Internet DRAFT - draft-li-sidrops-roa-granularity-problem-statement


SIDROPS                                                            Y. Li
Internet-Draft                                                 CNIC, CAS
Intended status: Best Current Practice                            J. Yao
Expires: 25 April 2024                                             CNNIC
                                                                   D. Ma
                                                         23 October 2023

On the Operational Granularity of RPKI ROA Management: Problem Statement
                            and Requirements


   When using the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to perform
   route origin validation (ROV) with route origin authorizations
   (ROAs), there have been security and usability issues identified and
   reported.  This memo revisits these issues from the perspective of
   the operational granularity of ROA management, demonstrates problems
   and their root cause with the existing ROA encoding scheme,
   summarizes design requirements to address them, and evaluates three
   potential solutions.  Though neither of existing solutions satisfies
   all requirements, a hybrid solution composed of two existing schemes
   is recommended to use in ROA management.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Scattered Authorization Issuance  . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.2.  Partial Authorization Revocation  . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Multi-Authorization Resolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.4.  A Brief Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Requirements for Encoding and Managing ROAs . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  Fine Granularity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Incremental Update  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  High Efficiency and Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Evaluation of Potential Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.1.  Single-prefix ROA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.2.  Minimal ROA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.3.  Hanging ROA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.4.  Requirements Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.5.  Performance Evaluation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Appendix A.  Statistic Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     A.1.  Scattered Authorization Issuance  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     A.2.  Partial Authorization Revocation  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     A.3.  Multi-Authorization Resolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Appendix B.  Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   In the RPKI, an ROA is an attestation that the owner of an IP address
   block has authorized an autonomous system (AS) to originate routes in
   BGP for one or more prefixes within this address block[RFC6482].
   ROAs are used to identify route hijacking with RPKI-

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   However, there are quite a few concerns about ROAs, in terms of
   security, reachability and scalability.  These issues have been
   noticed from way back, but were attributed to the partial deployment
   of RPKI or human errors in configuring ROAs all the while.  Departure
   from this widely accepted understanding, this memo explores the root
   cause of these issues in a new perspective, demonstrates problems
   with the existing ROA encoding scheme, and reveals that the root
   cause of them is the coarse-grained management of ROAs.  For this
   reason, some security or usability issues will retain even when the
   RPKI finishes its deployment and all operators are careful enough.

   Further, this memo summarizes the requirements in designing an
   efficient and concrete solution to resolve security and usability
   issues with ROAs, evaluates two possible solutions with these design
   principles and suggests the future direction for improvement.

2.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3.  Problem Statement

   With the existing ROA encoding scheme, an IP prefix, as the root
   prefix, along with a maxLength parameter specifies the authorization
   of an AS originating a set of IP prefixes covered by the root prefix.
   These IP prefixes form a full binary tree rooted at the root prefix,
   and are referred to as a prefix block throughout this memo.  In case
   that the maxLength parameter is missing, only the ROA prefix is
   authorized.  Below, the problems with this scheme are demonstrated
   from the perspective of ROA management, and will retain even when the
   RPKI deployment is complete and there is no human errors.

3.1.  Scattered Authorization Issuance

   Authorization issuance is the most common and important operation in
   managing ROAs.  As the network management becomes more and more
   flexible, route origin authorizations issued to an AS is always
   scattered, for business or engineering purposes, such as resource
   reservation, resource allocation, route aggregation, traffic
   engineering, to name only a few.  In this case, it's difficult to
   determine a proper maxLength parameter in ROA encoding.  On one hand,
   a too-short maxLength parameter can render the legitimate BGP routes
   that carry the IP prefixes covered by but not included in this ROA
   "invalid"; on the other hand, a too-long maxLength parameter can lead
   to forged-origin sub-prefix hijack[RFC9319].

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   Take the example shown in Figure 1 for instance.  The resource holder
   owns an IP address block starting from to, and issues an AS to originate 4 IP prefixes, A
   (, B (, C ( and E
   (, within this address block.  In case that the
   maxLength parameter is set to 21, a BGP route carrying the prefix E
   will be identified as "invalid" in RPKI ROV and thus becomes
   unreachable.  While if the maxLength parameter is set to 22, three
   other prefixes D, F, G will be included in the authorization.  In
   this case, the attacker can use these more specific prefixes to
   hijack part of the traffic destined for the prefixes A, B or C,
   leading to security risks.

|                            A=                             |
|           B=        |         C=           |
Figure 1: an example of scattered authorization issuance.

