Internet DRAFT - draft-lai-bmwg-sic-benchmarking


Benchmarking Methodology Working Group                            Z. Lai
Internet-Draft                                                     H. Li
Intended status: Informational                       Tsinghua University
Expires: 11 January 2024                                        Q. Zhang
                                                 Zhongguancun Laboratory
                                                                   Q. Wu
                                                                 Y. Deng
                                                     Tsinghua University
                                                            10 July 2023

    Considerations for Benchmarking Network Performance in Satellite
                        Internet Constellations


   Entering the "NewSpace" era, satellite Internet constellations (SIC)
   are scaling up at a fast pace.  Emerging satellite networks
   constructed upon SICs enable great opportunities for ubiquitous and
   low-latency Internet services globally.  It should be useful for
   satellite service providers to run various laboratory experiments to
   comprehensively and systematically benchmark the network performance
   of their new network techniques before launching them to the outer
   space.  However, existing benchmarking methodologies for terrestrial
   networks either achieve fidelity but lack flexibility or achieve
   flexibility but lack fidelity.

   This draft describes our basic considerations as specifications to
   guide the network performance benchmark for SICs.  A satellite
   network constructed upon emerging SICs in low earth orbit has many
   unique characteristics as compared to existing terrestrial networks.
   Specifically, our considerations include multiple networking models
   of emerging SICs, a data-driven benchmarking approach which may
   enable testers to build a laboratory benchmark environment with
   acceptable flexibility and fidelity to support various experiments,
   critical configuration parameters that might affect the SIC network
   performance, and several suggested test cases for network performance

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 January 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Notation and Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  SIC Networking Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  SIC Components  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Networking Models of Emerging SICs  . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Considerations for SIC Benchmarking Methodology . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  LBE Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.2.  Exploiting A Data-driven Approach for SIC Benchmarking  .  10
     4.3.  Benchmarking Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.4.  Benchmarking Scope  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   5.  Considerations for Benchmarking Environment Configuration . .  12
     5.1.  Terminology and Definition of the Parameters  . . . . . .  13
       5.1.1.  Parameters on Constellation Topology  . . . . . . . .  13
       5.1.2.  Parameters on Ground Station Distribution . . . . . .  13
       5.1.3.  Parameters on Network Links . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.2.  Setting of the Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.2.1.  Constellation Orbital Parameters  . . . . . . . . . .  14  Regulatory-Data-Driven Orbital Parameters . . . .  14  Live-Data-Driven Orbital Parameters . . . . . . .  16
       5.2.2.  Ground Station Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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       5.2.3.  Connectivity Pattern  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16  Crowd-Sourcing-Driven Connectivity Pattern  . . .  17  Strategy-based Connectivity Pattern . . . . . . .  17
       5.2.4.  Network Link  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   6.  Considerations for SIC Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     6.1.  Benchmarking Routing Protocols in an SIC  . . . . . . . .  18
     6.2.  Benchmarking Transport Protocols in an SIC  . . . . . . .  19
   7.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

1.  Introduction

   In the past few years, thanks to the innovative technologies emerged
   from the aerospace industry, we have witnessed the rapid evolution
   and deployment of satellite Internet constellations (SIC) in low
   earth orbit (LEO).  These SICs, such as SpaceX's Starlink, OneWeb and
   Amazon's Kuiper project, are actively deploying hundreds to thousands
   of broadband LEO satellites in the outer space, and they promise to
   realize pervasive, high-throughput and low-latency Internet services
   for terrestrial users globally

   Network performance, which is typically affected by many practical
   factors such as the concrete implementation of network protocols and
   hardware capabilities, is very critical for satellite Internet
   service providers (SISP).  Therefore, it should be important for
   SISPs to conduct laboratory characterization to benchmark and
   understand the network performance of their dedicated implementations
   of new network techniques before deploying them into the outer space.
   For example, a SISP may need to comprehensively and systematically
   assess the network performance of a new address allocation mechanism
   or a new routing policy in an experimental environment before the
   launch, and understand how well will these new techniques perform on
   existing SIC architecture in advance.

   Ideally, a laboratory benchmark environment (LBE) is expected to
   simultaneously accomplish fidelity and flexibility.  However,
   existing benchmarking methodologies for terrestrial networks are
   insufficient to create a desired LBE for SICs due to several unique
   characteristics of SICs.  First, due to the expensive manufacturing
   and launch cost, constructing an experimental satellite network using
   a number of real satellites should be technically and economically

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   difficult.  Second, benchmarking network performance of SICs via
   numerical or discrete-event-based simulation [Hypatia][StarPerf] is
   fidelity-limited.  Although network simulators can flexibly simulate
   satellite dynamics and constellation topology variation, they have
   limited capability to support the run of real system codes and
   network functions as in a real deployment.  The abstraction-level of
   simulators might be too high to capture system-level effects as in
   real systems, such as power consumption and software overhead under
   heavy workloads.  Finally, while network emulations
   [NIST-Net][VT-Mininet] can create virtual LBEs by integrating a
   number of virtual machines or containers to support the benchmark of
   real implementations of network protocols and functions, existing
   emulators are not constellation-consistent, because they inherently
   lack the ability of mimicking constellation-wide LEO dynamics and
   corresponding time-varying network behaviors as in a real SIC.

