Internet DRAFT - draft-kuntz-nemo-multihoming-test


NEMO Working Group                                              R. Kuntz
Internet-Draft                                                M. Tsukada
Expires: January 19, 2006                        WIDE at Keio University
                                                                 E. Paik
                                                                T. Ernst
                                                              K. Mitsuya
                                                 WIDE at Keio University
                                                           July 18, 2005

 Evaluating Multiple Mobile Routers and Multiple NEMO-Prefixes in NEMO
                             Basic Support

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   This document describes the tests performed and results obtained with
   multihomed mobile networks managed by NEMO Basic Support.  We have

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   particularly analyzed mobile networks with multiple mobile routers
   and mobile networks with multiple NEMO-Prefixes.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

   2.  Testing Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

   3.  Case (1,1,1): Single MR, Single HA, Single Prefix  . . . . . .  5
     3.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       3.2.1   Using interface preferences  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       3.2.2   Using Multiple Care-of Addresses registration  . . . .  6
     3.3   Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

   4.  Case (1,1,2): Single MR, Single HA, Multiple NEMO-Prefixes . .  7
     4.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       4.2.1   Using interface preferences  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       4.2.2   Using Multiple Care-of Addresses registration  . . . .  8
     4.3   Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8

   5.  Case (1,2,1): Single MR, Multiple HAs, Single NEMO-Prefix  . .  8
     5.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.3   Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9

   6.  Case (1,2,2): Single MR, Multiple HAs, Multiple
       NEMO-Prefixes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     6.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     6.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     6.3   Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

   7.  Case (2,1,1): Multiple MRs, Single HA, Single NEMO-Prefix  . . 11
     7.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     7.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       7.2.1   With both MRs in a foreign network . . . . . . . . . . 13
       7.2.2   With MR2 at home and MR1 in a foreign network  . . . . 14
     7.3   Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

   8.  Case (2,1,2): Multiple MRs, Single HA, Multiple
       NEMO-Prefixes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     8.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     8.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       8.2.1   With both MRs in a foreign network . . . . . . . . . . 17
       8.2.2   With MR2 at home and MR1 in a foreign network  . . . . 18
     8.3   Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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   9.  Case (2,2,1): Multiple MRs, Multiple HAs, Single
       NEMO-Prefix  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     9.1   Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     9.2   Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     9.3   Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

   10.   Case (2,2,2): Multiple MRs, Multiple HAs, Multiple
         NEMO-Prefixes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     10.1  Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     10.2  Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     10.3  Potential problems and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

   11.   Conclusions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

   12.   Changes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     12.1  Changes from version 01 to 02  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     12.2  Changes from version 00 to 01  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

   13.   References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

       Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

       Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . 26

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1.  Introduction

   In this document we study the support of multihoming in the NEMO [12]
   context.  We present the results of tests performed on NEMO Basic
   support [8] with multihoming configurations.  We discuss the
   potential problems that may prevent to combine multihoming with NEMO
   Basic Support.  We also make some recommendations to solve issues in
   case of mobile router failures.

   Our tests follow the spirit of the analysis of multihoming in NEMO
   described in [3] [19].  The terminology used is this memo is defined
   in [9] and [2] whereas the multihomed configurations are classified
   according to the taxonomy defined in [3].

   We first give a short description of our testbed and implementations
   used before describing our tests on distinct configurations,
   following the same order of the classification defined in [3].  Some
   configurations remain to be tested.

2.  Testing Environment

   The multihoming tests were performed on the indoor testbed of the
   Nautilus6 Project [10].  The indoor testbed allows us to test
   protocols under development.  It is composed of two mobile routers
   and two home agents, each running NEMO Basic Support on NetBSD 1.6.2
   or Debian GNU/Linux with kernel  Several LFNs are located in
   each mobile network.  Additionaly, the mobile routers can
   periodically change their point of attachment to the Internet thanks
   to an emulator that allows to switch between the mobile router's home
   network and four foreign networks.

   At the moment, three NEMO Basic Support implementations are freely

   o  SHISA [15] is an implementation for *BSD Operating Systems of
      Mobile IPv6 and NEMO Basic Support developed in WIDE project [14].
      SHISA supports mobile node, home agent, correspondent node and
      DHAAD, and also various extensions such as NEMO Basic Support [8]
      (in implicit and explicit mode) and multiple care-of addresses
      registration [4].

   o  NEPL (NEMO Platform for Linux) [16] is a NEMO implementation for
      Linux based on MIPL2 [17].  It has been developed by Go-Core
      project at the Helsinki University of Technology [17] in
      cooperation with Nautilus6 [10].  It aims to be RFC3963 [8]
      compliant, it supports both implicit and explicit mode signaling,
      and DHAAD.

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   o  ATLANTIS [13] is an implementation of NEMO Basic Support based on
      draft-03 of NEMO Basic Support [8].  Developed by Nautilus6, it is
      presented as an extension of KAME MIPv6 implementation [11] for
      NetBSD 1.6.1.  It supports MR and HA functionalities and both
      explicit and implicit modes.  The HA supports both modes at once
      and the MR switches their mode by configuration.  It also supports
      DHAAD and IPSec protection between HA and MR.

