Internet DRAFT - draft-lin-savnet-lsr-intra-domain-method


SAVNET Working Group                                              D. Li
Internet Draft                                      Tsinghua University
Intended status: Standards Track                                 L. Liu
Expires: July 5, 2024                           Zhongguancun Laboratory                 
                                                                 C. Lin  
                                                   New H3C Technologies
                                                                X. Song
                                                        ZTE Corporation
                                                                 Y. Qiu
                                                   New H3C Technologies
                                                        January 5, 2024 
                        Intra-domain SAVNET method


   This document proposes a method of Source Address Validation in
   Intra-domain, which can be applied to OSPF and IS-IS protocols. By
   extending IGP and adding the protocol calculation procedure, the SAV
   rule can be accurately calculated to realize the source address

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 5 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................. 2
      1.1. Requirements Language ................................... 3
   2. Calculating SAV Rules based on IGP Extension ................. 3
   3. Advertising the Protected Prefixes ........................... 4
   4. Calculate SAV Rules based on IGP ............................. 4
   5. Scenario of Multi-area ....................................... 7
   6. Protocol Extension ........................................... 9
      6.1. Extension of OSPFv2 ..................................... 9
         6.1.1. Extension for Protected Prefixes ................... 9
         6.1.2. Extension for Reverse Prefix Cost ................. 10
      6.2. Extension of OSPFv3 .................................... 10
         6.2.1. Extension for Protected Prefixes .................. 10
         6.2.2. Extension for Reverse Prefix Cost ................. 11
      6.3. Extension of IS-IS ..................................... 12
         6.3.1. Extension for Protected Prefixes .................. 12
         6.3.2. Extension for Reverse Prefix Cost ................. 12
   7. Consideration of Redirection Routing Policy ................. 13
   8. IANA Considerations ......................................... 16
   9. Security Considerations ..................................... 16
   10. References ................................................. 16
      10.1. Normative References .................................. 16
   Contributors ................................................... 17
   Authors' Addresses ............................................. 18

1. Introduction

   There are long-term attacks based on source address spoofing in the
   Internet. By spoofing the source address, attackers can disguise
   themselves and carry out hacking activities including DOS and DDoS
   attacks, which have brought serious security threats to the entire
   Internet. [I-D.ietf-savnet-intra-domain-problem-statement] provides
   the gap analysis of existing intra-domain SAV mechanisms, describes

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   the fundamental problems, and defines the requirements for

   This document proposes a method based on the existing IGP routing
   protocol for the requirement of SAV in the domain. By extending the
   message of the routing protocol, adding the relevant protocol
   calculation procedure, each node has the ability to independently
   calculate the valid incoming interface of a specific prefix in
   domain, so as to verify the source address of the traffic.

   In addition, for the redirected forwarding policy independent of
   routing protocol, the impact on SAV rule calculation is discussed.

1.1. Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2. Calculating SAV Rules based on IGP Extension

   By extending the IGP routing protocol, each routing node calculates
   independently SAV rule, that is, the binding entry including
   prefixes and valid incoming interfaces.

   If the source address of the received packet hits the prefix of a
   binding entry, and the interface belongs to the valid incoming
   interfaces bound with the prefix, the source address of the packet
   is considered legal, otherwise it is illegal.

   The existing uRPF uses the source address of the packet to lookup
   the local route table when receiving the packet, and determines
   whether the packet is valid according to the lookup result. For
   strict uRPF, it is required that the outgoing interface of the found
   route is consistent with the incoming interface of the packet. For
   loose uRPF, only a route to the source address is required.

   However, the local route table is used to guide how to go from the
   local to the node and subnet where the source address is located,
   and it cannot really reflect how to reach this node from the node
   and subnet where the source address is located. Therefore, the local
   route table only has some reference value and cannot be fully
   trusted to validate the source address. In order to obtain more
   accurate SAV rules, the routing tables of other routers should be
   used for calculation.

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   The IGP needs to be extended to advertise specific prefix
   information. At the same time, each node that enables the intra-
   domain SAV function needs to calculate the SAV rule according to the
   extended routing message. In addition, this document also considers
   the protocol extension required by the multi-area scenario.