   This draft aims to provide basic considerations as specifications to
   guide network performance benchmark for SICs.  Since an LEO satellite
   network constructed upon SICs has many unique characteristics as
   compared to existing terrestrial networks, our considerations in this
   draft include: (1) multiple networking models of emerging SICs; (2) a
   data-driven benchmarking approach that enables testers to build a LBE
   with acceptable flexibility and fidelity to support various test
   cases; (3) critical configuration parameters that might affect the
   SIC network performance; and (4) suggested test cases for SIC network
   performance benchmarking.

2.  Notation and Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   This document uses the following acronyms and terminologies:

   SIC: Satellite Internet Constellation

   LEO: Low Earth Orbit

   SISP: Satellite Internet Service Provider

   LBE: Laboratory Benchmark Environment

   OSPF: Open Shortest Path First [RFC2328]

   TCP: Transmission Control Protocol [RFC0793]

   QUIC: Quick UDP Internet Connections [RFC9000]

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   SRLA: Satellite Relays for Last-mile Accessibility

   SRGS: Satellite Relays for Ground Station Networks

   GSSN: Ground Station Gateway for Satellite Networks

   DASN: Directly Accessed Satellite Networks

   GS: Ground Station

   SHF: Super High Frequency

   EHF: Extremely High Frequency

   GSaaS: Ground-Stations-as-a-Service

   VSAT: Very Small Aperture Terminal

   ISL: Inter-Satellite Link

   GSL: Ground-Satellite Link

   LoS: Line-of-Sight

   DUT: Device Under Test

   SUT: System Under Test

3.  SIC Networking Models

3.1.  SIC Components

   In particular, an emerging SIC typically includes a large number of
   low-flying broadband satellites, and geographically distributed
   ground facilities such as ground stations and user terminals (e.g.
   satellite dish).

   LEO broadband satellites relay and amplify radio telecommunication
   signals via transponders.  These satellites can be equipped with
   high-speed radio and laser links [ISL-links], and thus promise to
   enable high-throughput inter-satellite and ground-satellite
   communication.  To achieve low communication latency, emerging
   broadband satellites are operated in LEO to reduce the propagation
   latency.  For example, the first phase of SpaceX's Starlink
   constellation is operated at about 550km altitude.  As of September
   2022, Starlink has already deployed more than 3000 mass-produced
   satellites with Ka-/Ku-/E-band phased array antennas and laser
   transponders (in some latest satellites).

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   Ground stations are terrestrial radio stations designed for
   telecommunication with satellites.  Typically, they are deployed on
   the earth surface, and communicate with satellites by transmitting
   and receiving radio telecommunication signals in the super high
   frequency (SHF) or extremely high frequency (EHF) bands.  If a ground
   station successfully exchanges radio waves to an LEO satellite, it
   then establishes a telecommunication connectivity.  Satellite
   Internet service providers often operate a large number of geo-
   distributed ground stations to control and coordinate their
   satellites.  More recently, the world's leading cloud providers such
   as Amazon and Microsoft are actively deploying their Ground-Stations-
   as-a-Service (GSaaS) platforms [Amazon-GS][Microsoft-GS], allowing
   satellite operators to use ground services on a flexible "pay-as-you-
   go" basis with affordable costs, and without the need to deploy their
   own ground infrastructures.

   User terminals, or very small aperture terminals (VSAT), satellite
   dishes, can be thought of as a special kind of small ground stations
   designed for connecting terrestrial users and satellites.  In some
   practical SICs like the current form of Starlink, terrestrial users
   connect their handsets to broadband satellites via a signal
   conversion process performed by a dish-like terminal in the middle.

3.2.  Networking Models of Emerging SICs

   At a high level, an LEO satellite network built upon SICs can be
   described as a dynamic graph, where each node presents a satellite, a
   ground station or a user terminal.  A link connecting two ends in the
   graph refers to an inter-satellite link (ISL) or a ground-satellite
   link (GSL) in practice.  The state of a link (i.e. active or
   inactive) might change over time, due to the dynamics of satellites
   and changes of inter-visibility.

