Internet DRAFT - draft-li-iotops-intelligent-security


IOTOPS                                                       Xinru Li
Internet-Draft                                               Yuyin Ma
Intended status: Informational                         Guangshuo Chen
Expires: 29 August 2024                              29 February 2024                              
        Intelligent Protection Optimization System for IOT
   Communication technology is becoming more and more developed, the 
   Internet of Things coverage is becoming more and more 
   comprehensive, and a large number of data and devices are 
   joining, which also makes more data security and privacy 
   issues appear. 
   Therefore, this draft proposes a scheme to build an 
   information-centered network. By analyzing common network 
   attack methods, an intelligent protection
   optimization system is established from three aspects: naming and
   parsing, data exchange, and data caching, so as to achieve 
   better content privacy protection without adding additional costs.
Status of This Memo
   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other 
   documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
   as reference material or to cite them other than as 
   "work in progress."
   This Internet-Draft will expire on 21 August 2024.
Copyright Notice
   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.
   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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Internet-Draft           Intelligent Protection          February 2024
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Table of Contents
   1. Introduction
   2. Current Situation and Problems
      2.1. Terminal Layer
      2.2. Transport Layer
      2.3. Processing Layer
   3. Principle
      3.1. Design Principle
      3.2. Typical Characteristics
         3.2.1. Cache Network
         3.2.2. Authenticity of Information
         3.2.3. Seamless Migration
         3.2.4. Space Expansion
         3.2.5. Flexible and Changeable
   4. System Design
      4.1. Naming and Parsing
      4.2. Data Exchange
      4.3. Data Caching
   5. Security Considerations
   6. IANA Considerations
   7. Acknowledgments
   8. References
      8.1. Normative References
      8.2. Informative References
   Authors' Addresses
1.  Introduction
   With the penetration of new generation information and 
   communication technologies such as artificial intelligence,
   blockchain, and 5G communication into all areas of society,
   various types of intelligent applications and devices have
   also emerged, gradually entering the era of the
   Internet of everything. The application range of Internet
   of Things devices and systems is very wide, and the
   characteristics of diversified equipment, diversified
   environment, and massive real-time information 
   also make security issues the core of Internet of Things
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   The original data interaction mode uses location as connection
   to deliver content, but often users are only interested in the
   content itself. Therefore, Inter centre Network (ICN) provides
   a relatively new network working mode. ICN realizes 
   nformation search and transmission through content index,
   which will effectively simplify the network structure and 
   improve the security and reliability of the system.
   To address the issue of content privacy protection in iot systems
   we have designed an intelligent scheme that can perform 
   security assessments on specific users and combine
   the potential of ICN networks to increase the security of content
   privacy without incuring significant overhead.
2. Current Situation and Problems
   The overall security architecture of the Internet of Things can
   roughly include the physical and information collection
   security layer, transmission security layer and processing
   security layer of the terminal sensor network, which all
   contain security risks.
   2.1. Terminal Layer
      Due to the large number of devices and simple defense
      mechanisms, the devices are vulnerable to attacks, weak
      identity authentication and authorization mechanisms,
      and lack necessary security defense capabilities.
   2.2. Transport Layer
      Massive data transmission is easy to be stolen or
      tampered with, and attackers can also use massive data
      to extract statistical characteristics and analyze users.
   2.3. Processing Layer
      There are many types of equipment data, the calculation
      network is complex and changeable, and the data
      reliability is low. And the Internet of Things applications
      are diverse, may produce malicious program attacks.
3. Principle
   3.1. Design Principle

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      Add the necessary security mechanisms to separate content and
      location, simplify the addressing process, and turn the network
      into a pure content web.
   3.2. Typical Characteristics
      3.2.1. Cache Network
         All intermediate nodes support caching, and in the case of
         a cache in the network, users do not have to wait for the
         network to forward data from the original node, but can
         obtain information from the nearest node with cached data.
      3.2.2. Authenticity of Information
         The system can encrypt the data that needs to be
         guaranteed by the administrator's permission, so that
         the user can ensure the authenticity of the information.
      3.2.3. Seamless Migration
         Modify different types of cache schemes, plan the data
         exchange of related nodes, and plan the priority, so as to
         avoid service interruption during migration.
      3.2.4. Space Expansion
         Avoid letting the terminal bear the massive data storage
         alone, make full use of rich network equipment, and realize
         the simple terminal to independently receive or send the
         data of interest to the superior.
      3.2.5. Flexible and Changeable
         It avoids the fixation of traditional network location
         and content binding, focuses on the exchange of
         data, and can reduce the possibility of being attacked
         by flexible nodes.
4. System Design
      The system is built from three aspects, giving full play to the
      potential of ICN and increasing the connection between
      ICN and the Internet of Things.

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   4.1. Naming and Parsing
      The forwarded data needs to include a description of the
      content and the name, and since the information grows
      too fast, the name needs to be short enough to
      accommodate the forwarding capability. The analysis
      is divided into absolute and relative concentration two kinds.
   4.2. Data Exchange
      The system has three basic data exchange modes,
      including center mode, flooding mode and ideal mode.
      The central mode requires the existence of an omniscient
      supernode, the flooding mode can waste a lot of
      bandwidth, and the ideal mode is very complex.
   4.3. Data Caching
      The system will intelligently manage cache data
      and optimize data selection, node selection, time
      selection and mode selection.
5. Security Considerations
   This document does not contain any security considerations.
6. IANA Considerations
   This document makes no IANA requests.
7. Acknowledgements
   The creation of this document has been a collaborative effort, 
   and we extend our gratitude to individuals and organizations 
   whose contributions and insights have enriched the content 
   and quality of this work.
8. References

   8.1. Normative References
   [IEEE]    M. Cao et al., "Toward On-Device Federated 
             Learning: A Direct Acyclic Graph-Based Blockchain
             Approach", IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and 
             Learning Systems, pp. 1-15.

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   8.2. Informative References
   [IEEE]    F. Song, Y. Ma, Z. Yuan, I. You, G. Pau and
             H. Zhang, "Exploring Reliable Decentralized
             Networks with Smart Collaborative Theory," in
             IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 61,
             no. 8, pp. 44-50, August 2023,
             doi: 10.1109/MCOM.003.2200443.
Authors' Addresses
   Xinru Li
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing
   Yuyin Ma
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing
   Guangshuo Chen
   BeiJing JiaoTong University
   Haidian District, Beijing

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