Internet DRAFT - draft-joseph-tls-turbotls


Network Working Group                                         D. Stebila
Internet-Draft                                    University of Waterloo
Intended status: Informational                                 D. Joseph
Expires: 8 May 2024                                   C. Aguilar-Melchor
                                                             J. Goertzen
                                                         5 November 2023

              TurboTLS for faster connection establishment


   This document provides a high level protocol description for
   handshaking over UDP in the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol
   (version independent).  In parallel, a TCP session is established,
   and once this is done, the TLS session reverts to TCP.  In the event
   that the UDP handshaking portion fails, TurboTLS falls back to TLS-
   over-TCP as is usually done, resulting in negligible latency cost in
   the case of failure.

   Discussion of this work is encouraged to happen on the TLS IETF
   mailing list or on the GitHub repository which contains
   the draft:

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 May 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Motivation for handshaking over UDP . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.3.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.4.  Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Transport Layer Security  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Construction for TLS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  Protocol diagram TLS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Protocol diagram TurboTLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.3.  Fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.3.1.  Client request-based fragmentation  . . . . . . . . .  10
     3.4.  TLS-over-TCP fallback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.4.1.  Early data, post-handshake messages, and TCP
               fallback  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.5.  TurboTLS support advertisment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.6.  Specification: Handshake embedding into UDP . . . . . . .  12
     3.7.  Specification: UDP Tombstone  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.1.  Transparent proxying  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.2.  Denial-of-Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.2.1.  Attacks _on_ TurboTLS servers . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.2.2.  Attacks _leveraging_ TurboTLS servers . . . . . . . .  14
   5.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     5.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   This document gives a construction for TurboTLS [ABGGJS23], which at
   its core is a method for handshaking over UDP in TLS before switching
   back to TCP for the TLS session.  A technique called client request-
   based fragmentation is described which reduces the susceptability of
   TurboTLS servers to being exploited by UDP reflection attacks.

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   reduce the possibility of portions of the handshake over UDP being
   filtered by poorly configured middle-boxes, and a fallback procedure
   to standard TLS-over-TCP (at minimal latency overhead) is provided.

1.1.  Terminology

   *  *UDP* Universal Datagram Protocol: a connectionless transport
      protocol, whereby packets are sent, but without any codified way
      of knowing that such packets have been successfully received.
      This leads to low reliability but can be appropriate where
      applications are time sensitive.

   *  *TCP* Transmission Control Protocol: a connection-oriented
      protocol that ensures the successful delivery of packets.  Before
      a communication over TCP can start in earnest, a connection must
      be established.  This is done via a TCP handshake consisting of a
      SYN, a SYN ACK and an ACK.

   *  *TLS* Transport Layer Security: a cryptographic protocol that
      enables a client and server to authenticate one another, and
      communicate confidentially.  TLS initializes with a handshake
      where cryptographic primitives are executed and session parameters
      are agreed upon, and then a session over which applications
      exchange encrypted communications.

   *  *QUIC* (not an acronym): a security protocol that embeds TLS
      functionality directly into UDP-based transport.  Due to the
      drawbacks of UDP, QUIC implements its own reliability, packet
      reordering, and packet dropping procedures as well as the security

1.2.  Motivation for handshaking over UDP

   TLS is the most ubiquitous application layer security protocol in use
   at the time of writing.  Other protocols for secure connection
   establishment have been proposed, and one such widely-used protocol
   is QUIC.  QUIC runs entirely over UDP and merges the transport and
   security aspects into one specification, handling packet loss,
   reordering, handshake establishment, and session management all in
   one protocol.  One benefit of QUIC is that it enjoys fast connection
   establishment because it runs over UDP, whereas running on TCP would
   mean waiting for a TCP handshake to occur which requires one round

   Many will make the choice to move from TLS to QUIC, however some will
   not for a range of reasons.  Deep packet inspection is inhibited in
   QUIC, and updating some legacy systems can be difficult.  TurboTLS
   aims to provide a method for those who do not want to fully switch to

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   QUIC, to benefit from the fast connection establishment enabled by
   UDP, but without fundamentally changing the security properties of
   TLS, and furthermore enabling implementation via transparent
   proxying, thus avoiding the need to directly upgrade such systems

1.3.  Scope

   This document focuses on TurboTLS [ABGGJS23].  It covers everything
   needed to achieve the handshaking portion of a TLS connection over
   UDP, including

   *  *Construction in principle:* It provides an outline of which flows
      are sent over UDP, which are sent over TCP and in what order.

