Internet DRAFT - draft-kumar-sfc-nsh-forwarding


Service Function Chaining                                       S. Kumar
Internet-Draft                                                  K. Leung
Intended status: Standards Track                                P. Bosch
Expires: February 20, 2017                            Cisco Systems, Inc
                                                                  D. Lee
                                                              SK Telecom
                                                                R. Manur
                                                             A. Dolganow
                                                                P. Muley
                                                              Nokia Corp
                                                                S. Majee
                                                             F5 Networks
                                                              J. Halpern
                                                         August 19, 2016

               Infrastructure Service Forwarding For NSH


   This draft describes the separation of service forwarding function
   and service delivery function abstractions, along with the mechanics
   of NSH encapsulated packet forwarding with such separation, in SFC

   This separation frees the service functions from making forwarding
   decisions and the necessary control plane integration, thereby
   keeping the service functions simple and focused on service delivery.
   Further, this separation fully contains the forwarding decisions in
   forwarding functions, thereby allowing implementations to enforce
   integrity of the forwarding state carried in NSH which in turn is
   required for correctly forwarding NSH encapsulated packets.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any

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   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on February 20, 2017.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Definition Of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  NSH And Forwarding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  NSH Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  NSH Forwarding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  NSH Forwarding Shortcomings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  SFC Service Forwarding And Service Delivery Separation  . . .   6
     4.1.  Forwarding Function And Service Function Separation . . .   7
     4.2.  NSH Infrastructure Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  Rules For Infrastructure Flag Usage . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.4.  Service Header Integrity Check  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.5.  SF Considerations for Reverse Service Path Packets  . . .  10
     4.6.  SF Considerations for Spontaneous Packets . . . . . . . .  12
   5.  Infrastructure Forwarding Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   6.  Infrastructure Forwarding Advantages  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     10.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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1.  Introduction

   SFC involves steering user or application traffic on a service
   overlay network through a list of ordered service functions before
   forwarding onwards to its destination, in the process servicing the
   traffic as per policies in the service functions as well as the SFC

   NSH is the encapsulation designed to carry SFC specific forwarding
   state as well as metadata relevant to service delivery.  The
   forwarding state in the NSH dictates how to forward the encapsulated
   packet or frame while the metadata aids service delivery by having
   one SFC entity produce it and the other consume it.

   NSH in its current form, as described in [I-D.ietf-sfc-nsh], blurs
   the lines between service delivery and service forwarding.  This
   leads to complexities in SFC deployment and operation as the SFC
   control plane has to deal with a large number of forwarding touch
   points further challenging the scalability of the deployment.
   Requiring forwarding decisions be made in the service functions
   violates operational environment policies due to errors or unintended
   modification of forwarding state by service functions.

   This draft describes the separation of SFC overlay network into a
   service infrastructure overlay and service function overlay, thereby
   clearly demarking the boundaries between the two distinct
   architecture functions.  This allows infrastructure components to
   create and manage the forwarding state as per control plane policy
   while freeing the service functions to focus on service delivery and
   not participate in forwarding decisions.

   This draft further describes the forwarding process in SFC to achieve
   such separation that is not only architecturally clean but is
   friendly to software as well as hardware implementations of SFC
   infrastructure components.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Definition Of Terms

   This document uses some terms defined in SFC architecture
   [I-D.ietf-sfc-architecture] and NSH [I-D.ietf-sfc-nsh] drafts for
   ease of understanding and the reader is advised to refer to those
   documents for up to date and additional information.

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   SFC Infrastructure :  A general term used to refer to, collectively,
       the SFC control plane entity, the classifier, the SFFs.  As used
       freely in the rest of this document, it refers to the
       infrastructure data plane components - classifiers and SFFs.

   Service Infrastructure Overlay :  The overlay network extending
       between SFC infrastructure data plane components.  In particular,
       the overlay network between the SFFs or Classifiers and SFFs

   Service Function Overlay :  The overlay network extending between the
       SFF and SF

3.  NSH And Forwarding

3.1.  NSH Background

   NSH encapsulation is comprised of three parts as specified in
   [I-D.ietf-sfc-nsh]; namely a base header, a service path header and
   one or more context headers predicated on MD-type in the base header.
   The base and service path headers are reproduced in Figure 1 for ease
   of reading.

