Internet DRAFT - draft-liu-can-computing-resource-modeling


rtgwg                                                             P. Liu
Internet-Draft                                                     Z. Du
Intended status: Informational                              China Mobile
Expires: 12 January 2023                                          L. Rui
                                                                   W. Li
                      Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
                                                                   C. Li
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                                G. Huang
                                                            11 July 2022

                  Computing Resource Modeling for CAN


   This document describes the considerations and potential architecture
   of modeling the computing resource in the Computing-Aware

   Moreover, the network and application based modeling are also
   presented in this document to meet the potential requirements of
   integrated and hierarchical modeling.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 12 January 2023.

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   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft     Computing Resource Modeling for CAN         July 2022

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Requirements of Computing Resource Modeling . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Support Classification of Chips and Computing Types . . .   5
     3.2.  Support Multi-level Modeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Support to be used for Further Representation . . . . . .   5
   4.  Usage of Computing Resource Modeling of CAN . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Modeling Based on CAN-defined Format  . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  Modeling Based on Application-defined Method  . . . . . .   7
   5.  Architecture of Computing Modeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  Computing Capacity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.1.1.  Types of Chips  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.1.2.  Type of Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.1.3.  Relation of Computing Types and Chips . . . . . . . .  11
       5.1.4.  Consideration of Using in CAN . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.2.  Communication, Cache and Storage Capacity . . . . . . . .  12
     5.3.  Comprehensive Computing Capability Evaluation . . . . . .  12
     5.4.  Consideration of Using in CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  Network Resource Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     6.1.  Consideration of Using in CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   7.  Application Demands Modeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     7.1.  Consideration of Using in CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   8.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   11. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   12. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   13. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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1.  Introduction

   Computing-Aware Networking (CAN) is proposed to support steering the
   traffic among different edge sites according to both the real-time
   network and computing resource status.  This requires the network to
   be aware of computing resource information and select a service
   instance based on the joint metric of computing and networking.[I-D.l
   itecture] proposed Dyncast to meet the traffic steering requirements
   in CAN.

   In order to generate steering strategies, the modeling of computing
   capacity is required.  Different from the network, computing capacity
   is more complex to be measurement.  For instance, it is hard to
   predict how long will be used to process a specific computing task
   based on the different computing resource, which is hard to calculate
   and will be influenced by the whole internal environments of
   computing nodes.  But there are some indicators has been used to
   describe the computing capacity of hardware and computing service,
   moreover, some related work has been proposed to measurement and
   evaluate the computing capacity, which could be the basis of
   computing capacity modeling.

   [cloud-network-edge] proposed to allocate and adjust corresponding
   resources to users according to the demands of computing, storage and
   network resources.

   [heterogeneous-multicore-architectures] proposed to design
   heterogeneous multi-core architectures according to different
   customization, such as CPU microprocessors with ultra-low power
   consumption and high code density; Low power microprocessor with FPU.
   And a high-performance application processor with FPU and MMU support
   based on a completely unordered multi problem architecture.

   [ARM-based] proposed the cluster scheduling model that is combined
   with GPU virtualization and designed a hierarchical cluster resource
   management framework, which can make the heterogeneous CPU-GPU
   cluster be effectively used.

   The hardware cloud service providers have also disclosed their
   parameter indicator for computing services:

   [One-api] provides a collection of programming languages and cross
   architecture libraries across different architectures, to be
   compatible with heterogeneous computing resources, including CPU,
   GPU, FPGA, and others.  [Amazon] uses the computing resource
   parameters when evaluating the performance, including the average CPU
   utilization, average number of bytes received and sent out, and

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   average application load balancer.  Alibaba cloud [Aliyun] gives the
   indicators including vcpu, memory, local storage, network basic and
   burst bandwidth capacity, network receiving and contracting capacity,
   etc., when providing cloud servers service.  [Tencent-cloud] uses
   vcpu, memory (GB), network receiving and sending (PPS), number of
   queues, intranet bandwidth capacity (Gbps), dominant frequency, etc.

   Based on those and the demand of CAN traffic steering, this document
   analyzes the types of computing resources and tasks, providing the
   factors to be considered when modeling and evaluating the computing
   resource capacity.  This document doesn't specify the specific using
   way of the modeling, including who will model the computing resource,
   what factors must be considered and the form of the representing
   results based on modeling.  A proposed vector of modeling result
   could be further weighted into a group of indicators or a single
   indicator according to the specific demand of applications.

2.  Definition of Terms

   This document makes use of the following terms:

   Computing-Aware Networking(CAN):  Aiming at computing and network
     resource optimization by steering traffic to appropriate computing
     resources considering not only routing metric but also computing
     resource metric and service affiliation.

