Internet DRAFT - draft-kumaki-ccamp-mpls-gmpls-interworking


                        draft-kumaki-ccamp-mpls-gmpls-interworking-02.txt  January 2006 
                  CCAMP Working Group                                     Kenji Kumaki 
                                                                       KDDI Corporation 
                                                                              Zafar Ali 
                                                                          Cisco Systems 
                                                                         Tomohiro Otani 
                                                           KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc. 
                                                                         George Swallow 
                                                                      Mallik Tatipamula 
                                                                          Cisco Systems 
                  Internet Draft                                                       
                  Category: BCP                                                        
                  Expires: July 2006                                      January 2006 
                    Operational, Deployment and Interworking Considerations for GMPLS  
               Status of this Memo 
                  By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any 
                  applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware 
                  have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes 
                  aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79. 
                  Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
                  Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other 
                  groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. 
                  Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
                  and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
                  time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
                  material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
                  The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
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               Copyright Notice 
                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). All Rights Reserved. 

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                  In order to deploy GMPLS technology in the existing IP/MPLS networks, 
                  various operation, deployment and interworking aspect of MPLS/GMPLS 
                  needs to be addressed.  
                  From the deployment perspective, GMPLS architecture document lists 
                  [RFC3945] three different scenarios in which GMPLS technology can be 
                  deployed: overlay, augmented and integrated. Reference [GMPLS-mig] 
                  addresses the problem of migration from MPLS to GMPLS networks using 
                  the integrated model. This draft addresses the same problem space for 
                  augmented model and illustrates the applicability of augmented model 
                  in deploying GMPLS technology in existing IP/MPLS networks. 
                  Another very important aspect of MPLS/GMPLS interworking is ability 
                  to effectively use GMPLS services in IP/MPLS networks. This includes 
                  ability to specify GMPLS LSPs in signaling requests based on the type 
                  of the setup desired, as well as considerations for the operation 
                  aspects of using GMPLS LSPs. 
                  In this draft, we highlight some deployment and MPLS/GMPLS 
                  interworking requirements and propose solutions to address them. We 
                  also highlight some operation aspects and the possible solution and 
                  provide applicability statement for the available options.  
               Conventions used in this document 
                  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
                  "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this 
                  document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119]. 
               Routing Area ID Summary 
                  (This section to be removed before publication.) 
                  This document addresses some MPLS/ GMPLS deployment, operational and 
                  interworking aspects.  
                  This work fits in the context of MPLS/GMPLS deployment, operational 
                  and interworking.  
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                  WHY IS IT TARGETED AT THIS WG? 
                  This document is targeted at ccamp as it addresses some MPLS/GMPLS 
                  deployment, operational and interworking aspects.  
                  RELATED REFERENCES 
                  Please refer to the reference section.  
