Internet DRAFT - draft-lhan-satellite-instructive-routing


Network Working Group                                        L. Han, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                 A. Retana
Intended status: Informational                                     R. Li
Expires: 4 March 2024                       Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
                                                        1 September 2023

    Semantic Address Based Instructive Routing for Satellite Network


   This document presents a method to do IP routing over satellite
   network that consists of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites and ground-
   stations.  The method uses the source routing mechanism.  The whole
   routing info is obtained by path calculation.  The routing path
   information is converted to be a list of instructions and embedded
   into user packet's IPv6 extension header.  At each hop or each
   satellite, the routing process engine will forward the packet based
   on the specified instruction for the satellite.  Until the packet
   reaches the edge of satellite network, or the last satellite, the
   packet will be sent to a ground station.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 March 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.

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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Review of LEO satellite constellation for future Internet . .   5
   4.  Basics of Instructive Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Forwarding Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Forwarding Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  Forwarding Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.4.  Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  IPv6 Routing Header for Instructive Routing . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Instruction List for Instructive Routing  . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  Instructive Routing Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     7.1.  Fwd.Inc.Sat_ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     7.2.  Fwd.Dec.Sat_ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     7.3.  Fwd.Inc.Opb_ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     7.4.  Fwd.Dec.Opb_ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.5.  Fwd.Inc.Shl_ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     7.6.  Fwd.Dec.Shl_ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     7.7.  End.Intf_ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.8.  End.Punt  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.9.  End.Lookup  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     7.10. End.Lookup.IPv4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     7.11. End.Lookup.IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     7.12. Fwd.Sat_Addr  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     7.13. Fwd.Sat_MacAddr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
            Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction) .  24
     7.15.  Forwarding_API_SAT(Packet,Input_Satellite,Sat_Addr)  . .  24
            Forwarding_API_MAC(Packet,Input_Satellite,Sat_MacAddr) .  24
     7.17. Forwarding_GS_API(Packet,Input_Interface) . . . . . . . .  25
   8.  Other notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   11. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   12. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   13. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     13.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     13.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Appendix A.  Change Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

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1.  Introduction

   Massive LEO constellation is expected to be used for future Internet.
   It has raised challenges to the current IP networking technologies to
   support such super-fast-moving network.
   [I-D.lhan-problems-requirements-satellite-net] has analyzed the
   problems when using the regular routing protocols in such network.

   Since all satellites in a LEO constellation are well organized and
   form a kind of multi-layered grid network, each satellite's relative
   position in the satellite network will be steady during its life
   time.  [I-D.lhan-satellite-semantic-addressing] has proposed to use
   couple of indexes to identify each satellite in the network.  The
   combination of the indexes is called the satellite semantic address.
   The semantic address can be embedded into the field of the interface
   identifier (i.e., the rightmost 64 bits) of the IPv6 address, if IPv6
   is used in the satellite network.

   This memo proposes a method for routing for LEO satellite network, it
   is based on the satellite semantic address.  It is a source routing
   mechanism and conceptually similar to SRv6 (IPv6 Segment Routing)
   [RFC8754] with loose-hop, but with many differences in the
   architecture and details.  The routing information is embedded into
   the IPv6 packet as routing extension header defined in [RFC8200].
   Unlike the SRv6 [RFC8754] and programming [RFC8986], The new method
   will not use IPv6 SID (Segment Identifier) to represent the segments
   on the routing path.  Instead, it will convert the segments on the
   path to be a list of instructions since each satellite could be
   represented by the semantic address.  Each instruction can tell each
   satellite how to forward the packet to an adjacent satellite and when
   to stop, either on the same orbit, or on the adjacent orbit.

   Compared with the traditional IP forwarding, the new method will not
   use TCAM (Ternary Content-addressable Memory) lookup for IP prefix.
   Each satellite only needs to store a simple adjacency table.
   Therefore, the new method can save significant TCAM and the
   processing time for routing/forwarding tables.

   It must be noted this memo just describes one aspect of the whole
   solution for satellite constellation used for Internet access and NTN
   (Non-Terrestrial Network) integration with 5G, following areas are
   not covered in this memo and will be addressed in other documents

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   1.  IP forwarding path determination for a LEO constellation.  There
       are different strategies and algorithms to determine the IP path.
       One example using modified OSPF and Dijkstra algorithm
       [I-D.retana-lsr-ospf-monitor-node] to get the shortest geographic
       path can be found in [Large-Scale-LEO-Network-Routing].

