Internet DRAFT - draft-karagiannis-supa-problem-statement


Network Working Group                                     G. Karagiannis
Internet Draft                                              J. Strassner
Intended status: Informational                       Huawei Technologies
Expires: December 5, 2015                                         Q. Sun
                                                           China Telecom
                                                       Luis M. Contreras
                                                               P. Yegani
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                     Tsinghua University
                                                            June 5, 2015

   Problem Statement for Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions (SUPA)


   The increase in complexity of modern networks makes it challenging to 
   deploy new services and to keep networks up to date whilst  
   maintaining stability and availability for critical business    
   services. This is a major challenge that network operators (service 
   providers, SME, etc) face today. The operators aim of streamlining     
   both operations and the deployment of new services, is being met by 
   increasingly relying on (1) software abstractions to simplify the 
   design and configuration of monitoring and control operations and (2) 
   the use of programmatic control over the configuration and operation 
   of such networks.
   In this context, providing network operators with a generic policy-
   based management model that can be used to express policies on top 
   of arbitrary configuration data models is essential. 

   In particular, SUPA addresses the needs of operators and application 
   developers to use a generic policy-based management model for 
   defining and representing multiple types of policy rules.


Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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Internet-Draft          SUPA Problem Statement           June 2015

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents
   1.   Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
      1.1 Motivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Use Case: Distributed Data Centers (DDCs)  . . . .  . . . . .   5
   4.  Requirements . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
      8.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . .  7
      8.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7

1.  Introduction

   Network operators are faced with networks of increasing size and
   complexity while trying to improve their quality and availability, as
   more and more business services depend on them. Software abstractions
   to simplify the design and configuration of monitoring and control 
   operations and the use of programmatic control, often called 
   software-defined, are considered by many network operators as an 
   essential tool toward the management of that complexity.

   Providing means to network operators to (1) express policies on top 
   of arbitrary configuration data models and (2) represent multiple 
   types of policy rules, enable significant improvements in 
   configuration agility, error detection and uptime for operators.
   This document describes the problems that need to be addressed in 
   order to equip service providers with the means, such as a generic 
   policy-based management model used to represent multiple types of 
   policy rules to quickly and dynamically manage their offering of 
   network services. 

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1.1 Motivation

   The rapid growth in the variety and importance of traffic flowing 
   over increasingly complex enterprise and service provider network 
   makes the task of network operations and management applications and 
   of deploying new services much more difficult. 

   This is a significant challenge that network operators (service 
   providers, SME, etc) face today.

   Several mechanisms can be used to deal with this challenge. The main 
   ones are: (1) the use of software abstractions to simplify the design 
   and configuration of monitoring and control operations and (2) the 
   use of programmatic control over the configuration and operation of 
   such networks. By combining these mechanisms can (1) provide 
   additional and significant benefits in design and deployment agility 
   and (2) be used to define a generic policy-based management model.

   In particular, the power of policy management is its applicability to 
   many different types of systems. Many different types of actors can 
   be identified that can use a policy management system, including 
   applications, end-users, developers, network administrators and 
   operators. Each of these actors, typically, has different skills and 
   uses different concepts and terminologies. For example, an operator 
   may want to express that only Platinum and Gold users can use 
   streaming and interactive multimedia applications. As a second 
   example, an operator may want to define a more concrete policy rule 
   that looks at the number of dropped packets. If, for example, this 
   number exceeds a certain threshold value, then the applied queuing, 
   dropping and scheduling algorithms could be changed in order to 
   reduce the number of dropped packets.

   Both examples can be referred to as "policy rules", but they take 
   very different forms, since they are at very different levels of 
   abstraction and likely authored by different actors. The first 
   example described a very abstract policy rule, and did not contain 
   any technology-specific terms, while the second example included a 
   more concrete policy rule and likely used technical terms of a 
   general (e.g., IP address range, port numbers) as well as vendor-
   specific nature (e.g., specific algorithms implemented in a 
   particular device). Furthermore, these two policy rules could affect 
   each other. For example, Gold and Platinum users might need different 
   device configurations to give the proper QoS markings to their 
   streaming multimedia traffic. This is very difficult to do if a 
   common policy framework does not exist. 