3. Advertising the Protected Prefixes

   When advertising prefix information through IGP, it is necessary to
   identify the source prefix participating in SAV rule calculation.
   These prefixes can be called protected prefixes.

   For intra-domain scenarios, it is mainly the access side prefix of
   each boundary node. Prefixes from outside the domain are considered
   in the inter-domain solution. If the loopback address and network
   side interface prefix of the node in the domain are considered to be
   safe, it is not necessary to participate in the calculation of SAV

   The prefix that needs to participate in SAV rule calculation can be
   specified through configuration. When IGP advertises such a prefix,
   it needs to attach corresponding information to inform other routing

   When the router that has enabled the intra-domain SAV function
   receives the packet, only those packets whose source address comes
   from the protected prefixes will be checked for the legitimacy of
   the incoming interface of the packet. That is, if the legal
   interfaces of SAV rule corresponding to the source prefix do not
   contain the incoming interface of the packet, it may be necessary to
   discard the packet or do other related processing to the packet.

   In order to identify the protected prefixes, the IGP protocol needs
   to be extended accordingly.

4. Calculate SAV Rules based on IGP

   This section describes how to calculate SAV rule based on the route
   information advertised by IGP. Referring to the following topology
   as an example, each router from R1 to R7 has an access subnet prefix.
   These prefixes are protected prefixes.

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                      (      _)
                       `--+--' _                      subnet(P3)
                           \     (->)cost 20          ,--------.
                         +----+      cost 100(<-)    (          )
               +---------+ R2 +-------------------+   `----+---'
               |         +-+--+                   |       /
               |           |cost 100(<->)         |      /
               |           |                 Intf1|     /
               |           |   (->)cost 100     +-+--+ /
               |           |  +-----------------+ R3 +/
    subnet(P1) |           |  |cost 20(<-) Intf2+-+--+
      ----.    |           |  |                   |  Intf3
    (      )   |           |  |                   |
      ---`:    |           |  |  subnet(P7)       |
           `.+-+--+      +-+--+    ,---.        +-+--+
             | R1 +------+ R7 +---(     )       + R6 |`.subnet(P6)
             +-+--+      +-+--+    `---'        +-+--+  `-,---.
               |           |  |                   |      (     )
               |           |  |                   |       `---'
               |           |  |                 +-+--+
               |           |  +-----------------+ R5 |-
               |           | cost 100(<->)      +-+--+ ,`-..
               |         +-+--+                   |   (     )
               +---------+ R4 +-------------------+    `---'
                        -+----+                    subnet(P5)
           subnet(P4)  /
                (         )
             Figure 1: example topology of intra-domain SAVNET

   Taking R3 as an example, after collecting the prefix and topology
   information in the domain through IGP, R3 first takes itself as the
   root, calculates a shortest path tree to other routers in the
   domain, and calculates the intra-domain route based on this shortest
   path tree. This process is consistent with the existing IGP route
   calculation process.

   R3 continues to take other routers in the domain as the root to
   calculate the shortest path tree. Finally, seven shortest path trees
   from Tree-R1 to Tree-R7 are generated on R3. R3 calculates SAV rule
   corresponding to the protected prefix based on these trees.

   Take Prefix P1 as an example. Prefix P1 is advertised by R1.
   Therefore, R3 needs to calculate which interface the packet from R1
   will reach the R3 from. The specific process is as follows.

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   R1 will learn the route through IGP protocol, including the subnet
   prefix accessed by each router in the domain and the route to the
   outside of the domain. The logical next hop of these routes is
   actually other routing nodes.

   For R3, the received packet should be the following three cases:

   o The destination address of the packet is R3 or the subnet prefix
      accessed by R3.

   o The packet goes out of the AS or Area and hits inter-AS or inter-
      area route advertised by R3 as ASBR or ABR. At this time, R3
      receives the packet as the logic next hop to these routes.

   o The route hit by the destination address of the packet is
      advertised by the downstream node of R3 on the Tree-R1. When
      forwarding, the packet will pass through R3 node and go to the
      downstream node of R3.

   Packets from R1 in these three cases can take R3 as the logical next
   hop, so the actual forwarding path of these packets is consistent
   with the actual forwarding path of the packet with the destination
   address of R3.