   2.  Data planes for different scenarios, such as Internet access and
       NTN integration.

   3.  Other protocols for control plane.

2.  Terminology

   LEO               Low Earth Orbit with the altitude from 180 km to
                     2000 km.

   LEO constellation  LEO constellation consists of certain number of
                     LEOs.  Each LEO has pre-assigned orbit element.

   ISL               Inter Satellite Link

   GS                Ground Station, a device on ground connecting
                     satellite.  In the document, GS will hypothetically
                     provide L2 and/or L3 functionality in addition to
                     process/transmit/receive radio wave.  It might be
                     different as the reality that the device to
                     process/transmit/receive radio wave and the device
                     to provide L2 and/or L3 functionality could be

   L2                Layer 2, or Data Link Layer in OSI model

   L3                Layer 3, or Network Layer in OSI model [OSI-Model],
                     it is also called IP layer in TCP/IP model

   OS                Operating System

   NTN               Non-Terrestrial Network

   SID               Segment Identifier

   Sat-GS Links      Wireless links between satellites and ground-
                     stations, it consists of uplink (from ground to
                     satellite) and downlink (from satellite to ground.

   Link Metrics      The cost of the outgoing interface for routing,

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                     typically, it may indicate the bandwidth, delay or
                     other costs for the interface.

   Sat_ID            Satellite Index, the Index for the satellite in a
                     orbit plane, see

   Obp_ID            Orbit Plane Index, the Index for the orbit plane in
                     a shell group of satellite, see

   Shl_ID            Shell Index, the Index for the shell group of
                     satellite in a satellite constellation, see

   Intf_ID           Interface Index

   Sat_Addr          Satellite Semantic Address, it consists of indexes
                     Shl_ID, Obp_ID and Sat_ID.  It is 32-bit long and
                     is defined in Section 5.4 in

   Sat_MacAddr       The MAC (Media Access Control) Address for a

3.  Review of LEO satellite constellation for future Internet

   LEO satellite constellation is expected to be integrated with
   terrestrial network in future Internet.  StarLink project [StarLink]
   has launched its satellites and provided the beta service in some
   areas.  3GPP [ThreeGPP] has studied the issues when NTN is integrated
   with Internet and 5G.  3GPP [TR38-821] has also proposed the
   Satellite-based NG-RAN architectures for NTN integration.  In the
   3GPP new Release 18 (in-progress), there is a working item "Study on
   5G System with Satellite Backhaul" [TR23-700].  In which, LEO
   satellite network will provide the transport functionality for 5G RAN
   access network.  As a summary, the targets of LEO constellation for
   future Internet and NTN integration are as follows:

   1.  Global coverage: The Satellite network should cover all places on
       earth and any flying objects as long as the place or objects are
       below LEO attitude and within the coverage footprint of satellite
       constellation, the satellite network should be the complementary
       to terrestrial network.

   2.  Internet access: The Satellite network can provide the Internet
       access service for covered areas.

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   3.  NTN integration: The Satellite network is fully integrated with
       Internet including Wireless such as 4G or 5G.

   4.  Competitive service: The Satellite network can provide the
       services that are competitive to terrestrial network in terms of
       service stability, Quality of Service, especially the latency for
       Satellite network is shorter.

   As a new form of network, LEO constellation has lots of difference
   with the steady terrestrial network especially in the mobility.
   [I-D.lhan-problems-requirements-satellite-net] has analyzed the
   movement and coverage of satellite.  For a massive LEO constellation,
   all satellites are moving on the allocated orbits, and form one or
   multiple layers of network.  Finally, the massive LEO constellation
   will have the following unprecedented mobility:

   1.  Each LEO moves at the speed of 7.x km/s.

   2.  Ground Stations move at the speed of 463 m/s due to earth

   3.  Half of LEOs move on the direction that is different with another
       half of LEOs.

   4.  Huge number of links between satellites and ground-stations, and
       all of them are constantly flipping within short period of time.
       All Link Metrics of Sat-GS Links are also constantly changing.

   5.  All Link Metrics of ISL on the Longitude direction are constantly

   6.  All Links of ISL on the Longitude direction may be interrupted at
       two polar areas.

   7.  All Link Metrics of ISL on the radius direction (for satellites
       with different altitude) are constantly changing.