   1.  The base header provides the structure to NSH with code points to
       signal the payload carried in addition to control bits in the
       form of flags.

   2.  The service path header is the forwarding state carried in NSH
       and consists of a "Service Path ID" (SPI) and a "Service Index"

   3.  The context headers carry the metadata produced or consumed by
       the SFC infrastructure or the service functions.

   Figure 1 reproduces the base and service path headers from
   [I-D.ietf-sfc-nsh], which are relevant to this discussion.

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   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |Ver|O|C|R|R|R|R|R|R|   Length  |    MD Type    | Next Protocol |
   |          Service Path ID (SPI)                | Service Index |

                Figure 1: NSH Base and Service Path Headers

3.2.  NSH Forwarding

   Traffic requiring servicing is forwarded on a network overlay
   constructed using NSH and an outer transport.  The forwarding of
   traffic on this overlay is specified by the NSH.  In particular, NSH
   asserts the following as described in the NSH Actions section of

   1.  Mandates service functions to update the service index (SI).

   2.  Mandates the service function forwarders to make forwarding
       decisions based on the contents in the service path header,
       namely SPI and SI.

   These assertions essentially require the modification of the service
   path header in NSH by the SFs.  The SFs are required to control the
   packet forwarding by making those decisions for the SFFs to use and
   forward NSH encapsulated packets on.

3.3.  NSH Forwarding Shortcomings

   NSH's inability to separate packet forwarding and service delivery
   leads to the following disadvantages.

   o  NSH is based on a model where SFs are fully trusted to maintain
      the integrity of the encapsulation, thereby allowing SFFs to
      forward on the decision made by SFs.  However, this may not be
      acceptable in all network environments.  Strict infrastructure and
      application boundaries in operators' environments essentially
      disallow such a method of packet forwarding.

   o  Since forwarding decisions are made at SFs, including non-
      classifier SFs, by way of SI updates in NSH, the control plane has
      to program the SFs with information to aid such updates.  This
      includes the SI updates corresponding to each SPI the SF belongs
      to.  This approach impacts scalability as the number of SFs are
      significantly greater in number as compared to SFFs in a typical

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   o  Since non-classifier SFs require forwarding information programmed
      as described above and the SFs can be from any vendor or third
      party, with even their own control and management planes in some
      cases, programming SFs and SFC infrastructure leads to increased
      control plane complexity.  This in turn impacts scalability of SFC
      deployment, weakening the SFC architecture.

   o  Since service forwarding is required at the SFFs, which in turn is
      solely based on the SPI and SI fields in the NSH encapsulation
      header, it leaves SFFs vulnerable to forwarding on decisions not
      made by itself.  These decisions are made by SFs as listed in the
      assertions.  If an SF is buggy or compromised or doing incorrect
      manipulation of the service index, it may lead to many issues
      including, packet loop(when SF does not update SI), bypass SF(when
      SF over decrements or increments SI), etc.

   o  Forwarding decisions at SFF cannot be avoided as many use cases
      require that decision to be performed in the SFF, making it
      inconsistent.  For instance, when flows are offloaded to SFF by an
      SF, as described in [I-D.kumar-sfc-offloads] SFF MUST update the
      service path header as the SF will be bypassed.

   o  Inspecting service path header in NSH on the wire, it is not
      possible to determine what service function the packet is
      associated with and where along the path it is at any moment, due
      to the fact that SFs update the SI and hence the Service Path
      Header.  For instance, the SI inside NSH of a packet being
      serviced, points to one SF while inflight from SFF to SF and
      another when it is inflight from that same SF back to SFF.  In
      other words, additional context is required to make such an
      assertion making troubleshooting cumbersome.

4.  SFC Service Forwarding And Service Delivery Separation

   This section describes the separation of the forwarding and service
   delivery functions into separate abstract planes in the context of
   NSH but is generally applicable to the SFC architecture.  Figure 2
   depicts the separation of the service plane into service
   infrastructure and service function overlays.  For the sake of
   simplicity SFC Proxy function is not shown as it is equivalent of an
   NSH aware SF in its handling of NSH encapsulation.  The network
   connectivity between Classifier and SFF or SFFs or SFF and SF(or SFC
   Proxy) can be any network overlay over which NSH encapsulation can be
   transported, such as [I-D.kumar-sfc-nsh-udp-transport].

