Internet DRAFT - draft-joung-detnet-stateless-fair-queuing


DetNet Working Group                                            J. Joung
Internet-Draft                                      Sangmyung University
Intended status: Standards Track                                 J. Ryoo
Expires: 1 September 2024                                      T. Cheung
                                                                   Y. Li
                                                                  P. Liu
                                                            China Mobile
                                                        29 February 2024

             Latency Guarantee with Stateless Fair Queuing


   This document specifies the framework and the operational procedure
   for deterministic networking with work conserving packet schedulers
   that guarantee end-to-end latency bounds to flows.  Schedulers in
   core nodes of the network do not need to maintain flow states.
   Instead, the entrance node of a flow marks an ideal service
   completion time, called Finish Time (FT), of a packet in the packet
   header.  The subsequent core nodes update FT by adding a delay
   factor, which is a function of the flow and upstream nodes.  The
   packets in the queue are served in the ascending order of the FT.
   This technique is called Fair Queuing (FQ).  The result is that flows
   are isolated from each other almost perfectly.  The latency bound of
   a flow depends only on the flow's intrinsic parameters, except the
   link capacities and the maximum packet lengths among other flows
   sharing each output link with the flow.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 1 September 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Terms Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Fair Queuing Schedulers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   5.  Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  Work Conserving Stateless Core Fair Queuing (C-SCORE) . . . .   7
     6.1.  Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     6.2.  E2E Latency Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.3.  Operational Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.3.1.  Metadata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.3.2.  Network Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.3.3.  Operational Procedure in Entrance Node  . . . . . . .  11
       6.3.4.  Operational Procedure in Code Node  . . . . . . . . .  11
       6.3.5.  Considerations for Entrance Node  . . . . . . . . . .  11
       6.3.6.  Considerations for Time Difference Between Nodes  . .  11
     6.4.  Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   10. Contributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

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1.  Introduction

   There are emerging applications that require both latency and jitter
   bounds in large-scale networks.  One of the keys to the latency and
   jitter performance of a network is the packet scheduling technique.
   Our objective is to devise a scheduler that can completely isolate a
   flow from other flows sharing a link.  An ideal flow isolation would
   be achieved, if an imaginary link is dedicated solely to the flow,
   with the capacity equal to the allocated service rate to the flow.
   In this case the latency upper bound is a function of the parameters,
   which depend only on the flow.

   In large-scale networks, end-nodes join and leave, and a large number
   of flows are dynamically generated and terminated.  Achieving
   satisfactory deterministic performance in such environments would be
   challenging.  The current Internet, which has adopted the DiffServ
   architecture, has the problem of the burst accumulation and the
   cyclic dependency, which is mainly due to FIFO queuing and strict
   priority scheduling.  Cyclic dependency is defined as a situation
   wherein the graph of interference between flow paths has cycles
   [THOMAS].  The existence of such cyclic dependencies makes the proof
   of determinism a much more challenging issue and can lead to system
   instability, that is, unbounded delays [ANDREWS][BOUILLARD].

   A class of schedulers called Fair Queuing (FQ) limits interference
   between flows to the degree of maximum packet size.  Packetized
   generalized processor sharing (PGPS) and weighted fair queuing (WFQ)
   are representative examples of FQ [PAREKH].  In FQ, the ideal service
   completion time, called Finish Time (FT), of a packet is obtained
   from an imaginary system which can provide the ideal flow isolation.
   Packets in the buffer are served in an increasing order of the FT.
   When this technique is applied, the end-to-end (E2E) latency bound of
   a flow is similar to that in the ideally isolated system.  However,
   the FT of the previous packet within a flow has to be remembered for
   the calculation of the current packet's FT.  This information can be
   seen as the flow state.  The complexity of managing such information
   for a large number of flows can be a burden, so the FQ has not been
   usually adopted in practice.

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   This document specifies a framework for approximating the FQ
   scheduler in core nodes.  It also specifies the operational procedure
   based on this framework.  The entrance node in a network generates FT
   for a packet and records it in the packet.  A core node, based on
   these records, updates FT by adding a delay factor that is a function
   of parameters of nodes and the flow.  The proposed framework is
   called work conserving stateless core fair queuing (C-SCORE)
   [C-SCORE].  C-SCORE is work conserving and has the property that, for
   a certain choice of the delay factor, the expression for E2E latency
   bound can be found.  This E2E latency bound function is the same as
   that of a network with stateful FQ schedulers in all the nodes.

   The key component of the C-SCORE is the packet state that is carried
   as metadata.  The C-SCORE does not need to maintain flow states at
   core nodes, yet it works as one of the FQ schedulers, which is known
   to provide the best flow isolation performance.  The metadata to be
   carried in the packet header is simple and can be updated during the
   stay in the queue or before joining the queue.

