Internet DRAFT - draft-kwak-srd-wpan


Networking Working Group                               Dong Jin Kwak                                                                   
Internet-Draft                            KT Advanced Technology Lab
Expires: April 16 , 2006                                    Joon Heo
                                                    Choong Seon Hong
                                                Kyung Hee University
                                                       October, 2005

            Secure Route Discovery in Low-Rate WPAN

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). 


   A low-rate wireless personal area network (LR-WPAN) is a network
   designed for low-cost and very low-power short-range wireless 
   communications. It is hard to employ static routes. Route discovery 
   is the procedure whereby network devices cooperate to find and 
   establish routes through the network and is always performed with 
   regard to a particular source and destination device. However, Route
   discovery in LR-WPAN has lack of authentication mechanism. Also, 
   dynamic network topology makes it arduous to detect malicious nodes.
   We proposed a secure route discovery authentication mechanism using 
   the レSRD. レSRD uses RREQ ID, destination address and the unique 
   value as input string to generate authentication code (AC). It is 
   used as the authentication between source node and destination node.

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                            Table of Contents

  1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2  

  2.  Route Discovery in LR-WPAN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2  

  3.  Security of ZigBee Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3

  4.  Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3

  5.  Mechanism   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .     4

  5.1 レSRD Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .     5

  5.2 Authentication Code (AC) in RREQ/RREP message . . . . . . .    5 

  5.3 Authentication Processes in LR-WPAN  . . . . . . . . . . .     7 

  6.  Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9

1. Introduction 

  The explosive growth of embedded control and monitoring in almost any
electronic device and the need for connectivity of these applications is
causing an integration bottleneck. Conventionally, these communication
links are wired. Wires allow power and the reliable transmission of 
signals from a controller to its peripherals. When the peripherals are 
not physically contained in the controller, the required wiring brings 
issues such as cost of installation, safety, and operation convenience 
to the surface. Wireless technology is the obvious solution to overcome
these obstacles, although it comes with its own set of challenges  
propagation, interface, security, regulations, and others. The 
technology to overcome these issues exists, but normally with added 
complexity causing an increase in the cost of the system. A low-rate 
wireless personal area network (LR-WPAN) is a network designed for 
low-cost and very low-power, short-range wireless communications. 
Wireless Sensor Networks are a subset of wireless networking 
applications focused on enabling connectivity without the use of wires 
to sensors and actuators is general. IEEE 802.15.4 Working Group is 
chartered to focus on wireless sensor networks [Doc1].

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  The ZigBee Alliance is developing the low-cost, very low power 
consumption, two-way, wireless communications standard. Solutions 
adopting the ZigBee standard will be embedded in consumer electronics, 
home and building automation, industrial controls, Many of these 
application have security needs [Doc2]. Sometimes LR-WPAN is formed by 
self-configuring wireless sensor devices, usually mobile, which do not 
rely on any fixed infrastructure. 
  Route discovery is the procedure whereby network devices cooperate to
find and establish routes through the network and is always performed 
with regard to a particular source and destination device. Some sensor 
nodes in LR-WPAN act as routers to forward packets for each other and 
this co-operation helps in routing packets to the destination. 
  Therefore, routing protocols must be dynamic and robust against 
malicious attacks. However route discovery in LR-WPAN has lack of 
authentication facilities. Also, dynamic network topology makes it 
arduous to detect malicious nodes.

2. Route Discovery in LR-WPAN

  In LR-WPAN, When source node desires to send a message to some 
destination node and does not already have a valid route to that 
destination, it initiates a path discovery process to located the other
node. Essentially routes are discovered using a request-response 
protocol as shown in Figure 1 [Doc3].

