Internet DRAFT - draft-laganier-send-ll-hba


Network Working Group                                        J. Laganier
Internet-Draft                                          DoCoMo Euro-Labs
Expires: March 18, 2006                                    G. Montenegro
                                                      September 14, 2005

Link Layer Hashed Based Addresses (LL-HBA) for Secure Neighbor Discovery

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on March 18, 2006.

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   The current mechanisms used by Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) to
   secure the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) relies almost solely on
   public key cryptography (i.e.  Certificates and/or Cryptographically

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   Generated Addresses).  While these approaches provide very strong
   guarantees on the authenticity of an IP address to link layer address
   mapping, they are computationally expensive, which might be a problem
   on resource-constrained devices.

   It is also recognized in the SEND specification that it does not
   compensate for an insecure link layer; more specifically, no
   protections are offered against spoofing, link disruption, or bombing
   DoS attacks launched at the link layer.  Accordingly, this note
   suggests an alternative to the current specification of SEND which
   leverage on the deemed required link layer security to secure NDP.
   This technique is based on the use of a specific kind of IPv6
   addresses, the so-called Link Layer Hashed Based Addresses (LL-HBA),
   and of link layer address reachability tests.

   When the link layer security prevents attacker to redirect frames at
   the link layer layer, this technique allows to provide some level of
   security to NDP while relying solely on symmetric (i.e.,
   computationally inexpensive) cryptography.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction and Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Link Layer Address Reachability Test . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   3.  Link Layer Hashed Based Addresses (LL-HBA) . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.1   Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     3.2   Processing Rules for Senders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     3.3   Processing Rules for Receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   4.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     4.1   Third Party Flooding DoS Attack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     4.2   Neighbor Solicitation/Advertisement Spoofing . . . . . . . 14
     4.3   Neighbor Unreachability Detection Failure  . . . . . . . . 14
     4.4   Duplicate Address Detection DoS Attacks  . . . . . . . . . 14
     4.5   Router Solicitation/Advertisement Attacks  . . . . . . . . 14
     4.6   Replay Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.7   Neighbor Discovery DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   5.  Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   6.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   7.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     7.1   Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     7.2   Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . 18

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1.  Introduction and Problem Statement

   Several security issues with the IPv6 signaling protocol Neighbor
   Discovery [I-D.ietf-ipv6-2461bis] as well as stateless address
   autoconfiguration [I-D.ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis][I-D.ietf-ipv6-privacy-
   addrs-v2] were identified in [RFC3756].  Other issues are identified
   within the specifications themselves.  The Secure Neighbor Discovery
   Working Group has produced documents addressing these issues: The
   Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Protocol [RFC3971] and
   Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) [RFC3972].

   At the heart of these issues is the difficulty in obtaining a
   security association such that any node can verify another node's
   authorization when issuing a given IPv6 signaling packet.  Such
   difficulty precludes a straightforward application of IPsec between
   any two previously unknown nodes (either of which may be a router).
   The impossibility of always having the choice of obtaining such a
   security association by leveraging a centralized infrastructure (PKI,
   KDC, TTC, etc) has led to cryptographic techniques commonly known as
   CGA or SUCV to be applied under similar constraints to problems of
   securing Mobile IPv6 [SUCV][updateauth], group management for
   multicast and anycast [SGM], Secure Neighbor Discovery [RFC3972],

   However, the CGA method relies heavily on public key cryptography for
   message generation and verification.  This is potentially cumbersome
   for resource-constrained devices, hence the desire to have a SEND
   method which relies only on symmetric cryptography (e.g. hashes,

   In the past, similar considerations led to the proposal of "hash-
   based addresses" (HBAs) [I-D.arkko-mipv6-select-hash].  An HBA is an
   IPv6 addresses produced by applying a hash to a particular byte
   string, as opposed to a CGA, in which a hash is applied to a public
   key.  HBAs were subsequently applied to the problem of readdressing
   for IPv6 multihoming (multi6) [I-D.ietf-multi6-hba].  In the multi6
   case, the IPv6 address is derived from a byte string based on the set
   of network prefixes available to the end node.  This binding of a set
   of HBAs to a set of valid network prefixes allows the node to
   securely change its source address from one network prefix to

   The SEND and multi6 problems are very similar, namely, they seek to
   provide a secure mapping between a given address and another set of
   addresses: SEND needs a secure mapping from an IP address (configured
   on a set of network interfaces) to a set of link layer addresses
   (configured on the set of network interfaces using this IP address),
   while multi6 needs a secure mapping from an IP address (the first

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   address used to send/receive packets) to another set of IP addresses
   (the set of addresses configured on the host with distinct network
   prefixes, on which the stack might need to fail-over).  In this
   document, we apply to SEND HBA and their generalization, Link Layer
   Hashed Based Addresses.