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                               ( SF )  ( SF ) ( SF )             ^
                                    .    .    .                  |
                                     .   .   .                 Service
                                      .  .  .                  Function
                                       . . .                   Overlay
              +------------+         +------+         +----      |
        net]==| Classifier |==[net]==| SFF  |==[net]==| SFF      |
              +------------+         +------+         +----      v

              <------------Service Infrastructure----------->

                 Figure 2: SFC Network Overlay Separation

4.1.  Forwarding Function And Service Function Separation

   o  We propose the separation of forwarding and servicing planes in
      NSH encapsulation to render the SFC architecture cleanly.  This
      enables forwarding from Classifier to SFF or one SFF to another or
      SFF to SF(or SFC Proxy) to be fully owned and controlled by the
      service chaining infrastructure while service delivery is the sole
      responsibility of SFs.  This allows for scaling the service plane
      independent of the forwarding plane while avoiding forwarding
      conflicts that may otherwise arise.  In other words, SFC
      forwarding is fully controlled by the SFFs and any forwarding-
      state carried in NSH, be in NSH service context header or meta-
      data context header, is fully opaque to the SFs.

   o  We propose the overlay network be separated into infrastructure
      overlay and the service overlays as depicted in Figure 2.
      Infrastructure overlay extends between SFFs or Classifier and SFFs
      while the service overlay extends between SFFs and SFs.

   o  We propose that only the SFFs and Classifiers update the service
      path header.  This restriction limits the forwarding decisions to
      SFC infrastructure components.  These steps make the service path
      header (or SPI and SI) opaque to SFs and immutable as it passes
      through an SF.  Since SFs performing re-classification do so
      within the purview of the SFC control plane, re-classification SFs
      are an exception to maintaining this immutable property and are
      allowed to update the service path header.

   o  We propose the update operation on service index in NSH service
      path header at the SFFs be controlled by the presence of a signal
      or a flag that indicates whether the packet is on the
      Infrastructure overlay or the Service overlay.  Section 4.2

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      describes the allocation specifics in NSH to achieve this, which
      is software as well hardware friendly.

   o  We further propose that SFFs verify the integrity of the service
      path header every time a NSH packet is received from a SF.  A
      simple approach to such verification is described in Section 4.4.

4.2.  NSH Infrastructure Flag

   Figure 3 shows the format of the NSH encapsulation with the I flag in
   the base header.

   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |Ver|O|C|I|R|R|R|R|R|   Length  |    MD Type    | Next Protocol |
   |          Service Path ID                      | Service Index |

         Figure 3: NSH Base and Service Path Header with 'I' Flag

   I Bit:  Infrastructure overlay flag

   I = 1:  Packet or frame is on the infrastructure overlay

   I = 0:  Packet or frame is on the service-function overlay

4.3.  Rules For Infrastructure Flag Usage

   The 'I' flag acts as a discriminator identifying the sender of the
   NSH encapsulated packet as SFC infrastructure component or service
   function.  This becomes essential architecturally, as the same
   interface at a SFF may receive NSH encapsulated packets from both the
   SFC infrastructure components and the service functions.

   The following rules MUST be observed by the SFC components in
   updating the 'I' flag and the service path header in NSH
   encapsulation header.

   1.  Classifier MUST set the 'I' flag to '1' when sending the NSH
       encapsulated packet or frame to the next SFF (or SFF)

   2.  SFF MUST set the 'I' flag to '1' when sending the NSH
       encapsulated packet to the next SFF

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   3.  Classifier and SFF MUST set the 'I' flag to '0' in all other
       circumstances when forwarding NSH encapsulated packet

   4.  SF and SFC Proxy MUST NOT set the I flag

   5.  SFF MUST update the Service Index in NSH only when a packet with
       NSH is received with the 'I' flag set to '0' before making the
       next forwarding decision.