   Therefore, R3 can calculate the forwarding path of the packet from
   R1 to R3 based on the Tree-R1, and then get the physical interfaces
   of the packet from R1 to R3.

   Based on Tree-R1, the interface between R3 and the upstream node
   will be the actual interface of R3 receiving the packet which is
   from R1.

   As shown in the figure below, Intf1 of R3 is the legal incoming
   interface of packets from prefix P1.

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                             +----+            Intf1
                +------------+ R2 +---------------+
                |            +----+             +-+--+
                |                               | R3 |
                |                               +-+--+
                |                                 |Intf3
                |                                 |
                |                                 |
              +-+--+         +----+             +-+--+
              | R1 +---------+ R7 +             | R6 |
              +-+--+         +--+-+             +-+--+
                |               |
                |               |
                |               |               +----+
                |               +---------------+ R5 |
                |                               +----+
                |            +----+
                +------------+ R4 |
                          Figure 2: Tree-R1 on R3

   Repeat this process. Based on the shortest path tree with each
   router as the root, R3 can get the legal incoming interfaces of all
   protected prefixes in the domain, establish the SAV table, and guide
   the verification of the source address of the packet in forwarding

   As shown in Figure 1, the costs of links between R3 and R2 and links
   between R3 and R7 are different in both directions. The forward and
   reverse routes between R1 and R3 are asymmetric. According to the
   result of R3 query of FIB, the message from R3 to R1 will be sent
   from the interface connecting R3 and R7. Using the calculation
   method of this proposal, the problem of asymmetric routing here can
   be well solved. R1 and R3 can accurately calculate the actual
   incoming interface according to the shortest path tree with R3 as
   the root.

5. Scenario of Multi-area

   In large-scale networks, an AS may be divided into different areas
   to avoid the problems caused by too many nodes. As shown in the
   following figure, an AS divided into two areas, each router is
   connected to the corresponding subnet, R1 is connected to P1, and so
   on, and R7 is connected to P7.

   Taking OSPFv2 as an example, R4 and R5, as ABRs, will convert the
   router LSA (type-1) of R6 and R7 in Area1 into network Summary LSA

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   (type-3) and advertise it to the routers in Area0. Area0 to Area1
   are also processed in the same way.

   The type-3 route received by R3 from R4 will include the subnet of
   R6, with an originator of R4 and a cost of 10. According to the
   method described in section 4, R3 will calculate the valid incoming
   interface of P6 as intf1.

   If the cost of the two directions of the link between R4 and R6 is
   different for some reason, for example, the cost from R4 to R6 is
   10, but the cost in the reverse direction is 100, which will cause
   the packet sent by R6 to arrive at R3 from intf2 actually. But the
   type-3 route advertised by R4 to R3 has only one-way cost from R4 to
   R6, which cannot reflect the real situation.

   In order to accurately calculate SAV rule in the scenarios of multi-
   area, it is necessary to expand the type-3 route and advertise the
   cost in reverse directions between ABR and a prefix at the same time.
   That is, when R4 advertises the prefix information of R6, it carries
   cost of 10 and reverse cost of 100 at the same time. Similarly, the
   cost of R6 network prefix information advertised by R5 in two
   directions is 40 and 50 respectively.

         Area0                       +-------------------------+
   +-------------------------------+ |                         |
   |                               | *      cost 100(<-)       *
   *                    intf1    +-+-+-+(->)cost 10  +-----+   |
   |   +----+            +-------+  R4 +-------------+  R6 |   *
   *   | R1 +---------+  |       +-+-+-+             +--+--+   |
   |   +----+        ++--++        | |          cost20  |      *
   *                 | R3 |        * *          (<->)   |      |
   |                 ++--++        | |                  |      *
   *   +----+         |  |       +-+-+-+(->)cost 20  +--+--+   |
   |   | R2 +---------+  +-------+  R5 +-------------+  R7 |   *
   *   +----+           intf2    +-+-+-+ cost 30(<-) +-----+   |
   |                               | |                         *
   +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------+
                 Figure 3: example topology of multi-area

   When ABR that enables SAV function advertises network Summary LSA
   (type-3), ABR needs to calculate the total cost from the node where
   the prefix in LSA is located to this ABR, and advertises it together
   through protocol extension.

