Internet DRAFT - draft-jennings-moq-usages


Network Working Group                                        C. Jennings
Internet-Draft                                             S. Nandakumar
Intended status: Informational                                 M. Zanaty
Expires: 11 January 2024                                           Cisco
                                                            10 July 2023

              MOQ Usages for audio and video applications


   Media over QUIC Transport (MOQT) defines a publish/subscribe based
   unified media delivery protocol for delivering media for streaming
   and interactive applications over QUIC.  This specification defines
   details for building audio and video applications over MOQT, more
   specifically, provides information on mapping application media
   objects to the MOQT object model and possible mapping of the same to
   underlying QUIC transport.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Requirements Notation and Conventions
   2.  MOQT QUIC Mapping
     2.1.  Stream per MOQT Group
     2.2.  Stream per MOQT Object
     2.3.  Stream per MOQT Track
     2.4.  Stream per Priority
     2.5.  Stream per multiple MOQT Tracks
   3.  MoQ Audio Objects
   4.  MoQ Video Objects
     4.1.  Encoded Frame
     4.2.  Encoded Slice
     4.3.  CMAF Chunk
     4.4.  CMAF Fragment
   5.  MOQT Track
     5.1.  Single Quality Media Streams
     5.2.  Multiple Quality Media Streams
       5.2.1.  Simulcast
       5.2.2.  Scalable Video Coding (SVC)
       5.2.3.  k-SVC
   6.  Object and Track Priorities
   7.  Relay Considerations
   8.  Bitrate Adaptation
   9.  Usage Mode identification
   10. References
     10.1.  Normative References
     10.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Security Considerations
   Appendix B.  IANA Considerations
   Appendix C.  Acknowledgments
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Introduction

   Media Over QUIC Transport (MOQT) [MoQTransport] allows set of
   publishers and subscribers to participate in the media delivery over
   QUIC for streaming and interactive applications.  The MOQT
   specification defines the necessary protocol machinery for the
   endpoints and relays to participate, however, it doesn't provide
   recommendations for media applications on using MOQT object model and
   mapping the same to underlying QUIC transport.

   This document introduces MOQT's object model mapping to underlying
   QUIC transport in Section 2.  Section 3 and Section 4 describe
   various grouping of application level media objects and their mapping
   to the MOQT object model.  Section 5.2 discusses considerations when
   using multiple quality video applications, such as simulcast and/or
   layer coding, over the MOQT protocol.Section 8 describes
   considerations for adaptive bitrate techniques and finally the
   Section 6 discusses interactions when priorities are used on objects
   and tracks.

   Below picture captures the conceptual model showing mapping at
   various levels of a typical media application stack using MOQT
   delivery protocol.

   |     Application Data         | ----+ frames, slices, segments
   +---------------+--------------+     |
                   |                    v
                   |   +-------------------------------+
                   |   |    Tracks, Groups, Objects    |
                   |   +-------------------------------+
    |     MOQT Object Model        |
                   |  +----------------------------------------+
                   |  |Stream per Group, Stream per Object, .. |
                   |  +----------------------------------------+
   |            QUIC              |

1.1.  Requirements Notation and Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

2.  MOQT QUIC Mapping

   In a typical MOQT media application, the captured media from a media
   source is encoded (compressed), encrypted (based on the encryption
   scheme), packaged (based on the container format) and mapped onto
   MOQT object model.  Applications (such as Media producers, Relays)
   deliver MOQT objects over QUIC transport by choosing the mapping that
   is appropriate based on the context.

   Encoded (and/or) Encrypted Media Stream
   |       MOQT        |
       MOQ Tracks
           V                   / =====  QUIC Stream per Group
   +---------------------+    |
   |   QUIC Transport    |  --|  =====  QUIC Stream per Object
   +---------------------+    |
                              |  =====  QUIC Stream per Track
                              |  =====  QUIC Stream per multiple Tracks
                               \  =====  QUIC Stream per Priority

   Subsections below describes a few possibilities to consider when
   mapping MOQT objects to QUIC Streams.