   Service:  A monolithic functionality that is provided by an endpoint
     according to the specification for said service.  A composite
     service can be built by orchestrating monolithic services.

   Service instance:  Running environment (e.g., a node) that makes the
     functionality of a service available.  One service can have several
     instances running at different network locations.

   Service identifier:  Used to uniquely identify a service, at the same
     time identifying the whole set of service instances that each
     represent the same service behavior, no matter where those service
     instances are running.

   Service transaction:  Has one or more several service request that
     has several flows which require the affinity because of the
     transaction related state.

   Computing Capacity  The ability of nodes with computing resource
     achieve specific result output through data processing, including
     but not limited to computing, communication, memory and storage

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3.  Requirements of Computing Resource Modeling

3.1.  Support Classification of Chips and Computing Types

   Different heterogeneous computing resources have different
   characteristics.  For example, CPUs usually deal with pervasive
   computing and are most widely used; GPUs usually handle parallel
   computing, such as rendering of display tasks, and is widely used in
   artificial intelligence and neural network algorithm computing.  FPGA
   and ASCI are usually used to handle customized computing.  At the
   same time, different computing tasks need to call different
   calculation types, such as integer calculation, floating-point
   calculation, hash calculation, etc.  Therefore:

   MUST support the classification of various heterogeneous chips for
   different kinds of computing tasks.

   MUST support the classification of the computing types required by
   the task.

3.2.  Support Multi-level Modeling

   Because the network and computing have multi-dimensional and
   hierarchical resources, such as cache, storage, communication, etc.,
   these dimensions will affect each other and further affect the
   overall level of computing capacity.  Other factors other than the
   computing itself need to be considered in modeling.  At the same
   time, the form of computing resources is also hierarchical, such as
   computing type, chip type, hardware type, and converging the network.
   For different computing forms, such as gateway, all-in-one machine,
   edge cloud and central cloud, the computing capacity, and types
   provided are also different; It is necessary to comprehensively
   consider multi-dimensional and multi-modal resources, and provide
   multi-level modeling according to application demands.  Therefore:

   MUST support modeling computing nodes, including computing, storage,

   SHOULD support the integrated modeling of the converged network.

3.3.  Support to be used for Further Representation

   Modeling itself provides a general method to evaluate the capacities
   of computing resource.  For CAN, modeling-based computing resource
   representation is the basis for subsequent traffic steering.  In
   addition, for different applications, it may be optimized based on
   general modeling methods to establish a set of models that conform to
   their own characteristics, so as to generate corresponding

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   representation methods.  Moreover, in order to use computing resource
   status more efficiently and protect privacy, modeling for the further
   representation of resource information needs to support the necessary
   simplification and obfuscation.

   MUST support different modeling methods according to specific
   representation demands.

   MUST support Application-oriented modeling methods.

   MUST support obscuring the computing Information on demand of the

4.  Usage of Computing Resource Modeling of CAN

4.1.  Modeling Based on CAN-defined Format

   Figure 1 shows the case of modeling based on CAN-defiend Format.  CAN
   provides the modeling format to the computing domain to evaluate the
   computing resource capacity of computing domain and then get the
   result based on the unified interface, which will define the
   properties should be notified to CAN.  Then CAN could select the
   specific service instance based on the computing resource and network
   resource status.

   In this way, the CAN domain and computing domain has the relative
   loose boundary based on the situation that the CAN service and
   computing resource belongs to the same provider, CAN could be aware
   of computing resource more or less, depending on the privacy
   preserving demand of the computing domain at the same time.  The
   exposed computing capacity including the static information of
   computing node category/level and the dynamic capabilities
   information of computing node.

   Based on the static information, some visualization functions can be
   implemented on the management plane to know the global view of
   computing resources, which could also help the deployment of
   applications considering the overall distributed status of computing
   and network resource.  Based on the dynamic information, CAN could
   steer category-based applications traffic based on the unified
   modeling format and interface.

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         CAN Domain                |                     Computing Domain

+--------+    ---------------------->------------------->  +-------------+
|visuali-|                   Modeling Format               |  Computing  |
|zation  |                         |                       |             |
+--------+    <--------------------<---------------------  |  Resource   |
|Traffic |      Stastic level/category of computing node   |             |
|Steering|                         |                       |  Modeling   |
+--------+    <--------------------<---------------------  +-------------+
                  Dynamic capability of computing node



            Figure 1: Modeling Based on CAN-defined Format

4.2.  Modeling Based on Application-defined Method

   Figure 2 shows the case of modeling based on application-defiend
   method.  Computing resource of the specific application evaluates
   it's computing capacity by itself, and then notifies the result which
   might be the index of real time computing level to CAN.  Then CAN
   selects the specific service instance based on the computing index.

