Internet DRAFT - draft-kiesewalter-asdf-yang-sdf


Network Working Group                                     J. Kiesewalter
Internet-Draft                                        Universität Bremen
Intended status: Informational                           C. Bormann, Ed.
Expires: 11 May 2022                              Universität Bremen TZI
                                                         7 November 2021

                      Mapping between YANG and SDF


   YANG and SDF are two languages for modelling the interaction with and
   the data interchanged with devices in the network.  As their areas of
   application (network management, IoT, resp.) overlap, it is useful to
   be able to translate between the two.

   The present specification provides information about how models in
   one of the two languages can be translated into the other.  This
   specification is not intended to be normative, but to help with
   creating translators.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 May 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights

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   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
   as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Pairing SDF and YANG features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Mapping from YANG to SDF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.1.  Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.2.  Submodule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.3.  Container Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.4.  Leaf Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     3.5.  Leaf-List Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     3.6.  List Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     3.7.  Grouping Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     3.8.  Uses Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     3.9.  Choice Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     3.10. RPC Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     3.11. Action Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     3.12. Notification Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     3.13. Augment Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     3.14. Anydata and Anyxml Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     3.15. Type Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     3.16. String Built-In Type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     3.17. Decimal64 Built-In Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     3.18. Integer Built-In Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     3.19. Boolean Built-In Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     3.20. Binary Built-In Type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     3.21. Enumeration Built-In Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     3.22. Bits Built-In Type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     3.23. Union Built-In Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     3.24. Leafref and Identityref Built-In Types  . . . . . . . . .  37
     3.25. Empty Built-In Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     3.26. Instance-Identifier Built-In Type . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     3.27. Typedef Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     3.28. Identity Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     3.29. Config Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     3.30. Status Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
     3.31. Reference Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
     3.32. When and Must Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
     3.33. Extension Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
   4.  Mapping from SDF to YANG  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
     4.1.  Information Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
     4.2.  Namespace Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
     4.3.  SdfThing Quality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
     4.4.  SdfObject Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41

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     4.5.  Common Qualities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
     4.6.  Data Qualities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
     4.7.  SdfData Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
     4.8.  SdfProperty Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59
     4.9.  SdfAction Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
     4.10. SdfEvent Quality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
   5.  Challenges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
     5.1.  Differences in Expressiveness of SDF and YANG . . . . . .  64
     5.2.  Round Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  66
     5.3.  Type References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  67
   6.  Implementation Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
   8.  Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71

1.  Introduction

   YANG [RFC7950] and SDF [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf] are two languages for
   modelling the interaction with and the data interchanged with devices
   in the network.  As their areas of application (network management,
   IoT, resp.) overlap, it is useful to be able to translate between the

   The present specification provides information about how models in
   one of the two languages can be translated into the other.  This
   specification is not intended to be normative, but to help with
   creating translators.

2.  Pairing SDF and YANG features

   Table 1 gives an overview over how language features of YANG can be
   mapped to SDF features.  In many cases, several translations are
   possible, and the right choice depends on the context.  The mappings
   in this draft often accommodate the use of the YANG parser Libyang

   For YANG statements that are not mentioned in the table no conversion
   to SDF was found that preserves the statement's semantics.

   For possible conversions of YANG's built-in types please refer to
   Section 3.  Please note that a 'type object' is not the same as an
   sdfObject but refers to SDF's built-in type 'object', also called
   compound-type.  This built-in type makes use of the 'properties'
   quality which is not to be confused with the sdfProperty class.  The

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   data types number/decimal64, integer, boolean, string are also
   referred to as simple (data) types.  In turn, the types array and
   object are sometimes referred to as complex (data) types.  Concerning
   YANG, the expression 'schema tree' refers to the model's tree whereas
   'data tree' describes the tree of an instance of the model.

    | YANG statement  | remark on    | converted to SDF               |
    |                 | YANG         |                                |
    |                 | statement    |                                |
    | module          |              | SDF model (i.e., info block,   |
    |                 |              | namespace section &            |
    |                 |              | definitions)                   |
    | submodule       | included in  | integrated into SDF model of   |
    |                 | supermodule  | supermodule                    |
    |                 | on its own   | SDF model                      |
    | container       | top-level    | sdfObject                      |
    |                 | one level    | sdfProperty of type object     |
    |                 | below top-   | (compound-type)                |
    |                 | level        |                                |
    |                 | on any other | property (type object) of the  |
    |                 | level        | 'parent' definition of type    |
    |                 |              | object (compound-type)         |
    | leaf            | on top-level | sdfProperty (type              |
    |                 | and one      | integer/number/boolean/string) |
    |                 | level below  |                                |
    |                 | on any other | property (type                 |
    |                 | level        | integer/number/boolean/string) |
    |                 |              | of the 'parent' definition of  |
    |                 |              | type object (compound-type)    |
    | leaflist        | on top-level | sdfProperty of type array      |
    |                 | and one      |                                |
    |                 | level below  |                                |
    |                 | on any other | property (type array) of the   |
    |                 | level        | 'parent' definition of type    |
    |                 |              | object (compound-type)         |
    | list            | on top-level | sdfProperty of type array with |

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    |                 | and one      | items of type object           |
    |                 | level below  | (compound-type)                |
    |                 | on any other | property (type array with      |
    |                 | level        | items of type object           |
    |                 |              | (compound-type)) of the        |
    |                 |              | 'parent' definition of type    |
    |                 |              | object* (compound-type)        |
    | choice          |              | sdfChoice                      |
    | case            | belonging to | element of the sdfChoice       |
    |                 | choice       |                                |
    | grouping        |              | sdfData of compound-type (type |
    |                 |              | object) at the top level which |
    |                 |              | can then be referenced         |
    | uses            | referencing  | sdfRef to the SDF definition   |
    |                 | a grouping   | corresponding to the           |
    |                 |              | referenced grouping            |
    | rpc             |              | sdfAction at the top-level of  |
    |                 |              | the SDF model                  |
    | action          |              | sdfAction of the sdfObject     |
    |                 |              | corresponding to a container   |
    |                 |              | the action is a descendant     |
    |                 |              | node to                        |
    | notification    |              | sdfEvent                       |
    | anydata         |              | not converted                  |
    | anyxml          |              | not converted                  |
    | augment         |              | augment's target is converted  |
    |                 |              | with the augmentation already  |
    |                 |              | applied, mentioned in the      |
    |                 |              | description                    |
    | type            | referring to | type with other data qualities |
    |                 | a built-in   | (e.g., default) if necessary   |
    |                 | type         |                                |
    | type            | referring to | sdfRef to the corresponding    |
    |                 | a typedef    | sdfData element                |

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    | base            |              | sdfRef to the sdfData          |
    |                 |              | definition corresponding to    |
    |                 |              | the base                       |
    | bit             |              | 'parent' definition is of      |
    |                 |              | compound-type and gets one     |
    |                 |              | entry in the properties        |
    |                 |              | quality of type boolean for    |
    |                 |              | each bit                       |
    | enum            |              | each enum statement's argument |
    |                 |              | is added as an element to the  |
    |                 |              | SDF enum quality's string      |
    |                 |              | array                          |
    | fraction-digits |              | multipleOf quality             |
    | length          | single       | minLength/maxLength qualities  |
    |                 | length range |                                |
    |                 | single value | minLength and maxLength        |
    |                 |              | qualities set to the same      |
    |                 |              | value                          |
    |                 | contains     | sdfChoice with alternatives    |
    |                 | alternatives | for minLength/maxLength        |
    |                 |              | qualities                      |
    | path            |              | sdfRef to the corresponding    |
    |                 |              | SDF definition                 |
    | pattern         | single       | pattern quality                |
    |                 | pattern      |                                |
    |                 | multiple     | pattern quality, the regular   |
    |                 | patterns     | expressions are combined using |
    |                 |              | positive lookahead             |
    |                 | invert-match | pattern quality, the regular   |
    |                 |              | expression is modified using   |
    |                 |              | negative lookahead             |
    | range           | single range | minimum/maximum qualities      |
    |                 | single value | const quality                  |
    |                 | (constant)   |                                |
    |                 | contains     | sdfChoice with either minimum/ |

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    |                 | alternatives | maximum or const quality as    |
    |                 |              | alternatives                   |
    | typedef         |              | sdfData definition, sdfRef     |
    |                 |              | where it is used               |
    | identity        |              | sdfData definition, sdfRef     |
    |                 |              | where it is used               |
    | config          | of a         | set writable for all elements  |
    |                 | container    | in the sdfObject that can be   |
    |                 | that became  | marked as writable (i.e., that |
    |                 | an sdfObject | use the data qualities)        |
    |                 | of any other | set writable                   |
    |                 | YANG element |                                |
    | import          |              | the module that the import     |
    |                 |              | references is converted        |
    |                 |              | (elements can now be           |
    |                 |              | referenced by sdfRef) and its  |
    |                 |              | prefix and namespace are added |
    |                 |              | the to namespace section       |
    | revisions       |              | first revision date becomes    |
    |                 |              | version in information block   |
    | namespace       |              | added to namespace section     |
    | prefix          |              | added to namespace section     |

                        Table 1: Mapping YANG to SDF

   Table 2 provides the inverse mapping.

   | SDF quality | remark on SDF quality   | converted to YANG         |
   | sdfThing    |                         | container node            |
   | sdfObject   |                         | container node            |
   | sdfProperty | type                    | leaf node                 |
   |             | integer/number/boolean/ |                           |
   |             | string                  |                           |
   |             | type array with items   | leaf-list node            |

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   |             | of type                 |                           |
   |             | integer/number/boolean/ |                           |
   |             | string                  |                           |
   |             | type array with items   | list node                 |
   |             | of type object          |                           |
   |             | (compound-type)         |                           |
   |             | type object (compound-  | container node            |
   |             | type)                   |                           |
   | sdfAction   | at the top-level, *not* | rpc node                  |
   |             | part of an sdfObject    |                           |
   |             | inside of an sdfObject  | action node as child      |
   |             |                         | node to the container     |
   |             |                         | corresponding to the      |
   |             |                         | sdfObject                 |
   | sdfEvent    |                         | notification node with    |
   |             |                         | child nodes that were     |
   |             |                         | translated like           |
   |             |                         | sdfProperty               |
   | sdfData     | type                    | typedef                   |
   |             | integer/number/boolean/ |                           |
   |             | string                  |                           |
   |             | type array with items   | grouping node with        |
   |             | of type                 | leaf-list child node      |
   |             | integer/number/boolean/ |                           |
   |             | string                  |                           |
   |             | type array with items   | grouping node with list   |
   |             | of type object          | child node                |
   |             | (compound-type)         |                           |
   |             | type object (compound-  | grouping node             |
   |             | type)                   |                           |
   | sdfRef      | referenced definition   | type is set to the        |
   |             | was converted to        | typedef corresponding     |
   |             | typedef                 | to the sdfData            |
   |             |                         | definition                |
   |             | referenced definition   | leafref                   |
   |             | was converted to leaf   |                           |
   |             | or leaf-list node       |                           |

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   |             | referenced definition   | "uses" node that          |
   |             | was converted to        | references                |
   |             | grouping node           | corresponding grouping    |
   |             |                         | (and refine if            |
   |             |                         | necessary)                |
   | sdfRequired | referenced definition   | set the mandatory         |
   |             | was converted to a leaf | statement of the          |
   |             | or choice node          | corresponding leaf/       |
   |             |                         | choice node to true       |
   |             |                         | find the first            |
   |             |                         | descendant node that is   |
   |             |                         | either a leaf/choice      |
   |             |                         | node and set their        |
   |             |                         | mandatory statement to    |
   |             |                         | true or that is a leaf-   |
   |             |                         | list/list node and set    |
   |             |                         | their min-elements        |
   |             |                         | statement to 1 (if not    |
   |             |                         | already >= 0)             |
   | sdfChoice   |                         | choice node with one      |
   |             |                         | case node for each        |
   |             |                         | alternative of the        |
   |             |                         | sdfChoice, each           |
   |             |                         | alternative is            |
   |             |                         | converted like            |
   |             |                         | sdfProperty               |
   | type        |                         |                           |
   | const       | corresponding YANG      | range statement with a    |
   |             | element has empty range | single value              |
   |             | range not empty         | add single value          |
   |             |                         | alternative to range      |
   |             |                         | statement (must be        |
   |             |                         | disjunct)                 |
   | default     | type is one of          | default statement of      |
   |             | integer/number/boolean/ | leaf/leaf-list nodes      |
   |             | string or array with    |                           |
   |             | items of these types    |                           |
   | minimum/    | corresponding YANG      | range statement           |
   | maximum     | element has empty range |                           |

