Internet DRAFT - draft-lindblad-tlm-philatelist


NETMOD                                                       J. Lindblad
Internet-Draft                                                     Cisco
Intended status: Standards Track                         20 October 2023
Expires: 22 April 2024

Philatelist, YANG-based collection and aggregation framework integrating
                Telemetry data and Time Series Databases


   Timestamped telemetry data is collected en masse today.  Mature tools
   are typically used, but the data is often collected in an ad hoc
   manner.  While the dashboard graphs look great, the resulting data is
   often of questionable quality, not well defined, and hard to compare
   with seemingly similar data from other organizations.

   This document proposes a standard, extensible, cross domain framework
   for collecting and aggregating timestamped telemetry data in a way
   that combines YANG, metadata and Time Series Databases to produce
   more dependable and comparable results.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   tlm-philatelist.html.  Status information for this document may be
   found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

Lindblad                  Expires 22 April 2024                 [Page 1]
Internet-Draft                 Philatelist                  October 2023

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  The Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  The Solution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.3.  The Philatelist Name  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Architecure Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  The Provider Component  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2.  The Collector Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.3.  The Processor and Aggregator Components . . . . . . . . .  10
   4.  YANG-based Telemetry Outlook  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  YANG Modules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.1.  Base types module for Philatelist . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.2.  Provider interface module for Philatelist . . . . . . . .  21
     5.3.  Collector interface module for Philatelist  . . . . . . .  23
     5.4.  Aggregator interface module for Philatelist . . . . . . .  27
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31

1.  Introduction

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1.1.  The Problem

   Many organizations today are collecting large amounts of telemetry
   data from their networks and data centers for a variety of purposes.
   Much (most?) of this data is funneled into a Time Series Database
   (TSDB) for display in a dashboard or further (AI-backed) processing
   and decision making.

   While this data collection is often handled using standard tools,
   there generally seems to be little commonality when it comes to what
   is meaured, how the data is aggregated, or definitions of the
   measured quantities (if any).

   Data science issues like adding overlapping quantities, adding
   quantities of different units of measurement, or quantities with
   different scopes, are likely common.  Such errors are hard to detect
   given the ad hoc nature of the collection.  This often leads to
   uncertainty regarding the quality of the conclusions drawn from the
   collected data.

1.2.  The Solution

   The Philatelist framework proposes to standardize the collection,
   definitions of the quantities measured and meta data handling to
   provide a robust ground layer for telemetry collection.  The
   architecture defines a few interfaces, but allows great freedom in
   the implementations with its plug-in architecture.  This allows
   flexibility enough that any kind of quantitiy can be measured, any
   kind of collection protocol and mechanism employed, and the data
   flows aggregated using any kind of operation.

   To do this, YANG is used both to describe the quantities being
   measured, as well as act as the framework for the metadata
   management.  Note that the usa of YANG here does not limit the
   architecture to traditional YANG-based transport protocols.  YANG is
   used to describe the data, regardless of which format it arrives in.

   Initially developed in context of the Power and Energy Efficiency
   work (POWEFF), we realized both the potential and the need for this
   collection and aggregation architecture to become a general framework
   for collection of a variety of metrics.

   There is not much point in knowing the "cost side" of a running
   system (as in energy consumption or CO2-emissions) if that cannot be
   weighed against the "value side" delivered by the system (as in
   transported bytes, VPN connections, music streaming hours, or number
   of cat videos, etc.), which means traditional performance metrics
   will play an equally important role in the collection.

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   In this initial version, we have done nothing to pull the proposed
   YANG modules out of its POWEFF roots and generalize it for general
   telemetry.  We believe the ideas and merits of this framework
   architecture will be apparent nonetheless in this first version.  For
   the next version, we certainly need to generalize the quantities
   measured and rename the YANG modules and node names.

1.3.  The Philatelist Name

   This specification is about a framework for collection, aggregation
   and interpretation of timestamped telemetry data.  The definition of
   "philatelist" seems close enough.

   1. philatelist

   noun. ['fɪˈlætəlɪst'] a collector and student of postage stamps.

   - collector
   - aggregator

       Figure 1: Source:

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   This document uses the terminology defined in [RFC7950].

   In addition, this document defines the following terms:

   TSDB  Time Series Database.

