Internet DRAFT - draft-kutscher-icnrg-rice


ICNRG                                                            M. Krol
Internet-Draft                                 University College London
Intended status: Experimental                                   K. Habak
Expires: April 4, 2019                   Georgia Institute of Technology
                                                                 D. Oran
                                       Network Systems Research & Design
                                                             D. Kutscher
                                                               I. Psaras
                                               University College London
                                                        October 01, 2018

                    Remote Method Invocation in ICN


   Information Centric Networking has been proposed as a new network
   layer for the Internet, capable of encompassing the full range of
   networking facilities provided by the current IP architecture.  In
   addition to the obvious content-fetching use cases which have been
   the subject of a large body of work, ICN has also shown promise as a
   substrate to effectively support remote computation, both pure
   functional programming (as exemplified by Named Function Networking)
   and more general remote invocation models such as RPC and web
   transactions.  Providing a unified remote computation capability in
   ICN presents some unique challenges, among which are timer
   management, client authorization, and binding to state held by
   servers, while maintaining the advantages of ICN protocol designs
   like CCN and NDN.  This document specifies a unified approach to
   remote method invocation in ICN that exploits the attractive ICN
   properties of name-based routing, receiver-driven flow and congestion
   control, flow balance, and object-oriented security while presenting
   a natural programming model to the application developer.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any

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   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 4, 2019.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2018 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology and Design Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  Design Goals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.  Thunks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2.  Naming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.3.  Handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     3.4.  Shared Secret Derivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     3.5.  Client Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     3.6.  Input Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     3.7.  Dynamic Content Retrieval Using Thunks  . . . . . . . . .  11
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

1.  Introduction

   Much of today's network traffic consists of data sent for processing
   to the cloud and web-servers exchanging high volumes of dynamically
   generated content.  While today's ICN networks can deal efficiently
   with static data delivery, they have difficulty handling service/
   function invocation [MOISEENKO2014].  In view of these limitations,
   multiple works have recently tried to extend ICN's capabilities to
   deal with dynamic content.

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   Notable among these efforts, Named Function Networking (NFN)
   [TSCHUDIN2014NAMED] and Named Function as a Service (NFaaS) [NFAAS]
   extend ICN's named data access model to a remote function invocation
   capability, enabling consumers to request the network to execute
   functions remotely.  In NFN \cite{tschudin2014named}, for instance,
   function invocation corresponds to independent computational
   processes, evaluated as expressions in a functional programming

   ICN provides several attractive benefits compared to remote
   invocation over current network protocol stacks (e.g.  CORBA, RESTful
   HTTP [REST].  Name-based routing allows the network to optimise the
   placement of computations with automatic load distribution and
   failure resiliency.  The built-in object-based security of ICN frees
   application designers from the need to craft custom solutions in the
   common cases where channel security alone is insufficient.  Short-
   term caching brings latency benefits under transient error conditions
   and mobility events, while long-term caching can substantially reduce
   server load for referentially transparent computations.

   There have been several approaches for integrating computation with
   ICN.  However, when using them to realize real-world applications
   like web-style interactions, several additional aspects beyond the
   fundamental Named Function invocation concept need to be addressed:

   o  Consumer authentication and authorization: a producer should not
      blindly answer any consumer request.  In basic ICN, this
      protection is provided by cryptographic data object integrity and
      encryption, i.e., only authorized consumers are able to decrypt a
      received data object.  In a Named Function Networking environment,
      the computation may be an expensive operation, so just relying on
      encryption and performing computations without validating consumer
      authorization may critically impede scalability of the whole

   o  Parameter passing: Remote function execution typically requires a
      set of input parameters/arguments.  In dynamic web content
      creation for example, the volume of such parameters (in bytes) can
      easily surpass the volume of the actual returned data objects
      {{MOISEENKO2014}.  Adding larger sets of parameters to Interest
      messages can introduce additional unsolicited traffic in ICN
      networks that could interfere with congestion control.

   o  Accommodating non-trivial computations: Unlike responding to an
      Interest message with a (possibly pre-generated) static Data
      message, constructing responses by performing general computations
      (that could in turn invoke further remote computations) may take
      relatively long.  In CCN/NDN, forwarders keep Interest state for

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      matching received Data messages.  The design and dimensioning of
      Pending Interest Tables (PITs) is typically based on the
      assumption that corresponding Data messages are received in a time
      frame that is based on typical network RTTs (e.g., order of 10s or
      100s of milliseconds for wide-area networks).  PIT state is,
      therefore, short-lived by design.  As a result, Application
      Timescales can differ significantly from Network Timescales, which
      must be considered by a general purpose function invocation

   RICE aims to overcome these three limitations by enhancing the ICN
   model with function-oriented capabilities while preserving the core
   architectural and protocol design elements of ICN networks.  RICE is
   a general-purpose network-layer framework and can be applied to any
   named-function networking context.  Its main features are:

   o  a secure, 4-way handshake for ICN networks in order to achieve
      shared secret derivation, consumer authentication and parameter

   o  the concept of thunks [THUNKS] from the programming language
      literature to decouple method invocation from the return of
      results to enable long-running computations.  The thunk is used to
      name the results for retrieval purposes.

