Internet DRAFT - draft-kumaki-murai-pce-pcep-extension-l3vpn


Network Working Group                        
Internet Draft                                            K. Kumaki, Ed.
Intended Status: Experimental                           KDDI Corporation
Expires: March 28, 2016                                         T. Murai
                                        Furukawa Network Solutions Corp.
                                                             T. Miyasaka
                                                        KDDI Corporation
                                                      September 25, 2015

                   PCEP extensions for a BGP/MPLS IP-VPN


   IP Virtual Private Networks (IP-VPNs) allow Service Providers to
   offer customers connectivity between sites across an IP Backbone.
   These VPNs can be supported using BGP/MPLS and the connections can be
   created by using MPLS Traffic Engineered (TE) Label Switched Paths
   (LSPs). The paths of these LSPs must be computed to provide the
   connectivity between customer sites. Path selection may be dependent
   on a variety of factors including traffic engineering constraints
   and bandwidth requirements.

   It is highly desirable for VPN customers to be able to dynamically
   establish their MPLS TE LSPs for interconnectivity between BGP/MPLS
   IP-VPN sites. The Path Computation Element (PCE) can determine the 
   optimal paths of TE LSPs within an MPLS network. This document 
   defines how to extend the PCEP to support the dynamic creation of
   MPLS TE LSPs between BGP/MPLS IP-VPN sites.

Status of this Memo 

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the 
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.  

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that 
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 

   This Internet-Draft will expire on March 28, 2015. 

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   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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   to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into
   languages other than English.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction.................................................3
   2. Problem Statement............................................4
   3. Protocol Extensions and Procedures...........................5
      3.1 Type Definition..........................................5
      3.2 PCE Capabilities.........................................6
      3.2.1 PCReq message Processing at Ingress PE (PCE)...........6
      3.2.2 PCReq message Processing at Egress PE (PCE)............7
      3.2.3 PCRep message Processing at Egress PE (PCE)............7
      3.2.4 PCRep message Processing at Ingress PE (PCE)...........7
   4. Security Considerations......................................8
   5. IANA Considerations..........................................8
   6. References...................................................8
      6.1 Normative References.....................................8
      6.2 Informative References...................................8
   7. Acknowledgments..............................................9
   8. Authors' Addresses...........................................9

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1. Introduction

   [RFC4364] describes how a Service Provider could use an IP backbone
   to provide IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to its customers. Each
   VPN contains at least one Customer Edge (CE) router which is attached
   to a Provider (PE) router. It is possible for CE routers to be
   attached to multiple PE routers. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
   [RFC4271] can be used to exchange VPN route information between the
   PE routers.

   [RFC4655] describes the motivation and architecture for the Path
   Computation Element (PCE). The PCE can be used to compute the routes
   for MPLS and GMPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) Label Switched Paths 
   (LSPs). A path computation request is issued by a Path Computation
   Client (PCC) to the PCE. The communication protocol between PCCs and
   PCEs is called the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol
   (PCEP) and is defined in [RFC5440].

   This document describes experimental mechanisms that use the PCE 
   architecture to establish connectivity between IP/MPLS VPNs. And
   defines extensions to PCEP to support this experimental mechanisms.

   The requirements for establishing connectivity between CE and PE
   sites are defined in [RFC5824]. The extensions to support RSVP-TE
   between customer sites when a single PE supports multiple VPNs are
   experimented in [RFC6882].
   In order to establish a customer MPLS TE LSP over a BGP/MPLS IP-VPN,
   a PCE needs to know the VPNv4/VPNv6 tail-end addresses (source and
   destination) and the addresses for the PEs that provide access to 
   them. Additionally the PCE needs to calculate the route of an 
   end-to-end customer MPLS TE LSP. [RFC5441] describes the Backward 
   Recursive Path Computation (BRPC) technique that could be used to
   compute the route of a customer MPLS TE LSP.

   It is assumed in this experiment that PCE functions are included in
   PE routers that are fully accessible to all PCCs in the VPN. 

   This experiment defines new object types in the PCEP END-POINTS
   object to calculate the end-to-end customer MPLS TE LSP used for 
   BGP/IP-VPNs, and verifies a procedure for the PCEP message 
   processing. The new object types are defined in Section 3.1 and the
   specific procedure is described in Section 3.2.

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2. Problem Statement

   PCEs in the context of BGP/MPLS IP-VPNs are shown in figure 1. Here,
   we make the following set of assumptions.

   1. VPN1 and VPN2 are completely different customers.
   2. C0 and C4 are head-end routers.
   3. C3 and C7 are tail-end routers.
   4. The same address (e.g., is assigned to both C3 and C7.