   This dilemma is a natural consequence of the fact that the
   authorization is managed at a granularity of the bundle of several IP
   prefixes.  This operational granularity is too coarse and is the root
   cause of the tradeoff to make between security and reachability.
   Worse yet, this granularity issue is essentially resulted from the
   fundamental encoding scheme taken by ROAs, and is thus hard to
   resolve completely within the existing framework.

   A statistical study on 10 BGP RIBs, collected from the same collector
   at Jan 1st every year since 2014 till now, and with corresponding ROA
   records demonstrates how the potential security and reachability
   issues resulted by the dilemma in ROA encoding would be.  In a RIB, a
   secure route prefix is the one that can be validated via ROAs; while,
   correspondingly, a route prefix that will be identified as "invalid"
   via ROAs is called unauthorized route prefix.  Besides, the
   authorized but not routed prefixes may be utilized by the attacker to
   hijack all or part of the traffic destined for other routed prefixes.
   These affected prefixes are thus called insecure route prefixes.

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   As clearly demonstrated in Table 1, the fast growth of RPKI
   deployment does help increase the number of route prefixes protected
   by ROAs.  Correspondingly, the increasing speed of the number of
   unauthorized route prefixes has slowed down obviously since 2019.
   However, the number of insecure route prefixes increases as well,
   with a similar trend as the increasing of secure route prefixes.  In
   a word, the promotion of RPKI deployment can help protect more route
   prefixes but will also bring in more security risks due to improper
   configuration of ROAs.

3.2.  Partial Authorization Revocation

   In comparison with the authorization issuance, authorization
   revocation is an infrequent operation in managing ROAs, but it is
   important to keep the authorization status up-to-date.  In case that
   the authorization revocation is not performed timely and properly,
   the IP prefixes that are no longer authorized to be originated by an
   AS will remain authorized, opening an attack vector to route
   hijacking as a result.

   With the existing framework of managing ROAs, there is no "update"
   operation defined.  Consequently, the operational granularity in
   authorization revocation is the whole ROA that previously issued.  In
   case that only a part of the authorization is required to revoke, two
   steps are mandatory.  First, all previously issued ROAs that contain
   this part should be withdrawal, this adds a burden to the network
   operator because he has to remember all previously issued ROAs and
   what IP prefixes are authorized in each of them.  Second, all the IP
   prefixes from the other parts of original ROAs should be authorized
   again, triggering the case of "scattered authorization issuance".

   Take the example shown in Figure 2 for instance.  The original ROA
   contains 7 IP prefixes, where the authorization of two prefixes C
   ( and F ( is required to revoke.
   Then, the whole ROA should be withdrawal and the authorization of the
   rest 5 prefixes (A, B, D, E, G ) should be issued again.

|                            A=                             |
|           B=        |         [C=]         |
|D=| E=|[F=]|G=|
Figure 2: an example of partial authorization revocation

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   A statistical study on 10 months of RPKI data records summarizes the
   instances of authorization revocations every month.  The results are
   shown in Table 2.  There are 13~147 partial authorization revocations
   everyday on average, which have taken a non-negligible part
   (8.2%~49.8%) of total instances of revocations.

3.3.  Multi-Authorization Resolution

   Generally, different ASes may issue their ROAs independently without
   any negotiation.  Thus, it's possible that their ROAs may overlap,
   leading to multi-authorization where the same set of IP prefixes are
   authorized to be originated from different ASes.

   In some cases, multi-authorization is useful, such as for the purpose
   of supporting MOAS or for the mitigation of DDoS attacks[RFC9319];
   but it may also be extremely harmful in some other cases, such as the
   case that one AS allocates a sub IP address space to its customer and
   their ROAs overlap.  In this case, the attacker can use those IP
   prefixes authorized to but won't be used by the provider (which has
   been allocated to the customer) for route hijacking.

