Internet DRAFT - draft-kjsun-lisp-dyncast


Network Working Group                                             K. Sun
Internet-Draft                                                      ETRI
Intended status: Informational                                    Y. Kim
Expires: 9 May 2023                                  Soongsil University
                                                         5 November 2022

                  LISP for Computing-Aware Networking


   When a service has been distributed over many locations in the
   network, providing service by utilizing computing resources hosted in
   various servers is required to consider supporting delay-sensitive
   service and optimizing network loads.  For that reason, Computing-
   Aware Networking (CAN) is a new routing approach to balance services
   using service-specific metrics instead of simply dispatching the
   service request in a static way or optimizing solely connectivity
   metrics [draft-liu-can-ps-usecases].  Currently, CAN solutions are
   discussed with both existing technologies (e.g., DNS, L7 Load
   Balancer, etc.) and a new approach.  In this document, it describes
   the LISP-based CAN approach and related standard works to meet

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 May 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                LISP Anycast                 November 2022

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Overview of LISP use-case for Computing-Aware Networking  . .   4
   4.  Addressing CAN Requirements with LISP . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Dynamic and effective selection among multiple service
           instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Support session and service continuity  . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  Support metrics reqresentation and distribution . . . . .   8
     4.4.  Support flexible use of metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.1.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

1.  Introduction

   When a service has been distributed over many locations in the
   network, providing service by utilizing computing resources hosted in
   various servers is required to consider supporting delay-sensitive
   service and optimizing network loads.  For that reason, Computing-
   Aware Networking (CAN) is a new routing approach to balance services
   using service-specific metrics instead of simply dispatching the
   service request in a static way or optimizing solely connectivity
   metrics [draft-liu-can-ps-usecases].  With enhancing current
   technologies such as DNS or L7 Load Balancer, one of CAN solutions is
   to take into account computing as well as service-specific metrics in
   the distribution decision seen as dynamic anycast ("dyncast", for

   The main feature of the dyncast described in
   [draft-liu-dyncast-ps-usecases] is that a unique service identifier
   that can be assigned to multiple instances in multiple edge
   environments should be able to be mapped as an actual routable
   unicast address.  Since this concept is similar to the Location/ID
   separation method already used in the LISP design basis, the LISP
   protocol can be considered as one of the candidate protocols that can
   implement dyncast.  This draft is proposed to design the LISP-based

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   CAN approach with dyncast and analyze the extension method of LISP to
   meet the requirements defined in [draft-liu-can-gap-reqs] for
   realizing dynamic anycasting between different LISP sites.

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document is to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].  This
   document uses the terminology described in [RFC6830],
   [draft-liu-dyncast-ps-usecases], [draft-liu-dyncast-reqs].  Detailed
   definition of terminologies are written below.

   Dyncast : As defined in [draft-liu-dyncast-ps-usecases], Dynamic
   Anycast, taking the dynamic nature of computing resource metrics into
   account to steer an anycast routing decision.

   D-Router: A node supporting Dyncast functionalities as described in
   this document.  Namely it is able to understand both network-related
   and service-instances-related metrics, take forwarding decision based
   upon and manitain instance affinity, i.e., forwards packets belonging
   to the same service demand to the same instance.

   Dyncast Metric Agent (D-MA): A dyncast specific agent able to gather
   and send metric updates (from both network and instance prespective)
   but not performing forwarding decisions.  May run on a D-Router, but
   it can be also implementated as a separate module (e.g., a software
   library) collocated with a service instance.

   Dyncast Service Endpoint ID (DSEID) : Anycast IP address assigned to
   the service running on distributed locations.  DSEID cannot be routed
   globally, and it is unique for specific service.  Multiple service
   instances which are same service have a same DSEID.

   D-BID: Dyncast Binding D-Node, an address to reach a service instance
   for a given DSEID.  It is usually a unicast IP where service
   instances are attached.  Different service instances provide the same
   service identified through D-SID but with different Dyncast Binding
   IDs.  In the LISP architecture, D-BIDs of same service are replaced
   to RLOC-set of DSEID.