   Sensor  An entity in a system that delivers a snapshot value of some
      quantity pertaining to the system.  Sensors are identified by
      their Sensor Path.

   Sensor Path  A textual representation of the sensor's address within
      the system.

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3.  Architecure Overview

   The deployment of a Philatelist framework consists of a collection of
   plug-in compomnents with well defined interfaces.  Here is an example
   of a deployment.  Each box is numbered in the lower right for easy

                         | USER INTERFACE  |
                         |    Dashboard    |
                         |                 |
                         |    PROCESSOR    |
                         | Recommendation  |
                         |     Engine      |
                         |   AGGREGATOR    |
                         |   Data Center   |
          |               |               |              |
   +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+
   | Normalizer |  |  Network   |  |  Storage   |  |  Compute   |
   +---------41-+  +---------42-+  +---------43-+  +---------44-+
          |           |                   |\             |\
   +------------+     |     +------+------------+  +------------+------+
   | COLLECTOR  |     |     | YANG | COLLECTOR  |  | COLLECTOR  | YANG |
   |  Cooling   |     |     +---52-+ Storage 1  |  | Compute 1  +---55-+
   +---------51-+     |            +---------53-+  +---------54-+
          |           |             \ Storage 2  \  \ Compute 2  \
   +------------+     |              +------------+  +------------+
   |  PROVIDER  |     |               \ Storage N  \  \ Compute N  \
   |Utility Bill|     |                +------------+  +------------+
   +---------61-+     |
                      |              |
               +------------+  +------------+
               | PROCESSOR  |  | COLLECTOR  |
               | Normalizer |  |  Routers   |
               +---------71-+  +---------72-+
                      |              |\
               +------------+  +------------+

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               | COLLECTOR  |  |  PROVIDER  |
               |  Firewall  |  |  Router 1  |
               +---------81-+  +---------82-+
                      |         \  Router 2  \
               +------------+    +------------+
               |  PROVIDER  |     \  Router N  \
               |  Firewall  |      +------------+

            Figure 2: Example Philatelist component deployment.

   Each component in the above diagram, represents a logical function.
   Many boxes could be running within a single server, or they could be
   fully distrubuted, or anything in between.

   Provider components (61, 82, 91) are running on a telemetry source
   system that supports a YANG-based telemetry data server.  The
   telemetry data flows from the telemetry source system to a Time
   Series Database (TSDB).

   Collector components (51, 72, 81) ensure the Providers are programmed
   properly to deliver the telemetry data to the TSDB designated by the
   collector.  In some cases this flow may be direct from the source to
   the TSDB, in other cases, it may be going through the collector.  In
   some cases the collector may be polling the source, in others it may
   have set up an automatic, periodic subscription.

   Many telemetry source systems will not have any on-board YANG-based
   telemetry server.  Such servers will instead be managed by a
   collector specialized to handle a particular kind of source server
   (53, 54).  These specialized collectors are still responsible to set
   up a telemetry data stream from them to the collector's TSDB.  In
   this case, the collector will also supply a YANG description (52, 55)
   of the incoming data stream.

   Processor components (21, 41, 71) are transforming the data stream in
   some way, e.g. converting from one unit of measurement to another, or
   adjusting the data values recorded to also include some aspect that
   this particular sensor is not taking into account.

   Aggregator components (31, 42, 43, 44) combine the time series
   telemetry data flows using some operation, e.g. summing, averaging or
   computing the max or min over them.  In this example there are
   aggregators for Network, Storage, Compute and the entire Data Center

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   On top of the stack, we may often find a (graphical) user interface
   (11), for human consumption of the intelligence acquired by the
   system.  Equally relevant is of course an (AI) application making
   decisions based on findings in the aggregated telemetry flow.

3.1.  The Provider Component

   A Provider is a source of telemetry data that also offers a YANG-
   based management interface.  Each provider typically has a large
   number of "sensors" that can be polled or in some cases subscribed

   One problem with the sensors is that they are spread around inside
   the source system, and may not be trivial to locate.  Also, the
   metadata assciated with the sensor is often only missing or only
   available in human readable form (free form strings), rather than in
   a strict machine parsable format.


       Figure 3: Example of scattered potential sensors in a device.

