Internet DRAFT - draft-kuwabara-softwire-ipv6-via-l2tpv2


INTERNET-DRAFT                                              D. Kuwabara
                                                            Y, Shirasaki
                                                            S. Miyakawa
Expires: December, 2006                              NTT Communications
                                                          June 19, 2006

       A Model of IPv6 Internet Access Service via L2TPv2 Tunnel

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 19, 2006.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


   This memo covers two topics: a brief summary of NTT Communications'
   commercial IPv6 service named "OCN IPv6", and a digest of the
   architecture, which includs the user network interface specification
   and some service specific parameters, of the service.

   For NTT Communications' commercial IPv6 access service, IPv6 tunnel
   is created over the exiting IPv4 network by Layer two tunneling
   protocol [RFC2661].  By using L2TP, almost all the problems, which is

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   described in Softwire Problem Statement [I-D. ietf-softwire-problem-
   statement] , is solved.  The NTT Communications service and the
   architecture is one of a commercial grade solution example for
   softwire problem statement.

1. Introduction

   This memo covers two topics: a brief summary of NTT Communications'
   commercial IPv6 service named "OCN IPv6", and a digest of the
   architecture, which includs the user network interface specification
   and some service specific parameters, of the service.

   For NTT Communications' commercial IPv6 access service, IPv6 tunnel
   is created over the exiting IPv4 network by L2TP. So the service and
   the architecture is one of a commercial grade solution for softwire
   problem statement [I-D. ietf-softwire-problem-statement].

 1.1 Terminology

   In addition to the terminology defined in Softwire Problem Statement,
   following terminology are used in this memo.

    "OCN IPv6"
        The name of NTT Communications' commercial IPv6 access service
        for home users.

    Home Gateway
        Existing piece of equipment that connects the home network to
        the provider network. If not otherwise specified, Home Gateway
        is a NAT-Box.

        If not otherwise specified, CPE is same as Home Gateway in this

        Server is a Softwire Concentrator (SC), LNS of L2TP and DHCPv6
        Server. And server is the box in which these function is
        implemented .

        Client is a Softwire Initiator (SI), LAC and remote system of
        L2TP and DHCPv6 client. And client is the box in which these
        function is implemented.

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2. About "OCN IPv6" Service

 2.1. "OCN IPv6" Features

   "OCN IPv6" has following features.

     "OCN IPv6" provide Global IPv6 Networks connectivity to home users.

      - "OCN IPv6" customers can use two /64 global scope prefixes at
        the same time. One /64 prefix is a fixed prefix and the other
        prefix is assigned from a prefix pool. NTT Communications
        assumes that "OCN IPv6" customers use this fixed prefix for home
        network, and when the customer is in remote site, the customer
        jumps into his home network  using the pooled prefix.

     NAT-Traversal Capabilities.

      - For "OCN IPv6", IPv6 tunnel is created over the exiting IPv4
        network by L2TP. All L2TP control messages and L2TP data packets
        are encapsulated with UDP. So if clients are under the NAT-Box,
        a softwire is established easily.

     The User Authentication

      - "OCN IPv6" authenticate the customer based upon user-id and
        password over PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

     The Automatic Configuration Function

      - In order to simplify user setup, "OCN IPv6" uses Dynamic Host
        Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) [RFC3315] with the
        prefix delegation options [RFC3633].
      - The client chooses an  IPv6 address from the delegated /64
        prefix, and the client sets the address on  suitable interface
      - The client sets IPv6 default gateway to the PPP logical
        interface automatically.
      - The client sends Router Advertisement (RA) [RFC2461] on a
        suitable physical interface, if other network appliances and/or
        home appliances require IPv6 connectivity [RFC2462].

     The Client Software for "OCN IPv6"

      - NTT Communications provides the client software which runs on
        Windows XP sp2. And anyone can download this software freely.

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 2.2. Network Structure of Home Networks

   There are three typical Network Structure which are shown in the
   following figures.