   The ultimate goal of the RICE framework is to enable in-network
   function execution with client authentication and non-trivial
   parameter passing, to support cases where computation takes longer
   than PIT expiry time.  RICE achieves this goal by decoupling
   application processing time from PIT timers and network RTT.  We
   argue that this is a necessary feature of any name-based remote
   function invocation scheme, where computation is accommodated in
   distributed compute spots in local or wide area networks at the core
   or edge of the network.  The mechanisms we propose follow ICN
   principles and require minimal and short-lived additional network

   More rationale, a comparison with related work, and an evaluation of
   the RICE approach is provided in [RICE2018].

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119, BCP 14
   [RFC2119] and indicate requirement levels for compliant RICE

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2.  Terminology and Design Overview

   RICE is as a general Remote Method Invocation (RMI) service -
   providing a robust and secure basis for a wide range of applications
   and in-network computation scenarios, including scenarios where
   method invocation requires a significant amount of input data and
   involves computations that take significantly longer than a network
   RTT to complete.

   RICE is independent of any particular function execution environment.
   RICE provides all the required ICN protocol mechanisms and
   conventions for clients and servers and can serve as an underlying
   platform to support frameworks such as NFN and NFaaS (as well as any
   other in-network compute framework that utilises core ICN
   principles).  In the description of RICE we use the following

   Consumer:  ICN protocol entity that is sending an Interest message

   Producer:  ICN protocol entity that is sending a Data message,
      replying to a received Interest message

   Client:  RICE protocol user that wants to request a remote method

   Server:  RICE protocol user that is processing and answering the
      remote method invocation request (this may be a logical entity
      that is represented by more than one ICN protocol entity)

2.1.  Design Goals

   The RICE protocol is based on the following design goals:

   Decouple application time scale from network time scale:  RICE does
      not map remote method invocation directly to one Interest/Data
      exchange for the reasons discussed above.  We want clients to
      request remote method invocation from a server without changing
      the network behavior with respect to Pending Interest management.

   Support client authorization:  A RICE server should be able to
      authorize clients before committing resources such as state,
      processing power etc.  A server that blindly accepts any RMI
      request opens itself to computational and/or memory overload
      attacks.  This also implies that the authorization mechanisms must
      be designed so that performing authorization itself does not
      overload servers and open a vulnerability to computational

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   Support non-trivial method invocation with arbitrarily complex
   parameter sets

   Be robust and ICN-friendly to a mix of RICE and non-RICE traffic:  we
      want RICE to coexist seamlessly in existing ICN networks, e.g., it
      should adhere to the same flow balance principles.  The main
      consequence is that we do not transmit RMI parameters in Interest

   Support non-trivial, long-running computations with large amounts of
   result data

   Support session-like interactions, where a client and a server use a
   sequence of exchanges:
      RICE result data should be chunkable, and it should also be
      possible to retrieve result data that is generated over time, for
      example in multiple invocations in the same "session".

   Allow ICN caching for referentially transparent method invocations:
      ICN generally supports location-independent data access and
      opportunistic caching.  In RICE, we want to support referentially
      transparent functions efficiently, i.e., function expressions that
      can be replaced with the result of the actual function execution.
      In other words, RICE is able to cache the result from such
      function invocations and enables the network to answer subsequent
      Interest messages from caches.  Since not all functions are
      referentially transparent (some functions may depend on other data
      from the environment that is not specified in arguments), our
      framework distinguishes between functions that are referentially
      transparent and those that are not.

   Adhere to ICN principles:  RICE should not give up important ICN
      principles, such as flow balance, implicit support for consumer
      mobility, consumer anonymity (no source addresses).  This last
      property is worth mentioning, because some ICN extensions/
      applications rely on the fact that one end of an interaction would
      provide a globally routable "source" address to the other end to
      achieve "callback" behavior or generally enable bidirectional
      communication.  Since such schemes would expose client identity
      information to the network (and to peers), we deem this approach
      an unacceptable deviation from ICN principles.  Client identities
      should be exposed only to the application layer.  Other forms of
      identifiers that help the network for maintaining reverse
      forwarding state to clients should be designed so that they do not
      expose clients' identities.