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   |             | range not empty         | add range alternative     |
   |             |                         | to range statement        |
   |             |                         | (must be disjunct)        |
   | multipleOf  |                         | fraction-digits           |
   |             |                         | statement                 |
   | minLength/  |                         | length statement          |
   | maxLength   |                         |                           |
   | pattern     |                         | pattern statement         |
   | minItems/   |                         | min-elements/max-         |
   | maxItems    |                         | elements statements       |
   | uniqueItems | if the 'parent' SDF     | unique statement          |
   | set to true | definition is converted | mentioning all of the     |
   |             | to a list node          | leaf/leaf-list nodes in   |
   |             |                         | the list node's sub-      |
   |             |                         | tree                      |
   | items       |                         | sub-statements of list/   |
   |             |                         | leaf-list node            |
   |             |                         | corresponding to the      |
   |             |                         | item quality's 'parent'   |
   |             |                         | definition                |
   | properties  |                         | child nodes of            |
   |             |                         | container/grouping node   |
   |             |                         | corresponding to the      |
   |             |                         | properties quality's      |
   |             |                         | 'parent' definition       |
   | unit        |                         | units statement           |
   | enum        |                         | type enumeration with     |
   |             |                         | enum statements for       |
   |             |                         | each string in the SDF    |
   |             |                         | enum quality              |
   | sdfType     | has value 'byte-string' | built-in type 'binary'    |
   | writable    |                         | config statement          |

                        Table 2: Mapping SDF to YANG

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3.  Mapping from YANG to SDF

   This section specifies one possible mapping for each of the YANG
   statements to SDF in detail.  For reference on the individual YANG
   statements see [RFC7950] and [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf] for SDF.  Examples
   have been included where they serve to assist the reader's
   understanding of the conversion.

3.1.  Module

   *  YANG: Section 7.1 (module) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF:

      -  Section 3.1 (information block) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

      -  Sections 3.2 and 4 (namespaces section) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The module statement in YANG subsumes all other statements included
   in a module.  After conversion the SDF model as a whole corresponds
   to the YANG module.  The argument of the namespace statement of the
   YANG module is added to the SDF namespace quality together with the
   argument of the prefix statement of the YANG module which also
   becomes the entry of the defaultNamespace quality in the SDF model.
   Additionally, the namespaces and prefixes of each of the modules
   mentioned in the import statements are added to the namespace quality
   of the SDF model.  Libyang loads the imported modules automatically
   and in the correct version.  These modules are then also converted
   and stored so their definitions can be referenced via the sdfRef
   common quality when necessary.  Figure 2 and Figure 1 illustrate
   these mappings.

   The contents of the organization, contact and yang-version statements
   are stored alongside the description of the YANG module in a special
   sdfData definition designated to hold information on the module that
   does not fit into the SDF information block.  This is done in with a
   conversion note to facilitate round trips in the future as described
   in Section 5.2.  To illustrate this conversion, Figure 2 contains a
   converted model with an sdfData definition called ietf-foo-info.  The
   original YANG module can be found in Figure 1.  The description of
   the module is scanned for information regarding copyright and
   licensing which are then transferred to the copyright and license
   qualities of the information block in the SDF model.  The version
   quality of the information block is set to the first revision date
   given in the YANG revision statement.  All other revision dates are
   ignored as of now.

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   YANG modules can define features via the feature statement to make
   parts of the module conditional.  The abilities of a server are
   checked against the features stated in the module.  Nodes reference
   features as an argument to the if-feature statement.  If a server
   does not support a certain feature, nodes that reference that feature
   are ignored by the server.  Since this functionality cannot be
   represented in SDF yet, YANG features are stored in the description
   of the sdfData definition designated to hold information on the
   module.  The conversion note that is added to the descriptions looks
   as described in Section 5.2.

   If the deviation statement (introducing a deviation from the original
   YANG module) is present in the YANG module, Libyang applies the
   deviation directly and the converter converts the module that way.
   The presence of the deviation in the original YANG module is not
   indicated in the resulting SDF model as of now which might cause
   inconsistencies after round trips.  This is not believed to be of
   great importance because deviations are supposed to only occur in
   unpublished modules.

       module ietf-foo {
           namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-foo";
           prefix "foo";
           organization "Foo Inc.";
           contact "";
               "This is an example module

                Copyright Foo Inc.

                License XY";
           revision 2016-03-20;
           feature bar;
           feature baz;

           // ... more statements

                       Figure 1: Example YANG module

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           "defaultNamespace": "foo",
           "info": {
               "copyright": "Copyright Foo Inc.",
               "license": "License XY",
               "title": "ietf-foo",
               "version": "2016-03-20"
           "namespace": { "foo": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-foo" },
           "sdfData": {
               "ietf-foo-info": {
                   "description": "This is an example module\n\nCopyright Foo Inc.\n\nLicense XY\n!Conversion note: revision 2016-03-20!\n\n!Conversion note: organization Foo Inc.!\n\n!Conversion note: contact!\n!Conversion note: feature bar!\n\n!Conversion note: feature baz!\n"

        Figure 2: SDF conversion of YANG module from the last figure

3.2.  Submodule

   *  YANG: Section 7.2 (submodule) of [RFC7950]

   If a complex YANG module is composed of several components, the
   single components can be represented via the submodule statement.
   For conversion, the nodes of a submodule that is included into its
   super-module with the include statement are integrated into the
   super-module and converted that way.  This is due to the way Libyang
   represents included submodules.  Submodules on their own cannot be
   converted since Libyang does not parse files that solely contain a

3.3.  Container Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.5 (container) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF:

      -  Sections 2.2.1 and 5.1 (sdfObject) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

      -  Sections 2.2.6 and 6.3 (sdfThing) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   YANG uses container nodes to group together other nodes.  Containers
   on the top-level of a module are converted to sdfObject definitions.
   This is illustrated in the definition called level0 in Figure 3 and
   Figure 4.  A container that is a direct child node to a top-level
   container is converted to a compound-type sdfProperty definition
   inside an sdfObject, as illustrated in the definition called level1
   in Figure 3 and Figure 4.  Any other container becomes an entry to

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   the properties quality of the compound-type definition corresponding
   to the parent node of the container.  An example of this mapping can
   be found in Figure 3 and Figure 4 in the definition called level2.

   Since the first SDF Internet-Draft did not contain the compound-type
   as a possible argument to the type quality, containers used to be
   translated to sdfThing definitions.  This, was not a very suitable
   conversion semantically, however.  At that time, sdfThings were the
   only elements that could contain elements of the same class, that is
   sdfThings could contain other sdfThings.  This ability is required to
   represent the tree structure of YANG where, for example, containers
   can contain other containers.  In the second SDF Internet-Draft the
   compound-type was introduced.  This feature effectively makes it
   possible for elements of the sdfData and sdfProperty classes to
   contain elements that share the same qualities.

   A sub-statement to the container statement that cannot be represented
   in SDF as of now is the optional presence statement.  The argument of
   the presence statement assigns a meaning to the presence or absence
   of a container node in an instance of the module.  This concept is
   expressed in the description of the SDF definition in question as
   shown in Section 5.2.  This is also illustrated in the definition
   level2 in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

       module container-example {
           // [...]
           container level0 {
               container level1 {
                   container level2 {
                       presence "Enables SSH";
                       // [...]

      Figure 3: YANG module with multiple nested container statements

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           ; [...]
           "sdfObject": {
               "level0": {
                   "sdfProperty": {
                       "level1": {
                           "properties": {
                               "level2": {
                                   "properties": {
                                       "description": "!Conversion note: presence Enables SSH!\n",
                                       ; [...]
                                   "type": "object"
                           "type": "object"

      Figure 4: SDF conversion of the YANG module from the last figure

3.4.  Leaf Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.6 (leaf) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF:

      -  Sections 2.2.2 and 5.2 (sdfProperty) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

      -  Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Leaf nodes in YANG represent scalar variables.  If a leaf statement
   occurs at the top-level of the module or as a direct child node of a
   top-level container (which is converted to sdfObject) it becomes an
   sdfProperty.  On any other level a leaf is mapped to an entry of the
   properties quality of the compound-type definition corresponding to
   the parent node of the leaf.  In both cases the SDF type quality is
   set to one of the simple data types because leaf nodes can only have
   simple data types.  Leaf nodes can be assigned default values which
   are used in case the node does not exist in an instance of the YANG
   module.  The default value of a leaf is converted to SDF through the
   quality default.  The units sub-statement of a leaf node in YANG
   becomes the SDF quality unit.  An example of such a conversion can be
   found in the level0 element in Figure 5 and Figure 6.  The SDF
   quality unit is constrained to the SenML unit names.  Although it

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   could cause conformance issues, the content of the YANG units
   statement is not processed to fit the SenML unit names as of now.
   This is due to the low probability that a unit from a YANG module is
   not listed in the SenML unit names in comparison to the time required
   to implement a mechanism to check conformance and convert non-
   conforming units.  This feature might be added in later versions of
   the converter.  YANG leaf nodes can be marked as mandatory to occur
   in an instance of the module by the mandatory statement.  The
   statement takes true and false as arguments.  This can easily be
   mapped to SDF through the sdfRequired quality.  A reference to the
   SDF equivalent of the mandatory YANG leaf node is added to the
   sdfRequired quality of the containing sdfObject.  If a mandatory leaf
   is transformed to an entry in the properties quality of a compound-
   type definition in SDF, said entry is mentioned in the required
   quality.  If the sdfRequired or required quality does not already
   exist it is added at this point.  The latter is demonstrated in the
   level2 element in Figure 5 and Figure 6.

       module leaf-example {
           // [...]
           leaf level0 {
               type int32;
               units "kg";
               default 14;
           container dummy0 {
               leaf level1 { type string; }
               container dummy1 {
                   leaf level2 {
                       type string;
                       mandatory true;

         Figure 5: YANG module containing multiple leaf statements

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           ; [...]
           "sdfObject": {
               "dummy0": {
                   "sdfProperty": {
                       "dummy1": {
                           "properties": {
                               "level2": { "type": "string" }
                           "required": [ "level2" ],
                           "type": "object"
                       "level1": { "type": "string" }
           "sdfProperty": {
               "level0": {
                   "default": 14,
                   ; [...]
                   "type": "integer",
                   "unit": "kg"

      Figure 6: SDF conversion of the YANG module from the last figure

3.5.  Leaf-List Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.7 (leaf-list) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF:

      -  Sections 2.2.2 and 5.2 (sdfProperty) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

      -  Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Similarly to leaf nodes, leaf-list nodes hold data of simple types in
   YANG but as items in an array.  As such, leaf-lists are converted to
   sdfProperties if they occur on the top-level or one level below in a
   module.  On any other level a leaf-list becomes an entry to the
   properties quality of the compound-type definition corresponding to
   the parent node of the leaf-list.  In both cases the type is set to
   array.  The items of the array are of simple data types since leaf-
   list nodes can only have simple data types as well.  The minimal and
   maximal number of elements in a YANG leaf-list can be specified by
   the min-elements and max-elements sub-statements.  This is analogue

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   to the minItems and maxItems qualities of SDF which are set
   accordingly by the converter.  A leaf-list can specify whether the
   system or the user is responsible for ordering the entries of the
   leaf-list.  This information is stored in the ordered-by statement in
   YANG which is represented in SDF by a remark in the description (as
   shown in Section 5.2) of the SDF equivalent to the leaf-list node in
   question.  Since leaf-list nodes are just leaf nodes that can occur
   multiple times, the units and default statements of leaf-list nodes
   are converted as described for leaf nodes in Section 3.4.