2.1.  Stream per MOQT Group

   In this mode, an unidirectional QUIC stream is setup per MOQT Group
   (section 2.2 of [MoQTransport]).  Following observations can be made
   about such a setup:

   *  MOQT groups typically represent things that share some kind of
      relationship (eg decodability, priority) and having the objects of
      a group share the same underlying stream context allows them to
      delivered coherently.

   *  Media consumers can map each incoming QUIC stream into decoding
      context in the order of their arrival per group.

   *  Since the objects within group share the QUIC stream, there is
      likelihood of increased end to end latency due to head-of-line
      blocking under losses.

2.2.  Stream per MOQT Object

   In this mode, an unidirectional QUIC stream is setup per MOQT Object
   (section 2.1 of [MoQTransport]).  Following observations can be made
   about such a setup:

   *  Using a single stream per object can help reduce latency at the
      source especially when objects represent smaller units of the
      application data (say a single encoded frame).

   *  The impact of on-path losses to the end to end latency is scoped
      to the object duration.  The smaller the object duration, lesser
      the impact on the end to end latency.

   *  One stream per object may end up in creating large number of
      streams, especially when the objects durations is small.

   *  Media consumers may need to re-organize the incoming streams for
      handling objects within a group, since streams may arrive out of

2.3.  Stream per MOQT Track

   In this mode, there is one unidirectional QUIC stream per MOQT Track
   (section 2.3 [MoQTransport]).  Following observations can be made
   about such a setup:

   *  This scheme is the simplest in its implementation and the streams
      stays active until the track exists.  Endpoints need to maintain
      just one stream context per track.

   *  Since all the objects within the track share the same stream, the
      may be impact on end to end latency due to HOL blocking under

2.4.  Stream per Priority

   In this mode, there is one unidirectional QUIC stream per MOQT Track/
   Object priority.  Following observations can be made about such a

   *  This scheme is relatively simpler in its implementation and number
      of stream contexts match the number of priority levels.

   *  Such a scheme can be used at Relays when forwarding decisions can
      be naturally mapped to priorities carried in the object header.

2.5.  Stream per multiple MOQT Tracks

   This mode is similar Section 2.3 but with more than one MOQT track
   delivered over a single unidirectional QUIC stream, thus allowing
   implementations to map multiple incoming QUIC streams to a few
   outgoing QUIC Streams.  Similar to Section 2.3, this mode is
   relatively simple in its implementation and at the same time may
   suffer from latency impacts under losses.

3.  MoQ Audio Objects

   Each chunk of encoded audio data, say 10ms, represents a MOQ Object.
   In this setup, there is one MOQT Object per MOQT Group, where, the
   Group Sequence in the object header is increment by one for each
   encoded audio chunk and the Object Sequence is defaulted to value 0.
   When mapped to the underlying QUIC Stream, each such unitary group is
   sent over individual unidirectional QUIC stream (similar to Section 
   2.2/Section 2.1).

   Future sub 2 kbps audio codecs may take advantage of a rapidly
   updated model that are needed to decode the audio which could result
   in audio needing to use groups with multiple objects to ensure all
   the objects needed to decode some audio are in the same group.

4.  MoQ Video Objects

   The decision on what constitutes a MOQ object/group and its preferred
   mapping to the underlying QUIC transport for video streams is
   governed by the granularity of encoded bitstream, as chosen by the
   application.  The smallest unit of such an application defined
   encoded bitstream will be referred to as "Video Atom" in this
   specification and they are mapped 1:1 to MOQ Objects.

   The size and duration of a video atom is application controlled and
   follows various strategies driven by application requirements such as
   latency, quality, bandwidth and so on.

   Following subsections identify various granularities defining the
   video atoms and their corresponding mapping to MOQT object model and
   the underlying QUIC transport.