    |------------|        |---------------|       |------------|
    |     A      |        |  Intermediate |       |      B     |
    |  source    |        |      node     |       |destionation|
    |-----|------|        |------|--------|       |------|-----|
          |                      |                       |
          |                      |                       |
          | Braodcast RREQ       |                       |
          |--------------------->|                       |
          |                      | RREQ packets may      |Compare path
          |                      | arrive by multiple    |costs and 
          |                      | paths                 |respond with 
          |                      |---------------------->|with a reply 
          |                      |                       |when a new
          |                      |   Zero or More        |minium cost
          |                      |   Unicast RREP packet |is found.
          |                      |<----------------------|
compare   |                      |                       |
replies   |                      |                       |                  
and select|                      |                       |
the one   |<---------------------|                       |
the best  |                      |                       |
route     |                      |                       |
         ---                    ---                     ---
              Fig 1. Route Discovery Process in Low-Rate WPAN

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  When a device, A, wishes to discover a route to some destination, B, 
it broadcasts a special route request command (RREQ) frame throughout 
the network. As the route request command frame transits the network, 
devices that are not the destination record information about the route
taken by the route request command frame. When the route request command
frame arrive at B, B responds by unicasting one or more route reply 
(RREP) command frames. These follow the path set up by the route request
and eventually arrive back at A carrying information about possible 
routes. Routes are compared throughout this process using a routing 
cost metric that has been defined in such a way that minimizing this 
metric will minimize latency and improve traffic throughout the network
  However, Route discovery in LR-WPAN has lack of authentication 
mechanism. In LR-WPAN, there are some potential attacks on the 
integrated routing. To prevent diverse attacks, the authentication 
process is necessary between source node and destination node.

3. Security of ZigBee Device

  In IEEE 802.15.4 standard, The AES-CCM-128, AES-CCM-64, AES-CCM-32 
modes employ AES to provide access control, encryption, integrity, and,
optionally, sequential freshness (by the transmission of a freshness 
code) [Doc1][IEEE15]
  In particular, by reusing AES in a clever way, the AES-CCM modes 
enable a single algorithm to provide all four secure services in a very 
small implementation. In addition the use of AES-CCM modes retains 
compatibility with other draft IEEE 802 standards, such as IEEE Draft 
Std 802.11i and IEEE Std 802.15.3[Doc1]. Security amongst a network of 
ZigBee devices is based on `link¨keys and a `network¨ key. Unicast 
communication between APL (Application Layer) peer entities is secured 
by means of a 128-bit link key shared by two devices, while broadcast 
communications are secured by means of a 128-bit network key shared 
amongst all devices in the network [Doc2]. For the purpose, ZigBee defines
the role of trust center. The trust center is the device trusted by 
devices within a network to distributed keys for the purpose of network
and end-to-end application configuration management. All members of the 
network shall recognize exactly one trust center in each secure network.
For purpose of network management, a device shall accept an initial 
network key only from its trust center. Therefore, only a device that 
hasjoined the network and successfully received the network key will be
able to have its messages communicated more than one hop across the 
network [Doc2].

4. Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)

CCM [Jonsson][LEE] is a generic authenticate-and-encrypt block cipher mode. CCM
is only defined for using with 128-bit block cipher, such as AES. The 
CCM ideas can easily be extended to other block sizes, but this will 
require further definitions. For the generic CCM mode there are two 
parameter choices. The first choice is M, the size of the authentication

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field. The choice of the value for M involves a trade-off between 
message expansion and the probability that an attacker can undetectably
modify a message. Valid values are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16octets. 
The second choice is L, the size of the length field. The value requires
a trade-off between the maximum message size and the size of the Nonce. 
Different applications require different trade-offs,so L is a parameter.
Valid values of L range between 2octets and 8octets (the value L=1 is
To send a message, the sender must provide the following information:
  - An encryption key K suitable for the block cipher.
  - A nonce N of 15-L octets. Within the scope of any encryption key K,
    the nonce value should be unique. That is, the set of nonce values 
    used with any given key should not contain any duplicate values. 
    Using the same nonce for two different messages encrypted with the 
    same key destroys the security properties of this mode.
  - The message m, consisting of a string of l(m) octets where
    0 < l(m) < 2^8L. The length restriction ensures that l(m) can be 
    encoded in a field of L octets.
  - Additional authenticated data a, consisting of a string of l(a)
    octets where 0 < l(a) < 2^64. This additional data is authenticated 
    but not encrypted, and is not included in the output of this mode. 
    It can be used to authenticate plaintext packet headers, or 
    contextual information that affects the interpretation of the 
    message. Users who do not wish to authenticate additional data can 
    provide a string of length zero.