   Threats to Neighbor Discovery are particularly serious for multi-
   access link layers which use addresses to deliver frames or packets
   [RFC3756].  The local delivery depends on correctly mapping the link
   layer (also known as MAC) addresses with the corresponding IP
   addresses.  These link layer addresses are usually outside the
   purview of the IETF.  The observation is that this lack of
   coordination between the IP layer and the underlying link layer is
   precisely the weakness that makes them so easy to attack.

   The main idea came from the fact that SEND does not protect from an
   insecure link layer, in which an attacker is able to redirect or
   spoof frames at the link layer.  Hence, we make the assumption that
   the link layer security prevents attacker to redirect frames at the
   link layer.  Example of such security mechanisms might be a
   combination of port-based access control with physical security,
   802.1x, 802.11i (shared secret between the access point and the
   mobile station), or 802.16 security (link layer addresses certified
   by vendors).

   Our proposal aims at establishing a (possibly cryptographic)
   coordination between these two layers, thus closing this gaping hole
   in ND security.  This is a straightforward way to provide lightweight
   security.  The advantage of this mechanism, as opposed to that
   suggested in [RFC3971] is its simplicity, but above all, the fact
   that the additional security does not incur a huge additional work
   load when generating and verifying messages, because it does not use
   public key cryptography.  This point is essential for resource
   constrained devices, which will become arguably the majority of the
   node population.

   Accordingly, this note provides a high level overview of how the
   suggested techniques (link layer address reachability tests and Link
   Layer Hashed Based Addresses) can be applied to secure Neighbor
   Discovery without recourse to public key cryptographic primitives.
   The initial version of this document aims at generating discussion
   about the proposed mechanisms.  Further details are deferred to
   further revisions of this document.

2.  Link Layer Address Reachability Test

   To build more trust onto the weak security of Link Layer Hashed Based
   Address, this section defines a mandatory link layer address

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   reachability test, which is triggered upon reception of a Neighbor
   Advertisement requiring a change in the state of the Neighbor
   Discovery Protocol (e.g. link layer address change in a Neighbor
   Cache Entry, Neighbor Unreachability Detection, Duplicate Address
   Detection failure, etc.).

   This reachability test is implemented by an exchange of unicast NS
   and NA including a fresh Nonce.  The NS must be sent to the target IP
   address and link layer address.  The NA would then echo back the
   Nonce, completing the reachability test, and establishing the IP
   address to link layer address mapping.  The distinction between a NA
   part of the initial ND exchange and a NA part of the subsequent
   reachability test is possible because the the later was sent in
   response to an unicast NS.

   When receiving an solicited or unsolicited NA modifying the state of
   the neighbor cache, a node MUST test the reachability of the Target
   link layer address by resoliciting a NA with a fresh Nonce option.
   It does so by sending to the source link layer address of the
   solicited NA a unicast Neighbor Solicitation including the Nonce
   option and the Target link layer address, thus including the
   statement made in the solicited NA (e.g.  Target IP Address X is at
   Target link layer Address Y).  The receiver of this packet MUST then
   reply with a Neighbor Advertisement for this IP Address X with the
   same Nonce and Target link layer address.

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   A                   B

      NS[ Target IP ]
        [ Source LL ]
        [ Nonce 1   ]

      NA[ Target IP ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 1   ]

      NS[ Target IP ]
        [ Source LL ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 2   ]

      NA[ Target IP ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 2   ]

          Figure 1: Example of reachability test for solicited NA

   A                   R

      NA[ Target IP ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 1   ]

      NS[ Target IP ]
        [ Source LL ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 2   ]

      NA[ Target IP ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 2   ]

         Figure 2: Example of reachability test for unsolicited NA

   An optimization of this reachability test is, for a node which
   reachability is being tested by lot of nodes sending NS, to wait for

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   a certain interval before replying with a NA, while recording all the
   Nonces it receives in the NS.  Then the node can multicast to all
   nodes a NA including all these Nonces.