               Table of Contents 
                   1. Introduction..................................................4 
                   2. Terminology...................................................5 
                   3. MPLS/GMPLS Deployment,Operational and interworking requirements5 
                   3.1 Software Upgrade Requirement.................................5 
                   3.2 Use of GMPLS network resources in IP/MPLS networks...........6 
                   3.3 Interworking of MPLS and GMPLS protection....................6 
                   3.4 Separation of IP/MPLS domain and GMPLS domain................6 
                   3.5 Failure recovery.............................................6 
                   4. Augmented model...............................................6 
                   4.1 Routing in Augmented Model...................................7 
                   4.2 Failure Recovery in Augmented Model..........................7 
                   4.3 Management in Augmented model................................8 
                   4.4 GMPLS Deployment Considerations..............................8 
                   4.5 Applicability of real/virtual FA-LSP.........................8 
                   4.6 Applicability of FA Utilization..............................9 
                   4.7 Bundling FA-LSP..............................................9 
                   5. MPLS/GMPLS Interworking aspects...............................9 
                   5.1 Static vs. signaling triggered dynamic FA-LSPs...............9 
                   5.2 MPLS/GMPLS LSP Resource Affinity Mapping....................10 
                   5.3 MPLS/GMPLS LSP Priority Mapping.............................10 
                   5.4 Signaling Protected MPLS LSPs...............................11 
                   6. Operational Considerations...................................12 
                   6.1 Applicability of the Priority Management Options............12 
                   6.2 Applicability of the Signaling Triggered Dynamic FA-LSP.....13 
                   7. Backward Compatibility Note..................................13 
                   8. Security Considerations......................................13 
                   9. Intellectual Property Considerations.........................13 
                   11.1 Normative Reference........................................14 
                   11.2 Informative Reference......................................14 
                   12.Author's Addresses...........................................15 
                   13.Full Copyright Statement.....................................16 

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               1. Introduction 
                  Introduction of GMPLS technology in existing IP/MPLS networks and 
                  migration of IP/MPLS services to GMPLS core poses some new 
                  requirements that do not exist while using point to point physical 
                  links in the core network. One of the biggest challenges in today's 
                  network is "how to deploy GMPLS technology" in a manner least impact 
                  on the existing IP/MPLS networks. It is neither feasible nor desired 
                  to upgrade all existing nodes to GMPLS technology. In fact, it is 
                  required to minimize the impact of migration to GMPLS on the existing 
                  IP/MPLS network. It is also desired to respect the administrative 
                  boundaries between IP/MPLS and Optical domains.  
                  There are several architectural alternatives including overlay, 
                  integrated and augmented models proposed in GMPLS architecture 
                  document [RFC3945]. The key difference among these models is how much 
                  and what kind of network information can be shared between packet and 
                  Optical domains. Peer model is suitable, where optical transport and 
                  Internet/Intranet Service networks are operated by a single entity. 
                  Currently, many service providers have traditionally built their 
                  networks, where Optical transport and IP/MPLS service networks belong 
                  to different operation, management, ownership. Most important thing 
                  is that service providers wants to operate and manage their networks 
                  independently, and deploy them without changing existing IP/MPLS 
                  network topologies, protocols and scalability. Overlay model is 
                  suitable for such scenario, however does not offer the benefits of 
                  peer model approach for efficient resource utilization, optimal 
                  routing and protection and restoration between IP/MPLS and Optical 
                  networks. Augmented model is suitable in this scenario, where Optical 
                  transport and IP/MPLS service networks administrated by different 
                  entities and would like to maintain a separation between IP/MPLS and 
                  Optical layers, at the same time, get the benefits of integrated 
                  model approach. 
                  Reference [GMPLS-mig] addresses the problem of migration from MPLS to 
                  GMPLS networks using the integrated model. This draft addresses the 
                  GMPLS deployment considerations using augmented model and illustrates 
                  how it can be used in existing IP, MPLS and non-IP/MPLS networks. In 
                  this regard, there are three different considerations taken into 
                  account while comparing these approaches. They are: Deployment 
                  considerations, routing aspects, and failure recovery considerations.  
                  MPLS/GMPLS interworking is also an important aspect that needs to be 
                  considered in deploying GMPLS technology in existing IP/MPLS networks. 
                  MPLS/GMPLS interworking function refers to methods deployed for 
                  mapping between MPLS LSPs and GMPLS LSPs. From a Packet Switching 
                  Capable (PSC) network point of view, a router in the PSC network sees 
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                  GMPLS LSP (signaled in non-PSC network) as a point-to-point link. How 
                  effectively IP/MPLS networks can utilize these TE links (FA-LPSs)  
                  created in GMPLS networks is an important aspect that needs to be 
                  Resource affinity and Priority management are operational aspect that 
                  must be considered in deploying GMPLS technology. Specifically, GMPLS 
                  technology is equipped with features like resource affinity and 
                  priority management, protection and restoration. These features have 
                  some implications on how IP/MPLS networks can utilize forwarding 
                  and/or routing adjacencies established on top of GMPLS networks.  