   In practice, the concrete networking model, which describes how
   different components in an SIC are inter-connected to construct the
   network, could be different depending on the concrete SIC
   architecture and deployment.  Based on the status quo of real-world
   commercial SICs and the latest academic literatures, we consider four
   representative SIC networking models for network performance

   (1) Satellite relays for last-mile accessibility (SRLA).  Satellites
   and ground facilities can be integrated based on the classic "bent-
   pipe" architecture without the support of ISLs.  In this model,
   satellites are used as relays to provide last-mile accessibility for
   terrestrial users.  Specifically, user traffic from ground are first
   transmitted to the satellite, which then sends it right back down
   again like a bent pipe.  This networking model is currently used by

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   many ISIPs such as OneWeb.  Figure 1 plots an example illustrating
   how two terrestrial users communicate with each other.  During an
   end-to-end session, packets from the sender are first forwarded to a
   sender-side ground station, then to a receiver-side ground station
   through terrestrial Internet, and finally to the receiver by another

      +---------+     +---------+     +---------+     +---------+
      |Satellite|     |Satellite|     |Satellite|     |Satellite|
      +----+----+     +-----+---+     +----+----+     +----+----+
         /   \                                           /   \
        /     \              no ISL support             /     \
       /       \                                       /       \
 +----+----+   +----+----+    -------------    +----+----+   +----+----+
 |   User  |   |  Ground |    |Terrestrial|    |  Ground |   |   User  |
 | Terminal|   | Station |<-->|  Internet |<-->| Station |   | Terminal|
 +---------+   +---------+    -------------    +---------+   +---------+
    sender                                                     receiver

     Figure 1: SRLA: satellite relays for last-mile accessibility.

   (2) Satellite relays for ground station networks (SRGS)
   [Ground-relays].  Figure 2 depicts another "bent-pipe"-based inter-
   networking paradigm, where geo-distributed ground stations work as
   routers to construct a Layer-3 network.  The only processing
   performed by satellites is to switch packets between two connected
   ground facilities.  Note that in this networking model no satellites
   are equipped with ISLs.  In a end-to-end communication session,
   packets from the sender is routed to the receiver by routes over
   satellites and ground stations.

        +---------+     +---------+     +---------+     +---------+
        |Satellite|     |Satellite|     |Satellite|     |Satellite|
        +----+----+     +-----+---+     +----+----+     +----+----+
           /   \            /   \  no ISL  /   \           /   \
          /     \          /     \        /     \         /     \
         /       \        /       \      /       \       /       \
   +----+----+   +----+----+    +----+----+    +----+----+   +----+----+
   |   User  |   |  Ground |    |  Ground |    |  Ground |   |   User  |
   | Terminal|   | Station |    | Station |    | Station |   | Terminal|
   +---------+   +---------+    +----+----+    +---------+   +---------+
      sender                                                   receiver

       Figure 2: SRGS: satellite relays for ground station networks.

   (3) Ground station gateway for satellite networks (GSSN)
   [Internet-backbone].  Figure 3 shows another inter-networking
   approach based on ISLs.  Leveraging ISLs, LEO satellites can build

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   space routes to forward Internet traffic for long-haul communication,
   without the need of a large number of ground station relays.  Ground
   stations work as an access point or a gateway for users.  Satellites
   and ground stations jointly build a Layer-3 network for wide-area
   communication.  During an end-to-end transmission, packets from the
   sender are first routed to a ground station via terrestrial networks,
   then to the receiver side ground station over satellite paths
   constructed by ISLs, and finally to the receiver by terrestrial
   network again.  With inter-satellite communication enabled by ISLs,
   this networking model may require less ground stations as compared to
   SRLA and SRGS.

  ISLs +---------+      +---------+        +---------+    ISLs
       +----+----+      +-----+---+        +----+----+
                            /                  \
                           /                    \
                          /                      \
+----+----+             +----+----+      +----+----+             +----+----+
|   User  | Terrestrial |  Ground |      |  Ground | Terrestrial |   User  |
| Terminal|<----------->| Station |      | Station |<----------->| Terminal|
+---------+   Internet  +---------+      +---------+   Internet  +---------+
   sender                                                          receiver

    Figure 3: GSSN: ground station access for satellite networks.

   (4) Directly accessed satellite networks (DASN)
   [Ground-relays][DDos-user-terminal].  Figure 4 plots another
   networking model where users install satellite terminals to directly
   access the satellite networks with ISL deployments, and can enable
   long-haul communication without the assistance of geo-distributed
   ground stations.  In this model, satellite routers run dedicated
   space routing protocols to calculate their routing tables, and
   forward traffic from/to terrestrial users directly.  Each satellite
   may also perform other network functions more than just routing, such
   as host configurations (e.g.  IP, DNS allocation) for terrestrial
   user terminals.

