Internet DRAFT - draft-kohbrok-mls-virtual-clients


Network Working Group                                           J. Alwen
Intended status: Informational                                K. Kohbrok
Expires: 16 June 2024                                          R. Robert
                                                             Phoenix R&D
                                                        14 December 2023

                          MLS Virtual Clients


   This document describes a method that allows multiple MLS clients to
   emulate a virtual MLS client.  A virtual client allows multiple
   emulator clients to jointly participate in an MLS group under a
   single leaf.  Depending on the design of the application, virtual
   clients can help hide metadata and improve performance.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 16 June 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Applications  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Virtual clients for performance . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Hidden subgroups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.3.  Transparent subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  External remove proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  External joins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Client emulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  Generating Virtual Client Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  DS/AS Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.3.  Adding emulator clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.4.  Sending application messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.5.  Challenge-based application message encryption  . . . . .   9
       5.5.1.  Challenge generation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.5.2.  Message Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.5.3.  Message Authentication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       5.5.4.  Content Encryption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.5.5.  Sender Data Encryption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.5.6.  Forward Secure KDF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.6.  Rotation of authentication key material . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.7.  Example protocol flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   7.  Privacy considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Performance considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     8.1.  Smaller Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     8.2.  Fewer blanks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   9.  Emulation costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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1.  Introduction

   The MLS protocol facilitates communication between clients, where in
   an MLS group, each client is represented by the leaf to which it
   holds the private key material.  In this document, we propose the
   notion of a virtual client that is jointly emulated by a group of
   emulator clients, where each emulator client holds the key material
   necessary to act as the virtual client.

   The use of a virtual client allows multiple distinct clients to be
   represented by a single leaf in an MLS group.  This pattern of shared
   group membership provides a new way for applications to structure
   groups, can improve performance and help hide group metadata.  The
   effect of the use of virtual clients depends largely on how it is
   applied (see Section 3).

   We discuss technical challenges and propose a concrete scheme that
   allows a group of clients to emulate a virtual client that can
   participate in one or more MLS groups.

2.  Terminology

   *  Client: Any MLS client including emulator clients, virtual clients
      and real clients.

   *  Real Client: An MLS client whose secret key material is held by a
      single agent.

   *  Virtual Client: A client for which the secret key material is held
      by one or more other clients, each of which can act on behalf of
      the virtual client.

   *  Emulator Client: A client that collaborates with other emulator
      clients in emulating a virtual client.  Emulator clients can be
      real or virtual clients.

   *  Heirarchical group: A generalization of an MLS group in which
      members can be either virtual or real clients.  Heirarchical group
      members may also act as emulator clients to collaboratively
      emulate a virtual client representing the heirarchical group in
      one or more other heirarchical groups.

   *  Group representative: A group representative of (heirarchical
      group) G is a virtual client emulated by the clients in G.  The
      group representative of group G in another group S is the
      representative of G that is a member S.

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   *  Subgroup: A heirarchical group with a representative in one or
      more other groups.

   *  Supergroup: A heirarchical group with one or more virtual members.

   TODO: Terminology is up for debate.  We’ve sometimes called this
   “user trees”, but since there are other use cases, we should choose a
   more neutral name.  For now, it’s virtual client emulation.

3.  Applications

   Virtual clients generally allow multiple emulator clients to share
   membership in an MLS group, where the virtual client is represented
   as a single leaf.  This is in contrast to the case where each
   individual emulator client is a regular member of the group, each
   with its own leaf.

   Depending on the application, the use of virtual clients can have
   different effects.  However, in all cases, virtual client emulation
   introduces a small amount of overhead for the emulator clients and
   certain limitations (see Section 4).

3.1.  Virtual clients for performance

   If a group of emulator clients emulate a virtual client in more than
   one group, the overhead caused by the emulation process can be
   outweighed by two performance benefits.

