_and_fin = 2 * offset + is_last_fragment

   The flag "is_last_fragment" is set to 1 if this fragment is the last
   one of an object.  The offset value indicates where the fragment data
   starts in the object designated by "group_id" and "object_id".
   Successive messages are sent in order, which means one of the
   following three conditions must be verified:

   *  The group id and object id match the group id and object id of the
      previous fragment, the previous fragment is not a "last fragment",
      and the offset matches the previous offset plus the previous

   *  The group id matches the group id of the previous message, the
      object id is equal to the object id of the previous fragment plus
      1, the offset is 0, and the previous message is a "last fragment".

   *  The group id matches the group id of the previous message plus 1,
      the object id is 0, the offset is 0, and the previous message is a
      "last fragment".

7.2.6.  Fin Message

   The Fin message indicates the final point of a media stream.

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    * quicr_fin_message {
    *     message_type(i),
    *     final_group_id(i),
    *     final_object_id(i)
    * }

   The message type will be set to FIN (3).  The final "group_id" is set
   to the "group_id" of the last fragment sent.  The final "object_id"
   is set to the object_id of the last fragment sent, plus 1.  This
   message is not sent when fragments are sent on stream.

7.2.7.  SUBSCRIBE_CANCEL Message

   A "quicr_subscribe_cancel_message" indicates a given subscription is
   no longer valid.  This message is an optional message and is sent to
   indicate the peer about discontinued interest in a given named data.

    * quicr_subscribe_cancel_message {
    *     message_type(i),
    *     name_length(i),
    *     name(...)
    *     Reason Phrase Length (i),
    *     Reason Phrase (..),
    * }


   "quicr_relay_redirect_message" enables relay failover scenarios that
   is sent in response to PUBLISH, PUBLISH_INTENT and SUBSCRIBE messages
   indicating the new relay to the clients.


7.3.  Sending Media as Datagrams

   If transmission as datagram is negotiated, the media fragments are
   sent as QUIC Datagram frames.

7.3.1.  Datagram Header

   The datagram frames are encoded as a datagram header, followed by the
   bytes in the fragment:

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   datagram_frame_content {

   The datagram header is defined as:

    * quicr_datagram_header {
    *     datagram_stream_id (i),
    *     group_id (i),
    *     object_id (i),
    *     offset_and_fin (i),
    *     best_before(i),
    *     flags (8),
    *     [nb_objects_previous_group (i)]
    * }

    flags := Reserved (3) | IsDiscardable (1) | Priority (3)

   The datagram_stream_id identifies a specific media stream.  The ID is
   chosen by the receiver of the media stream, and conveyed by the
   Request or Accept messages.

   The "offset_and_fin" field encodes two values, as in:

   offset_and_fin = 2*offset + is_last_fragment

   The "flags" identifies the relative "priority" of this object and if
   the object can be discarded.  This can help Relay to make dropping/
   caching decisions. "best_before" identifies the time upto when the
   data for the given object valid.  This aids in caches dropping the
   data after "best_before" and also cease any error recovery mechanisms
   that might be in progress for the corresponding data. "best_before"
   can also be used by clients to make send/drop decisions.

   The "nb_objects_previous_group" is present if and only if this is the
   first fragment of the first object in a group, i.e., "object_id" and
   "offset" are both zero.  The number indicates how many objects were
   sent in the previous groups.  It enables receiver to check whether
   all these objects have been received.

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8.  Relay Function and Relays

   Clients may be configured to connect to a local relay which then does
   a Publish/Subscribe for the appropriate named data towards the origin
   or towards another Relay.  These relays can aggregate the
   subscriptions of multiple clients.  This allows a relay in the LAN to
   aggregate request from multiple clients in subscription to the same
   data such that only one copy of the data flows across the WAN.  In
   the case where there is only one client, this may still provides
   benefit in that a client that is experiencing loss on WIFI WAN has a
   very short RTT to the local relay so can recover the lost data much
   faster, and with less impact on end user QoE, than having to go
   across the LAN to recover the data.

   Relays can also be deployed in classic CDN cache style for large
   scale streaming applications yet still provide much lower latency
   than traditional CDNs using Dash or HLS.  Moving these relays into
   the 5G network close to clients may provide additional increase in

   At a high level, Relay Function within QuicR architecture support
   store and forward behavior.  Relay function can be realized in any
   component of the QuicR architecture depending on the application.
   Typical use-cases might require the intermediate servers (caches) and
   the origin server to implement the relay function.  However the
   endpoint themselves can implement the Relay function in a Isomorphic
   deployment, if needed.