                  Especially, these management can be a local decision. 
                  In this draft, we highlight these implications/requirements and 
                  propose solutions to address them. In this fashion this draft 
                  complements [GMPLS-mig] draft, which formalizes the MPLS/GMPLS 
                  interworking problem. However, [GMPLS-mig] draft does not address 
                  MPLS/GMPLS interworking problems such as a mapping between protected 
                  MPLS LSPs and protected GMPLS LSPs. 
                  Feature richness of MPLS and GMPLS technology allows service 
                  providers to use a set of options on how GMPLS services can be used 
                  by IP/MPLS networks. However, there are some operational 
                  considerations and pros and cons associated with the individual 
                  options. This draft also highlights some operations considerations 
                  associated with use of GMPLS services by IP/MPLS networks. 
               2. Terminology 
                  SP: Service provider 
                  MPLS LSP setup request: MPLS rsvp path message 
                  MPLS signaling request: MPLS rsvp path message 
                  MPLS TE topology: MPLS TE database (TED) 
               3. MPLS/GMPLS Deployment,Operational and interworking requirements 
                  In this section, we highlight requirements that service providers 
                  have in order to deploy GMPLS technology in existing IP/MPLS networks.  
               3.1 Software Upgrade Requirement 
                   Generally speaking, it is not practical to upgrade all IP/MPLS 
                   routers to GMPLS capable routers in real SP networks due to a number 
                   of reasons. Especially, in case of accommodating enterprise customer, 
                   we do not allow IP/MPLS routers to upgrade GMPLS capable routers. 
                   This means in the real IP/MPLS networks some routers would not be 
                   upgraded to support GMPLS and some routers support would it. 
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               3.2 Use of GMPLS network resources in IP/MPLS networks 
                   Most SPs have different networks for various services; their GMPLS 
                   deployment plans are to have these service networks use a common 
                   GMPLS controlled optical core. We need a way to make effective use 
                   of GMPLS network resources (e.g. bandwidth) by the IP/MPLS service 
               3.3 Interworking of MPLS and GMPLS protection 
                   If MPLS LSPs are protected using MPLS FRR [RFC4090], when an FRR 
                   protected packet LSP is signaled, we should be able to select 
                   protected FA-LSPs from GMPLS network. In terms of MPLS protection, 
                   MPLS path message can be included some flags in FAST REROUTE object 
                   and SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object.  
                   In terms of GMPLS protection, there are both signaling aspects 
                   [RFC3471] [RFC3473] and routing aspects [GMPLS-routing]. 
                   Protected MPLS LSPs should be able to select GMPLS protection type 
                   with the option. 
               3.4 Separation of IP/MPLS domain and GMPLS domain 
                   Most SPs have had different networks for every service, where 
                   optical networks and IP/MPLS networks belong to different operation, 
                   management, ownership. Most important thing is that SPs want to 
                   operate and manage their networks independently, and deploy them 
                   without changing existing IP/MPLS network topologies, protocols and 
                   affecting scalability. 
               3.5 Failure recovery 
                   Failure in optical routing domain should not affect services in 
                   IP/MPLS routing domain, and failure can be restored/repaired in 
                   optical domain without impacting IP/MPLS domain and vice versa. 
               4. Augmented model 
                  Augmented Model is introduced in GMPLS Architecture document 
                  [RFC3945]. It is a hybrid model between the full peer and overlay 
                  models as shown in figure1. Border nodes at the edge of IP/MPLS 
                  domain and optical domain receive routing information from the 
                  optical devices (in optical domain) and nodes (in IP/MPLS domain). 