   On the one hand, the use of virtual clients makes the higher-level
   groups (in which the virtual client is a member) smaller.  Instead of
   one leaf for each emulator client, it only has a single leaf for the
   virtual client.  As the complexity of most MLS operations depends on
   the number of group members, this increases performance for all
   members of that group.

   At the same time, the virtual client emulation process (see
   Section 5) allows emulator clients to carry the benefit of a single
   operation in the emulation group to all virtual clients emulated in
   that group.

3.2.  Hidden subgroups

   Virtual clients can be used to hide the emulator clients from other
   members of higher-level groups.  For example, removing group members
   of the emulator group will only be visible in the higher-level group
   as a regular group update.  Similarly, when an emulator client wants
   to send a message in a higher-level group, recipients will see the
   virtual client as the sender and won't be able to discern which

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   emulator client sent the message, or indeed the fact that the sender
   is a virtual client at all.

   Hiding emulator clients behind their virtual client(s) can, for
   example, hide the number of devices a human user has, or which device
   the user is sending messages from.

   As hiding of emulator clients by design obfuscates the membership in
   higher-level groups, it also means that other higher-level group
   members can't identify the actual senders and recipients of messages.
   From the point of view of other group members, the "end" of the end-
   to-end encryption and authentication provided by MLS ends with the
   virtual client.  The relevance of this fact largely depends on the
   security goals of the application and the design of the
   authentication service.

   If the virtual client is used to hide the emulator clients, the
   delivery service and other higher-level group members also lose the
   ability to enforce policies to evict stale clients.  For example, an
   emulator client could become stale (i.e. inactive), while another
   keeps sending updates.  From the point of view of the higher-level
   group, the virtual client would remain active.

3.3.  Transparent subgroups

   TODO: The following text assumes that we have some mechanism of
   adding one or more additional signatures to MLS messages.

   While applications can choose to use virtual clients to hide the
   corresponding emulator clients, they don't have to.  When using the
   virtual client to send messages, the sending emulator client can
   provide an addition signature using either its leaf credential in the
   emulation group, or another AS-provided credential that allows
   higher-level group members to authenticate the message.

4.  Limitations

   The use of virtual clients comes with a few limitations when compared
   to MLS, where all emulator clients are themselves members of the
   higher-level groups.

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4.1.  External remove proposals

   In some cases, it is desirable for an external sender (e.g. the
   messaging provider of a user) to be able to propose the removal of an
   individual (non-virtual) client from a group without requiring
   another client of the same user to be online.  Doing so would allow
   another client to commit to said remove proposal and thus remove the
   client in question from the group.

   This is not possible when using virtual clients.  Here, the non-
   virtual client would be the emulator client of a virtual client in a
   higher-level group.  While the server could propose the removal of
   the client from the emulation group, this would not effectively
   remove the client's access to the higher-level groups in which the
   virtual client is a member.

   For such a removal to take place, another emulator client would have
   to be online to update the key material of the virtual client (in
   addition to the removal in the emulation group).

   Another possibility would be for emulator clients to provision
   KeyPackages for which only a subset of emulator clients have access
   to.  The external sender could then propose the removal of the
   virtual client, coupled with the immediate addition of a new one
   using one of the KeyPackages.

4.2.  External joins

   When there are no subgroups and all (emulator) clients are members of
   each higher-level group, new (emulator) clients would be able to join
   via external commit without influencing the operation of any other
   emulator client and without requiring another emulator client to be

   When using virtual clients and a client wishes to externally join the
   emulator group, it will not have immediate access to the secrets of
   the virtual clients associated with that group.

   This can be remedied via one of the following options:

   *  Another emulator client could provide it with the necessary

   *  The new emulator client could have the virtual client rejoin all
      higher-level groups

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   While the first option has the benefit of not requiring an external
   commit in any higher-level groups (thus reducing overhead), it either
   requires another emulator client to be online to share the necessary
   secrets directly, or a way for the new emulator client to retrieve
   the necessary without the help of another client.  The latter can be
   achieved, for example, by encrypting the relevant secrets such that
   the new client can retrieve and decrypt them.