   The relays are capable of receiving data in stream mode or in
   datagram mode.  In both modes, relays will cache fragments as they

   In all modes, the relays maintain a list of connections that will
   receive new fragments when they are ready: connections from clients
   that have subscribed to the stream through this relay; and, if the
   media was received from a client, a connection to the origin to pass
   the content of the client-posted media to the origin.  When new
   fragments are received, they are posted on the relevant connections
   as soon as the flow control and congestion control of the underlying
   QUIC connections allow.

8.1.  Cache and Relaying

   The prototype relays maintain a separate cache of received fragments
   for each media stream that it is processing.  If fragments are
   received in stream mode, they will arrive in order.  If fragments are
   received in datagram mode, fragments may arrive out of order.

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   The cache is created the first time a client connection refers to the
   media URL.  This might be:

   *  A client connection requesting the name, in which case the relay
      will ask a copy of the media from the origin or the next hop relay
      towards the origin.

   *  A client connection publishing named data, in which case the relay
      will post a copy of the media towards the origin.

   Once the media is available, the relay will learn the starting group
   ID and object ID.

   Fragments are received from the "incoming" connection.  If fragments
   are received in stream mode, they will arrive in order.  If fragments
   are received in datagram mode, fragments may arrive out of order.
   When receiving in datagram mode, the media order is used to remove
   incoming duplicate fragments.  When a non duplicate fragment is
   received, it is added to the cache and posted to corresponding
   subscribers over streams or datagrams, when flow and congestion
   control allow transmissions

   In stream mode, the transmission may be delayed until fragments are
   received in order.  If the last fragment received "fills a hole",
   that fragment and the next available fragments in media order will be

8.2.  Out of order relaying

   As noted in Section 8.1, fragments that arrive out of order are
   relayed immediately.

   This design has better properties compared to the following

   *  insisting on full order before relaying, as is done for stream
      mode; OR

   *  insisting on full reception of all fragments making an object.

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   Full order would introduce the same head-of-line blocking also
   visible in stream-based relays.  In theory, relaying full objects
   without requiring that objects be ordered would avoid some of the
   head-of-line blocking, but in practice it is observed when some
   streams contain large and small objects, and that losses affecting
   fragments of large objects cause almost the same head of line
   blocking delays as full ordering.  Moreover, if losses happen at
   several places in the relay graph, the delays will accumulate.  Out
   of order relaying avoids these delays.

8.3.  Relay or Cache or Drop Decisions

   Relays makes use of priority, time-to-live, is_discardable metadata
   properties from the published data to make forward or drop decisions
   when reacting to congestion as indicated by the underlying QUIC
   stack.  The same can be used to make caching decisions.

8.4.  Cache cleanup

   Relays store objects no more than "best_before" time associated with
   the object.  Congestion/Rate control feedback can further influence
   what gets cached based on the relative priority and rate at which
   data can be delivered.  Local cache policies can also limit the
   amount and duration of data that can be cached.

8.5.  Relay fail over

   A relay that wants to shutdown shall use the redirect message to move
   traffic to a new relay.  If a relay has failed and restarted or been
   load balanced to a different relay, the client will need to
   resubscribe to the new relay after setting up the connection.

   TODO: Cluster so high reliable relays should share subscription info
   and publication to minimize of loss of data during a full over.

8.6.  Relay Discovery

   Local relays can be discovered via MDNS query to TODO.  Cloud relays
   are discovered via application defined ways that is out of scope of
   this document.  A Relay can send a message to client with the address
   of new relay.  Client moves to the new relay with all of its
   Subscriptions and then Client unsubscribes from old relay and closes
   connection to it.

   This allows for make before break transfer from one relay to another
   so that no data is lost during transition.  One of the uses of this
   is upgrade of the Relay software during operation.

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Appendix A.  Acknowledgments

   Thanks to TODO for contributions and suggestions to this

Appendix B.  TODO Items

   *  Authorization and Authentication Considerations for control and
      media messages

   *  End to End Security of named objects

   *  Manifest Encoding

Authors' Addresses

   Cullen Jennings


   Suhas Nandakumar


   Christian Huitema
   Private Octopus Inc.


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