Internet DRAFT - draft-li-dots-knowledge-trans


  INTERNET-DRAFT                                                  K. Li
  Intended status: Proposed Standard                            H. Zhou 
                                                                  Z. Tu 
                                                                 F. Liu 
                                                                W. Wang 
  Document: draft-li-dots-knowledge-trans-06.txt       Beijing Jiaotong 
  Expires: August 2024                                    February 2024 
     Knowledge Transmission Using Distributed Denial-of-Service Open 
                   Threat Signaling (DOTS) Data Channel 
Status of this Memo 
  This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
  provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
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  and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
  time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
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  Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
  document authors. All rights reserved. 
  This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
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                        DOTS Knowledge Trans             February 2024 
   The document specifies new DOTS data channel configuration parameters 
   that customize the DDoS knowledge transmission configuration between 
   distributed knowledge bases. These options enable assist the 
   distributed knowledge base to share attack knowledge in different 
   fields and actively adapt to dynamically changing DDoS attacks. 
Table of Contents 
  1. Introduction...................................................2 
  2. Terminology....................................................3 
  3. DOTS Knowledge Transmission Architecture.......................3 
  4. DOTS Knowledge Transmission YANG Module........................5 
     4.1 Generic Tree Structure.....................................5 
     4.2 YANG Module................................................6 
  5. Managing DOTS Knowledge Transmission..........................10 
  6. IANA Considerations...........................................11 
  7. Security Considerations.......................................11 
  8. References....................................................12 
     8.1 Normative References......................................12 
     8.2 Informative References....................................12 
  Author's Addresses...............................................13 
1. Introduction 
  To detect DDoS attacks, various security organizations have designed 
  series of network security datasets by conducting various simulations 
  or collecting data related to DDoS attacks in actual network 
  environments. Such an effort is meant aiming to reflect the recent 
  trends of DDoS attacks that are more sophisticated and dynamic by 
  designing a comprehensive data set containing normal and abnormal 
  As a new knowledge representation method, the knowledge graph [KG] 
  represents the relationship between entities in the form of graphs, 
  and is essentially a semantic network that reveals the relationships 
  between entities. Knowledge graph technology can standardize and 
  integrate DDoS attack-related intelligence, generate DDoS attack 
  knowledge and store it in the network security malicious behavior 
  knowledge base to solve the problem that multi-source heterogeneous 
  data is difficult to share and reuse. 
  The DOTS data channel [RFC8783] is used to exchange bulk data between 
  DOTS agents, coordinate multiple DOTS servers and DOTS clients, and 
  perform tasks such as creating resource aliases and managing 
  filtering rules. [RFC8783] specifies the YANG data model and the 
  basic data channel functions. 

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  The knowledge base can describe the malicious behavior of DDoS 
  attacks from multiple dimensions, and contains a large number of DDoS 
  attack-related data and knowledge graph structures, thereby assisting 
  the DOTS server to issue mitigation measures to defend against DDoS 
  attack traffic. In order to ensure the timeliness of the knowledge 
  base, it is necessary to continuously transmit new data for the 
  knowledge base and ensure the sharing and synchronization of 
  knowledge among the distributed knowledge bases. The data channel as 
  specified in [RFC8783] lacks a knowledge transmission structure. 
  Therefore, it is difficult to meet the dynamically changing form of 
  DDoS attacks. 
  This document defines new DOTS data channel attributes. It mainly 
  builds a new YANG data model for distributed scenarios that need to 
  constantly update and synchronize the content of the knowledge base, 
  including a general tree structure and YANG data modules, aiming to 
  customize the DDoS knowledge transmission configuration between 
  distributed knowledge bases. 
  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
  "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 
  14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all 
  capitals, as shown here. 
  Readers should be familiar with the terms and concepts defined in 
  [RFC8612] [RFC8783] and [RFC8811]. 
3.DOTS Knowledge Transmission Architecture 
  A complete example of the DOTS knowledge transmission architecture 
  may be a DDoS attack-oriented network security knowledge base 
  deployed on a large scale in the form of distributed nodes as the 
  server, and the attacked target as the client. The host suspects that 
  it is under a DDoS attack based on the detection results of the 
  third-party intrusion detection model. It obtains DDoS attack 
  information according to the traffic feature extraction tool deployed 
  on the DOTS client, and forwards it through the access gateway. The 
  access gateway matches DDoS attack traffic and converts it into 
  attack knowledge and stores it in a nearby network security knowledge 
  base. Specifically, each access gateway stores a mapping table 
  between the knowledge base and the arrival delay. The access gateway 
  will transmit the attack knowledge to the knowledge base with the 
  lowest transmission delay at the current moment. After DDoS attacks 

