Internet DRAFT - draft-leroux-ccamp-rsvp-te-path-constr



Network Working Group                                       J.L. Le Roux 
                                                          France Telecom 
Internet Draft                                          
                                                        D. Papadimitriou 
Category: Standard Track                                                
Expires: April 2006                                         October 2005 
        Handling Path Constraints in Generalized RSVP-TE signaling 
Status of this Memo 
   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any  
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware  
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes  
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.  
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering  
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that  
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 2006.  
Copyright Notice  
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  
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   In various situations, it would be useful to include aggregated path  
   parameters such as, e.g., delay, hop-count or optical power, within     
   Generalized MPLS signaling. For that purpose, this draft extends    
   GMPLS RSVP-TE, for signaling end-to-end path constraint, and  
   aggregating path parameters along the path.  
   This draft only defines generic encoding rules and procedures. 
   Specific encoding and procedures for each path parameter will be 
   addressed in separate documents. 
Table of Contents 
   1.      Terminology.................................................3 
   2.      Introduction................................................3 
   3.      Overview of the mechanism...................................4 
   4.      The Path_Constraints TLV....................................5 
   4.1.    Description.................................................5 
   4.2.    Format......................................................5 
   4.2.1.  Path Parameter sub-TLV......................................6 
   4.3.    Elements of procedure.......................................6 
   5.      The AGGREGATION object......................................7 
   5.1.    Format......................................................7 
   5.2.    Elements of procedure.......................................7 
   6.      Procedures to setup a TE-LSP with Path_Constraints..........8 
   6.1.    Procedure for the Head-End LSR..............................8 
   6.2.    Procedure for a transit/tail-end LSR........................8 
   7.      Procedures for Bidirectional LSPs..........................10 
   8.      Procedures for inter-domain LSPs...........................10 
   9.      IANA Consideration.........................................10 
   9.1.    New RSVP C-Num and C-Type..................................10 
   9.2.    New LSP Attributes TLV.....................................10 
   9.3.    New Path Parameters TLV Space:.............................10 
   9.4.    New Error Codes............................................11 
   9.5.    Security issues............................................11 
   10.     Normative References.......................................11 
   11.     Informative References.....................................12 
   12.     Authors' Address:..........................................12 
   13.     Intellectual Property Statement............................12 
Conventions used in this document 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119. 
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1. Terminology  
   This document uses terminology from the MPLS architecture document  
   [RFC3031] and from the RSVP-TE protocol specification [RFC3209] which  
   inherits from the RSVP specification [RFC2205]. It also makes uses of  
   the Generalized MPLS RSVP-TE terminology introduced in [RFC3471] and  
2. Introduction 
   GMPLS control plane (see [GMPLS-ARCH]) supports routing and signaling  
   of TE-LSPs for various switching technologies (PSC, L2SC, TDM, LSC,  
   FSC). Those generalized TE LSPs are routed along paths that respect a  
   set of TE constraints. Various TE constraints can be taken into  
   account during path computation, such as, for instance, bandwidth,  
   delay, hop-counts, and resource affinities.   
   There are actually two types of TE LSP constraints:  
         - Link constraints: bandwidth, affinities, etc.  
         - Path_Constraints: delay, hop count, power loss, etc.  
   Some path constraints such as delay or hop count apply to any 
   switching capability. Some other path constraints apply only to a 
   subset of switching capabilities, such as power loss for instance. 
   GMPLS Path parameters such as delay, hop count, power loss result  
   from the aggregation of link parameters. Such aggregation  is 
   actually an addition of link parameters along the path. For instance 
   the delay of a path is the sum of hop delays.  
   Current Generalized RSVP-TE [RFC3473] signals, and performs local  
   admission control based on link constraints only. Path Constraints  
   are not signaled within RSVP-TE.   
   However in some situations, it would be useful to signal Paths  
   Constraints, and aggregate link parameters values along the path, in 
   order to perform an admission control based also on Path_Constraints. 