   8.  All Links of ISL on the radius direction can only last for a
       limited time.

4.  Basics of Instructive Routing

   In IP routing or forwarding, the IP path consists of a list of IP
   nodes (hops).  In LEO satellite network, the IP forwarding path is a
   list of satellites.  Instructive routing essentially is a mechanism
   that converts satellites on the path to a list of segment and then to
   a list of instructions.  It will utilize the special characters of
   LEO satellite network to achieve the minimized packet overhead while

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   the forwarding functions can be executed quickly.

   A typical LEO satellite network is an interleaved and meshed network
   moving constantly.  Each satellite only has limited adjacent
   satellites, thus the limited packet forwarding directions (see
   Section 4.1).

   The satellites on a forwarding path can be converted to a list of
   segments.  The number of segments is normally much smaller than the
   number of satellites on the path.

   The number of segment type will determine the number of instruction
   type.  Since the segment type is also limited (see Section 4.2), so
   the instruction type is limited.

   Finally, combining the above characters and with the use of semantic
   address, the Instructive Routing will only introduce limited overhead
   that is much smaller than SRv6 and SRv6 with compressed SID.

4.1.  Forwarding Directions

   When using ISL for satellites in a LEO constellation, each layer of
   network will have satellite nodes connected by limited ISLs.  A
   typical satellite will have about six ISL to connected to its
   adjacent satellites in 3D space.  Additionally, there might have very
   few numbers of ISL working as un-steady link to connect to other
   satellites.  Un-stead links are those between satellites moving to
   different directions, see
   [I-D.lhan-problems-requirements-satellite-net] for the detailed
   explanation.  After using the semantic address for each satellite,
   the satellite relationship will be static.  Figure 1 illustrates one
   satellite and its six direct connected adjacent satellites, it is
   easy to determine some indexes of its adjacent satellites:

   1.  S0, S1 and S2 have the same Shl_ID, the difference of Obp_ID
       between S0 and S1, S0 and S2 are both equal to one.

   2.  S0, S3 and S4 have the same Shl_ID and Obp_ID, the difference of
       Sat_ID between S0 and S3, S0 and S4 are both equal to one.

   3.  S0, S5 and S6 have different Shl_ID, and the difference of Shl_ID
       between S0 and S5, S0 and S6 are both equal to one.

   Another benefit to use the semantic address is that the packet
   forwarding for routing and switching will be simplified
   significantly.  There will be only six major forwarding directions to
   the directly connected adjacent satellites described above, plus one
   or few specified directions probably.  The specified direction is to

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   forward packet to a specified adjacent satellite through an un-steady
   link.  The un-steady link can connect to any satellite but only last
   for a short time.  The usages of un-steady links are expected to be
   limited and are not major scenarios in a LEO constellation.
   Following are all directions for forwarding:

   1.  Forward to the Sat_ID Incremental or Decremental directions.

   2.  Forward to the Obp_ID Incremental or Decremental directions.

   3.  Forward to the Shl_ID Incremental or Decremental directions.

   4.  Forward to a specified satellite through an un-steady link.

                       ^ Shl_ID Incremental direction
                       S5    ^ Sat_ID Increment direction
                      /|    /
                     / |   S3
                  / /  |  /       /
                 / /   | /       /
                /      |/       /
               S2------S0------S1  -> Obp_ID Increment direction
              /       /|   /  /
             /       / |  /  /
            /       /  | /  /
                   S4  |/

            Figure 1: The LEO Satellite Relationship in 3D Space

4.2.  Forwarding Segments

   A forwarding segment is defined as a list of satellites, and four
   type segments are defined for LEO satellite network where semantic
   address is used:

   1.  Segment with adjacent Shl_ID: For any direct adjacent satellites
       on the segment, their Shl_ID are also adjacent (differ by one).

   2.  Segment with adjacent Obp_ID: For any direct adjacent satellites
       on the segment, their Obp_ID are also adjacent (differ by one),
       the Shl_ID are the same.

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   3.  Segment with adjacent Sat_ID: For any direct adjacent satellites
       on the segment, their Sat_ID are also adjacent (differ by one),
       the Obp_ID and Shl_ID are identical.

   4.  Segment with non-adjacent index: this segment only has two
       satellites and two satellites do not belong to the above three

4.3.  Forwarding Instructions

   Each forwarding instruction consists of Functional Code and Argument
   (see Section 6).  For the most often used instructions, the Argument
   represents one specified index (Sat_ID or Obp_ID or Shl_ID) of a
   satellite semantic address and only has the size of one octet.

