Internet DRAFT - draft-leiba-term-limit-guidance


Network Working Group                                           B. Leiba
Internet-Draft                                    Futurewei Technologies
Intended status: Best Current Practice                   21 October 2021
Expires: 24 April 2022

      Guidance to the IETF Nominating Committee About Term Limits


   In order to encourage more turnover in the IETF management bodies,
   this document provides strong guidance to the IETF Nominating
   Committee with regard to limiting the number of consecutive terms a
   given participant should be selected to serve in NomCom-appointed

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   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2022.

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   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.  Specific Guidance to the NomCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   6.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   7.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5

1.  Introduction

   In order to encourage more turnover in the IETF management bodies,
   this document provides strong guidance to the IETF Nominating
   Committee (NomCom)[RFC8713] with regard to limiting the number of
   consecutive terms a given participant should be selected to serve in
   NomCom-appointed positions.

   // The following paragraph is for draft discussion only and will be
   // changed or removed before publication.

   For convenience, this document will refer to NomCom-appointed
   positions on the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), the
   Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the IETF Administration LLC
   Board of Directors (LLC) collectively as "leadership positions", or
   just "leadership".  We can decide on final nomenclature for that
   after we've hashed out the other details in this proposal.

2.  Background

   The IETF community is best served when leadership changes at regular
   intervals, leading to greater diversity of thought, vision, and
   perspective, and avoiding "burnout" that can result from someone
   serving in time-consuming and stressful positions for an extended
   time.  There have been occasional proposals for hard term limits, and
   many in the community support that approach, but there is concern
   about the effect of limiting NomComs too strictly.  This document
   takes an alternative approach of using clear and strong guidance to
   NomComs, which they are expected to follow, while still giving them
   the flexibility to evaluate specific situations and to "do the right
   thing" when strict rules would be problematic.

   This section lays out some principles that inform the guidance given

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   The IESG comprises the Area Directors (ADs) from each of the IETF
   technical areas, the IETF Chair (AD of the General Area), and the IAB
   Chair (ex-officio).  It is widely considered that much of an AD's
   first year is spent learning the role and finding one's way.  Because
   of that, ADs who are doing well in the second year of their first
   terms are generally re-appointed for a second term, taking advantage
   of their experience and allowing them to use what they have learned.
   Third terms are less common, and four terms or more are unusual, as
   the role of an Area Director is a busy and stressful one.  Burnout is
   a danger, but even without that consideration the community thinks it
   important to bring new vision and perspective into the AD position

   A complication often arises with respect to finding ADs: There are
   frequently few -- sometimes only one or two -- volunteers to stand
   for a particular AD position.  Sometimes a NomCom has only an
   incumbent candidate, and no other volunteers to choose from.  While
   some participants can serve -- and have served -- as ADs in more than
   one area, AD positions are not readily interchangeable, making the
   NomCom's work more difficult when these situations arise.

   The IAB comprises members across the IETF technical areas.  Because
   its members are appointed "at large", rather than from specific
   areas, there tends to be a broader pool of IAB candidates, giving
   NomComs a greater abundance of choices than they have when selecting
   Area Directors.

   A challenge in selecting the IAB is that ADs who step down often
   immediately vie for positions as IAB members.  While the IAB is a
   different body, with different roles and needs, this situation
   nevertheless does not contribute to diversity in leadership,
   revitalization of a stressed AD, or fresh perspectives on the IAB.
   The community is particularly concerned with a pattern of ADs making
   immediate transitions to the IAB.

   The IETF Chair role is the busiest and most stressful, and benefits
   strongly from recent experience on the IESG.  "Recent", here,
   requires judgment, of course, and a good candidate for IETF Chair
   might be just finishing a term as a technical AD or might have held
   such a role within the last few years.  It is not desirable for term
   limits to rule out IETF Chair candidates because they have been on
   the IESG "too recently".

   (This document is not covering the LLC just yet...)

   The community considers it important that participants who take on
   leadership positons return to the community (outside of leadership)
   periodically, to serve as working group participants, document

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   editors, working group chairs, and directorate members.  This allows
   the community to benefit from what those in leadership have learned
   and the experience they have developed.  It also provides
   opportunities for others in the community to step into leadership,
   and benefits the individuals involved by allowing them to revitalize
   and regenerate, developing a new set of perspectives, before they
   consider additional terms in other leadership positions.

3.  Specific Guidance to the NomCom

   In general, an individual should be expected to serve no more than
   two terms in *any* collective NomCom-appointed positions before
   returning to the community for at least one year.  As an example, if
   a participant is selected for the IAB in 2020 and becomes an AD in
   2022, that participant would be expected to take a "gap year" in
   2024.  NomComs should consider a third consecutive term with no gap
   to be unusual, and should consider a fourth term to be exceptional,
   only to be used in exceptional circumstances.  The IESG and IAB
   should consider such exceptional situations as needing analysis and
   possible action to see that they do not persist.

   An exception to the general guidance above is for appointment to IETF
   Chair: It is expected that the individual selected as IETF Chair
   might be a sitting AD or IAB member, or one who is just stepping down
   from one of those roles, and that there might not be a gap year in
   this case.

   NomComs are, given this guidance, tasked with doing the right thing
   and making the best choices for the IETF, with the understanding that
   situations arise where firm rules do not work well and judgment is
   critical.  If a NomCom makes an appointment that this guidance
   considers unusual or exceptional, it is important that the situation
   be explained in the NomCom Chair's report to the confirming body, as
   the confirmation process needs to consider the NomCom's choice to
   deviate from this guidance, and needs to understand the situation
   that has arisen.  The NomCom Chair should also include an explanation
   in the report to the community, to the extent possible within NomCom
   confidentiality rules.

4.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no request of IANA.

5.  Security Considerations

   This document is purely procedural, and there are no related security

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6.  Acknowledgments

   Thanks to Rich Salz for kicking off the discussion of term limits,
   and to John Klensin, Brian Carpenter, Keith Moore, Mark Nottingham,
   Kyle Rose, Eric Rescorla, Rob Sayre, Bob Hinden, Jaren Mauch, John
   Levine, Joel Halpern, Michael Richardson, and others who participated
   in the discussion and prompted the writing of this proposal.

7.  Informative References

   [RFC8713]  Kucherawy, M., Ed., Hinden, R., Ed., and J. Livingood,
              Ed., "IAB, IESG, IETF Trust, and IETF LLC Selection,
              Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the IETF
              Nominating and Recall Committees", BCP 10, RFC 8713,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8713, February 2020,

Author's Address

   Barry Leiba
   Futurewei Technologies


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