Internet DRAFT - draft-leebelotti-actn-info


Network Working Group                                         Young Lee
Internet Draft                                                   Huawei

Intended status: Informational                           Sergio Belotti
Expires: September 2015
                                                            Dhruv Dhody

                                                     Daniele Ceccarelli

                                                          March 9, 2015

  Information Model for Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks



   This draft provides an information model for abstraction and control
   of transport networks.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with
   the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
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Internet-Draft             ACTN Info Model                   March 2015

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 9, 2015.

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   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
   2. ACTN Applications..............................................4
         2.1.1. Coordination of Multi-destination Service
         2.1.2. Application Service Policy-aware Network Operation...7
         2.1.3. Network Function Virtualization Service Enabled
         2.1.4. Dynamic Service Control Policy Enforcement for
         Performance and Fault Management...........................10
         2.1.5. E2E VN Survivability and Multi-Layer (Packet-Optical)
         Coordination for Protection/Restoration....................12
   3. ACTN common interfaces information model......................13
   4. References....................................................18
      4.1. Informative References...................................18
   5. Contributors..................................................18
   Contributors' Addresses..........................................18
   Authors' Addresses...............................................18

1. Introduction

   This draft provides information model for the ACTN interfaces
   identified in the ACTN architecture and framework document [ACTN-

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   The ACTN architecture identified a three-tier control hierarchy as
   depicted in Figure 1:

   - Customer Network Controllers (CNC)
   - Multi-Domain Service Coordinator (MDSC)
   - Physical Network Controllers (PNC).

   VPN customer         NW Mobile Customer     ISP NW service Customer
       |                         |                           |
   +-------+                 +-------+                   +-------+
   | CNC-A |                 | CNC-B |                   | CNC-C |
   +-------+                 +-------+                   +-------+
         \                       |                           /
          ----------             | CMI          ------------
                     \           |            /
                      |         MDSC          |
                     /           |            \
            --------             | MPI          ------------
           /                     |                           \
   +-------+                 +-------+                   +-------+
   |  PNC  |                 |  PNC  |                   |  PNC  |
   +-------+                 +-------+                   +-------+

               Figure 1. A Three-tier ACTN control hierarchy

   The two interfaces with respect to the MDSC, one north of the MDSC
   and the other south of the MDSC are referred to as CMI (CNC-MDSC
   Interface) and MPI (MDSC-PNC Interface), respectively. It is
   intended to model these two interfaces with one common model.

   Section 2 provides a high-level applicability of ACTN based on a
   number of use-cases listed in the following:

  - draft-cheng-actn-ptn-requirements-00 (ACTN Use-cases for Packet
     Transport Networks in Mobile Backhaul Networks)

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  - draft-dhody-actn-poi-use-case-03 (Packet Optical Integration (POI)
     Use Cases for Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks

  - draft-fang-actn-multidomain-dci-01 (ACTN Use Case for Multi-domain
     Data Center Interconnect)

  - draft-klee-actn-connectivity-multi-vendor-domains-03 (ACTN Use-
     case for On-demand E2E Connectivity Services in Multiple Vendor
     Domain Transport Networks)

  - draft-kumaki-actn-multitenant-vno-00 (ACTN : Use case for Multi
     Tenant VNO)

  - draft-lopez-actn-vno-multidomains-01 (ACTN Use-case for Virtual
     Network Operation for Multiple Domains in a Single Operator

  - draft-shin-actn-mvno-multi-domain-00 (ACTN Use-case for Mobile
     Virtual Network Operation for Multiple Domains in a Single
     Operator Network)

  - draft-xu-actn-perf-dynamic-service-control-02 (Use Cases and
     Requirements of Dynamic Service Control based on Performance
     Monitoring in ACTN Architecture)

2. ACTN Applications

This section provides the scope of the ACTN applicability to support
the following applications.