3.6.  List Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.8 (list) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF:

      -  Sections 2.2.2 and 5.2 (sdfProperty) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

      -  Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The list statement of YANG is similar to the leaf-list statement.
   The only difference is that, opposed to leaf-lists, lists represent
   an assortment of _nodes_ that can occur multiple times.  Therefore,
   YANG lists are mapped to SDF similarly to leaf-lists.  List nodes on
   the top-level or one level below become sdfProperties.  On any other
   level a list is converted to an entry to the properties quality of
   the compound-type definition corresponding to the parent node of the
   list.  The type is set to array for both alternatives.  Since lists
   contain a set of nodes, the items of the corresponding array are of
   type object.  The minimal and maximal number of elements in a list
   can be specified by the min-elements and max-elements sub-statements.
   This is analogue to the minItems and maxItems qualities of SDF which
   are set accordingly by the converter.  List nodes in YANG can define
   one or multiple keys leafs of the list via the key statement.  There
   is no SDF quality that could represent this feature.  To preserve the
   information the names of the list keys are stored in the description
   of the SDF definition in question as described in section
   Section 5.2.  The unique sub-statement of the YANG list defines a
   number of descendant leaf nodes of the list that must have a unique
   combination of values in a module instance.  This concept can be
   partly represented through the uniqueItems quality of SDF.  However,
   the boolean-typed uniqueItems quality only specifies that the items
   of an SDF array have to be unique with _all_ of their values
   combined.  The YANG statement unique specifies a _selection_ of leaf
   node values in the list that must be unique when combined.  Thus, in
   addition to setting the uniqueItems quality of the SDF equivalent of
   the YANG list to true, a conversion note is added to the SDF
   equivalents of all leafs that are mentioned in the unique statement.

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   This is done as shown in Section Section 5.2.  The ordered-by
   statement of a list is also preserved in a conversion note.  An
   example conversion of a list node with the mentioned sub-statements
   to SDF can be found in Figure 7 and Figure 8.

       list server {
           key "name";
           unique "ip";
           ordered-by user;
           min-elements 1;
           max-elements 100;
           leaf name { type string; }
           leaf ip { type string; }

                          Figure 7: YANG list node

       "sdfProperty": {
           "server": {
               "description": "!Conversion note: key name!\n!Conversion note: ordered-by user!\n",
               "items": {
                   "properties": {
                       "ip": {
                           "description": "!Conversion note: unique!\n",
                           "type": "string"
                       "name": { "type": "string" }
                   "type": "object"
               "maxItems": 100.0,
               "minItems": 1.0,
               "type": "array",
               "uniqueItems": true

    Figure 8: SDF conversion of the YANG list node from the last figure

3.7.  Grouping Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.12 (grouping) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 5.5 (sdfData) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Grouping nodes are very similar to container nodes with the
   difference that the set of nodes contained in a grouping does not
   occur in the data tree unless the grouping has been referenced at

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   least once by a uses node.  Thus, a grouping node is converted to a
   compound-type sdfData definition which defines a reusable definition
   that is not a declaration as well.  The nodes inside the grouping are
   converted as entries to the properties quality in SDF.  Figure 9 and
   Figure 10 contain an example conversion of a grouping.

3.8.  Uses Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.13 (uses) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.4 (sdfRef) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   A uses node has the purpose of referencing a grouping node.  The set
   of child nodes of the referenced grouping are copied to wherever the
   uses node is featured.  Some of the sub-statements of the referenced
   grouping can be altered via the refine statement of the uses node.
   In SDF a uses node is represented by the sdfRef quality which is
   added to the definition in question.  As an argument the sdfRef
   contains a reference to the sdfData definition corresponding to the
   grouping referenced by the uses node.  If the uses node contains a
   refine statement, the specified refinements are also applied in the
   target SDF definition.  An example for such a conversion is
   illustrated in Figure 9 and Figure 10.

       module restaurant {
           // [...]
           grouping dish {
               leaf name { type string; }
               leaf price { type int32; }
           list menu {
               // [...]
               uses dish {
                   refine name { mandatory true; }

          Figure 9: YANG module with uses and grouping statements

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           ; [...]
           "sdfData": {
               "dish": {
                   "properties": {
                       "name": { "type": "string" },
                       "price": {
                           ; [...]
                           "type": "integer"
                   "type": "object"
           "sdfProperty": {
               "menu": {
                   "items": {
                       "properties": {
                           "dish": {
                               "sdfRef": "#/sdfData/dish",
                               "required": [ "name" ],
                       "type": "object"
                   "type": "array"

     Figure 10: SDF conversion of the YANG module from the last figure

3.9.  Choice Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.9 (choice) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7.2 (sdfChoice) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Conversion of the choice statement from YANG is simple since it is
   similar to the sdfChoice quality.  The choice statement is used to
   define alternative sub-trees for the node the choice occurs in.  Only
   one of the alternatives is present in the data tree.  A YANG choice
   is converted to an sdfProperty if it occurs on top-level or one level
   below, like the snack definition in Figure 11 and Figure 12.  On any
   other level a choice is mapped to an entry of the properties quality
   of the compound-type definition corresponding to the parent node of
   the choice.  The food-level2 definition in Figure 11 and Figure 12 is
   an example of this kind of mapping.  The SDF equivalent of the choice

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   contains the sdfChoice quality.  Case or other child nodes of the
   choice are mapped to SDF as one of the named alternatives of the
   sdfChoice each.  What cannot be represented is the default sub-
   statement of the YANG choice that defines which of the alternatives
   is considered the default one.  This information is preserved in a
   conversion note as described in Section 5.2.

       container food {
           container food-level2 {
               choice dinner {
                   default home-cooked;
                   case restaurant {
                       leaf steak { type boolean; }
                       leaf pizza { type boolean; }
                   case home-cooked {
                       leaf pasta { type boolean; }
           choice snack {
               case sports-arena {
                   leaf pretzel { type boolean; }
                   leaf beer { type boolean; }
               case late-night {
                   leaf chocolate { type boolean; }

            Figure 11: YANG container using the choice statement

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       "sdfObject": {
           "food": {
               "sdfProperty": {
                   "food-level2": {
                       "properties": {
                           "dinner": {
                               "description": "!Conversion note: default home-cooked!\n",
                               "sdfChoice": {
                                   "home-cooked": {
                                       "properties": {
                                           "pasta": { "type": "boolean" }
                                       "type": "object"
                                   "restaurant": {
                                       "properties": {
                                           "pizza": { "type": "boolean" },
                                           "steak": { "type": "boolean" }
                                       "type": "object"
                       "type": "object"
                   "snack": {
                       "description": "!Conversion note: default late-night!\n",
                       "sdfChoice": {
                           "late-night": {
                               "properties": {
                                   "chocolate": { "type": "boolean" }
                               "type": "object"
                           "sports-arena": {
                               "properties": {
                                   "beer": { "type": "boolean" },
                                   "pretzel": { "type": "boolean" }
                               "type": "object"

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    Figure 12: SDF conversion of the YANG container from the last figure

3.10.  RPC Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.14 (rpc) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.3 and 5.3 (sdfAction) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Remote procedure calls (RPCs) can be modeled in YANG with rpc nodes
   which have up to one input child node holding the commands input data
   and up to one output node for the output data.  In YANG RPCs can only
   occur on the top-level because in contrast to actions in YANG they do
   not belong to a container.  This can easily be represented by
   sdfActions.  The corresponding sdfAction is not placed inside an
   sdfObject or sdfThing but at the top-level of the SDF model to
   represent independence from a container.  The input node of the RPC
   is converted to the sdfInputData quality of the sdfAction which is of
   type object.  Equivalently, the output node of the RPC becomes the
   sdfOutputData of the sdfAction, which is also of type object.
   Groupings and typedefs in the RPC are converted to sdfData
   definitions inside the sdfAction.

3.11.  Action Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.15 (action) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.3 and 5.3 (sdfAction) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Action nodes in YANG work similarly to rpc nodes in the way that they
   are used to model operations that can be invoked in the module and
   also have up to one input and output child node respectively.  As
   mentioned before, YANG actions are affiliated to a container.  The
   representation of this affiliation is not quite trivial because YANG
   containers are not translated to sdfObjects in all cases.  Only
   sdfObjects can have sdfActions, however.  If an action occurs in a
   container that is a below-top-level container (and thus not converted
   to sdfObject), as illustrated in Figure 13, the affiliation cannot be
   represented directly in SDF as of now.  Figure 14 shows how an XML
   instance of calling the action in Figure 13 and the reply would look
   like.  As an input, the action specifies the container server it is
   affiliated to and its name.  The actual action, reset and the value
   of its input, reset-at are specified inside the container instance.
   The result after converting the container from Figure 13 to SDF can
   be found in Figure 15: To ensure equivalence of model instances a
   copy of the contents of the converted container is set as the
   sdfInputData of the sdfAction.  The sdfInputData is of type object.
   The conversion of the actual action along with its input is added to
   the copy of the container conversion as another entry to its

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   properties quality.  Furthermore, a conversion note is added as
   described in Section 5.2.  Equivalently, the output nodes of the
   action become the sdfOutputData of the sdfAction which is also of
   type object.  Groupings and typedefs in the action node are converted
   to sdfData definitions inside the sdfAction.

       container example-container {}
           container server {
               leaf name { type string; }
               action reset {
                   input {
                       leaf reset-at { type string; }
                   output {
                       leaf reset-finished-at { type string; }

            Figure 13: YANG container using the action statement

    <rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
        <action xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1">
            <server xmlns="urn:example:server-farm">

    <rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
        <reset-finished-at xmlns="urn:example:server-farm">

      Figure 14: XML instance of the action from the last figure

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       "sdfObject": {
           "example-container": {
             "sdfAction": {
               "reset": {
                 "description": "Action connected to server\n\n",
                 "sdfInputData": {
                   "properties": {
                     "server": {
                       "properties": {
                         "name": { "type": "string"  },
                         "reset": {
                           "properties": {
                             "reset-at": { "type": "string" }
                           "type": "object"
                       "type": "object"
                   "required": [ "server" ],
                   "type": "object"
                 "sdfOutputData": {
                   "properties": {
                     "reset-finished-at": { "type": "string" }
                   "type": "object"
             "sdfProperty": {
               "server": {
                 "properties": {
                   "name": { "type": "string" }
                 "type": "object"

       Figure 15: SDF conversion of the YANG container from Figure 13

3.12.  Notification Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.16 (notification) of [RFC7950]

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   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.4 and 5.4 (sdfEvent) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   In YANG, notification nodes are used to model notification messages.
   Notification nodes are converted to sdfEvent definitions.  Their
   child nodes are converted to the sdfOutputData of the sdfEvent which
   is of type object.  Groupings and typedefs in the notification node
   are converted to sdfData definitions inside the sdfEvent.

3.13.  Augment Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.17 (augment) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.6. (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The augment statement can either occur at the top-level of a module
   to add nodes to an existing target module or sub-module, or in a uses
   statement to augment the targeted and thus integrated grouping.  The
   conversion of the augment statement to SDF is not trivial because SDF
   does not feature this mechanism.

   The tool used to deserialize YANG modules, Libyang, adds the nodes
   into the target of the augment statement automatically for targets
   that are modules or sub-modules.  This is adopted in the mapping: The
   SDF model that corresponds to target of the the augment statement is
   converted with the augmentation already applied.  A conversion note
   is added to the description as described in Section 5.2 to preserve
   where the augmentation was issued from.  This mapping is illustrated
   in Figure 16, Figure 17 and Figure 18.  If the resulting SDF model
   has to be converted back to YANG, definitions that are marked as
   augmentations are converted back accordingly.  This way of mapping
   the augment statement to SDF causes problems if the augmentation
   target lies within a module whose converted version is already
   available and should not be replaced.  Because, as of now, SDF does
   not offer means to extend already existing models retroactively these
   augmentations cannot be converted to SDF.

