Internet DRAFT - draft-kuthan-info-payload


Internet Engineering Task Force                              Jiri Kuthan
Internet Draft                                              MCI WorldCom
October 17, 1999
Expires: April 2000

         Sample Uses of SIP INFO with Varying Reliability Needs

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1].

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

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   This memo describes SIP applications that have a need for mid-
   session signaling and use the SIP INFO method for this purpose. In
   particular, attention is paid to the applicationsÆ needs for
   reliable in-order delivery and mechanisms to accomplish it.

1 Introduction

   Session Initiation Protocol [1] is used to establish and terminate
   multimedia sessions in a transaction oriented manner. However, there
   are still applications with a need for mid-session signaling. This
   need is addressed by the SIP INFO [2] method, which establishes a
   mechanism for exchanging signaling information during an existing
   session.  The application specific data are encoded as MIME type [3]
   elements in the INFO requests. This Internet Draft describes
   applications, which may make use of the SIP INFO mechanism and
   suggests payload MIME types for them. This document also describes
   how the individual applications may handle packet loss and delay.

2 Sample Uses

   This section shows applications that may make use of the INFO
   method, suggests MIME types to be used by them  and discusses their
   reliability needs.

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2.1 DTMF Applications

   Transport of DTMF signaling is of great importance since there is a
   large existing base of DTMF applications. Transport over RTP has
   been proposed in [4]. Its reliability mechanism is based on
   redundancy. This may be critical for applications with a strong need
   for reliability especially if bursty loss occurs. Consider a phone
   banking application for example. After a user is asked by an IVR to
   enter an amount to be transferred she types the digits
   consecutively. If the IVR does not receive one of the DTMF digits or
   the digit order changes due to out-of-order delivery, the
   transaction may result in an unpredictable money transfer. Thus, a
   reliable transport channel is desired. Using SIP INFO method with
   underlying SIP reliability and ensuring in-order delivery (see the
   next section) makes DTMF signaling resilient to unreliable packet
   delivery even under bursty loss.

2.1.1 MIME Types

   Registering MGCP [5] or Megaco packages [6] as MIME types and using
   them for transport of DTMF tones (among others) features a text
   format which may be easily processed by gateway controllers. Using
   the binary format described in [4] is also possible but requires the
   gateway controllers to support it in addition to its native format.
   The text format will also make coupling with applications running on
   text-oriented operating systems easier.

2.1.2 Request Example

   In this example scenario a user is sending DTMF tones indicating an
   amount after having been prompted for by a phone banking IVR. The
   numbers are sent as a block in this case but they could also be sent
   individually. The number sequence "8726" is terminated by a pound
   tone lasting 2 seconds. MGCP encoding is used.
   INFO SIP/2.0
   Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
   From: A. Bell <>
   To: National Banana Bank <>
   CSeq: 2 INFO
   Subject: Money Transfer By Wire
   Content-Type: application/mgcp
   Content-Length: 75

   NTFY 123456 MGCP  1.0
   O: D/8, D/7, D/2, D/6, D/#, D/L
2.2 Human-readable Text Applications

   In many cases it may be useful to supply a session party with
   additional textual information that relates to the current session.
   These may include charging information (e.g. "available minutes"
   announcement,  "last minute" warning, advice of charge, OSP [7]

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   messages), IVR messages in text for deaf users, user short messages
   (e.g. "check our web-page while being transferred", advertising),

2.2.1 MIME Types

   Text/* (e.g. Text/Plain, Text/Html, etc.)

2.2.2 Request Example

   This example illustrates the use of SIP INFO for transporting
   textual charging information. A charged party is being informed that
   its call credit will expire soon.
   INFO SIP/2.0
   Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
   From: A. Bell <>
   To: National Banana Bank <>
   CSeq: 2 INFO
   Subject: Money Transfer By Wire
   Content-Type: text/plain
   Content-Length: 31

   Your credit is about to expire.
2.3 Transported GSTN Signaling

   If a GSTN call is routed over a SIP network its native mid-session
   signaling may need to be transported in an INFO request. For
   example, an ISDN Info packet carrying Advice of Charge may be
   encapsulated in a SIP INFO request.

2.3.1 MIME Type

   See [8] for a definition of application/ISUP MIME type

2.4 Multipart Messages

   In some cases it may be useful to send multiple MIME messages in a
   single payload. For example, advice of charge may be sent in plain
   text as well as in HTML and its native GSTN format. Multipart MIME
   messages will be used for this purpose.

2.4.1 MIME Type


3 Out-of-order (O-o-O) Delivery

   Applications that use the SIP INFO method to perform mid-session
   signaling may suffer from packet loss and out-of-order delivery if
   an unreliable transport protocol like UDP is used. Currently, SIP
   handles packet loss by retransmission but does not address out-of-

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   order delivery since the current SIP message set is idempotent. An
   idempotent message arriving out-of-order may be processed
   immediately regardless of delay or even loss of preceding messages.
   If the preceding messages do arrive later they can be discarded.
   This is different with the INFO requests since applications using
   this method may require in-order delivery of a complete request
   sequence. The case is illustrated in the aforementioned phone-
   banking example where the out-of-order delivery of signaling
   information may result in a transfer of an incorrect amount.
   Mechanisms addressing this issue are discussed in the following
   text. Which of the mechanisms will be used depends on the
   applications since they may have different reliability requirements.

3.1  The Trivial Case: No O-o-O Delivery Handling

   Applications that do not need in-order delivery or use the INFO
   method to transport idempotent payload need no additional treatment.
   An example is notifying a caller of current total call charges. Such
   a notification is idempotent and the message with the highest
   sequence number completely overrides the meaning of all previous
   messages, regardless if they were received or not.