   *  *TLS-over-TCP fallback:* The document describes what to do in the
      case of failure due to UDP packet loss or filtering.  The scheme
      should revert to TLS-over-TCP incurring a small latency overhead
      that should be minimal in comparison with standard TLS-over-TCP
      without a TurboTLS attempt.

   *  *Client request-based fragmentation:* Due to the impact of post-
      quantum cryptography such as larger keys certain considerations
      have to be taken into account.  One is that a Server Hello is
      likely to require multiple UDP packets, thus to eliminate the
      possibility of reflection attacks and hence serve as a DDoS
      mitigation, we describe how to create a one-to-one correspondence
      between Client Hello packets and Server Hello packets.

   *  *How to implement via a transparent proxy:* The document gives a
      brief description of how one can implement TurboTLS via a
      transparent proxy, which has two implications.  The first is that
      it demonstrates clearly that the security of TLS is unchanged, as
      a server and client can have their entire transcript intercepted
      by two proxies (one in front of each), which TurboTLS-ify the
      interaction.  Thus the view server and client is unchanged versus
      standard TLS.  The second is that the TLS proxy represents a way
      for legacy systems to benefit from faster connection establishment
      without requiring direct upgrades.

   *  *Performance considerations* Due to the parallelization of the UDP
      flow and TCP flows, as well as the TCP fallback mechanism,
      TurboTLS will have some impact on bandwidth requirements.  We
      discuss these briefly, as well as the expected benefit from
      reducing a round trip when TurboTLS works and the small latency
      overhead when it doesn't and reverts to TLS-over-TCP.

   It intentionally does not address:

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   *  *Protocol design of TLS:* The internal workings and security
      mechanisms of TLS are not affected by TurboTLS, as can be seen via
      the transparent proxying argument.  This document does not discuss
      the design or merits of any version of TLS.

1.4.  Goals

   *  *High performance:* Successful use of TurboTLS removes one round
      trip and should cut handshaking time by up to 50%. However in the
      worst case, when the fallback mechanism to TLS-over-TCP is used,
      there should be only a minimal impact on latency.

   *  *Ease of implementation:* TurboTLS should be designed such that it
      is possible to implement in many scenarios where other more
      invasive upgrades may not be possible, such as switching to QUIC.
      Transparent proxying should enable this via network proxies,
      sidecar proxies, or directly modifying the client/server

   *  *Security:* The design should not create any opportunities for
      adversaries, either to attack TurboTLS servers or to use them e.g.
      during a reflection attack.  The ratio of received:sent UDP
      packets, in particular, affects an adversary's chances of carrying
      out such reflection attacks.  The handling of semi-open TCP
      connections is also important to consider in mitigating DoS

2.  Transport Layer Security

   The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is ubiquitous and
   provides security services to many network applications.  TLS runs
   over TCP.  As shown in Figure 1, the main flow for TLS 1.3 connection
   establishment [TLS13] in a web browser is as follows.

   First of all, the client makes a DNS query to convert the requested
   domain name into an IP address.  Simultaneously, browsers request an
   HTTPS resource record [SBN22] from the DNS server which can provide
   additional information about the server's HTTPS configuration.  Next,
   the client and server perform the TCP three-way handshake.  Once the
   TCP handshake is complete and a TCP connection is established, the
   TLS handshake can start; it requires one round trip -- one client-to-
   server C->S flow and one server-to-client S->C flow -- before the
   client can start transmitting application data.

