Internet DRAFT - draft-joseph-tls-batch-signatures


Network Working Group                                          D. Joseph
Internet-Draft                                               D. Connolly
Intended status: Informational                        C. Aguilar-Melchor
Expires: 8 May 2024                                            SandboxAQ
                                                         5 November 2023

                           Batched Signatures


   This document proposes a construction for batch signatures where a
   single, potentially expensive, "base" digital signature authenticates
   a Merkle tree constructed from many messages.

   Discussion of this work is encouraged to happen on the IETF TLSWG
   mailing list or on the GitHub repository which contains
   the draft:

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 May 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.2.  Hash functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       2.2.1.  Hash function properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       2.2.2.  Tweakable Hash functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.3.  Motivation for batching messages before signing . . . . .   5
     2.4.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Batch signature construction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Batch signature definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Merkle tree batch signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  Signing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.3.1.  Tree computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.3.2.  Signature construction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.4.  Verification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Domain separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.3.  Target collision resistance vs collision resistance . . .   9
   5.  Post-quantum and hybrid signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.1.  Signature sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.2.  Hybrid signatures {pqc-hybrid}  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.3.  Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Relationship to Merkle Tree Certificates  . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Appendix A.  Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

1.  Introduction

   The computational complexity of unkeyed and symmetric cryptography is
   known to be significantly lower than asymmetric cryptography.
   Indeed, hash functions, stream or block ciphers typically require
   between a few cycles [AES-NI] to a few hundred cycles [GK12], whereas
   key establishment and digital signature primitives require between
   tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of cycles [SUPERCOP].  In
   situations where a substantial volume of signatures must be handled
   -- e.g. a Hardware Security Module (HSM) renewing a large set of
   short-lived certificates or a load balancer terminating a large
   number of TLS connections per second -- this may pose serious
   limitations on scaling these and related scenarios.

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   These challenges are amplified by upcoming public-key cryptography
   standards: in July 2022, the US National Institute of Standards and
   Technology (NIST) announced four algorithms for post-quantum
   cryptography (PQC) standardisation.  In particular, three digital
   signature algorithms -- Dilithium [CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM], Falcon
   [FALCON] and SPHINCS [SPHINCS] -- were selected, and migration from
   current standards to these new algorithms is already underway
   [NSM10].  One of the key issues when considering migrating to PQC is
   that the computational costs of the new digital signature algorithms
   are significantly higher than those of ECDSA; the fastest currently-
   deployed primitive for signing.  This severely impacts the ability of
   systems to scale and inhibits their migration to PQC, especially in
   higher-throughput settings.

2.  Preliminaries

2.1.  Signatures

   *  *DSA* Digital Signature Algorithm, a public key cryptography
      primitive consisting of a triple of algorithms _KeyGen_, _Sign_,
      _Verify_ whereby:

      -  _KeyGen(k)_ outputs a keypair _sk, pk_ where _k_ is a security

      -  _Sign(sk, msg) = s_

      -  _Verify(pk, s, msg) = b_. When _b=1_, the result is ACCEPT
         which occurs on receipt of message, correctly signed with the
         secret key _sk_ corresponding to _pk_. Otherwise the result is
         REJECT when _b=0_.

2.2.  Hash functions

   In this work we consider _tweakable_ hash functions.  These are keyed
   hash functions that take an additional input which can be thought of
   as a domain separator (while the key or public parameter serves as a
   separator between users).  Tweakable hash functions allow us to
   tightly achieve target collision resistance even in multi-target
   settings where an adversary wins when they manage to attack one out
   of many targets.

   *  *Keyed Hash function* A keyed hash function is one that outputs a
      hash that depends both on a message _msg_ and a key _v_ that is
      shared by both the hash generator and the hash validator.  It is
      easiest to compute via prepending the key to the message before
      computing the hash _h <-- H(v | msg)_. Let _Hv_ denote the family
      of hash functions keyed with _v_.

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2.2.1.  Hash function properties

   *  Collision resistance - no two inputs _x1, x2_ should map to the
      same output hash (regardless of choice of key in the case of a
      keyed hash).

   *  Preimage resistance - it should be difficult to guess the input
      value _x_ for a hash function given only its output _H(x)_.

   *  Second preimage resistance - given an input _x1_, it should be
      difficult to find another distinct input _x2_ such that

   *  Target collision resistance - choose input _x1_. Then given a key
      _v_, find _x2_ such that _Hv(x1) = Hv(x2)_.