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    ISLs     +---------+        +---------+          +---------+    ISLs
             +----+----+        +-----+---+          +----+----+
            /                                                  \
           /                                                    \
          /                                                      \
+----+----+                                                     +----+----+
|   User  |                                                     |   User  |
| Terminal|                                                     | Terminal|
+---------+                                                     +---------+
   sender                                                         receiver

       Figure 4: DASN: satellite networks directly accessed by
                          terrestrial users.

4.  Considerations for SIC Benchmarking Methodology

4.1.  LBE Requirements

   Ideally, a LBE built for benchmarking SIC network performance is
   expected to simultaneously accomplish acceptable realism, flexibility
   and cost.  We summarize four baseline requirements as follows.

   (1) Constellation characteristics.  The LBE is expected to mimic
   spatial and temporal constellation-wide characteristics of real mega-
   constellations.  For example, the LBE is expected to be able to
   simulate/emulate network nodes at the same scale of a real mega-
   constellation, and can characterize the high dynamicity of LEO
   satellites, as well as its corresponding impact on network behaviors
   over time.

   (2) Network-level realism.  The LBE is expected to support the run of
   real system codes and deploy the similar functionality like in a real
   system and networking stack.

   (3) Flexibility.  As of the date of this writing, emerging mega-
   constellations are evolving rapidly, and many of them plan to launch
   hundreds to thousands more LEO satellites.  Since a SISP's operating
   constellations might update frequently, the LBE is expected to
   flexibly support various network topologies at scale and load various
   network functions to meet various benchmarking requirements.

   (4) Usability.  Finally, as we target at a laboratory-level
   benchmarking methodology, it is also expected that the LBE could be
   controllable, low-cost, and can provide easy-to-use programmable
   interfaces for testers to support diverse benchmarking requirements.

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4.2.  Exploiting A Data-driven Approach for SIC Benchmarking

   We consider a data-driven approach for creating a LBE that can
   satisfy the above requirements on benchmarking network performance of

   Our consideration is inspired by an important observation obtained
   from the current satellite Internet ecosystem: many organizations
   (e.g., regulators and satellite operators) and end users have shared
   a collection of public data to the community, including constellation
   regulatory information, orbital data observed from realistic
   satellites, ground station distributions and network capacities
   measured from terrestrial user terminals, etc.

   Based on this important fact, we consider to create a LBE for SIC
   benchmarking by judiciously combining real data trace, model-based
   orbit and network analysis, and large-scale network system emulation,
   to construct a real-data-driven digital twin, i.e., a virtual
   presentation synchronized to a real physical SIC in terrestrial
   environments for SIC benchmarking.

   In particular, the considered benchmarking approach can be summarized
   as follows.  First, leveraging a crowd-sourcing approach to collect,
   combine and explore realistic constellation-relevant information to
   calculate the spatial and temporal characteristics consistent to real
   mega-constellations.  Second, driven by such realistic information,
   exploiting a large number of networked virtual nodes and links to
   flexibly emulate a customized laboratory environment, which
   characterizes system-level effects and network behaviors consistent
   to a real SIC.

   Figure 5 depicts the overview of the considered data-driven approach
   for benchmarking network performance of SICs.  The benchmarking
   environment consists four major components as follows.

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                                     | Constellation-relevant|
                                     | Information Collector |
                                  | +----+----+----+----+----+ |
                                  | | Virtual SIC Environment| |
           +-----+                | |  (emulated satellites  | |
           |     |  interactive   | |  and ground stations)  | |
           | DUT |<-------------->| +----+----+----+----+----+ |
           |/SUT |   traffic      |                            |
           +-----+                |      Satellite Network     |
                                  |          Emulator          |
                                     |   Traffic Generator   |

       Figure 5: A data-driven approach for benchmarking the network
                            performance of SICs.

   (1) A constellation-relevant information collector, which collects
   public constellation information and ground station distributions
   etc., from the satellite ecosystem.  It maintains the key real-world
   information to support, guide and drive the construction of SIC
   benchmarking environments for various benchmarking requirements.

   (2) A satellite network emulator, which can calculate the spatial and
   temporal characteristics of a specific SIC, and further create a
   virtual SIC environment.  It exploits VM- or container-based
   emulation to flexibly construct the virtual network environment based
   on concrete benchmarking requirements, and mimics satellite dynamics
   as well as the impact on network conditions (e.g. propagation latency
   change, connectivity loss and re-establishment).

   (3) A device under test (DUT) or system under test (SUT) which
   contains or runs the concrete implementation required for testing,
   and can connect to the virtual SIC environment to load interactive
   traffic.  The DUT/SUT, together with the satellite network emulator,
   collaboratively construct the benchmarking environment.  For example,
   in practice, the DUT/SUT can be a satellite hardware prototype
   running a tailored space routing mechanism required for testing.