                  Based on this information, border node keeps the optical and IP/MPLS 
                  routing domain topology information in separate topology database. No 
                  routing information from the router region is carried into the 
                  optical region and vice versa.  These are quite useful aspects from 
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                  MPLS/GMPLS deployment, operations as well as interworking 
                                         |        Optical Transport           | 
                                         |            Network                 | 
                        +--------+  +--------+     +-------+  +-------+    +--------+   +---------+ 
                        |        |  |        |     |       |  |       |    |        |   |         | 
                        | IP/MPLS+--+ Border +--+--+ OXC1  +--+ OXC2  +-+--+ Border +---+ IP/MPLS |   
                        | Service|  | Node   |     |       |  |       |    | Node   |   | Service | 
                        | Network|  |        |     |       |  |       |    |        |   | Network | 
                        +-----+--+  +---+----+     +-----+-+  +---+---+    +--------+   +---------+ 
                  Figure 1. Augmented Model 
               4.1 Routing in Augmented Model  
                  Augmented model maintains a separation between optical and routing 
                  topologies; unlike integrated model approach, where topology 
                  information is shared between IP/MPLS and Optical domains. 
                  Nonetheless, as the border node has full knowledge of the optical 
                  network, it can compute routes for GMPLS LSPs within the optical 
                  domain. This allows augmented model to be more efficient in resource 
                  utilization than overlay model, such that router and optical domain 
                  resource can be optimized. At the same time, it can yield more 
                  efficient use of resources, similar to the full peer model.  In the 
                  full peer model, however, since all the devices in optical and 
                  routing domains share the same topology and routing information with 
                  same IGP instance, it requires all the devices within peer model to 
                  be MPLS/GMPLS aware. 
               4.2 Failure Recovery in Augmented Model  
                  Both integrated model and augmented model offer a tighter 
                  coordination between IP/MPLS and optical layers, which helps to 
                  resolve uncorrelated failures. This is unlike overlay model, which 
                  offers no coordination between optical and IP/MPLS layers; 
                  consequently a single failure in one layer may trigger uncorrelated 
                  failures in the other domain, which may complicate the fault handling.   
                  Another important aspect in augmented model is failure transparency, 
                  i.e., a failure in an optical network does not affect operations at a 
                  router network and vice versa. Specifically, failure in the optical 
                  domain does not affect services in routing (IP/MPLS) domain, and 
                  failure can be restored/repaired in optical domain without impacting 
                  IP/MPLS domain and vice versa. Where as in peer model, since optical 

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                  and IP/MPLS domains share the same topology and routing information, 
                  failure in optical domain is visible to IP/MPLS domain and vice versa.   
               4.3 Management in Augmented model  
                  Currently, many SPs have traditionally built their networks, where 
                  Optical transport and IP/MPLS service networks belong to different 
                  operation, management, ownership. In augmented model, each network 
                  administrator can operate and manage his network independently 
                  because this model maintains a complete separation between these 
               4.4 GMPLS Deployment Considerations 
                  In the integrated model, since all the devices in optical and routing 
                  domains share the same topology and routing information with same IGP 
                  instance, it requires all the devices within peer model to be 
                  MPLS/GMPLS aware. Reference [GMPLS-mig] discusses various aspects of 
                  migration from MPLS to GMPLS technology using integrated model.  
                  In augmented model, as shown in figure 1, devices within optical and 
                  its routing domains have no visibility into others topology and/or 
                  routing information, except the border nodes. This will help 
                  augmented model to accommodate both MPLS based or non-MPLS based 
                  service networks connected to border nodes, as long as Border node in 
                  augmented model can support GMPLS control plane.  
                  One of the main advantages of the augmented model in the context of 
                  GMPLS deployment is that it does not require existing IP/MPLS 
                  networks to be GMPLS aware. Only border nodes need to be upgraded 
                  with the GMPLS functionality. In this fashion, augmented model 
                  renders itself for incremental deployment of the optical regions, 
                  without requiring reconfiguration of existing areas/ASes, changing 
                  operation of IGP and EGP or software upgrade of the existing IP/MPLS 
                  service networks. 