   Target collision resistance is a weaker requirement than collision
   resistance but is sufficient for signing purposes.  Tweakable hash
   functions enable us to tightly achieve TCR even in multi-target
   settings where an adversary can attack one out of many targets.
   Specifically, the property achieved in the following is _single-
   function multi-target collision resistance_ (SM-TCR) which is
   described more formally in [AABBHHJM23].

2.2.2.  Tweakable Hash functions

   One form of keyed hash function is a tweakable hash function, which
   enables one to obtain SM-TCR:

   *  *Tweakable Hash functions* A _tweakable hash function_ is a tuple
      of algorithms _H=(KeyGen, Eval)_ such that:

      -  _KeyGen_ takes the security parameter _k_ and outputs a
         (possibly empty) public parameter _p_. We write _p <--

      -  _Eval_ is deterministic and takes public parameters _p_, a
         tweak _t_, an input _msg_ in _[0,1]^m_ and returns a hash value
         _h_. We write _h <-- Eval(p,t,msg)_ or simply _h <--

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2.3.  Motivation for batching messages before signing

   Batch signing enables the scaling of slow algorithms by signing large
   batches of messages simultaneously.  This comes at a relatively low
   latency cost, and significant throughput improvements.  These
   advantages are particularly pertinent when considering the use of
   post-quantum signatures, such as those being standardised by NIST at
   the time of writing.  In some applications, the amount of data that
   needs to be sent can be reduced in addition; namely, if a given
   entity (is aware that it) receives multiple signatures from the same
   batch.  In this case, sending the signed root multiple times is
   redundant and we can asymptotically reduce the amount of received
   information to a few hashes per message.

2.4.  Scope

   This document describes a construction for batch signatures based
   upon a Merkle tree design.  The total signature consists of a
   signature of the root of the Merkle tree, as well as the sibling path
   of the individual message.  We discuss the applicability of such
   signatures to various protocols, but only at a high level.  The
   document describes a scheme which enables smaller signatures than
   outlined in [BEN20] by relying not on hash collision resistance, but
   instead on target collision resistance, however for the security
   proofs the reader should see [AABBHHJM23].

3.  Batch signature construction

3.1.  Batch signature definition

   We define a batch signature as a triple of algorithms - *Batch
   signature* a batch signature scheme is comprised of _KeyGen_,
   _BSign_, _Verify_ whereby: - _KeyGen(k)_ outputs a keypair _sk, pk_
   where _k_ is a security parameter - _BSign(sk, M)_ the batch signing
   algorithm takes as input a list of messages _M = {msg-i}_ and outputs
   a list of signatures _S={sig-i}_. We write _S <-- BSign(sk,M)_ -
   PVerify(pk, sig, msg)_. We call the verification _PVerify_ to
   represent Path Verification, because in the construction outlined
   below, verification involves an extra step of verifying a sibling
   path, which _Verify_ in the ordinary DSA setting does not do.

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3.2.  Merkle tree batch signature

   Our construction relies on a Merkle tree.  When addressing nodes in a
   Merkle tree of height _h_ with _N_ leaves, we may label nodes and
   leaves in the tree by their position: _T[i,k]_ is the _i_-th node at
   height _k_, counting from left to right and from bottom upwards (i.e.
   leaves are on height _0_ and the root is on height _h_. We illustrate
   this in Figure 1.

   Let _Sig=(KeyGen, Sign, Verify)_ be a DSA as defined in Section 2.1,
   let _thash_ be a tweakable hash function as defined in Section 2.2.2.
   We define our batch signature scheme _BSig = (KeyGen, BSign, BVerify_
   with _KeyGen := Sig.KeyGen_ and _BSign, Verify_ as in Section 3.1

   Here we describe the case of binary Merkle trees.  In the case where
   _N_ is not a power of _2_, one can pad the tree by repeating leaves,
   or else continue with an incomplete tree.

3.3.  Signing

   _BSign(sk, M=[msg-0,...,msg-N-1])_ where _N=2^n_. We first treat the
   case that _N_ is a power of _2_, and then consider incomplete trees
   using standard methods.

3.3.1.  Tree computation

   *  *Initialize tree* _T[ ]_, which is indexed by the level, and then
      the row index, e.g. _T[3,5]_ is the fifth node on level 3 of _T_.
      Height _h <-- log2(N)_

   *  *Tree identifier* Sample a tree identifier _id <--$ {0,1}^k_

   *  *Generate leaves* For leaf _i in [0,...,N-1]_, sample randomness
      _r-i <--$ {0,1}^k_. Then set _T[0,i] = H(id, 0, i, r-i, msg-i)._

   *  *Populate tree* For levels _l in [1,..., h]_ compute level _l_
      from level _l-1_ as follows:

      -  Initialize level _l_ with half as many elements as level _l-1_.