   Each segment maps to a forwarding instruction that can guides the
   packet forwarded at each satellite from the start to the end of the
   segment.  For the segment types (1) to (3) described in Section 4.2,
   there are two directions to forward packet, each direction can be
   defined as either an increment or a decrement of a specified index.
   For type (4), there is one direction to forward packet.  In total we
   have seven directions to forward packets among all satellites: to the
   satellite ahead or behind; to either sides; above or below; or to
   another non-adjacent satellite.

   When an IP packet is forwarded on a segment by an instruction, at
   each satellite, the forwarding logic needs to check if the packet
   reaches the end of the segment.  In the regular segment routing, the
   long size of SID is used to do such indication.  But for satellite
   network, since 32-bit satellite's semantic address is embedded into
   the IPv6 address, it is not needed to include the long SID into the
   packet header.  Instead, we only need to compare one octet index of
   the current satellite's semantic address, instead of whole IPv6
   address, with the Argument in the instruction.

4.4.  Example

   Figure 2 illustrates a 2D example.  It shows how a packet is
   forwarded in a grid satellite network.  Intuitively, we can obtain
   the list of instructions to guide the packet and get the forwarding
   behaviors at different satellites.  Following is an example:

   1.  At S1 to S2, forward packet to the Sat_ID Incremental direction,
       until the packet reaches S2

   2.  At S2 to S3, forward packet to the Obp_ID Incremental direction,
       until the packet reaches the orbit plane of S3

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   3.  At S3 to S4, forward packet to the Sat_ID Incremental direction,
       until the packet reaches S4

   4.  At S4 to S5, forward packet to the Obp_ID Decremental direction,
       until the packet reaches the orbit plane of S5

   5.  At S5 to S6, forward packet to the Sat_ID Decremental direction,
       until the packet reaches S6

   By using a specified index of semantic address as the argument as
   described in Section 4.3, we can further simplify the above
   instructions as:

   1.  At S1 to S2, forward packet to the Sat_ID Incremental direction,
       until the packet reaches a satellite and the satellite's Sad_ID
       is equal to the given instruction argument (S2's Satellite Index)

   2.  At S2 to S3, forward packet to the Obp_ID Incremental direction,
       until the packet reaches a satellite and the satellite's Obp_ID
       is equal to the given instruction argument (S3's Orbit Plane

   3.  At S3 to S4, forward packet to the Sat_ID Incremental direction,
       until the packet reaches a satellite and the satellite's Sat_ID
       is equal to the given instruction argument (S4's Satellite Index)

   4.  At S4 to S5, forward packet to the Obp_ID Decremental direction,
       until the packet reaches a satellite and the satellite's Obp_ID
       is equal to the given instruction argument (S5's Orbit Plane

   5.  At S5 to S6, forward packet to the Sat_ID Decremental direction,
       until the packet reaches a satellite and the satellite's Sat_ID
       is equal to the given instruction argument (S6's Satellite Index)

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               ^ Sat_ID Incremental Direction
               +----> Obp_ID Incremental Direction

               x: The ISL is down

                    Obp_ID Obp_ID+1 Obp_ID+2 Obp_ID+3 Obp_ID+4
                       |       |       |       |       |
                       |       V       x       ^       |
                       |       V       |       ^       |
                       |       |       |       ^       |
                       x       x       x       ^       |
                       ^       |       |       |       |
                       ^       |       |       |       |
                       ^       |       |       |       |
                       ^       |       |       |       |
                       |       |       |       |       |
                       |       |       |       |       |

   Figure 2: Packet Forwarding in 2D LEO satellite constellation network

5.  IPv6 Routing Header for Instructive Routing

   For instructive routing, IPv6 routing header is used with a new
   routing type "Instructive Routing Type".  The format of the new
   routing header is illustrated in Figure 3.

       0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     | Next Header   |  Hdr Ext Len  | Routing Type  | Inst. Offset  |
     |Remained Inst. | ST  |              Rsvd                       |
     |                            Inst. List                         ~
     |                                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
     |                                               ~   paddings    |

           Figure 3: The IPv6 Routing Hdr for Instructive Routing

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   Routing Type    Instructive Routing Type

   Inst.  Offset   The offset in the number of octets from the start of
                   Instruction List.  The initial value is set to 0 and
                   it points to the 1st instruction to be executed.  The
                   value is incremented by the number of octets of the
                   total size of an instruction after the instruction is

   Remained Inst.  Remained Number of Instructions.  The initial value
                   is set to the total number of instructions.  The
                   value will be decremented by one after one
                   instruction is executed.  The minimum number is one,
                   and it indicates that the end of instruction stack is

   ST              The satellite address type, default is 0.

