Internet DRAFT - draft-jilongwang-opsawg-iog


opsawg                                                    WJL. Wang, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                             QY. Qiao, Ed.
Intended status: Informational                       Tsinghua University
Expires: 24 April 2024                                   22 October 2023

  A Collaborative Framework for Cyberspace Governance: the Internet of


   This document proposes the Internet of Governance (IoG), a new
   technology supporting platform for cyberspace collaborative
   governance.  This document illustrates IoG definition, two roles and
   four functionalities, and develops architectural models to carry out
   these functionalities.  This document provides the design of IoG
   framework and the collaboration life-cycle and uses some practical
   applications as examples.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                     IOG                      October 2023

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  The Internet of Governance (IoG)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Two Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.3.  Four Functionalities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.4.  Architectural Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Components and Collaboration Life-cycle . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Components  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Collaboration Life-Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Supporting Cyberspace Governance Applications . . . . . . . .  10
     5.1.  DDoS Tracing and Defense  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.2.  IP Geolocation and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.1.  Authentication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.2.  Secured Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.3.  Privacy Protection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   9.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

1.  Introduction

   With the development of the Internet, Cyberspace governance has
   extended from key resource allocation to various aspects.  Cyberspace
   governance today faces two new problems: the lack of collaboration
   and the difficulty of implementation.  Cyberspace needs a new
   technology supporting platform to resolve these problems.  This
   document proposes the Internet of Governance (IoG), a new technology
   supporting platform for cyberspace collaborative governance.  IoG is
   an open and interconnected platform that facilitates inter-domain and
   international collaboration to resolve cyberspace governance issues.
   As infrastructure, IoG achieves facility and data sharing.  As
   community, IoG achieves interpersonal coordination and rule
   consensus.  This document provides IoG architectural design and

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   provides practical use cases.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Terminology

   Internet of Governance (IoG): Refers to a supporting platform that
   connects entities involved in cyberspace governance, such as ISPs,
   ICPs and IT companies.

   Governance Domain: Refers to entities that join the Internet of

   Governance Data: Refers to data collected by governance domains.  The
   sources of the governance data can be traditional network information
   such as routing information, DNS information and IP information.  The
   sources of the governance data can also be structured information
   such as IP credit information and AS rankings, and non-structured
   information such as model parameters of learning-based active

   Governance Service: Refers to services provided by governance
   domains, such as looking glasses, virtual machines or containers.

   Governance Metadata: Refers to the metadata that describes governance
   data or governance service, such as network address, index and access
   level.  It can be used to address and route governance data and
   governance service.

   Governance Center: Refers to a facility that holds management
   functionalities of IoG, such as routing, authentication, identity
   management, etc.

   Governance Gateway: Refers to software systems that execute IoG-
   related functionalities.  Governance gateways are deployed in
   governance domains.  Governance gateways should be able to access
   local devices and resources.  Governance gateways connect to each
   other and to the governance center.

3.  The Internet of Governance (IoG)

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3.1.  Definition

   IoG is an open and interconnected platform that facilitates inter-
   domain and international collaboration to resolve cyberspace
   governance issues.  IoG contains multiple cyberspace governance
   entities, such as Internet organizations, ISPs and ICPs.

               /  ______________                   ______________    /
              /  /  Governance /                  /  Governance /   /
             /  /   Gateway 1 /                  /   Gateway 2 /   /
            /  /_____________/     ,--,--.      /_____________/   /
           /                  \ ,-'       `-. /                  /
          /                    (     IoG     )                  /
         /                      `-.       ,-'                  /
        / ______________    /      `--'--'  \_____________    /
       / /  Governance /                    /  Governance /  /
      / /   Gateway 3 /                    /   Gateway 4 /  /
     / /_____________/                    /_____________/  /
              |        |                         |       |
              |        |                         |       |
              | _______|_________________________|_______|___________
              |/  _____|________                 |   ____|_________ /
              |  /  Governance /                 |  /  Governance //
             /| /   Domain 1  /                  | /   Domain 2  //
            / |/_____________/     ,--,--.       |/_____________//
           /  |               \ ,-'       `-.  / |              /
          /   |                (   Internet  )   |             /
         /    |                 `-.       ,-'    |            /
        /_____|________     /      `--'--'  \____|_________  /
       //  Governance /                     /  Governance / /
      //   Domain 3  /                     /   Domain 4  / /
     //_____________/                     /_____________/ /

                          Figure 1: Concept of IoG

3.2.  Two Roles

   IoG serves as both infrastructure and community.  As infrastructure,
   it provides automated collaboration procedures, so that participants
   can share data and access services in an efficient and automated
   manner.  As a community, it provides an organizational structure and
   agenda, so that participants can communicate and share information
   efficiently and conveniently.