   In this document, strict time-synchronization among network nodes and
   slot scheduling are avoided.  These are not easily achievable in
   large networks, especially across multiple Deterministic Networking
   (DetNet) domains.  The asynchronous solution suggested in this
   document can provide satisfactory latency bounds without complex
   computation and configuration for network planning, and without
   hardware support usually necessary for time synchronization.

2.  Terminology

2.1.  Terms Used in This Document

2.2.  Abbreviations

3.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

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4.  Fair Queuing Schedulers

   Generalized processor sharing (GPS) suggested a paradigm for a fair
   service for flows as fluid.  Packetized GPS (PGPS), which implemented
   GPS in the realistic packet-based environment, played a pioneering
   role in this type of packet-based schedulers [PAREKH].  PGPS
   determines the service order of packets in ascending order of the FT
   derived by the following equation.

             F(p) = max{F(p-1), V(A(p))}+L(p)/r,           (1)

   where p and p-1 are the pth and (p-1)th packets of a flow, F(p) is
   the FT, A(p) is the arrival time, L(p) is the length of the packet p,
   and r is the service rate allocated to the flow.  Note that the index
   for the flow i is omitted.  V(t) is called the virtual time function
   [PAREKH] or the system potential [STILIADIS-RPS] and is a value
   representing the current system progress at time t.  If the
   backlogged flows almost fill the link capacity, then the system
   slowly progresses in terms of a flow's view, and the virtual time
   increases slowly.  If there is only a handful of backlogged flows,
   then the virtual time increases with a higher rate.  This behavior of
   the virtual time function prevents an unfair situation in which flows
   that entered late have relatively small FTs thus receive services
   earlier for a considerable period of time, compared to existing

   F(p) represents the time that an ideal fluid system would complete
   its service of packet p.  In a real packetized FQ system, the packets
   are served in the increasing order of the FT.  The FT can be
   calculated at the moment the packet arrives in the node, and the
   value of FT is attached to the packet before the packet is stored in
   the buffer.  In general, there is a queue for each flow, the queues
   are managed by FIFO manner, and the scheduler serves the queue having
   the HoQ packet with the smallest FT.  Alternatively, it is possible
   to put all packets in one queue and sort them, as packets are
   enqueued or dequeued, according to the value of the FT.  This
   implementation requires a priority queue.  The point of (1) is that,
   in the worst case, when all flows are active and the link is fully
   used, a flow is served at an interval of L(p)/r.  At the same time,
   by using the work conserving scheduler, any excessive link resources
   are shared among the flows.  How fairly it is shared is the main
   difference between various FQ schedulers.

   In order to obtain F(p) in (1), the FT of the previous packet of the
   flow, F(p-1), must be remembered.  When a packet is received, it is
   necessary to find out which flow it belongs to and find out the FT of
   the latest packet of the corresponding flow.  F(p-1) of this latest
   packet is a value representative of the 'flow state'.  The fact that

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   such state information must be memorized and read means a
   considerable complexity at a core node managing millions of flows.
   This is the main reason why such FQ schedulers are not actually used
   on the Internet.  In this document, we pay attention to the fact that
   the fair service time interval information between packets is already
   included in the FTs of the entrance node of a flow.  Instead of
   deriving a new FT at each core node, we will specify a method of
   deriving the FT at downstream nodes by using the initial FT
   calculated at the entrance node.

   On the other hand, calculating V(t) also involves the complexity of
   calculating the sum of r by tracking the flows currently being
   serviced in real time.  It is a complex calculation.  Therefore,
   instead of calculating V(t) accurately, methods for estimating it in
   a simple way have been suggested.  Among them, Virtual clock (VC)
   [ZHANG] uses the current time t instead of V(t) to determine the FT.
   Self-clocked fair queuing [GOLESTANI] uses the FT of the recently
   serviced packet of another flow instead of V(t).

   Stiliadis showed that this series of FQ schedulers can belong to the
   Packetized Rate Proportional Servers (PRPS) [STILIADIS-RPS].  For
   example, PGPS and VC are PRPS, while self-clocked fair queuing is
   not.  It was proved that a network with all the nodes having one of
   these PRPSs guarantee the E2E latency for flow.  Moreover, any PRPS
   scheduler yields the same E2E latency bound [STILIADIS-RPS].

5.  Assumptions

   In this document, we assume there are only two classes of traffic.
   The high priority traffic requires guarantee on latency upper bounds.
   All the other traffic is considered to be the low priority traffic,
   and be completely preempted by the high priority traffic.  High
   priority traffic is our only concern.