   A,B,C               R

      NA[ Target IP ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 1   ]

      NS[ Target IP ]
        [ Source LL ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 2   ]

      NS[ Target IP ]
        [ Source LL ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 3   ]

      NS[ Target IP ]
        [ Source LL ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 4   ]

      NA[ Target IP ]
        [ Target LL ]
        [ Nonce 2   ]
        [ Nonce 3   ]
        [ Nonce 4   ]

    Figure 3: Example of an optimized reachability test for unsolicited

3.  Link Layer Hashed Based Addresses (LL-HBA)

   In this section we describe the concept of Link Layer Hashed Based
   Addresses (LL-HBA).

   The family of Link Layer Hashed Based Address consists of all the
   routable IPv6 address whose Interface Identifier (IID) securely embed
   an information about a mapping established from the IPv6 address to a

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   set of link layer addresses.

3.1  Definition

   A Link Layer Hashed Based Addresses (LL-HBA) is an IPv6 address whose
   IID embeds a secure mapping from the LL-HBA to a set of link layer

   Each node that wants its ND messages to be verifiable (and heeded) by
   other nodes determines the set of link layer addresses (LL@[1], ...,
   LL@[n]) at which it will be reachable with a common IP address.  This
   link layer address set SHOULD contain the link layer addresses of all
   the interfaces of the node and its ND proxies at which it is usually

   Once the link layer address set is determined, the node then
   generates an appropriate LL-HBA by conforming to the following
   formulas, while the hash values are computed as described later in
   this section:

   Mask1 (64 bits)  = 0x1cffffffffffffff

   Mask2 (112 bits) = 0x0000000000000000000000000000  if Sec=0,
                      0xffff000000000000000000000000  if Sec=1,
                      0xffffffff00000000000000000000  if Sec=2,
                      0xffffffffffff0000000000000000  if Sec=3,
                      0xffffffffffffffff000000000000  if Sec=4,
                      0xffffffffffffffffffff00000000  if Sec=5,
                      0xffffffffffffffffffffffff0000  if Sec=6, and
                      0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff  if Sec=7

   A link layer hash-based address is an IPv6 address for which the
   following two equations hold:

   Hash1 & Mask1  ==  interface identifier & Mask1

   Hash2 & Mask2  ==  0x0000000000000000000000000000

   Notice that this does not mandate that all nodes generate and use LL-
   HBA.  This is only required for those nodes that wish the packets
   they send to be verifiable as per the procedures defined in this

   Using an LL-HBA allows a node to prove that:

      (1) The IPv6 address LL-HBA is derived from the set of Link Layer
      Addresses LL@[1] ...  LL@[n]

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   And consequently that:

      (2) The owner of LL@[1] ...  LL@[n] owns the IPv6 address LL-HBA

   Which is indeed authorizing to establish the mapping:

      (3) IPv6 address LL-HBA is at one of the link layer addresses in
      the set LL@[1] ...  LL@[n]

   Thus, an attacker will need to find a collision on the mapping to
   redirect packets to another link layer address (i.e. one which is not
   in the set).

   In order for LL-HBA to accommodate the simultaneous usage of SEND-CGA
   [RFC3972]  and MULTI6-HBA [I-D.ietf-multi6-hba], we define, a link
   layer Hash-Based Address (LL-HBA) Extension to the CGA Parameters
   data structure allowing to generate IPV6 addresses which are, at the
   same time, CGAs, HBAs (for multi6 purposes), and LL-HBAs.

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |   Ext Type    |    Ext Len    |P|          Reserved           |
      |  LL Type[1]   |   Reserved    |                               |
      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      Link Layer Address[1]    +
      |                                                               |
      |  LL Type[2]   |   Reserved    |                               |
      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      Link Layer Address[2]    +
      |                                                               |
      .                                                               .
      .                             ...                               .
      .                                                               .
      |  LL Type[n]   |   Reserved    |                               |
      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      Link Layer Address[n]    +
      |                                                               |

   Ext Type: 8-bit identifier of the LL-HBA Extension (TBD IANA)

   Ext Len: 8-bit unsigned integer.  Length of the Extension in 8-octet
   units, not including the first 4 octets.

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   P flag: Set if a public key is included in the Public Key field of
   the CGA Parameters Data Structure.  Reset if an additional Modifier
   bits are included in the CGA Parameters Data Structure.