   For example, suppose the provider owns an IP address block starting
   from, and is authorized to originate any IP prefix
   within this address block that is with a length not longer than 22.
   Then, it allocates a sub address block starting from
   to its customer, which is authorized to originate any IP prefix
   within this sub address block that is with a length not longer than
   23.  As a result, their ROAs overlap, where the intersection contains
   3 IP prefixes, C (, F ( and G
   (  Generally, the provider will not announce BGP
   routes with these IP prefixes any more, since they have been
   allocated to the customer, but they are still included in the
   provider's ROA.  This opens a near-permanent attack vector to route
   hijacking, where the attacker can use the IP prefixes in the
   intersection to hijack part of the traffic destined for the IP prefix
   A ( owned by the provider, or that destined for the
   IP prefix C ( owned by the customer.

   To resolve this security risk, the provider should revoke the
   authorization of IP prefixes in the intersection between its ROA and
   its customer's ROA, triggering partial authorization revocation as a

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   A statistical study on 10 BGP RIBs and corresponding ROA records
   collected at the same day was conducted to evaluate the multi-
   authorization between two ASes, and the results are shown in Table 3.
   The case of possible resource allocation accounts for 48.8% ~ 76.3%
   of all instances in a day, where there is a potential security risk
   as discussed above.

3.4.  A Brief Summary

   As the growth of the Internet and the RPKI deployment, and in regard
   to flexible network operations, ROA management has to deal with
   scattered authorization issuance, partial authorization revocation
   and multi-authorization resolution.  However, with the existing
   scheme, the operational granularity of issuing route origin
   authorizations is a bundle of IP prefixes that share the same prefix
   length, while the operational granularity of authorization revocation
   is a whole ROA.  This sharply complicates the management of ROAs in
   the mentioned scenarios, resulting in non-negligible security and
   usability issues.

   The logical relation among the problems stated above are shown in
   Figure 3.  More specifically, it opens attack vector to route
   hijacking that if the partial authorization revocation or the multi-
   authorization resolution does not complete timely or properly.
   Actually, the key operation of the multi-authorization resolution is
   to perform partial authorization revocation, where the key operation
   turns to be scattered authorization issuance finally.  To complete
   this kind of issuance, there is a bad dilemma in determining the
   maxLength parameter to balance the security and usability.  Besides,
   to properly perform partial authorization revocation, the network
   operator has to record all previously issued ROAs and what IP
   prefixes they contain.  This can also be treated as a usability

   Accordingly, all the problems stated in this memo are essentially
   caused by the coarse-grained management of route origin
   authorizations with the existing scheme, and thus has nothing to do
   with the RPKI deployment and human errors.  In another word, these
   security and usability issues will retain even when the RPKI finishes
   its deployment and all network operators are careful enough.

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 +-----+  more BGP    +---------------------------------------------------+
 |  u  |announcements |                                                   |
 |  s  <--------------+ growth of the Internet and the deployment of RPKI |
 |  a  |  more origin |                                                   |
 |  b  |authorizations|increasing of the flexibility in network management|
 |  i  |              +-----+-------------------+------------------+------+
 |  l  |                    |                   |                  |
 |  i  |                    |                   |                  |
 |  t  |  too-short   +-----v-------+    +------v------+    +------v------+
 |  y  |  maxLength   |  Scattered  |    |   Partial   |    |   Multi-    |
 |     <--------------+Authorization<--+-+Authorization<----+Authorization|
 |  i  |              |  Issuance   |  | | Revocation  |    | Resolution  |
 |  s  |              +-------------+  | +-------------+    +-------------+
 |  s  |                    |too-long  |        |Fail              |Fail
 |  u  |                    |maxLength |        |                  |
 |  e  |              +-----v----------+--------v------------------v------+
 |     |              |                  security issue                   |
 +--^--+              +----------------+----------------------------------+
    |                                  |
    record all previously issued ROAs and what IP prefixes they contain

Figure 3: logical relation among stated problems.

4.  Requirements for Encoding and Managing ROAs

   In order to address the security and usability issues demonstrated
   above, a new scheme for encoding and managing ROAs is required.  This
   memo summarizes the requirements and four design principles in
   response to security, reachability and scalability issues.

4.1.  Fine Granularity

   Given that the coarse granularity in authorization management is the
   root cause of the dilemma between security and reachability, the most
   important design principle is to break this limitation with a
   solution that achieves fine-grained authorization management,
   especially that enables the management at the prefix granularity.