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   (4) A traffic generator that generates network traffic to drive the
   network performance benchmarking.

4.3.  Benchmarking Workflow

   (1) Experiment preparation.  A tester first prepares the concrete
   implementation for test, e.g. a new satellite routing program, or a
   new transport protocol implementation tailored for satellite

   (2) Benchmarking environment creation.  Then the tester defines a
   network topology, i.e. a graph in which edges represent network links
   and nodes represent satellites, ground stations or end-hosts, and
   then create the SIC benchmarking environment.

   (3) DUT/SUT Deployment.  Once the benchmark environment is
   constructed, in the deployment phase, the tester loads the
   implementation for testing on corresponding nodes in the environment.
   For example, if a tester needs to benchmark a new distributed routing
   program, then the routing implementation should be loaded on each
   emulated satellite in the virtual environment, and the DUT/SUT.  Then
   the DUT/SUT is connected to the virtual environment.

   (4) Run test cases.  Finally, run the dedicated test cases on the
   experimental network under specific application traffic.  Performance
   results (e.g. latency, throughput, and route convergence time) can be
   measured for further in-depth analysis.

4.4.  Benchmarking Scope

   The considered benchmarking approach mainly targets at benchmarking
   the network performance of a dedicated network technique as well as
   its system effects at various layers of the Internet protocol stack
   in an SIC.  For example, evaluating a new routing/transport-layer
   protocol, or assessing the network performance of a new topology
   design in a highly-dynamic, resource constrained virtual SIC
   environment.  The scale of the benchmark experiment supported by the
   considered approach is closely related to the underlying resources
   provided by underlying physical machines which are used to create the

5.  Considerations for Benchmarking Environment Configuration

   Next we discuss the considerations for multiple configuration
   parameters of the benchmarking environment, which might be closely
   related to the benchmarking results.

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5.1.  Terminology and Definition of the Parameters

5.1.1.  Parameters on Constellation Topology

   The topology of a constellation is jointly determined by many
   constellation-relevant parameters, including the orbit inclination,
   altitude, number of orbits, number of satellites in different orbits,
   connectivity pattern for inter-satellite and ground-satellite
   communication, number of ISLs in each satellite, etc.

   Inclination is the angle between an orbit and the Equator as the
   satellite moves.  Typically, the value of inclination for polar
   orbits is about 90 degree.  Altitude is a value measured over sea
   level and this value determines the orbital velocity of a satellite.
   Emerging SICs consist of low-flying satellites with altitude less
   than 2000km to enable low communication latency.  The above orbital
   parameters, together with the number of orbits and the number of
   satellites, jointly affect the coverage of the satellite

   Connectivity pattern indicates how satellites should inter-connect to
   each other, and how satellites should connect to visible ground
   stations.  There are two classic ISL connectivity patterns. +Grid
   [Space-ISL] suggests that each satellite connects to two adjacent
   satellites in the same orbit, and to other two satellites in adjacent
   orbits.  Motif [Motif] is a repetitive pattern where each satellite
   connects to multiple visible satellites and each satellite's local
   view is the same as that of any other.

5.1.2.  Parameters on Ground Station Distribution

   There are three primary parameters related to ground stations, which
   might affect the benchmarking results.  First, the geographical
   locations, which include latitude and longitude of ground stations.
   Second, the number of available antennas for space-ground
   communication.  This value can affect the number of satellites that
   can be simultaneously connected by the ground station.  Third, the
   minimum elevation angle, which determines the line-of-sight (LoS) of
   the ground station and can affect the available duration of space-
   ground communication.

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5.1.3.  Parameters on Network Links

   The total capacity of satellite communication systems has increased
   significantly over the past decade.  Emerging broadband satellites
   can be equipped with high-speed radio or laser communication links.
   Link capacity is a critical parameter that can significantly affect
   the constellation-wide network performance of an SIC.  Regarding the
   ground-to-satellite link capacity, during the beta test of Starlink,
   end users can achieve data speeds varying from 50Mbps (uplink) to
   150Mbps (downlink) in most available locations.  In addition, many
   planned constellations also suggest the use of laser inter-satellite
   links, which can potentially support up to tens or even hundreds of
   Gbps data transmission rate for inter-satellite communication
   [Bandwidth].  To reasonably benchmark the network performance of an
   SIC, a tester can configure the link capacity in the benchmark
   environment based on the concrete assessment requirements.