   This includes the following situations:  
       - The TE-LSP path has been computed taking into account  
         Path_Constraints, but with incomplete information on link  
         parameters, or estimated link parameters. In that case it  
         is useful to signal Path Constraints, and to aggregate link  
         parameters along the path, so as to let LSRs perform  
         admission control based on signaled constraints and aggregated  
         link parameter(s). Also it is useful to reflect actual  
         aggregated path parameters value back to the Head-End LSR.  
       - In an inter-domain domain context (inter-area, inter-AS) it 
          may be useful to signal Path_Constraints, and to aggregate 
          link parameters, so that a border router can take them into 
          account when doing ERO expansion (case of per-domain path 
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          computation in [PD-PATH-COMP]). Also it may be useful to 
          indicate to the head-end LSR the actual values of path 
          parameters, as they cannot be deduced from the RRO.   
   This draft defines Generalized RSVP-TE protocol extensions to allow  
   for signaling of Path_Constraints, and for aggregation of link  
   parameters along the path.  
   The document is built as follows:  
     - Section 3 gives an overview of the solution.   
     - Section 4 defines a new Path Constraints TLV, to be carried  
       within the LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE object, and used to encode Path      
     - Section 5 defines a new object called the AGGREGATION object,  
       used to build path parameters based on an aggregation of  
       link parameters along the signaled path.   
     - Finally, section 6 defines elements of procedures for head-end,   
       transit, and tail-end LSRs.  
   This document only defines generic encoding and procedures. Specific  
   Encoding and procedures depend on each path parameter and will be 
   addressed in separate documents.  
   Note that procedures specific to the inter-domain case (inter-area or 
   inter-AS) will be addressed in a future revision.  
3. Overview of the mechanism 
   As mentioned in the previous section, it would be useful in various  
   situations (e.g. loose paths), to signal Path_Constraints such as 
   maximum delay or maximum hop count within RSVP-TE, and to aggregate 
   associated link parameters along the path, in order to determine 
   actual path parameters such as path delay or path hop count, and 
   perform admission control on these parameters. 
   A new Path Constraints TLV is defined for being carried within the  
   LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE object [LSP-ATTR]. It is used to carry  
   upper bounds for a set of path parameters. These values are fixed by 
   the head-end LSR and are not modified along the path.  
   A new RSVP AGGREGATION object is defined so as to aggregate link 
   parameter values along the path and determine end-to-end path 
   parameters. It is updated at each hop, basically each hop combines 
   received value with its own contribution to the path parameter.   
   The procedures to signal an LSP with Path_Constraints are as follows:  
   - The head-end sends a Path message that includes:  
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        - A Path Constraints TLV, included in a LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE     
          object, that carries a set of path constraints.   
        - An AGGREGATION object that contains a set of path            
          parameters, initially set to the least significant value.    
   - On each LSR along the path, each value included in the    
    AGGREGATION  object is updated based on local hop contribution to        
    each path parameter. Admission control is then performed for each              
    parameter included in the Path_Constraints TLV. The aggregate  
    value in the AGGREGATION object is compared with the path  
    constraint value included as part of the Path Constraints TLV. 
        - If all constraints are respected then if the LSR is at transit  
         the Path message is propagated downstream and if the LSR is at  
         tail-end, the AGGREGATION object is reflected in a Resv message  
         and passed unchanged back to the head-end LSR.    .    
        - In case one (or more) constraints are violated, the LSR  
         sends back a PathErr message with the Path_State_Removed flag  
         Set [RFC3473], and with a new Error code and value that  
         indicates the violated constraint. The PathErr message also  
         includes the AGGREGATION object that is passed unchanged back  
         to the head-end LSR.  
4. The Path_Constraints TLV 
4.1. Description 
   The Path_Constraints TLV is defined as a new Attribute TLV of the LSP  
   REQUIRED ATTRIBUTE object. It exactly follows the processing rules  
   defined in [LSP-ATTR].  
   It contains a set of Path Parameter sub-TLVs, each encoding the  
   constraint value for a given path parameter.  