      <---------------A customer MPLS TE LSP for VPN1----------->

                   (PCE1)                      (PCE2)
   ............                                         ............
   . --   --- .     ---      ---       ---      ---     . ---   -- .
   .|C0| |CE1|-----|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|-----|CE2| |C3|.
   . --   --- .     ---      ---       ---      ---     . ---   -- .
   ............      |                           |      ............
     (VPN1)          |                           |         (VPN1)
                     |                           |
   ............      |                           |      ............
   . --   --- .      |                           |      . ---   -- .
   .|C4| |CE5|-------+                           +-------|CE6| |C7|.
   . --   --- .                                         . ---   -- .
   ............                                         ............
     (VPN2)                                                (VPN2)

      <--------------A customer MPLS TE LSP for VPN2------------>

                     ^                           ^
                     |                           |
                VRF instance                VRF instance

     <--Customer-->  <------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------>      <-Customer->
        network                                           network

            Figure 1 PCEs in the context of BGP/MPLS IP-VPNs

   Consider that customers in VPN1 and VPN2 would like to establish
   customer MPLS TE LSPs between their sites (i.e., between CE0 and
   CE3, and between CE4 and CE7). The following PCEP requests will

      1. C0 send a PCReq message to PCE1 to compute a path for a
         customer MPLS TE LSPs between C0 and C3.

      2. C4 send a PCReq message to PCE1 to compute a path for a
         customer MPLS TE LSPs between C4 and C7.

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   PCE1 (PE1) is able to distinguish to which VPN the received requests
   apply from the interface over which the requests were received. PCE1
   can forward the request to PCE2 having been configured with or 
   discovered the existence and address of PCE2. However, based on the
   PCEP specification defined in [RFC5440] and the fact that the two 
   messages come from the same cooperating PCE (PCE1), PCE2 cannot 
   determine to which VPN the computation requests apply. Therefore,
   PCE2 cannot calculate the requested paths. 

   In order to distinguish between the VPN1 PCReq messages and the VPN2
   PCReq messages, a VPN identifier is required in PCReq messages. This
   identifier can be duplicated into the PCRep messages to achieve 
   symmetry and allow cross-checking.

   This experiment defines a new object type for the END-POINTS object
   to be used to facilitate VPN identification.

3. Protocol Extensions and Procedures

   The new END-POINTS Object-Types for the PCEP request allow the
   PCE to distinguish the VRF instance that is associated with the
   incoming PCEP message.

3.1 Type Definition

   The END-POINTS Object is defined in [RFC5440].

   Two new Object-Types are defined to carry VPN-IPv4 addresses and  
   VPN-IPv6 addresses.

   END-POINTS Object-Type is to be assigned by IANA (recommended
   values: 3 for VPN-IPv4 and 4 for VPN-IPv6)

   The format of the END-POINTS object body for VPN-IPv4 is as follows:

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   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   |               Source VPN-IPv4 address (12 bytes)              |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |              Destination VPN-IPv4 address (12 bytes)          |
   |                                                               |

   The format of the END-POINTS object body for VPN-IPv6 (Object-
   Type=4) is as follows:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                Source VPN-IPv6 address (24 bytes)             |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |              Destination VPN-IPv6 address (24 bytes)          |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |

3.2 PCE Capabilities

   It is assumed that the BGP/MPLS IP-VPN ingress and egress PE routers
   have PCE capabilities. External PCE architectures will require
   further study and will be discussed in future revisions of this

3.2.1 PCReq Message Processing at Ingress PE (PCE)

   When an ingress PE (PCE) receives a PCReq message from a PCC/PCE, it
   can distinguish the VRF instance that is associated with an incoming

      1. The ingress PE processes the destination IPv4/IPv6 address
         in the END-POINTS object as the destination VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6
         address for the VRF instance.

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      2. The destination VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address is looked up in the
         context of VRF instance, and the BGP next-hop for this
         destination is identified.

      3. The destination VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address is then added to
         END-POINTS object consisting of the original destination
         IPv4/IPv6 address in END-POINTS object followed by the 8
         octet Route Distinguisher (RD).

   Note that the RD is specified by the BGP next-hop for the destination
   VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address. The source VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address in
   the new END-POINTS object consists of the original IPv4/IPv6 address
   in END-POINTS object and the RD. Also the RD is used by this ingress
   PE to advertise customer's prefix including the source
   VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address into the VRF instance.

      4. If necessary, the ingress PE will then send the PCReq message
         to next PCE (the egress PE for BGP/MPLS IP-VPNs).