   When the target of the augment is a grouping the augmentation cannot
   be represented in SDF, either.  The reason for this is that grouping
   nodes are converted to SDF definitions with the type object.  The
   nodes inside the grouping are converted with the help of the
   properties quality.  It is currently not possible to add properties
   to the properties quality, it can only be overridden as a whole.

       module example-module {
           // [...]
           leaf leaf1 { type string; }

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        Figure 16: YANG module that serves as an augmentation target

       module augmenting-module {
           // [...]
           augment "/example" {
               leaf additional-leaf { type string; }

      Figure 17: YANG module using the augment statement on the module
                            from the last figure

           ; [...]
           "sdfProperty": {
               "leaf1": { "type": "string" },
               "additional-leaf": {
                   "description": "!Conversion note: augmented-by augmenting-module!\n",
                   "type": "string"

     Figure 18: SDF conversion of the YANG module from Figure 16 after
                conversion of the YANG module from Figure 17

3.14.  Anydata and Anyxml Statements

   *  YANG: Sections 7.10 and 7.11 (augment) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.6 (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The anydata and anyxml statements are designated for nodes in the
   schema tree whose structure is unknown at the design time of the
   module or in general.  Since this is not a concept that can be
   represented in SDF as of now, anydata and anyxml nodes are not
   converted.  Instead, to preserve the information a conversion note is
   added to the SDF element corresponding to the parent node of the
   anydata or anyxml node as described in Section 5.2.

3.15.  Type Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.4 (type) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

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   The type statement of YANG is used to specify the built-in or derived
   type used by a leaf or typedef node.  Mapping this statement to YANG
   is trivial if the argument is a simple data type because the SDF data
   qualities also contain a type quality.  A derived type used as an
   argument to the YANG type statement is converted via the sdfRef
   quality.  As an argument, the sdfRef quality contains a reference to
   the sdfData definition corresponding to the derived type.  If the
   derived type is restricted, for example with the length statement,
   the restrictions are converted as they would be for the base type and
   added to the SDF definition containing the type in question.

   There are multiple sub-statements to the type statement that depend
   on its value.  The conversion of those sub-statements is discussed in
   the section of the built-in type the sub-statement belongs to.

3.16.  String Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.4 (string) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The YANG built-in type string is converted to the SDF built-in type
   string.  Strings in YANG can be restricted in length and by regular

   The length statement can specify either a constant length, a lower
   inclusive length, an upper inclusive length or both a lower and upper
   inclusive length.  A length statement can also specify more than one
   disjoint constant length or length ranges.  The values min and max in
   a length statement represent the minimum and maximum lengths accepted
   for strings.  If the length statement in YANG does not contain a
   constant value but a length range it is converted to the minLength
   and maxLength SDF qualities.  This is illustrated in Figure 19 and
   Figure 20.  If a constant value is defined through the YANG length
   statement the minLength and maxLength qualities are set to the same
   value.  If the length statement specifies multiple length ranges or
   constant values the sdfChoice quality is used for conversion.  The
   named alternatives of the sdfChoice contain the single converted
   length ranges or constant values each.  If the min and max values are
   present in the YANG length statement they are converted to the
   respective minimum and maximum lengths accepted for strings.

   The YANG pattern statement can be used to hold regular expressions
   that the affiliated string has to match.  To patterns from YANG in
   SDF the pattern quality can be used.  One problem in the conversion
   of patterns is that YANG strings can be restricted by multiple
   patterns but SDF strings can have at most one pattern.  To represent
   multiple patterns from YANG in SDF the patterns are combined into one

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   regular expression with the help of positive look-ahead.  Figure 19
   contains an example leaf of type string with multiple defined
   patterns which is converted as shown in Figure 20.  This does not
   always convey the meaning of the original regular expression.
   Another issue is the possibility to declare invert-match patterns in
   YANG.  These types of patterns are converted to SDF by adding
   negative look-ahead to the regular expression, as illustrated in
   Figure 21 and Figure 22.  To preserve the original patterns and to
   facilitate round trips, the original patterns are stored with a
   conversion note in the description of the containing definition as
   described in section Section 5.2.

       leaf example {
           type string {
               length "1..4";
               pattern "[0-9]*";
               pattern "[a-z]*";

        Figure 19: YANG leaf node with type string, multiple pattern
                     statements and a length statement

       "sdfProperty": {
           "example": {
               "description": "!Conversion note: pattern [0-9]*!\n!Conversion note: pattern [a-z]*!\n",
               "maxLength": 4.0,
               "minLength": 1.0,
               "pattern": "(?=[0-9]*)[a-z]*",
               "type": "string"

      Figure 20: SDF conversion of the YANG leaf from the last figure

       leaf example {
           type string {
               pattern "[0-9]*" { modifier invert-match; }

      Figure 21: YANG leaf definition with type string and an invert-
                               match pattern

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       "sdfProperty": {
           "example": {
               "description": "!Conversion note: pattern [0-9]*!\n",
               "pattern": "((?!([0-9]*)).)*",
               "type": "string"

      Figure 22: SDF conversion of the YANG leaf from the last figure

   Another, more general problem regarding the conversion of regular
   expressions from YANG to SDF is the fact that YANG uses a regular
   expression language as defined by W3C Schema while SDF adopts
   ECMAscript regular expressions.  Both regular expression languages
   share most of their features.  Since this does not cause problems in
   most cases and regarding the time constraints of this thesis, this
   issue is not given any further attention beyond what was stated in
   this paragraph.  There is, however, a project of the IETF Network
   Working Group to create an interoperable regular expression format.
   Once the work on the draft has progressed the format might be adopted
   by the SDF/YANG converter.

3.17.  Decimal64 Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.3 (decimal64) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The decimal64 built-in type of YANG is converted to the number type
   in SDF.  A decimal64 type in YANG has a mandatory fraction-digits
   sub-statement that specifies the possible number of digits after the
   decimal separator.  The value of the fraction-digits statement is
   converted to the multipleOf quality of SDF which states the
   resolution of a number, that is the size of the minimal distance
   between number values.  Figure 23 and Figure 24 contain examples for
   the conversion of the decimal64 built-in type.

   A YANG decimal64 type can be restricted by means of the range
   statement specifying either a constant value, a lower inclusive
   bound, an upper inclusive bound or both a lower and upper inclusive
   value.  The range statement can also be used to specify multiple
   disjoint constant values or ranges.  The min and max key words in a
   range statement represent the minimum and maximum values of the type
   in question.  If the range statement in YANG contains a range and not
   a constant value it is converted to the minimum and maximum data
   qualities in SDF.  This is illustrated in the definition called my-
   sensor-value in the example.  If a constant value is defined through
   the YANG range the SDF const quality is set accordingly, as shown for

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   the definition room-temperature in the example.  If the range
   specifies multiple ranges or constant values the sdfChoice quality is
   used for conversion.  The named alternatives of the sdfChoice contain
   the single converted ranges or constant values each.  An example for
   this conversion can be found in the my-sensor-value3 example
   definition.  If the min and max values are present in the YANG range
   they are converted to the respective minimum and maximum values for
   the type in question, as shown for the max value in the example
   definition my-sensor-value2.

        module decimal64-example {
            // [...]
            leaf my-sensor-value {
               type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 2;
                   range "-50.0..150.0";
           leaf my-sensor-value2 {
               type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 4;
                   range "0..max";
           leaf my-sensor-value3 {
               type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 6;
                   range "0.0..1.0 | 5.0";
           leaf room-temperature {
               type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 1;
                   range "21.5";

          Figure 23: YANG module using the decimal64 built-in type

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           ; [...]
           "sdfProperty": {
               "my-sensor-value": {
                   "maximum": 150.0,
                   "minimum": -50.0,
                   "multipleOf": 0.01,
                   "type": "number"
               "my-sensor-value2": {
                   "maximum": 3.3999999521443642e+38,
                   "minimum": 0.0,
                   "multipleOf": 0.0001,
                   "type": "number"
               "my-sensor-value3": {
                   "sdfChoice": {
                       "range_option_1": {
                           "maximum": 0.0,
                           "minimum": 1.0,
                           "multipleOf": 0.000001,
                           "type": "number"
                       "range_option_2": {
                           "const": 5.0,
                           "multipleOf": 0.000001,
                           "type": "number"
               "room-temperature": {
                   "const": 21.5,
                   "multipleOf": 0.1,
                   "type": "number"

     Figure 24: SDF conversion of the YANG module from the last figure

3.18.  Integer Built-In Types

   *  YANG: Section 9.2 (integer) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

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   In YANG there are 8 different integer types: int8, uint8, int16,
   uint16, int32, uint32, int64 and uint64.  Each of them is converted
   to type integer in SDF.  A conversion note specifying the exact type
   is added as described in Section 5.2.  Additionally, the minimum and
   maximum qualities of the SDF definition that the converted type
   belongs to are set to the respective minimum and maximum values of
   the integer type in question.  If the YANG type also specifies a
   range, the minimum and maximum SDF qualities are altered accordingly.
   Like the decimal64 YANG built-in type, the YANG integer types can
   also be restricted by a range statement.  The integer range statement
   is converted as described in Section 3.17.

       leaf example {
          type int32;

             Figure 25: YANG leaf with the int32 built-in type

       "sdfProperty": {
           "example": {
               "description": "!Conversion note: type int32!\n",
               "maximum": 2147483647,
               "minimum": -2147483648,
               "type": "integer"

      Figure 26: SDF conversion of the YANG leaf from the last figure

3.19.  Boolean Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.5 (boolean) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The YANG boolean built-in type holds a boolean value, that is one of
   either true or false.  It is converted to the SDF boolean type.
   There are no further sub-statements to this type in YANG.

3.20.  Binary Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.8 (binary) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   To represent binary data, the YANG built-in type binary can be used.
   If the argument of the YANG type statement is binary the SDF type
   quality is set to string.  In addition, the sdfType quality is set to

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   byte-string.  A YANG binary can have a sub-statement restricting its
   length.  This is converted to SDF via the minLength and maxLength
   qualities.  Like the string YANG built-in type, the binary type can
   also be restricted by a length statement.  This length statement is
   converted as described in Section 3.16.

3.21.  Enumeration Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.6 (enumeration) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The YANG built-in type enumeration is used to map string-valued
   alternatives to integer values.  Additionally each string can have a
   description and other sub-statements.  SDF also specifies an enum
   quality which is used to represent YANG enumerations.  The SDF enum
   quality only holds an array of strings.  All other information is
   stored in conversion notes in the description of the SDF definition
   the enum belongs to, as specified in Section 5.2.

3.22.  Bits Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.8 (bits) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   SDF does not specify a built-in type to represent a set of named bits
   and their positions like YANG does with its built-in type bits.
   Therefore, this built-in type has to be converted to SDF type object
   with one entry to the properties quality of type boolean for each
   bit.  The property is named after the name of the bit.  The position
   of the bit is stored in a conversion note as described in
   Section 5.2.  An example conversion of a leaf with type bits to SDF
   can be found in Figure 27 and Figure 28.

       leaf example {
          type bits {
               bit auto-adapt {
                   description "1 if automatic adaption is enabled, 0 otherwise";
                   position 1;
               bit battery-only { position 2; }
               bit disable-sensor { position 0; }

           Figure 27: YANG leaf that is of the built-in type bits

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       "sdfProperty": {
           "example": {
               "description": "!Conversion note: type bits!\n",
               "properties": {
                   "auto-adapt": {
                       "description": "Bit at position 1: 1 if automatic adaption is enabled, 0 otherwise",
                       "type": "boolean"
                   "battery-only": {
                       "description": "Bit at position 2",
                       "type": "boolean"
                   "disable-sensor": {
                       "description": "Bit at position 0",
                       "type": "boolean"
               "type": "object"

      Figure 28: SDF conversion of the YANG leaf from the last figure

3.23.  Union Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.12 (union) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7.2 (sdfChoice) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   YANG unions hold a set of alternatives for the type statement.
   Although the union built-in type of YANG does not exist as a built-in
   type in SDF, its meaning can be easily represented by the sdfChoice
   quality.  The sdfChoice corresponding to the union contains a set of
   named alternatives each named after the respective type in the YANG
   union and each containing nothing but the SDF type quality set to the
   SDF equivalent of the respective type.  Figure 29 and Figure 30
   illustrate this mapping.

       leaf example {
           type union {
               type string;
               type boolean;

           Figure 29: YANG leaf that uses the union built-in type

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       "sdfProperty": {
           "example": {
               "description": "!Conversion note: type union!\n",
               "sdfChoice": {
                   "boolean": {
                       "type": "boolean"
                   "string": {
                       "type": "string"

      Figure 30: SDF conversion of the YANG leaf from the last figure

3.24.  Leafref and Identityref Built-In Types

   *  YANG: Section 9.9 (leafref) of [RFC7950] Section 9.10
      (identityref) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.4 (sdfRef) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The YANG built-in types leafref and identityref are used to reference
   a leaf node or identity definition respectively.  They are
   represented in SDF by the sdfRef quality.  As an argument said sdfRef
   quality contains a reference to the SDF element corresponding to the
   target of the leafref or identityref statement.