   Please note that each of these implementations are still work in

   In the tests presented in this document, we used both SHISA and NEPL.
   Those implementations are currently under progress.  However we
   confirm that communication between MRs works well.  Nested mobility
   is also working: first nested level of VMN and VMR can communicate
   with other internet nodes.  We also have successfully tested
   interoperability between those implementations [18].  The case
   (1,1,1) presented below describes a little bit further each
   implementation capabilities.

3.  Case (1,1,1): Single MR, Single HA, Single Prefix

   We are interested in multihomed mobile networks advertising multiple
   NEMO-prefixes, but this case is a good scenario to test each
   implementation capabilities.

3.1  Scenario

                      CN|_|---|  _   _____
                              |-|_|-|     |
                                 _  |     |
         _  |   p1  __        |-|_|-|     |-|
        |_|-|  <-  |  |-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-
            |------|  |             |     | |-|_|-|
            |      |__|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |

        LFN         MR          ARs Internet  HA  Home Network

               (1,1,1) Simple Mobile Network

   The MR has two egress interfaces and advertises one NEMO-Prefix on
   its ingress interface to the mobile network.  The MR has only one
   home address and can either use an interface preference mechanism to
   bind either CoA1 or CoA2 to this HoA at the home agent, or use

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   multiple care-of addresses (MCoA) registration [4] to bind both
   care-of addresses to its home address at the home agent.  The HA acts
   as the default gateway on the home link.

3.2  Results

3.2.1  Using interface preferences

   The MR uses only one egress interface at the same time.  We can put a
   preference on each interface.  The mobile router uses the available
   interface which has the highest preference, and binds its care-of
   address to its home address at the home agent.  If the running
   interface fails, then another interface can be automatically chosen
   and the binding updated at the home agent, transparently for all the
   communications coming from or going through the MR.

   In this test, both egress interfaces are connected to a foreign
   network.  If the mobile router supports interface preferences
   mechanism, then it can recover when the active interface fails by
   using the other interface.  The mobile router sends a binding update
   via the newly activated interface to bind its new CoA to the MR's HoA
   at the home agent.  Both HA and MR updates the tunnel endpoints, the
   interface change is done transparently for both the MR and LFN's

3.2.2  Using Multiple Care-of Addresses registration

   With MCoA registration [4], the MR can bind each interface's CoA to
   the same HoA at the home agent.  A binding identifier (BID) is
   defined for each CoA, the MR can then send each flow (defined by
   policies such as protocol, ports, destination address etc.) to one
   specific interface according to its BID.  With MCoA registration, the
   MR can get benefit from multiple paths to the Internet, such as load
   sharing, load balancing, and failure recovery.

   In this test, both egress interfaces are connected to a foreign
   network.  If both the mobile router and its home agent support MCoA
   registration, then the mobile network can recover from an interface
   failure on the MR: if the mobile router and the home agent can
   dynamically adapt the flow policies, the other active interface can
   be used to send all the flows that were sent to the failed interface.

3.3  Conclusion

   On a multihomed mobile router, interface preference mechanisms or
   multiple care-of addresses registration can be used to recover from
   an interface failure.  MCoA registration allows to get full benefits
   of the multiple paths to the Internet.

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   At the moment, only SHISA on BSD operating systems implements
   interface preferences mechanisms and MCoA registration.  Those
   features are still under development on NEPL for Linux operating
   system.  As all (1,*,*) tests require at least interface preference
   mechanisms, only SHISA will be used for (1,*,*) tests, but both SHISA
   and NEPL will be used for (2,*,*) tests.

4.  Case (1,1,2): Single MR, Single HA, Multiple NEMO-Prefixes

4.1  Scenario

                      CN|_|---|  _   _____
                              |-|_|-|     |
                                 _  |     |
         _  |   p1  __        |-|_|-|     |-|
        |_|-|  <-  |  |-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-
            |------|  |             |     | |-|_|-|
            |  <-  |__|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |
                p2            |-|_|-|_____|

        LFN         MR          ARs Internet  HA  Home Network

               (1,1,2) Multihomed Mobile Network

   The MR has two egress interfaces and advertises two different NEMO-
   Prefixes on its ingress interface(s) to the mobile network.  The MR
   has only one home address.  In this test, we can expect to register
   both NEMO-prefixes for one care-of address at a time (using interface
   preferences) at the home agent, or, if we use MCoA registration, to
   register both NEMO-Prefixes for both care-of addresses at the same
   time at the home agent.  The HA acts as the default gateway on the
   home link.

4.2  Results

4.2.1  Using interface preferences

   The MR uses only one egress interface at the same time and registers
   the CoA it uses at the home agent.  Both MNPs are registered with a
   single BU for one CoA.

   As for the (1,1,1) case, the MR can recover if the active interface
   fails by using the other interface.  In that case the MR sends a BU
   with both MNPs to bind the CoA of the newly activated interface to
   the MR's HoA at the home agent.