   - Coordination of Multi-destination Service Requirement/Policy
     (Section 2.2.1)
   - Application Service Policy-aware Network Operation (section 2.2.2)
   - Network Function Virtualization Service Enabled Connectivity
   - Dynamic Service Control Policy Enforcement for Performance/Fault
     Management (Section 2.2.4)
   - E2E VN Survivability and Multi-Layer (Packet-Optical) Coordination
     for Protection/Restoration (Section 2.2.5)

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2.1.1. Coordination of Multi-destination Service Requirement/Policy

                             |       CNC      |
                             |   (Global DC   |
                             |   Operation    |
                             |    Control)    |
                                      | |  Service Requirement/Policy:
                                      | |  - Endpoint/DC location info
                                      | |  - Endpoint/DC dynamic
                                      | |    selection policy
                                      | |    (for VM migration, DR, LB)
                                      | v
                            |  Multi-domain    | Service policy-driven
                            |Service Controller| dynamic DC selection
                                  |   |   |
                                  |   |   |
                 +----------------+   |   +----------------+
                 |                    |                    |
           +-----+-----+       +-----+------+      +------+-----+
           |   PNC for |       |  PNC for   |      |  PNC for   |
           | Transport |       | Transport  |      | Transport  |
           | Network A |       | Network B  |      | network C  |
           +-----------+       +------------+      +------------+
                 |                    |                   |
+---+      ------               ------              ------       +---+
|DC1|--////      \\\\       ////      \\\\      ////      \\\\---+DC4|
+---+ |              |     |              |    |              |  +---+
      |     TN A     +-----+     TN B     +----+      TN C    |
      /              |     |              |    |              |
     / \\\\      ////     / \\\\      ////      \\\\      ////
   +---+   ------        /      ------    \         ------ \
   |DC2|                /                  \                \+---+
   +---+               /                    \                |DC6|
                     +---+                   \ +---+         +---+
                     |DC3|                    \|DC4|
                     +---+                     +---+

                                                DR: Disaster Recovery
                                                LB: Load Balancing

             Figure 2: Service Policy-driven Data Center Selection
   Figure 2 shows how VN service policies from the CNC are incorporated
   by the MDSC to support multi-destination applications. Multi-

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   destination applications refer to applications in which the
   selection of the destination of a network path for a given source
   needs to be decided dynamically to support such applications.

   Data Center selection problems arise for VM mobility, disaster
   recovery and load balancing cases. VN's service policy plays an
   important role for virtual network operation. Service policy can be
   static or dynamic. Dynamic service policy for data center selection
   may be placed as a result of utilization of data center resources
   supporting VNs. The MSDC would then incorporate this information to
   meet the service objective of this application.

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2.1.2. Application Service Policy-aware Network Operation

                           |       CNC      |
                           |   (Global DC   |
                           |   Operation    |
                           |    Control)    |
                                    | | Application Service Policy
                                    | | - VNF requirement (e.g.
                                    | |   security function, etc.)
                                    | | - Location profile for each VNF
                                    | v
                          |  Multi-domain    |  Dynamically select the
                          |Service Controller|  network destination to
                          +-----+---+---+----+  meet VNF requirement.
                                |   |   |
                                |   |   |
                +---------------+   |   +----------------+
                |                   |                    |
         +------+-----+       +-----+------+      +------+-----+
         |   PNC for  |       |  PNC for   |      |  PNC for   |
         | Transport  |       | Transport  |      | Transport  |
         | Network A  |       | Network B  |      | network C  |
         |            |       |            |      |            |
         +------------+       +------------+      +------------+
                |                   |                    |
{VNF b}         |                   |                    |  {VNF b,c}
+---+      ------               ------              ------     +---+
|DC1|--////      \\\\       ////      \\\\      ////      \\\\-|DC4|
+---+ |              |     |              |    |              |+---+
     |      TN A      +---+     TN B       +--+      TN C      |
      /              |     |              |    |              |
     / \\\\      ////     / \\\\      ////      \\\\      ////
   +---+   ------        /      ------    \         ------ \
   |DC2|                /                  \                \\+---+
   +---+               /                    \                 |DC6|
    {VNF a}         +---+                    +---+            +---+
                    |DC3|                    |DC4|      {VNF a,b,c}
                    +---+                    +---+
            {VNF a, b}                      {VNF a, c}

         Figure 3: Application Service Policy-aware Network Operation

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   This scenario is similar to the previous case in that the VN service
   policy for the application can be met by a set of multiple
   destinations that provide the required virtual network functions
   (VNF). Virtual network functions can be, for example, security
   functions required by the VN application. The VN service policy by
   the CNC would indicate the locations of a certain VNF that can be
   fulfilled. This policy information is critical in finding the
   optimal network path subject to this constraint. As VNFs can be
   dynamically moved across different DCs, this policy should be
   dynamically enforced from the CNC to the MDSC and the PNCs.