5.2.  Setting of the Parameters

   We discuss different data-driven parameter settings based on best

5.2.1.  Constellation Orbital Parameters

   Two ways are used in practice, namely Regulatory-Data-Driven and
   Live-Data-Driven.  Regulatory-Data-Driven Orbital Parameters SHOULD
   be tested and Live-Data-Driven Orbital Parameters are RECOMMENDED.  Regulatory-Data-Driven Orbital Parameters

   Orbital parameters of the constellations are reviewed and publicly
   disclosed by regulatory agencies (eg.  FCC, ITU, etc.) and should be
   followed by the operators in principle, thus representing the ideal
   situation of the constellations.  Both Polar-orbit and Inclined-orbit
   constellations SHOULD be tested.  If the DUT/SUT is designed with
   orbital preferences, the preferences MUST be stated in the report.

   The table below provides the orbital parameters of the state-of-the-
   art networking constellations from regulatory agencies.

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   | Name and | Altitude | Inclination | # of |    # of    | Polar /  |
   |  Shell   |   (km)   |   (degree)  |orbits| satellites | Inclined |
   |          |          |             |      | per orbit  |          |
   | Starlink |   550    |      53     |  72  |     22     | Inclined |
   |    S1    |          |             |      |            |          |
   | Starlink |   540    |     53.2    |  72  |     22     | Inclined |
   |    S2    |          |             |      |            |          |
   | Starlink |   570    |      70     |  36  |     20     | Inclined |
   |    S3    |          |             |      |            |          |
   | Starlink |   560    |     97.6    |  6   |     58     |  Polar   |
   |    S4    |          |             |      |            |          |
   | Starlink |   560    |     97.6    |  4   |     43     |  Polar   |
   |    S5    |          |             |      |            |          |
   |  Kuiper  |   630    |     51.9    |  34  |     34     | Inclined |
   |    K1    |          |             |      |            |          |
   |  Kuiper  |   610    |      42     |  36  |     36     | Inclined |
   |    K2    |          |             |      |            |          |
   |  Kuiper  |   590    |      33     |  28  |     28     | Inclined |
   |    K3    |          |             |      |            |          |
   | Telesat  |   1015   |    98.98    |  27  |     13     |  Polar   |
   |    T1    |          |             |      |            |          |
   | Telesat  |   1325   |    50.88    |  40  |     33     | Inclined |
   |    T2    |          |             |      |            |          |
   |  OneWeb  |   1200   |     87.9    |  12  |     49     |  Polar   |
   |    O1    |          |             |      |            |          |
   |  OneWeb  |   1200   |      55     |  8   |     16     | Inclined |
   |    O2    |          |             |      |            |          |

     Table 1: Regulatory Data on Orbital Parameters of SoA Networking

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Internet-Draft    Benchmarking SIC Network Performance         July 2023  Live-Data-Driven Orbital Parameters

   Orbital Parameters can also be set based on live constellation GP
   data (general perturbations orbital data, also known for TLE) from [CelesTrak].  The GP data is produced by fitting
   observations (radar and optical) from US Space Surveillance Network
   (SSN) and provided continuously, thus representing the live situation
   of the constellations.  Among GP and SupGP which are both provided,
   SupGP data is RECOMMENDED, as SupGP (Supplemental GP) is derived
   directly from owner/operator-supplied orbital data, providing reduced
   latency and improved accuracy comparing with GP.  The Max Age of GP
   or SupGP SHALL be less than 1 day and MUST be less than 5 days.

   Comparing to Regulatory-Data, Live-Data is more accurate (in terms of
   per-satellite position), and also easy-to-get.  However, Live-Data
   requires extra orbital determination process (implying inter-
   satellite relationship) to support network experiments.  Once the
   orbital determination process is standardized, Live-Data-Driven
   Orbital Parameters shall SHOULD be used to benchmark.

5.2.2.  Ground Station Distribution

   It's RECOMMENDED to set GS distribution based on Crowd-Sourcing-Data,
   which is often refined by fans community based on Regulatory-Data.
   For example, one crowd-sourcing global distribution of Starlink GSes
   could be found here [Crowd-sourcing], featuring details like the
   number of antennas and construction/opearation state of each GS.
   What's more, the data could be downloaded in KML format and feed into
   the banchmarking environment.

   Other OPTIONAL data for ground station distribution include Amazon
   AWS GS [Amazon-GS], Microsoft Azure Orbital GS [Microsoft-GS], and
   SatNOGS [SatNOGS], an open source global network of satellite ground-

5.2.3.  Connectivity Pattern

   Some of the connectivity patterns could be explored in live network
   and are RECOMMENDED to setup based on crowd-sourcing data.  For other
   connectivity patterns, some RECOMMENDED strategies are also discussed
   in this section.