3.25.  Empty Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.11 (empty) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   Another concept that is not contained in SDF directly is that of the
   YANG built-in type empty.  YANG elements with this type convey
   meaning by their mere existence or non-existence.  This is
   represented in SDF using the compound-type with an empty set of

3.26.  Instance-Identifier Built-In Type

   *  YANG: Section 9.13 (instance-identifier) of [RFC7950]

   The instance-identifier built-in type of YANG is used to refer to a
   particular instance of a node in the data tree.  As of now, it cannot
   be represented functionally in SDF because there is currently no

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   possibility to refer to specific instances of SDF definitions.  This
   feature might be added to SDF in the future.  For now, this type is
   represented by the string built-in type of SDF.  Furthermore, a
   conversion note is added to the resulting SDF definition as specified
   in Section 5.2. .

3.27.  Typedef Statement

   *  YANG: Section 9.3 (typedef) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.4 (sdfRef) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The typedef statement has the purpose to define derived types in
   YANG.  The SDF class sdfData is used to represent typedefs after
   conversion.  The usage of a derived type via the type statement is
   converted to an sdfRef to the corresponding sdfData definition.  If a
   derived type is restricted according to its base type, for example
   with a range statement, the restrictions are converted as they would
   be for the base type and added to the sdfData definition.

3.28.  Identity Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.18 (identity) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 5.5 (sdfData) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The YANG identity statement is used to denote the name and existence
   of an identity.  Identities can be based on one or more other
   identities.  They are referenced with the identityref statement.
   This concept is converted to SDF by sdfData definitions for each
   identity.  If an identity is based on one other identity this is
   represented by an sdfRef reference to the sdfData definition
   corresponding to the base identity.  If an identity has multiple base
   identities it is converted to a compound-type sdfData definition with
   one property for each base identity.  Each property contains an
   sdfRef reference to the sdfData definition corresponding to one of
   the base identities.

3.29.  Config Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.21.1 (config) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The config statement of YANG can have the boolean values true or
   false as arguments.  If config is set to true the element containing
   the config statement represents readable and writable configuration
   data.  If the config statement is set to false the element containing

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   the statement represents read-only state data.  This is transferred
   to SDF via the readable and writable qualities.  If the config
   statement is set to true it is mapped to the readable and writable
   qualities both being set to true.  If the config statement is set to
   false it is converted by setting the readable quality to true and the
   writable quality to false.  There are, however, cases in which the
   SDF definition corresponding to the YANG element containing the
   config statement is not one that can use data qualities.  This is the
   case, for example, if a top-level container, which is converted to
   sdfObject, holds a config statement.  In this case, all definitions
   inside the sdfObject that can use data qualities have the readable
   and writable qualities set as described above.

3.30.  Status Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.21.2 (status) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.6 (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The status statement of YANG is used to express whether a definition
   is either current, deprecated or obsolete.  In SDF there is no
   quality with a similar meaning.  Thus, the YANG status statement is
   represented by a conversion note in the description of the SDF
   definition corresponding to the YANG element the status statement
   occurred in as described in Section 5.2.

3.31.  Reference Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.21.4 (reference) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.6 (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   In YANG the reference statement holds a human-readable reference to
   an external document related to its containing YANG definition.  This
   information is preserved through a conversion note in the description
   of the SDF definition equivalent to the node containing the reference
   statement as described in Section 5.2.

3.32.  When and Must Statements

   *  YANG: Section 7.5.3 (must) of [RFC7950] Section 7.21.5 (when) of

   *  SDF: Section 4.6 (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   As mentioned before, YANG provides means to impose conditions on its
   definitions.  If a node in the data tree has an unfulfilled must or
   when condition it is invalidated.  Must and when conditions use XML

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   Path Language expressions to indicate dependencies.  This feature is
   not realizable in SDF as of now and is thus preserved through
   conversion notes as described in Section 5.2.

   There is a query language similar to XML Path Language for JSON
   called JSONPath.  If SDF adopts JSONPath or something similar in the
   future the converter can be extended to process the functionality of
   must and when statements.

3.33.  Extension Statement

   *  YANG: Section 7.19 (extension) of [RFC7950]

   *  SDF: Section 4.6 (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   The extension statement in YANG has the purpose of defining new
   statements for the YANG language.  This is not a concept that can be
   transferred to SDF yet.  When an extension is used, this fact has to
   be stored in a conversion note in the description of the SDF
   definition that is analogue to the YANG definition containing the
   extension statement, as described in Section 5.2.  The definition of
   the extension is not converted.

4.  Mapping from SDF to YANG

   In this section the conversion of each element of SDF to YANG is
   explained in detail.  For reference on the individual YANG statements
   see [RFC7950] and [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf] for SDF.  Examples have been
   inserted where they are necessary to understand the mapping.

4.1.  Information Block

   *  SDF: Section 3.1 (information block) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG: Section 7.1 (module) of [RFC7950]

   At the top of an SDF model the information block holds meta data,
   that is the title, version, copyright and license information, about
   the model.  When mapping an SDF model to YANG, the content of the
   title quality is used as the name for the YANG module.  For this, the
   title string has to be modified to only contain lower case letters,
   digits and the characters "_", "-" and ".".  If the version quality
   contains a date in the format _month-day-year_ it is analogue to the
   revision statement of YANG and converted as such.  The strings from
   the copyright and license qualities are stored in the description of
   the resulting YANG module since there are no dedicated YANG
   statements equivalent to these qualities.

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4.2.  Namespace Section

   *  SDF: Sections 3.2 and 4 (namespaces section) of

   *  YANG: Section 7.1.3 (namespace) of [RFC7950] Section 7.1.5
      (import) of [RFC7950]

   The purpose of the namespace section in an SDF model is to specify
   its (optional) namespace and the namespaces of external models whose
   definitions are referenced.  The namespace section has a namespace
   quality mapping namespace URIs to a shortened name for that URI.  The
   shortened name is also used as a prefix when referring to external
   definitions.  If an SDF model is supposed to contribute globally
   available definitions, a value is given to the defaultNamespace
   quality and mapped to a namespace URI in the namespace quality.  To
   map this to YANG, three of its statements are necessary: the import,
   the prefix and the namespace statement.  To be able to use
   definitions from external modules in YANG, their names have to be
   declared by one import statement each.  As a first step, each
   external SDF model that is mentioned in the namespace map also has to
   be converted to a YANG module.  The default namespaces of the
   external SDF models are represented in the prefix sub-statement of
   the respective import statement.  To represent the namespace and
   short name of the model, if present, the YANG namespace and prefix
   statements that are set accordingly.  Both are top-level statements.

4.3.  SdfThing Quality

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.6 and 6.3 (sdfThing) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG: Section 7.5 (container) of [RFC7950]

   An sdfThing definition holds the definition of a complex device that
   can be made up of multiple sdfObjects and multiple other sdfThings.
   SdfThings are converted to YANG container nodes.  The sdf-spec
   extension is inserted to inform about the origin of the container as
   an sdfThing.  This is necessary to facilitate round-trips because the
   container could also originate from an sdfObject.

4.4.  SdfObject Quality

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.1 and 5.1 (sdfObject) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG: Section 7.5 (container) of [RFC7950]

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   SdfObject definitions are the main building blocks of an SDF model,
   grouping together definitions of the classes sdfProperty, sdfData,
   sdfAction and sdfEvent.  They can also be used as arrays via their
   minItems and maxItems qualities.  An sdfObject is mapped to a YANG
   container node if it is not defined as an array.  Otherwise the
   sdfObject can be converted to a list node with the min-elements and
   max-elements statements set analogous to the minItems and maxItems
   qualities.  This feature was only recently added to SDF and is thus
   not yet implemented neither in the SDF serializer/deserializer nor in
   the SDF/YANG converter.

4.5.  Common Qualities

   *  SDF: Section 4.6 (common qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG:

      -  Section 7.21.3 (description) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 7.3 (typedef) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 9.9 (leafref) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 7.13 (uses) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 3 (terminology for mandatory) of [RFC7950]

   The set of qualities that is grouped under the name of _common
   qualities_ can be used to provide meta data for SDF definitions.

   The description quality is converted to the YANG description
   statement.  The label quality is ignored because it is identical to
   the identifier of the definition in most cases.

   The sdfRef quality is supposed to hold references to other
   definitions whose qualities are then copied into the referencing
   definition.  Qualities of the referenced definition can also be
   overridden by defining them again in the referencing definition.  The
   conversion of an sdfRef depends on what is referenced by it and what
   that is converted to.  Figure 31 and Figure 32, as well as Figure 33
   and Figure 34 illustrate different conversions of the sdfRef quality.
   If the referenced definition is converted to a typedef the sdfRef is
   analogous to the type statement in YANG which points to the typedef.
   Overridden qualities can be represented by the respective sub-
   statements of the type which in turn override the sub-statements of
   the type of the typedef.  This is the case for simpleDataRef in
   Figure 31 and Figure 32.  If the referenced definition is mapped to a
   leaf or leaf-list node it can be referenced by the leafref built-in

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   type in YANG.  This is the case for simplePropertyRef and
   simpleArrayPropertyRef in Figure 33 and Figure 34.  In this case
   overridden qualities cannot be represented in SDF.  If the YANG
   equivalent of the referenced definition is a grouping node the sdfRef
   is converted to a uses node which points to said grouping.  The uses
   node is placed inside an additional container to preserve the name of
   the referencing SDF definition and to avoid sibling nodes with
   identical names (which is invalid in YANG).  This is what is done for
   compoundDataRef, simpleArrayDataRef and compoundArrayDataRef in
   Figure 31 and Figure 32.  In all other cases the YANG equivalent of
   the referenced SDF definition cannot be referenced directly but has
   first to be packaged in a grouping node.  This is done by first
   creating a grouping on the top-level of the module in order for the
   grouping to be available globally (in case it is also referenced in
   another model).  The YANG node that is equivalent to the referenced
   SDF definition is copied into the new grouping and afterwards
   replaced with a uses node referencing the grouping.  This is done to
   avoid redundancy.  Lastly, the actual sdfRef is represented by
   another uses node referencing the newly created grouping.  The uses
   node is placed inside a container node that represents the SDF
   definition that contains the sdfRef to preserve the name of the SDF
   definition.  Furthermore, there cannot be two sibling nodes with the
   same name in YANG.  The definitions compoundPropertyRef and
   compoundArrayPropertyRef in Figure 33 and Figure 34 are examples of
   such conversions.  If SDF qualities of the referenced definition are
   overridden in the referencing definition this is represented with the
   refine statement which can be a sub-statement to uses node (see
   compoundArrayPropertyRef in Figure 33 and Figure 34).