   In addition to the above rules guiding the I flag usage, the
   following constraints must be met.

   o  When more than one classifier exists in the deployment, all
      classifiers MUST adhere to the above rules.

   o  Non-classifier SFs MUST NOT update the NSH service path header

   o  Control plane or static configuration at SFs and SFFs (outside the
      scope of this draft) MUST control the use of I flag and the
      overall behavior described in this draft.  This is recommended as
      the default behavior of SFFs and SFs.

4.4.  Service Header Integrity Check

   The separation of service function and forwarding function
   responsibilities with respect to forwarding state, allows the service
   function forwarders to enforce integrity checks to verify the
   immutable aspect of the service path header.  Implementations are
   recommended to use an appropriate method to verify the integrity of
   the service path header.

   There are many approaches to performing the integrity checks.  Actual
   method is out of scope for this document.  A few methods are briefly
   summarized here as mere examples and implementations must devise
   their own.

   o  Every NSH packet received from a SF, 'I=0' in NSH base header, is
      checked against the three tuple: <SF-Transport-Address, SPI, SI>
      programmed in the SFF, by the control plane, for that SF.  This
      method is simple and works well when a SF appears only once across
      all service paths.

   o  SFFs compute a hash of a n-tuple or a pseudo header and transport
      this hash, as opaque metadata in NSH, through the SFs on a service
      path.  When SFF receives the opaque metadata back, post servicing
      of the packet, re-computes the hash of the same n-tuple and checks
      against the hash received in NSH.  The n-tuple may include inner

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      payload, outer transport, service path header and SFF local data
      among others.  Implementations must determine the n-tuple based on
      the SFC deployment requirements.

   o  SFFs that are stateful, use flow state to record SPI and SIs and
      validate the same when the packet is received back from a SF.
      This works well as long as an SF appears only once in a given SPI.
      If multiple instances of the same SF within the same SPI is
      needed, additional check to protect the SI must be used.

   o  As a generalized approach, control plane programs a mask to be
      applied to the NSH header to select the bits to perform integrity
      checks against.  In the simplest case, the mask represents just
      the service path header.

   These methods do not protect against threats such as packet replay or
   spoofing attacks, which do not violate the integrity of the service
   path header.  These methods protect only against modification of the
   NSH service path header accidentally or otherwise thus ensuring the
   integrity of the same.

4.5.  SF Considerations for Reverse Service Path Packets

   Service functions are essentially applications servicing the traffic
   steered to them over NSH.  Some service functions simply service the
   traffic received, by transmitting every packet along the path, in the
   same direction as received, after servicing it.  Some service
   functions on the other hand, for instance service functions that act
   as proxies, often terminate the TCP flows locally before re-
   originating them towards the ultimate destination.  Termination of a
   TCP flow locally at the SF requires completion of the TCP handshake,
   which further requires responding to the first sign of life packet or
   the TCP SYN packet.

   SFs must be able to generate a NSH payload packet, in response to one
   received from a SFF, that flows in the opposite direction of the
   received payload packet.  These response packets must thus traverse
   the service chain in the reverse direction of the one received from
   the SFF.  However, NSH has provision to carry only one service path
   in the service path header; a SFF cannot convey both the forward and
   the reverse SPIs to the SFs, to enable SFs to use the reverse SPIs in
   such scenarios.  SFs that need to send a packet on the reverse
   service path must thus know how to fill the service path header with
   the correct SPI and SI.  One approach is to have the control plane
   provision such information for SFs to use.  However, this requires
   SFs to integrate with control plane leading to all the issues as
   discussed in Section 3.3.  Moreover, as discussed in this draft, SFs

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   benefit from focusing on service delivery while leaving the service
   forwarding decisions to SFFs.

   This draft requires the service path header to be not updated by non-
   classifier SFs.  In order to enable the SFs to send packets on
   reverse path while not modifying the service path header, we propose
   the SF request the SFF to move the packet to the appropriate service
   path.  This is achieved by the use of the critical flag in NSH Base
   Header and a critical flag in the context header or TLV as shown in
   Figure 4 and Figure 5.