    4.2.                         Format 
   The Path Constraints TLV is encoded as follows  
   0                   1                   2                   3     
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1   
   |            Type               |           Length              |  
   |                                                               |  
   //                   Path Parameters sub-TLVs                   //  
   |                                                               |  
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    Type: Path_Constraints  
      IANA has been asked to manage the space of TLV types in the  
      REQUIRED_LSP_ATTRIBUTES Object [LSP-ATTRIB]. This document suggest  
      Type = 2 for the Path Constraints TLV.  
    Value: A set of one or more Path Parameter sub-TLVs 
4.2.1. Path Parameter sub-TLV 
   A path parameter sub-TLV encodes the value of a path  
   parameter. It can be carried within a Path Constraints TLV of an 
   LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE object, or an AGGREGATION object. It has the 
   following format:  
   0                   1                   2                   3     
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1   
   |X|           Type              |           Length              |  
   |                                                               |  
   //                    Path Parameter Value                     //  
   |                                                               |  
      X: Break bit, used to indicate that at least one LSR on the path  
                    did not recognize and proceed the parameter.   
      Type:  15 bits identifier of the path parameter.  
         The length of the value field in bytes. Thus if no value field  
         is present the length field contains the value zero.  
         Each value field must be zero padded at the end to take it up  
         to a four byte boundary - the padding is not  included in the  
         length so that a one byte value would be encoded in an eight   
         byte TLV with length field set to one.  
       Path Parameter Value:  
         Scalar value of the path parameter. The unit will depend on   
         on the type of parameter and will be defined in the document  
         that introduces the parameter.  
4.3. Elements of procedure 
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   An LSR that does not recognize the Path Constraints TLV or recoginze 
   it but does not support it MUST reject the Path message using an 
   Error code "Unknown Attributes TLV" and an error value identifying 
   the unknown TLV type code. 
   An LSR that does not recognize a parameter type in the Path  
   Constraint TLV MUST set the break bit for this parameter.  
5. The AGGREGATION object 
   The AGGREGATION object is used to build path parameters, by 
   cumulating hop parameters along the signaled path.  
   It is carried within a Path message and updated at each hop. This  
   object is also be carried in Resv and PathErr message, where it is  
   passed unchanged.  
5.1. Format 
   The AGGREGATION object contains a set of Path Parameter TLVs  
   whose encoding is defined in 4.2.1. Each TLV corresponds to a given  
   accumulated parameter along the path.   
   Note that a given parameter must have the same TLV type, when carried 
   in the LSP_REQUIRED ATTRIBUTE object or in the AGGREGATION object.  
   Class = 0bbbbbbb,  C-Type = Path Parameter TLVs  
   |                                                               |  
   |                                                               |  
  //                   Path Parameter TLVs                        //  
   |                                                               |  
   |                                                               |  
5.2. Elements of procedure 
   The AGGREGATION object has a C-Num of form 0bbbbbbb. That is, an LSR  
   that does not recognize this object should reject the LSP and send 
   back a PathErr with the appropriate error code. 
   An LSR that does not recognize a parameter type in AGGREGATION object 
   MUST set the break bit for this parameter.  
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6. Procedures to setup a TE-LSP with Path Constraints 
6.1. Procedure for the Head-End LSR 
   To signal a LSP subject to a set of path constraints, the head-end  
   LSR sends a Path message that contains a Path Constraints TLV  
   included within a LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE object. Path_constraints are  
   encoded within Path Parameter sub-TLVs.  
   Note that the type of constraints and constraint values may be  
   subject to change during the life of the LSP but are under full  
   control of the head-end LSR.  
   The Path message sent by the head-end LSR also contains an  
   AGGREGATION object. Values in path parameters TLVs are initialized  
   following rules specific to each parameter. These specific rules are  
   out of the scope of this document, and will be addressed in documents  
   introducing the parameters.  