4.2.  Incremental Update

   To facilitate authorization revocation and thus multi-authorization
   resolution, the support of incremental update of authorizations is
   important.  This allows an ROA to be updated on demand without
   excessive withdrawal or redundant authorizations.

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4.3.  High Efficiency and Scalability

   At last, the encoding efficiency as well as the scalability of the
   whole scheme should be taken into consideration, in regard to the
   fast growth of global routing tables and RPKI deployment.  In another
   word, the management of ROAs should not add too much burden to
   network operators or BGP routers, when there are more and more origin
   authorizations and BGP routes.

5.  Evaluation of Potential Solutions

   In the current literature, there are 3 potential solutions that might
   be able to satisfy above requirements to some extent.  The first two
   of them are extensions over the existing scheme, while the last one
   introduces a novel encoding scheme.

5.1.  Single-prefix ROA

   A straightforward solution is to eliminate the maxLength parameter
   for exact authorization issuance, by organizing ROAs as several
   single-prefix authorizations.  In this way, authorizations are
   managed prefix by prefix and thus efficient efficient incremental
   updates can be achieved, since the only update operation toward an
   ROA, namely a single-prefix authorization, is to revoke it.

   The only but a big drawback of this solution is the encoding
   efficiency and its scalability.  Every authorized prefix has to be
   managed as separate authorizations, adding up the management burden.
   In addition, the encoding of the authorization of a big prefix block
   (such as the AS0 ROAs) produces a huge number of entries, which may
   increase exponentially.

5.2.  Minimal ROA

   On basis of the single-prefix ROA, all authorized prefixes that form
   a full binary tree are aggregated into one ROA, with the maxLength
   parameter added back to specify the longest length of the IP prefixes
   contained in this authorization.  This is called minimal ROA[RFC9319]
   and it minimizes the use of maxLength parameter while keeping the
   feature of exact authorization issuance.  Essentially, it improves
   the encoding efficiency and scalability over the single-prefix ROA,
   but lacks in the support of efficient incremental updates.

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5.3.  Hanging ROA

   Hanging ROA proposes to use a bitmap to encode a set of authorized IP
   prefixes.  This solution has a very good nature to support
   authorization management at the prefix granularity.  Besides, it can
   enable flexible and efficient incremental updates with the help of
   bit-masking operations.  However, this solution may become
   inefficient in dealing with a big prefix block, where either a rather
   long bitmap or a large number of bitmaps are required, restricting
   its scalability.

5.4.  Requirements Satisfaction

   Figure 4 compares the 3 schemes in view of their satisfaction to
   every design requirements.  In terms of encoding efficiency and
   scalability, two scenarios are evaluated separately, where the
   differences are the number and the volume of authorizations to
   encode.  In the first case, there are only a few big prefix blocks,
   each containing 64 or more IP prefixes, to encode; while there are a
   large number of small prefix blocks to encode in the second case.

|             |           |           | encoding efficiency and scalability |
|             |operational|support of +----------------+--------------------+
|             |granularity|incremental|case1: a few big|case2: lots of small|
|             |           |updates    |prefix blocks   |prefix blocks       |
|Single-prefix|   prefix  |    Yes    |       Bad      |       Bad          |
|     ROA     |           |           |                |                    |
|   Minimal   |  a set of |    No     |       Good     |       Bad          |
|     ROA     |  prefixes |           |                |                    |
|   Hanging   |   prefix  |    Yes    |       Bad      |       Good         |
|     ROA     |           |           |                |                    |
Figure 4: summary of 3 potential solutions.

   In summary, both the single-prefix ROA and the hanging ROA manage
   authorizations at the prefix granularity, and thus support efficient
   incremental updates.  In regard to the encoding efficiency and
   scalability, the minimal ROA and the hanging ROA are better than the
   single-prefix ROA, but they are good at different scenarios.
   unfortunately, neither of the 3 potential solutions can perfectly
   satisfy all design requirements.

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5.5.  Performance Evaluation

   10 sets of authorized route prefixes are generated with 10 BGP RIBs
   and their corresponding ROA records collected at the same day, and
   are used to evaluate the encoding efficiency and scalability of the 3
   schemes.  In encoding each of the 10 sets, the number of encoded
   blocks in IPv4 and IPv6 are measured respectively.