   Inst.  List     A list of instructions, the size is variable.

   Paddings        Pad1 or PadN options to make the packet extension
                   header alignment, see [RFC8200]

6.  Instruction List for Instructive Routing

   For instructive routing, the instruction list is used to instruct
   each satellite how to do routing job.  The format of the instruction
   list is illustrated in Figure 4.  Each instruction consists of
   Function Code and Arguments.

       0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |  Func. Code   |    Arguments  | Func. Code    |  Arguments    ~
     \--------------\/--------------/ \--------------\/--------------/
              instruction[0]                   instruction[1]...

           Figure 4: The Instruction List for Instructive Routing

   Func.  Code     Function Code, size is 1 octet

   Arguments       Arguments for the function, Variable length

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7.  Instructive Routing Behaviors

   The behavior for each satellite for instructive routing is described
   here.  Table 1 is the summary of the name, Hex values of all
   functions, arguments and size.  New functions can be defined if

   The subsections below are the detailed explanation for each function.

      | Func Name/Hex Value  | Arguments/Size(Octet) |  Reference   |
      | Fwd.Inc.Sat_ID/0X01  |        Sat_ID/1       | Section 7.1  |
      | Fwd.Dec.Sat_ID/0X02  |        Sat_ID/1       | Section 7.2  |
      | Fwd.Inc.Obp_ID/0X03  |        Obp_ID/1       | Section 7.3  |
      | Fwd.Dec.Obp_ID/0X04  |        Obp_ID/1       | Section 7.4  |
      | Fwd.Inc.Shl_ID/0X05  |        Shl_ID/1       | Section 7.5  |
      | Fwd.Dec.Shl_ID/0X06  |        Shl_ID/1       | Section 7.6  |
      |   End.Intf_ID/0X07   |       Intf_ID/1       | Section 7.7  |
      |    End.Punt/0X08     |         0X0/1         | Section 7.8  |
      |   End.Lookup/0X09    |         0X0/1         | Section 7.9  |
      | End.Lookup.IPv4/0X0A |      IPv4_Addr/4      | Section 7.10 |
      | End.Lookup.IPv6/0X0B |      IPv6_Addr/16     | Section 7.11 |
      |  Fwd.Sat_Addr/0X0C   |       Sat_Addr/4      | Section 7.12 |
      | Fwd.Sat_MacAddr/0X0D |     Sat_MacAddr/6     | Section 7.13 |

                Table 1: Functions, Arguments and Reference

   The functions in Section 7.1 to Section 7.6 are used for the
   instructions to forward packet to one of the six major directions
   discussed in Section 4.  They will call API in Section 7.14 to
   forward the packet to the specified direction.

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   The functions in Section 7.12 and Section 7.13 are used for the
   instructions to forward packet to a specified adjacent satellite
   discussed in Section 4.  They will call APIs in Section 7.15 and
   Section 7.16 respectively to forward the packet to the specified
   adjacent satellite.

   In order to forward packet, each satellite should have an adjacency
   table stored locally; the table should contain the information about
   all adjacent satellites, it should at least store:

   1.  Each adjacent satellite's semantic address.

   2.  The ID of local interface connecting to each adjacent satellite.

   3.  The MAC address for the remote interface of each adjacent

7.1.  Fwd.Inc.Sat_ID

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet on the
   Satellite Index Incremental Direction until the packet reaches a
   Satellite whose Satellite Index is equal to the value specified in
   the argument"

   This function is used for the instruction to forward packet to one of
   the six major directions discussed in Section 4.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite indexes in the address are Shl_index, Obp_index,
   Sat_index respectively, the satellite does the following.  During the
   forwarding, the Forwarding_API in Section 7.14 is called to forward
   the packet to the specified direction.

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Sat_index)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      Input_Direction = Satellite Index Incremental direction;
   S05.      Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 2;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet;
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.2.  Fwd.Dec.Sat_ID

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet on the
   Satellite Index Decremental Direction until the packet reaches a
   Satellite whose Satellite Index is equal to the value specified in
   the argument"

   This function is used for the instruction to forward packet to one of
   the six major directions discussed in Section 4.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite indexes in the address are Shl_index, Obp_index,
   Sat_index respectively, the satellite does the following.  During the
   forwarding, the Forwarding_API in Section 7.14 is called to forward
   the packet to the specified direction.