   All the flows conform to their traffic specification (TSpec)
   parameters.  In other words, with the maximum burst size Bi and the
   arrival rate ai, the accumulated arrival from flow i in any arbitrary
   time interval [t1, t2], t1 < t2, does not exceed Bi+(t2-t1)ai.  An
   actual allocated service rate to a flow, ri, can be larger than or
   equal to the arrival rate of the flow.  As it will be shown in (5)
   that, by adjusting the service rate to a flow, the E2E latency bound
   of the flow can be adjusted.  Note that ri is used interchangeably
   with the symbol r to denote the service rate of a flow.  Total
   allocated service rate to all the flows in a node does not exceed the
   link capacity of the node.  These assumptions make the resource
   reservation and the admission control mandatory.

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   A node, or equivalently a server, means an output port module of a
   switching device.

   The entrance node for a flow is the node located at the edge of a
   network, from which the flow enters into the network.  A core node
   for a flow is a node in the network, which is traversed by the flow
   and is not the entrance node.  Note that a single node can be both an
   entrance node to a flow and a core node for another flow.

   A packet is considered arrived or serviced; when its last bit has
   arrived or left the node, respectively.

   Propagation delays are neglected for the simplicity of
   representation.  However, it can be easily incorporated into the
   equations presented in this document, if necessary.  This issue will
   be covered in Section 6.3.6.

6.  Work Conserving Stateless Core Fair Queuing (C-SCORE)

6.1.  Framework

   FQ schedulers utilize the concept of FT that is used as the service
   order assigned to a packet.  The packet with the minimum FT in a
   buffer is served first.

   As an example, the VC scheduler [ZHANG] defines the FT to be

              F(p) = max{F(p-1), A(p)} + L(p)/r,          (2)

   where (p-1) and p are consecutive packets of the flow under
   observation, A(p) is the arrival time of p, L(p) is the length of p,
   and r is the flow service rate.  The flow index is omitted.

   The key idea of the FQ is to calculate the service completion times
   of packets in an imaginary ideal fluid service model and use them as
   the service order in the real packet-based scheduler.

   While having the excellent flow isolation property, the FQ needs to
   maintain the flow state, F(p-1).  For every arriving packet, the flow
   it belongs to has to be identified and its previous packet's FT
   should be extracted.  As the packet departs, the flow state, F(p),
   has to be updated as well.

   We consider a framework for constructing FTs for packets at core
   nodes without flow states.  In a core node, the following conditions
   on FTs SHOULD be met.

   C1)  The 'fair distance' of consecutive packets of a flow generated

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        at the entrance node has to be kept in the core nodes.  That is;
        Fh(p) >= Fh(p-1) + L(p)/r, where Fh(p) is the F(p) at core node

   C2)  The order of FTs and the actual service order, within a flow,
        have to be kept.  That is; Fh(p) > Fh(p-1) and Ch(p) > Ch(p-1),
        where Ch(p) is the actual service completion time of packet p at
        node h.

   C3)  The time lapse at each hop has to be reflected.  That is; Fh(p)
        >= F(h-1)(p), where F(h-1)(p) is the FT of p at the node h-1,
        the upstream node of h.

   In essence, (2) has to be approximated in core nodes.  There can be
   many possible solutions to meet these conditions.  We describe a
   generic framework with requirements for constructing FTs in core
   nodes, which are necessary to meet the conditions, without flow
   state, in the following.

   Definition: An active period for a flow is a maximal interval of time
   during a node busy period, over which the FT of the most recently
   arrived packet of the flow is greater than the virtual time
   (equivalently the system potential).  Any other period is an inactive
   period for the flow.

   Requirement 1: In the entrance node, it is REQUIRED to obtain the FTs
   with the following equation.  0 denotes the entrance node of the flow
   under observation.

                    F0(p) = max{F0(p-1), A0(p)}+L(p)/r.

   Note that if the FTs are constructed according to the above equation,
   the fair distance of consecutive packets is maintained.

   Requirement 2: In a core node h, it is REQUIRED to increase the FT of
   a packet by an amount, d(h-1)(p), that depends on the previous node
   and the packet.

                      Fh(p) = F(h-1)(p) + d(h-1)(p).

   Requirement 3: It is REQUIRED that dh(p) is a non-decreasing function
   of p, within a flow active period.

   Requirements 1, 2, and 3 specify how to construct the FT in a
   network.  By these requirements, Conditions C1), C2), and C3) are
   met.  The following requirements 4 and 5 specify how the FT is used
   for scheduling.

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   Requirement 4: It is REQUIRED that a node provides service whenever
   there is a packet.