   To solve these problems, the Provider YANG module contains a sensor-
   catalog list.  Essentially a list of all interesting sensors
   available on the system, with their sensor paths and machine parsable
   units, definition and any other metadata.

   An admin user or application can then copy the sensor definition from
   the sensor catalog and insert into the configuration in the colletor.

     +--ro sensor-catalog
         +--ro sensors
           +--ro sensor* [path]
               +--ro path?                     xpath
               +--ro sensor-type?              identityref
               +--ro sensor-location?          something
               +--ro sensor-state?             something
               +--ro sensor-current-reading?   something
               +--ro sensor-precision?         string

        Figure 4: YANG tree diagram of the Provider sensor-catalog.

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   Note: The "something" YANG-type is used in many places in this
   document.  That is just a temporarty placeholder we use until we have
   figured out what the appropriate type should be.

   The sensor types are defined as YANG identities, making them
   maximally extensible.  Examples of sensor types might be energy
   measured in kWh, or energy measured in J, or temperature measured in
   F, or in C, or in K.

3.2.  The Collector Component

   Collector components collect data points from sources, typically by
   periodic polling or subscriptions, and ensure the collected data is
   stored in a Time Series Database (TSDB).  The actual data stream may
   or may not be passing through the collector component; the collector
   is responsible for ensuring data flows from the source to the
   destination TSDB and that the data has a YANG description and is
   tagged with necessary metadata.  How the collector agrees with a
   source to deliver data in a timely manner is beyond the scope of this

            |  COLLECTOR  |
            +-------------+                     ___________
                   |                           /           \
         +------------------+                 ( DESTINATION )
         v                  v                 |\___________/|
   +------------+    +------------+  STREAM 1 |             |
   |   SOURCE   |    |   SOURCE   |  =======> |             |
   | - sensor 1 |    | - sensor 1 |           |             |
   | - sensor 2 |    | - sensor 4 |  STREAM 2 |             |
   | - sensor 3 |    | - sensor 7 |  =======> |             |
   +------------+    +------------+           |             |
             \\                      STREAM 3 |             |
               =============================>  \___________/

         Figure 5: Example of Collector setting up three streams of
            telemetry data from two sources to one desitination.

   Each source holds a number of sensors that may be queried or
   subscribed to.  The collector arranges the sensors into sensour
   groups that presumably are logically related, and that are collected
   using the same method.  A number of collection methods (some YANG-
   based, some not) are modeled directly in the ietf-poweff-
   collector.yang module, but the set is designed to be easily

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     +-- sensor-groups
     |  +-- sensor-group* [id]
     |     +-- id?                                something
     |     +-- method?                            identityref
     |     +-- get-static-url-once
     |     |  +-- url?                            something
     |     |  +-- format?                         something
     |     +-- gnmi-polling
     |     |  +-- encoding?                       something
     |     |  +-- protocol?                       something
     |     +-- restconf-get-polling
     |     |  +-- xxx?                            something
     |     +-- netconf-get-polling
     |     |  +-- xxx?                            something
     |     +-- restconf-yang-push-subscription
     |     |  +-- xxx?                            something
     |     +-- netconf-yang-push-subscription
     |     |  +-- xxx?                            something
     |     +-- redfish-polling
     |     |  +-- xxx?                            something
     |     +-- frequency?                         sample-frequency
     |     +-- path* [path]
     |        +-- path?                           xpath
     |        +-- sensor-type?                    identityref
     +-- streams
       +-- stream* [id]
           +-- id?                                something
           +-- source*                            string
           +-- sensor-group* [name]
           |  +-- name?   -> ../../../sensor-groups/sensor-group/id
           +-- destination?    -> ../../../destinations/destination/id

       Figure 6: YANG tree diagram of the Collector sensor-groups and

   The sensor groups are then arranged into streams from a collection of
   sources (that support the same set of sensor groups) to a
   destination.  This structure has been chosen with the assumption that
   there will be many source devices with the same set of sensor groups,
   and we want to minimize repetition.

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3.3.  The Processor and Aggregator Components

   Processor components take an incoming data flow and transforms it
   somehow, and possibly augments it with a flow of derived information.
   The purpose of the transformation could be to convert between
   different units of measurement, correct for known errors in in the
   input data, or fill in approximate values where there are holes in
   the input data.