  In LR-WPAN, the AES-CCM is used for data encryption/decryption and 
node authentication. Therefore nodes in LR-WPAN support AES-CCM 
encryption/decryption mechanism.

5. Mechanism

  To prevent diverse attacks, the authentication process is necessary 
between source node and destination node during route discovery process.
Moreover, low-cost and low-power characteristic of nodes are important
considering fact in LR-WPAN.
  We proposed a secure route discovery authentication mechanism using 
the レSRD. レSRD is a new proposal based on the CCM [Jonsson][LEE]. Of course, 
CCM is a good mechanism to encrypt and authenticate. However, it has 
some prerequisites and complex transformation process to generate 
authentication tag. Route discovery process is happened frequently 
therefore such complexity is overhead to the node. Moreover, CCM uses 
plaintext data to generate authentication tag. Therefore, if source node
has no data, it could not generate authentication value.レSRD uses 
RREQ ID, destination address and the unique value as input string to 
generate authentication code (AC). It is used as the authentication 
value between source node and destination node.

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5.1 レSRD Algorithm 

  レSRD is only the authentication block cipher mode. レSRD is only 
defined for using with block ciphers with a 128-bit block size, such as 
AES-128. As with the CCM mode, the レSRD mode requires only one key.

Input: The レSRD mode forward transformation takes as inputs

  A Key size: NWKkey (network key) = 128 bit
  AddAuthData : 13 octets. It is received from Trust Center in a 
                periodic time.

  AuthCode = RREQ ID || destination address || AddAuthData
            (1octet)         (2octets)          (13octets) 

Authentication transformation:
  B0 = AuthCode

The CBC-MAC value X1 is defined by
  X0 := 0128; X1 := E(NWKkey, X0 XOR B0 )

The AC (authentication code) is the result of omitting all but the 
leftmost 4 octets of the value X1 thus computed.

5.2 Authentication Code (AC) in RREQ/RREP message

  Authentication code is generated by レSRD. レSRD uses RREQ ID, 
AddAuthData and destination address as input string to generate 
authentication code (AC). We have added AC to RREQ/RREP message in 
Payload. (Figure 2, 3)

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     | Frame      |Destination | Source     | Payload    | NWK frame
     | Control    |            |            |            |
                                           <              >                          
                                  <                         >
                         <                                    > 
                <                                               >
         <        |=====================|                         > 
 |Ox01    |Option|| RREQ ID||Destination| Extended | PCM | RREQ AC  |
 |(octets)|   1  ||    1   |     2      | Dest. 8  |  1  |     4    |
                  |                     |                |                  
                  |==========.==========|                     ^
                             |                                |
                   Include AddAuthData                    

        Fig 2. RREQ Message included Authentication Code

     | Frame      |Destination | Source     | Payload    | NWK frame
     | Control    |            |            |            |
                                           <             >                          
                                    <                    >
                             <                           > 
                      <                                  >
            <          |=========|                       >
    |Ox02    |Option | | RREQ ID | | PCM      | RREP AC  |
    |(octets)|   1   | |    1    | |    1     |     4    |
                       |====.====|                   ^
                            |                        |                        
                  Include AddAuthData &
                  destination address         

        Fig 3. RREP Message included Authentication Code

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5.3 Authentication Processes in LR-WPAN 

  In the previous section, we introduced レSRD and the RREQ/RREP message
included authentication code. This section describes the authentication 
processes in LR-WPAN. 

  a. After successfully associating to a secured network, the joining 
     device shall receive the network key and unique value (AddAuthData)
     from trust center.
  b. When a source node (S) desires to send a message to destination 
     node (D) and does not already have a valid route to that 
     destination. It generates the RREQ AC using the レSRD that is 
     included RREQ message payload. Then source node broadcasts a route
     request (RREQ) message to its neighbor.
  c. During the process of forwarding the RREQ, intermediate nodes (A,
     B, E) recode the RREQ AC in their route discovery table.
  d. Once the RREQ reaches the destination node (D) with a fresh enough
     route, the destination node generates RREP AC using the レSRD. And
     then destination node compares RREP AC with RREQ AC. If two values
     are same, destination node authenticates source node.
  e. The RREP included AC is routed back along the reverse path.

  f. If malicious node sends the RREP message to intermediate node. It
     compares RREP AC with RREQ AC and then ignores the RREP message.
  g. Once the RREQ reaches the source node (S), the source node compares
     RREP AC with RREQ AC. If two values are same, source node 
     authenticates destination node.