   In this way, the CAN domain and computing domain has the strict
   boundary based on the situation that the CAN service and computing
   resource belongs to the different providers.  CAN is just aware of
   the index of computing resource which is defined by application,
   don't know the real status of computing domain, and the traffic
   steering right is potentially controlled under application itself.
   If CAN is authorized by application, it could steer traffic based on
   network status at the same time.

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                         |                     |
                         |                     |
         CAN Domain      |                     |       Computing Domain
                         |                     |
                         |                     |           +-------------+
+--------+               |                     |           |  Computing  |
|Traffic |               |                     |           |             |
|        |    <---------------------<---------- ---------- |  Resource   |
|Steering|      dynamic index of computing capacity level  |             |
+--------+               |                     |           |  Modeling   |
                         |                     |           +-------------+
                         |                     |
                         |                     |
                         |                     |
                         |                     |

        Figure 2: Modeling Based on Application-defined Method

5.  Architecture of Computing Modeling

   This Section describes the potential architecture of computing
   resource modeling, regardless of any ways of the further usage of
   traffic steering of CAN, neither of the usage ways described in
   Section 4.

   According to the computing indicators and related work described in
   Section 2, computing capacity includes the types of computing
   resources and tasks, and also need to consider multi-dimensional
   capabilities such as communication, memory, and storage.  Because
   every factor will affect each others.  For instance, with the rapid
   growth of modern computer CPU performance, the communication
   bottleneck between CPU and cache has become increasingly prominent.
   Moreover, the storage capacity greatly affects the processing speed
   of a computer.  So the architecture of computing capacity modeling
   could be seen in figure 3.

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                                                           +-------+      +-------+
                                                        +--|  CPU  |  +---|  GPU  |
                                       +-------------+  |  +-------+  |   +-------+
                                       |    Chips    |--+-------------+
                                    +--|  Category   |  |  +-------+  |   +-------+
                                    |  +-------------+  +--| FPGA  |  +---|  ASIC |
                   +-------------+  |                      +-------+      +-------+
                   |  Computing  |--+
                +--|  Capacity   |--+                      +----------------------+
                |  +-------------+  |                   +--|  intCalculationRate  |
                |  +-------------+  |  +-------------+  |  +----------------------+
                +--|Communication|  +--|  Computing  |  |  +----------------------+
+-------------+ |  |  Capacity   |     |    Types    |--+--| floatCalculationRate |
|  Computing  | |  +-------------+     +-------------+  |  +----------------------+
|  Resource   |-+  +-------------+                      |  +----------------------+
|  Modeling   | |  |   Cache     |                      +--|  hashCalculationRate |
+-------------+ +--|  Capacity   |                         +----------------------+
                |  +-------------+
                |  +-------------+
                +--|  Storage    |
                   |  Capacity   |

    Figure 3: Referecen Architecture of Computing Modeling Format

5.1.  Computing Capacity

   The computing capacity includes the chips category and computing
   types.  Common chip types include CPU, GPU, FPGA and ASIC.  CPU and
   GPU belong to von Neumann structure, with instruction decoding and
   execution and shared memory.  According to the different
   characteristics and requirements of computing programs, the computing
   performance can be divided into integer computing performance,
   floating-point computing performance and hash computing performance.

5.1.1.  Types of Chips

   CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a general-purpose processor needs to
   be able to handle comprehensive and complex tasks, as well as the
   synchronization and coordination between tasks.  Therefore, a lot of
   space is required on the chip to perform branch prediction and
   optimization and save various states to reduce the delay during task
   switching.  This also makes it more suitable for logic control,
   serial operation and universal type data operation.

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   GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) has a large-scale parallel computing
   framework composed of thousands of smaller and more efficient Alu
   cores.  Most transistors are mainly used to build control circuits
   and caches, and the control circuits are relatively simple.

   FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is essentially an architecture
   without instructions and shared memory, which is more efficient than
   GPU and CPU.  The main advantage of FPGA in data processing tasks is
   its stability and extremely low latency, which is suitable for
   streaming computing intensive tasks and communication intensive

   ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) is a special
   integrated circuit, and its performance is actually better than FPGA.
   However, for customized customers, its cost is much higher than FPGA.