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     |                             IoG                              |
                   |                                  |
     +---------------------------+      +---------------------------+
     |        Community          |      |      Infrastructure       |
     | +-----------------------+ |      | +-----------------------+ |
     | |   Organization Model  | |      | |   Functional Model    | |
     | +-----------------------+ |      | +-----------------------+ |
     | +-----------------------+ |      | +-----------------------+ |
     | |     Credit Model      | |      | |   Information Model   | |
     | +-----------------------+ |      | +-----------------------+ |
     | +-----------------------+ |      | +-----------------------+ |
     | |    Incentive Model    | |      | |  Communication Model  | |
     | +-----------------------+ |      | +-----------------------+ |
     +---------------------------+      +---------------------------+

                  Figure 2: Layered Representation of IoG

3.3.  Four Functionalities

   As infrastructure, IoG carries out two functionalities, facility
   sharing and data sharing.  As a community, IoG carries out another
   two functionalities, interpersonal coordination and rule consensus.

   Facility sharing means that after authentication, a governance domain
   can access or operate monitoring or control facilities owned by
   another domain.  IoG provides a higher level of facility sharing than
   Looking Glasses (LG).  LG sites execute simple commands (ping, trace,
   bgp, etc.), while IoG domains can execute more complicated operations
   on other participants, such as obtaining network probers, executing
   scrutinized programs, or applying for a virtual machine.  These
   operations are exposed and accessed as services.

   Data sharing means that governance domains share governance data
   while ensuring privacy and security.  Data sharing can benefit many
   cyberspace governance problems, such as IP traceback, network attack
   tracing and defense.  To address privacy and security concerns of
   data sharing, IoG follows the rules that data are usable yet
   invisible.  Governance data are stored locally by its owner, and
   other governance domains launch remote operations on these data and
   obtain the results without accessing raw data.

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   Interpersonal coordination means to construct an official platform
   for collaboration negotiation and information sharing.  Participants
   negotiate practical details of facility sharing and data sharing,
   such as methods of calling, service exposure, authentication, etc.
   Participants share cyberspace governance information, such as 0-day
   network attacks or sudden network failures, taking measures to
   mitigate losses.

   Rule consensus means to consolidate consensus reached during the
   collaboration process of facility sharing, data sharing and
   interpersonal coordination.  In IoG, new governance methods can
   emerge to complement current rule-based cyberspace governance.

3.4.  Architectural Model

   This document proposes architectural models to achieve IoG's two
   roles described in 3.1.  Functional model, communication model and
   information model are required to achieve IoG's role as
   infrastructure.  Organization model, credit model and incentive model
   are required to achieve IoG's role as community.

   Functional model defines mandatory functionalities that IoG
   participants need to implement to achieve streamlined and automated
   collaboration.  IoG collaboration, such as data sharing and facility
   sharing are implemented with API (Application Programming Interface)
   calls.  An IOG domain (provider) can expose or publish services as
   APIs in an API catalog managed by IoG governance center.  Another
   domain (caller) can search and call these APIs, providing API
   parameters and authentication information.  The provider executes
   these APIs by manipulating its facilities or operating on local
   databases, and only returns the result of the API.  No extra data
   movement is involved, so that privacy is protected.

   Communication model defines how IoG domains communicate each other
   and how to publish and access service metadata.  IOG domains form an
   overlay network with VPN (Virtual Private Network) to meet the
   security requirement.  A centralized API catalog is managed by IoG
   governance center to store published service metadata.