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   Two MNPs are advertised inside the mobile network.  The LFNs can
   configure two IPv6 addresses from these prefixes, and are reachable
   via both addresses.  The mobile router only use one interface as the
   same time, and binds both MNPs to the same care-of address.  Thus, as
   long as one egress interface is usable on the MR, all LFNs are
   reachable at both addresses.

4.2.2  Using Multiple Care-of Addresses registration

   The MR binds each interface's CoA to the same HoA at the home agent
   thanks to MCoA registration.

   In this test, we have defined some simple policies as followed: the
   mobile router sends all traffic with source address built from MNP p1
   to one interface, and all traffic with source address built from MNP
   p2 to the other interface.  We have defined the same policies on the
   home agent for the destination address of the packets.  In that case
   each class of traffic uses a different MR-HA tunnel.  If one of the
   MR's egress interface fails, the mobile router and the home agent
   need to dynamically adapt the policies to redirect some traffic from
   the failed interface to the other active one.

4.3  Potential problems and solutions

   If we bind more than one care-of address to the same home address at
   the home agent (with MCoA registration), we need to select which path
   to use for each flow.  This can be done with policies defined by the
   user of the mobile router, or using profile management as described
   in [20].

   If one of the MR's egress interface fails, the MR and the HA must be
   able to dynamically adapt its routing policies to redirect all the
   traffic from the failed interface to another active one.

   Two MNPs are advertised on the mobile network.  The LFNs can
   configure two addresses and have to choose one of them when they
   initiate a communication with a correspondent.  No ingress filtering
   issues should happen if the MR and the HA are properly configured to
   route the traffic from both MNPs.

5.  Case (1,2,1): Single MR, Multiple HAs, Single NEMO-Prefix

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5.1  Scenario

                      CN|_|---|  _   _____
                              |-|_|-|     |
                                 _  |     |
         _  |   p1  __        |-|_|-|     |-|        _
        |_|-|  <-  |  |-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-|1|
            |------|  |             |     | |-|_|-|  _
            |      |__|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |-|2|

        LFN         MR          ARs Internet  AR Home Network with 2 HAs

               (1,2,1) Multihomed Mobile Network

   The MR has two egress interfaces and advertises one NEMO-Prefix on
   its ingress interface to the mobile network.  Registering the same
   MNP to two different home agents raises an issue: each HA has to
   advertise a route to the MNP, which is a problem if each HA is in a
   different domain.  In this test we configure both HAs on the same
   home link.  They do not act as a gateway to the Internet.  We can
   have several scenario:

   o  The MR has two home addresses, and registers each one on a
      different home agent, with the same MNP.

   o  The MR has one HoA, two CoAs (but only registers one at the same
      time), registers the same HoA/CoA to each HA, and use the
      interface preference mechanism.

   o  The MR has one HoA, two CoAs and registers HoA/CoA1/CoA2 to each
      home agent (thanks to MCoA registration).

5.2  Results

   At the moment the MR cannot register to multiple home agents that are
   on the same home link.  Thus we cannot test any of the scenario
   described previously.  This will be for a later session, when
   implementation will allow that.

5.3  Potential problems and solutions

   We can at least raise the following issues that may happen in such
   case.  In the case of multiple home addresses, how the mobile router

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   would choose it when initiating communications?  This problem would
   be the same on a host operating Mobile IPv6 and is also discussed in
   [7].  Also, as only one MNP is registered by the MR on two different
   home agents, two different routes to the MNP are available, via two
   home agents.

   However the benefits we can get from such topology are interesting:

   o  Home agent redundancy.  If one HA fails, the other one can relay
      the failed one.  We can also use bicasting via both HAs.

   o  Tunnel redundancy.  If one of the MR's interface loses its
      connectivity, the other one could be used transparently for the
      ongoing communications.

6.  Case (1,2,2): Single MR, Multiple HAs, Multiple NEMO-Prefixes

6.1  Scenario

                         _                  |  _
                      CN|_|---|  _   _____  |-|1|-|
                              |-|_|-|     |-|     |-
                                 _  |     |
         _  |   p1  __        |-|_|-|     |-|
        |_|-|  <-  |  |-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-
            |------|  |             |     | |-|2|-|
            |  <-  |__|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |
                p2            |-|_|-|_____|

        LFN         MR          ARs Internet  HAs Home Network

               (1,2,2) Multihomed Mobile Network

   The MR has two egress interfaces and advertises two NEMO-Prefixes on
   its ingress interface(s) to the mobile network.  Each home agent are
   in in a different network.  Both MRs' interfaces are in a foreign
   network.  The MR has two home addresses and registers one HoA and one
   MNP per home agent.  The LFNs can configure two IPv6 addresses, one
   from each MNP advertised in the mobile network.  Each HA acts as the
   default gateway on its home link.

6.2  Results

   Each MR's egress interface has one HoA/CoA/MNP registered to one HA.
   If one of the MR's egress interface fails, both the MR and LFNs are

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   not reachable anymore to the address built from the prefix that is
   related to this interface.  If the MR does not redirect the flow from
   the failed egress interface to the other one, the LFNs'
   communications are broken and LFNs cannot reach the Internet anymore
   if they use the address built from the prefix associated to the
   failed interface as source address.