   On this basis, according to different computing task requirements,
   chip manufacturers have also developed various "xpus", including APU
   (Accelerated Processing Unit), DPU (Deep-learning Processing Unit),
   TPU (Tensor Processing Unit), NPU (Neural-network Processing Unit)
   and BPU (Brain Processing Unit), which are made based on the CPU,
   GPU, FPGA and ASIC.

5.1.2.  Type of Computing

   At present, the computing type in computer mainly includes integer
   calculation, floating-point calculation, and hash calculation.

   The integer calculation rate is expressed as the calculation rate of
   the integer data operation benchmark program running on the CPU.
   Integer computing capability has its specific application scenarios,
   such as discrete-time processing, data compression, search, sorting
   algorithm, encryption algorithm, decryption algorithm, etc.

   Floating point calculation rate is expressed as the calculation rate
   of the floating-point data operation benchmark program running on the
   CPU.  There are many kinds of benchmark programs, each of which can
   reflect the floating-point computing performance of nodes from
   different aspects.

   The hash calculation rate refers to the output speed of the hash
   function when the computer performs intensive mathematical and
   encryption related operations.  For example, in the process of
   obtaining bitcoin through "mining", how many hash collisions can a
   mining machine do per second, and the unit is hash/s.

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5.1.3.  Relation of Computing Types and Chips

   The differences computing capacity of the above different chip types
   is summarized as figure 4 shows.  CPU is good at intCalculation, GPU
   and FPGA are good at floatCalculation, and ASIC is good at

   |     |  intCalculation  | floatCalculation |  hashCalculation |
   | CPU |        good      |      Ordinary    |      Ordinary    |
   | GPU |      Ordinary    |        good      |      Ordinary    |
   | FPGA|      Ordinary    |        good      |      Ordinary    |
   | ASIC|      Ordinary    |        good      |        good      |

              Figure 4: Relation of Computing Types and Chips

5.1.4.  Consideration of Using in CAN

   For the CAN-defined modeling way, CAN could get the computing
   information of edge sites/service instance more or less, and we
   assume that the CAN system also could get the
   characteristics/demands/identifier of service transaction, then
   select the service instance among different edge sites.  For example,
   there is a service transaction with the task of image processing,
   which could consider the identifier for service category of service
   demand, then the CAN system could find the suitable edge sites/
   service instance which has the computing resource of float
   calculation or GPU.

   When using in the network, it could use 00,01,10 to represent the
   different computing chips or computing task, then it could be
   recorded in the control plane to support the mapping and further
   selection to the computing resource.  In some cases, there will be
   more factors of computing resource, so some processing of obscuring
   and weighting are needed, the representation or signaling of the
   computing status might not be so direct.

   For the application-defined modeling way, CAN might not know any
   explicit calculation information of computing types or chips
   category, even might not what kind of index is.

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5.2.  Communication, Cache and Storage Capacity

   Besides the computing capacity, the communication, cache, and storage
   capacity should also be considered because each of them can
   potentially influence the comprehensive capacity of computing
   resource nodes.

   The communication capacity is the external communication rate of
   computing nodes.  From the point of view of a single node, the
   communication capability indicator of a node mainly includes the
   network bandwidth.  Moreover, it is often to have cluster of service
   instances for one task (like Hadoop architecture).  Therefore the
   network capacity among those instances are also important factor in
   assessing the capability of the cluster of the service nodes for one

   The cache(memory) capacity describers the amount of of the cache unit
   on a node.  The memory (CACHE) indicator mainly includes the
   cache(memory) capacity and cache(memory) bandwidth.

   The storage capacity is the external storage (for example, hard disk)
   of the computing node.  The storage indicators of a node mainly
   includes the storage capacity, storage bandwidth, operations per
   second (IOPs) and response time of the node.

5.3.  Comprehensive Computing Capability Evaluation

   Based on the architecture of computing resource modeling, this
   Section proposes the comprehensive performance evaluation methods
   based on the vectors to represent each capability of computing,
   communication, cache, and storage.

   Figure 5~8 shows the vector of computing node(i) including each

        +-                         -+
   A(i)=|   Computing Capacity(i)   |
        +-                         -+

                   Figure 5: Computing Performance Vector

        +-                         -+
   B(i)=|  Comunication Capacity(i) |
        +-                         -+

                 Figure 6: Comunication Performance Vector

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        +-                        -+
   C(i)=|     Cache Capacity(i)    |
        +-                        -+

                     Figure 7: Cache Performance Vector

        +-                         -+
   D(i)=|    Storage Capacity(i)    |
        +-                         -+

                    Figure 8: Storage Performance Vector

   The vector of computing capacity, communication capacity, cache
   capacity and storage capacity could be further weighted to a
   comprehensive vector.

