Internet DRAFT - draft-liu-ustb-srp


Internet Engineering Task Force                                 Tao Liu
INTERNET-DRAFT                                            Xian-wei Zhou
<draft-liu-ustb-srp-00.txt>                                    Shuai Du
Intended status: Internet Draft                              U. S. T. B
Expires: June 10, 2013                                 December 7, 2012

        Secure Routing Protocol for Delay and Tolerant Networks

Status of this Memo

  This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
  provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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  and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on June 10, 2013.

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  Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
  document authors.  All rights reserved.

  This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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  The Secure Routing Protocol (SRP) is a secure and distributed 
  routing protocol designed for Delay and Tolerant Networks networks 
  of mobile nodes with location information. Commonly, each node
  acquires its own geographic position using a mechanism such as the
  Global Position System (GPS).
  The SRP addresses each node using the hybrid of its multi-level
  hierarchical address and unique identifier at the moment of network 
  Certain measures were adopted to ensure security of the network.

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                             Table of Contents

1. Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
3. Applicability Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
4. Message Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     4.1. Location Request (LREQ) Message Format . . . . . . . . . .  5
     4.2. Location Reply (LREP) Message Format . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     4.3. Location Error (LERR) Message Format . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.4. Location Reply Acknowledgment (LREP-ACK) Message Format  .  8
     4.5. Home_location request (HREQ) Message Format  . . . . . . .  9
     4.6. Home_location reply (HREP) Message Format  . . . . . . . . 10
     4.7. Location Update (LUP) Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     4.8. Location Update Broadcast (LUB) Message Format . . . . . . 12   
     4.9. Authentication Request (AREQ) Message Format . . . . . . . 13
     4.10. Authentication Start (AST) Message Format . . . . . . . . 14
     4.11. Authentication Reply (AREP) Message Format  . . . . . . . 15
     4.12. Authentication Execution (AEX) Message Format . . . . . . 16
     4.13. Authentication Return (ARET) Message Format . . . . . . . 17
5. Protocol operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     5.1. Network Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
           5.1.1. Region-Code/Node-ID Hybrid Addressing (RIHA) . . . 18
           5.1.2. Merkle Hash Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.2. Geographic Forwarding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.3. Location Information Update  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
           5.3.1. Selecting Location Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
           5.3.2. Entity Authentication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.4. Location Service Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     5.5. Location Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     5.6. Empty Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     5.7. Dead-end Operations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
9. Author's Addess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

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1. Introduction

  The Secure Routing Protocol is a secure and distributed routing 
  protocol designed for Delay and Tolerant networks of mobile
  nodes with location information. Commonly, each node acquires its own
  geographic position using a mechanism such as the Global Position
  System (GPS). The SRP addresses each node using the hybrid of its 
  multi-level hierarchical address and unique identifier at the moment
  of network initialization. With this previous scheme, nodes use a
  simple mechanism to determine location update and query.

  The SRP adopts some security mechanisms including broadcast
  authentication protocol, entity authentication and key management
  scheme. The broadcast authentication protocol enables the receivers
  to verify that the broadcast packets they received were actually
  sent by the claimed sender. The entity authentication scheme using
  the concept of Merkle hash tree may obtain an effective safe
  authentication strategy, combining the network clustering technology.
  While the key management scheme does not rely on any center of the
  network, and solves the problem of single-point failure effectively.
  It also introduces the Diffie-Hellman algorithm and improves
  security of Ad Hoc networks effectively.

2. Terminology

  The most forward within radius policy (MFR) selects the node with the
  minimum remaining distance to the destination's position.

Location Server
  Location service is a cooperative service in which nodes are both
  clients and servers. As a node moves, it must update its location


  A cryptographic message authentication code (MAC) is a short piece of
  information used to authenticate a message. A MAC algorithm accepts
  as input a secret key and an arbitrary-length message to be
  authenticated, and outputs a MAC.
3. Applicability Statement
  The SRP is designed for large scale mobile ad hoc networks with
  mobile nodes carrying positioning device.SRP addresses each node
  using the hybrid of its multilevel hierarchical address, in order to
  improve the performances of location update and query. SRP is
  secure because it adopts the broadcast authentication protocol,
  entity authentication and key management scheme.

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4. Message Formats

  Though there might be a little more control messages, they are all
  necessary. Some are for routing processing, others are to ensure high

4.1. Location Request (LREQ) Message Format

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                     LREQ Sequence Number                      |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Originator Current Location                |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...
  The format of the Location Request message is illustrated above, and
  contains the following fields:

Type           1

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The number of hops from the originator IP address
                to the node handling the request.

LREQ Sequence Number        
                A sequence number uniquely identifying the
                particular LREQ when it's taken in conjunction with the
                originating node's RIHA.