   Note that all path parameters present in the Path_Constraints TLV,  
   MUST also appear in the AGGREGATION Object. In return some path  
   parameters not subject to admission control may be present in the  
   AGGREGATION object, and not in the Path_Constraints TLV.  
   Note that the break bit of all parameters in the AGGREGATION object 
   and the Path Constraints TLV MUST be initially cleared. 
   On receipt of a Resv message with a AGGREGATION object, the head-end  
   LSR will be aware of the current LSP path parameters. The processing  
   of these values by the Head-End LSR will be addressed in documents  
   defining the path parameters.  
6.2. Procedure for a transit/tail-end LSR 
   On receipt of a Path message with an AGGREGATION object and no Path 
   Constraint TLV, an LSR MUST update each recognized and supported path 
   parameter of the AGGREGATION object. For each path parameter it has 
   to accumulate the received value with its own "contribution" to the 
   parameter. If the LSR does not recognize or recognize but does not 
   support a given path parameter it should set the break bit of this 
   parameter to 1. 
   If the LSR is at transit it MUST forward the Path message downstream 
   with the updated AGGREGATION object. If the LSR is at tail-end it 
   MUST reflect the updated AGGREGATION object in a Resv message sent 
   back to the head-end LSR.   
   On receipt of a Path message with an AGGREGATION object and a Path 
   Constraint TLV in the LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE object, an LSR MUST 
   firstly update each path parameter of the AGGREGATION object. If a 
   parameter is not recognized it should set the break bit of this 
   parameter to 1. Then it MUST perform local admission control for each 
   recognized and supported path parameter included in the Path 
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   Constraints TLV, by verifying that aggregated path parameters does 
   not exceed path constraints.  
        - If all constraints are respected and all break bit are cleared  
          then if the LSR is at transit the Path message is forwarded  
          downstream with the updated AGGREGATION object and if the LSR  
          is at tail-end the updated AGGREGATION object is included in a  
          Resv message sent back to the head-end LSR. 
        - If at least one constraint is violated, then the LSP MUST be  
          rejected, whatever the break bit value and a PathErr is sent  
          back to the Head-End LSR with the Path_State_Removed flag set  
          and a new Error code ("path constraint violation"), and error  
          value corresponding to the TLV type of the violated  
          constraint.  This PathErr message MUST also reflect the  
          AGGREGATION object unchanged.  
        - If at least one locally supported parameter has the break bit  
          set and the constraint is respected, then the LSP may be  
          rejected or not depending on local policy decision. If it is  
          rejected a PAthErr message with the error code "Unsupported  
          Path Parameter" and error value corresponding to the  
          unsupported TLV type MUST be generated.  
          This PathErr message MUST also reflect the AGGREGATION object  
        - If there is at least one locally unsupported parameter then    
          the LSP may be rejected or not depending on local policy  
          decision. If it is rejected a PAthErr message with the error  
          code "Unsupported Path Parameter" and error value  
          corresponding to the unsupported TLV type MUST be generated.  
          This PathErr message MUST also reflect the AGGREGATION object  
   Note that path parameters included in the AGGREGATION object, but not 
   in the Path Constraints TLV are not subject to a local admission 
   When its local contribution changes, a transit LSR SHOULD perform 
   admission control and send a Path message downstream with an updated 
   AGGREGATION object.    
   An AGGREGATION object included in a Resv message MUST be forwarded  
   transparently by a transit LSR.  
   The Path_Constraints TLV included in a Path/Resv message MUST be  
   forwarded transparently by a transit LSR.  
   The Break bit of a parameter TLV MUST never be cleared by any LSR.  

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7. Procedures for Bidirectional LSPs 
8. Procedures for inter-domain LSPs 
9. IANA Consideration 
9.1. New RSVP C-Num and C-Type 
   One new RSVP C-Num is defined in this document and should be 
   assigned by IANA. 
      o AGGREGATION object 
   The C-Num should be of the form 0bbbbbbb so that LSRs that do not 
   recognize the object reject the LSP. 