   Information model defines homogeneous information structure of
   governance data so that IoG domains deployed with different
   underlying local management systems can understand each other.  IoG
   collaborations are all performed by API calls, and the participants
   do not exchange data but service results.  IOG domains are obliged to
   translate raw data into understandable, formatted parameters and
   results of API calls, so that mutual-understanding can be achieved
   even with heterogeneous local management systems.

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   Organization model defines the organization structure and agenda of
   IoG.  IoG consists of participants, an advisory group and a
   secretariat.  Participants are entities that collaborates via IoG.
   An advisory group are selected representatives of IoG responsible for
   making decisions.  The secretariat performs administrative and
   management tasks.

   Incentive model defines how to encourage IoG collaboration and how to
   increase collaboration efficiency and effects.  IoG community is
   designed to be relatively loose, so that incentive mechanisms are
   needed to balance cooperativeness and selfishness of the

   Credit model defines how to translate participant behaviors and
   attributes to credits.  Credits can be used to assess participant
   performance and cooperativeness.

4.  Components and Collaboration Life-cycle

   This section provides an IoG framework consisting of three major
   components.  The interaction of these components are illustrated
   through the collaboration life-cycle figure.

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           |                Governance Center                 |
           |            +-------------------------+           |
           |            |   Organization Model    |           |
           |            +-------------------------+           |
           |            +-------------------------+           |
           |            |      Credit Model       |           |
           |            +-------------------------+           |
           |            +-------------------------+           |
           |            |     Incentive Model     |           |
           |            +-------------------------+           |
                  /                                     \
                 /                                       \
     +-------------------------+           +-------------------------+
     |   Governance Gateway    |           |   Governance Gateway    |
     | +---------------------+ |           | +---------------------+ |
     | |   Functional Model  | |           | |   Functional Model  | |
     | +---------------------+ |           | +---------------------+ |
     | +---------------------+ |<--------->| +---------------------+ |
     | | Communication Model | |           | | Communication Model | |
     | +---------------------+ |           | +---------------------+ |
     | +---------------------+ |           | +---------------------+ |
     | |  Information Model  | |           | |  Information Model  | |
     | +---------------------+ |           | +---------------------+ |
     +-------------------- ----+           +-------------------------+
                |                                       |
        ,--,--,,--,,--,--.                     ,--,--,,--,,--,--.
     ,-'                  `-.               ,-'                  `-.
     (    Governace Domain    )            (    Governace Domain    )
     `-.                  ,-'               `-.                  ,-'
        `--'--',--,,--,--'                     `--'--',--,,--,--'

              Figure 3: IoG Architecture Model and Components

4.1.  Components

   IoG consists of three components: governance center, governance
   gateway, and governance domain.  The governance center stores service
   metadata and runs administrative and management tasks.  The
   Governance gateway is usually deployed at the entrance the governance
   domain's network, performing IoG-related functionalities.  The
   governance gateway can communicate with each other and the governance
   center.  The Governance domain contains all governance-related
   entities inside the domain's network, including governance databases,
   monitoring and control facilities, and network management systems.
   The governance gateway is given permission to access the governance
   domain to implement service APIs.

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4.2.  Collaboration Life-Cycle

   The IoG component design leads to the collaboration life-cycle
   illustrated in Figure 2 and the following procedures.

   1.  An IoG domain (provider) decides to expose one of its services by
      publishing service API metadata to the governance center.  The
      service API metadata includes the API name, parameter format,
      parameter descriptions, the provide hostname/IP and calling
      methods (such as URL or REST).  The provider should also implement
      the API with its facilities.

   2.  Suppose another domain (caller) generates demand for the services
      from the provider in step 1.

   3.  The caller searches API catalog in the governance center of the
      demanded service and obtain a list of APIs related to the service.
      The caller selects one or more APIs.