   The results are recorded in Table 4.  Clearly, the hanging ROA has
   the highest encoding efficiency, and reduces the encoding cost in
   IPv4 by 30.4% ~ 66.9% and 27.1% ~ 65.1% in comparison with the
   single-prefix ROA and the minimal ROA respectively, while the
   reductions in IPv6 are 1.5% ~ 47.1% and 1.5% ~ 45.9% respectively.

   Table 5 shows the detailed results about the minimal ROA and the
   hanging ROA with different settings of defining what are big prefix
   blocks.  Since in both scheme, AS0 ROAs are maintained in the same
   form, they are eliminated from the results.  It is clear that the
   minimal ROA is more efficient to encode big prefix blocks than the
   hanging ROA; while the hanging ROA outperforms the minimal ROA in
   encoding small prefix blocks.  Besides, there is no prefix block that
   contains more than 63 prefixes, namely the difference between the
   prefix length and the maxLength is 6 or larger, in both IPv4 and
   IPv6.  This reflects the trend that more and more network operators
   prefer to issue exact authorizations.

6.  Recommendations

   For authorization issuance, it is recommended to authorize exactly
   what are about to use in BGP with a hybrid encoding scheme.  More
   specifically, hanging ROA should always be adopted to ensure
   efficient fine-grained management, unless when there is a need to
   authorize a big prefix block that contains more than 63 prefixes.
   Then, minimal ROA should be adopted alternatively.

   Once the authorization status changes, the corresponding updates
   toward previously issued ROAs should be performed timely and
   properly, especially those for authorization revocation.

   In case of resource allocation, the customer should obtain its
   authorizations as soon as possible to avoid reachability issues,
   while the provider should make careful checks and timely operations
   (revocations) to ensure that there is no unnecessary intersection
   between its ROA and its customer's ROA.

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7.  Security Considerations

   This document analyzes and reveals the root cause of potential
   security risks under RPKI-ROV.

   The recommended hybrid ROA encoding scheme MAY improve the security
   of using RPKI-ROV, and MUST NOT bring in additional security issues.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC6482]  Lepinski, M., Kent, S., and D. Kong, "A Profile for Route
              Origin Authorizations (ROAs)", RFC 6482,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6482, February 2012,

   [RFC6483]  Huston, G. and G. Michaelson, "Validation of Route
              Origination Using the Resource Certificate Public Key
              Infrastructure (PKI) and Route Origin Authorizations
              (ROAs)", RFC 6483, DOI 10.17487/RFC6483, February 2012,

   [RFC6811]  Mohapatra, P., Scudder, J., Ward, D., Bush, R., and R.
              Austein, "BGP Prefix Origin Validation", RFC 6811,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6811, January 2012,

   [RFC9319]  Gilad, Y., Goldberg, S., Sriram, K., Snijders, J., and B.
              Maddison, "The Use of maxLength in the Resource Public Key
              Infrastructure (RPKI)", RFC 9319, DOI 10.17487/RFC9319,
              January 2012, <>.

9.2.  Informative References

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   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3410, December 2002,

Appendix A.  Statistic Results

A.1.  Scattered Authorization Issuance

   |            |2014-|2015-|2016-|2017-|2018-|2019-|2020-|2021-|2022-|2023-|
   |            |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |            |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |            |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |            |07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|
   |secure route| 15K | 22K | 28K | 38K | 52K | 101K| 166K| 256K| 335K| 412K|
   |   prefix   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |  insecure  |  9K | 11K | 13K | 16K | 18K | 37K | 49K | 71K | 95K | 127K|
   |route prefix|     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |unauthorized|  4K |  3K |  3K |  6K | 12K |  7K |  8K | 10K |  8K |  9K |
   |route prefix|     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |   total    | 546K| 596K| 661K| 724K| 802K| 893K| 967K|1065K|1132K|1178K|

         Table 1: Statistics on different kinds of route prefixes.

A.2.  Partial Authorization Revocation

   |            |2022|2022|2022| 2023|2023|2023|2023|  2023 |2023|2023|
   |            |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |            |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |            |-10 |-11 |-12 | -01 |-02 |-03 |-04 |  -05  |-06 |-07 |
   |   total    |3235|3268|3696|51137|9051|6715|5644| 10428 |5958|4727|
   | instances  |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |            |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |            |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |     of     |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |  complete  |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   | revocation |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |   total    |3207|409 |979 | 4583|2670|2795|1624|  1759 |2969|1293|

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   | instances  |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |            |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   |            |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   | of partial |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |
   | revocation |    |    |    |     |    |    |    |       |    |    |

        Table 2: Statistics of authorization revocation instances.