   It needs to be mentioned that there are ongoing policy modeling 
   efforts in IETF. However, all these policy modeling models can be 
   characterized as being technology specific. This means that the IETF 
   needs to reinvent the wheel in different colors (i.e., policy models 
   that apply for a specific technology) several times.

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   SUPA will address these challenges by:

    (1) developing an information model fragment for defining 
        standardized policy rules at different levels of abstraction, 
    (2) specifying how to map this information fragment into 
        corresponding YANG [RFC6020] and [RFC6991], data models to 
        define interoperable implementations that can exchange and 
        modify generic policies using protocols such as NETCONF/RESTCONF 
        on the interface north of the controller (or other similar 
        management entity) and south of the service manager.

   Specifically, three information model fragments are envisioned:

  (a) a generic policy information model (GPIM) that defines concepts  
      needed by policy management independent of the form and content of 
      the policy

  (b) a more specific information model that refines the generic
      information model to specify how to build policy rules of the
      event-condition-action (ECA) paradigm

  (c) a more specific information model that refines the generic
      information model to specify how to build policy rules that
      declaratively specify what goals to achieve (but not how to
      achieve those goals); this is often called "intent-based" policy

2.  Terminology

   Some of definitions are based on [RaBe11] and/or [Stras02]. 

   Network Service: the composition of network functions as defined
   by its functional and behavioral specification. A network service 
   is characterized by performance, dependability, and security 
   specifications. Furthermore, a network service is delivered by 
   network service endpoints, which may be aggregations of multiple 
   lower-layer technology specific endpoints.

   Network Element: a physical or virtual entity that implements one or
   more network function(s). NEs can interact with local or remote
   network controllers in order to exchange information, such as
   configuration information and status.

   Service specific abstraction: an abstract view of the service  
   topology, associated with a specific network service type, e.g.,  
   inter-datacenter communication services

   Policy: a definite goal, course, or method of action to guide and 
   determine present and future decisions. Policies are implemented or 
   executed within a particular context.

   SUPA policy: a means to monitor and control the changing and/or 
   maintaining of the state of one or more managed entities. 

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   Policy-based management: the usage of policy rules to manage one or
   more entities.

   Information Model: a representation of managed objects and their 
   relationships that is independent of data repository, language, and 

   Data Model: a representation of managed objects and their 
   relationships that is dependent on data repository, language, and/or 
   protocol (typically all three).

   Policy Rule: A container that uses metadata to define how the content 
   is interpreted, and hence, how the behavior that it governs is 
   defined separates the content of the policy from its representation
   provides a convenient control point for OAMP operations.

   Policy condition: a representation of the necessary state and/or 
   prerequisites that define whether a policy rule's actions should be 

   Policy action: defines what is to be done to enforce a policy rule 
   when its conditions are met.

   Event Condition Action policy: reactive behavior of a system that 
   correlates a set of events, a set of conditions, and a set of 
   actions. Conditions are evaluated on the occurrence of an event and 
   which determine whether the policy is applicable or not for that 
   particular situation. Furthermore, the actions are only executed only 
   if the conditions are met.

   Goal (Intent) policy rule (also called a declarative policy rule, or 
   an intent-based policy rule): a declarative statement that 
   defines what the policy should do, but not how to implement the 

   Model Mapping: a translation from one type of model to another type 
   of model. Model mapping changes the representation and/or level of 
   abstraction used to another representation and/or level of 
   abstraction. The most common form of model mapping is from an 
   information model to a data model; another important form is from a 
   vendor-neutral data model to a vendor-specific data model.