6.3  Potential problems and solutions

   Two MNPs are advertised in the mobile network, thus LFNs can be
   multihomed.  All packets go through one MR, so ingress filtering
   should not happen on the MR side.  If the MR always sends the packets
   to the home agent which is related to the prefix that the source
   address is built from, no ingress filtering should happen on the HA

   However, in case of failures and to keep transparency for the LFNs,
   The MR could redirect the packets to another active interface.  In
   such a case, ingress filtering can occur at the home agent, which may
   drop packets with a source address different from what it is allowed
   to receive from the MR.  Also, redirecting the packets from one
   interface to another would only recover one way of the
   communications, as the other way would still take the path via the
   failed interface.  The MR could then move the tunnel endpoint from
   the failed interface to the active one: the active interface would
   have to manage two home addresses, and two tunnels to two different
   home agents.

   In case of MR's interface failure, the LFN may have to change the
   source address it uses to send its datas.  If so, all ongoing
   communications would be reset as TCP connections cannot survive to IP
   address change.

7.  Case (2,1,1): Multiple MRs, Single HA, Single NEMO-Prefix

7.1  Scenario

   We will first test with both MRs in foreign networks:

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                       CN|_|---|  _   _____
                               |-|_|-|     |
                                  _  |     |
            | <-p1  ___        |-|_|-|     |-|
         _  |------|_1_|-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-
        |_|-|       ___              |     | |-|_|-|
            |------|_2_|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |
              <-p1             |-|_|-|_____|

        LFN         MRs          ARs Internet  HA  Home Network

                 (2,1,1) Multihomed Mobile Network
                    both MRs in foreign networks

   Each MR (MR1 and MR2) has one egress interface and advertises the
   same NEMO-Prefix p1 on the mobile network.  When the HA receives a BU
   with a MNP that is already in binding cache from another MR, it
   creates a new entry in the binding cache.  The home agent thus has
   two binding cache entries: one for HoA1/CoA1/p1, and one for HoA2/
   CoA2/p1.  The HA acts as the default gateway on the home link.


   o  The LFN's default router can be either MR1 or MR2.

   o  The HA can forward packets to the MNP via either MR1 or MR2.

   o  In the implementations we use (on Linux and on BSD), in the case
      several MRs register the same MNP to the home agent, the home
      agent always selects the first MR that registered to forward
      packet to the MNP.

   o  The LFN's routers list contains both MRs.  Once its default router
      is selected, the LFN will then always use it unless its default
      router is not reachable anymore.

   We will then test with one MR in a foreign network, and the second MR
   at home.  The mobile router that is at home does not register to its
   home agent:

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                       CN|_|---|  _   _____
                               |-|_|-|     |
                                  _  |     |
            | <-p1  ___        |-|_|-|     |-|
         _  |------|_1_|-CoA1--|     |_____| |  _  |
        |_|-|       ___                      |-|_|-|

        LFN         MRs          ARs Internet  HA  Home Network

                  (2,1,1) Multihomed Mobile Network
                 MR2 at home, MR1 in foreign network


   o  The LFN's default router can be either MR1 or MR2.

   o  The HA can forward packets to MNP via either MR1 or MR2.

7.2  Results

7.2.1  With both MRs in a foreign network

   The LFN's default router is MR1 and HA forwards packets to the mobile
   network via MR1.

   If MR1's egress interface fails, the home agent is able to route
   packets to the MNP via MR2.  Once the binding cache entry and the
   routes relative to MR1 are deleted on the home agent, it is able to
   choose the other MR to reach the mobile network.  If the
   implementation or the operating system cannot handle multiple routes
   to the same MNP, the HA may have to wait to receive a BU from MR2 to
   build a new route to the MNP.  As the LFN still uses MR1 as default
   router, it cannot reach the Internet.  In our case we configured MR1
   to start sending router advertisements with a lifetime set to 0, to
   force the LFN to choose another default router.

   If MR1's ingress fails, the LFN is able to change its default router,
   but the home agent may still use the failed MR as entry point of the
   mobile network.

   If we shutdown MR1, or if both ingress and egress interfaces fails,
   the HA chooses MR2 to forward packets to the mobile network (once the

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   binding cache entry and the routes relative to MR1 have been deleted)
   and the LFNs choose MR2 as default router.  In this scenario, we can
   get a stable configuration without any manual operations.

   If LFN's default router is MR1 and HA forwards packets to the mobile
   network via MR2, the path for the communication between a CN and a
   LFN is asymmetrical, but it does not bring any new issues to the
   previous cases.

7.2.2  With MR2 at home and MR1 in a foreign network

   We have first tested with a static route installed on the HA to the
   MNP via the MR that is at home.  According to the implementation, the
   static route is preferred to the route installed by the mobility
   daemon via the MR that is in foreign network, or the contrary.  This
   can raise several issues: if the static route is preferred, then if
   the MR that is at home fails, the MR in foreign network will never be
   used by the home agent as an entry point to the mobile network,
   unless we manually delete the static route on the home agent.  If the
   route installed by the mobility daemon is preferred, then the mobile
   router that is at home will never be used as an entry point to the
   mobile network.