   Be compatible with ICN extension mechanisms:  Some recent proposed
      extensions make benign changes to ICN forwarding behavior (without

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      compromising general interoperability).  One example would be fast
      forwarding information updates using technique such as Map-ME
      [MAPME].  RICE should be designed to work with such extensions.
      In this particular case, this means that RICE should support
      client and server mobility in a Map-ME-enhanced network.

   Make minimal changes to ICN protocols and forwarder behavior:  We
      want to allow for some changes to ICN forwarder behavior, but
      these should be limited and designed so that they do not
      complicate forwarder implementations or impair their performance.

   The general guideline for achieving these goals is to prioritize
   robustness, security and scalability over absolute efficiency (with
   respect to number of handshakes and message exchanges), while still
   arriving at a design with reasonable efficiency.

3.  Protocol

   Remote Method Invocation (RMI) operations in RICE are split in two
   ICN interaction phases: 1) RMI Initiation (eventually triggering the
   remote method execution), and 2) the Result Retrieval.  The RMI
   Initiation phase is designed to complete in Network Timescale (on the
   order of a few RTTs), whereas the remote method execution is
   decoupled from that and can take as long as required.  The Result
   Retrieval phase can consist of several ICN Interest-Data exchanges
   (for chunked results or for computations that generate results

3.1.  Thunks

   RMI Initiation and Result Retrieval are somehow decoupled from each
   other.  The RMI Initiation generates a 'Thunk' name, i.e., a handler
   that the client can use later to retrieve the RMI result (or status)
   from the server.  'Thunk' thus represents the computation process at
   the server.

   The RMI Initiation and the actual RMI invocation (and results)
   delivery do not necessarily have to take place on the same ICN node.
   For example, a RICE server could accept an RMI request, perform the
   Initiation and then delegate the actual computation to a backend
   server.  For that, it would generate a Thunk name that the client can
   use to reach that backend server (or to obtain the corresponding
   result, generally speaking).

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3.2.  Naming

   RICE relies on a generic naming scheme for remote method invocation.
   We distinguish between 'Method Names' and 'Thunk Names'.  A function
   name identifies a method requested by a client that can be executed
   by any server able to perform the computations.  In contrast, a thunk
   name identifies a specific method instance already being run on a
   specific node.

   When a client initially requests the invocation of a referentially
   transparent method, the name in the Interest MUST unambiguously
   specify both the invoked method and the set of input parameters.  The
   method part can be system-specific (\e.g., lambda-expressions in
   [TSCHUDIN2014NAMED] or expressed as a hierarchical name structure as
   in [NFAAS]}), but MUST unambiguously identify the method to invoke.

   The input parameters can be represented directly when very small in
   size (e.g., username, number of iterations to perform), or as a hash
   when larger.  (The choice of the actual hashing method can be left to
   the application.)

   For referentially opaque methods, the result can be different even
   when using the same input parameters.  Every invocation (either from
   the same client or from other clients) MUST lead to a new computation
   instance.  Therefore, Interests for triggering referentially opaque
   method invocations MUST use a unique name for each invocation, while
   Interest retransmissions from the same client MUST use the same name.

   This prevents the network from aggregating the corresponding
   Interests and limits cached responses to only answer retransmitted
   interests from a individual consumer.  To achieve this, the client
   MUST include a name component that distinguishes its request from
   those generated by other clients.  This component MUST be chosen by
   the client such that other nodes cannot predict the value.  (Using
   predictable information (e.g., a MAC address) opens an additional
   attack surface and can leak client's sensitive information.)

   The thunk name MUST unambiguously identify the server's forwarder,
   the instantiated method and the method's internal state (i.e., input
   parameters, chunk number).  In that way, when the client uses the
   thunk name in consecutive requests, the Interest can be forwarded to
   the correct server and dispatched to the application possessing the
   associated result data.  With thunk names, we do not need to
   distinguish between names for referentially transparent and opaque
   methods.  They unambiguously identify a handler to a method execution
   instance, and it is up to the server to return the same or different
   handlers to multiple clients.

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3.3.  Handshake

   RICE uses a 4-way handshake which serves the purposes of 1) deriving
   a shared secret, 2) authenticating and authorizing clients, and 3)
   providing input parameters to methods.

   A client starts a 4-way handshake by sending an Interest message I1
   towards a server.  Similarly to the TCP SYN flag, the message
   contains an additional TLV Handshake field (this description assumes
   NDN [NDN] implementation of ICN).