      -  For node _j_ on level _l_, set _left=T[l-1, 2j]_ and
         _right=T[l-1, 2j+1]_

      -  _id_ is the public parameter, _(1, l, j)_ is the tweak.

      -  _T[l, j] <-- H(id, 1, l, j, left, right)_

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   *  *Root* set _root <-- T[h,0]_

3.3.2.  Signature construction

   *  *Sign the root* Use the base DSA to sign the root of the Merkle
      tree _rootsig <-- Sign(sk, id, root, N)_

   *  *Sibling path* For each leaf: The sibling path is an array of _h-
      1_ hashes.  Compute the sibling path as follows:

      -  Initialize _path-i <-- []_

      -  For _l in [0, ..., N-1]_, set _j <--floor(i / 2^l)_. If _j mod
         2 = 0_ then _path-i[l]=T[l,j+1]_, else _path-i[l]=T[l,j-1]_

   *  *Generate batch signatures* _bsig-i <-- (id, N, sig, i, r-i, path-

   *  *Return batch of signatures* batch signatures are {bsig-1, ...,

   Figure 1 illustrates the construction of the Merkle tree and the
   signature of the root.

     lvl3=root         (T30)--DSA--> sig
                        / \
     lvl2        T20----   ----T21
                 /\             /\
                /  \           /  \
     lvl2    T10    T11     T12    T13
             /\     /\      /\      /\
            /  \   /  \    /  \    /  \
     lvl1 T00 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07
          |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |            |               |
        H(_) ... H(id,0,3,r3,msg3)  ...H(_)

             Figure 1: Merkle tree batch signature construction

3.4.  Verification

   Verification proceeds by first reconstructing the root hash via the
   leaf information (public parameters, tweak, message) and iteratively
   hashing with the nodes provided in the sibling path.  Next the base
   verification algorithm is called to verify the base DSA signature of
   the root.

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   *  *Generate leaf hash* Get hash from public parameter, tweak, and
      message _h <-- H(id, 0, i, r, msg)_.

   *  *Reconstruct root* Set _l=0_. For _l in [ 1, ..., h]_ set _j <--

      -  If _j mod 2 = 0_: set _h <-- H(id, 1, l, j, h, path[l])_.

      -  If _j mod 2 = 1_: set _h <-- H(id, 1, l, j, path[l], h)_.

   *  *Verify root* Return _Verify(pk, sig, h)_.

4.  Security Considerations

   A reduction in certificate sizes is proposed by a new type of CA
   (certificate authority) which would exclusively sign a new type of
   batch oriented certificates.  Such a CA would only be used together
   with a Certificate Transparency log, which changes the usual required
   flows for authentication.  The benefits obtained in certificate size
   and verification/signature costs are significant.  It also implies
   that the main criterion for being on a same batch are: being signed
   by the same CA, and being signed roughly at the same time.

4.1.  Correctness

   Correctness can be broken down into correctness of the base DSA, and
   correctness of the Merkle tree.  Correctness is considered a security
   property, and is generally proven for each DSA, so we only need to
   demonstrate correctness of the Merkle tree root.  The Merkle proof
   assures that a message is a leaf at a given index or address, in the
   tree identified by _id_, and nothing more.

   Hash functions are symmetric and therefore deterministic in nature,
   therefore, given the correct sibling path as part of the signer's
   signature, will generate the Merkle tree root correctly.  Given an
   accepting (message, signature) pair, so long as one uses a hash
   function that provides second preimage resistance (from which the
   tweakable hash then provides SM-TCR), this guarantees that - except
   with negligible probability - the proof must be valid only for the
   message provided.

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4.2.  Domain separation

   Our construction uses tweakable hashfunctions which take as input a
   public parameter _id_, a tweak _t_, and a message _msg_. The public
   parameter domain separates between Merkle trees used in the same
   protocol.  In [BEN20] it is suggested that TLS context strings are
   used to prevent cross-protocol attacks, however we note here that
   _msg_, which is the full protocol transcript up to that point,
   includes such protocol context strings.  Therefore domain separation
   is handled implicitly.  However in an idea world all protocols would
   agree on a uniform approach to domain separation, and so we invite
   comment on how to concretely handle this aspect.