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3.  Overview of LISP use-case for Computing-Aware Networking

   As described in [draft-liu-can-ps-usecases], for guaranteeing quality
   of service across multiple edge sites, service providers can ensure
   functional equivalency by deploying instances for the same service
   across multiple edge sites.  For that, Computing-Aware Networking
   (CAN) considers steering traffic dynamically to the "best" service
   instance not only in terms of network performance but also computing
   capability.  Figure 1 describes the LISP use-case for Computing-Aware
   Networking.  In the LISP architecture [RFC9299], each edge network
   has one or more LISP routers deployed.  If we consider where services
   are running on the edge, each service is regarded the same as
   endpoint that has its globally unique EID and RLOC depending on its
   location, it is hard to provide service equivalency to the user which
   is hard to discover the same service across multiple edges.  One
   possible approach is allocating anycast EID for the same service
   instances, which is based on dynamic anycast (Dyncast) approach
   described in the [draft-li-dyncast-architecture].  [RFC6830] defines
   that anycast address can be assigned for both Endpoint ID (EID) and
   Routing Locator (RLOC) within each of their address spaces.  In order
   to forward a packet destined for an anycast EID between LISP edges,
   the addresses of the LISP Egress Tunnel Router (ETR) are used as
   RLOC-set, which exposes locations where equivalent services are
   running.  Each RLOC address in RLOC-set is routable in the underlay,
   but it is not unique value per each service instance.  When multiple
   services are running on the same LISP site, they can be assigned the
   same RLOC which is the xTR of their LISP site.  Map-server/resolver
   of the LISP control plane can manage mapping information for Anycast
   EID-to-RLOC-set mappings together with existing EID-to-RLOC mappings.

   For resource-efficient forwarding decisions across multiple service
   instances, [draft-li-dyncast-architecture] defines Dyncast Metric
   Agent (D-MA) which collects metrics related to network and service
   instances.  Actual packet forwarding is handled in the Dyncast Router
   (D-Router) based on collected metrics with maintaining instance
   affinity.  In the LISP architecture, the D-Router and D-MA function
   can be implemented on each LISP ETR, or can be deployed as separate
   components within the edge for managing service instances.  The LISP
   control plane is logically centralized and it provides an interface
   with each LISP router to exchange mapping information.  However, it
   does not mean that the LISP control plane is located in a single
   physical location, several mechanisms for distributing the mapping
   system already have been defined.

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                       |LISP Control Plane|
                                |           +--------+  +--------+
                                |        ___|LISP-ETR|--|Service1| EID_X
                            .........  /    +--------+  +--------+
                          ..         ..
   +------+  +--------+  :    Core     :    +--------+  +--------+
   |Client|--|LISP ITR|-:    Network    :---|LISP-ETR|--|Service1| EID_Y
   +------+  +--------+  :(RLOC-space) :    +--------+  +--------+
     EID_1                  ..         ..
                            .........   \   +--------+  +--------+
                                         \__|LISP-ETR|--|Service1| EID_Z
                                            +--------+  +--------+

                Figure 1: LISP use-case for Dynamic anycast

   Figure 3 shows an example of LISP-based dyncast deployment where two
   services each deployed two instances at different edges.  In this
   scenario, two services are assigned an RLOC according to the ETR
   address of the LISP site.  Both Service_A and Service_B instances
   connected to ETR_2 are assigned RLOC2, which is the RLOC of ETR_2, as
   a binding ID.  According to this figure, Anycast EID-to-RLOC-set
   mappings can be configured as an example below.

        Anycast EID                 RLOC-set
         EID_A          RLOC-set_A ({RLOC2, metric}, {RLOC3, metric})
         EID_B          RLOC-set_B ({RLOC2, metric}, {RLOC3, metric})

                    Figure 2: DSEID-to-RLOC-set Example

   In addition to these examples, the RLOC-set can also be used in the
   form of Explicit Locator Path (ELP) or Run-Length Encoding (RLE) for
   the encap-path between ETR and ITR.