3.2  Buffering

   If the messages encapsulated in the INFO requests are not idempotent
   and in-order delivery is required, buffering may be used. A
   requirement is put on the receiverÆs SIP API to delay processing of
   out-of-order INFO requests with the same content type until all
   preceding requests arrive. Processing of any other requests remains
   unaffected. The following example illustrates step-by-step what
   happens if some messages get lost:

   1) A receiver instructs its SIP API to delay processing of out-of-
      order INFO requests of a given content type.
   2) A sender sends a re-invitation R1 and two INFO messages I1 and I2
      of the given content type.
   3) R1 and I1 get lost but I2 reaches the receiver. The receiver
      replies and buffers the I2 and awaits preceding packets.
   4) A timeout expires at the sender and it resends R1.
   5) The receiver processes R1. I2 is still buffered.
   6) A timeout expires at the sender and it resends I1.
   7) The receiver receives I1 and starts processing it. When finished,
      it starts processing I2.

   Note that the retransmission delay may be slightly reduced if the
   sender retransmits after having received an out-of-order reply.

3.3  Re-sending Transmission Window (RTW)

   With buffering out-of-order packets (see above) a receiver may
   experience a higher delay if retransmission occurs. If a continuous
   stream of INFO messages is sent the retransmission penalty may be
   reduced be sending the content of all unacknowledged INFO requests
   (i.e. the transmission window) along with each INFO request. To

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   enable the receiver to interpret such INFO messages the payloads
   must include a sequence number indicating the position of the
   transmission window in the message stream. This mechanism is
   illustrated in the following DTMF/MGCP example:

   1) The sender sends the first digit (8). The application-specific
      sequence number is set to zero initially. INFO payload looks like

   NTFY 0 MGCP  1.0
   O: D/8

   2) The first packet gets lost.
   3) The sender generates next digit (7). Because the first digit has
      not been replied it sends a concatenation of the first digit and
      the second one. Note that the MGCP sequence number does not
      change because it indicates the position of the first digit in

   NTFY 0 MGCP  1.0
   O: D/8, D/7

   3) The receiver gets the second packet and sends a reply.

   4) The sender receives the reply and generates a new digit (2)
   again. The MGCP sequence number is increased to two to indicate the
   position of the transmitted digit in the digit stream.

   NTFY 2 MGCP  1.0
   O: D/2

   Note that the message size grows with the number of "messages in
   pipe". Thus, this mechanism is useful for applications that generate
   rather short payloads so that the recommended size of SIP messages
   [1, Section 3] will not be exceeded.

3.4  Applying the Right Mechanism

   Which of the proposed mechanisms is used depends on the
   applications. They may even use a completely different mechanism for
   reliable in-order delivery. However the buffering technique is the
   most likely one to be adopted by typical applications. It provides
   reliable in-order delivery and there is no danger of packet size
   overflow like with the "Re-sending Transmission Window" (RTW)

   The RTW technique may be preferred by applications that assume a
   continuous stream of short messages and need minimum delay. Under
   these conditions they will utilize the advantage of RTW: The
   incoming packets are processed immediately regardless whether they
   arrived in-order or not and no packets have to be buffered. If the
   message stream is not continuous the delay will increase from the
   sending rate to the retransmission period.

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   For instance, usage of the RTW seems to be reasonable for the
   aforementioned DTMF application. On the other hand the text
   application will use the buffering technique because the suggested
   text formats have no sequence numbers needed for RTW.

4 Glossary of Used Abbreviations

   MIME   Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
   HTML   Hypertext Markup Language
   GSTN   General Switched Telephone Network
   SIP    Session Initiation Protocol
   ISUP   ISDN User Part
   UDP    User Datagram Protocol
   DTMF   Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
   RTP    Real-time Transport Protocol
   IVR    Interactive Voice Response
   OSP    Open Settlement Protocol

5 References

   [1]    M. Handley, H. Schulzrinne, E. Schooler and J. Rosenberg:
   "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 2543, March 1999

   [2]    S. Donovan, M. Cannon: "The SIP INFO Method", Internet draft
   (draft-ietf-mmusic-sip-info-method-01), IETF, June 1999. Work in

   [3]    N. Freed, N. Borenstein: "Multipurpose Internet Mail
   Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, IETF, November

   [4]    H. Schulzrinne, S. Petrack: "RTP Payload for DTMF Digits,
   Telephony Tones and Telephony Signals", Internet draft (draft-ietf-
   avt-tones-01), IETF, June 1999. Work in progress.

   [5]    M. Arango, A. Dugan, I. Elliott, C. Huitema,  S. Pickett:
   "Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), Version 1.0", RFC 2705,
   IETF, October 1999.

   [6]    Klaus Hoffmann, Klaus Pulverer, Peter Blatherwick, Bob Bell,
   Markku Korpi, Tom Taylor, Richard Bach, and Christian Ruppelt:
   "Megaco/H.248 Generic Packages", Internet draft (draft-ietf-megaco-
   basicpkg-00), IETF, September 1999, Work in progress.

   [7]    ETSI-Tiphon: "Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) for Inter-Domain
   pricing, authorization and usage exchange", V 1.4.3, TS 101 321,
   October 1999.

   [8]    E. Zimmerer, A. Vemuri: "The SIP ISUP/MIME Type", Internet
   draft (draft-zimmerer-mmusic-sip-isup-mime-00), IETF, August 1999.
   Work in progress.

6 Author's Address

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   Jiri Kuthan
   MCI WorldCom
   2400 N. Glenville Dr.
   Richardson, TX 75082

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