   The field contains an identifier that is chosen by the client and
   distinguishes among different handshakes.  Upon receipt of the
   Interest, each forwarder creates a corresponding PIT entry as with
   regular Interests.  Forwarders also inject a new temporary entry in
   the FIB formed from the identifier and pointing to the face on which
   the Interest was received.  This FIB entry has a short expiry time
   after which it is deleted.

   TODO: specify the timeout

   When the server receives the Interest, it MUST respond with an I2
   Interest message and forms the name from the received identifier.
   The Interest thus follows the previously established FIB entries
   towards the client.  The forwarder also increases the expiry timer of
   I1's PIT entry.

   At this point, the client MUST be ready to respond and send a D2 Data
   message.  (Authorization information and parameters may be larger
   than what can be carried in a single D2 message.  Therefore, multiple
   I2/D2 exchanges using the built-in chunking capabilities of the
   underlying ICN protocols can be employed.)  When the server receives
   D2 it allocates resources for the computation for the client and
   sends back a confirmation in D1 Data message.

   Interest I1 of the first handshake contains a method name that is
   delivered to a server advertising the corresponding prefix.  At the
   end of the first handshake, in D1, the server returns its thunk name.
   This name can be then used by the client in I1 message of consecutive
   handshakes to assure future invocations reach the same method

3.4.  Shared Secret Derivation

   *Dirk: Not sure we need the following:*

   Common secret derivation plays an important role in many security
   protocols.  Once a common secret is established, both parties can

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   encrypt the communication using symmetric cryptography.  Common
   secret derivation (e.g., via Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange) requires
   sending data in both directions between the involved parties and is
   clumsy to implement in vanilla ICN networks where not all nodes have
   globally routable prefixes.  Using one or multiple handshakes as
   described above allows use of any symmetric key scheme to secure the
   communication over arbitrary paths.

3.5.  Client Authentication

   Reliable and secure authentication requires multiple messages to be
   exchanged between the server and the client.  Utilizing the handshake
   for client authentication, specially the exchanged I2/D2 messages, we
   achieve this goal and we decouple it from function invocation and
   input parameter passing.

   In addition, by using the I2/D2 messages for client authentication
   and avoiding adding authentication information in the original
   interest (I2/D2), the RICE handshake mechanism becomes protected
   against any record-and-replay attack by a malicious party which can
   intercept the traffic.  Once authenticated, the client creates a
   security token that can be included as a last component of the thunk
   name.  In further communication such as commands (i.e., pause, stop)
   or referentially opaque methods, the token can be changed for each
   consecutive Interest message (i.e., based on the last received Data

   It should be noted that RICE can rely on idiomatic ICN mechanisms for
   server authentication, i.e., validate the signatures on Data or
   signed Interest messages.  The client could also encrypt input
   parameters using the public key of the server.  A detailed
   specification will be provided by a future version of this document.

   Following ICN principles, clients SHOULD NOT authenticate the server
   performing computations, but rather authenticate the returned result.
   If submitted input contains confidential data, it can be encrypted
   and shared using existing ICN access control techniques

3.6.  Input Parameters

   RICE passes input parameters to remote methods "by reference".  Since
   the server cannot access memory in the client, we use the I2/D2
   Interest/Data Exchange as a "callback" from the server to the client
   to fetch the input parameters.  This preserves the ICN principle that
   data is never pushed to the server if not requested.  The server
   piggybacks on the PIT entry established by I1 to reach the client and
   pull the required data.  If the input contains sensitive information,

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   the client can encrypt it using a common secret derived in previous
   handshakes as described above.

3.7.  Dynamic Content Retrieval Using Thunks

   In dynamic content generation or method invocation, the server may
   require a significant amount of time to create the requested data.
   In this section, we describe our use of thunks to allow clients to
   retrieve computation results.

   The client starts by sending an Interest with a function name.
   Thunks allow multiple clients calling the same referentially
   transparent method with identical parameter sets to share one PIT
   entry and efficiently retrieve the data, while keeping entries
   separate for referentially opaque computations.

   Upon receipt of the Interest, the server starts the requested
   computation and immediately responds with a thunk Data message.  For
   the network, the thunk does not differ from a regular Data message
   that consumes the pending PIT entry.  The payload of the message
   contains a 'thunk name' and an estimated completion time.  The client
   waits for the time indicated in the server's response and issues a
   new Interest with the received thunk name.

   Once the computation has finished, the function responds with a Data
   message containing the result.  If the server mis-estimated the
   completion time and the data is not ready, it returns the same thunk
   target with an updated completion time estimate.