   In the case of the edge where ETR_2 is located, as an edge composed
   only of service instances, the LISP Router function can be operated
   by being strongly coupled to the edge computing server.  Mapping
   information update for Anycast EID is performed through the LISP
   protocol Map-Register message, and service-instance-related metrics
   can be delivered through the LISP protocol header or other methods.
   A method of inserting service-instance-related metric information
   into the LISP protocol will be discussed later.  When the ITR_1
   receives a packet destined for the EID of the service by service
   request from the Host_1, the ITR can acquire the RLOC-set of the

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   requested EID from the LISP control plane through the Map-Request
   message.  At the control plane, it may select a proper RLOC on the
   collected metric information and return it to the ITR or return the
   RLOC-set of multiple service instances with metric information to the
   ITR so the ITR selects the proper RLOC in the set.  A method for
   determining an appropriate RLOC will be discussed later.

                   Map-Register              D-Router +-| EID_A |
                 (DSEID_A, RLOC2, <metric>) +-------+ | +-------+
                 (DESID_B, RLOC2, ,metric>) | ETR_2 |-|
                                            +-------+ | +-------+
                                                |     +-| EID_B |
                          +------------------+  | RLOC2 +-------+
   Host_1     D-Router    | +--------------+ |--+        Service_B
 +--------+  +-------+    | |     LISP     | |
 | EID_H1 |--| ITR_1 |----| | Control Plane| | Map-Register
 +--------+  +-------+    | +--------------+ |(DSEID_A, RLOC3, <metric>)
                     RLOC1|    RLOC-Space    |(DSEID_B, RLOC3, <metric>)
                          |                  |--+ RLOC3
                    <---- +------------------+  |
           Map-Reply                        D-Router      Host_2
          (EID_A, RLOC-set_A, <metric>)     +-------+   +--------+
          (EID_B, RLOC-set_B, <metric>)     | ETR_3 |---| EID_H2 |
                                            +-------+   +--------+
                                          |           |
                                      +-------+     +-------+
                                      | EID_A |     | EID_B |
                                      +-------+     +-------+
                                      Service_A    Service_B

             Figure 3: LISP-based Dyncast Example Scenario

4.  Addressing CAN Requirements with LISP

   In the following, we analyze for the LISP-based CAN approach to solve
   requirements described in [draft-liu-can-gap-reqs]

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4.1.  Dynamic and effective selection among multiple service instances

   To support dyncast selection, the system must provide a method for
   searching a service identifier and mapping it to a specific unicast
   address.  From this point of view, the LISP is a suitable protocol
   for separating ID/Location of service and managing mapping
   information.  When the system allocates the same EID to each service
   instance for service equivalency, the LISP can define an anycast
   address space for the Anycast EID and assign it to service instances
   created across multiple sites.  Also, the D-BID can be replaced to an
   RLOC address of LISP xTR that can be routed between edges as unicast.
   That is, it is necessary to define a separate space for anycast
   address within the existing EID space and to allocate it in advance
   so that it can be used in all edge networks where the service
   instances are located.  In the LISP definition, the EID assigned to
   each service has a globally unique value and, in particular,
   [RFC6830] defines that anycast address can be assigned within an EID
   or RLOC block spaces.  In each LISP site, same as the EID which is
   defined to enable internal routing, the DSEID can be able to be
   routed without the RLOC encapsulation process to the EID within a
   single site.

   One of alternative addressing solution is to use anycast-EID-to-
   anycast-RLOC mapping.  Using this, it is required to register from
   one place (an SDN controller) or each ETR registering the same RLOC
   without any merge semantics.  So the service is chosen by destination
   address in a packet (the anycast-EID) which maps to an anycast-RLOC
   where the underlay takes you to the "closest" LISP site.  However, in
   the dyncast, routing selection is not depending on just distance but
   also computing resources of each service location.  Depending on
   dynamics of these metrics, anycast-RLOC should be registered/
   deregistered at the ETR depending on the absence of specific anycast-
   EID.  Further discussion is required which is more efficient rather
   than using indirection mapping and update it with unicast-RLOC with
   metric information.