   We then have tested using a routing protocol (RIPNG using the ZEBRA
   routing software) between the MR that is at home and the home agent.
   In that case, on both operating systems, the home agent prefers a
   route installed by the mobility daemon rather than a route installed
   by ZEBRA from RIPNG announces.  Then, the mobile router that is in
   foreign network is always used as an entry point to the mobile
   network by the home agent.  However, if that MR fails, the route
   installed from RIPNG announces is used and the mobile network can
   still be reachable by correspondents.

   We then modified ZEBRA in order that the home agent prefers a route
   installed from RIPNG announces rather than from the mobility daemon.
   In that case, all the traffic to the mobile network is sent through
   the MR that is in its home network.  If this MR fails, it takes some
   time before the HA uses the route installed by the mobility daemon:
   with RIPNG, routes are considered as expired once 180 seconds elapse
   from the last time the timeout was initialized.  Then the route entry
   is still present in the routing table during 120 seconds with a
   metric set to 16 (infinity).

   On the LFN side, it could be useful that it chooses the MR that is at
   home as default router.  The MR in foreign network could advertise RA
   with a lifetime set to 0 or use ICMP redirects as long as the other
   MR is at home and alive.  This would need some cooperation protocol
   between MRs.

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7.3  Potential problems and solutions

   Regarding to these tests, we can discuss about:

   o  A mechanism for the LFN to change quickly its default router in
      case of egress interface failure on it.

   o  A mechanism for the LFN to change its default router to keep a
      symmetric path between CNs and LFNs.  It means that when one of
      the MR fails, LFN must be able to switch to the MR that will be
      chosen by the home agent to forward packets to the mobile network.
      It requires a mechanism between HA and MR and between MR and LFN.

   o  A mechanism for the MR to deregister quickly towards its home
      agent when the MR notices a failure.  For example a Negative
      Binding Update via another MR when its egress interface fails, or
      a de-registration BU only for some prefixes when one of the
      ingress interfaces fails.  The reference [3] gives some clue.

   o  When the MR is at home, the use of a dynamic routing protocol
      between MR and HA instead of static routes on the HA, so the home
      agent's routing table will be dynamically updated in case of
      failure on the MR side.  However our configurations does not
      support the case when the MR that is at home and uses a dynamic
      routing protocol moves in a foreign network.  For that purpose,
      the NEMO Basic Support specification [8] describes the support of
      dynamic routing protocols between a MR and its HA.  But as we
      currently don't have such feature implemented, we could not test

   o  A mechanism for the HA to choose a MR which is at home instead of
      the one that is in a foreign network, if the topology allows this
      choice.  The solution depends on NEMO Basic Support and route
      selection implementations.  However, always choosing the MR that
      is at home might not be the best solution.  Some metrics could
      help to choose the best path to the mobile network.

   o  A mechanism for the MR that is in a foreign network to deregister
      its NEMO-prefix if it knows that at least one another MR is at
      home, and register again when it learns that no MRs are at home
      anymore.  A coordination mechanism between MRs could help this

   o  The LFN may also prefer to choose the MR that is at home as exit
      router.  Cooperation between MRs or between the MR and the LFN
      would help.

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   o  One solution could be to use virtual home network in case of
      multiple MRs.  The reference [6] gives some clues in section 7,
      and explains advantages and drawbacks of such a solution.

8.  Case (2,1,2): Multiple MRs, Single HA, Multiple NEMO-Prefixes

8.1  Scenario

                       CN|_|---|  _   _____
                               |-|_|-|     |
                                  _  |     |
            | <-p1  ___        |-|_|-|     |-|
         _  |------|_1_|-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-
        |_|-|       ___              |     | |-|_|-|
            |------|_2_|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |
              <-p2             |-|_|-|_____|

        LFN         MRs          ARs Internet  HA  Home Network

               (2,1,2) Multihomed Mobile Network

   Each MR (MR1 and MR2) has one egress interface and advertises
   different NEMO-Prefixes p1 and p2 on the mobile network.  The home
   agent has two binding cache entries: one for HoA1/CoA1/p1, and one
   for HoA2/CoA2/p2.  The HA acts as the default gateway on the home


   o  The LFN's default router can be either MR1 or MR2.

   o  The HA will forward packets to MR1 and MR2 according to the NEMO-
      prefix registered in the binding cache for each MR.

   o  There are two different prefixes advertised in the mobile network.
      The LFNs can configure two IPv6 global addresses: one for each
      prefix advertised, and are reachable via these two addresses.

   o  A CN can reach the LFN via its two IPv6 addresses, but the path is
      different whether which address is used to reach the LFN.