               4.5 Applicability of real/virtual FA-LSP 
                  Real/Virtual FA-LSPs discussed in [GMPLS-mig] are equally applicable 
                  to the integrated and augmented models. Specifically, in augmented 
                  model, the border node can advertise virtual GMPLS FA-LSPs into 
                  IP/MPLS networks and can establish the LSP statically or dynamically 
                  on as needed basis. The only additional requirement posed by the 
                  augmented model is to have at least one full routing adjacency over 
                  the GMPLS LSP, such that TE topology exchange for the individual 
                  service network can happen.  
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               4.6 Applicability of FA Utilization 
                  There are several possible schemes for determining how many FAs to 
                  provision, when to enable the FAs, and whether to choose FAs of 
                  virtual FAs as discussed in [GMPLS-mig] for integrated model. These 
                  aspects of FA Utilization are equally applicable to augmented model, 
                  with intelligence of FA Utilization implemented at the border node. 
               4.7 Bundling FA-LSP 
                  In augmented model, it is also possible to bundle GMPLS FA-LSPs at 
                  the border nodes. Since IP/MPLS network will only see a bundled link 
                  with TE or IGP attributes, operations on the bundled link, e.g., 
                  adding a new component link, failure of a component link, etc., are 
                  completely transparent to the rest of the network.  
               5. MPLS/GMPLS Interworking aspects 
                  This section outlines some MPLS/GMPLS interworking aspects. 
               5.1 Static vs. signaling triggered dynamic FA-LSPs 
                  From signaling perspective, clearly there are two alternatives in 
                  which setup for GMPLS tunnel can be triggered: Static (pre-
                  configured) and Dynamic (on-demand based on signaling setup request).  
                  Decision to establish new Static GMPLS LSPs are made either by the 
                  operator or automatically (e.g., using features like TE auto-mesh). 
                  In either case, Static FA-LSP are established and advertised prior to 
                  setup of MPLS LSPs using them in the ERO. In case of static FA-LSP, 
                  if MPLS LSP setup request cannot be satisfied by existing Static FA-
                  LSPs, it is rejected.  
                  Dynamic FA-LSP is triggered by MPLS LSP setup request for an MPLS LSP. 
                  Please note that dynamic FA-LSPs can be virtual FAs from routing 
                  perspective. In either case, LSP creation from signaling perspective 
                  is triggered by the MPLS RSVP Path message received at a MPLS/GMPLS 
                  border router.  
                  In the case of Static or Virtual FA-LSPs, the FA may be specified in 
                  an ERO encoded as strict ERO. In the case where FA-LSPs are dynamic 
                  and are not advertised as virtual links in the MPLS TE topology, MPLS 
                  signaling request contains a loose ERO, and GMPLS LSP selection is a 
                  local decision at the border router. In the case of Static or Virtual 
                  FA-LSPs, a signaling request may also be encoded as loose ERO.  
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                  When the border router receives the signaling setup request and 
                  determines that in order for it to expand the loose ERO content, it 
                  needs to create GMPLS FA-LSP. Consequently, it signals a GMPLS LSP 
                  respecting MPLS/GMPLS signaling interworking aspects discussed in 
                  this sections. Once the GMPLS FA-LSP is fully established, the ERO 
                  contents for the MPLS signaling setup request are expanded to use the 
                  GMPLS LSP and signaling setup for the FA-LSP are carried in-band of 
                  the GMPLS LSP. The GMPLS LSP can then also be advertised as an FA-LSP 
                  in MPLS TE topology or an IGP adjacency can be brought up on the 
                  GMPLS LSP. 
               5.2 MPLS/GMPLS LSP Resource Affinity Mapping  
                  In terms of signaling aspects, both MPLS and GMPLS LSPs are signaled 
                  for specific resource class affinities [RFC3209], [RFC3473]. This can 
                  be viewed as "colors". In terms of routing aspects, resource classes 
                  are associated with links and advertised by routing protocol in 
                  IP/MPLS domain [RFC3630] and GMPLS domain, respectively. 