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Internet-Draft    Benchmarking SIC Network Performance         July 2023  Crowd-Sourcing-Driven Connectivity Pattern

   It's RECOMMENDED to setup connectivity pattern based on crowd-
   sourcing data, if available crowd-sourcing data exists.  For example,
   inter-ground station connectivity of Starlink ground stations is
   explored by the fans community [Crowd-sourcing], where the real users
   perform traceroute from all over the world and gather the results
   together.  The data is also downloadable.  Strategy-based Connectivity Pattern

   For inter-satellite connectivity, "+Grid" strategy [Space-ISL] is
   widely-adopted and RECOMMENDED, where the satellites are connected
   with 4 neighbors and form a massive grid across the constellation.
   Other OPTIONAL inter-satellite connectivity strategies include
   "Inner-orbit Only" and "Motif" [Motif].

   For ground-to-satellite connectivity, "Nearest Ground Station with
   Antenna Quota" is intuitive and RECOMMENDED, where each ground
   station with 8 antenna quota is RECOMMENDED if there doesn't exist
   more specific data.  Other factors affecting ground-to-satellite
   connectivity strategies in real-world systems include (1) angle of
   elevation, (2) azimuth, (3) satellite launch dates, and (4) whether
   one satellite is sunlit [scheduling].  These factors constitute a
   more complete strategy and are OPTIONAL if the data of these factors
   are available.  Specifically, for a specific ground station or user
   terminal, a satellite with (1) a higher angle of elevation, (2) a
   azimuth that could avoid interference with geostationary orbit
   satellites, (3) newer launch dates, and (4) a solar panel being
   sunlit is preferred.

5.2.4.  Network Link

   For more traditional network link setup, strategy-based setup is
   RECOMMENDED.  For example, the propagation latency of ground-
   satellite links (RF) and inter-satellite links (free-space optical)
   could be derived from distance and light speed.  The capacity of
   ground-satellite links is RECOMMENDED to be set as 1 to 5 Gbps.  The
   specific value MAY be derived from frequency band info from
   regulatory data.  The capacity of inter-satellite links is
   RECOMMENDED to be set as 5 to 20 Gbps [ISL-bandwidth].  The packet
   loss ratio of ground-satellite links is RECOMMENDED to be set
   dynamically between 0 and 5%, where higher loss ratios occur when one
   ground-satellite link handover event occurs [IMC-2022].

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   Although measurement data on path latency and bandwidth from real
   satellite users [Starlink-status] are relative to network link setup,
   we didn’t find a good way to use directly.  They may help on
   determining the coefficient when calculating link latency based on

6.  Considerations for SIC Test Cases

   In this section, we consider several test cases that can be used for
   benchmarking SIC network performance.

6.1.  Benchmarking Routing Protocols in an SIC

   Network routing plays an important role in guaranteeing good service
   quality of SICs, since it not only determines the reachability
   between any two communication ends in the network, but also affects
   the achievable network performance perceived by customers.  Ideally,
   an SIC routing mechanism is expected to simultaneously maintain high
   routing reachability for geo-distributed customers during the
   operation period, and provide low latency and high throughput paths
   for delivering various Internet traffic over the SIC.  Therefore, it
   should be very important for satellite Internet service providers to
   benchmark how well will a routing protocol (and its implementation)
   perform in their SIC environment.

   Objective: given an implementation of the routing protocol for
   testing (e.g.  OSPF [RFC2328], BGP [RFC4271] or their variations
   optimized for space environments), this test case measures its
   network performance under a specific SIC configuration (e.g. the
   current form of the first phase of Starlink constellation which
   includes 1584 LEO satellites).

   Procedure: create an SIC network topology consisting of 1583 virtual
   satellites and a real DUT/SUT to emulate the satellite network.  In
   addition, create two virtual user terminals in the virtual
   environment to emulate the source and destination in a communication
   session.  Deploy the implementation for testing in each emulated
   satellite and the DUT/SUT.  Run the tested routing implementation,
   and load traffic in the benchmarking environment to start the test.

   Measurement: since LEO satellites move in their orbits, the entire
   network topology should change over time.  This test case measures
   the routing convergence time and the routing reachability under LEO

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6.2.  Benchmarking Transport Protocols in an SIC

   Internet transport protocols, such as TCP and QUIC are expected to
   function correctly over any kinds of network paths.  For satellite
   operators, it should be important to understand the network
   performance of transport protocols in an SIC network path.  Note that
   the unique characteristics of SIC may impact network performance when
   using existing standard mechanisms.  For example, in an SIC network,
   end-to-end latency might change due to the fluctuation of network
   paths caused by LEO high dynamics.  Such a non-congestion latency
   increase might trigger cwnd shrinking for delay-based congestion
   control mechanisms such as TCP Reno.

   Objective: given an implementation of a transport protocol (e.g.
   TCP, QUIC or their variations optimized for satellite networks),
   measure its network performance under a specific SIC configuration.