4.1.  Encoded Frame

   In this scheme, the video atom is a single encoded video frame.  The
   Group Sequence is incremented by 1 at IDR Frame boundaries.  The
   Object Sequence is increment by 1 for each video frame, starting at 0
   and resetting to 0 at the start of new group.  The first video frame
   (Object Sequence 0) should be IDR Frame and the rest of the video
   frames within a MOQT group are typically dependent frames (delta
   frames) and organized in the decode order.

   When using QUIC mapping scheme defined in Section 2.2, each
   unidirectional QUIC stream is used to deliver one encoded frame.  In
   this mode, the receiver application should manage out of order
   streams to ensure the MOQ Objects are delivered to the decoder in the
   increasing order of the Object Sequence within a group and then in
   the increasing order of the Group Sequence.

   When using QUIC mapping as defined in {spg}, one unidirectional QUIC
   stream is setup to deliver all the encoded frames (objects) within a

4.2.  Encoded Slice

   In Slice-based encoding a single video frame is “sliced” into
   separate sections and are encoded simultaneously in parallel.  Once
   encoded, each slice can then be immediately streamed to a decoder
   instead of waiting for the entire frame to be encoded first.

   In this scheme, the video atom is a encoded slice, starting with the
   IDR frame as Object Sequence of 0 for that slice and followed by
   delta frames with Object Sequence incremented by 1 successively.  A
   MOQT Group is identified by set of such objects at each IDR frame
   boundaries.  To be able to successfully decode and render at the
   media consumer, the identifier of the containing video frame for the
   slice needs to be carried end to end.  This would allow the media
   consumer to map the slices to right decoding context of the frame
   being processed.

      Note: The video frame identifier may be carried either as part of
      encoded object's payload header or introduce a group header for
      conveying the frame identifier.

   When using QUIC mapping scheme defined in Section 2.2, each
   unidirectional QUIC stream is used to deliver one encoded slice of a
   video frame.  When using QUIC mapping as defined in {spg}, each
   unidirectional QUIC stream is setup to deliver all the encoded slices
   (objects) within a group.

4.3.  CMAF Chunk

   CMAF [CMAF] chunks are CMAF addressable media objects that contain a
   consecutive subset of the media samples in a CMAF fragment.  CMAF
   chunks can be used by a delivery protocol to deliver media samples as
   soon as possible during live encoding and streaming, i.e., typically
   less than a second.  CMAF chunks enable the progressive encoding,
   delivery, and decoding of each CMAF fragment.

   A given video application may choose to have chunk duration to span
   more than one encoded video frame.  When using CMAF chunks, the video
   atom is a CMAF chunk.  The CMAF chunk containing the IDR Frame shall
   have Object Sequence set to 0, with each additional chunk with its
   Object Sequence incremented by 1.  The Group Sequence is incremented
   at every IDR interval and all the CMAF chunks within a given IDR
   interval shall be part of the same MOQT Group.

   When using QUIC mapping scheme defined in Section 2.2, each
   unidirectional QUIC stream is used to deliver a CMAF Chunk.  When
   using QUIC mapping as defined in {spg}, each unidirectional QUIC
   stream is setup to deliver all the CMAF chunks (objects) within a
   group.  When using QUIC mapping defined in Section 2.3 CMAF chunks
   corresponding to CMAF track are delivered over the same
   unidirectional QUIC stream.

4.4.  CMAF Fragment

   CMAF fragments are the media objects that are encoded and decoded.
   For scenarios, where the fragments contains one or more complete
   coded and independently decodable video sequences, each such fragment
   is identified as single MOQT Object and it forms its own MOQT Group.
   There is one unidirectional QUIC stream per such an object
   Section 2.2.  Media senders should stream the bytes of the object, in
   the decode order, as they are generated in order the reduce the

5.  MOQT Track

   MOQT Tracks are typically characterized by having a single encoding
   and optionally a encryption configuration.  Applications can encoded
   a captured source stream into one or more qualities as described in
   the sub sections below.