                  A real or virtual GMPLS FA-LSP or a full Routing Adjacency (RA) over 
                  GMPLS LSP can be advertised as TE-links with resource class.  
                  In this case, MPLS routers can select a GMPLS FA/RA that has a 
                  specific color. 
                  If MPLS signaling request contains a loose ERO, and GMPLS LSP 
                  selection is a local decision at the border router. This is possible 
                  for the cases when GMPLS LSP is not advertised into IP/MPLS networks. 
                  In this case, any mapping combination may be defined manually and 
                  dynamically based on some policies at the border router. 
               5.3 MPLS/GMPLS LSP Priority Mapping 
                  In terms of signaling aspects, both MPLS and GMPLS LSPs are signaled 
                  for specific setup and hold priority [RFC3209], [RFC3473], based on 
                  the importance of traffic carried over them. For proper operation of 
                  the network, it is desirable to create/use GMPLS LSPs of specified 
                  setup and hold priority, based on the setup and hold priority of the 
                  MPLS LSPs using them. In terms of routing aspects, unreserved 
                  bandwidth sub-TLV is used for the amount of bandwidth not yet 
                  reserved at each of the eight priority levels in MPLS domain 
                  [RFC3630] and max lsp bandwidth at priority 0-7 in interface 
                  switching capability descriptor sub-TLV is used for the amount of 
                  bandwidth that can be reserved at each of the eight priority levels 
                  in GMPLS domain [GMPLS-ospf-routing].   
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                  In an MPLS/GMPLS interworking, if a GMPLS LSP is advertised into 
                  IP/MPLS networks as an FA/RA, an LSR in the packet network can see it 
                  a TE-link with unreserved bandwidth as advertised by the border 
                  router. In this case, MPLS routers can select links that meet a 
                  bandwidth depending on a priority level. 
                  If MPLS signaling request contains a loose ERO, the GMPLS LSP 
                  selection is a local decision at the border router. This is possible 
                  in the case where GMPLS LSP is not advertised as an FA into IP/MPLS 
                  In this case, following approaches are possible for mapping setup and 
                  hold priority of MPLS LSPs to GMPLS FA-LSPs. These mapping functions 
                  can be applied, either manually or dynamically, depending on some 
                  policies at the border router. 
                  1) Exact Match: In this case setup and hold priority of the GMPLS 
                     FA-LSP is same as setup and hold priority of MPLS LSP using it. 
                     In other words, GMPLS LSP Priority set = MPLS LSP Priority set. 
                  2) Better Priority: In this case GMPLS FA-LSP can be of setup and 
                     hold priority equal better than the MPLS LSP using it. In other 
                     words, GMPLS LSP Priority set <= MPLS LSP Priority set.  
                  3) Dynamic Priority for GMPLS LSP: In this case priority of GMPLS 
                     LSP is dynamically changed based on priority of the MPLS LSPs 
                     using it. In other words, GMPLS LSP Priority set = min (MPLS LSP 
                     Priority set).  
                  4) Any to Any Mapping Matrix: Based on some policies, it is possible 
                     to have an any-to-any mapping for MPLS/GMPLS priority mapping at 
                     the MPLS/GMPLS border router.  
                  5) No Priority Management in GMPLS core: In this simple minded 
                     approach all GMPLS LSPs can be establish with setup and hold 
                     priority of "0", i.e., the GMPLS LSPs are already set as better 
                     match. In this case, priority management is handled purely at 
                     MPLS layer, with GMPLS network providing L1 connectivity without 
                     priority management. 
               5.4 Signaling Protected MPLS LSPs 
                  When MPLS LSPs are protected using MPLS-FRR mechanism [RFC4090] and 
                  it may be desired to signal MPLS LSP such that it uses protected 
                  GMPLS tunnel FA-LSPs. In this section we discuss MPLS/GMPLS 
                  interworking aspect for protected MPLS LSPs.  