   Aggregator components take multiple incoming data flows and combine
   them, typically by adding them together, taking possible differences
   in cadence in the input data flows into account.

   Processor and Aggregator components provide a YANG model of the
   output data, just like the Collector components, so that all data
   flowing in the system has a YANG description and is associated with

   Note: In the current version of the YANG modules, a Processor is
   simply an Aggregator with a single input and output.  Unless we see a
   need to keep these two component types separate, we might remove the
   Processor component and keep it baked in with the Aggregator.

                   | AGGREGATOR  |
              v                       v
         ___________             ___________
        /           \           /           \
       (  SOURCE 1   )         ( DESTINATION )
       |\___________/| FLOW 1  |\___________/|
       |             | ======> |             |
       |             |         |             |
       |             | FLOW 2  |             |
        \___________/  ===##=>  \___________/
         ___________      ||
        /           \     ||
       (  SOURCE 2   )   //
       |\___________/| ==
       |             |
       |             |
       |             |

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         Figure 7: Example of an Aggregator setting up two flows of
            telemetry data from two sources to one desitination.

   In this diagram, the sources and destination look like separate
   TSDBs, which they might be.  They may also be different buckets
   within the same TSDB.

   Each flow is associated with one or more inputs, one output and a
   series of processing operations.  Each input flow and output flow may
   have an pre-processing or post-processing operation applied to it
   separately.  Then all the input flows are combined using one or more
   aggregation operations.  Some basic operations have been defined in
   the Aggregator YANG module, but the set of operations has been
   designed to be maximally extensible.

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     +-- flows
     |  +-- flow* [id]
     |     +-- id?                                string
     |     +-- (chain-position)?
     |        +--:(input)
     |        |  +-- input
     |        |     +-- source?
     |        |           -> ../../../../../sources/source/id
     |        +--:(output)
     |        |  +-- output
     |        |     +-- destination?
     |        |           -> ../../../../../destinations/destination/id
     |        +--:(middle)
     |           +-- middle
     |              +-- inputs*
     |              |     -> ../../../../flows/flow/id
     |              +-- pre-process-inputs?
     |              |     -> ../../../../operations/operation/id
     |              +-- aggregate?
     |              |     -> ../../../../operations/operation/id
     |              +-- post-process-output?
     |                    -> ../../../../operations/operation/id
     +-- operations
       +-- operation* [id]
           +-- id?                                something
           +-- (op-type)?
             |  +-- linear-sum
             |  +-- linear-average
             |  +-- linear-max
             |  +-- linear-min
             |  +-- rolling-average
             |     +-- timespan?                  something
             |  +-- filter-age
             |     +-- min-age?                   something
             |     +-- max-age?                   something
                 +-- function
                   +-- name?                      something

    Figure 8: YANG tree diagram of the Aggregator flows and operations.

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   The operations listed above are basic aggregation operations.
   Linear-sum is just adding all the input sources together, with linear
   interpolation when their data points don't align perfectly in time.
   Rolling average is averaging the input flows over a given length of
   time.  The filter-age drops all data points that are outside the min
   to max age.  The function allows plugging in any other function the
   Aggregator may have defined, but more importantly, the operations
   choice is easily extended using YANG augment to include any other
   IETF or vendor specified extensions.

4.  YANG-based Telemetry Outlook

   Much work has already gone into the area of telemetry, YANG, and even
   their intersection.  E.g.
   [I-D.draft-ietf-opsawg-collected-data-manifest-01] and
   [I-D.draft-claise-netconf-metadata-for-collection-03] come to mind.

   Even though this work has a solid foundation and shares many or most
   of the goals with this work, we (the POWEFF team) have not found it
   easy to apply the above work directly in the practical work we do.
   So what we have tried to do is a very pragmatic approach to telemetry
   data collection the way we see it happening on the ground combined
   with the benefits of Model Driven Telemetry (MDT), in practice
   meaning YANG-based with additional YANG-modeled metadata.

   Many essential data sources in real world deployments do not support
   any YANG-based interfaces, and that situation is expected to remain
   for the forseable future, which is why we find it important to be
   able to ingest data from free form (often REST-based) interfaces, and
   then add the necessary rigor on the Collector level.  Then output the
   datastreams in formats that existing, mature tools can consume

   In particular, this draft depends on the mapping of YANG-based
   structures to the typical TSDB tag-based formats described in

   For the evolution of the YANG-based telemetry area, we believe this
   approach, combining pragmatism in the data flow interfaces with rigor
   regarding the data content, is key.  We would like to make this work
   fit in with the works of others in the field.