   Procedure: create an SIC network topology consisting of 1583 virtual
   satellites and a real DUE device to emulate the satellite network.
   In addition, use the DUT/SUT as the source (e.g a TCP sender), and
   create one virtual user terminal in the virtual environment to
   emulate the destination (e.g.  TCP receiver) in a communication
   session.  Load traffic in the DUT/SUT to start the test.

   Measurement: This test case measures the performance of the tested
   transport protocol, such as end-to-end latency, jitter and throughput
   achieved in the transport layer.

7.  Conclusion

   In this draft, we make several considerations as specifications for
   SIC network performance benchmarking.  We describe multiple
   networking models of emerging SICs, a data-driven benchmarking
   approach which may enable testers to flexibly build a laboratory
   benchmark environment to support various test cases, critical
   configuration parameters that might affect the SIC network
   performance, and several suggested test cases for SIC benchmarking.

8.  Acknowledgements

9.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

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10.  Security Considerations

   Benchmarking activities as described in this memo are limited to
   technology characterization using controlled devices in a laboratory
   environment, with dedicated address space and the constraints
   specified in the sections above.  The benchmarking network topology
   as well as its parameter configurations will be an independent test
   setup, and the laboratory environment MUST NOT be connected to
   devices that may forward the test traffic into a production network,
   or misroute traffic to the test management network.

   In addition, benchmarking is performed on a "black-box" basis,
   relying solely on measurements observable external to the DUT/SUT.
   Special capabilities SHOULD NOT exist in the DUT/SUT specifically for
   benchmarking purposes.  Any implications for network security arising
   from the DUT/SUT SHOULD be identical in the lab and in production

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC0793]  Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 7930,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0793, September 1981,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2328]  Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2328, April 1998,

   [RFC4271]  Rekhter, Y., Li, T., and S. Hares, "A Border Gateway
              Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271, DOI 10.17487/RFC4271,
              January 2006, <>.

   [RFC6582]  Henderson, T., Floyd, S., Gurtov, A., and Y. Nishida, "The
              NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm",
              RFC 6582, DOI 10.17487/RFC6582, April 2012,

   [RFC9000]  Iyengar, J., Ed. and M. Thomson, Ed., "QUIC: A UDP-Based
              Multiplexed and Secure Transport", RFC 9000,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9000, May 2021,

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11.2.  Informative References

              "Amazon-GS", <>.

              "Laser Intersatellite Links in a Starlink Constellation: A
              Classification and Analysis.", 2021,

              "CelesTrak", <>.

              "Crowd-Sourcing Starlink Ground Station Distribution",

              "ICARUS: Attacking low Earth orbit satellite networks.",

              "Using ground relays for low-latency wide-area routing in
              megaconstellations.", 2019,

   [Hypatia]  "Exploring the "Internet from space" with Hypatia.", 2020,

   [IMC-2022] "A Browser-side View of Starlink Connectivity.", 2022,

              "Internet backbones in space.", 2020,

              "ICARUS: Attacking low Earth orbit satellite networks.",

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Internet-Draft    Benchmarking SIC Network Performance         July 2023

              "A Distributed and Hybrid Ground Station Network for Low
              Earth Orbit Satellites.", 2020,

              "Delay is Not an Option: Low Latency Routing in Space.",
              2018, <>.

              "Microsoft-GS", <

   [Motif]    "Network topology design at 27,000 km/hour.", 2019,

   [NIST-Net] "NIST Net: a Linux-based network emulation tool.", 2003,

   [SatNOGS]  "SatNOGS Network", <>.

              "Making Sense of Constellations: Methodologies for
              Understanding Starlink's Scheduling Algorithms.", 2023,

              ""Internet from Space" without Inter-satellite Links.",
              2020, <>.

   [SpaceRTC] "SpaceRTC: Unleashing the Low-latency Potential of Mega-
              constellations for Real-Time Communications.", 2022,

              "Starlink Status", <>.

   [StarPerf] "StarPerf: Characterizing Network Performance for Emerging
              Mega-Constellations.", 2020,

              "VT-Mininet: Virtual-time-enabled Mininet for Scalable and
              Accurate Software-Define Network Emulation.", 2015,

Authors' Addresses

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Internet-Draft    Benchmarking SIC Network Performance         July 2023

   Zeqi Lai
   Tsinghua University
   30 ShuangQing Ave

   Hewu Li
   Tsinghua University
   30 ShuangQing Ave

   Qi Zhang
   Zhongguancun Laboratory

   Qian Wu
   Tsinghua University
   30 ShuangQing Ave

   Yangtao Deng
   Tsinghua University
   30 ShuangQing Ave

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