4.2.  Support session and service continuity

   To maintain "Instance Affinity", it is required to provide routing to
   the same service instance for the same flow.  In LISP, the RLOC
   mapping information for the destination EID is stored in a local
   cache called Map-cache in the ITR for a certain period of time, and
   it is maintained for a set time-to-live (TTL) time.  Therefore,
   mapping information for a specific service once requested from a
   client is generally maintained in the ITR until the corresponding
   session expires and can be delivered to the RLOC stored in the map-
   cache entry.  However, in order to have a flexible selection of
   service instances between different flows at the same point, it is

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   additionally required to assign different RLOCs for different flows
   depending on metrics dynamically changed.  For that, it is necessary
   to enhance ITR Map-cache to maintain destination RLOC for each flow.
   In [draft-rodrigueznatal-lisp-multi-tuple-eids], it can be supported
   to store Multi-Tuple Extend-EID mappings.  With Multi-Tuple EID
   mappings, it is possible to provide RLOC affinity depending on its
   destination EID as well as other information such as source EID,
   protocol or port number.  For that, it is required to support multi-
   stage lookup process, where the multi-tuple EID mappings that point
   to an DSEID and then there is a anycast EID mapping that points to

   In addition, although the general TTL value in LISP ITR is defined as
   24 hours, in dyncast the system requires a shorter TTL time for
   changing network path depending on dynamically updated network-
   related and service-instance-related metrics.  The LISP support to
   send a refresh Map-Request before removing map-cache entry.  If it
   needs a shorter TTL to update the map-cache, two options are
   possible.  First option is to send Solicit Map-Request(SMR) for
   refreshing cache, and another option is to use Pub/Sub which is
   described in [draft-ietf-lisp-pubsub].

4.3.  Support metrics reqresentation and distribution

   The one of most important requirements is that it should be able to
   collect various metrics of service-instances-related as well as
   network-related, and include them in-network routing decisions.  For
   that, it is necessary to define how to collect these metrics and
   forward them, and also where to make a decision.  In the LISP
   environment, since that the entire EID-RLOC mapping information is
   managed in the control plane, one possible scenario is that the
   controller function which collects service-instance-related metrics
   updates them to the DSEID mapping entry in the LISP control plane.
   For that, it can be used an encoding method proposed in
   [draft-ietf-lisp-name-encoding] that defines to insert specific
   information such as parameters for a specific EID or RLOC using an
   ASCII string.  Using that, it is possible to encode a string that is
   pre-defined of a specific metric to interpret in the control plane
   and send a Map-Request message so that the control plane can select
   an appropriate RLOC based on it.  Another possible option is to use
   policy distribution by a network controller, which is proposed in
   [draft-kowal-lisp-policy-distribution].  Using network controller,
   the ITR could receive and apply the QoS policies that would shape
   traffic to the correct rate on each ITR RLOC interface.  In order to
   insert service-instance-related metrics from the EID side, the agent
   function may be needed to forward the metrics of the requested
   service to the LISP ITR so that the metric can be inserted into the
   header of the Map-Register message.  This metric information encoded

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   into the Map-Register message can help the LISP control plane to make
   multi-tuple mapping entry and sent it to the requested ITR.  Once the
   requested ITR receives these information, it can make a routing
   decision based on the multi-tuple parameters.

4.4.  Support flexible use of metrics

   CAN system is required that in must make routing decisions for all
   service requests, and this must be done under an understanding of all
   metrics.  Routing decisions in the LISP can be done with two options
   which is done in the control plane or ITR by specifying priority and
   weight values for each RLOC.  In case that routing decisions are made
   in the control plane, the Map-Resolver dynamically sets the priority
   and weight values of each mapped RLOCs, selects a proper RLOC based
   on them, and forward it to the requested ITR using the Map-Reply
   message.  However, since this centralized approach may not be
   calculated based on point of requested ITR, the actual routing path
   may not be optimal.  In case that routing decision is determined at
   the ITR, the LISP control plane may return one or more RLOC values
   for the requested EID to the ITR, including priority and weight
   values based on the collected metrics.  After receiving these
   metrics, the ITR stores them in map-cache entry and selects an
   appropriate one to forward the data packet.  For that, a mechanism
   for estimating appropriate priority and weight values based on both
   network-related and service-instance-related metrics is required for
   the control plane or ITR.  When EID-to-RLOC-set mapping is used, it
   is noted that if RLOCs in the set have equal priority, the ITR can
   load-split traffic across RLOCs and that cause to break session
   connection.  So, an ITR that is configured that a particular EID in
   its map-cache is an EID, it should be cared to use an RLOC-set above
   with each RLOC priority=1.