5.  YANG Modules

5.1.  Base types module for Philatelist

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   module ietf-poweff-types {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-poweff-types";
     prefix ietf-poweff-types;

       "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
        WG List:  <>
        Editor:  Jan Lindblad
        Editor:  Snezana Mitrovic
        Editor:  Marisol Palmero
       "This YANG module defines basic quantities, measurement units
       and sensor types for the POWEFF framework.

        Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code. All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions

        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX
        (; see the RFC itself
        for full legal notices.";

     revision 2023-10-12 {
         "Initial revision of POWEFF types";
         "RFC XXXX: ...";

     typedef something { // FIXME: Used when we haven't decided the type yet
       type string;
     typedef xpath {
       type string; // FIXME: Proper type needed

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     typedef sample-frequency {
       type string; // FIXME: Proper type needed

     // ========== SENSOR-CLASS ==============================
     identity sensor-class {
       description "Sensor's relation to the asset it sits on.";
     identity sc-input {
       base sensor-class;
       description "Sensor reports input quantity of the asset it sits
     identity sc-output {
       base sensor-class;
       description "Sensor reports output quantity of the asset it sits
     identity sc-allocated {
       base sensor-class;
       description "Sensor reports (maximum) allocated quantity of the
         asset it sits on.";

     // ========== SENSOR-QUANTITY ==============================
     identity sensor-quantity {
       description "Sensor's quantity being measured.";
     identity sq-voltage {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports electric tension, voltage.";
     identity sq-current {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports electric current.";
     identity sq-power {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports power draw (energy per unit of time).";
     identity sq-power-apparent {
       base sq-power;
       description "Sensor reports apparent power, i.e. average electrical
         current times voltage (in VA).";
     identity sq-power-true {
       base sq-power;

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       description "Sensor reports true power, i.e. integral over current
         and voltage at each instant in time.";
     identity sq-energy {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports actual energy drawn by asset.";
     identity sq-co2-emission {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports CO2 (carbon dioxide) emission by
     identity sq-co2eq-emission {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports CO2 (carbon dioxide) equivalent
         emission by asset.";
     identity sq-temperature {
       base sensor-quantity;
       description "Sensor reports temperature of asset.";

     // ========== SENSOR-UNIT ==============================
     identity sensor-unit {
       description "Sensor's unit of reporting.";
     identity su-volt {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-voltage;
       description "Sensor unit volt, V.";
     identity su-ampere {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-current;
       description "Sensor unit ampere, A.";
     identity su-watt {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-power;
       description "Sensor unit watt, W.";
     identity su-voltampere {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-power;
       description "Sensor unit Volt*Ampere, VA.";
     identity su-kw {
       base sensor-unit;

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       base sq-power;
       description "Sensor unit kilowatt, kW.";
     identity su-joule {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-energy;
       description "Sensor unit joule, J.";
     identity su-wh {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-energy;
       description "Sensor unit watthour, Wh.";
     identity su-kwh {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-energy;
       description "Sensor unit kliowatthour, kWh.";
     identity su-kelvin {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-temperature;
       description "Sensor unit kelvin, K.";
     identity su-celsius {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-temperature;
       description "Sensor unit celsius, C.";
     identity su-farenheit {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-temperature;
       description "Sensor unit farenheit, F.";
     identity su-gram {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-co2-emission;
       description "Sensor unit gram, g.";
     identity su-kg {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-co2-emission;
       description "Sensor unit kliogram, kg.";
     identity su-ton {
       base sensor-unit;
       base sq-co2-emission;
       description "Sensor unit ton, t.";