      5. Finally, the ingress PE should replace the incoming END-POINTS
         object from the PCC/PCE into the new END-POINTS object.

3.2.2 PCReq Message Processing at Egress PE (PCE)

   When an egress PE (PCE) receives a PCReq message from an ingress
   PE(PCE), it is able to distinguish the VRF instance from the
   destination VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address in the new END-POINTS object.
   The egress PE will send a PCReq message to next PCE (PE) if needed.

   The egress PE will then remove the RD from the source and the
   destination VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 addresses in the new END-POINTS object
   received from the ingress PE. Finally, the egress PE should store the
   new END-POINTS object for a PCReq message in a VRF instance.

3.2.3 PCRep message Processing at Egress PE (PCE)

   When an egress PE (PCE) receives a PCRep message for a PCReq message
   from a previous PCE (i.e. CE), it will look up the new END-POINTS
   object associated with the PCReq message for the PCRep message.
   The egress PE performs a path computation. Note that the path
   computation procedure itself is out of scope in this document.
   Afterwards, the egress PE adds the new END-POINTS object in a PCRep
   message and sends it to an ingress PE.

3.2.4 PCRep Message Processing at Ingress PE (PCE)

   When an ingress PE (PCE) receives a PCRep message for a PCReq message
   from an egress PE (PCE), it can distinguish a VRF instance from the
   source VPN-IPv4/VPN-IPv6 address in the new END-POINTS object.

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   Therefore, it is now possible to generate a PCRep message to send to
   an appropriate PCC/PCE.

4.  Security Considerations

   This document defines PCEP extensions for BGP/MPLS IP-VPNs. The
   security of the PCE extensions relies on the security of PCEP
   [RFC5440]. It is important that implementations conform to security
   features defined in [RFC5440].

5.  IANA Considerations

   IANA maintains a registry of PCEP parameters. As described in
   Section 3.1 (Type Definition), two Object-Types have been defined.
   IANA is requested to make the following allocations from the
   "PCEP Objects" sub-registry.

   Object-Class   Name        Object-Type           Reference        
        4         END-POINTS  1: IPv4 addresses     [RFC5440]
                              2: IPv6 addresses     [RFC5440]
                              3: VPN-IPv4 addresses [This.I-D]
                              4: VPN-IPv6 addresses [This.I-D]
                           5-15: Unassigned

   The values 3 and 4 are suggested.

6.  References

6.1 Normative References

   [RFC4271]     Rekhter, Y. and Li, T., "A Border Gateway Protocol 4
                 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271, January 2006.

   [RFC5440]     Vasseur, J.-P., et al., "Path Computation Element(PCE)
                 communication Protocol (PCEP) - Version 1", RFC5440,
                 March 2009.

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6.2 Informative References

   [RFC4364]     Rosen, E., Rekhter, Y., "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
                 Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, February 2006.

   [RFC4655]     Farrel, A., Vasseur, J.-P., and Ash, J., "Path
                 Computation Element (PCE) Architecture", RFC 4655,
                 August 2006.

   [RFC5824]     Kumaki, K., Zhang, R., and Kamite, Y., "Requirements 
                 for supporting Customer RSVP and RSVP-TE over a 
                 BGP/MPLS IP-VPN", RFC 5824, April 2010.

   [RFC6882]     Kumaki, K., Murai, T., Matsushima, S., and Jiang, P., 
                 "Support for Resource Reservation Protocol Traffic 
                 Engineering (RSVP-TE) in Layer 3 Virtual Private
                 Networks (L3VPNs)", RFC 6882, March 2013.

   [RFC5441]     Vasseur, J.-P., et al., "A Backward Recursive PCE-
                 based Computation (BRPC) Procedure To Compute Shortest
                 Constrained Inter-domain Traffic Engineering Label
                 Switched Paths", RFC5441, April 2009.

7. Acknowledgments

   The author would like to express thanks to Makoto Nakamura for his
   helpful and useful comments and feedback.

8. Authors' Addresses

   Kenji Kumaki
   KDDI Corporation
   1-20-1 Nishishinjuku
   Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo  160-0023

   Tomoki Murai
   Kanagawa 254-0016, JAPAN

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   Takuya Miyasaka
   KDDI Corporation
   1-20-1 Nishishinjuku
   Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo  160-0023

   Chikara Sasaki
   KDDI Corporation
   1-20-1 Nishishinjuku
   Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo  160-0023
   Peng Jiang
   KDDI Corporation
   1-20-1 Nishishinjuku
   Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo  160-0023