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8.2  Results

8.2.1  With both MRs in a foreign network

   First, the LFN uses the address built from the MNP p1 advertised by
   MR1 as source address, and uses MR1 as default router.  If a CN
   communicates with the LFN using its address built from the MNP p1 as
   destination address, the communication is symmetric.  But if a CN
   communicates with the LFN using its address built from the MNP p2 as
   destination address, the communication path is asymmetrical.  Ingress
   filtering can occur on MR1 if it does not allow to forward packets
   whose source address is not built from the MNP p1.

   When the ingress or egress interface fails on MR2:

   o  If a CN communicates with the LFN with its address built from the
      MNP p1, the communication does not stop, because both sides of the
      communications go through MR1.

   o  If a CN communicates with the LFN with its address built from the
      MNP p2, the CN cannot reach the LFN but the LFN can still reach
      the CN as it uses MR1 as default router.

   One way for the CN to reach the LFN is to change the destination
   address, but the CN must be aware that the LFN is reachable via two
   addresses, and address change would break all ongoing TCP

   Another way is that the HA forwards all packets via the HA-MR1
   tunnel.  For this idea, the HA must be aware that MR1 and MR2 belong
   to the same mobile network.  The HA must also be aware when one of
   MR2's interface fails: if MR2's egress interface fails, the binding
   cache entry on the HA will be deleted when its lifetime expires.  But
   the HA has currently no way to know	when MR2's ingress interface

   When the ingress interface fails on MR1:

   o  The LFN does not receive router advertisement anymore from MR1, so
      its default router will change to MR2.  The address built from the
      MNP p1 becomes deprecated and the one built from the MNP p2 is
      preferred.  The LFN is then able to reach the internet, but as the
      source address changed, all ongoing TCP communications break.

   o  The CN cannot reach the LFN on its address built from the MNP p1,
      but can reach it on its address built from the MNP p2 as soon as
      the LFN changed its default router to MR2.

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   o  If MR1's ingress interface recovers, MR2 is still the LFN's
      default router.  The communication may be asymmetrical if the LFN
      uses the newly address built from the MNP p1 as source address.

   If MR1's egress interface fails, the LFN cannot be aware of the
   failure and will go on using MR1 as default router.  Thus the LFN is
   not reachable anymore to any of its	addresses.  One solution could be
   that MR1 advertises RA with a lifetime set to 0 or to send ICMP
   redirects to force the LFN to change its default router.  Then LFN
   could be at least reachable on its address built from the prefix
   advertised by MR2.

   Now, the LFN uses the address built from the MNP p1 advertised by MR1
   as source address, and uses MR2 as default router.

   o  If MR2's ingress interface fails, the LFN will switch its default
      router to MR1.  The LFN will not be reachable at its address built
      from the prefix advertised by MR2, but will be reachable on the
      one built from the prefix advertised by MR1.

   o  If MR2's egress interface fails, the LFN will not be reachable at
      any of its addresses.  This case is similar to one above.

   o  If MR1's ingress or egress interface fails, the LFN will still be
      reachable at its address built from the MNP p2 but not at the one
      built from the MNP p1.

8.2.2  With MR2 at home and MR1 in a foreign network

   Behavior will be basically the same as above, because instead of
   having two different entries in the binding cache and two routes
   towards a MR-HA tunnel, the home agent will have one entry in binding
   cache for MR1 that is in foreign network, one route to the MNP p1
   towards the MR1-HA tunnel, and one route to the MNP p2 via MR2
   created by a dynamic routing protocol.  A mechanism for the home
   agent and the LFN to prefer the MR that is at home could be useful,
   as discussed in section 7.3.  The mechanisms to reduce the MRs'
   failures seen in the case (2,1,1) can also apply here.

8.3  Potential problems and solutions

   The LFN may use the address built from one of the prefix as a source
   address and use the MR that advertises the other prefix as default
   router.  In this case we do not have ingress filtering issues on the
   HA because packets from the LFN are encapsulated by the MR and
   forwarded to the HA, and we only have one home agent for both MRs.
   However ingress filtering may happen on the mobile router if it

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   filters the packets whose addresses are built from a prefix the MR is
   not configured to serve.

   Communications between a LFN and a CN can be asymmetrical in some
   cases, regarding to the LFN's default router and the address it uses
   to communicate with a CN.

   In case of one of the MR failure, if the home agent knows that both
   NEMO-prefixes are for the same mobile network, it can use the other
   MR to reach the mobile network.  MR1 could advertise to the HA the
   NEMO-prefix that MR2 advertised (and conversely), so the HA would
   have two binding cache entries and routes for the same prefixes, and
   would be able to use a similar solution than for the (2,1,1) case.

   With some policy mechanisms, the LFN could send packets with source
   address built from the MNP p1 to MR1, and packets with source address
   built from the MNP p2 to MR2.  This could avoid ingress filtering
   issues at the MR and the LFN could always reach or be reachable to
   one of its address if one of the MR's interface fails.

   In any cases, as raised in [3], section 4.3, if the LFN changes its
   source address it used to send packets, ongoing transport sessions
   without multihoming capabilities (such as TCP) are terminated.