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     // ========== SENSOR-TYPE ==============================
     identity sensor-type {
       description "Sensor's type, i.e. combination of class, quantity and
     identity st-v-in {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-input;
       base sq-voltage;
       base su-volt;
       description "Sensor reporting Voltage In to asset.";
     identity st-v-out {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-output;
       base sq-voltage;
       base su-volt;
       description "Sensor reporting Voltage Out of asset.";
     identity st-i-in {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-input;
       base sq-current;
       base su-ampere;
       description "Sensor reporting Current In to asset.";
     identity st-i-out {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-output;
       base sq-current;
       base su-ampere;
       description "Sensor reporting Current Out of asset.";
     identity st-p-in-apparent-watt {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-input;
       base sq-power-apparent;
       base su-voltampere;
       description "Sensor reporting Power In to asset as apparent (I*U)
     identity st-p-out-apparent-watt {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-output;
       base sq-power-apparent;
       base su-voltampere;
       description "Sensor reporting Power Out of asset as apparent (I*U)

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     identity st-p-in-true-watt {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-input;
       base sq-power-true;
       base su-watt;
       description "Sensor reporting Power In to asset as true power.";
     identity st-p-out-true-watt {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-output;
       base sq-power-true;
       base su-watt;
       description "Sensor reporting Power Out of asset as true power.";
     identity st-p-allocated-watt {
       base sensor-type;
       base sc-allocated;
       base sq-power;
       base su-watt;
       description "Sensor reporting Allocated Power for asset.";
     identity st-w-j {
       base sensor-type;
       base sq-energy;
       base su-joule;
       description "Sensor reporting energy draw of asset in J.";
     identity st-w-wh {
       base sensor-type;
       base sq-energy;
       base su-wh;
       description "Sensor reporting energy draw of asset in Wh.";
     identity st-w-kwh {
       base sensor-type;
       base sq-energy;
       base su-kwh;
       description "Sensor reporting energy draw of asset in kWh.";
     identity st-t-k {
       base sensor-type;
       base sq-temperature;
       base su-kelvin;
       description "Sensor reporting Temperature of asset in K.";
     identity st-t-c {
       base sensor-type;

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       base sq-temperature;
       base su-celsius;
       description "Sensor reporting Temperature of asset in °C.";
     identity st-t-f {
       base sensor-type;
       base sq-temperature;
       base su-farenheit;
       description "Sensor reporting Temperature of asset in °F.";

     // ========== COLLECTION-METHOD ==============================

     identity collection-method;
     identity cm-polled {
       base collection-method;
     identity cm-gnmi {
       base collection-method;
     identity cm-restconf {
       base collection-method;
     identity cm-netconf {
       base collection-method;
     identity cm-redfish {
       base collection-method;
     identity get-static-url-once {
       base collection-method;
     identity gnmi-polling {
       base cm-gnmi;
       base cm-polled;
     identity restconf-get-polling {
       base cm-restconf;
       base cm-polled;
     identity netconf-get-polling {
       base cm-netconf;
       base cm-polled;
     identity restconf-yang-push-subscription {
       base cm-restconf;
     identity netconf-yang-push-subscription {

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       base cm-netconf;
     identity redfish-polling {
       base cm-redfish;

5.2.  Provider interface module for Philatelist

   module ietf-poweff-provider {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-poweff-provider";
     prefix ietf-poweff-provider;

     import ietf-poweff-types {
       prefix ietf-poweff-types;

       "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
        WG List:  <>
        Editor:  Jan Lindblad
        Editor:  Snezana Mitrovic
        Editor:  Marisol Palmero
       "This YANG module defines the POWEFF Provider.

        Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code. All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions

        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX
        (; see the RFC itself
        for full legal notices.";

Lindblad                  Expires 22 April 2024                [Page 21]
Internet-Draft                 Philatelist                  October 2023

     revision 2023-10-12 {
         "Initial revision of POWEFF Provider";
         "RFC XXXX: ...";

     grouping provider-g {
       container sensor-catalog {
         config false;
         container sensors {
           list sensor {
             key path;
             leaf path { type ietf-poweff-types:xpath; }
             leaf sensor-type { type identityref { base ietf-poweff-types:sensor-type; }}

             leaf sensor-location {
               type ietf-poweff-types:something;
                 "Indicates the current location where the sensor is located
                   in the chassis,typically refers to slot";
             leaf sensor-state { // FIXME: What does this mean?
               type ietf-poweff-types:something;
                 "Current state of the sensor";
             leaf sensor-current-reading { // FIXME: Do we want a copy of the value here?
               type ietf-poweff-types:something;
                 "Current reading of the sensor";
             leaf sensor-precision {
               type string;
                 "Maximum deviation to be considered. This attribute mainly
                 will apply to drawn power, which corresponds to PSU PowerIn
                 measured power or calculated power; assuming discrepancy
                 between Real Power, power collected from a power meter, and
                 power measured or calculated from the metrics provided by
                 the sensors";
             container sensor-thresholds { // FIXME: Is this for generating alarms, or what?
                 "Threshold values for the particular sensor.
                 Default values shall beprovided as part of static data
                 but when configurable need to be pulledfrom the device.
                 Ideally, the sensor should allow configuing