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2.1.3. Network Function Virtualization Service Enabled Connectivity

                           |       CNC      |
                           |   (Global DC   |
                           |   Operation    |
                           |    Control)    |
                                    | | Service Policy
                                    | | (e.g., firewall, traffic
                                    | | optimizer)
                                    | |
                                    | v
                          |  Multi-domain    | Select network
                          |Service Controller| connectivity subject to
                          +-----+---+---+----+ meeting service policy
                                |   |   |
                                |   |   |
                +---------------+   |   +----------------+
                |                   |                    |
         +------+-----+       +-----+------+      +------+-----+
         |   PNC for  |       |  PNC for   |      |  PNC for   |
         | Transport  |       | Transport  |      | Transport  |
         | Network A  |       | Network B  |      | network C  |
         |            |       |            |      |            |
         +------------+       +------------+      +------------+
                |                   |                    |
                |                   |                    |
+---+      ------               ------              ------     +---+
|DC1|--////      \\\\       ////      \\\\      ////      \\\\-|DC4|
+---+ |              |     |              |    |              |+---+
     |      TN A      +---+     TN B       +--+      TN C      |
      /              |     |              |    |              |
     / \\\\      ////     / \\\\      ////      \\\\      ////
   +---+   ------        /      ------    \         ------ \
   |DC2|                /                  \                \\+---+
   +---+               /                    \                 |DC6|
                    +---+                    +---+            +---+
                    |DC3|                    |DC4|
                    +---+                    +---+

           Figure 4: Network Function Virtualization Service Enabled

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   Network Function Virtualization Services are usually setup between
   customers' premises and service provider premises and are provided
   mostly by cloud providers or content delivery providers. The context
   may include, but not limited to a security function like firewall, a
   traffic optimizer, the provisioning of storage or computation
   capacity where the customer does not care whether the service is
   implemented in a given data center or another.

   These services may be hosted virtually by the provider or physically
   part of the network. This allows the service provider to hide his
   own resources (both network and data centers) and divert customer
   requests where most suitable. This is also known as "end points
   mobility" case and introduces new concepts of traffic and service
   provisioning and resiliency (e.g., Virtual Machine mobility).

2.1.4. Dynamic Service Control Policy Enforcement for Performance and
     Fault Management

        |           Customer Network Controller          |
        1.Traffic|  /|\4.Traffic           | /|\
        Monitor& |   |  Monitor            |  | 8.Traffic
        Optimize |   |  Result   5.Service |  | modify &
        Policy   |   |             modify& |  | optimize
                \|/  |       optimize Req.\|/ | result
        |         Mult-domain Service Controller         |
        2. Path  |  /|\3.Traffic           |  |
        Monitor  |   | Monitor             |  |7.Path
        Request  |   | Result     6.Path   |  | modify &
                 |   |            modify&  |  | optimize
                \|/  |       optimize Req.\|/ | result
        |          Physical Network Controller           |

         Figure 5: Dynamic Service Control for Performance and Fault

   Figure 5 shows the flow of dynamic service control policy
   enforcement for performance and fault management initiated by
   customer per their VN. The feedback loop and filtering mechanism
   tailored for VNs performed by the MDSC differentiates this ACTN

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   scope from traditional network management paradigm. VN level dynamic
   OAM data model is a building block to support this capability.