5.1.  Single Quality Media Streams

   For scenarios where the media producer intents to publish single
   quality audio and video streams, applications shall map the objects
   from such audio and video streams to individual tracks enabling each
   track to represent a single quality.

5.2.  Multiple Quality Media Streams

   It is not uncommon for applications to support multiple qualities
   (renditions) per source stream to support receivers with varied
   capabilities, enabling adaptive bitrate media flows, for example.  We
   describe 2 common approaches for supporting multiple
   qualities(renditions/encodings) - Simulcast and Layered Coding.

5.2.1.  Simulcast

   In simulcast, each MOQT track is an time-aligned alternate encoding
   (say, multiple resolutions) of the same source content.  Simulcasting
   allows consumers to switch between tracks at group boundaries

   Few observations:

   *  Catalog should identify time-aligned relationship between the
      simulcasted tracks.

   *  All the alternate encodings shall matching base timestamp and

   *  All the alternate encodings are for the same source media stream.

   *  Media consumers can pick and choose the right quality by
      subscribing to the appropriate track.

   *  Media consumers react to changing network/bandwidth situations by
      subscribing to different quality track at the group boundaries.

5.2.2.  Scalable Video Coding (SVC)

   SVC defines a coded video representation in which a given bitstream
   offers representations of the source material at different levels of
   fidelity (spatial, quality, temporal) structured in a hierarchical
   manner.  Such an organization allows bitstream to be extracted at
   lower bit rate than the complete sequence to enable decoding of
   pictures with multiple image structures (for sequences encoded with
   spatial scalability), pictures at multiple picture rates (for
   sequences encoded with temporal scalability), and/or pictures with
   multiple levels of image quality (for sequences encoded with SNR/
   quality scalability).  Different layers can be separated into
   different bitstreams.  All decoders access the base stream; more
   capable decoders can access enhancement streams.  All layers in a single MOQT Track

   In this mode, the video application transmits all the SVC layers
   under a single MOQT Track.  When mapping to the MOQT object model,
   any of the methods described in Section 4 can be leveraged to mapped
   the encoded bitstream into MOQT groups and objects.

   When transmitting all the layers as part of a single track, following
   properties needs to be considered:

   *  Catalog should identify the SVC Codec information in its codec

   *  Media producer should map each video atom to the MOQ object in the
      decode order and can utilize any of the QUIC mapping methods
      described in Section 2.

   *  Dependency information for all the layers (such as spatial/
      temporal layer identifiers, dependent descriptions) are encoded in
      the bitstream and/or container.

   The scheme to map all the layers to a single track is simple to
   implement and allows subscribers/media consumers to make independent
   layer drop decisions without needing any protocol exchanges (as
   needed in Section 5.2.1).  However, such a scheme is constrained by
   disallowing selective subscriptions to the layers of interest.  One SVC layer per MOQT Track

   In this mode, each SVC layer is mapped to a MOQT Track.  Each unique
   combination of fidelity (say spatial and temporal) is identified by a
   MOQT Track ( see example below).

   +-----------+            +-----------+
   |  S0T0     | -------->  |  Track1   |
   +-----------+            +-----------+
   +-----------+            +-----------+
   |  S0T1     | -------->  |  Track2   |
   +-----------+            +-----------+
   +-----------+            +-----------+
   |  S1T0     | -------->  |  Track3   |
   +-----------+            +-----------+
   +-----------+            +-----------+
   |  S1T1     | -------->  |  Track4   |
   +-----------+            +-----------+

   ex: 2-layer spatial and 2-layer temporal scalability encoding

   The catalog should identify the complete list of dependent tracks for
   each track that is part of layered coding for a given media stream.
   For example the figure below shows a sample layer dependency
   structure (2 spatial and temporal layers) and corresponding tracks