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   In total (not including the DNS resolution) this results in two round
   trips before the client can send the first byte of application data
   (the TCP handshake, plus the first C->S and S->C flows of the TLS
   handshake), and one further round trip before the client receives its
   first byte of response.

   TLS does have a pre-shared key mode that allows for an abbreviated
   handshake permitting application data to be sent in the first C->S
   TLS flow, but this requires that the client and server have a pre-
   shared key in advance, established either through some out-of-band
   mechanism or saved from a previous TLS connection for session

3.  Construction for TLS

   We first demonstrate protocol diagrams of the handshaking parts of
   TLS and TurboTLS.

3.1.  Protocol diagram TLS

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   ┌----------┐                        ┌----------┐
   │TLS client│                        │DNS server│
   └----------┘                        └----------┘
                  DNS: A request
                 DNS: AAAA request
                DNS: HTTPS RR request
                  DNS: A response
                 DNS: AAAA response
                DNS: HTTPS RR response

   ┌----------┐                        ┌----------┐
   │TLS client│                        │TLS server│
   └----------┘                        └----------┘
                    TCP: SYN
        ------------------------------------>  │
                   TCP: SYN-ACK                │RT1
        <------------------------------------  │

                    TCP: ACK
        ------------------------------------>  │
                   TCP: TLS CH                 │
        ------------------------------------>  │
                   TCP: TLS SH                 │RT2
        <------------------------------------  │
                 TCP: TLS app data             │
        <------------------------------------  │

                   TCP: TLS *, FIN
        ------------------------------------>  │
                 TCP: TLS app data             │RT3
        ------------------------------------>  │

                      Figure 1: TLS-over-TCP handshake

3.2.  Protocol diagram TurboTLS

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   ┌----------┐                        ┌----------┐
   │TLS client│                        │DNS server│
   └----------┘                        └----------┘
                  DNS: A request
                 DNS: AAAA request
                DNS: HTTPS RR request
                  DNS: A response
                 DNS: AAAA response
          DNS: HTTPS RR response w/ TTLS flag

   ┌----------┐                        ┌----------┐
   │TLS client│                        │TLS server│
   └----------┘                        └----------┘
          UDP: TurboTLS id, TLS CH frag#1
        ------------------------------------>  │
          UDP: TurboTLS id, TLS CH frag#2      │
        ------------------------------------>  │
          UDP: TurboTLS id, empty frag#1       │
        ------------------------------------>  │
          UDP: TurboTLS id, empty frag#2       │
        ------------------------------------>  │
                    TCP: SYN                   │
        ------------------------------------>  │
          UDP: TurboTLS id, TLS resp frag#1    │
        <------------------------------------  │
          UDP: TurboTLS id, TLS resp frag#2    │
        <------------------------------------  │
          UDP: TurboTLS id, TLS resp frag#3    │
        <------------------------------------  │
                   TCP: SYN-ACK                │
        <------------------------------------  │

                    TCP: ACK
        ------------------------------------>  │
          TCP: TurboTLS id, TLS *, FIN         │
        ------------------------------------>  │RT2
                 TCP: TLS app data             │
        ------------------------------------>  │

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                        Figure 2: TurboTLS Handshake

   As described in Figure 2, TurboTLS sends part of the TLS handshake
   over UDP, rather than TCP.  Switching from TCP to UDP for handshake
   establishment means we cannot rely on TCP's features, namely
   connection-oriented, reliable, in-order delivery.  However, since the
   rest of the connection will still run over TCP and only part of the
   handshake runs over UDP, we can reproduce the required functionality
   in a lightweight way without adding latency and allowing for a simple

3.3.  Fragmentation

   One of the major problems to deal with is that of fragmentation.  TLS
   handshake messages can be too large to fit in a single packet --
   especially with long certificate chains or if post-quantum algorithms
   are used.