   By extending the protocol, R3 can be aware that packets from P6 and
   P7 will arrive at R3 from R5, so the valid incoming interface of the
   two protected prefixes can be calculated as intf2.

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   After the AS is divided into different areas, in order to reduce
   routing messages, the ABR may aggregate the routing information with
   the same prefix and only publish one route to other areas. If the
   forward or reverse path costs of the aggregated prefixes are
   different, after advertising the aggregated route, the ABR that
   enables the SAV function also needs to separately advertise a route
   for the prefixes with different costs, and advertise the forward and
   reverse costs corresponding to this prefix in this route.

6. Protocol Extension

6.1. Extension of OSPFv2

6.1.1. Extension for Protected Prefixes

   A sub-TLV called Prefix-SAV sub-TLV is defined to identify a
   protected prefix. The Prefix-SAV Sub-TLV is a sub-TLV of the OSPF
   Extended Prefix TLV described in [RFC7684].

   When the Route Type of OSPFv2 Extended Prefix TLV is Intra-Area (1)
   or Inter-Area (3), prefix-SAV sub-TLV can be used to identify the

   It SHOULD appear only once in the parent TLV and has the following

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |              Type             |             Length            |
      |              Flags            |             Reserved          |


      *  Type:  TBD1.

      *  Length:  4.

      *  Flags:  Reserved flag field.

      *  Reserved:  SHOULD be set to 0 on transmission and MUST be
   ignored on reception

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   According to the current definition, if this sub-TLV appears in
   ospfv2 extended prefix TLV, it means that the prefix in the message
   is protected prefixes.

6.1.2. Extension for Reverse Prefix Cost

   A sub-TLV called Prefix-Reverse-cost sub-TLV is defined to carry the
   total costs from the router where the prefix is located to reach

   The Prefix-Reverse-cost Sub-TLV is a sub-TLV of the OSPF Extended
   Prefix TLV described in [RFC7684].

   When the Route Type of OSPFv2 Extended Prefix TLV is Inter-Area (3),
   Prefix-Reverse-cost sub-TLV can be used.

   It SHOULD appear only once in the parent TLV and has the following

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |              Type             |             Length            |
      |                      reverse metric                           |


      *  Type:  TBD2.

      *  Length:  4.

      *  Rreverse metric: Total cost value from the router where the
   prefix is located to ABR.

6.2. Extension of OSPFv3

6.2.1. Extension for Protected Prefixes

   A sub-TLV called prefix-SAV sub-TLV is defined to identify a
   protected prefix. The Prefix-SAV sub-TLV is a sub-TLV of the
   following OSPFv3 TLVs as defined in [RFC8362] and in Section 5:

         Intra-Area Prefix TLV

         Inter-Area Prefix TLV

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   It SHOULD appear only once in the parent TLV and has the following

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |              Type             |             Length            |
      |              Flags            |             Reserved          |


      *  Type:  TBD3.

      *  Length:  4.

      *  Flags:  Reserved flag field..

      *  Reserved:  SHOULD be set to 0 on transmission and MUST be
   ignored on reception

6.2.2. Extension for Reverse Prefix Cost

   A sub-TLV called Prefix-Reverse-cost sub-TLV is defined to carry the
   total cost from the router where the prefix is located to reach ABR.

   The Prefix-Reverse-cost sub-TLV is a sub-TLV of the following OSPFv3
   TLVs as defined in [RFC8362] and in Section 5:

         Inter-Area Prefix TLV

   It SHOULD appear only once in the parent TLV and has the following

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |              Type             |             Length            |
      |                     Reverse metric                            |


      *  Type:  TBD4.

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      *  Length:  4.

      *  Reverse metric: Total cost value from the router where the
   prefix is located to ABR.

6.3. Extension of IS-IS

6.3.1. Extension for Protected Prefixes

   A sub-TLV called Prefix-SAV sub-TLV is defined to identify protected
   prefixes. The Prefix-SAV sub-TLV is a sub-TLV of the following IS-IS

      *  TLV-135 (Extended IPv4 reachability) defined in [RFC5305].

      *  TLV-235 (Multi-topology IPv4 Reachability) defined in

      *  TLV-236 (IPv6 IP Reachability) defined in [RFC5308].