4.3.  Target collision resistance vs collision resistance

   Instead of collision resistance, relying on the weaker assumption of
   TCR, and more specifically SM-TCR, increases the attack complexity of
   finding a forgery and breaking the scheme.  The result is that
   smaller hash outputs are required to achieve an equivalent security
   level.  This key modification versus [BEN20] thus provides smaller
   signatures or higher security for the same sized signatures.

   The reduction in signature size is _(h-1) * d_ where _h_ is the tree
   height and _d_ is the difference between the hash output length based
   on SM-TCR and that based on collision resistance.  Usually TCR
   implies using, for example, 128b digests to achieve 128b security,
   whereas basing on CR would require 256b digests.  This change
   therefore in essence halves the size of the Merkle tree proofs.

5.  Post-quantum and hybrid signatures

   *Digital signatures* The transition to post-quantum cryptography
   (PQC) coincides with increasing demands on performance and
   throughput.  Post-quantum signatures suffer worse performance both on
   computation and public key/signature sizes versus their quantum-
   vulnerable counterparts which are based on elliptic curve
   cryptography and RSA.  As a result, techniques to boost performance
   are especially relevant in this case.  In Section 5.1 one can see
   that the extra size cost due to the sibling path is roughly
   independent of the algorithm used (therefore relatively much smaller
   for PQC).

   *Hash functions* In contrast to DSAs, Hash functions are purely
   symmetric cryptography which is weakened but not broken by quantum
   computers.  Therefore the Merkle tree construction is not affected in
   the post-quantum era, other than a doubling of parameters (in the
   worst case) to achieve the same security level.

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5.1.  Signature sizes

   In Figure 2 one can see the size of a batch signature which signs 16
   or 32 transcripts, relative to the size of the underlying primitive.
   For post-quantum schemes the overhead in size is relatively small due
   to the much larger sizes of the base DSAs.

   |       Scheme       |  k  | |vk| | |sig| | N  | |bsig| |
   | ECDSA P256         | 128 |   64 |    64 | 32 |    180 |
   | Dilithium2         | 128 | 1312 |  2420 | 32 |   2536 |
   | Dilithium5         | 256 | 2592 |  4595 | 32 |   4823 |
   | Falcon-512         | 128 |  897 |   666 | 16 |    766 |
   | Falcon-1024        | 256 | 1793 |  1280 | 32 |   1508 |
   | Falcon-512-fpuemu  | 128 |  897 |   666 | 16 |    766 |
   | Falcon-1024-fpuemu | 256 | 1793 |  1280 | 16 |   1476 |
   | SPHINGS+-128f      | 128 |   32 | 17088 | 16 |  17188 |
   | SPHINCS-256f       | 256 |   64 | 49856 | 32 |  50084 |

                      Figure 2: Batch signature sizes

5.2.  Hybrid signatures {pqc-hybrid}

   A likely mode of transition to PQC will be via 'hybrid mode', where
   data is protected independently via two algorithms, one quantum-
   vulnerable (but well studied and understood) and one PQC algorithm.
   This is to mitigate the risk of a complete break - classical or
   quantum - of a PQC algorithm.  Breaking a hybrid scheme should imply
   breaking _both_ of the algorithms used.

   We do not discuss the details of such hybrid signatures or hybrid
   certificates in this document, but simply state that so long as the
   hybrid scheme adheres to the API described above, the Batch signature
   Merkle tree construction described in this document remains
   unaltered.  Explicitly, the root is generated via the procedure of
   Section 3.3.1.  Then the root is signed by the hybrid DSA, whose
   functions _KeyGen_, _Sign_, _Verify_ are constructed via some
   composition of _KeyGen_, _Sign_, _Verify_ for a PQC algorithm and
   _KeyGen_, _Sign_, _Verify_ for some presently-used algorithm.

5.3.  Privacy

   In [AABBHHJM23] two privacy notions are defined:

   *  *Batch Privacy* can one cannot deduce whether two messages were
      signed in the same batch.

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   *  *weak Batch Privacy* for two messages signed in the same batch, if
      one is given the signature for one

   *  message, it does not leak any information about the other message,
      for which no signature is available.

   The authors prove in [AABBHHJM23] that this construction achieves the
   weaker variant, but not full Batch Privacy.

6.  Relationship to Merkle Tree Certificates

   A Merkle tree construction for TLS certificates [BEN23] is being
   developed at the time of writing, by the same author of the original
   Merkle tree signing draft [BEN20].  The construction bears strong
   similarities to the current proposal.  In ordinary TLS certificates,
   a Certificate Authority (CA) signs a certificate which asserts that a
   public key belongs to a given subscriber.  In the Merkle tree
   construction, many certificates are batched together using a similar
   Merkle tree construction to the one presented in this document.  The
   CA then signs only the root of the Merkle tree, and returns (root
   signature + sibling path) to the subscriber.