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           ; [...]
           "sdfObject": {
               "ExampleObject": {
                   "sdfData": {
                       "simpleData": { "type": "string" },
                       "compoundData": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "A": { "type": "string" },
                               "B": { "type": "string" }
                       "simpleArrayData": {
                           "type": "array",
                           "items": { "type": "string" }
                       "compoundArrayData": {
                           "type": "array",
                           "items": {
                               "type": "object",
                               "properties": {
                                   "A": { "type": "string" },
                                   "B": { "type": "string" }
                   "sdfProperty": {
                       "simpleDataRef": {
                           "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject/sdfData/simpleData",
                           "pattern": "[a-z]*"
                       "compoundDataRef": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject/sdfData/compoundData" },
                       "simpleArrayDataRef": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject/sdfData/simpleArrayData" },
                       "compoundArrayDataRef": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject/sdfData/compoundArrayData" }

      Figure 31: SDF model that uses the sdfRef with different sdfData

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       module exampleModel {
           // [...]
           typedef simpleData { type string; }
           grouping compoundArrayData {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfData";
               list compoundArrayData {
                   config false;
                   leaf A { type string; }
                   leaf B { type string; }
           grouping compoundData {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfData";
               leaf A { type string; }
               leaf B { type string; }
           grouping simpleArrayData {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfData";
               leaf-list simpleArrayData { type string; }
           container ExampleObject {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";
               container compoundArrayDataRef {
                   helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
                   uses compoundArrayData;
               container compoundDataRef {
                   helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
                   uses compoundData;
               container simpleArrayDataRef {
                   helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
                   uses simpleArrayData;
               leaf simpleDataRef {
                   type simpleData { pattern "[a-z]*"; }

      Figure 32: YANG conversion of the SDF model from the last figure

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           ; [...]
           "sdfObject": {
               "ExampleObject2": {
                   "sdfProperty": {
                       "simpleProperty": { "type": "string" },
                       "compoundProperty": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "A": { "type": "string" },
                               "B": { "type": "string" }
                       "simpleArrayProperty": {
                           "type": "array",
                           "items": { "type": "string" }
                       "compoundArrayProperty": {
                           "type": "array",
                           "items": {
                               "type": "object",
                               "properties": {
                                   "A": { "type": "string" },
                                   "B": { "type": "string" }
                       "simplePropertyRef": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject2/sdfProperty/simpleProperty" },
                       "compoundPropertyRef": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject2/sdfProperty/compoundProperty" },
                       "simpleArrayPropertyRef": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject2/sdfProperty/simpleArrayProperty" },
                       "compoundArrayPropertyRef": {
                           "sdfRef": "#/sdfObject/ExampleObject2/sdfProperty/compoundArrayProperty",
                           "minItems": 4

         Figure 33: SDF model that uses the sdfRef with sdfProperty

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       module exampleModel {
           // [...]
           grouping compoundArrayProperty {
               list compoundArrayProperty {
                   helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
                   key "A";
                   leaf A { type string; }
                   leaf B { type string; }
           grouping compoundProperty {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
               leaf A { type string; }
               leaf B { type string; }
           container ExampleObject2 {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";
               container compoundPropertyRef {
                   helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
                   uses compoundProperty;
               uses compoundProperty;
               leaf-list simpleArrayProperty { type string; }

               leaf-list simpleArrayPropertyRef {
                   type leafref { path "/ExampleObject2/simpleArrayProperty"; }
               leaf simpleProperty { type string; }
               leaf simplePropertyRef {
                   type leafref { path "/ExampleObject2/simpleProperty"; }
               container compoundArrayPropertyRef {
                   uses compoundArrayProperty {
                       refine compoundArrayProperty { min-elements 4; }
               uses compoundArrayProperty;

      Figure 34: YANG conversion of the SDF model from the last figure

   The common quality sdfRequired contains a list of SDF declarations
   that are mandatory to be present in an instance of the SDF model.
   The issue with the conversion of this quality is that in YANG not all
   nodes can be marked with the mandatory statement while in SDF all
   declarations (that means sdfProperties, sdfActions and sdfEvents that
   occur in an sdfObject) can be mentioned in the sdfRequired list.  In

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   YANG only leaf and choice nodes (and anyxml and anydata nodes but
   these are not used for conversion) can be directly labeled as
   mandatory.  List and leaf-list nodes can indirectly be made mandatory
   through the min-elements statement.  Furthermore, container nodes
   without a presence statement that have at least one mandatory node as
   a child are also mandatory themselves.  Not all SDF declarations are
   always converted to YANG leaf, choice, list or leaf-list nodes,
   however.  Thus, if the YANG node equivalent to the mandatory SDF
   declaration is a non-presence container, its sub-tree is traversed
   until a leaf or choice node is found.  This leaf or choice node is
   labeled as mandatory, now making its parent container mandatory as
   well because one of its child nodes is mandatory.  An example for
   such a conversion is illustrated in the compoundProperty definition
   in Figure 35 and Figure 36.  Consequently, if the parent node of the
   now mandatory container would be a container it would now be
   mandatory as well.  Alternatively, if a list or leaf-list node is
   found first, the min-elements statement of the node is set to 1 if it
   is not already set to a value greater than zero, which also makes a
   node mandatory.  This is illustrated in the simpleArrayProperty and
   compoundArrayProperty definitions in Figure 35 and Figure 36.  To
   prevent loss of information and to facilitate round trips, the
   declaration originally listed in the sdfRequired quality is preserved
   in the sdf-spec extension as described in Section 5.2.

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       "sdfObject": {
           "ExampleObject": {
               "sdfRequired": [
               "sdfProperty": {
                   "simpleProperty": { "type": "string" },
                   "compoundProperty": {
                       "type": "object",
                       "properties": {
                           "A": { "type": "string" },
                           "B": { "type": "string" }
                   "simpleArrayProperty": {
                       "type": "array",
                       "items": { "type": "string" }
                   "compoundArrayProperty": {
                       "type": "array",
                       "items": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "A": { "type": "string" },
                               "B": { "type": "string" }

         Figure 35: SDF model that contains the sdfRequired quality

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       container ExampleObject {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";

           list compoundArrayProperty {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfRequired";
               config false;
               min-elements 1;
               leaf A { type string; }
               leaf B { type string; }

           container compoundProperty {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfRequired";
           leaf A {
               type string;
               mandatory true;
           leaf B { type string; }

           leaf-list simpleArrayProperty {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfRequired";
               type string;
               min-elements 1;

           leaf simpleProperty {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfRequired";
               type string;
               mandatory true;

               Figure 36: YANG conversion of the last figure

4.6.  Data Qualities

   *  SDF: Section 4.7 (data qualities) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG:

      -  Section 7.4.1 (type) of [RFC7950]

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   The set of qualities labeled as _data qualities_ contains qualities
   inspired by the specifications that SDF adopted as
   well as qualities specifically defined for SDF.  In the first group
   there is a total of 18 qualities out of which some are

   The quality that a lot of the other qualities presence or absence
   depends on is the type quality.  The type can be one of number,
   string, boolean, integer, array or object.  This quality is directly
   converted to the YANG type statement for all simple type.  The type
   number becomes decimal64, integer becomes int64.  The types string
   and boolean have built-in type equivalents in YANG.  The types array
   and object cannot be converted to a YANG built-in type directly.
   Instead SDF definitions with these types are converted as described
   in Section 4.8 and Section 4.7, that is type array is mapped to
   leaflist or list nodes and type object is mapped to container nodes.

   If a constant value is defined in an SDF definition, the data quality
   const is used to hold it.  If the value of the type quality is number
   or integer the const quality is mapped to the range sub-statement of
   the type statement of YANG, which can also contain a single value.
   An example of such a conversion is illustrated in displayWidth in
   Figure 37 and Figure 38.  For constant string values the YANG pattern
   statement containing the constant string is used, as shown in the
   displayText definition in Figure 37 and Figure 38.  Unfortunately,
   constant values of types boolean and array can only be preserved in
   YANG through the sdf-spec extension.

       "sdfObject": {
           "Display": {
               "sdfProperty": {
                   "displayText": {
                       "type": "string",
                       "const": "Hello World!"
                   "displayWidth": {
                       "type": "integer",
                       "const": 300

            Figure 37: SdfObject that contains the const quality

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       container Display {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";
           leaf displayText {
               type string { pattern "Hello World!"; }
           leaf displayWidth {
               type int64 { range "300"; }

      Figure 38: YANG conversion of the sdfObject from the last figure

   The default data quality in SDF holds the default value for its
   definition.  Since YANG leaf and leaf-list nodes have a default sub-
   statement, SDF default values of simple types or of type array with
   items of simple types can easily be represented.

   The data qualities minimum, maximum, exclusiveMinimum and
   exclusiveMaximum which are only valid for the types number and
   integer are converted using the YANG range statement again.  For
   exclusive boundaries the range is reduced accordingly in YANG.  This
   is only possible for integer types or if the multipleOf quality
   specifies the size by which the number limit has to be reduced.
   Alternatives in the YANG range have to be disjoint, however.  This
   poses a problem when the range statement is already used to map a
   constant value.  Thus, if both minimum or maximum and constant values
   are defined, this is represented through the YANG union built-in
   type, instead.  As illustrated in Figure 39 and Figure 40, in the
   YANG conversion of the definition the union contains the same type
   twice, but with different ranges.

       "sdfProperty": {
           "displayWidth": {
               "type": "integer",
               "const": 300,
               "minimum": 100,
               "maximum": 1000

   Figure 39: SdfProperty that uses the minimum and maximum qualities in
                     conjunction with the const quality

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       leaf displayWidth {
           type union {
               type int64 { range "300"; }
               type int64 { range "100..1000"; }

     Figure 40: YANG conversion of the sdfProperty from the last figure

   The multipleOf data quality is one that can only be used in
   conjunction with the number type in SDF and states the resolution of
   the decimal value, that is, of which decimal number the value is a
   multiple of.  This quality is converted to the fraction-digits sub-
   statement to the type statement in YANG by counting the digits after
   the decimal separator of the value of the multipleOf quality.  Since
   the fraction-digits statement is mandatory in YANG, it is set to 6 by
   default.  This is done because six is also the default decimal
   resolution of the std::to_string() method of the C++ standard
   library.  This method is used for transferring data from the C++
   objects that represent SDF definitions into JSON.

   The minLength and maxLength data qualities of SDF are used to hold
   the minimal and maximal length of strings.  This concept can be
   transferred to YANG by using the length sub-statement of the type
   statement that specifies a length range.

   The SDF pattern data quality holds regular expressions for string
   typed definitions.  This can be converted directly to the pattern
   sub-statement of the type statement in YANG.  As already mentioned in
   Section 3.16 regular expressions cannot be converted directly between
   SDF and YANG in theory, due to the differing languages used for
   regular expressions.  Because of the time limitations of this thesis
   no further measures are taken to insure the conformance of converted
   regular expressions.

   The string type in SDF can be supplemented by the format quality.
   This quality can specify one of the formats found on
   This could be translated to YANG referencing typedefs from the widely
   used ietf-yang-types module.  To not rely on external modules, the
   format is only preserved through an addition of the sdf-spec
   extension to the YANG equivalent of the SDF definition the format
   quality is contained in.

   The length of an array in SDF can be restricted by the minItems and
   maxItems qualities.  In YANG, both list and leaf-list nodes use the
   sub-statements min-elements and max-elements to express the same
   concept.  They are therefore used to convert the SDF array length

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   Another restriction for SDF arrays is the uniqueItems quality that
   can be set to either true or false.  If it is set to true all items
   of an array are required to be different.  For this purpose, YANG
   specifies the key and the unique sub-statements for list nodes.  The
   combined values of the mentioned nodes have to be unique.  These
   statements can only be applied to leaf nodes in the sub-tree.  This
   does not pose a problem, however, because the uniqueness of a
   definition can only be measured by the uniqueness of its scalar
   values anyway.  Thus, if an SDF array is converted to a YANG list
   node and the uniqueItems SDF quality is set to true, the key
   statement of the list states the first descendant leaf node of the
   list as the key, as illustrated in the compoundArrayProperty
   definition in Figure 41 and Figure 42.  The key statement is chosen
   over the unique statement because it must be present in all writable
   lists anyway.  It is not possible to explicitly represent the
   uniqueItems quality in leaf-list nodes.  However, the values of leaf-
   list nodes that represent configuration data, and are therefore
   writable, must be unique.  The writable quality is set to true by
   default.  Thus, to represent an SDF array with unique items, in YANG
   the config statement is set to true whenever the writable quality in
   SDF is not set to false.  An example of such a conversion can be
   found in the simpleArrayProperty definition in Figure 41 and
   Figure 42.  Non-writable arrays with unique items cannot be
   represented as YANG leaf-lists.