   LL Type[i]: The Type (e.g. 802.11) of the i^th link layer address.
   The length of this link layer address is inferred from this type; for
   example the length of an IEEE EUI-48 Identifier, which is used as
   address by IEEE 802.11 is 6 octets.

   Link Layer Address[i]: The i^th link layer Addresses, of size LL Addr
   Len octets.

   The two hash (Hash1 and Hash2) values MUST be computed as follows.
   The SHA-1 hash algorithm [FIPS.180-1.1995] is applied to the CGA
   Parameters.  When computing Hash1, the input to the SHA-1 algorithm
   is the CGA Parameters data structure.  The 64-bit Hash1 is obtained
   by taking the leftmost 64 bits of the 160-bit SHA-1 hash value.  When
   computing Hash2, the input is the same CGA Parameters data structure
   except that the subnet prefix and collision count are set to zero.
   The 112-bit Hash2 is obtained by taking the leftmost 112 bits of the
   160-bit SHA-1 hash value.  Note that the hash values are computed
   over the entire CGA Parameters data structure, including the link
   layer address extension as well as any unrecognized extension fields.

3.2  Processing Rules for Senders

   The senders of a Neighbor Solicitation MUST include a fresh Nonce,
   and store it so it can be matched against the Nonce included in an
   answered Neighbor Advertisement.

   The senders of a Neighbor Advertisement sent in reply to a Neighbor
   Solicitation (i.e. solicited NA) MUST include a Nonce copied from
   this NS.  If a router decide to multicast the NA to all nodes on the
   link, it MUST include the Nonce in a similar manner.

   The senders of an unsolicited Neighbor Advertisement MAY have the
   ability, when it receives the multiple reachability test NS sent by
   on-link nodes, instead of replying with multiple unicast NA, to wait
   for a period of time while storing the Nonces received in NS, and
   then multicast a NA including all the Nonces.

3.3  Processing Rules for Receivers

   All received Neighbor Solicitation or Advertisement not using CGA and
   which do not include all of the following options MUST be treated as

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      CGA Parameter including a LL-HBA extension, validating the source
      link layer address of the frame

   If the node is using both CGA and LL-HBA, then the entries created as
   the result of LL-HBA protected NDP MUST be labeled as such, and MUST
   NOT overwrite an entry created by the CGA technique.

   The receiver MUST have the ability to correctly parse multiple Nonce
   options in any order.

   The receiver of a solicited NA MUST verify that it has recently sent
   a matching NS, and that the NA include the same Nonce as the one sent
   in the NS.  If the destination link layer address of the matching NS
   was a multicast address, then the NA MUST be discarded, and the
   target IP address MUST be resolicited by sending to the source link
   layer address of the NA frame a unicast NS including a fresh Nonce,
   as specified in Section 3.2.  This round trip exchange implements the
   link layer address reachability test described in Section 2.

   The receiver of an unsolicited NA MUST discard it and resolicit the
   target IP address by sending to the source link layer address of the
   frame a unicast NS including a fresh Nonce, as specified in
   Section 3.2.  This round trip exchange implements the link layer
   address reachability test described in Section 2.

4.  Security Considerations

   This document discusses security issues specifically involved with
   the use of LL-HBA within the SEND protocol.

   Some of the mechanisms already adopted as part of the SEND solution
   impose a heavy load on processing nodes due to the use of public key
   cryptography.  The SEND solutions relies on the use of CGA, and
   public key cryptography to provide proof-of-ownership of an
   identifier (the CGA) for which a binding needs to be established.

   The LL-HBA solution hereby proposed lowers the overall security level
   of SEND with CGA because it provides only a proof-of-binding between
   an identifier (the IPv6 LL-HBA) and the set of identifiers it is
   bound to (the set of link layer addresses used as carriers for this
   LL-HBA), instead of the CGA proof-of-ownership.  This is similar in
   essence to an authorization to act as a link layer address, issued by
   the LL-HBA to one or multiple link layer addresses.

   In spite of this, we believe than for certain scenarios, Neighbor
   Discovery security might be provided by weaker and cheaper

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   cryptographic primitives without diminishing notably its security
   level.  The idea exposed in this document stems from the observation
   that SEND does not protect from an attacker able to disrupt the link
   layer service (by, e.g., causing an address collision at the link
   layer, succeeds in preventing frames sent to a given link layer
   Address to be delivered to their legitimate recipient).