Destination HA Address
                The HA address of the destination combined region code
                with Node ID. It is the HA address of the destination
                for which a route is desired.

Originator Current Location
                The current region number of the originator.

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Originator HA Address
                The HA address of the node which originated the
                Location Request.

Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.2. Location Reply (LREP) Message Format

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Destination Current Location               |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                    Originator Current Location                |
   |                           Lifetime                            |
   |                          Signature                            |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                          Public Key                           |
    ...                                                         ...

  The format of the Route Reply message is illustrated above, and
  contains the following fields:

Type            2

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The number of hops from the Originator IP Address
                to the node handling the request.

Destination HA Address
                The HA address of the destination for which a route
                is supplied.

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Destination Current Location
                The current region number of the Destination.

Originator HA Address
                The HA address of the node which originated the
                Location Reply.

Originator Current Location
                The current region number of the Originator.

Lifetime        The time in milliseconds for which nodes receiving
                the LREP consider the route to be valid.

Signature       The signature of the all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.3. Location Error (LERR) Message Format

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Reserved   |     Time     |   DestCount   |
   |             Unreachable Destination HA Address                |
   |             Unreachable Destination Current location          |
   |                          Signature                            |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                          Public Key                           |
    ...                                                         ...

  The format of the Route Error message is illustrated above, and
  contains the following fields:

Type            3

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

DestCount       The number of unreachable destinations included in the
                message; MUST be at least 1.

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Unreachable Destination HA Address
                The HA address of the destination that has become
                unreachable due to a link break.

Unreachable Destination Current Location
                The current region number in the route table entry for
                the destination listed in the previous Unreachable
                Destination HA Address field.

Signature       The signature of the all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the DestCount field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.4. Location Reply Acknowledgment (LREP-ACK) Message Format
  The Location Reply Acknowledgment (LREP-ACK) message will be sent in
  response to a LREP message.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |                   Reserved                    |
   |                          Signature                            |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                          Public Key                           |
    ...                                                         ...

  The format of the Location Reply Acknowledgment message is
  illustrated above, and contains the following fields:

Type            4

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

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4.5. Home_location request(HREQ) Message Format
  The Home_location request(HREQ) message will be sent to its neighbors
  when a node moves into a new region.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |S|  Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                     HREQ Sequence Number                      |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...
  The format of the Home_location Request Message is illustrated
  above, and contains the following fields:

Type            5

S               State flag; '1' indicates that the node enters into a
                new grid and '0' indicates that the node moves out of
                the previous grid.

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; others will be ignored.

HREQ sequence number        
                A sequence number uniquely identifying the particular
                HREQ when it's taken in conjunction with the
                originating node's HA address.

Originator HA Address
                The HA address of the node which originated the
                Home_location Request.

Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits
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4.6. Home_location reply(HREP) Message Format
  The Home_location request(HREP) message will be sent when a node
  receives the HREQ message.
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                     HREP Sequence Number                      |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...
  The format of the Home_location Reply Message is illustrated
  above, and contains the following fields:

Type            6

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

HREP sequence number        
                A sequence number uniquely identifying the
                particular HREP when it's taken in conjunction with the
                originating node's HA address.

Originator HA Address
                The HA address of the node which originated the
                Home_location Request.

Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

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4.7. Location Update (LUP) Message Format
  The Location Update Message will be sent to its location services
  when a node moves into a new region.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                    Originator Current Location                |
   |                    Update Destination region                  |
   |                    Update Timeout                             |
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...

  The format of the Location Update Message is illustrated
  above, and contains the following fields:

Type            7

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

Originator HA Address
                The HA address of the node which originated the
                Location Update Message.

Originator Current Location
                The current region number of the Originator.

Update Destination region
                The location service region number of the orginator.

Update Timeout
                It is a value that corresponds to the periodic update

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Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.8. Location Update Broadcast(LUB) Message Format
  The Location Update Broadcast Message will be sent to its neighbors
  when a node receives the LUP message.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Sender HA Address                          |
   |                    Sender Current Location                    |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...

  The format of the Location Update Broadcast Message is illustrated
  above, and contains the following fields:

Type            8

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

Sender HA Address
                The HA address of the node which send the Location 
                Update Message.

Sender Current Location
                The current region number of the Sender.

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Destination HA Address
                The HA Addresses of all nodes in the home region.
Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.9. Authentication Request(AREQ) Message Format
  The Authentication Request Message will be sent when a node moves
  into a new region.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                     AREQ Sequence Number                      |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              MAC                              |
  The format of the Location Update Broadcast Message is illustrated
  above, and contains the following fields:

Type            9

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

AREQ Sequence Number
                A sequence number uniquely identifying the particular
                AREQ when it's taken in conjunction with the
                originating node's HA address.

Destination HA Address
                The HA Addresses of all nodes in the home region. 