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Sat_index)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      Input_Direction = Satellite Index Decremental direction;
   S05.      Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 2;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet;
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.3.  Fwd.Inc.Opb_ID

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet on the Orbit
   Plane Index Incremental Direction until the packet reaches a
   Satellite whose Orbit Plane Index is equal to the value specified in
   the argument"

   This function is used for the instruction to forward packet to one of
   the six major directions discussed in Section 4.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite indexes in the address are Shl_index, Obp_index,
   Sat_index respectively, the satellite does the following.  During the
   forwarding, the Forwarding_API in Section 7.14 is called to forward
   the packet to the specified direction.

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Obp_index)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      Input_Direction = Orbit Plane Index Incremental direction;
   S05.      Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 2;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet;
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.4.  Fwd.Dec.Opb_ID

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet on the Orbit
   Plane Index Decremental Direction until the packet reaches a
   Satellite whose Orbit Plane Index is equal to the value specified in
   the argument"

   This function is used for the instruction to forward packet to one of
   the six major directions discussed in Section 4.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite indexes in the address are Shl_index, Obp_index,
   Sat_index respectively, the satellite does the following.  During the
   forwarding, the Forwarding_API in Section 7.14 is called to forward
   the packet to the specified direction.

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Obp_index)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      Input_Direction = Orbit Plane Index Decremental direction;
   S05.      Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 2;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet;
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.5.  Fwd.Inc.Shl_ID

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet on the Orbit
   Shell Index Incremental Direction until the packet reaches a
   Satellite whose Orbit Shell Index is equal to the value specified in
   the argument"

   This function is used for the instruction to forward packet to one of
   the six major directions discussed in Section 4.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite indexes in the address are Shl_index, Obp_index,
   Sat_index respectively, the satellite does the following.  During the
   forwarding, the Forwarding_API in Section 7.14 is called to forward
   the packet to the specified direction.

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Shl_index)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      Input_Direction = Orbit Shell Index Incremental direction;
   S05.      Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 2;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet;
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.6.  Fwd.Dec.Shl_ID

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet on the Orbit
   Shell Index Decremental Direction until the packet reaches a
   Satellite whose Orbit Shell Index is equal to the value specified in
   the argument"

   This function is used for the instruction to forward packet to one of
   the six major directions discussed in Section 4.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite indexes in the address are Shl_index, Obp_index,
   Sat_index respectively, the satellite does the following.  During the
   forwarding, the Forwarding_API in Section 7.14 is called to forward
   the packet to the specified direction.

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Shl_index)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      Input_Direction = Orbit Shell Index Decremental direction;
   S05.      Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 2;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet;
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.7.  End.Intf_ID

   The definition of this function is "End of processing for the
   Instructive routing, remove the Instructive Routing Header, Forward
   the packet to the interface specified in the argument"

   This function is normally used on the Dst_Sat to forward packet to

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, the
   satellite does the following, Forwarding_GS_API in Section 7.17 is
   called to forward the packet to the specified interface.

   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   Change the Next header in the packet header to be
             the Next Header field in the Instructive Routing header;
   S03.   Remove the Instructive Routing Header;
   S04.   Forwarding_GS_API(Packet, Argument);

7.8.  End.Punt

   The definition of this function is "End of processing for the
   Instructive routing, remove the Instructive Routing Header, Punt the
   packet to the OS for process"

   This function is normally used send packet to a satellite.  At the
   destination satellite, the packet is punted to the OS to be processed

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   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, the
   satellite does the following:

   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   Change the Next header in the packet header to be
            the Next Header field in the Instructive Routing header;
   S03.   Remove the Instructive Routing Header;
   S04.   Punt packet to the local CPU for process;

7.9.  End.Lookup

   The definition of this function is "End of processing for the
   Instructive routing, remove the Instructive Routing Header, Lookup
   the destination address in packet header and forward the packet

   This function is normally used to send packet to Dst_GS.  After the
   packet reaches the Dst_Sat, the packet is forwarded to Dst_GS by
   looking up the destination address in the IPv6 packet header.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, the
   satellite does the following:

   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   Change the Next header in the packet header to be
            the Next Header field in the Instructive Routing header;
   S03.   Remove the Instructive Routing Header;
   S04.   Lookup the destination address in packet hdr and forward
            the packet;

7.10.  End.Lookup.IPv4

   The definition of this function is "End of processing for the
   Instructive routing, remove the Instructive Routing Header, Lookup
   the IPv4 address specified in the argument and forward the packet

   This function is normally used to send packet to Dst_GS.  After the
   packet reaches the Dst_Sat, the packet is forwarded to Dst_GS by
   looking up the IPv4 destination address specified in the Function