  /Private IPv4 Network\                        +------------+
 :                      :                       | AAA Server |
 :                      :                       +-------+----+
 :       [ HOST ]----+  : +---+   __________           |
 :                   |  : |   |  /  Global  \  +-------+-------+
 :       [ HOST ]----+--:-+CPE+-| IPv4 cloud |-+    Server     |
 :                   |  : |   |  \__________/  +-------+-------+
 :                   |  : +---+                        |
 :                   |  :                        ______|______
 :      [  Client  ]-+  :                       /    Global    \
 : (Global IPv6 Address):                      |   IPv6 Cloud   |
 :                      :                       \______________/

                              [ figure 1 : Case 1]

 Case 1: Figure 1 shows that a client is in private IPv4 network which
         is provided by CPE (Home Gateway).

         If the client and the server connect successfully, the client
         chooses a suitable IPv6 address from the /64 prefix which is
         delegated from the server and sets the address on a suitable
         interface. And it is possible for the client to select the
         interface not only a physical interface but also a logical
         interface such a PPP interface or a loop-back interface.

         In this case, the client acts as an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack host.

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  /Private IPv4 Network\                        +---------------+
 :           &          :                       | AAA Server    |
 : Global IPv6 Network  :                       +-------+-------+
 :                      : +---+   __________            |
 :                      : |   |  /  Global  \  +-------+-------+
 :       [ HOST ]----+--:-+CPE+-| IPv4 cloud |-+    Server     |
 :                   |  : |   |  \__________/  +-------+-------+
 :       [ HOST ]----+  : +---+                        |
 :                   |  :                        ______|______
 :     [  Client   ]-+  :                       /    Global    \
 :                      :                      |   IPv6 Cloud   |
 :                      :                       \______________/

                              [ figure 2 : Case 2]

 Case 2: Figure 2 shows that a client is in private IPv4 network which
         is provided by CPE (Home Gateway).

         The difference between figure 1 and figure 2 is the client acts
         as an IPv6 router. But the client is a host from the IPv4 point
         of view.

         If the client and the server connect successfully, the client
         chooses a suitable IPv6 address from the /64 prefix which is
         delegated from the server and sets the address on the interface
         to which the client sends RAs .

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  /Private IPv4 Network\                               +---------------+
 :           &          :                              |   AAA Server  |
 : Global IPv6 Network  :                              +-------+-------+
 :                      : +----------+   __________            |
 :                      : |   CPE    |  /  Global  \  +-------+-------+
 :       [ HOST ]----+--:-+    &     +-| IPv4 cloud |-+     Server    |
 :                   |  : |  Client  |  \__________/  +-------+-------+
 :       [ HOST ]----+  : +----------+                        |
 :                   |  :                               ______|______
 :       [ HOST ]----+  :                              /    Global    \
 :                      :                             |   IPv6 Cloud   |
 :                      :                              \______________/

                              [ figure 3 : Case 3 ]

 Case 3: Figure 3 shows that CPE (Home Gateway) supports both IPv4 and
         IPv6, and client functions are implemented in the same box.

         If the the client and the server connect successfully ,the
         client chooses a suitable IPv6 address from the /64 prefix
         which is delegated from the Server and sets the address on the
         downstream interface.

         In this case, the client acts as a IPv4/IPv6 dual stack router.

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3. The User Network Interface Specification of "OCN IPv6"

   "OCN IPv6" is based on the premise that IPv4 connectivity have been
   established before the client try to create softwire. So, it is out
   of scope that how to establish physical connection and/or IPv4
   connection in this memo.

   Figure 4 shows the protocol stack of "OCN IPv6".

     +---------------+                   +---------------+
     |     Client    | <-- INTERFACE --> |     Server    |
     +---------------+                   +---------------+

                        :  ( Payload ) :
                        |     IPv6     |
                        |      PPP     |
                        |    L2TPv2    |
                        |      UDP     |
                        |     IPv4     |
                        : (L2 and PHY) :

                          [ figure 4 ]

   To implement this protocol stack, the client and the server run the
   following three steps.