9.  Case (2,2,1): Multiple MRs, Multiple HAs, Single NEMO-Prefix

9.1  Scenario

                      CN|_|---|  _   _____
                              |-|_|-|     |
                                 _  |     |
           | <-p1  ___        |-|_|-|     |-|        _
        _  |------|_1_|-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-|1|
       |_|-|       ___              |     | |-|_|-|  _
           |------|_2_|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |-|2|
             <-p1             |-|_|-|_____|

       LFN         MRs          ARs Internet  AR Home Network with 2 HAs

               (2,2,1) Multihomed Mobile Network

   Each MR (MR1 and MR2) has one egress interface and advertises the
   same NEMO-Prefix p1 on the mobile network.  Registering the same MNP
   to two different home agents raise one issue: each HA has to
   advertise a route to the MNP, which is a problem if each HA is in a

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   different domain.  In this test we configure both HAs on the same
   home link.  They do not act as a gateway to the Internet.  Both HAs
   advertise a route to the MNP thanks to a dynamic routing protocol.
   The access router on the home link can then build a route to the MNP
   via one of the home agent.

9.2  Results

   If one of the MR's egress interface fails, the HA where the MR is
   registered will delete the corresponding binding cache entry once its
   lifetime has expired, and remove the route installed by the mobility
   daemon.  As the HA is configured to announce kernel routes with the
   dynamic routing protocol, the route to the MNP will not be announced
   anymore.  The AR will be able to change its default route to the MNP
   via the other HA if needed.  Thus the mobile network will still be
   reachable.  However, the LFN's default router may be the MR whose
   egress interface failed.  The failed MR should then advertise RA with
   a lifetime set to 0 or send ICMP redirects when it detects a failure
   on its egress interface.

   If one of the MR's ingress interface fails, the LFN will be able to
   choose the other MR as default router if needed.  However, if all the
   traffic to the MNP is forwarded by the access router to the HA whose
   MR's ingress interface has failed, the mobile network will be
   unreachable from the Internet.  So, the MR whose ingress interface
   has failed should deregister to its HA (at least as mobile router,
   but it can still act as a mobile host).  The HA would thus delete the
   route to the MNP via the MR, and the same mechanism as above could

   If one MR is in its home network, and the other MR is in a foreign
   network, it may be better that all traffic goes through the MR that
   is at home.  Both HAs will have a route to the same MNP:

   o  Both HAs will have a route built from the dynamic routing protocol
      running between the HA and the MR that is at home.

   o  One HA will also have a route built by the mobility daemon for the
      MR that is in a foreign network.

   If the HA that has both routes prefers the route built by the dynamic
   routing protocol to the one built by the mobility daemon, then
   whatever the AR chooses as next hop to the MNP, all traffic will go
   through the MR that is at home.

9.3  Potential problems and solutions

   How do the both home agents will delegate the same prefix to

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   different MRs?  This is a prefix delegation issue.  If we delegate a
   prefix to different MRs manually, they will face a problem when the
   MRs are split into different mobile networks.

10.  Case (2,2,2): Multiple MRs, Multiple HAs, Multiple NEMO-Prefixes

10.1  Scenario

                          _                  |  _
                       CN|_|---|  _   _____  |-|1|-|
                               |-|_|-|     |-|     |-
                                  _  |     |
            | <-p1  ___        |-|_|-|     |-|
         _  |------|_1_|-CoA1--|     |     | |  _  |-
        |_|-|       ___              |     | |-|2|-|
            |------|_2_|-CoA2--|  _  |     |       |
              <-p2             |-|_|-|_____|

        LFN         MRs          ARs Internet  HAs  Home Networks

               (2,2,2) Multihomed Mobile Network

   Each MR (MR1 and MR2) has one egress interface and advertises a
   different NEMO-Prefix on the mobile network.  They register to a
   different home agent.  Each home agent acts as the default gateway on
   its home link.

10.2  Results

   If each MR takes care of one prefix, and registers to a different HA,
   there is nothing to add about the problems we can face if we have
   ingress or egress interface failures on one MR.  However, solutions
   to the problem are more complex since there are two HAs: for
   instance, one MR may have problem to register the other MR's MNP to
   the other HA (as suggested in section 8.3) due to access control and
   security issues.

   As raised in [3], if one MR takes care of more than one prefix,
   problems issued from this configuration can be decomposed into
   problems from others cases, especially (2,1,2).

10.3  Potential problems and solutions

   As raised in [3] section 4.3, when the two tunnels between MRs and
   HAs end at different home agents, and each HA registers a different
   NEMO-Prefix, ingress filtering may occur at the HA.  According to [8]

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   section 9, the HA must check whether the source address of the inner
   IPv6 header is a topologically correct address with respect to the
   IPv6 prefixes used in the mobile network.  A solution to this problem
   could be source address switching on the LFN or nested tunnels, as
   described in [3] appendix B.

11.  Conclusions

   This document investigates the issues for practical deployment of
   NEMO basic support.  It focuses on technical issues as well as
   implementation issues from multiple MRs, multiple HAs and multiple
   MNPs topologies.  The tests we performed are work in progress.  We
   are testing other cases and check if additional issues appear with
   the topologies presented in this document.