   Obviously the client can fragment its first C->S flow across multiple
   UDP packets.  To allow a server to link fragments received across
   multiple UDP requests, we add a 12-byte session ID field, containing
   a client-selected random value _id_ that is used across all TurboTLS
   fragments sent by the client.  The session ID is also included in the
   first message on the established TLS connection as part of the
   tombstone message to allow the server to link together data received
   on the UDP and TCP connections.  To allow the server to reassemble
   fragments if they arrive out-of-order.  The client will send the last
   in-order UDP packet it received's sequence number as a part of the
   tombstone message so that the server can detect packetloss.

   Similarly, the server can fragment its first S->C flow across
   multiple UDP packets.  One additional problem here however is that
   the S->C flow is typically larger than the C->S flow (as it typically
   contains one or more certificates), so the server may have to send
   more UDP response packets than UDP request packets.  As noted by
   [SW19] in the context of DNSSEC, many network devices do not behave
   well when receiving multiple UDP responses to a single UDP request,
   and may close the port after the first packet, dropping the request.
   Subsequent packets received at a closed port lead to ICMP failure
   alerts, which can be a nuisance.

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3.3.1.  Client request-based fragmentation

   A method proposed by Goertzen and Stebila [GS22] for DNSSEC is called
   request-based fragmentation.  In the context of large resource
   records in DNSSEC, [GS22] had the first response be a truncated
   response that included information about the size of the response,
   and then the client sent multiple additional requests, in parallel,
   for the remaining fragments.  This ensured that there was only one
   UDP response for each UDP request.

   Maintaining one-to-oneness of UDP packets can prevent reflection
   attacks.  We therefore offer an adaptation of that method for
   TurboTLS: the client can, in its first C->S flow, fragment its own
   C->S data across multiple UDP packets.  Additionally it sends (in
   parallel) enough nearly-empty UDP requests for a predicted upper
   bound on the number of fragments the server will need to fit its
   response.  This preserves the model of each UDP request receiving a
   single UDP response reducing the potential for DDoS amplification

   TODO: we solicit advice on the potential impacts of this method on
   middlebox compatibility, and whether the benefit in DDoS protection
   is offset by other presently unknown factors.

3.4.  TLS-over-TCP fallback

   UDP does not have reliable delivery, so packets may be lost.  Since
   the first TurboTLS round-trip includes the TCP handshake, we can
   immediately fall back to TCP if a UDP packet is lost in either
   direction.  This will induce a latency cost of however long the
   client decides to wait for UDP packets to arrive before giving up and
   assuming they were lost.

   In an implementation, the client delay could be a fixed number of
   milliseconds, or could be variable depending on observed network
   conditions; this need not be fixed by a standard.  We believe that in
   many cases a client delay of just 2ms after the TCP reply is received
   in the first round trip will be enough to ensure UDP responses are
   received a large majority of the time.  In other words, by tolerating
   a potential 2ms of extra latency on _X%_ of connections, we can save
   an entire round-trip on a large proportion _(100-X%)_ of the
   connections.  This mechanic was not implemented in the experimental
   results presented here and constitutes future work.

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3.4.1.  Early data, post-handshake messages, and TCP fallback

   As part of the TLS 1.3 specification, a server is able to send
   encrypted application data and connection maintenance related
   messages after it sends its server finished message.  One could wait
   until the TCP connection is established and is associated with the
   correct UDP handshake.  This would remove the benefit that TurboTLS
   offers as it requires the server to wait for the TCP connection to
   finish being established.  We therefore propose that all post-
   handshake messages and early data message attempt to be transmitted
   over UDP.  These messages should therefore be wrapped with the
   standard TurboTLS headers (session ID and index) to ensure that can
   be associated with the correct TLS session.  Once the TCP connection
   is established, the client's first message should include the index
   of the last in order UDP based packet that was received.  The server
   can then determine what needs to be retransmitted over the reliable
   TCP connection.

   In the best case scenario, these early data and post-handshake
   messages arrive one round trip sooner than they would than in TCP-
   based TLS, and in the worst cast arrive at the same time as TCP-based
   TLS.  However, this fallback method comes at the cost of requiring
   additional memory usage by the server to store the messages sent over
   UDP until it has verified they have been delivered.