        1st step: L2TP phase
            Creat the virtual path by using the L2TP method.

        2nd step: PPP phase
            Point-to-Point connection is established between the client
          and the server over the established L2TP virtual path.

        3rd step: Prefix delegation phase
            The server delegates a /64 prefix to the client, and the
          client sets IPv6 address and sets the IPv6 default route. And
          if required, the client start sending RAs to its downstream.

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 3.1 L2TP phase:

   "OCN IPv6" L2TP phase is compliant with L2TP [RFC2661]. All L2TP
   packets are encapsulated by UDP to offer NAT-traversal capabilities.

   Some service-specific parameters and functions are as follows:

   - "OCN IPv6" does not support "Tunnel Authentication" and "Hiding of
     AVP Attribute Values" functions of L2TP.
   - L2TP specification describes that the client's FQDN  is suitable
     for the "Hostname AVP" in the L2TP SCCRQ messages, but the client
     does not always have FQDN. So, the client puts the user-id ,which
     is given from the NTT Communications, into "Hostname AVP" in the
     SCCRQ messages of L2TP.
   - The client must not create multiple PPP sessions into one L2TP
     tunnel. So there is one PPP session per one L2TP tunnel.
   - It is not necessary for the client to support "Outgoing Call"
     described in L2TP specification.

 3.2 PPP phase:
   A Point-to-Point connection is established over L2TP virtual path
   between the client and the server. This phase is compliant with
   Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1661] and IPV6CP which is described in IP
   version 6 over PPP [RFC2472].

   The authentication method of the "OCN IPv6" is user-id/password based
   authentication by applying CHAP at this phase. And the client must
   support IPV6CP as Network Configuration Protocol (NCP) . The client
   does not have to support IPCP [RFC1332] as NCP.

 3.3 Prefix Delegation phase:

  3.3.1 Prefix Delegation

   The server delegates prefixes to the client using Dynamic Host
   Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) [RFC3315] with the prefix
   delegation options [RFC3633].  The sequence for prefix delegation is
   as follows:

   - The client requests prefix(es) from the server by sending a DHCPv6
     Solicit message that has a link-local source address negotiated by
     IPV6CP, mentioned in the previous section, and includes an IA_PD

   - An AAA server provides a prefix to the server or the server chooses
     a prefix from its local pool, and the server returns an Advertise
     message that contains an IA_PD option and IA_PD Prefix options. The
     prefix-length in the IA_PD Prefix option is 64. IA_PD option and

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     IA_PD Prefix options for the chosen prefix back to the server.

   - The server confirms the prefix in the Request message in a Reply
     message.  If IPV6CP is terminated or restarted by any reason, the
     client must initiate a Rebind/Reply message exchange as described
     in [RFC3633].

  3.3.2 Address Assignment

   The client chooses a suitable IPv6 address from the delegated /64
   prefix and sets the address on a suitable interface.

   If the client wants to act as an IPv6 router, the client assigns the
   address to its downstream physical interface. And if the client acts
   as an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack host, it is also possible for the client
   to assign the address to a logical interface such as a loop-back
   interface or a PPP interface.

  3.3.3 Routing

   The client and the server use static routing between them, and no
   routing protocol traffic is necessary. The client configures its PPP
   logical interface or the link-local address of the server as the IPv6
   default gateway, automatically before (or after) the prefix
   delegation exchange.

   When the client receives packets that are destined for the addresses
   in the delegated /64 prefix, the client must not forward the packets
   to the server .  The client should return ICMPv6 Destination
   Unreachable message to a source address or silently discard the
   packets, when the original  packet is destined for the unassigned
   prefix in the delegated prefix.

  3.3.4 Obtaining Addresses of DNS Servers

   The service provides IPv6 recursive DNS servers in the ISP site. The
   server notifies the global unicast addresses of these servers with
   the Domain Name Server option that is described in [RFC3646], in
   Advertise/Reply messages on the prefix delegation message exchange.