   A client verifies a server's identity by:

   *  Verifying a server's signature: the server signs the TLS
      transcript up to that point with their private key and the client
      verifies with the server's public key _pk_.

   *  Verifying that the public key belongs to the server by verifying
      the trusted CA's signatures certificate which states that the
      server owns _pk_.

      -  Doing this repeatedly in the case of certificate chains until
         reaching a root CA.

   The document of [BEN23] relates specifically to signing certificates,
   the second bullet above, whereas the constructions of [BEN20] and
   this document pertain to a server authenticating itself online,
   relating to the first bullet above.  The two have slightly different
   usecases, which both benefit from Merkle tree constructions under
   different scenarios.

   Cases where Merkle tree certificates may be appropriate have certain

   *  Certificates are short-lived.

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   *  Certificates are issued after a significant delay, e.g. around one

   *  Batch sizes can be estimated to be up to 2^24 (based on unexpired
      number of certificates in certificate transparency logs)

   Cases where TLS batch signing may be appropriate differ slightly, for

   *  High throughput servers and load balancers - in particular when
      rate of incoming signing requests exceeds _(time * threads)_ where
      _time_ is the average time for a signing thread to generate a
      signature, and _threads_ is the number of available signing

   *  In scenarios where the latency is not extremely sensitive: waiting
      for signatures to arrive before constructing a Merkle tree incurs
      a small extra latency cost which is amortised by the significant
      extra throughput achievable.

   *  Batch sizes are likely to be smaller than the usecase for Merkle
      tree certificates.  Batch sizes of 16 or 32 can already improve
      throughput by an order of magnitude.

7.  Acknowledgements

8.  Informative References

              Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Martin Albrecht, Thomas Bailleux,
              Nina Bindel, James Howe, Andreas Huelsing, David Joseph,
              and Marc Manzano, "Batch Signatures, Revisited", 2023,

   [AES-NI]   Kahraman Akdemir, Martin Dixon, Wajdi Feghali, Patrick
              Fay, Vinodh Gopal, Jim Guilford, Erdincand Ozturk, Gil
              Wolrich, and Ronen Zohar, "Breakthrough AES Performance
              with Intel AES New Instructions", 2010,

   [BEN20]    David Benjamin, "Batch Signing for TLS: draft-ietf-tls-
              batch-signing-00", 2023,

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   [BEN23]    David Benjamin, "Merkle Tree Certificates for TLS", 8
              September 2023, <

              Ducas, L., Kiltz, E., Lepoint, T., Lyubashevsky, V.,
              Schwabe, P., Seiler, G., and D. Stehlé, "CRYSTALS-
              Dilithium: A Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme",
              Universitatsbibliothek der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, IACR
              Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded
              Systems pp. 238-268, DOI 10.46586/tches.v2018.i1.238-268,
              February 2018,

   [FALCON]   Moody, D., "Fast Fourier Sampling over NTRU Lattices
              Digital Signature Standard", National Institute of
              Standards and Technology, DOI 10.6028/nist.fips.206, 2023,

   [GK12]     Gueron, S. and V. Krasnov, "Parallelizing message
              schedules to accelerate the computations of hash
              functions", Springer Science and Business Media LLC,
              Journal of Cryptographic Engineering vol. 2, no. 4, pp.
              241-253, DOI 10.1007/s13389-012-0037-z, September 2012,

   [NSM10]    Shalanda D Young, "National Security Memorandum on
              Promoting United States Leadership in Quantum Computing
              While Mitigating Risks to Vulnerable Cryptographic
              Systems", 4 May 2010, <

   [SPHINCS]  Bernstein, D., Hülsing, A., Kölbl, S., Niederhagen, R.,
              Rijneveld, J., and P. Schwabe, "The SPHINCS <sup>+</sup>
              Signature Framework", ACM, Proceedings of the 2019 ACM
              SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
              DOI 10.1145/3319535.3363229, November 2019,

   [SUPERCOP] Daniel J Bernstein and Tanja Lange, "SUPERCOP: System for
              unified performance evaluation related to cryptographic
              operations and primitives.", 2018,

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Appendix A.  Related work

Authors' Addresses

   David Joseph

   Deirdre Connolly

   Carlos Aguilar-Melchor

Joseph, et al.             Expires 8 May 2024                  [Page 14]