   One C-Type is defined for this object and should be assigned by IANA. 
      o Path Parameter TLVs 
          Recommended C-Type value = 1. 
9.2. New LSP Attributes TLV 
   This document defines one LSP Attributes TLV type as     
      - TLV Type Suggested value = 2 
      - TLV Name = Path_Constraints 
      - allowed on LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES object. 
9.3. New Path Parameters TLV Space:  
   The AGGREGATION object and the Path Constraints TLV defined above are 
   constructed from TLVs. Each TLV correspond to a particular path 
   parameter. Each TLV includes a 15-bit type identifier (the T-field). 
   The same T-field values are applicable to the AGGREGATION object and 
   the Path Constraints TLV. 
   IANA is requested to manage Path Parameter TLV type identifiers as 
      - TLV Type (T-field value) 
      - TLV Name: Name of the Path Parameter 
      - RFC: 
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9.4. New Error Codes 
   This document defines the following new RSVP error codes and error 
   values. Numeric values should be assigned by IANA. 
   Error Code                     Error Value 
   "Unknown Path parameter TLV"  Identifies the unknown TLV type code. 
   "Path Constraint Violation"   Identifies the TLV type of the  
                                 violated constraint. 
9.5. Security issues 
   This document adds one new object to the RSVP Path/Resv message, and 
   a new TLV to the LSP_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE object. 
   It does not introduce any new direct security issues and the reader 
   is referred to the security considerations expressed in [RFC2205], 
   [RFC3209] and [RFC3473]. 
10. Normative References  
   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., 'Key words for use in RFCs to indicate  
         requirements levels', RFC 2119, March 1997. 
   [RFC3667] Bradner, S., 'IETF Rights in Contributions', BCP 78, 
             RFC 3667, February 2004. 
   [RFC3668] Bradner, S., Ed., 'Intellectual Property Rights in IETF 
             Technology', BCP 79, RFC 3668, February 2004. 
   [RFC2205] Braden, R., Zhang, L., Berson, S., Herzog, S. and S. Jamin, 
          'Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1, Functional 
          Specification', RFC 2205, September 1997. 
   [RFC3209] Awduche, D., Berger, L., Gan, D., Li, T., 
             Srinivasan, V. and G. Swallow, 'RSVP-TE: Extensions 
             to RSVP for LSP Tunnels', RFC 3209, December 2001. 
   [RFC3471]  Berger, L. (Editor), "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label 
              Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description", 
              RFC 3471, January 2003. 
   [RFC3473]  Berger, L. (Editor), "Generalized MPLS Signaling - 
              RSVP-TE Extensions", RFC 3473, January 2003. 
   [LSP-ATTR] A. Farrel, et. al. , "Encoding of Attributes for MPLS LSP  
              Establishment Using RSVP-TE" draft-ietf-mpls-rsvpte- 
              attributes, work in progress. 
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11. Informative References  
   [GMPLS-ARCH] E.Mannie (Editor) et al., "Generalized Multi-Protocol 
                Label Switching (GMPLS) Architecture", Internet Draft, 
                Work in Progress, draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-architecture-
                07.txt, May 2003. 
   [PD-PATH-COMP] Vasseur, J.P., Ayyangar, A., Zhang, R., " A Per-domain  
                  path computation method for computing Inter-domain  
                  Traffic Engineering (TE) Label Switched Path (LSP)",  
                  draft-ietf-ccamp-inter-domain-pd-path-comp, work in  
12. Authors' Address:  
   Jean-Louis Le Roux  
   France Telecom  
   2, avenue Pierre-Marzin  
   22307 Lannion Cedex  
   Dimitri Papadimitriou  
   Francis Wellensplein 1,  
   B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium 
   Phone : +32 3 240 8491 
13. Intellectual Property Statement 
   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to 
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in 
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights 
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has 
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information 
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be 
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any 
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an 
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of 
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this 
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at 
   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement 
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   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at 
   Disclaimer of Validity 
   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 
   Copyright Statement 
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject 
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and 
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. 

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