3.5.  TurboTLS support advertisment

   To protect servers who do not support TurboTLS from being bombarded
   with unwanted UDP traffic, it would be preferable if clients only
   used TurboTLS with servers that they already know support it.
   Clients could cache this information from previous non-TurboTLS
   connections, but in fact we can do better.  Even on the first visit
   to a server, we can communicate server support for TurboTLS to the
   client, without an extra round trip, using the HTTPS resource record
   in DNS [SBN22].  Today when web browsers perform the DNS lookup for
   the domain name in question, they typically send three requests in
   parallel: an A query for an IPv4 address, an AAAA query for an IPv6
   address, and a query for an HTTPS resource record [SBN22].  Servers
   can advertise support for TurboTLS with an additional flag in the
   HTTPS resource record and clients can check for it without incurring
   any extra latency.

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3.6.  Specification: Handshake embedding into UDP

   Rather than relying on IP fragmentation, and the issues that may
   arise from IP/UDP fragmentation, we fragment at the application layer
   and send a new UDP packet each time the packet size would exceed a
   predefined _safe_ size.  This predefined size will need to account
   for the various headers and metadata being sent in each packet.  In
   DNS, for example, the recommended maximum payload size is 1232 bytes
   to account for IPv6, and UDP headers [DNSUDP].  As previously
   mentioned, TurboTLS UDP packets contain a session ID, and a sequence
   number.  These Turbo-headers will be prefixed to the payload of each
   UDP packet being set.  Both client and server UDP communication
   streams have their own distinct sequence counters to maintain
   ordering in either direction.

                                       1  1  1  1  1  1
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
       |             Session ID            |Seq. Number|
       /                    Payload                    /
       /                                               /
       /                                               /
       /                                               /

                    Figure 3: TurboTLS UDP packet layout

3.7.  Specification: UDP Tombstone

   As part of joining the UDP and TCP streams together once a TCP
   connection is established, the cleint sends a tombstone message as
   the first message over TCP.  This message contains the session ID as
   well as the sequence number of the last in order UDP packet that it
   received.  The server will then use this message to determine which
   handshake a given TCP stream should be associated with, as well as
   what data needs to be retransmitted due packet loss.

                                       1  1  1  1  1  1
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
       |             Session ID            |Seq. Number|

                 Figure 4: TurboTLS tombstone packet layout

4.  Security Considerations

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4.1.  Transparent proxying

   TurboTLS benefits from a nice feature: TurboTLS makes no change
   whatsoever to the content of a TLS handshake, only changes the
   delivery mechanism.  As a result, all cryptographic properties of TLS
   are untouched.  In fact, it is possible to implement TurboTLS without
   changing the client or server's TLS library at all, and instead use
   transparent proxies on both the client and server side to change the
   network delivery from pure TCP in TLS to UDP+TCP in TurboTLS.  Of
   course in such a construction the initial client or server, who does
   not know TurboTLS, will observe two round trip times, but if each
   proxy is close to its host (say on the same machine), then the two
   round trip times will be negligible, and the higher latency client--
   server distance will only be covered over one round trip.

4.2.  Denial-of-Service

   We now consider the implications for TurboTLS of various types of
   denial-of-service and distributed denial-of-service attacks,
   including whether a TurboTLS server is a victim in a DoS attack or
   being leveraged by an attacker to direct a DDoS attack elsewhere.
   TurboTLS runs on top of both TCP and UDP so we have to consider
   attacks involving both protocols.

4.2.1.  Attacks _on_ TurboTLS servers

   The most significant TCP DoS attack is the SYN flood attack where a
   target machine is overwhelmed by TCP SYN messages faster than it can
   process them.  This is because a server, upon receiving a SYN,
   typically stores the source IP, TCP packet index number, and port in
   a `SYN queue', and this represents a half-open connection.  An
   attacker could flood the server with SYN messages thereby exhausting
   its memory.  The server cannot just arbitrarily drop connections
   because then legitimate users may find themselves unable to connect.
   There are multiple protections against SYN flood attacks, such as:

   *  Allocating only very small amounts (micro blocks) of memory to
      half-open connections.