   The second option on the other hand additionally requires the new
   emulator client to re-upload all KeyPackages of the virtual client,
   thus further increasing the difficulty of coordinating actions
   between emulation group and higher-level groups.

5.  Client emulation

   A set C of emulator clients that want to emulate one or more virtual
   clients must first form an MLS heirarchical group G with membership
   C.  The emulator clients use G to coordinate their shared virtual
   clients.  Just like real clients, a virtual client V can create, join
   or participate in any group S, even acting as an emulator client
   itself for some other virtual client.  If V joins a group S then this
   makes G a subgroup of supergroup G where V is called G's
   representative in V.  G may have 0 or more representatives which can
   each be a member of 0 or more supergroups.  But G can have at most 1
   representative in a given supergroup.  Emulating clients in G MUST
   ensure that G and all of its supergroups have distinct group IDs.

   An emulator client E in G creates a new virtual client V of G by
   assigning the V a fresh virtual client ID (unique among all virtual
   clients of G) and a signature key pair.  The new creation of V, its
   ID and key pair are communicated to rest of G via a commit in G sent
   by E.  As an invariant, emulator client's in G maintain a copy of the
   complete local MLS state of V.  This includes all MLS related secrets
   currently held by V.  Using this state, each emulator clients can
   independently process MLS messages sent to V to update their copy of
   V's state.  Emulator client's in G can also act on behalf of V
   (subject to application policy) by taking a new action.  Possible
   actions include anything an MLS client can perform such as generating
   and publishing a new key packages and sending commits, proposals,
   welcome messages or application messages.  To help other members of G
   update their copies of V's state according to the action, E anounces
   the action using a commit to G.  Any secrets created by E as part of
   implementing the action are generated deterministically by exporting
   seeds from G.  This allows other emulator clients in G to reproduce
   the same secrets and update their own copies of the V's state
   maintaining the invariant.

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   OPEN QUESTION: It's also conceivable that emulator clients announce
   their actions via application messages.  This is sufficient for
   operations that are affect individual groups, because the DS of that
   group will enforce message ordering.

5.1.  Generating Virtual Client Secrets

   An emulator client V in a group G may sample four types of MLS-
   related secrets on behalf of a virtual client V which must be
   reproducable by the other clients in G: init_key KEM keys in
   KeyPackage structs, encryption_key KEM keys in LeafNode structs,
   path_secrets for an UpdatePath structs and signature key pairs.  In
   each case, to do this V (and all other clients in G) do this by
   constructing an appropriate label for the new secret and exporting
   from G with the label.

5.2.  DS/AS Details

   Virtual client emulation should be largely agnostic to specific
   details of the AS and DS of the application.  However, a few
   conditions must be met.

   *  Access control: All emulator clients must be able to act as the
      virtual client, including, for example, queue access and
      KeyPackage upload

   *  Queue compatibility: The queue system must allow all emulator
      clients to retrieve messages for the virtual clients.  (Although
      workarounds like one emulator client retrieving messages and then
      sending them to the emulation group are possible.)

5.3.  Adding emulator clients

   If a client is added to the emulation group, it has to be provisioned
   with the private key material and the group states of all higher-
   level groups.  While the latter might be able to be provisioned by
   the higher-level DS, the former has to be provided by another
   emulator client.

   The other emulator client can provide the secret key material used to
   derive all key material relevant to the virtual client (higher-level
   group secrets, KeyPackage secrets, etc.)

   TODO: This means that all such key material must be derived in a
   well-separated and forward-secure way.  (See TODO above to specify
   further details on how to derive key material for the virtual

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   Since the new emulator client can only emulate the virtual client if
   it has access to those secrets, it cannot join the emulation group
   via external commit, except if said secrets are provided

5.4.  Sending application messages

   MLS applications messages are encrypted using key material derived
   from the secret tree, where a unique key/nonce pair is derived for
   each message and irrevocably deleted after the message was encrypted
   or decrypted.