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  are mitigated, distributed nodes transmit new knowledge through data 
  channels to achieve knowledge synchronization. Therefore, they aim to 
  share attack knowledge in different domains and actively adapt to 
  dynamically changing DDoS attacks. 
  The basic DOTS knowledge transmission architecture is illustrated in 
  Figure 1: 
         +------------+  +--------------+     +-------------+ 
         |            |  |Access Gateway|     |             | 
         | +--------+ |  +--------------+     | +---------+ | 
         | |DDoS    | |  |  Knowledge   |     | |knowledge| | 
         | |Target-1| |  |  Collection  |  +--> |base-1   | | 
         | +--------+ |  +-------+------+  |  | +---------+ | 
         |            |  |       |      |  |  |             | 
   DDoS  | +--------+ |  +-------v------+  |  | +---------+ | 
  Attack | |DDoS    | |  | Knowledge    |  |  | |knowledge| | 
  ------>| |Target-2| |  | Transmission |  +--> |base-2   | | 
         | +--------+ |  +------+-+-----+  |  | +---------+ | 
         |   ......   |  |      | |     |  |  |   ......    | 
         | +--------+ |  |      | |     |  |  | +---------+ | 
         | |DDoS    | |  |      | |     |  |  | |knowledge| | 
         | |Target-n| |  |      | |     |  +--> |base-n   | | 
         | +--------+ |  | Data Channel |  |  | +---------+ | 
         |        C   <--+--------------+--+-->  S          | 
         +------------+  +--------------+     +-------------+ 
                     * C is for DOTS client 
                     * S is for DOTS server 
  Figure 1: Basic DOTS Knowledge Transmission Architecture 
  In some cases, part of the domain has never been attacked, and 
  another part of the domain may be frequently subjected to DDoS 
  attacks, so new knowledge of DDoS attacks will be continuously 
  introduced. The administrator needs to configure a corresponding 
  update cycle according to the attack situation in the DOTS client 
  domain. Specifically, for domains with few attack records, the update 
  period should be appropriately extended to reduce bandwidth 
  consumption. For domains with high security requirements, such as 
  enterprise networks, the number of requests should be increased and 
  DOTS data channels should be established with more domains with 
  similar security requirements to obtain more comprehensive knowledge 
  of DDoS attacks. 
  This document augments the "ietf-dots-data-channel" (dots-data) DOTS 
  data YANG module defined in [RFC8783] with the following additional 
  attributes that can be shared between DOTS servers to realize the 
  secure and periodic transmission of DDoS attack knowledge: 

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  related-time: This attribute contains the creation-time and merge- 
  time of DDoS attack knowledge. The default value of this attribute is  
  'now-date' obtained from the system. 
  This is an optional attribute. 
  label: This attribute represents the type of network security 
  knowledge graph currently transmitted. Different types of graphs are 
  responsible for different security functions. Among them, the graph 
  type used to maintain traffic characteristics is set to '0'. The 
  graph type used to describe topological relationships is set to '1'. 
  The graph type used to store the detection results corresponding to 
  the flow is set to '2'.   The default value of this attribute is '0'. 
  This is an optional attribute. 
  knowledge-base: This attribute represents the name of the currently 
  transmitted network security knowledge graph. The default value of 
  this attribute is 'none'. 
  This is an optional attribute. 
  entities: This attribute contains all node information in the 
  knowledge graph. Optional under this attribute include 'type', 'id', 
  'labels', and 'properties'. 
  This is an optional attribute. 
  relationship: This attribute contains all the node relationships in 
  the knowledge graph. Optional under this attribute include 'id', 
  'type', 'label', 'properties', 'start', and 'end'. 
  This is an optional attribute. 
4. DOTS Knowledge Transmission YANG Module 
4.1 Generic Tree Structure 
  This document defines the YANG module "li-dots-knowledge-trans" 
  (Section 3), which has the following tree structure: 
  module: li-dots-knowledge-trans 
    +--rw dots-data 
       +--rw dots-client* [cuid] 
       |  ... 
       +--ro capabilities 
       |  ... 
       +-- knowledge-trans 