   On the other hand, if one make the assumption that a combination of
   physical and link layer security prevents the attacks above, thus
   making it hard for an attacker to:

   1.  Collide with another node link layer Address

   2.  Get packets sent to a link layer Address to be dropped

   3.  Get packets sent to a link layer Address redirected to another LL

   Then combining LL-HBA and link layer reachability tests gives a
   solution almost as secure and robust than SEND.

   To avoid redirections towards a link layer address which is not
   reachable on the link, a node SHOULD use a given link layer address
   as input to the LL-HBA generation if and only if it can ensure is
   always reachable at this link layer address on the same prefix as the
   LL-HBA.  These multiple LL addresses might be those of multiple
   Network Interfaces, and possibly those of a Neighbor Discovery Proxy
   or a Mobile IPv6 Home Agent handling ND messages on a remote link on
   behalf of the node.

   The following sub-sections analyse the security-related differences
   between our LL-HBA proposal and the original SEND [RFC3971], in light
   of the threats outlined in [RFC3756].

4.1  Third Party Flooding DoS Attack

   This threat is defined in section 9.1 of [RFC3971] and is not
   countered by SEND.  The threat is that because the link layer address
   address is not cryptographically bound to the IP address, nothing
   prevents an on-link attacker to spoof its victim link layer address
   and send valid neighbor advertisement with a fabricated CGA, a valid
   signature, while the target link layer address is the victim's one.
   Such attacker would then cause a traffic stream to flood the victim
   in a DoS attack, preventing it to receive valid data.  LL-HBA does
   not counter this threat.  The reachability test requires a successful
   attacker to be able to send frames spoofing its victim link layer

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4.2  Neighbor Solicitation/Advertisement Spoofing

   This threat is defined in section 4.1.1 of [RFC3756], and SEND
   counters it as described in section 9.2.1 of [RFC3971].  The threat
   is that a spoofed message may cause a false entry in the Neighbor
   Cache of a node.  LL-HBA counters this threat by requiring the Target
   link layer address to be reachable and in the link layer address set
   of entry to be updated.  Hence, nobody can prevent packets to be
   delivered to the correct host because the binding will be established
   towards a valid link layer address.

4.3  Neighbor Unreachability Detection Failure

   This threat is defined in section 4.1.2 of [RFC3756], and SEND
   counters it as described in section 9.2.2 of [RFC3971].  The threat
   is that spoofed or replayed messages may prevent a node from
   detecting unreachability of one of its neighbor.  LL-HBA does not
   counter this threat.  The reachability test requires a successful
   attacker to be able to snoop frames sent to its victim link layer
   address, and to send frames spoofing its victim link layer address.

4.4  Duplicate Address Detection DoS Attacks

   This threat is defined in section 4.1.3 of [RFC3756], and SEND
   counters it as described in section 9.2.3 of [RFC3971].  The threat
   is that an attacker sending fabricated NA/NS messages to a node
   performing DAD may prevent it from acquiring any stateless
   autoconfigured address [I-D.ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis] [I-D.ietf-ipv6-
   privacy-addrs-v2].  This is a DoS attack.  LL-HBA and reachability
   tests counter this threat by requiring a valid LL-HBA to be bound to
   a given set of reachable link layer addresses.  We made the
   assumption that an attacker cannot create a collision with, or
   redirect frames sent to its victim link layer address.  Hence, an
   attacker which claims that a collision occurs at the IP layer with
   its LL-HBA, is using the same link layer address set and the same set
   of parameters.  This will cause the reachability test triggered onto
   these link layer addresses to fail if the attacker is unaware of the
   Nonce sent in the reachability test NS.  On the other hand the
   reachability test provides no protection against an attacker able to
   snoop frames sent to its victim link layer address and to send frames
   spoofing its victim link layer address.

4.5  Router Solicitation/Advertisement Attacks

   These threats are defined in sections 4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6 and
   4.2.7 of [RFC3756], and SEND counters them as described in section
   9.2.4 of [RFC3971].  The threat is that an attacker sending
   fabricated RA/RS messages may siphon off all the traffic sent to a

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   set of network prefixes.  LL-HBA does not protect against this.  Note
   that SEND's protection against these attacks is not based on CGAs but
   rather on authorization certificates issued by a trust anchor for
   routing delivery.  Therefore, it implies that nodes on a LAN have
   been provisioned with the anchor public key.