   This poses a problem in the context of virtual client emulation,
   because the use of such key material cannot easily be coordinated
   between emulating clients.  However, reusing a key/nonce pair for
   different application messages leaks information about the
   plaintexts.  Moreover, any client receving the two would not be able
   to decrypt the second message as the requisit key would already be

5.5.  Challenge-based application message encryption

   This problem can be solved by introducing a new type of application
   message where the encryption keys are derived using a challenge-based

   Using a forward-secret exporter secret (provided by the safe
   extension API), each member creates a new secret tree.  Whenever a
   group member wants to send a message, it creates a fresh random
   challenge (see Section 5.5.1) for that message.  Each challenge is
   mapped to its own secret using a forward-secure KDF implimented using
   a new secret tree (see Section 5.5.6).  The secret is used to derive
   the key/nonce used to encrypt a message.  The sender includes the
   challenge in the AAD of the application message so that receivers can
   also derive the decryption key.  Finally, to ensure forward secrecy
   of the challenge-based application message both sender and recipients
   apply the same deletion schedule as for the standard secret tree in
   normal MLS.

5.5.1.  Challenge generation

   To send an application message the sender must first sample a
   challenge.  It is crucial for application message confidentiality
   that challenges have high entropy and are never used more than once.
   The following method for sampling challenges ensures this by
   introducing sufficient entropy and guaranting that two challenges can
   only ever be the same if they are sampled by the same sender, in the
   same epoch, for the same message generation using the same entropy.

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   For each epoch in which a client wants to send challenge-based
   application messages it maintains a local uint32 message generation
   counter for the epoch.  The counter is initilized to 0 and
   incremented after each challenge is sampled.  If the counter wraps
   around to 0 then all subsequent attempts by the client to send in the
   epoch MUST result in a failure.

   uint32 generation;

   To sample a challenge the sender first samples AEAD.Nk uniform random
   octets called the challenge-seed.  Next the they populate a
   ChallengeContext including their leaf index in the group in which the
   message is sent, the current generation counter and the confirmation
   tag of the current epoch (which in turn contains the hashed group

   Additionally, the sender also includes their leaf index and the
   confirmation tag of each hierarchical group between the sending
   (virtual) client and the real client that actually samples the

   The application may supply further context in the applicaiton_context
   field.  Finally, the challenge is derived from the challenge-seed and
   ChallengeContext using the FS-KDF and the generation counter is

   struct {
     optional<GroupChallengeContext> subgroup_context;
     uint32 leaf_index;
     MAC confirmation_tag;
   } GroupChallengeContext

   struct {
     GroupChallengeContext group_challenge_context;
     uint32 generation;
     opaque application_context<V>;
   } ChallengeContext

   challenge = FS-KDF.Expand(challenge-seed, ChallengeContext, KDF.Nh)

5.5.2.  Message Framing

   The following enum and structs define the wire format for challenge-
   based application messages.

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   struct {
     opaque challenge<V>;
     uint32 sender_index;
   } CBAMSender;

   struct {
       ProtocolVersion version = mls10;
       WireFormat wire_format;
       CBAMPrivateMessage private_message;
   } CBAMMLSMessage;

5.5.3.  Message Authentication

   The following structs are used to authenticate data in a challenge-
   based application message.

  // See the "MLS Wire Formats" IANA registry for values
  uint16 WireFormat;

  struct {
    opaque group_id<V>;
    uint64 epoch;
    CBAMSender sender;
    opaque authenticated_data<V>;
    opaque application_data<V>;
  } CBAMFramedContent

  struct {
    ProtocolVersion version = mls10;
    WireFormat wire_format;
    CBAMFramedContent content;
    GroupContext context;
  } CBAMFramedContentTBS;

  struct {
    /* SignWithLabel(., "CBAMFramedContentTBS", CBAMFramedContentTBS) */
    opaque signature<V>;
  } CBAMFramedContentAuthData;

  struct {
    WireFormat wire_format;
    CBAMFramedContent content;
    CBAMFramedContentAuthData auth_data;
  } CBAMAuthenticatedContent;