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2.1.5. E2E VN Survivability and Multi-Layer (Packet-Optical)
     Coordination for Protection/Restoration

                        |   Customer     |
                        |   Network      |
                        |   Controller   |
                                 *  |     E2E VN Survivability Req.
                                 *  |     - VN Protection/Restoration
                                 *  v        - 1+1, Restoration, etc.
                          +------*-----+   - End Point (EP) info.
                          |            |
                          |    MDSC    | MDSC enforces VN survivability
                          |            | requirement, determining the
                          |            | optimal combination of Packet/
                          +------*-----+ Opticalprotection/restoration,
                                 *       Optical bypass, etc.
              *               *             *              *
         +----*-----+    +----*----+   +----*-----+   +----*----+
         |PNC for   |    |PNC for  |   |PNC for   |   |PNC for  |
         |Access N. |    |Packet C.|   |Optical C.|   |Access N.|
         +----*-----+    +----*----+   +----*-----+   +---*-----+
              *             --*---          *             *
              *          ///      \\\       *             *
            --*---      |   Packet   |      *         ----*-
         ///      \\\   |    Core    +------+------///      \\\
        |  Access    +----\\      ///       *     |   Access   |
        |  Network   |      ---+--          *     |   Network  |  +---+
        |\\\      ///          |            *      \\\      ///---+EP6|
        |   +---+-  |          |       -----*         -+---+      +---+
      +-+-+     |   |          +----///      \\\       |   |
      |EP1|     |   +--------------+  Optical   |      |   |  +---+
      +---+     |                  |    Core    +------+   +--+EP5|
              +-+-+                 \\\      ///              +---+
              |EP2|                    ------ |
              +---+                     |     |
                                     +--++   ++--+
                                     |EP3|   |EP4|
                                     +---+   +---+

      Figure 6: E2E VN Survivability and Multi-layer Coordination for
                        Protection and Restoration

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   Figure 6 shows the need for E2E protection/restoration control
   coordination that involves CNC, MDSC and PNCs to meet the VN
   survivability requirement. VN survivability requirement and its
   policy need to be translated into multi-domain and multi-layer
   network protection and restoration scenarios across different
   controller types. After an E2E path is setup successfully, the MSDC
   has a unique role to enforce policy-based flexible VN survivability
   requirement by coordinating all PNC domains.

   As seen in Figure 6, multi-layer (i.e., packet/optical) coordination
   is a subset of this E2E protection/restoration control operation.
   The MDSC has a role to play in determining an optimal
   protection/restoration level based on the customer's VN
   survivability requirement. For instance, the MDSC needs to interface
   the PNC for packet core as well as the PNC for optical core and
   enforce protection/restoration policy as part of the E2E
   protection/restoration. Neither the PNC for packet core nor the PNC
   for optical core is in a position to be aware of the E2E path and
   its protection/restoration situation. This role of the MSDC is
   unique for this reason. In some cases, the MDSC will have to
   determine and enforce optical bypass to find a feasible reroute path
   upon packet core network failure which cannot be resolved the packet
   core network itself.

   To coordinate this operation, the PNCs will need to update its
   domain level abstract topology upon resource changes due to a
   network failure or other factors. The MSDC will incorporate all
   these update to determine if an alternate E2E reroute path is
   necessary or not based on the changes reported from the PNCs. It
   will need to update the E2E abstract topology and the affected CN's
   VN topology in real-time. This refers to dynamic synchronization of
   topology from Physical topology to abstract topology to VN topology.

   MDSC will also need to perform the path restoration signaling to the
   affected PNCs whenever necessary.

3. ACTN common interfaces information model

   This section provides ACTN common interface information model to
   support primitives between controllers: CNC-MDSC and MDSC-PNC.

   The basic primitives are required between the controllers. It is
   described between a client controller and a server controller. A
   client-server relationship is recursive between a CNC and a MDSC and
   between a MDSC and a PNC. In the CMI interface, the client is a CNC

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   while the server is a MDSC. In the MPI interface, the client is a
   MDSC and the server is a PNC. At a minimum, the following primitives
   should be supported:

   - Virtual Network (VN) Instantiate/Modify/Delete
   - VN Topology Update (Push Model)

   <VN> ::= <VN Identifier>

            <VN Action>

            <End-Point List>

            <VN Topology Metric>


            <VN Survivability>

            <VN Status>

            <VN Topology>


   <VN Identifier> is an identifier that identifies a particular VN.