   Requirement 5: It is REQUIRED that all packets waiting for service in
   a node are served in the ascending order of their FTs.

   We call this framework the work conserving stateless core fair
   queuing (C-SCORE) [C-SCORE], which can be compared to the existing
   non-work conserving scheme [STOICA].

6.2.  E2E Latency Bound

   For C-SCORE to guarantee E2E latency bound, the dh(p) is RECOMMENDED
   to be defined as in the following.

                          dh(p) = SLh.        (3)

   The service latency of the flow at node h, denoted by SLh, is given
   as follows.

                       SLh = Lh/Rh + L/r,       (4)

   where Lh is the max packet length in the node h over all the flows
   that are transmitted from the output port under observation, Rh is
   the link capacity of the node h, and L is the max packet length in
   the flow.  The service latency was first introduced in the concept of
   Latency-rate server model [STILIADIS-LRS], which can be interpreted
   as the worst delay from the arrival of the first packet of a new flow
   until its service completion.

   Consider the worst case: Right before a new flow's first packet
   arrives at a node, the transmission of another packet with length Lh
   has just started.  This packet takes the transmission delay of Lh/Rh.
   After the transmission of the packet with Lh, the flow under
   observation could take only the allocated share of the link, and the
   service of the packet under observation would be completed after L/r.
   Therefore, the packet has to wait, in the worst case, Lh/Rh + L/r.

   The reason to add the service latency to F(h-1)(p) to get Fh(p) is to
   meet Condition C3) in a most conservative way without being too
   excessive.  Intuitively, when every packet's FT is updated with the
   flow's own worst delay, then a packet that experienced the worst
   delay gets a favor.  Thus its worst delay will not get any worse,
   while the delay differences among flows are reflected.

   When dh(p) is decided by (3), then it can be proved that

              Dh(p) <= (B-L)/r + SL0 + SL1 + ... + SLh,     (5)

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   where Dh(p) is the latency experienced by p from the arrival at the
   node 0 to the departure from node h; B, L, and r are the max burst
   of, max packet length of, and allocated rate to the flow under
   observation that p belongs to, respectively [KAUR].

   Note that the latency bound in (5) is the same to the network where
   every node has a stateful FQ scheduler, including VC.  The parameters
   in the latency bound are all intrinsic to the flow, except Lh/Rh.

6.3.  Operational Procedure

6.3.1.  Metadata

   As a packet arrives at a core node, it carries metadata F(h-1)(p),
   d(h-1)(p), and L/r.

   L/r should be kept in a packet in order to calculate dh(p) according
   to (3) and (4).

   Fh(p) and dh(p) are dynamic and thus need to be updated at every hop.

   Fh(p) can be obtained by a summation of the metadata F(h-1)(p) and

   dh(p) can be obtained by a summation of the metadata L/r and the node
   specific parameter Lh/Rh.

   They can be updated during the time interval between the packet
   arrival to the switch (or router) and putting it into the queue in
   the output port.

   Alternatively, Fh(p) can be pre-calculated at node h-1 with
   d(h-1)(p), which is the function of node h-1.  In this case Fh(p) and
   L/r are the only metadata necessary.  In Section 6.3.3 and
   Section 6.3.4, we follow this alternative approach.

   The clear definition and format of metadata will be described in a
   later version.

6.3.2.  Network Configuration

   A source requests E2E latency bound for a flow, specifying its
   arrival rate, maximum packet length, and maximum burst size.  If the
   E2E latency bound can be met, the network admits the flow.  In the
   process of admission decision, the service rate allocated to a flow
   can be decided according to (5) and (4).  The network reserves the
   links in the path such that the sum of service rates to the flows
   does not exceed the link capacity.

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   The detailed operational procedure for such admission and reservation
   is out of scope of this document.

6.3.3.  Operational Procedure in Entrance Node

   We assume that the packet length of p, L(p), is written in the packet
   header.  An entrance node maintains the flow state, i.e. F0(p-1), L,
   and r.  It also maintains a clock to identify A0(p).  It also
   maintains the link information L0/R0 to calculate d0(p).  Upon
   receiving or generating packet p, it obtains F0(p) = max{F0(p-1),
   A0(p)} + L(p)/r, and uses it as the FT in the entrance node.  If the
   queue is not empty then it puts p in a priority queue.  It also
   obtains F1(p) = F0(p) + L0/R0 + L/r before or during p is in the
   queue.  It records F1(p) and L/r in the packet as metadata for use in
   the next node 1.  Finally it updates the flow state information
   F0(p-1) to F0(p).