   Challenge-based application messages are encoded, authenticated and
   encrypted much like MLS private messages using the CBAMPrivateMessage

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   struct {
       opaque group_id<V>;
       uint64 epoch;
       opaque authenticated_data<V>;
       opaque encrypted_cbam_sender_data<V>;
       opaque cbam_encrypted_cbam_private_message_content<V>;
   } CBAMPrivateMessage;

5.5.4.  Content Encryption

   Content to be encrypted is encoded with a CBAMPrivateMessageContent
   and the Additional Authenticated data is encoded with a
   CBAMPrivateContentAAD.  The key and nonce used for encryption are
   derived from the encryption_secret and the challenge C using the
   challenge-based secret tree as described in Section 5.5.6.

   struct {
     opaque application_data<V>;
     CBAMFramedContentAuthData auth_data;
     opaque padding[length_of_padding];
   } CBAMPrivateMessageContent;

   struct {
     opaque group_id<V>;
     uint64 epoch;
     opaque cbam_authenticated_data<V>;
   } CBMAPrivateContentAAD;

   aead_key = aead_key[C]

   aead_nonce = aead_nonce[C]

5.5.5.  Sender Data Encryption

   The encrypted_cbam_sender_data is obtained by encrypting the
   CBAMSenderData using keys derived from the cbam_sender_data_secret.
   This secret is exported using the safe API's forward-secure exporter
   function MLS-FS-Exporter using the label "CBAM Sender Data Secret"
   and an empty context.  Other than that, the same method is used to
   encrypt sender data as for standard application messages.

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cbam_sender_data_secret = MLS-FS-Export("CBAM Sender Data Secret", "", KDF.Nk)

ciphertext_sample = ciphertext[0..KDF.Nh-1]

sender_data_key = ExpandWithLabel(cbam_sender_data_secret, "key",
                      ciphertext_sample, AEAD.Nk)
sender_data_nonce = ExpandWithLabel(cbam_sender_data_secret, "nonce",
                      ciphertext_sample, AEAD.Nn)

5.5.6.  Forward Secure KDF

   A consequence of the secret tree structure in MLS is that deriving
   the key/nonce for a given application message requires knowing the
   leaf node of the client.

   The symmetric ratchets in MLS require performing as many (KDF and
   storage) operations as application messages are being skipped.  The
   challenge-based secret tree (CBST) described in this section avoids
   these issues.  Like the secret tree in MLS, it consists of a binary
   tree of secrets.  However, leaves are indexed by challenges instead
   of leaf nodes which means the tree now has depth KDF.Nh.

   Nodes in the CBST are identified by the string encoding the path from
   the root to the node.  The root is identified by the empty string "".
   If a node is identified by string N then its left child is identified
   the string N||0 and the right child by the string N||1.  Each node is
   assigned a secret.  The root is assigned the cbam_encryption_secret
   which is exported from the MLS session using the safe API's FS-Export
   function.  All other nodes in the CBST are assigned a secrety by
   applying ExpandWithLabel to its parents secret with appropriate

   cbst_encryption_secret = MLS-FS-Export("CBST", "", KDF.Nh)

   cbst_tree_node_[""]_secret = cbst_encryption_secret

           +--> ExpandWithLabel(., "CBST", "left", KDF.Nh)
           |    = cbst_tree_node_[left(N)]_secret
           +--> ExpandWithLabel(., "CBST", "right", KDF.Nh)
                = cbst_tree_node_[right(N)]_secret

   The key and nonce for a KDF.Nh octet long challenge C are derived
   from the secret for leaf node identified by C.

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aead_key[C] = ExpandWithLabel(cbst_tree_node[C]_secret, "CBST", "key", KDF.Nh)

nonce_key[C] = ExpandWithLabel(cbst_tree_node[C]_secret, "CBST", "nonce",

   The same deletion schedule applies to the CBST (including the
   cbst_encryption_secret) as for the secret tree in MLS.