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          +-- related-time 
          |  +--rw creation-date-and-time string 
          |  +--rw merge-date-and-time    string 
          +--rw label 
          +--rw knowledge-base        string 
          +--rw model-param           string 
          +-- entities 
          |  +--rw type               string 
          |  +--rw id                 uint32 
          |  +--rw labels             string 
          |  +-- properties 
          |     +-- rw name           string 
          |     +-- rw establishdate   uint8 
          +-- relationship 
             +--rw id                 uint32 
             +--rw type               string 
             +--rw label              string 
             +--rw properties         string 
             +-- start 
             |  +--rw id              uint32 
             |  +--rw labels          string 
             +-- end 
                +--rw id              uint32 
                +--rw labels1         string 
  Figure 2: DOTS Knowledge Transmission Subtree 
  Based on the above-mentioned yang module structure, a method is 
  provided for the distributed network security knowledge base to 
  periodically update and synchronize the new DDoS attack knowledge in 
  each domain, so as to more effectively deal with the ever-changing 
  DDoS attack types. 
4.2 YANG Module 
  This module uses the common YANG types defined in [RFC6991] and types 
  defined in [RFC8519]. 
  <CODE BEGINS> file "li-dots-knowledge-trans@2021-08-06.yang" 
  module li-dots-knowledge-trans { 
    yang-version 1.1; 
    namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:li-dots-knowledge-trans"; 
    prefix dots-knowledge; 
    import ietf-dots-data-channel { 
      prefix dots-data; 
        "RFC 8783: Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat 
                   Signaling (DOTS) Data Channel Specification"; 

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       "IETF DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Working Group"; 
         "WG Web:   <> 
          WG List:  <> 
          Author:  Kun Li 
          Author:  Huachun Zhou 
          Author:  Zhe Tu 
          Author:  Feiyang Liu 
          Author:  Weilin Wang 
      "This module contains YANG definitions for the configuration 
       of parameters that can be negotiated between DOTS servers to 
       realize the secure and periodic transmission of DDoS  
       attack knowledge. 
       Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as 
       authors of the code.  All rights reserved. 
       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
       without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject 
       to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License 
       set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions 
       Relating to IETF Documents 
       This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 8783; see 
       the RFC itself for full legal notices."; 
    revision 2021-08-06 { 
        "Initial revision."; 
        "RFC 8783: Knowledge Transmission Using Distributed  
                   Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling 
                   (DOTS) Data Channel"; 

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    list knowledge-trans { 
         "Top-level grouping for knowledge transmission."; 
       container related-time { 
           "Relevant time for knowledge transmission."; 
         leaf creation-date-and-time { 
           type string 
             "Knowledge graph establishment date and time."; 
        leaf merge-date-and-time { 
          type string 
             "Knowledge synchronization initiation date and time."; 
       leaf label { 
         type string 
           "Type of network security knowledge graph currently 
       leaf knowledge-base { 
         type string 
           "Name of network security knowledge graph currently  
       leaf model-param { 
         type string 
           "Attached machine learning h5 model parameters."; 
       list entities { 
         key id; 
           "Entity contains all node information in the knowledge  
         leaf id { 
           type uint32 
             "Id of the new node."; 
         leaf type { 
           type string 

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             "Type of the new node."; 
         leaf labels { 
           type string 
             "Label of the new node."; 
         container properties { 
             "Properties of the new node."; 
           leaf name { 
             type string 
               "Property name of the new node."; 
           leaf establishdate { 
             type uint8 
               "Node creation time."; 
       list relationship { 
         key id; 
         "Relationship contains all the node relationships in the 
          knowledge graph."; 
        leaf id { 
          type uint32 
            "Id of the new relationship."; 
        leaf type { 
          type string 
            "Type of the new relationship."; 
        leaf labels { 
          type string 
            "Label of the new relationship."; 
        leaf properties { 
          type string 
            "Properties of the new relationship."; 
         container start { 