   Devices connected to user network may learn a recursive DNS server
   address with the mechanism described in [RFC3736].

   The client may serve as a local DNS proxy server and include its
   address in the DNS server address list.  This is easy to implement,
   because it is analogous to IPv4 SOHO router ( is a DNS
   proxy server and a default router in most sites).

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  3.3.5 Miscellaneous Information

   The server may notify other IPv6-enabled server addresses, such as
   Network Time Protocol servers [RFC4075], SIP servers [RFC3319], etc.,
   in an Advertise/Reply message on the prefix delegation message
   exchange, if those are available.

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 3.4 An Example of Connection Sequence

     A Client                A Server
         |                       |
         |---------SCCRQ-------->| \
         |<--------SCCRQ---------|  |
         |---------SCCCN-------->|  |
         |<---------ZLB----------|  | L2TP Path Establishment Phase
         |----------ICRQ-------->|  | (L2TP)
         |<---------ICRP---------|  |
         |----------ICCN-------->|  |
         |<---------ZLB----------| /
         |                       |
         |---Configure-Request-->| \
         |<--Configure-Request---|  | PPP Link Establishment Phase
         |<----Configure-Ack-----|  | (LCP) over L2TP Path
         |-----Configure-Ack---->| /
         |<------Challenge-------| \
         |-------Response------->|  | PPP Authentication Phase (CHAP)
         |<-------Success--------| /  over L2TP Path
         |---Configure-Request-->| \
         |<--Configure-Request---|  | PPP NCP Phase
         |<----Configure-Ack-----|  | (IPV6CP) over L2TP Path
         |-----Configure-Ack---->| /
         |                       |
     +---+--------------------+  |
     | Set IPv6 default route |  |
     | to the PPP Interface   |  |
     +---+--------------------+  |
         |--------Solicit------->| \
         |<------Advertise-------|  | DHCPv6 on a PPP logical link
         |--------Request------->|  | over L2TP Path
         |<--------Reply---------| /
     +---+--------------------+  |
     |Set IPv6 Address        |  |
     |on a suitable Interface |  |
     +---+--------------------+  |
         |                       |
     +---+--------------------+  |
     | Enable IPv6 Packet     |  |
     | Forwarding (optional)  |  |
     +---+--------------------+  |
         |                       |
     +---+--------------------+  |
     | Send RA (optional)     |  |
     +---+--------------------+  |
         |                       |
                         [ Figure 5 ]

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  3.5 An Example of Disconnection Sequence

     A Client                A Server
         |                       |
         |----DHCPv6 Release---->| \
         |                       |  | A Delegated Prefix Release Phase
         |<---DHCPv6 Reply-------| /
         |                       |
         |                       |
         |---Terminate-Request-->| \
         |                       |  | PPP Terminate Phase.
         |<----Terminate-Ack-----| /
         |                       |
         |                       |
         |------StopCCN -------->| \
         |                       |  | Clear L2TP Virtual Path
         |<------ ZLB-Ack -------| /
         |                       |

                         [ Figure 6 ]

  3.6 Keep-Alive Functions

   In order to maintain L2TP and PPP connection , the client and the
   sever exchange both "Hello" / "ZLB" messages of L2TP and "lcp-echo-
   request" / "lcp-echo-reply"  messages of PPP periodically with each

   To exchange keep-alive messages is also useful for updating the NAT
   state-table and/or Firewall state-table which is implemented on Home
   Gateway , when the client is in the private IPv4 network.

4. Service specific parameters.

   In this section, some "OCN IPv6" specific parameters and the default
   values are described.

 4.1 The Parameters of Keep-Alive functions

    - L2TP Hello interval:
     o Every 60 seconds.

    - LCP echo request interval:
     o Every 30 seconds by default.
     o This parameter is configurable from 10 seconds to 60 seconds.