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                  In the case of loose ERO, where selection of GMPLS FA-LSP is a left 
                  for the border nodes and "One-to-One backup desired" or "facility 
                  backup desired" flag of the FAST REROUTE object, "Local protection 
                  desired" and/or "bandwidth protection desired" and/or "node 
                  protection desired" flag of the SESSION_ATTRIBUTE object is set, the 
                  border router SHOULD try to map the signaling setup request to a 
                  GMPLS LSP which is protected within GMPLS domain. However, in the 
                  case of strict ERO, the selection of GMPLS FA-LSP is based on the 
                  contents of the ERO and these flags are ignored. 
                  When a GMPLS LSP is advertised as FA or RA in MPLS network, 
                  Protection Capabilities attribute of the Link Protection Type is a 
                  sub-TLV of the Link TLV can be used for selecting GMPLS LSP of 
                  desired protection capability.  
               6. Operational Considerations 
                  In this section, we discuss some operational considerations and pros 
                  and cons associated with the individual options listed in Section 5.3. 
               6.1 Applicability of the Priority Management Options 
                  In section 5.3, various options from exact match to no priority 
                  management in GMPLS network are discussed. This section provides an 
                  applicability of these options.  
                  The benefit of Priority Management in GMPLS Core comes at the cost of 
                  bandwidth fragmentation. E.g., in simplest approach of exact match, 
                  we need at least as many GMPLS LSPs, as there are priority 
                  combination in the network, while the other extreme of no priority 
                  management in GMPLS network does allow full aggregation of MPLS 
                  traffic on GMPLS FAs, i.e. avoids bandwidth fragmentation. If IGP 
                  adjacency is to be established over the GMPLS LSPs, having more GMPLS 
                  LSP leads to more links in the IGP/IP topology. The same is true of 
                  MPLS TE topology with the exception that FA-LSPs can be bundled to 
                  avoid flooding of multiple TE links.  
                  With priority management within GMPLS network, there is a danger of 
                  creating oscillations in the IP/MPLS network using GMPLS. This is 
                  because when a new FA-LSP is established based on a local routing 
                  decision made at the border router; we can have undesirable 
                  preemption affecting MPLS LSPs carried over the GMPLS LSP that is 
                  being preempted. This can have cascading affect leading to 
                  oscillations on the operation of MPLS traffic.  

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               6.2 Applicability of the Signaling Triggered Dynamic FA-LSP  
                  In this section, we discussed applicability of static vs. dynamic FA-
                  LSPs. It is important to realize that we can have FA-LSPs that are 
                  created dynamically based on triggers like configuration, link 
                  utilization level, etc. However, in the context of this document, 
                  such FA-LSPs are considered as static FAs. In this document, the term 
                  dynamic FA-LSPs are used for FA-LSPs that are triggered by RSVP Path 
                  message for MPLS LSP. 
                  Signaling triggered dynamic FA-LSPs are addressing a problem space 
                  where traffic pattern cannot be predicted or objective is to optimize 
                  operations of the network based on actually signaled request rather 
                  than predicted use of the network resource (i.e., off-line traffic 
                  The problem with the use of signaling triggered dynamic FA-LSPs is 
                  that we loose ability to better aggregate the traffic request at the 
                  border routers. This leads to potential cases of bandwidth 
                  fragmentation inside GMPLS core, which has disadvantages discussed in 
                  Section 6.1. Furthermore, signaling triggered dynamic FA-LSPs coupled 
                  with preemption can lead to oscillations in the operation of the 
                  network. This is because when a new FA-LSP is dynamically established 
                  based on a local routing decision made at the border router; we can 
                  have undesirable preemption affecting MPLS LSPs carried over the 
                  GMPLS LSP that is being preempted. This can have cascading affect 
                  leading to oscillations on the operation of MPLS traffic.  
               7. Backward Compatibility Note 
                  The procedure presented in this document is backward compatible with 
                  [RFC3630], [RFC3784], [RFC3209] and [RFC3473].  