      *  TLV-237 (Multi-topology IPv6 IP Reachability) defined in

   It SHOULD appear only once in the parent TLV and has the following

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |   Type        |     Length    |     Flags     |   Reserved    |


      *  Type:  TBD5.

      *  Length: 2.

      *  Flags: Reserved flag field.

      *  Reserved:  SHOULD be set to 0 on transmission and MUST be
   ignored on reception

6.3.2. Extension for Reverse Prefix Cost

   A sub-TLV called Prefix-Reverse-cost sub-TLV is defined to carry the
   total cost from the router where the prefix is located to reach ABR.

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   The Prefix-Reverse-cost sub-TLV is a sub-TLV of the following of the
   following IS-IS TLVs:

      *  TLV-135 (Extended IPv4 reachability) defined in [RFC5305].

      *  TLV-235 (Multi-topology IPv4 Reachability) defined in

      *  TLV-236 (IPv6 IP Reachability) defined in [RFC5308].

      *  TLV-237 (Multi-topology IPv6 IP Reachability) defined in

   When the level 2 router leaks routes through the above TLVs, Prefix-
   Reverse-cost sub-TLV can be used to carry reverse total cost.

   It SHOULD appear only once in the parent TLV and has the following

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |   Type        |     Length    |          Reserved             |
   |                       Reverse metric                          |


      *  Type:  TBD6.

      *  Length:  6.

      *  Reserved:  SHOULD be set to 0 on transmission and MUST be
   ignored on reception

      *  Reverse metric: Total cost value from the router where the
   prefix is located to ABR.

7. Consideration of Redirection Routing Policy

   In the actual deployment, some redirected forwarding policies may be
   used, such as PBR and QoS. The forwarding path of the packets
   processed by these policies may be inconsistent with the routing
   table, resulting in a router receiving the packets forwarded based
   on the routing table and the packets forwarded based on the
   redirected forwarding policies from different interfaces. Therefore,

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   when calculating SAV rule, the influence of redirected forwarding
   policy should also be taken into account.

   Because the redirected forwarding policy is very complicated, this
   section only describes a relatively simple scenario. More in-depth
   and detailed analysis and discussion are expected to be added in
   future versions.

   The redirected forwarding policy can be deployed on any node in the
   domain. These policies specify the characteristics of the packet, as
   well as the outgoing interface and next hop to redirect the packet.

   After a router applies this forwarding policy, the packets matching
   the characteristics specified by the policy will be forwarded
   according to the path specified by the policy, and its forwarding
   path may be different from the route learned through IGP.

   The packet characteristics of redirection routing policy often
   contain a lot of information, including source and destination
   addresses, Port number, protocol number and other information. Only
   the source and destination addresses participate in the calculation
   of SAV rule. If a redirected forwarding policy specifies only L4
   information, the source and destination addresses are considered to
   match all; similarly, if a redirection policy is only configured
   with destination address characteristics, the source address is
   considered to match all

   Redirected forwarding policies can be divided into the following

   o (Src, dest, M, nexthop): Both source and destination prefixes are
      specified, as well as the next hop. M identifies whether other
      non-address fields are specified. If so, it indicates that the
      redirection policy only works on part of the traffic, and it
      needs to be calculated based on the routing and redirection
      policies at the same time; If not, it means that this policy will
      affect all packets matching the source and destination prefixes,
      and these packets can no longer calculate SAV rule according to
      the routing.

   o (*, dest, M, nexthop): Only the destination prefix and next hop
      are specified. M has the same meaning as above. * means to match
      all source addresses, that is, there is no restriction on source

   o (Src, *, M, nexthop): Only the source prefix and next hop are
      specified. M has the same meaning as above.

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   o (*, *, M, nexthop): The source and destination prefixes are not
      specified, and M must be yes at this time.

   If some nodes in the domain have enabled the redirected forwarding
   policy, when calculating the SAV rule, R3 cannot rely on a single
   shortest path tree, but also needs to collect the redirected
   forwarding policy of relevant nodes to calculate the valid incoming
   interface for the packet from R1 to R3.