   In the dyncast architecture described in
   [draft-li-dyncast-architecture], the D-Router collects metrics by
   exchanging metric information of the service identifier between
   another edge D-Routers and make a decision itself.  This approach can
   minimize the signaling for routing decisions by decentralizing the
   authority for the anycast routing decision to an entity in the actual
   packet path, but the signaling for collecting metrics between each
   D-Router is bound to increase.  In contrast, when the LISP is used,
   it can reduce effectively signaling of collecting metrics from the
   ITR since that the mapping information for EID and RLOC-set can be
   managed in a centralized control plane.  However, if the metrics
   change too much then the contents of the RLOC-set changes which
   requires more frequent map-cache updates.  So analyzing in depth of
   this tradeoff remains further studies.

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   For service dynamism, the system should support different selections
   for each flow according to a dynamically changing metric while
   considering various requirements in the selection of a service
   instance.  As mentioned in Section 4.2,
   [draft-rodrigueznatal-lisp-multi-tuple-eids] can provide the map-
   cache to be maintained for each flow, so the forwarding path can be
   dynamically changed to the different service instances by allocating
   target RLOC to the map-cache entry per-flow according to dynamic
   changes of metrics.  In order to refresh the EID-to-RLOC-set mapping
   upon changing metric, the Solicit Map-Request(SMR) message can be
   used to update so that the ITR can update the weight and priority for
   the RLOC which is already received from the Map-server.
   Additionally, as proposed in [draft-farinacci-lisp-telemetry],
   telemetry data can be collected between Encapsulating/Decapsulating
   xTRs of the current flow, which is expected to be used for dynamic
   service path reselection.

5.  Security Considerations


6.  References

6.1.  Informative References

              Farinacci, D., Ouissal, S., and E. Nordmark, "LISP Data-
              Plane Telemetry", May 2022,

              Farinacci, D., "LISP Distinguished Name Encoding",
              September 2022, <

              Rodrigues-Natal, A., Ermagan, V., Cabellos, A., Barkai,
              S., and M. Boucadair, "Publish/Subscribe Functionality for
              LISP", June 2021, <

              Kowal, M., Portoles, M., Jain, A., and D. Farinacci, "LISP
              Transport for Policy Distribution", September 2022,

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              Li, Y., Iannone, L., Trossen, D., Liu, P., and C. Li,
              "Dynamic-Anycast Architecture", July 2022,

              Liu, P., Jiang, T., Eardley, P., Trossen, D., Li, C., and
              G. Huang, "Computing-Aware Networking (CAN) Gap Analysis
              ans Requirements", October 2022,

              Liu, P., Eardley, P., Trossen, D., Boucadair, M.,
              Contreras, LM., Li, C., and Y. Li, "Computing-Aware
              Networking (CAN) Problem Statement and Use Cases", October
              2022, <

              Liu, P., Eardley, P., Trossen, D., Boucadair, M.,
              Contreras, LM., Li, C., and Y. Li, "Dynamic-Anycast
              (Dyncast) Use Cases; Problem Statement", July 2022,

              Liu, P., Jiang, T., Willis, P., Trossen, D., and C. Li,
              "Dynamic-Anycast (Dyncast) Requirements", January 2022,

              Rodrigues-Natal, A., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Barkai, S.,
              Ermagan, V., Lewis, D., Maino, F., and D. Farinacci, "LISP
              support for Multi-Tuple EIDs", October 2021,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997,

   [RFC6830]  Farinacci, D., Fuller, V., Meyer, D., and D. Lewis, "The
              Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)", RFC 6830, January
              2013, <>.

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   [RFC9299]  Cabellos, A. and D. Saucez, "An Architectural Introduction
              to the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)", October
              2022, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Kyoungjae Sun
   218, Gajeong-ro, Yuseung-gu
   Republic of Korea
   Phone: +82 10 3643 5627

   Younghan Kim
   Soongsil University
   369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Republic of Korea
   Phone: +82 10 2691 0904

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