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             "Starting node of the new relationship."; 
           leaf id { 
             type uint32 
               "Id of starting node."; 
           leaf labels { 
             type string 
               "Label of starting node."; 
         container end { 
             "Ending node of the new relationship."; 
           leaf id { 
             type uint32 
               "Id of ending node."; 
           leaf labels { 
             type string 
               "Label of ending node."; 
    <CODE ENDS> 
5. Managing DOTS Knowledge Transmission 
  A POST request is used by a DOTS client to periodically synchronize 
  knowledge about DDoS attacks. This knowledge can be used to guide 
  subsequent mitigation measures to more effectively deal with multiple 
  types of DDoS attacks. An example of a request for periodic 
  transmission of DDoS attack knowledge is shown in Figure 3. 
  POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\ 
       /dots-client=cuid HTTP/1.1 
  Host: {host}: {port} 
  Content-Type: application/yang-data+json 
    "ietf-dots-data-channel:knowledge-trans": { 
          "type": "node", 

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          "id": 0, 
          "labels": ["Slow-DDoS"], 
          "properties": { 
            "name": "Shrew", 
            "establishdate": 20210806094618 
          "type": "node", 
          "id": 1, 
          "labels": ["Application-layer-DDoS"], 
          "properties": { 
            "name": "Http-get", 
            "establishdate": 20210806100512 
          "id": 0, 
          "type": "relationship", 
          "label": "Related-to", 
          "properties": {} 
          "start": { 
            "id": 0, 
            "labels": "Slow-DDoS" 
          "end": { 
            "id": 1, 
            "labels": "Application-layer-DDoS" 
  Figure 3: An Example of DOTS Request Knowledge Update Process 
  A DOTS client use the POST request to update the knowledge, 
  otherwise the server respond with a "404 Not Found" status-line. 
6. IANA Considerations 
  This document has no IANA actions. 
7. Security Considerations 
  The security considerations for the DOTS data channel protocol are 
  discussed in Section 10 of [RFC8783]. 
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  This document defines YANG data structures that are meant to be used 
  as an abstract representation in DOTS data channel. As such, 
  the "li-dots-knowledge-trans" module does not introduce any new 
  vulnerabilities beyond those specified above. 
8. References 
8.1 Normative References 
  [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate  
            Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,DOI 10.17487/RFC2119,  
            March 1997, <>. 
  [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119  
            Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May  
            2017, <>. 
  [RFC8783] Boucadair, M., Ed. and T. Reddy.K, Ed., "Distributed  
            Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Data Channel  
            Specification", RFC 8783, DOI 10.17487/RFC8783, May 2020,  
  [RFC6991] Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., "Common YANG Data Types", RFC 6991, 
            DOI 10.17487/RFC6991, July 2013, <https://www.rfc-editor 
  [RFC8519] Jethanandani, M., Agarwal, S., Huang, L., and D. Blair,  
            "YANG Data Model for Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)", 
            RFC 8519, DOI 10.17487/RFC8519, March 2019, <https://www. 
8.2 Informative References 
  [RFC8612] Mortensen, A., Reddy, T., and R. Moskowitz, "DDoS Open  
            Threat Signaling (DOTS) Requirements", RFC 8612,  
            DOI 10.17487/RFC8612, May 2019, <https://www.rfc- 
  [RFC8811] Mortensen, A., Ed., Reddy.K, T., Ed., Andreasen, F., Teague,  
            N., "DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) 
            Architecture", RFC 8811, DOI 10.17487/RFC8811, 
            August 2020, <>. 
  [KG]      Knowledge Graph, "A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: 
            "Representation, Acquisition and Applications",  
            Architecture", April 2021,    

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  Thanks to Boucadair Mohamed for comments and review. 
Author's Addresses 
  Kun Li 
  Beijing Jiaotong University 
  Phone: <86-15652992293> 
  Huachun Zhou 
  Beijing Jiaotong University 
  Phone: <86-13718168186> 
  Zhe Tu 
  Beijing Jiaotong University 
  Phone: <86-13146050755> 
  Feiyang Liu 
  Beijing Jiaotong University 
  Phone: <86-18813006511> 
  Weilin Wang 
  Beijing Jiaotong University 
  Phone: <86-15910887582> 

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