4.6  Replay Attacks

   This threat is defined in section 4.3.1 of [RFC3756], and SEND
   counters it as described in section 9.2.5 of [RFC3971].  As explained
   before, LL-HBA does not protect protect against replay attacks, and
   the reachability test requires from the attacker the ability to snoop
   frames sent to its victim link layer address and to send frames
   spoofing its victim link layer address.  Under such conditions, any
   node might replay the packets, misleading Neighbor Unreachability
   Detection to incorrectly assume liveness for the original sender of
   the packets.

4.7  Neighbor Discovery DoS Attacks

   This threat is defined in section 4.3.2 of [RFC3756], and SEND does
   not address it, as explained in section 9.2.6 of [RFC3971].  LL-HBA
   is consistent with respect to this.

5.  Conclusion

   This note presents a high level overview of how a combination of the
   LL-HBA technique with reachability tests can be used to secure
   Neighbor Discovery.  The proposal works in the absence of any
   previously established direct or indirect (via a broker, AAA roaming
   operator or trusted third party) security relationship, and does not
   impose heavy computation on networked nodes.  Because of this, these
   methods are very practical and deployable.

6.  Acknowledgements

   Thanks to Erik Nordmark and Marcelo Bagnulo for their useful comments
   and discussion.

7.  References

7.1  Normative References

              Narten, T., "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)",
              draft-ietf-ipv6-2461bis-04 (work in progress), July 2005.


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Internet-Draft               LL-HBA for SEND              September 2005

              Thomson, S. and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address
              Autoconfiguration", draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis-06 (work in
              progress), October 2004.

   [RFC3513]  Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "Internet Protocol Version 6
              (IPv6) Addressing Architecture", RFC 3513, April 2003.

   [RFC3971]  Arkko, J., Kempf, J., Zill, B., and P. Nikander, "SEcure
              Neighbor Discovery (SEND)", RFC 3971, March 2005.

   [RFC3972]  Aura, T., "Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA)",
              RFC 3972, March 2005.

7.2  Informative References

              Arkko, J., Nikander, P., and G. Montenegro, "Selection of
              MIPv6 Security Level Using a Hashed Address",
              draft-arkko-mipv6-select-hash-00 (work in progress),
              June 2002.

              Narten, T. and R. Draves, "Privacy Extensions for
              Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6",
              draft-ietf-ipv6-privacy-addrs-v2 (work in progress),
              October 2004.

              Bagnulo, M., "Hash Based Addresses (HBA)",
              draft-ietf-multi6-hba-00 (work in progress),
              December 2004.

              Thaler, D. and M. Talwar, "Bridge-like Neighbor Discovery
              Proxies (ND Proxy)", draft-thaler-ipv6-ndproxy-03 (work in
              progress), October 2004.

   [RFC3041]  Narten, T. and R. Draves, "Privacy Extensions for
              Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6", RFC 3041,
              January 2001.

   [RFC3756]  Nikander, P., Kempf, J., and E. Nordmark, "IPv6 Neighbor
              Discovery (ND) Trust Models and Threats", RFC 3756,
              May 2004.

   [RFC3775]  Johnson, D., Perkins, C., and J. Arkko, "Mobility Support
              in IPv6", RFC 3775, June 2004.

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   [SGM]      Castelluccia, C. and G. Montenegro, "Securing Group
              Management in IPv6 with  Cryptographically Generated
              Addresses", 8th IEEE Symposium on Computers and
              Communications (ISCC 2003), , July 2003.

   [SUCV]     Montenegro, G. and C. Castelluccia, "Crypto-based IDs
              (CBIDs): Concepts and Applications", ACM Transactions on
              Information and System Security (TISSEC) Volume 7, Number
              1, February 2004.

              Roe, M., Aura, T., O'Shea, G., and J. Arkko,
              "Authentication of Mobile IPv6 Binding Updates and
              Acknowledgments", draft-roe-mobileip-updateauth (work in
              progress), February 2002.

Authors' Addresses

   Julien Laganier
   DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH
   Landsberger Strasse 312
   Munich  80687

   Phone: +49 89 56824 231

   Gabriel Montenegro
   Microsoft Corporation
   One Microsoft Way
   Redmond  WA 98052


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Internet-Draft               LL-HBA for SEND              September 2005

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