   SF that wants to send a packet on the reverse path MUST insert a new
   CriticalFlags TLV and set the 'C' flag in the NSH Base Header to 1,
   in case of MD Type-2.  The SF MUST set the 'B' flag to 1 to request
   forwarding of the packet on the reverse path.

   SFF that receives a NSH packet with 'B' flag set to 1 in case of MD
   Type-1 or 'C' and 'B' flags set in case of MD Type-2 MUST transition
   the packet to the reverse path associated with the service path in
   the received NSH service path header.  This transitioning involves
   SFF updating the NSH service path header to the right SPI and SI
   based on SFF configuration, policy or state.

   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |R|R|B|R|R|R|R|R| Context Header 1                              |
   |                 Context Header 2                              |
   |                 Context Header 3                              |
   |                 Context Header 4                              |

   B : Backwards Flag;
       SF requests packet to be sent on the reverse service path

          Figure 4: Reverse Path Request Messages with NSH Type-1

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   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     STANDARD CLASS            |1|CriticalFlags|0|0|0|   0x2   |
   |B|                    Reserved                                 |

   B : Backwards Flag;
       SF requests packet to be sent on the reverse service path

          Figure 5: Reverse Path Request Messages with NSH Type-2

4.6.  SF Considerations for Spontaneous Packets

   SFs in most cases process and service NSH packets inline and in
   direction as a response to receiving the NSH packet from a SFF.
   However, some SFs generate packets in the middle of a flow
   spontaneously without receiving any NSH packet from a SFF.  This is
   typical in SFs terminating TCP or proxies that need to act on a timer
   or an internal event.

   In order for SFF to process these spontaneous packets, the SFs MUST
   encapsulate them in NSH, which in turn requires the service path
   header to be filled with the right SPI and SI.

   Stateful SFs MUST cache the service path header in the flow state,
   received in each direction from the SFF, and use the appropriate
   cached service path header in the NSH encapsulation for sending
   spontaneous packets.  SFs MUST treat the service path header as
   opaque metadata while caching or encapsulating with NSH.

   SFs that have no flow-state MUST host a classifier or interact with
   one to obtain the right content for the service path header.

5.  Infrastructure Forwarding Example

                              (SFa)  (SFb)           (SFc)  (SFd)
                                  .     :             :     .
                                   .    :             :    .
                                    .   :             :   .
                                     .  :             :  .
           +-------------+         +------+         +------+
   [net1]==| Classifier1 |==[net]==| SFF1 |==[net]==| SFF2 |==[net2]
           +-------------+         +------+         +------+

          Figure 6: SFC Infrastructure Overlay Separation Example

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   This section outlines a typical packet flow to show the working of
   this behavior through an example SPI1 = SFa@SFF1,SFb@SFF1,SFc@SFF2
   with the topology depicted in Figure 6.

   1.   Packet enters the system via the SFC ingress network (net1)
        reaching the classifier function

   2.   Classifier determines the SPI and SI as part of classification

   3.   Classifier formulates the NSH infrastructure overlay packet,
        sets the 'I' flag among other header updates and forwards it
        onwards to SFF1

   4.   SFF receives the NSH infrastructure overlay packet, skips the
        decrement operation due to I=1, performs a forwarding lookup to
        determine the next-hop

   5.   SFF1 determines SFa as the next-hop, formulates the NSH service
        overlay packet, clears the 'I' flag among other header updates
        and forwards it onwards to SFa

   6.   SFa services the packet by consuming metadata or producing
        metadata and forwards the packet back to SFF1

   7.   SFF1 receives the NSH service overlay packet and decrements the
        SI, due to I=0, before performing a forwarding lookup

   8.   SFF1 determines the next-hop as SFb and the process repeats with
        SFb as before with SFa, with I=0

   9.   SFF1 receives the SFb serviced packet, decrements the SI due to
        I=0 and determines the next-hop to be SFc.  It sets I=1 and
        forwards the packet to SFF2 on NSH infrastructure overlay.

   10.  SFF2 receives the packet from SFF1 and repeats the process
        through SFc similar to the steps for SFa performed by SFF1, by
        setting I=0

   11.  SFF2 receives the SFc serviced packet, decrements the SI due to
        I=0 and determines SPI1 is fully executed and proceeds with
        forwarding on the SFC egress network (net2)

6.  Infrastructure Forwarding Advantages

   The following are some of the benefits of separating the SFC overlay
   into infrastructure overlay and service function overlay.