   <VN Action> is an indicator if this <VN> is for (i) instantiate,
   (ii) modify; (iii) delete. There may be a case where a query of a VN
   is necessary before an instantiate request. This is subject to
   further investigation.

   <End-Point List> ::= (<Interface Identifier>

                        [<Client Capability>])...

                        <Location Service Profile>

                        <End-Point Dynamic Selection Policy>


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         It is assumed that a list of interface identifiers has been
         known to the server prior to the VN Query message flow.

         <Client Capability> ::= <Client Interface Capability>

                                    [<Client Service Policy>]

         The Client Capability comprises the client interface
         capability (e.g., maximum interface bandwidth, etc.) and other
         Service policy information of the client.

         <Client Service Policy> ::= <Customer-Level |



         <Customer-Level> pertains to end-client service policies which
         specify the end-client related service/operational policies.
         Details of this field will be supplied in a later revision.

         <Network-Level> pertains to the policies related to
         multi-domain network operation assumed by the MDSC. For
         example, domain selection preference in the context of multi-
         domain networks is a network-level service policy. Details of
         this field will be supplied in a later version.

      <Location Service Profile> describes the End-Point Location's
      support for certain Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) (e.g.,
      security function, firewall capability, etc.).

      <End-Point Dynamic Selection Policy> describes if the End-Point
      can support load balancing, disaster recovery or VM migration.

   <VN Topology Metric> ::= <VN Topology Type>

                            <VN Topology Cost>

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                               [<VN Topology Preference>]

                               [<VN Topology Objective Function>]


         <VN Topology Type> ::= <Path> | <Graph>

         <VN Topology Cost> describes a particular cost associated with
         the VN Topology link/path such as reservable bandwidth,
         maximum link/path capacity, latency, etc.

         <VN Topology Preference> describes if the request is

           .  a single vs. a bulk request,
           .  VN diversity preference (in case of a bulk request,
               whether VNs should be disjoint or not),
           .  SRLG is required in describing link/path topology, or
           .  Others TDB.

         <VN Topology Objective Function> indicates a specific
         objective function for computing a path. This only
         applies when the VN Topology Type is a path vector.

   <Traffic-Matrix> ::= <End-Point List>

                        <Connectivity Type>

                        <Connectivity Metric>


      <Connectivity Type> ::= <P2P> | <P2MP> | <MP|MP> | <MP|P>


      <Connectivity Matric> ::= <Bandwidth>

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   <VN Survivability> ::= <VN Protection Level>

                          <VN Survivability Policy>


      <VN Protection Level> ::= <No Protection> | <1+1> | <1:N> |

      <VN Survivability Policy> ::= <Local Reroute Allowed>

                                    [<Domain Preference>]

                                    <Push Allowed>

                                    <Incremental Update>


          <Local Reroute Allowed> is a delegation policy to the Server
          to allow or not a local reroute fix upon a failure of the
          primary LSP.

          <Domain Preference> is only applied on the MPI where the MDSC
          (client) provides a domain preference to each PNC (server).

          <Push Allowed> is a policy that allows a server to trigger an
          updated VN topology upon failure without an explicit request
          from the client.

          <Increment Update> is another policy that triggers an
          increment update from the server.

   <VN Status> is the status indicator whether the VN has been
   successfully instantiated/modified/deleted in the server network or
   not in response to <VN Action>.

   <VN Topology> describes the resulting VN topology. Details of <VN
   Topology> are TDB.

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4. References

    4.1. Informative References

   [ACTN-Frame]   D. Ceccarelli, et al., "Framework for Abstraction and
             Control of Transport Networks", draft-ceccarelli-actn-
             framework, work in progress.

5. Contributors

Contributors' Addresses

Authors' Addresses

   Young Lee
   Huawei Technologies
   5340 Legacy Drive
   Plano, TX 75023, USA
   Phone: (469)277-5838

   Sergio Belotti
   Alcatel Lucent
   Via Trento, 30
   Vimercate, Italy

   Dhruv Dhoddy
   Huawei Technologies

   Daniele Ceccarelli
   Stockholm, Sweden

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