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 4.2 MTU of PPP logical interface over L2TP.

   This parameter is configurable from 1280 bytes, which is minimum MTU
   of IPv6, to 1500 bytes. 1390 bytes is the default value.

 4.3 The Parameters of RAs .

   When the client acts as IPv6 router, the parameters of RAs are as

    - Max RA interval:
     o 30 seconds by default.

    - Valid Life Time:
     o 180 seconds by default.

    - Preferred Life Time:
     o 90 seconds by default.

   When the server delegates a prefix to the client from its local pool,
   the client does not always get the same prefix.  These parameters are
   useful, when the client, which acts as IPv6 router, want to announce
   that the prefix does not work anymore and a new prefix is available
   to the downstream network appliances.

5. A Future Plan

   The server may send RAs on PPP logical link over L2TP for the client
   which does not have to be the IPv6 router.

   If this function is implemented,  the client ,which acts as an
   IPv4/IPv6 host only, can connect to IPv6 network more easily.

6. Security Considerations

   The "OCN IPv6" approach uses only already existing protocols so
   should  not introduce new security issues.

7. Acknowledgments

   Thanks a lot for the support to our new service from Yuka Kamizuru,
   Takeshi Tomochika, Nguyen Huu Bach and Ole Troan.

8 Reference

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 8.1 Normative References

     Townsley, W., Valencia, A., Rubens, A., Pall, G., Zorn, G., and B.
     Palter,  "Layer Two Tunneling Protocol L2TP"", RFC 2661, August

     Li, X., Durand, A., Miyakawa, S., Palet, J., Parent, F., and D.
     Ward, "Softwire Problem Statement", draft-ietf-softwire-problem-
     statement-00.txt (work in progress), December 2005.

     Simpson,W. "PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
     (CHAP)", RFC 1994, August 1996

     Droms, R., Bound, J., Volz, B., Lemon, T., Perkins, C., and M.
     Carney, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)",
     RFC 3315, July 2003.

     Narten, T., Nordmark, E. and W. Simpson, "Neighbor Discovery for IP
     Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 2461, December 1998.

     Thomson, S. and T. Narten,  "IPv6 Stateless Address
     Autoconfiguration", RFC 2462, December 1998.

     Troan, O. and Droms, R., "IPv6 Prefix Options for Dynamic Host
     Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6", RFC 3633, December 2003.

     Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", RFC 1661, July

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     Haskin, D. and E. Allen, "IP Version 6 over PPP", RFC 2472,
     December 1998.

     McGregor, G., "The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)",
     RFC 1332, May 1992.

     Droms, R., "DNS Configuration options for Dynamic Host
     Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)", RFC 3646, December 2003.

     Droms, R., "Stateless Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
     Service for IPv6", RFC 3736, April 2004.

     Kalusivalingam, V., "Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
     Configuration Option for DHCPv6", RFC 4075, May 2005.

     Schulzrinne, H. and B. Volz, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
     (DHCPv6) Options for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Servers",
     RFC 3319, July 2003.

 8.2 Information References

     Shirasaki, Y., Miyakawa, S., Yamasaki, T., and Takenouchi, A., "A
     Model of IPv6/IPv4 Dual Stack Internet Access Service", RFC 4241,
     December 2005.

     Toutain, L., Stevant, B., Dupont, F. and Binet, D., "The Point6Box
     Approach", draft-toutain-softwire-point6box-00.txt, January 2006.

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Authors' Addresses

   Dai Kuwabara
   NTT Communications Corporation
   Tokyo Opera City Tower 21F
   3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
   Tokyo 163-1421, Japan

   Yasuhiro Shirasaki
   NTT Communications Corporation
   Tokyo Opera City Tower 21F
   3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
   Tokyo 163-1421, Japan

   Shin Miyakawa, Ph. D
   NTT Communications Corporation
   Tokyo Opera City Tower 21F
   3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
   Tokyo 163-1421, Japan

Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
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Disclaimer of Validity

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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