       "sdfObject": {
           "ExampleObject": {
               "sdfProperty": {
                   "simpleArrayProperty": {
                       "type": "array",
                       "uniqueItems": true,
                       "items": { "type": "string" }
                   "compoundArrayProperty": {
                       "type": "array",
                       "uniqueItems": true,
                       "items": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "A": { "type": "string" },
                               "B": { "type": "string" }

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          Figure 41: SdfObject containing the uniqueItems quality

       container ExampleObject {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";

           list compoundArrayProperty {
               helper:sdf-spec "sdfProperty";
               key "A";
               leaf A { type string; }
               leaf B { type string; }

           leaf-list simpleArrayProperty {
               type string;
               config true;

      Figure 42: YANG conversion of the sdfObject from the last figure

   The items data quality of SDF is a quality that specifies item
   constraints for the items of an array-typed SDF definition using a
   subset of the common and data qualities.  SDF definitions with the
   type array are converted to list or leaf-list nodes.  These node
   types in themselves indicate that a node represents an array.  Thus,
   the qualities defined in the item constraints of an array are
   converted to the sub-statements of the equivalent list or leaf-list
   node as described in this section.  Figure 41 and Figure 42 contain
   an illustration of this mapping.

   Another SDF data quality is the properties quality.  Properties
   defined through this quality are different from sdfProperties.  The
   properties quality is used in conjunction with the object type and
   contains a set of named definitions made up of data qualities
   themselves.  SDF definitions of type object are converted to
   container or grouping nodes.  Thus, the named entries in the
   properties quality are each transformed to the child nodes of the
   container or grouping in question.  This is illustrated in
   Section 4.8 in the compoundProperty definition of Figure 45 and
   Figure 46.  To label the properties as mandatory the required quality
   is used.  Since it is resembling the sdfRequired quality, it is
   translated in the same way.  The SDF type object was first introduced
   in SDF version 1.1 and made conversion of SDF models to YANG
   significantly more complicated.  On the other hand, it is crucial to
   represent the tree structure of YANG.

   The second group of qualities that is part of the data qualities
   includes 11 qualities that are defined specifically for SDF.

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   The unit quality can be set to any of the SenML unit names to
   represent the unit of an SDF definition.  There is also a similar
   statement that can be defined as a sub-statement to typedef
   definitions, leaf nodes and leaf-list nodes.  The units statement in
   YANG can contain any string and thus is simply set to the SenML unit
   name from the SDF definition.

   An important data quality is the sdfChoice quality.  It represents
   the choice between several sets of named definitions made up of data
   qualities themselves.  YANG provides a very similar statement, the
   choice statement.  An sdfChoice is turned into a YANG choice node.
   Each of the alternatives of the sdfChoice is converted like an
   sdfProperty (see Section 4.8) and added to the choice node inside its
   own case node.  SdfChoice definitions that give the choice between
   the type quality could also be mapped to the YANG type union.  This
   is omitted for reasons of simplicity.  An example conversion of the
   sdfChoice quality can be found in Figure 43 and Figure 44.

       "sdfObject": {
           "ExampleObject": {
               "sdfProperty": {
                   "choiceProperty": {
                       "sdfChoice": {
                         "foo": { "type": "string" },
                         "bar": { "type": "boolean" },
                         "baz": { "type": "integer" }

               Figure 43: SdfObject with an sdfChoice quality

       container ExampleObject {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";
           choice choiceProperty {
               case bar {
                   leaf bar { type boolean; }
               case baz {
                   leaf baz { type int64; }
               case foo {
                   leaf foo { type string; }

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      Figure 44: YANG conversion of the sdfObject from the last figure

   SDF also offers the possibility to define the choice between string
   values by means of the enum data quality.  It consists of an array of
   strings.  This concept also exists in YANG with the enumeration type
   and the corresponding enum sub-statement to the type statement.  For
   an SDF definition that contains the enum quality the YANG type of its
   equivalent is set to enumeration.  Each of the strings in the array
   of the enum SDF quality is converted to an enum entry in the type
   statement in YANG.  The enum entries are also assigned an associated

   The scaleMinimum and scaleMaximum qualities represent limits in units
   as specified by the unit quality.  They are not mapped to YANG
   because they will not be included in future versions of SDF.  They
   are to be replaced in the future, therefore a mapping will have to be
   developed for their replacement.

   The contentFormat quality of SDF can provide an additional IANA
   content type.  This information is preserved with the help of sdf-
   spec extension in the YANG equivalent of the SDF definition.

   Another way to complement the type quality is the sdfType quality
   that can either be set to byte-string or unix-time.  A byte string is
   converted to the YANG type binary.  There is no built-in YANG type
   corresponding to unix time it is thus converted through the YANG
   units statement.  The unit of the YANG conversion mentions unix-time
   as an argument.

   SDF defines the readable and writable qualities to flag whether read
   or write operations are allowed on definitions.  Read operations are
   always allowed in YANG modules so a readable quality that is set to
   false cannot be represented in YANG.  The config YANG statement can
   be used to represent the value of the writable quality, however.  If
   an SDF definition is explicitly marked as writable config is set to
   true.  Otherwise, it is set to false.

   The observable and nullable qualities in SDF cannot be represented in
   YANG but are preserved by adding an sdf-spec extension to the YANG
   equivalent of their containing SDF definition.

4.7.  SdfData Quality

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.5 and 5.5 (sdfData) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG:

      -  Section 7.13 (uses) of [RFC7950]

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      -  Section 7.12 (grouping) of [RFC7950]

   Elements of the sdfData class are meant to hold data type definitions
   to be shared by sdfProperty, sdfAction and sdfEvent definitions.
   SdfData definitions can make use of the data qualities and the common
   qualities described in Section 4.6 and Section 4.5 respectively.
   Because an sdfData definition embodies a data type definition the
   YANG statements typedef and grouping have to be used for conversion.
   Which of the two is used depends on the value of the type quality of
   the sdfData definition.  If the type is one of the simple data types,
   that is integer, number, boolean or string, the sdfData definition is
   converted to a YANG typedef.  If the type is object the sdfData
   definition is mapped to a grouping node with each of the entries of
   the properties quality of the compound-type being mapped to a child
   node of the grouping.  When mapping sdfData definitions with type
   array to YANG, the type mentioned in the type quality of the items
   quality is essential as well.  If an array has items of any of the
   simple types the resulting YANG element is a grouping node containing
   a single leaf-list node.  Otherwise, if the array items are compound-
   types the sdfData definition is converted into a grouping node
   containing a single list node.  The child nodes of the list node are
   equivalent to the entries of the properties quality that is contained
   in the item quality.

   One issue with converting sdfData definitions of type array is the
   added grouping node that is necessary to hold the equivalent leaf-
   list or list node.  If the grouping is used in the schema tree the
   added level will cause model instances of the original and converted
   model to be in-equivalent.  If the sdfData definition is referenced
   in the SDF model via the sdfRef common quality this is represented in
   YANG with the uses statement pointing to the grouping equivalent to
   the sdfData definition.  The sdfRef quality can occur at most once in
   each definition while there can be multiple uses statements in a
   single container, list or grouping.  Thus, instead of representing
   definitions containing an sdfRef by a parent node containing a uses
   node, the aforementioned issue with array-typed sdfData definitions
   could be solved by replacing the parent node with the uses node
   itself, effectively removing the excess level.  This, however, gives
   rise to other issues because the name of the superordinate definition
   of the sdfRef is lost this way.  An example for this issue is
   illustrated in Figure 53 and Figure 54.  If the sdfData definition is
   converted to a typedef no such issues arise.  The typedef in question
   is inserted as an argument to the YANG type quality wherever the
   original sdfData definition was referenced by an sdfRef.

   Another issue is a different view on global accessibility of data
   type definitions in YANG and SDF.  In SDF, all definitions are
   globally available as long as a default namespace is defined in the

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   SDF model.  In YANG on the other hand, only data type definitions,
   that is groupings and typedefs, that occur on the top-level of a YANG
   module are globally accessible.  Thus, to represent the global
   accessibility of all data type definitions in SDF, all converted
   sdfData definition equivalents in YANG are added to the top-level of
   the created module.

   Since these issues are also discussed in Section 4.5, examples
   conversion can be found there in Figure 31 and Figure 32.

4.8.  SdfProperty Quality

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.2 and 5.2 (sdfProperty) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG:

      -  Section 7.6 (leaf) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 7.7 (leaf-list) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 7.8 (list) of [RFC7950]

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   SdfProperty definitions represent elements of state as suggested by
   their name.  SdfProperty definitions can make use of the data
   qualities and the common qualities described in Section 4.6 and
   Section 4.5.  The mapping of an sdfProperty definition to YANG
   depends on the value of the type quality.  SdfProperties with simple
   types are mapped to leaf nodes in YANG, as illustrated in the
   simpleProperty definition in Figure 45 and Figure 46.  If the type is
   complex, that is type object, conversion results in a container node
   with each of the entries in the properties quality being mapped to a
   child node of the container.  An example of such a conversion is the
   compoundProperty definition in Figure 45 and Figure 46.  If the
   sdfProperty is of type array the deciding factor is the type quality
   inside the items quality.  If an array has items of a simple type, it
   is converted to a leaf-list node.  This is demonstrated by the
   simpleArrayProperty definition in Figure 45 and Figure 46.
   Otherwise, if the items are of compound-type the sdfProperty becomes
   a list node in YANG.  The child nodes of the list node are equivalent
   to the entries of the properties quality in the compound-type, as
   illustrated in Figure 45 and Figure 46 through the
   compoundArrayProperty definition.  List nodes that represent
   configuration data, that means data that is writable, must specify at
   least one of its descendant leaf nodes as a key identifier.  In SDF
   definitions that use the data qualities, such as sdfProperties, the
   writable quality is set to true by default.  Therefore, the key
   statement of the list node is set to the first descendant leaf node
   of the list by default by the converter to comply with this rule.
   For round trips, this work-around is noted through the sdf-spec

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       "sdfObject": {
           "ExampleObject": {
               "sdfProperty": {
                   "simpleProperty": { "type": "string" },
                   "compoundProperty": {
                       "type": "object",
                       "properties": {
                           "A": { "type": "string" },
                           "B": { "type": "string" }
                   "simpleArrayProperty": {
                       "type": "array",
                       "items": { "type": "string" }
                   "compoundArrayProperty": {
                       "type": "array",
                       "items": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "A": { "type": "string" },
                               "B": { "type": "string" }

            Figure 45: SdfObject with an sdfProperty definition

       container ExampleObject {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";
           list compoundArrayProperty {
               key "A";
               leaf A { type string; }
               leaf B { type string; }
           container compoundProperty {
               leaf A { type string; }
               leaf B { type string; }
           leaf-list simpleArrayProperty { type string; }
           leaf simpleProperty { type string; }

      Figure 46: YANG conversion of the sdfObject from the last figure

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4.9.  SdfAction Quality

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.3 and 5.3 (sdfAction) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG:

      -  Section 7.14 (rpc) of [RFC7950]

      -  Section 7.15 (action) of [RFC7950]

   To represent operations that can be invoked in a model the sdfAction
   class is used.  Since operations can have input and output data the
   sdfAction class is equipped with the sdfInputData and sdfOutputData
   qualities that can both make use of the data qualities and the common
   qualities described in Section 4.6 and Section 4.5.  An sdfAction can
   also define its own set of data types in the form of sdfData
   definitions.  Whether an sdfAction is converted to an rpc node (which
   can only occur at the top-level of a module) or an action node (which
   is always tied to a container node) depends on its location inside
   the SDF model.  SdfActions that are not part of an sdfObject but can
   be found independently at the top of an SDF model are converted to
   rpc nodes.  All other sdfActions occurring inside an sdfObject become
   action nodes inside the YANG container equivalent to the sdfObject,
   as illustrated in Figure 47 and Figure 48 . The sdfInputData and
   sdfOutputData of an sdfAction are converted like sdfProperties (see
   Section 4.8) and added as the input and output node of the YANG RPC/
   action respectively.