3.  Use Case: Distributed Data Centers (DDCs) 

   Large scale Distributed Data Centers (DDCs) can provide various
   services and usually consist of many internal and external links
   where various VPNs are built upon.  The Service provisioning and
   network connectivity configurations could be complex and dynamic, for
   which manual configuration is not onerous and error-prone. 
   The SUPA generic policy management models can be used to support the 
   dynamic and automated resource usage and simplify and automate the 

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   service/network deployment/configuration of various VPN scenarios in 
   the DDC environment. A more detailed description of this use case is 
   provided in [ID.draft-cheng-supa-ddc-use-cases].

4. Requirements

   In order to satisfy the challenges mentioned in Section 1.1 and the 
   goal of the DDC use case briefly described in section 3, the 
   following requirements need to be addressed:

   o) Specify a generic and non-technology specific policy information 

   o) Specify a more specific information model that defines how to  
      build policy rules of the event-condition-action (ECA) paradigm.

   o) Specify a more specific information model that defines how to 
      build policy rules that declaratively specify what goals (what 
      intents) to achieve using the Goal (Intent) policy paradigm.
   o) Specify how to map the above mentioned information models into          
      corresponding YANG standardized data models to 
      define interoperable implementations that can exchange and modify  
      generic policies using protocols such as NETCONF/RESTCONF on the 
      interface north of the controller (or other similar management 
      entity) and south of the service manager.

5.  Security Considerations

   Security is a key aspect of any protocol that allows state
   installation and extracting detailed configuration states of network
   elements. This places additional security requirements on SUPA (e.g.,
   authorization, and authentication of network services) that needs
   further investigation. Moreover, policy interpretation can lead to 
   corner cases and side effects that should be carefully examined, 
   e.g., in case policy rules are conflicting with each other.

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

7.  Acknowledgements

   The authors of this draft would like to thank the following
   persons for the provided valuable feedback and contributions:
   Diego Lopez, Spencer Dawkins, Jun Bi, Xing Li, Chongfeng Xie, Benoit
   Claise, Ian Farrer, Marc Blancet, Zhen Cao, Hosnieh Rafiee, Mehmet
   Ersue, Simon Perreault, Fernando Gont, Jose Saldana, Tom Taylor,
   Kostas Pentikousis, Juergen Schoenwaelder, John Strassner, Eric Voit, 
   Scott O. Bradner, Marco Liebsch, Scott Cadzow, Marie-Jose Montpetit.

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   Tina Tsou, Will Liu and Jean-Francois Tremblay contributed to an 
   early version of this draft.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

8.2.  Informative References

   [ID.draft-cheng-supa-ddc-use-cases] Y. Cheng, JF. Tremblay, J. Bi, 
   L. M. Contreras, "Use Case for Distributed Data Center in SUPA", IETF 
   Internet draft (Work in progress), draft-cheng-supa-ddc-use-cases-07, 
   May 8, 2015

   [RFC6020] M. Bjorklund, "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the
    Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020,
    October 2010.

   [RFC6991]  J. Schoenwaelder, "Common YANG Data Types", RFC 6991,
    July 2013.

   [RaBe11] Raphael Romeikat, Bernhard Bauer, "Formal Specification of 
   DomainSpecific ECA Policy Models", in Proc. 2011 Fifth IEEE 
   International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Software 
   Engineering, 2011

   [Stras02] John Strassner, "DEN-ng: Achieving Business-Driven Network 
   Management" in Proc. IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium  
   (NOMS), 2002.

Authors' Addresses

   Georgios Karagiannis
   Huawei Technologies
   Hansaallee 205,
   40549 Dusseldorf,

   Qiong Sun
   China Telecom
   No.118 Xizhimennei street, Xicheng District
   Beijing  100035
   P.R. China

   Luis M. Contreras
   Telefonica I+D
   Ronda de la Comunicacion, Sur-3 building, 3rd floor
   Madrid  28050

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   Parviz Yegani
   1133 Innovation Way
   Sunnyvale, CA 94089

   John Strassner
   Huawei Technologies
   2330 Central Expressway
   Santa Clara, CA 95138 USA

   Jun Bi
   Tsinghua University
   Network Research Center, Tsinghua University
   Beijing  100084

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