               8. Security Considerations 
                  This document does not introduce new security issues. 
               9. Intellectual Property Considerations 
                  The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
                  Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to 
                  pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in 
                  this document or the extent to which any license under such rights 
                  might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has 
                  made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information 

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                        draft-kumaki-ccamp-mpls-gmpls-interworking-02.txt  January 2006 
                  on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be 
                  found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
                  Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any 
                  assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an 
                  attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of 
                  such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this 
                  specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at 
                  The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
                  copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
                  rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement 
                  this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-   
                  The author would like to express the thanks to Arthi Ayyangar for 
                  helpful comments and feedback. 
               11.1 Normative Reference 
                  [RFC3209] "Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels", D. Awduche, et al, 
                  RFC 3209, December 2001. 
                  [RFC3630] Katz, D., Kompella, K. and D. Yeung, "Traffic Engineering 
                  (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2", RFC 3630, September 2003. 
                  [RFC2119] "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", 
                  RFC 2119, S. Bradner, March 1997. 
                  [GMPLS-mig] "IP/MPLS - GMPLS interworking in support of IP/MPLS to 
                  GMPLS migration", draft-oki-ccamp-gmpls-ip-interworking-05.txt, D. 
                  Brungard, et al, February 2005. 
                  [RFC3945] "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) 
                  Architecture",RFC 3945, E. Mannie,October 2004. 
               11.2 Informative Reference 
                  [GMPLS-routing] "Routing Extensions in Support of Generalized Multi-
                  Protocol Label Switching", draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-routing-09.txt 
                  (work in progress), October 2003. 
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                        draft-kumaki-ccamp-mpls-gmpls-interworking-02.txt  January 2006 
                  [GMPLS-ospf-routing] "OSPF Extensions in Support of Generalized 
                  Multi-Protocol Label Switching", draft-ietf-ccamp-ospf-gmpls-
                  extensions-12.txt (work in progress), October 2003. 
                  [RFC2205] "Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1, 
                     Functional Specification", RFC 2205, Braden, et al, September 1997.  
                  [RFC3471] "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) 
                     Signaling Functional Description", RFC 3471, L. Berger, et al, 
                     January 2003. 
                  [RFC3473] "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) 
                     Signaling Resource Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-
                     TE) Extensions", RFC 3473, L. Berger, et al, January 2003.  
                   [RFC4090] "Fast Reroute Extensions to RSVP-TE for LSP Tunnels", RFC     
                   4090, Pan, et al, May 2005. 
               12.Author's Addresses 
                  Kenji Kumaki 
                  KDDI Corporation 
                  Garden Air Tower 
                  Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, 
                  Tokyo 102-8460, JAPAN 
                  E-mail : 
                  Zafar Ali 
                  Cisco systems, Inc., 
                  2000 Innovation Drive        Phone: 613 254 3498 
                  Kanata, Ontario              Email: 
                  Canada K2K 3E8 
                  Tomohiro Otani 
                  KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc.  
                  2-1-15 Ohara Kamifukuoka     Phone:  +81-49-278-7357 
                  Saitama, 356-8502. Japan     Email: 
                  George Swallow 
                  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
                  1414 Massachusetts Ave, 
                  Boxborough, MA 01719 
                  Phone:  +1 978 936 1398 
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                        draft-kumaki-ccamp-mpls-gmpls-interworking-02.txt  January 2006 
                  Mallik Tatipamula 
                  Cisco systems, Inc.,  
                  170 W. Tasman Drive 
                  San Jose, CA 95134           Phone: 408 525 4568 
                  USA.                         Email: 
               13.Full Copyright Statement 
                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). 
                  This document is subject to the rights, licenses 
                  and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth 
                  therein, the authors retain all their rights. 
                  This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 
                  "AS IS" basis and THE CONTRIBUTOR, THE ORGANIZATION HE/SHE 

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