5.6.  Rotation of authentication key material

   If the design of the AS specifies the use of cross-group
   authentication key material, emulator clients must coordinate the
   rotation of said key material in the emulation group to avoid
   multiple emulator clients rotating a key at the same time.  Details
   depend on the design of the AS.

5.7.  Example protocol flow

   Virtual clients can, for example, be used by users with multiple
   devices.  Here, each device acts as an emulator client that emulates
   the virtual client which represents Alice towards other users.

   A group with Alice and Bob would thus still only have two members,
   regardless of the number of clients Alice and Bob have.

   Each of Alice's devices would thus keep the state of one emulator
   client, as well as the virtual client jointly emulated by all of
   Alice's clients.

   If one of Alice's devices wanted to update its key material to
   achieve post-compromise security, it would first perform a commit in
   the emulation group, both to signal the action to other emulator
   clients and to update the key material from which the randomness for
   the virtual client is sampled.  From the updated emulation group, the
   emulator client would then export the randomness to perform an update
   in each group in which Alice (through the virtual client) is a

   Alice's other clients would receive and process the commit in the
   emulation group.  Using the information included about the virtual
   client operation, they also update their virtual client state.

   Bob (or other members in the higher level group) will only see the
   update in the higher-level group, which they can simply process with
   their (virtual) clients.

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6.  Security considerations

   TODO: Detail security considerations once the protocol has evolved a
   little more.  Starting points:

   Some of the performance benefits of this scheme depend on the fact
   that one can update once in the emulation group and “re-use” the new
   randomness for updates in multiple higher-level groups.  At that
   point, clients only really recover when they update the emulation
   group, i.e. re-using somewhat old randomness of the emulation group
   won’t provide real PCS in higher-level groups.

7.  Privacy considerations

   TODO: Specify the metadata hiding properties of the protocol.  The
   details depend on how we solve some of the problems described
   throughout this document.  However, using a virtual client should
   mask add/remove activity in the underlying emulation group.  If it
   actually hides the identity of the members may depend on the details
   of the AS, as well as how we solve the application messages problem.

8.  Performance considerations

   There are several use cases, where a specific group of clients
   represents a higher-level entity such as a user, or a part of an
   organization.  If that group of clients shares membership in a large
   number of groups, where its sole purpose is to represent the higher-
   level entity, then instead emulating a virtual client can yield a
   number of performance benefits, especially if this strategy is
   employed across an implementation.  Generally, the more emulator
   clients are hidden behind a single virtual client and the more
   clients are replaced by virtual clients, the higher the potential
   performance benefits.

8.1.  Smaller Trees

   As a general rule, groups where one or more sets of clients are
   replaced by virtual clients have fewer members, which leads to
   cheaper MLS operations where the cost depends on the group size,
   e.g., commits with a path, the download size of the group state for
   new members, etc.  This increase in performance can offset
   performance penalties, for example, when using a PQ-secure cipher
   suite, or if the application requires high update frequencies

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Internet-Draft                     MVC                     December 2023

8.2.  Fewer blanks

   Blanks are typically created in the process of client removals.  With
   virtual clients, the removal of an emulator client will not cause the
   leaf of the virtual client (or indeed any node in the virtual
   client’s direct path) to be blanked, except if it is the last
   remaining emulator client.  As a result, fluctuation in emulator
   clients does not necessarily lead to blanks in the group of the
   corresponding virtual clients, resulting in fewer overall blanks and
   better performance for all group members.

9.  Emulation costs

   From a performance standpoint, using virtual clients only makes sense
   if the performance benefits from smaller trees and fewer blanks
   outweigh the performance overhead incurred by emulating the virtual
   client in the first place.

Authors' Addresses

   J. Alwen

   Konrad Kohbrok
   Phoenix R&D

   Raphael Robert
   Phoenix R&D

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