4.  Security Considerations

   By building on a well-studied ICN protocol framework, RICE shares the
   fundamental security advantages and difficulties of those protocols
   [MISRA2013], [CHOI2013THREAT], [ALSHEIKH2015FLOODING].  RICE employs
   native CCN/NDN machinery for cryptographic data integrity, origin
   authentication, confidentiality, and key management [MAHADEVAN2014].
   Similarly, RICE shares the privacy problems and limitations of extant
   ICN protocols [GHALI2016].  In general, the additional threat that
   needs to be addressed is a computational or state-creation attack
   against a server by un-authorized clients.  These threats request
   long-running computations, or flood the server with remote invocation
   requests that start useless computations [AIRTNT], [SPOC].

   For the security consideration, we concentrate on the vulnerabilities
   associated with RICE, and provide a brief security analysis of the
   RICE machinery.  The proposed 4-way handshake provides secure input
   parameter passing.  It does so by fetching the parameters via the
   Interest-Data exchange "callback" from the server to the client.

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   Such callbacks could open a reflection attack via interest flooding
   [CHOI2013THREAT] if a globally routable name were used for the
   callback operation.  However, the reverse-path mechanism and non-
   routable name RICE uses confines knowledge of the client's input
   parameter set to the server and on-path forwarders.  The remaining
   vulnerability is the need to maintain forwarding state for the entire
   duration of the four-way handshake, rather than just a two-way

   When a client sends I1 towards a producer, it creates additional
   state in FIB tables on all the intermediary forwarders.  However,
   similarly to PIT entries, the created state is purged when its timer
   expires.  If the timer is set to the same value as the PIT entries
   divided by 2, it does not expand the attack surface and existing
   Interest flood prevention techniques can be applied

   Upon reception of I1, the producer does not create any local state or
   allocate resources for the client.  This protects our system from DoS
   attacks similar to the TCP SYN flood attack [RFC4987].  When the
   producer responds with the I2 message, that follows the trail created
   by I1.  Such an approach assures that I2 is delivered only to the
   client initiating the session and eliminates the threat of using the
   producer as a spam bot.  Following ICN principles, the data is
   effectively pulled by the producer from the consumer assuring that
   the producer does not receive large volume data that it did not

5.  References

5.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

5.2.  Informative References

   [AIRTNT]   Mustafa Al-Bassam et al, ., "Airtnt -- Fair Exchange
              Payment for Outsourced Secure Enclave Computations", 2018,

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              Al-Sheikh, S., WA[currency units]hlisch, M., and T.
              Schmidt, "Revisiting Countermeasures Against NDN Interest
              Flooding", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
              on Information-Centric Networking - ICN '15,
              DOI 10.1145/2810156.2812604, 2015.

              and , "Threat of DoS by interest flooding attack in
              content-centric networking", The International Conference
              on Information Networking 2013 (ICOIN),
              DOI 10.1109/icoin.2013.6496396, January 2013.

              Ghali, C., Tsudik, G., and C. Wood, "(The Futility of)
              Data Privacy in Content-Centric Networking", Proceedings
              of the 2016 ACM on Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic
              Society - WPES'16, DOI 10.1145/2994620.2994639, 2016.

              Ion, M., Zhang, J., and E. Schooler, "Toward content-
              centric privacy in ICN", Proceedings of the 3rd ACM
              SIGCOMM workshop on Information-centric networking -
              ICN '13, DOI 10.1145/2491224.2491237, 2013.

              Mahadevan, P., Uzun, E., Sevilla, S., and J. Garcia-Luna-
              Aceves, "CCN-KRS", Proceedings of the 1st international
              conference on Information-centric networking - INC '14,
              DOI 10.1145/2660129.2660154, 2014.

   [MAPME]    Auge, J., Carofiglio, G., Grassi, G., Muscariello, L.,
              Pau, G., and X. Zeng, "MAP-Me: Managing Anchor-Less
              Producer Mobility in Content-Centric Networks", IEEE
              Transactions on Network and Service Management Vol. 15,
              pp. 596-610, DOI 10.1109/tnsm.2018.2796720, June 2018.

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Authors' Addresses

   Michal Krol
   University College London
   Gower Street
   United Kingdom


   Karim Habak
   Georgia Institute of Technology
   North Ave NW
   Atlanta  GA 30332


   Dave Oran
   Network Systems Research & Design


   Dirk Kutscher
   Riesstrasse 25
   Muenchen  D-80992


   Ioannis Psaras
   University College London
   Gower Street
   United Kingdom


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