        +----------->|  S1T1    |
        |            | Track4   |
        |            +----------+
        |                  ^
        |                  |
   +----------+            |
   |  S1TO    |            |
   | Track3   |            |
   +----------+      +-----+----+
         ^           |  SOT1    |
         |           | Track2   |
         |           +----------+
         |               ^
   +----------+          |
   |  SOTO     |         |
   | Track1    |---------+

   Catalog Track Dependencies:

   Track2 depends on Track1
   Track3 depends on Track1
   Track4 depends on Track2 and Track3

   Within each track, the encoded media for the given layer can follow
   mappings defined in Section 4 and can choose from the options defined
   in Section 2 for transporting the mapped objects over QUIC.  The
   bitstream and/or the container should carry the neccessary to capture
   video frame level dependencies.

   Media consumers would need to consider information from catalog to
   group the the related tracks and gather information from the bistream
   to establish frame level depedencies.  This would allow the consumer
   to appropriately map the incoming QUIC streams and MOQ objects to the
   right decoder context.

5.2.3.  k-SVC

   k-SVC is a flavor of layered coding wherein the encoded frames within
   a layer depend only on the frames within the same layer, with the
   exception that the IDR frame in the enhancement layers depends on the
   IDR frame in the next level lower fidelity layer.

   When each layer of a k-SVC encoded bitstream is mapped to a MOQT
   track, following needs to be taken into consideration:

   *  Catalog should identify the tracks are related via k-SVC

   *  MOQT protocol should be extended to propose a group header that
      enables track for the enhancement layer to identify the group
      sequence of its dependent track for satisfying IDR Frame

6.  Object and Track Priorities

   Media producers are free to prioritize media delivery between the
   tracks by encoding priority information in the MOQT Object Header for
   a given track.  Relay can utilize these priorities to make forwarding
   decisions. "draft-zanaty-moq-priority" specifies a prioritization
   mechanism for objects delivered using the Media over QUIC Transport
   (MOQT) protocol.

7.  Relay Considerations

   Relays are not allowed to modify MOQT object header, as it might
   break encryption and authentication.  However, Relays are free to
   apply any of the transport mappings defined in Section 2 that it sees
   fit based on the local decisions.

   For example, a well engineered Relay network may choose to take
   multiple incoming QUIC streams and map it to few outgoing QUIC
   streams (similar to one defined in Section 2.3) or the Relays may
   choose MOQT object priorities Section 2.4 to decide the necessary
   transport mapping.  It is important to observe that such decisions
   cam be made solely considering the MOQT Object header information.

8.  Bitrate Adaptation

   TODO: add considerations for client side ABR and possible options for
   server side ABR.

9.  Usage Mode identification

   This specification explores 2 possible usage modes for applications
   to consider when using MOQT media delivery protocol :

   1.  Transport Mapping Section 2

   2.  MOQT Object model mapping

   For interoperability purposes, media producers should communicate its
   usage modes to the media consumers.  Same can be achieved in one of
   the following ways

   1.  Via out of band, application specific mechanism.  This approach
       limits the interoperability across applications, however.

   2.  Exchange the usage modes via Catalog.  This approach enables
       consumers of catalog to setup their transport/media stacks
       appropriately based on the sender's preference.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

10.2.  Informative References

              Curley, L., Pugin, K., Nandakumar, S., and V. Vasiliev,
              "Media over QUIC Transport", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-moq-transport-00, 5 July 2023,

   [CMAF]     "Information technology -- Multimedia application format
              (MPEG-A) -- Part 19: Common media application format
              (CMAF) for segmented media", March 2020.

Appendix A.  Security Considerations

   This section needs more work.

Appendix B.  IANA Considerations

   This document doesn't recommend any changes to IANA registries.

Appendix C.  Acknowledgments

   Thanks to MoQ WG for all the discussions that inspired this
   document's existence.

Authors' Addresses

   Cullen Jennings

   Suhas Nandakumar

   Mo Zanaty