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                 thesethreshold values";

               leaf minor-low {
                 type string;
               leaf minor-high {
                 type string;
               leaf major-low {
                 type string;
               leaf major-high {
                 type string;
               leaf critical-low {
                 type string;
               leaf critical-high {
                 type string;
               leaf shutdown { // FIXME: What does this mean for a sensor?
                 type string;

5.3.  Collector interface module for Philatelist

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   module ietf-poweff-collector {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-poweff-collector";
     prefix ietf-poweff-collector;

     import ietf-poweff-types {
       prefix ietf-poweff-types;

       "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
        WG List:  <>
        Editor:  Jan Lindblad
        Editor:  Snezana Mitrovic
        Editor:  Marisol Palmero
       "This YANG module defines the POWEFF Collector.

        Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code. All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions

        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX
        (; see the RFC itself
        for full legal notices.";

     revision 2023-10-12 {
         "Initial revision of POWEFF Collector";
         "RFC XXXX: ...";


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     A COLLECTOR programs one or more SOURCE(s) to generate a
     STREAM of telemetry data.  The STREAM is sent to a specific

     Each STREAM consists of timestamped sensor values from each
     sensor in a sensor group.

                |  COLLECTOR  |
                +-------------+                     ___________
                       |                           /           \
             +------------------+                 ( DESTINATION )
             v                  v                 |\___________/|
       +------------+    +------------+  STREAM 1 |             |
       |   SOURCE   |    |   SOURCE   |  =======> |             |
       | - sensor 1 |    | - sensor 1 |           |             |
       | - sensor 2 |    | - sensor 4 |  STREAM 2 |             |
       | - sensor 3 |    | - sensor 7 |  =======> |             |
       +------------+    +------------+           |             |
                 \\                      STREAM 3 |             |
                   =============================>  \___________/


     grouping data-endpoint-g {
       leaf url { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
       leaf organization { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
       leaf bucket { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
       container impl-specific {
         list binding {
           key key;
           leaf key { type string; }
           choice value-type {
             leaf value { type string; }
             leaf-list values { type string; ordered-by user; }
             leaf env-var { type string; }

     grouping sensor-group-g {
       leaf method {
         type identityref {
           base ietf-poweff-types:collection-method;
       container get-static-url-once {

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         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:get-static-url-once')";
         leaf url { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
         leaf format { type ietf-poweff-types:something; } // JSON-IETF, XML, etc
       container gnmi-polling {
         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:gnmi-polling')";
         leaf encoding { type ietf-poweff-types:something; } // self-describing-gpb
         leaf protocol { type ietf-poweff-types:something; } // protocol grpc no-tls
       container restconf-get-polling {
         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:restconf-get-polling')";
         leaf xxx { type string; }
       container netconf-get-polling {
         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:netconf-get-polling')";
         leaf xxx { type string; }
       container restconf-yang-push-subscription {
         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:restconf-yang-push-subscription')";
         leaf xxx { type string; }
       container netconf-yang-push-subscription {
         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:netconf-yang-push-subscription')";
         leaf xxx { type string; }
       container redfish-polling {
         when "derived-from-or-self(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:redfish-polling')";
         leaf xxx { type string; }
       leaf frequency {
         when "derived-from(../method, 'ietf-poweff-types:cm-polled')";
         type ietf-poweff-types:sample-frequency;
       list path {
         key path;
         leaf path { type ietf-poweff-types:xpath; }
         leaf sensor-type { type identityref { base ietf-poweff-types:sensor-type; }}
         leaf attribution { type string; }

     grouping collector-g {
       container poweff-collector {
         container destinations {
           list destination {
             key id;
             leaf id { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
             uses data-endpoint-g;