   The redirected forwarding policy is complex and needs to be
   considered comprehensively based on the information of multiple
   nodes. This document takes a simple case as an example to illustrate
   the calculation process

   1. Assume that R1 and R7 are configured with redirection policies as

      R1 (*, dst1, Yes, R7)

      R7 (*, dst1, Yes, R3)

      Dst1 is the route prefix advertised by R3. According to these
      policies, the forwarding path of some packets from R1 to dst1 is
      R1->R7->R3. But the forwarding path according to the route should
      be R1->R2->R3.

   2. After receiving the redirection policy advertised by R1, R3 finds
   that dst1 is the routing prefix advertised by itself, and can know
   that the next hop specified by the redirection rule is R7.

   3. If there is no matching redirection policy on R7, then according
   to tree-R7, the next hop to dst1 is R2, which is the upstream node
   of R3 on tree-R1, and R2 also has no redirection policy. Then there
   is no need to continue the calculation. That is, the current
   redirection policy will not increase the incoming interface for R3
   to receive packets from R1.

   4. If there is also a matching redirection policy on R7, and the
   next hop is R3, then intf2 of R3 also needs to be the valid incoming
   interface of the packet from R1.

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                        +----+       10
                        | R2 +-----------------+
                        +-+--+               +-+--+
                          |                  | R3 |
                          |                  +-+--+
                       10 |                    |
                          |                    | 10
                          |                    |
         +----+   10    +-+--+               +-+--+
         | R1 +---------+ R7 |               | R6 |
         +-+--+         +-_--+               +----+
           |                 |
           |                 |
         10|                 |        10     +----+
           |                 +---------------+ R5 |
           |                                 +----+
           |            +----+
           +------------+ R4 |
                              Figure 4: Tree-R7

   The actual situation is more complicated. The redirected forwarding
   policies configured on different nodes may specify different packet
   characteristics, so the affected prefix range is also different.
   Therefore, the calculation of SAV rule based on redirected
   forwarding policy needs further analysis and discussion.

8. IANA Considerations


9. Security Considerations

   This document does not introduce any new security consideration.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

   [I-D.ietf-savnet-intra-domain-problem-statement] Li, D., Wu, J.,
             Qin, L., Huang, M., Geng, N., "Source Address Validation
             in Intra-domain Networks (Intra-domain SAVNET Gap
             Analysis, Problem Statement and Requirements", draft-ietf-
             savnet-intra-domain-problem-statement-02 (work in
             progress), August 2023.

Li, et al.              Expires July, 2024                  [Page 16]
Internet-Draft           intra-domain SAVNET              January 2024

   [RFC2827] Ferguson, P. and D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering:
             Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source
             Address Spoofing", BCP 38, RFC 2827, DOI 10.17487/RFC2827,
             May 2000, <>.

   [RFC3704] Baker, F. and P. Savola, "Ingress Filtering for Multihomed
             Networks", BCP 84, RFC 3704, DOI 10.17487/RFC3704, March
             2004, <>.

   [RFC2328] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, DOI
             10.17487/RFC2328, April 1998, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC5305] Li, T. and H. Smit, "IS-IS Extensions for Traffic
             Engineering", RFC 5305, DOI 10.17487/RFC5305, October
             2008, <>.

   [RFC5308] Hopps, C., "Routing IPv6 with IS-IS", RFC 5308, DOI
             10.17487/RFC5308, October 2008, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC5120] Przygienda, T., Shen, N., and N. Sheth, "M-ISIS: Multi
             Topology (MT) Routing in Intermediate System to
             Intermediate Systems (IS-ISs)", RFC 5120, DOI
             10.17487/RFC5120, February 2008, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC8362] Lindem, A., Roy, A., Goethals, D., Reddy Vallem, V., and
             F. Baker, "OSPFv3 Link State Advertisement (LSA)
             Extensibility", RFC 8362, DOI 10.17487/RFC8362, April
             2018, <>.


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Internet-Draft           intra-domain SAVNET              January 2024

Authors' Addresses

   Dan Li
   Tsinghua University

   Libin Liu                    
   Zhongguancun Laboratory   

   Changwang Lin
   New H3C Technologies

   Xueyan Song                   
   ZTE Corporation               
   Yuanxiang Qiu
   New H3C Technologies

Li, et al.              Expires July, 2024                  [Page 18]