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, the
   satellite does the following:

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   Fetch the IPv4 addr in the argument;
   S03.   Change the Next header in the packet header to be
            the Next Header field in the Instructive Routing header;
   S04.   Remove the Instructive Routing Header;
   S05.   Lookup the fetched IPv4 address and forward the packet;

7.11.  End.Lookup.IPv6

   The definition of this function is "End of processing for the
   Instructive routing, remove the Instructive Routing Header, Lookup
   the IPv6 address specified in the argument and forward the packet

   This function is normally used to send packet to Dst_GS.  After the
   packet reaches the Dst_Sat, the packet is forwarded to Dst_GS by
   looking up the IPv6 destination address specified in the Function

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, the
   satellite does the following:

   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   Fetch the IPv6 addr in the argument;
   S03.   Change the Next header in the packet header to be
            the Next Header field in the Instructive Routing header;
   S04.   Remove the Instructive Routing Header;
   S05.   Lookup the fetched IPv6 address and forward the packet;

7.12.  Fwd.Sat_Addr

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet to the
   adjacent satellite with the address specified in the argument"

   This function is normally used for the instruction to forward packet
   to an adjacent satellite specified by its Satellite Semantic Address.
   The Satellite Semantic Address is 32-bit long and is defined in
   Section 5.4 in [I-D.lhan-satellite-semantic-addressing]

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite semantic address is Sat_Addr, the satellite does the

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   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Sat_Addr)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      SatAddr = Argument;
   S05.      Forwarding_API_SAT(Packet,Input_Satellite,SatAddr);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 4;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet.
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

7.13.  Fwd.Sat_MacAddr

   The definition of this function is "Forward the packet to the
   adjacent satellite with the MAC address specified as the argument"

   This function is normally used for the instruction to forward packet
   to an adjacent satellite specified by its MAC address.

   When a satellite receives a packet with new routing header, assume
   the satellite Mac address is Sat_MacAddr, the satellite does the

   S01. When an IRH is processed {
   S02.   If ((RI > 1) and (Argument != Sat_MacAddr)) {
   S03.      Input_Satellite = Current Satellite;
   S04.      SatMacAddr = Argument;
   S05.      Forwarding_API_Mac(Packet,Input_Satellite,SatMacAddr);
   S06.   } else {
   S07.      IOF += 6;
   S08.      RI --;
   S09.      if (RI <= 0)
                 Send an ICMP Parameter Problem to the Source Address
                 with Code 0 (Erroneous header field encountered)
                 and Pointer set to the RI field,
                 interrupt packet processing, and discard the packet.
   S10.      Proceed to execute the next Instruction;
   S11.   }

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7.14.  Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction)

   This API will forward a packet to the specified direction.  When a
   satellite executes the API, it will do following:

   S01. Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Satellite,Input_Direction) {
   S02.    Lookup the local adjacency table to find out
              1) The adjacent satellite of "Input_Satellite" on the
                 direction equal to "Input_Direction" (The adjacent
                 satellite's semantic address can be inferred by
                 the "Input_Satellite" and "Input_Direction").
              2) The L2 address for the adjacent satellite;
              3) The local interface connecting to the adjacent
   S03.    Rewrite the L2 header of the Packet by the L2 address;
   S04.    Send the Packet to the local interface;

7.15.  Forwarding_API_SAT(Packet,Input_Satellite,Sat_Addr)

   This API will forward a packet to the specified adjacent satellite
   with the semantic address as the argument.  When a satellite executes
   the API, it will do following:

   S01. Forwarding_API_SAT(Packet,Input_Satellite,SatAddr) {
   S02.    Lookup the local adjacency table to find out
              1) The adjacent satellite of "Input_Satellite"
                 (The adjacent satellite address is SatAddr);
              2) The L2 address for the adjacent satellite;
              3) The local interface connecting to the adjacent
   S03.    Rewrite the L2 header of the Packet by the L2 address;
   S04.    Send the Packet to the local interface;

7.16.  Forwarding_API_MAC(Packet,Input_Satellite,Sat_MacAddr)

   This API will forward a packet to the specified adjacent satellite
   with the MAC address as the argument.  When a satellite executes the
   API, it will do following:

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   S01. Forwarding_API_MAC(Packet,Input_Satellite,SatMacAddr) {
   S02.    Lookup the local adjacency table to find out
              1) The adjacent satellite of "Input_Satellite"
                 (The adjacent satellite MAC address is SatMacAddr);
              2) The L2 address for the adjacent satellite;
              3) The local interface connecting to the adjacent
   S03.    Rewrite the L2 header of the Packet by the L2 address;
   S04.    Send the Packet to the local interface;

7.17.  Forwarding_GS_API(Packet,Input_Interface)

   This API will forward a packet to ground station the connected to the
   specified interface.  When a satellite executes the API, it will do

   S01. Forwarding_API(Packet,Input_Interface) {
   S02.    Lookup the local adjacency table to find out
              1) The connected GS to the interface
                 equal to "Input_Interface";
              2) The L2 address for the GS;
   S03.    Rewrite the L2 header of the Packet by the L2 address;
   S04.    Send the Packet to the "Input_Interface";

8.  Other notes

   Due to the limit of the picture drawing for IETF draft, the pictures
   in the memo may not be easy to understand.  For easier understanding
   of the method, please refere to the
   [Large-Scale-LEO-Network-Routing], it provided more vivid pictures
   obtained by simulation software Savi [Savi], and also provided the
   simulation results.

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document defines a new IPv6 Routing Type: the "Instructive
   Routing Header".  It needs to be assigned a number by IANA.

   This document also defines an 8-bit Function Name, for which IANA
   will create and will maintain a new sub-registry entitled
   "Instructive Routing Function Name" under the "Internet Protocol
   Version 6 (IPv6) Parameters" [IPv6_Parameters] registry.  Initial
   values for the subtype registries are given in Table 1.

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10.  Security Considerations

   The instructive routing is only applicable to a satellite network
   that is using the satellite semantic address.  It will add
   instructive routing header at a GS and the header will be removed
   before reaching another GS.  Normally, a satellite network including
   all GS is trusted domain.  Traffic will be filtered at the domain
   boundaries.  Non-authorized users cannot access the satellite

11.  Contributors

12.  Acknowledgements

13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

   [RFC8200]  Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017,

   [RFC8754]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Dukes, D., Ed., Previdi, S., Leddy, J.,
              Matsushima, S., and D. Voyer, "IPv6 Segment Routing Header
              (SRH)", RFC 8754, DOI 10.17487/RFC8754, March 2020,

   [RFC8986]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Camarillo, P., Ed., Leddy, J., Voyer,
              D., Matsushima, S., and Z. Li, "Segment Routing over IPv6
              (SRv6) Network Programming", RFC 8986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8986, February 2021,

13.2.  Informative References

              Han, L., Li, R., Retana, A., Chen, M., Su, L., Jiang, T.,
              and N. Wang, "Problems and Requirements of Satellite
              Constellation for Internet", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-lhan-problems-requirements-satellite-net-05,
              5 July 2023, <

              Han, L., Li, R., Retana, A., Chen, M., and N. Wang,
              "Satellite Semantic Addressing for Satellite

Han, et al.               Expires 4 March 2024                 [Page 26]
Internet-Draft        Satellite Instructive Routing       September 2023

              Constellation", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              lhan-satellite-semantic-addressing-04, 1 September 2023,

              Retana, A. and L. Han, "OSPF Monitor Node", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-retana-lsr-ospf-monitor-
              node-00, 7 March 2022,

   [StarLink] "Star Link", <>.

   [ThreeGPP] "3GPP", <>.

              "OSI Model", <>.

   [TR38-821] "Solutions for NR to support Non-Terrestrial Networks

   [TR23-700] "Study on support of satellite backhauling in 5GS",

              IANA, "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Parameters",

              Han, L.,Retana, A., Westphal, C. and R. Li, "Large Scale
              LEO Satellite Networks for the Future Internet: Challenges
              and Solutions to Addressing and Routing," Computer
              Networks and Communications, 1(1), 31-58", 2023,

   [Savi]     "Satellite constellation visualization",

Appendix A.  Change Log

   *  Initial version, 02/28/2022

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Internet-Draft        Satellite Instructive Routing       September 2023

   *  Revision 1, 09/02/2022

   *  Revision 2, 03/03/2023

   *  Revision 3, 09/01/2023

Authors' Addresses

   Lin Han (editor)
   Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
   2330 Central Express Way
   Santa Clara, CA 95050,
   United States of America

   Alvaro Retana
   Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
   2330 Central Express Way
   Santa Clara, CA 95050,
   United States of America

   Richard Li
   Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
   2330 Central Express Way
   Santa Clara, CA 95050,
   United States of America

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