6.3.4.  Operational Procedure in Code Node

   A core node h maintains the link information Lh/Rh.  As in an
   entrance node, Lh is a rather static value, but still can be changed
   over time.  Upon receiving packet p, it retrieves metadata Fh(p) and
   L/r, and uses Fh(p) as the FT.  It puts p in a priority queue.  It
   obtains F(h+1)(p) = Fh(p) + Lh/Rh + L/r and updates the packet
   metadata Fh(p) with F(h+1)(p) before or during p is in the queue.

6.3.5.  Considerations for Entrance Node

   Flow states still have to be maintained in entrance nodes.  The
   notion of an entrance node, however, can be mitigated into various
   edge devices, including a source itself.  FT of a packet is decided
   based on the maximum of F0(p-1) and A0(p); and L(p)/r.  These
   parameters are flow-specific.  There is no need to know any other
   external parameters.  The arrival time of p to the network, A0(p),
   can be approximated by the generation time of p at the source.  Then
   F0(p) is determined at the packet generation time and can be recorded
   in the packet.  Therefore, we can simplify the proposed solution to a
   great degree, and can apply to any network with robustness and

6.3.6.  Considerations for Time Difference Between Nodes

   As it has been stated in Section 5, we have assumed zero propagation
   delays between nodes.  In reality, there are time differences between
   nodes, including the differences due to the propagation delays.  This
   time difference can be defined as the difference between the service
   completion time of a packet measured at the upstream node and the
   arrival time of the packet measured at the current node.  In other

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                      td(h-1, h)(p) = Ah(p) - C(h-1)(p),

   where td(h-1, h)(p) is the time difference between node h-1 and h,
   and C(h-1)(p) is the service completion time measured at node h-1,
   for packet p respectively.

   FT does not need to be precise.  It is used just to indicate the
   packet service order.  Therefore, if we can assume that the
   propagation delay is constant and the clocks do not drift, then
   td(h-1, h)(p) can be simplified to a constant value, td(h-1, h).  In
   this case the delay factor in (3) can be modified to be

                         dh(p) = SLh + td(h, h+1).

   The E2E latency bound in (5) increases as much as the sum of
   propagation delays from node 0 to h.

   The time difference td(h-1, h) may be updated only once in a while.

   By the time difference compensation, the nodes become aware of the
   global clock discrepancies using a periodic quantification of the
   local clock discrepancies between adjacent nodes.  Link by link, this
   ends up producing awareness of the discrepancies between the clocks
   of the ingress nodes, which is then included in the computation of
   the finish times in core nodes.  It is not synchronization in a
   strict sense because it does not involve the re-alignment of the
   clocks, only the quantification of their differences.

   Even with the clock discrepancies and propagation delays, C-SCORE
   does not need global time synchronization.

6.4.  Characteristics

   C-SCORE is a flow level, rate based, work conserving, asynchronous,
   non-periodic, and in-time solution, according to the taxonomy
   suggested by [I-D.joung-detnet-taxonomy-dataplane].

   Its per hop latency dominant factor is maximum packet length divided
   by service rate, independent of other flows' parameters.  As such,
   its most distinguishable strength is the flow isolation capability.
   It can assign a fine tuned E2E latency bound to a flow, by
   controlling the flow's own parameters such as the service rate.  Once
   the latency bound is assigned to the flow, then it remains almost the
   same in spite of the network situation changes, such as other flows'
   join and leave.

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   It is work conserving, thus enjoys the statistical multiplexing gain
   without wasting bandwidth, which is the key to the Internet's
   success.  The consequence is a smaller average latency.  The
   observable maximum latency is also much smaller than the theoretical
   latency bound.  Note that, with a work conserving solution, observing
   the theoretical latency bound is extremely difficult.  It is because
   the worst latency is an outcome of a combination of multiple rare
   events, e.g. a maximum burst from a flow collides with the maximum
   bursts from all other flows at every node.  In contrast, non-work
   conserving solutions make it common to observe their latency bounds.

   It is rate based, thus the admission condition check process is
   simple, which is dependent only on the service rates of flows.  This
   process aligns well with existing protocols.

   Overall, C-SCORE suits large scale networks, at any utilization
   level, with various types of flows join and leave dynamically.

7.  IANA Considerations

   There might be matters that require IANA considerations associated
   with metadata.  If necessary, relevant text will be added in a later

8.  Security Considerations

   This section will be described later.

9.  Acknowledgements

10.  Contributor

11.  References

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              May 2017, <>.

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Authors' Addresses

   Jinoo Joung
   Sangmyung University

   Jeong-dong Ryoo

   Taesik Cheung

   Yizhou Li

   Peng Liu
   China Mobile

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