   *  Using TCP cryptographic cookies [Ber05] [Sim11] whereby the
      sequence number of the ACK encodes information about the SYN queue
      entry so that the server can reconstruct the entry even if it was
      not stored due to having a full SYN queue.  TCP cookies enjoy
      support in the Linux kernel -- this and other such mitigations are
      already sufficient to protect TurboTLS from SYN floods.

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   In general there are several vectors to consider for resource
   exhaustion attacks on a server running TurboTLS.  The server needs to
   maintain a buffer of received UDP packets containing fragments of a
   TLS CH message.

   *  To avoid memory exhaustion attacks, a server can safely bound the
      memory allocated to this buffer and flush old entries on a regular
      basis (e.g. after two seconds).

      -  In the worst case, a legitimate client whose UDP packets are
         rejected from a busy server or flushed early will be able to
         fall back to vanilla TLS over TCP, and will incur negligible
         latency loss (compared to TLS over TCP) in doing so, because
         TurboTLS starts the TCP handshake in parallel to the first C->S
         UDP flow.

   *  An attacker spoofing IP addresses and sending well-formed CH
      messages could also try to exhaust a server's CPU resources by
      causing a large amount of cryptographic computation.

      -  Again, a server under attack can limit the CPU resources
         allocated to UDP-received CH messages, and then fall back to
         vanilla TLS over TCP.  In the worst case, legitimate clients
         affected by this and having to fall back to vanilla TLS over
         TCP will incur negligible latency loss compared to TLS over TCP
         since the TCP handshake has already been started in parallel.

4.2.2.  Attacks _leveraging_ TurboTLS servers

   UDP reflection attacks present another threat.  Typical defenses
   against these are: - blocking unused ports, - rate limiting based on
   expected traffic loads from peers (exorbitant traffic loads are
   likely to be malicious), - blocking IPs of other known vulnerable
   servers.  However such defenses are provided by middleboxes and
   therefore do not affect the protocol.

   The one-to-oneness of the UDP request/response significantly reduces
   the impact of any amplification attack which tries to utilize a
   TurboTLS server as a reflector: an attacker would have to send one
   UDP packet for every reflected packet generated by the server,
   meaning that initial requests and responses are of comparable sizes,
   making the amplification factor so low that it would be an
   ineffective use of resources.  Furthermore, the UDP requests
   ultimately must contain a fully formed CH before the server responds,
   limiting the amplification factor.

5.  References

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5.1.  Normative References

   [ABGGJS23] Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Thomas Bailleux, Jason Goertzen,
              Adrien Guinet, David Joseph, and Douglas Stebila,
              "TurboTLS: TLS connection establishment with 1 less round
              trip", n.d., <>.

   [TCP]      Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 793,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0793, September 1981,

   [TLS12]    Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5246, August 2008,

   [TLS13]    Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [UDP]      Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0768, August 1980,

5.2.  Informative References

   [Ber05]    Daniel J Bernstein, "SYN cookies", 1 December 2005,

   [DNSUDP]   Axel Koolhaas and Tjeerd Slokker, "Defragmenting DNS -
              Determining the optimal maximum UDP response size for
              DNS", 11 September 2020,

   [GS22]     Douglas Stebila and Jason Goertzen, "Post-Quantum
              Signatures in DNSSEC via Request-Based Fragmentation", 25
              November 2022, <

   [SBN22]    Benjamin M Schwartz, Mike Bishop, and Erik Nygren,
              "Service binding and parameter specification via the DNS
              (DNS SVCB and HTTPS RRs)", 11 October 2022,

   [Sim11]    Simpson, W., "TCP Cookie Transactions (TCPCT)", 2011,

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   [SW19]     Linjian Song and Shengling Wan, "ATR: Additional Truncated
              Response for Large DNS Response", 10 September 2017,

Authors' Addresses

   Douglas Stebila
   University of Waterloo

   David Joseph

   Carlos Aguilar-Melchor

   Jason Goertzen

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