A.3.  Multi-Authorization Resolution

   |          |2014-|2015-|2016-|2017-|2018-|2019-|2020-|2021-|2022-|2023-|
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|07-21|
   | possible |  38 |  70 |  70 |  87 | 170 | 551 | 643 | 1701| 2410| 2615|
   |   MOAS   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          | (7%)| (9%)| (5%)| (4%)| (4%)| (7%)| (6%)| (6%)| (6%)| (6%)|
   | resource | 439 | 580 | 951 | 1664| 2124| 4923| 6708|19052|24995|29739|
   |allocation|     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |(76%)|(74%)|(72%)|(67%)|(49%)|(63%)|(64%)|(69%)|(67%)|(65%)|
   |  other   |  97 | 135 | 299 | 732 | 2056| 2316| 3183| 6746|10098|13572|
   |  cases   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |          |(17%)|(17%)|(23%)|(29%)|(47%)|(30%)|(30%)|(25%)|(27%)|(30%)|

            Table 3: Statistics of multi-authorization instances

Appendix B.  Performance Evaluation

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   |          |          IPv4         |         IPv6          |
   |          +-------+-------+---------------+-------+-------+
   |          |single |       |       |single |       |       |
   |          |prefix |minimal|hanging|prefix |minimal|hanging|
   |          | ROA   |  ROA  |  ROA  | ROA   |  ROA  |  ROA  |
   |2014-07-21| 19289 | 17888 |  7394 |  1017 |   995 |   855 |
   |2015-07-21| 28512 | 26512 | 10562 |  1834 |  1804 |  1459 |
   |2016-07-21| 32523 | 30188 | 13069 |  2665 |  2627 |  2016 |
   |2017-07-21| 42553 | 39755 | 16366 |  4003 |  3919 |  2826 |
   |2018-07-21| 58925 | 54877 | 21815 |  5835 |  5693 |  3938 |
   |2019-07-21| 92366 | 86835 | 32095 | 10382 | 10228 |  6606 |
   |2020-07-21|163924 |155150 | 54198 | 19790 | 19456 | 11059 |
   |2021-07-21|240474 |222451 | 82579 | 34886 | 34059 | 18439 |
   |2022-07-21|323632 |298512 |113996 | 55957 | 54443 | 30281 |
   |2023-07-21|403635 |370282 |144493 | 76952 | 74137 | 41851 |
   Table 4: Encoding cost with 3 schemes on 10 sets of authorizations.

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|         |              IPv4             |           IPv6                |
|         +---------------+-------------------------------+---------------+
|         |      Big      |     Small     |      Big      |     Small     |
|threshold|    prefix     |    prefix     |    prefix     |    prefix     |
|   of    |     block     |     block     |     block     |     block     |
|  block  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
|  size   |minimal|hanging|minimal|hanging|minimal|hanging|minimal|hanging|
|         |  ROA  |  ROA  |  ROA  |  ROA  |  ROA  |  ROA  |  ROA  |  ROA  |
|     1   | 11995 | 10952 | 358287| 136908| 878   | 1088  | 73259 | 40835 |
|     3   |  1894 |  2136 | 368388| 142816| 193   |  363  | 73944 | 41503 |
|     7   |   208 |   526 | 370074| 144094|  21   |  166  | 74116 | 41695 |
|    15   |    48 |   318 | 370234| 144221|  10   |   84  | 74127 | 41768 |
|    31   |     6 |    25 | 370276| 144479|   0   |    0  | 74137 | 41851 |
|    63   |     0 |     0 | 370282| 144493|   0   |    0  | 74137 | 41851 |

Table 5: Encoding cost with different settings of block size threshold.

Authors' Addresses

   Yanbiao Li
   No.2 Dongsheng South Rd, Haidian District

   Jiankang Yao
   No.4 South 4th Street, Zhongguancun

   Di Ma
   No.4 South 4th Street, Zhongguancun

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