   4.  The caller calls these APIs by providing proper parameters and
      authentication information.

   5.  The provider receives the API calls and runs local

   6.  The result is returned to the caller.

            |                Governance Center                |
     Step 3:         |                               |       Step 1:
     Search Metadata |                               |       Publish
                     |                               |       Metadata
                     |          Step 4:              |
               +-----+-----+    Remote Call    +-----+-----+
               |  Gateway1 |<----------------->|  Gateway2 |
               +-----^-----+    Step 6:        +-----^-----+
     Step 2:         |          Return               |       Step 5:
     Collab Request  |                               |       Local
                     |                               |       Execution
                 ,--,--,--.                      ,--,--,--.
              ,-'          `-.                ,-'          `-.
             (    Domain1     )              (     Domain2    )
              `-.          ,-'                `-.          ,-'
                 `--'--'--'                      `--'--'--'

                   Figure 4: IoG Collaboration Life-cycle

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5.  Supporting Cyberspace Governance Applications

   The following subsections provide examples of IoG supporting
   practical cyberspace governance applications based on the component
   design and collaboration life-cycle described in Section 4.

5.1.  DDoS Tracing and Defense

   IoG can provide a reliable supporting platform for DDoS tracing and
   defense.  Tracing an IP source requires coordination among multiple
   ASes (Autonomous Systems).  IoG provides automated procedures to
   access IP traceback data maintained by ASes in their own
   infrastructures.  The following steps are performed to enable IP
   traceback data sharing within the IoG architecture defined in section

   1.  An IoG domain(A) decides to expose the IP traceback service.  It
      announces service metadata in the API catalog in the governance

   2.  Another IoG domain(B) decides to trace a certain IP.

   3.  B search the API catalog of the IP traceback services and obtain
      available services provided by other domains, including A.  The
      identity of B is certified by the governance center and obtains
      authentication token.

   4.  B initiates API calls according to the service metadata from A,
      providing proper parameters and authentication token.

   5.  A accesses local IP traceback databases if A receives API calls
      from B and B is certified.

   6.  A returns the IP traceback information to B.

5.2.  IP Geolocation and Verification

   The following steps are performed to implement CPV [CPV] algorithm to
   verify IP geolocations within the IoG framework.  CPV is an advanced
   IP geolocation verification method that requires more complex
   operations on probers to achieve better accuracy than simple commands
   like ping or traceroute.  Suppose an IoG participant A decides to
   verify that the geolocation of a certain IP is O.

   1.  A selects other participants B and C that provides CPV service
      APIs.  According to CPV algorithm, B and C should be selected so
      that O is located inside the triangle formed by A,B and C.

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   2.  A intiates multiple API calls to measure the delay between AO,
      BO, CO, AB, AC, BC.

   3.  A calculates the size of triangle ABC, AOC, BOC and AOB.

   4.  A checks whether the summation of the size of triangle AOB, AOC,
      BOC equals to the size of triangle ABC.  If so, then A decides the
      location of O is correct in this iteration and record the result.
      A then starts another iteration, performing step 1 again with new
      choices of B and C.

   5.  After all iterations, A calculates the ratio of correct results
      to decide whether O is the correct geolocation.

6.  Security Considerations

6.1.  Authentication

   Authentication checks are carried out throughput the collaboration
   life-cycle of IoG to ensure security.  The governance center
   maintains identity information of each governance domain.  Each
   governance zone needs to be authenticated when they communicate with
   the governance center in step 1 and step 3 described in section 4.2.
   Besides, in step 3, the caller zone obtains a token from the
   governance center and uses this token when API calls are initiated in
   step 4.  The provider checks the token before responding.

6.2.  Secured Transport

   As discussed in [RFC7861], measures are taken satisfy RPC security.
   All communications involved in IoG collaboration life-cycle described
   in section 4.2 should use secured protocols such as HTTPS where TLS
   [RFC8446] is mandatory.

6.3.  Privacy Protection

   In section 3.2, privacy protection has been discussed.  The key issue
   of data sharing is to exchange information with minimal privacy
   risks.  In IoG framework, all communications between governance
   domains are remote API operations, where only parameters and results
   are exchanged.  The raw data can only be locally accessed.

7.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank the support of Tsinghua University
   and Joint Research on IPv6 Network Governance: Research, Development
   and Demonstration under Grant 2020YFE0200500.

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8.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

9.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3631]  Bellovin, S., "Security Mechanisms for the Internet",
              RFC 3631, December 2003,

Authors' Addresses

   Jilong Wang (editor)
   Tsinghua University

   Yi Qiao (editor)
   Tsinghua University

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