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A successful authentication procedure is shown in Figure 4.

   ___________       ____________    _________________   __________
  |Source node|     |Trust Center|  |Intermediate node| |dest. node|  
  |___________|     |____________|  |_________________| |__________|  
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
join the network          |                   |        join the network    
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |NWK & AddAuthData |              NWK & AddAuthData       |
       |                  |                   |                  |
Generate RREQ             |                   |                  |
AC using the レSRD        |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |       Broadcast RREQ included AC     |                  |
       |------------------|------------------>|                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |              Save RREQ AC            |
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |        RREQ      |
       |                  |                   |----------------->|
       |                  |                   |                  |      
       |                  |                   |           Generate RREP                     
       |                  |                   |       AC using the レSRD                  
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |         Compare RREQ AC
       |                  |                   |           with RREP AC  
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |          Authentication
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   | RREQ included AC |
       |                  |                   |<-----------------| 
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |            Compare RREQ AC           |
       |                  |            with RREP AC              |
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |            RREP included AC          |                  |
       |<-----------------|-------------------|                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
Compare RREQ AC           |                   |                  |
with RREP AC              |                   |                  | 
       |                  |                   |                  |
Authentication            |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
       |                  |                   |                  |
    ========           =======            =========           ========  

                Fig 4. Successful Authentication processes

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6. Conclusion

  Route discovery in LR-WPAN has lack of authentication mechanism. In 
LR-WPAN, there are some potential attacks on the integrated routing. 
Such problem is caused by non-authentication between source node and 
destination node. To prevent diverse attacks, the authentication process
is necessary between source node and destination node. 
  We decribes a secure route discovery authentication mechanism using 
the レSRD. レSRD uses RREQ ID, destination address and the unique value
as input string instead of plaintext data to generate authentication 
code (AC). It is included RREQ/RREP message and it is used as the 
authentication between source node and destination node. This mechanism
can reduce the resource of nodes. Also, our mechanism uses lower 
resource and processing time. It is important fact to the node in 


[Doc1]  Jose A. Gutierrez, Edgar H. Callaway Jr, Raymond L. Barrett Jr, 
    ^Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks ̄, IEEE Std 802.15.4.

[Doc2]  Document 03322r12: ZigBee Security Services Specification, 
     July 2004.

[Doc3]  Document 02130r5: ZigBee Network Specification, March 2003.

[IEEE15]  IEEE Standard for Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC)
     and Physical Layer (PHY) 	specifications for Low Rate Wireless 
     Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs), 2003.

[Zapata]   Manel Guerrero Zapata, Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector 
      Routing, ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R),
      Vol. 6, No.3, pp.106-107, 2002.

[Jonsson]  J. Jonsson, On the Security of CTR+CBC-MAC, in Proceedings of 
     Selected Area in Cryptography-SAC 2002, K. Nyberg, H. Heys, Eds.,
     Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2595, pp. 76-93, Berlin:
     Springer, 2002.

[Lee]  Man Young LEE, ^Internet Security Cryptographic principles, 
     algorithms and protocols", WILEY, 2002.


   Questions about this document can also be directed to the author:

    Dongjin Kwak
    KT Advanced Technology Lab
    Woomyun, Seocho, Seoul, Korea

   Joon Heo                        
      Department of Computer Engineering
      Kyung Hee University
      1 Seocheon, Giheung, Yongin, Gyeongi-Do, 449-701, Korea       

   Choong Seon Hong
      Department of Computer Engineering
      Kyung Hee University
      1 Seocheon, Giheung, Yongin, Gyeongi-Do, 449-701, Korea 
      E-mail :

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