   V = aA+bB+cC+dD

                    Figure 9: Storage Performance Vector

   Where, a, b, c and d are the weight coefficients corresponding to the
   evaluation indicators of computing capacity, communication capacity,
   cache capacity and storage capacity respectively, and a+b+c+d=1.

5.4.  Consideration of Using in CAN

   The vector gives the overall view of the evaluation result of
   computing resource, but no specific expression is specified, that is,
   just to model the computing resource including the computing,
   communication, cache, and storage capability, while the result could
   be weighted into any of the following form to be used under different

   o a group of vectors to represent the weighted level of computing,
   bandwidth, cache, storage capacity.

   o a single vector to represent the single comprehensive and weighted
   level of overall capability.

   Then the CAN system could select the service instance based on the
   processed vector.  To expose the computing status, some existing
   protocol could be extended, which is out of the scope of this

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6.  Network Resource Modeling

   The modeling of the network resource is optional, which depends on
   how to select the service instance and network path.  For some
   applications which care both network and computing resource, the CAN
   service provider also need to consider the modeling of network and
   computing together.

   The network structure can be represented as graphs, where the nodes
   represent the network deivces and the edges represent the network
   path.  It should evaluate the single node, the network links and the
   E2E performance.

6.1.  Consideration of Using in CAN

   When to consider both the computing and network status at the same
   time, the comprehensive modeling of computing and network might be
   used.  For example, measurement all the resource in a unified
   dimension, such as latency, reliability, etc.

   If there is no strict demand of consider them at same time, for
   instance, consider computing status first and then network status.
   CAN could select the service instance at first, then to mark
   identifier for network path selection of network itself.  In this
   situation, the network modeling is not really needed.

7.  Application Demands Modeling

   The application is usually composed of several sub service that
   complete different functions, and the service is usually composed of
   several sub transactions, which would be the smallest schedulable

   The application always has its own demands for network and computing
   resource, for instance we can see the HD video always requires the
   high bandwidth and the PC game always requires the better GPU and

7.1.  Consideration of Using in CAN

   The modeling of the application demand is optional, which depends on
   whether the application could tell the demands to the network, or
   what it could tell.  Once the CAN knows the application's demand,
   there should be a mapping between application demand and the modeling
   of the computing and/or network resource.

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8.  Conclusion

   This document presents the potential modeling methods for CAN to
   steer the traffic to the appropriate edge sites accurately.  The
   modeling algorithm and modeling processing might belong to computing
   domain, while the further representation and signaling of the
   weighted computing information based on the modeling could be the
   basis of traffic steering.  Moreover, the visualization of computing
   resources and more functions could be realized to support the
   computing and network joint optimization.

9.  Security Considerations


10.  IANA Considerations


11.  Acknowledgements

   The author would like to thank Thomas Fossati, Dirk Trossen, Linda
   Dunbar for their valuable suggestions to this document.

12.  Contributors

   The following people have substantially contributed to this document:

           Jing Wang
           China Mobile

13.  Informative References

              Liu, P., Eardley, P., Trossen, D., Boucadair, M.,
              Contreras, L. M., and C. Li, "Dynamic-Anycast (Dyncast)
              Use Cases and Problem Statement", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-liu-dyncast-ps-usecases-03, 7 March
              2022, <

              Liu, P., Jiang, T., Eardley, P., Trossen, D., and C. Li,
              "Dynamic-Anycast (Dyncast) Gap analysis and Requirements",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-liu-dyncast-gap-
              reqs-00, 8 July 2022, <

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              Li, Y., Iannone, L., Trossen, D., Liu, P., and C. Li,
              "Dynamic-Anycast Architecture", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-li-dyncast-architecture-04, 10 July
              2022, <

   [One-api]  One-api, "", 2020.

   [Amazon]   Amaozn,
              scaling-target-tracking.html#available-metrics", 2022.

   [Aliyun]   Aliyun, "
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Authors' Addresses

   Peng Liu
   China Mobile
   No.32 XuanWuMen West Street

Liu, et al.              Expires 12 January 2023               [Page 16]
Internet-Draft     Computing Resource Modeling for CAN         July 2022

   Zongpeng Du
   China Mobile
   No.32 XuanWuMen West Street

   Lanlan Rui
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
   No.10 XiTuCheng Road, Haidian District

   Wenjing Li
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
   No.10 XiTuCheng Road, Haidian District

   Cheng Li
   Huawei Technologies

   Guangping Huang

Liu, et al.              Expires 12 January 2023               [Page 17]