12.  Changes

12.1  Changes from version 01 to 02

   Added test cases (1,1,1), (1,1,2), (1,2,2), (2,2,1).

   Updated test cases (1,2,1), (2,1,1), (2,1,2), (2,2,2).

   Some tests now support Multiple Care-of Addresses registration.

   Updated References list.

12.2  Changes from version 00 to 01

   Editorial changes

   Added some text about existing NEMO Basic Support implementations.

   Updated References list.

13.  References

   [1]   Ernst, T., "Network Mobility Support Goals and Requirements",
         draft-ietf-nemo-requirements-04 (work in progress),
         February 2005.

   [2]   Ernst, T. and H. Lach, "Network Mobility Support Terminology",
         draft-ietf-nemo-terminology-03 (work in progress),
         February 2005.

   [3]   Ernst, T., "Analysis of Multihoming in Network Mobility
         Support", draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-02 (work in
         progress), February 2005.

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   [4]   Wakikawa, R., "Multiple Care-of Addresses Registration",
         draft-wakikawa-mobileip-multiplecoa-04 (work in progress),
         June 2005.

   [5]   Ernst, T., "Goals and Benefits of Multihoming",
         draft-ernst-generic-goals-and-benefits-01 (work in progress),
         February 2005.

   [6]   Thubert, P., Wakikawa, R., and V. Devarapalli, "NEMO Home
         Network models", draft-ietf-nemo-home-network-models-04 (work
         in progress), June 2005.

   [7]   Montavont, N., Wakikawa, R., and T. Ernst, "Analysis of
         Multihoming in Mobile IPv6",
         draft-montavont-mobileip-multihoming-pb-statement-04 (work in
         progress), June 2005.

   [8]   Devarapalli, V., Wakikawa, R., Petrescu, A., and P. Thubert,
         "Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support Protocol", RFC 3963,
         January 2005.

   [9]   Manner, J. and M. Kojo, "Mobility Related Terminology",
         RFC 3753, June 2004.

   [10]  WIDE, "The Nautilus6 Project", URL,
         July 2005.

   [11]  WIDE, "The KAME Project", URL, July 2005.

   [12]  IETF, "The NEMO Working Group",
         July 2005.

   [13]  Mitsuya, K., "Nautilus6 NEMO Basic Support implementation",
         July 2004.

   [14]  WIDE, "The WIDE Project", URL,
         July 2005.

   [15]  WIDE, "SHISA, an implementation of MIPv6/NEMO",
         URL, July 2005.

   [16]  Go-Core and Nautilus6, "NEPL, NEMO Platform for Linux",
         URL, July 2005.

   [17]  Go-Core, "MIPL, Mobile IPv6 for Linux",

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         URL, July 2005.

   [18]  Kuntz, R., "NEMO Basic Support implementation tests at the 6th
         IPv6 TAHI Interoperability Test Event", Interoperability tests
         tc-nemo-tahi-interop-20050207-KuntzR.txt, January 2005.

   [19]  Ernst, T. and J. Charbon, "Multihoming with NEMO Basic
         Support", Proceedings First International Conference on Mobile
         Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU), January 2004.

   [20]  Lucian, S., Bonnin, J-M., Guillouard, K., and B. Stevant,
         "Towards a Highly Adaptable User-Centric Terminal
         Architecture", Proceedings 7th International Symposium on
         Wireless Personal Multimedia Communication (WPMC04),
         September 2004.

Authors' Addresses

   Romain Kuntz
   WIDE at Keio University
   Jun Murai Lab., Keio University.
   K-square Town Campus, 1488-8 Ogura, Saiwa-Ku
   Kawasaki, Kanagawa  212-0054

   Phone: +81-44-580-1600
   Fax:   +81-44-580-1437

   Manabu Tsukada
   WIDE at Keio University
   Jun Murai Lab., Keio University.
   K-square Town Campus, 1488-8 Ogura, Saiwa-Ku
   Kawasaki, Kanagawa  212-0054

   Phone: +81-44-580-1600
   Fax:   +81-44-580-1437

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Internet-Draft       Multiple MRs and Multiple MNPs            July 2005

   Eun Kyoung Paik
   Portable Internet Team, Convergence Lab., KT
   17 Woomyeon-dong, Seocho-gu
   Seoul  137-792

   Phone: +82-2-526-5233
   Fax:   +82-2-526-5200

   Ernst Thierry
   WIDE at Keio University
   Jun Murai Lab., Keio University.
   K-square Town Campus, 1488-8 Ogura, Saiwa-Ku
   Kawasaki, Kanagawa  212-0054

   Phone: +81-44-580-1600
   Fax:   +81-44-580-1437

   Koshiro Mitsuya
   WIDE at Keio University
   Jun Murai Lab., Keio University.
   K-square Town Campus, 1488-8 Ogura, Saiwa-Ku
   Kawasaki, Kanagawa  212-0054

   Phone: +81-44-580-1600
   Fax:   +81-44-580-1437

Kuntz, et al.           Expires January 19, 2006               [Page 25]
Internet-Draft       Multiple MRs and Multiple MNPs            July 2005

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