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         container sensor-groups {
           list sensor-group {
             key id;
             leaf id { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
             uses sensor-group-g;

         container streams {
           list stream {
             key id;
             leaf id { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
             leaf-list source { type string; } // Implementation specific meaning, possibly wildcards
             list sensor-group {
               key name;
               leaf name { type leafref { path ../../../sensor-groups/sensor-group/id; }}
             leaf destination { type leafref { path ../../../destinations/destination/id; }}

5.4.  Aggregator interface module for Philatelist

   module ietf-poweff-aggregator {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-poweff-aggregator";
     prefix ietf-poweff-aggregator;

     import ietf-poweff-types {
       prefix ietf-poweff-types;
     import ietf-poweff-collector {
       prefix ietf-poweff-collector;

       "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
        WG List:  <>

Lindblad                  Expires 22 April 2024                [Page 27]
Internet-Draft                 Philatelist                  October 2023

        Editor:  Jan Lindblad
        Editor:  Snezana Mitrovic
        Editor:  Marisol Palmero
       "This YANG module defines the POWEFF Aggregator.

        Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code. All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions

        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX
        (; see the RFC itself
        for full legal notices.";

     revision 2023-10-12 {
         "Initial revision of POWEFF Aggregator";
         "RFC XXXX: ...";


     An AGGREGATOR ensures data from one or more SOURCE(s) are
     combined into a FLOW using a (sequence of) OPERATIONs (OPs)
     to generate a new data set in the DESTINATION (which could
     be a new collection in the same data storage system as the

                   | AGGREGATOR  |
              v                       v
         ___________             ___________
        /           \           /           \
       (  SOURCE 1   )         ( DESTINATION )

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       |\___________/| FLOW 1  |\___________/|
       |             | ======> |             |
       |             |         |             |
       |             | FLOW 2  |             |
        \___________/  ===##=>  \___________/
         ___________      ||
        /           \     ||
       (  SOURCE 2   )   //
       |\___________/| ==
       |             |
       |             |
       |             |


     grouping aggregator-g {
       container poweff-aggregator {
         container sources {
           list source {
             key id;
             leaf id { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
             uses ietf-poweff-collector:data-endpoint-g;
         container destinations {
           list destination {
             key id;
             leaf id { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
             uses ietf-poweff-collector:data-endpoint-g;
         container flows {
           list flow {
             key id;
             leaf id { type string; }
             choice chain-position {
               container input {
                 leaf source { type leafref { path ../../../../../sources/source/id; }}
               container output {
                 leaf destination { type leafref { path ../../../../../destinations/destination/id; }}
               container middle {
                 leaf-list inputs { type leafref { path ../../../../flows/flow/id; }}
                 leaf pre-process-inputs { type leafref { path ../../../../operations/operation/id; }}

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                 leaf aggregate { type leafref { path ../../../../operations/operation/id; }}
                 leaf post-process-output { type leafref { path ../../../../operations/operation/id; }}
         container operations {
           list operation {
             key id;
             leaf id { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
             choice op-type {
               container linear-sum {}
               container linear-average {}
               container linear-max {}
               container linear-min {}
               container rolling-average {
                 leaf timespan { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
               container filter-age {
                 leaf min-age { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
                 leaf max-age { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }
               container function {
                 leaf name { type ietf-poweff-types:something; }

6.  Security Considerations

   TODO Security

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

              Larsson, K., "Mapping YANG Data to Label-Set Time Series",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-kll-yang-label-

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              tsdb-00, 18 October 2023,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC7950]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language",
              RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

8.2.  Informative References

              Claise, B., Nayyar, M., and A. R. Sesani, "Per-Node
              Capabilities for Optimum Operational Data Collection",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-claise-netconf-
              metadata-for-collection-03, 25 January 2022,

              Claise, B., Quilbeuf, J., Lopez, D., Martinez-Casanueva,
              I. D., and T. Graf, "A Data Manifest for Contextualized
              Telemetry Data", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-opsawg-collected-data-manifest-01, 10 July 2023,


   Kristian Larsson has provided invaluable insights, experience and
   validation of the design.  Many thanks to the entire POWEFF team for
   their committment, flexibility and hard work behind this.  Hat off to
   Benoît Claise, who inspires by the extensive work produced in IETF
   over the years, and in this area in particular.

Author's Address

   Jan Lindblad

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