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   o  Constrains the SFC forwarding decisions to SFFs where it belongs,
      providing meaning to the last 'F' in 'SFF'

   o  Frees the SFs to focus purely on service delivery and avoid
      complexities associated with forwarding decisions

   o  Enables validation of forwarding state carried in NSH, thereby
      maintaining the integrity of the forwarding state used to forward
      the packets along the service path.  This removes issues arising
      from incorrect updates to service path header by SFs, accidentally
      or otherwise

   o  Allows the service index in NSH packet to be always associated
      with the service function as indicated by the service index,
      whether the packet is in transit from SFF to the SF or from SF to
      the SFF

   o  Allows additional security polices to be enforced between the
      infrastructure and the service functions by the network operators

   o  Allows snooping tools or any type of middle boxes to clearly tell
      whether the NSH encapsulated packet is going between SFFs or
      between SFF and SF (without relying on the source and destination
      locators), due to the 'I' flag, which is useful in tracing and
      debugging, especially in cloud deployments

   o  Allows the service chaining control plane to scale independent of
      the number of service functions

7.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Abhijit Patra for his guidance and
   Mike Leske for his review comments.

8.  IANA Considerations

   IANA is requested to allocate a "STANDARD" class from the TLV Class
   registry as already requested in [I-D.kumar-sfc-offloads].

   IANA is requested to allocate TLV type with value 0x2 from the
   STANDARD class TLV registry.  The format of the "CriticalFlags" TLV
   is as defined in this draft, which can further be extended to define
   new flags in other drafts.

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Internet-Draft           NSH Service Forwarding              August 2016

   | TLV# |     Name    |           Description           | Reference  |
   |  2   |   Critical  |  Flags that are critical to SFC |    This    |
   |      |    Flags    |          functionality          |  document  |

                Table 1: New TLV in Standard Class Registry

9.  Security Considerations

   Separating forwarding decisions from service functions allows for
   additional constraints to be enforced by the infrastructure
   controlling the forwarding decisions.  This separation enables
   additional security methods in the infrastructure and does not itself
   mandate any new security considerations.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

              Quinn, P. and U. Elzur, "Network Service Header", draft-
              ietf-sfc-nsh-05 (work in progress), May 2016.

              Surendra, S., Guichard, J., Quinn, P., and J. Halpern,
              "Service Function Simple Offloads", draft-kumar-sfc-
              offloads-02 (work in progress), March 2016.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

10.2.  Informative References

              Halpern, J. and C. Pignataro, "Service Function Chaining
              (SFC) Architecture", draft-ietf-sfc-architecture-11 (work
              in progress), July 2015.

              Surendra, S., Kreeger, L., Majee, S., Haeffner, W., Manur,
              R., and D. Melman, "UDP Transport for Network Service
              Header", draft-kumar-sfc-nsh-udp-transport-02 (work in
              progress), February 2016.

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Authors' Addresses

   Surendra Kumar
   Cisco Systems, Inc
   170 W. Tasman Dr.
   San Jose, CA  95134


   Kent Leung
   Cisco Systems, Inc
   170 W. Tasman Dr.
   San Jose, CA  95134


   Peter Bosch
   Cisco Systems, Inc
   Haarlerbergpark Haarlerbergweg 13-19
   Amesterdam, NOORD-HOLLAND  1101 CH


   Dongkee Lee
   SK Telecom
   9-1 Sunae-dong, Pundang-gu
   Sungnam-si, Kyunggi-do
   South Korea


   Rajeev Manur


Kumar, et al.           Expires February 20, 2017              [Page 16]
Internet-Draft           NSH Service Forwarding              August 2016

   Andrew Dolganow
   Nokia Corp
   Block 750 Dune, #06-06 Chai Chee Road
   Technopark@Chai Chee, Singapore  469004


   Praveen Muley
   Nokia Corp


   Sumandra Majee
   F5 Networks
   90 Rio Robles
   San Jose, CA  95134


   Joel Halpern


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