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       "sdfObject": {
           "ExampleObject": {
               "sdfAction": {
                   "printString": {
                       "sdfInputData": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "content": { "type": "string" },
                               "colour": { "type": "string" }
                       "sdfOutputData": {
                           "type": "object",
                           "properties": {
                               "success": { "type": "boolean" }

   Figure 47: SdfObject definition that contains an sdfAction definition

       container ExampleObject {
           helper:sdf-spec "sdfObject";
           action printString {
               input {
                   leaf colour { type string; }
                   leaf content { type string; }
               output {
                   leaf success { type boolean; }

      Figure 48: YANG conversion of the sdfObject from the last figure

4.10.  SdfEvent Quality

   *  SDF: Sections 2.2.4 and 5.4 (sdfEvent) of [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

   *  YANG: Section 7.16 (notification) of [RFC7950]

   The purpose of the sdfEvent class is to model signals that inform
   about occurrences or events in an sdfObject.  To represent the
   emitted output data, sdfEvents can make use of the sdfOutputData

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   quality which in turn uses the data qualities.  An sdfEvent is
   converted to a notification node with one child node representing the
   sdfOutputData definition.  The sdfOutputData definition is converted
   like an sdfProperty (see Section 4.8).  Figure 49 and Figure 50
   contain the SDF and YANG representations of a warning notification
   which communicates the device and reason of the warning.

       "sdfEvent": {
           "warning": {
               "sdfOutputData": {
                   "type": "object",
                   "properties": {
                       "warningDevice": { "type": "string" },
                       "warningReason": { "type": "string" }

                       Figure 49: SdfEvent definition

       notification warning {
           leaf warningDevice { type string; }
           leaf warningReason { type string; }

      Figure 50: YANG conversion of the sdfEvent from the last figure

5.  Challenges

   Since conversion between SDF and YANG is not always trivial this
   section takes a look at the various challenges that arose in the
   process of finding an adequate mapping for each of the language's
   features to one another.

5.1.  Differences in Expressiveness of SDF and YANG

   SDF and YANG differ in their expressiveness in different areas.
   Compared to the other format, both are stronger in some areas and
   weaker in others.

   Areas in which YANG is more expressive are regular expressions,
   operations, some of the built-in types (bits and empty) and the
   retrospective augmentation of existing definitions.  In YANG,
   multiple regular expressions to be matched can be defined and they
   can also be labeled as invert-match expressions.  Both features are
   difficult to express in SDF as of now.  Furthermore, YANG and SDF use
   slightly different regular expression languages.  YANG uses a regular

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   expression language as defined by W3C Schema while SDF adopts
   ECMAscript regular expressions.  Operations in YANG can be defined on
   their own or with an affiliation to a YANG container.  This
   affiliation is not always trivial to represent in SDF.  The YANG
   built-in types bits and empty do not have equivalents in SDF.  The
   semantics of those types can, however, easily be mapped to SDF.  A
   YANG statement whose semantics cannot be fully mapped to SDF is the
   augment statement.  The augmentation can be applied and then
   converted but cannot be represented as a retrospective addition to an
   SDF definition or model.  Another Language feature of YANG that SDF
   does not offer is the option to place constraints on valid data via
   XPath expressions and the option to make sections of the model
   conditional with the feature statement.  YANG, furthermore, puts no
   constraints on the value of its units statement, whereas SDF does
   only allow SenML unit names in the unit quality.

   SDF offers more possibilities to define default and constant values,
   the latter especially in conjunction with minimum and maximum values.
   YANG uses a single statement, the range statement, for constant,
   minimum and maximum values.  Although there can be multiple values or
   ranges in one range statement that are interpreted as alternatives
   they all need to be disjoint.  This imposes a strict limit on what
   can be expressed through the statement.  An example for a conversion
   where this is a problem would be an sdfData definition with values
   for the minimum and maximum qualities but also a given constant value
   that fits inside the given minimum and maximum range, like the
   example in Figure 51.  Such a definition could be converted to a YANG
   typedef with a range that states the minimum and maximum value as one
   range and the constant as an alternative, like the example conversion
   in Figure 52.  This example does not validate in YANG because the
   range alternatives are not disjoint.  This problem is solved through
   use of the union built-in type.  Furthermore, labeling definitions as
   readable, observable and nullable, as possible in SDF, is foreign to
   YANG.  SDF is also more expressive in the way it labels definitions
   that must obligatorily occur in model instances.  Basically all
   definitions can be labeled as such through the sdfRequired and
   required qualities.  In YANG, only leaf, choice, anydata and anyxml
   nodes can be marked with the mandatory statement directly.
   Container, list and leaf-list nodes can only be made mandatory
   indirectly and there is no general mechanism in YANG for all kinds of

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       "sdfData": {
           "someValue": {
               "type": "integer",
               "minimum": 1,
               "maximum": 5,
               "const": 3

     Figure 51: SdfData definition with the qualities minimum, maximum
                                 and const

       typedef someValue {
           type int32;
           range "1 .. 5 | 3" // invalid in YANG

    Figure 52: YANG conversion of the SDF definition in the last figure

5.2.  Round Trips

   One of the bigger issues in building the converter is the
   facilitation of round trips, i.e. converting a model from one format
   to the other and in a next step back to the original.  This issue is
   tightly linked to the differences in expressiveness between the two
   formats which makes mapping between them non-injective and thus non-
   traceable without additional measures.

   To be able to track the origins of an SDF element after conversion
   from YANG, currently, a so-called \textit{conversion note} is added
   to the description of the element.  The note specifies a statement
   and optionally an argument to the statement.  An example for a note
   stating that the original argument to the type statement was bits is:
   !Conversion note: type bits!. This approach is not able to preserve
   all information from the YANG module without exceptions since sub-
   statements cannot be specified.  It is, however, sufficient in the
   majority of cases.

   This issue was also discussed in one of the meetings of the ASDF
   working group.  The possibility to introduce a new mechanism for
   round trips was suggested.  Instead of overloading the SDF file with
   information that adds no functionality, the possibility to preserve
   information from the original model in a separate mapping file for
   each model was proposed.  Mapping files for SDF models could contain
   selectors that assign additional information to the selected SDF
   element or element group.  No decision has been made yet on the
   definite structure of such mapping files.  Therefore, some
   requirements from the perspective of the SDF/YANG converter are

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   listed here.  Generally speaking, the information attached to an SDF
   element should have at least the same information content in the
   mapping file as in the previously mentioned conversion note, that is
   a statement and optionally an argument.  To also cater to statements
   with further sub-statements, nesting should be possible, that is
   defining further statements as arguments should be possible.  It is
   also necessary to be able to specify multiple statements to attach to
   a selected SDF elements.  Another solution to round trips with
   mapping files would be to reference the associated YANG element of
   the selected SDF element.  This way, all information would be
   preserved.  Round trips would be easy because the original YANG
   definition would stay attached to the converted SDF definition.
   Opposing to that, if the SDF conversion of the YANG model is used to
   be converted further into other languages, the supplementary
   information of the original YANG element would still have to be
   extracted.  This defeats the purpose of SDF to reduce the number of
   necessary mappings between languages.  Thus, to attach statements
   with arguments to SDF definitions in mapping files is the better
   solution, in our opinion.

   To preserve the original SDF language element after conversion to
   YANG a new sdf-spec extension is defined in YANG.  The extension
   states the original SDF quality and optionally an argument, similarly
   to the conversion note used to preserve information from YANG.

   The eventuality that round trips occur in model conversion makes
   building the converter significantly more complex because all
   features of the target format have to be accounted for.  Features of
   the target format that would otherwise not be used for conversion
   must now be considered in the case of a round trip.

5.3.  Type References

   Both SDF and YANG offer the possibility to reference predefined
   types.  SDF uses only a single quality for this purpose (sdfRef)
   whereas YANG has several statements that are all used in different
   referencing contexts (leafref, identityref, type, uses).  The way the
   uses statement and the sdfRef quality are converted regularly leads
   to additional containers in YANG or additional properties (when using
   the compound-type) in SDF that make instances of the same model in
   SDF and YANG in-equivalent and complicate round trips.  If no
   additional elements are inserted, information, for example the name
   of an element, is lost.

   Both the uses statement and the sdfRef quality embed the content of
   the referenced expression where they are located.  Issues arise
   because YANG provides only groupings to be embedded via the uses
   statement.  Groupings are the non-declaration-equivalent to

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   containers.  There is no non-declaration-equivalent to YANG lists,
   however.  This means that list definitions in YANG need to be
   packaged in a grouping.  If such a grouping with a single list inside
   is transcribed from YANG to SDF there will be an extra layer that
   looks redundant but otherwise does no harm.  For the reasons stated
   above, an sdfData definition of type array with items of compound-
   type is converted to a list node inside a grouping in YANG.  Problems
   arise when said sdfData definition is embedded via sdfRef because
   this cannot be converted directly to YANG.  Such a scenario is
   illustrated in Figure 53 and Figure 54.  The sdfData definition menu
   is converted to the YANG list menu inside a grouping menu.
   Referencing the menu via sdfRef in the sdfProperty definitions
   menu_english and menu_german is equivalent to copying the qualities
   of the menu there.  In the YANG conversion the containers menu_enlish
   and menu_german both use the grouping menu.  This means the menu list
   from said grouping is copied into the containers.  The containers are
   necessary to preserve the names menu_english and menu_german and also
   because there cannot be two sibling uses nodes with the same target
   grouping (because no two sibling nodes must have the same name).

   Another issue with the mapping of type references is the
   accessibility of elements.  Only typedefs and groupings that appear
   on the top-level of the tree can be reused globally.  If these nodes
   appear within a sub-tree they are only available in the scope of the
   sub-tree.  Since there is no such restriction in SDF, mapping sdfData
   definitions directly would cause accessibility problems in the
   resulting YANG module.  Thus, mapped sdfData definitions have to be
   moved to the top-level.  In YANG it is furthermore assumed that every
   type of node in the tree is addressable, while SDF focuses on
   sdfProperties, sdfActions and sdfEvents as addressable affordances.

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           ; [...]
           "sdfData": {
               "dish": {
                   "type": "object",
                   "properties": {
                       "name": { "type": "string" },
                       "price": { "type": "number" }
               "menu": {
                   "type": "array",
                   "items": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfData/dish" }
           "sdfObject": {
               "restaurant" : {
                   "sdfProperty": {
                       "menu_english": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfData/menu" },
                       "menu_german": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfData/menu" },
                       "dish_of_the_day": { "sdfRef": "#/sdfData/dish" }

    Figure 53: SDF model with type definitions of types object and array

       module restaurant {
           // [...]
           grouping dish {
               leaf name { type string; }
               leaf price {
                   type decimal64 { fraction-digits 6; }
           grouping menu {
               list menu {
                   key "name";
                   uses dish;
           container restaurant {
               container dish_of_the_day { uses dish; }
               container menu_english { uses menu; }
               container menu_german { uses menu; }

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       Figure 54: YANG conversion of the SDF model in the last figure

6.  Implementation Considerations

   An implementation of an initial converter between SDF and YANG can be
   found at [SDF-YANG-CONVERTER]; the source code can be found at

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no requests of IANA.

8.  Security considerations

   The security considerations of [RFC7950] and [I-D.ietf-asdf-sdf]

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

              Koster, M. and C. Bormann, "Semantic Definition Format
              (SDF) for Data and Interactions of Things", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-asdf-sdf-08, 25
              October 2021, <

   [RFC7950]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language",
              RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016,

9.2.  Informative References

   [LIBYANG]  Vasko, M., Sedlák, D., and more contributors, "libyang",

              Kiesewalter, J., "SDF YANG converter playground", n.d.,

              Kiesewalter, J., "SDF YANG converter", n.d.,

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Authors' Addresses

   Jana Kiesewalter
   Universität Bremen


   Carsten Bormann (editor)
   Universität Bremen TZI
   Postfach 330440
   D-28359 Bremen

   Phone: +49-421-218-63921

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