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Originator HA Address
                The HA address of the node which originated the
                Location Authentication Request Message.

MAC             Hash the Timestamp and the Originator HA Address along
                with K.

4.10. Authentication Start(AST) Message Format
  The Authentication Start Message will be sent to the members of the
  Merkle Hash Tree by the cluster head when the Timestamp matches with
  the MAC.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              MAC                              |
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...
  The format of the Authentication Start Message is illustrated above,
  and contains the following fields:

Type            10

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

Destination HA Address
                The HA Addresses of Merkle Hash Tree members.

Originator HA Address
                The HA Address of the cluster head.

MAC             Hash Type, Time and the Originator HA Address along
                with K1.

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Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP
                packet that are before this field but the Hop Count
                field. This field has variable length, but it must
                be 32-bits aligned.

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.11. Authentication Reply(AREP) Message Format
  The Authentication Reply Message will be sent to the new node by 
  the cluster head when the Timestamp matches with the MAC.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              MAC                              |
   |                              m[1-m]                           |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Signature                        |
    ...                                                         ...
   |                              Public Key                       |
    ...                                                         ...

   The format of the Authentication Reply Message is illustrated
   above, and contains the following fields:

Type            11

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

Destination HA Address
                The HA Addresses of the new node.

Originator HA Address
                The HA Address of the cluster head.

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MAC             Hash m[1-m] and the Originator HA Address along with K.

m[1-m]          The root key of Merkle Hash Tree.

Signature       The signature of all the fields in the SRP packet
                that are before this field but the Hop Count field.
                This field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

Public Key      The public key of the originator of the message. This
                field has variable length, but it must be 32-bits

4.12. Authentication Execution(AEX) Message Format
   The Authentication Execution Message will be sent to the new node by
   Merkle Hash Tree members when Merkle Tree members receive AST.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              MAC                              |
   |                              m[j]                             |
    ...                                                         ...

   The format of the Authentication Execution Message is illustrated
   above, and contains the following fields:

Type            12

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

Destination HA Address
                The HA Addresses of the new node.

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Originator HA Address
                The HA Address of the cluster head.

MAC             Hash m[j] along with K.

mj              The key of originator.

4.13. Authentication Return(ARET) Message Format
   The Authentication Execution Message will be sent to Merkle Hash
   Tree members by the new node when it receives the AEX.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |    Reserved   |      Time     |   Hop Count   |
   |                    Destination HA Address                     |
   |                    Originator HA Address                      |
   |                              MAC                              |
   |                          Cipher Text                          |
    ...                                                         ...

   The format of the Authentication Execution Message is illustrated
   above, and contains the following fields:

Type            13

Reserved        Sent as 0; ignored on reception.

Time            Timestamp of sending packets.

Hop Count       The Hop Count must be 1; Others will be ignored.

Destination HA Address
                The HA Addresses of Merkle Hash Tree members.

Originator HA Address
                The HA Address of the new node.

MAC             Hash the authentication key Sj and M along with K.

Cipher Text     Encrypt the authentication key Sj and M with K.

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5.Protocol Operation

  This section describes how Location Service and Geographic
  Forwarding are performed in SRP. Authentication and key management
  are also used to protect the routing data.

5.1. Network Initialization
  In the network, each node can acquire its own position using the
  Positioning Device(e.g., GPS or other techniques). The mobile ad hoc
  network with N nodes can be considered as a square region with area
  of A for explicit explanation, yet it can be any shape. SRP
  divides the square into G unit regions, which are also called
  level-0 grids. In fact, the shape of level-0 grids are decided basing
  on the shape of the network. The size of the level-0 grid should be
  fully covered by a node's transmission range, that is to say, the
  side length of the level-0 grid should be (2^(1/2))/2 times of
  transmisson radius in maximum.It then combines k*k of the level-0
  grids to form a level-1 grid, while k*k of the level-i grids form
  a level-(i+1) grid. (k=2,3,...) At the top level, the entire area is
  called level-H grid. According to this division method, the entire
  region is divided into k^2 level-0 grids.

5.1.1. Region-Code/Node-ID Hybrid Addressing (RIHA)

  First, a novel addressing scheme has been proposed. It combines
  region code which indicates its hierachical location with its node
  ID. They compose a new node address denoting node's identification
  instead of node ID. It is named RIHA (Region-code/node-ID Hybrid
  Addressing). RC is short for Region Code. By applying a Cartesian
  coordinate system to the network area, with the lower left point as
  the origin of the system, the level-i grid of a node A is formally
  defined as follows.

  Definition 1 (level-i grid): Let the current coordinates of a node A
  be (xA,yA), the level-i grid of A is a square area with lower left
  point (xA0,yA0) and side length of 2^(i)R, where

                     xA0 = xA - (xA mod k^(i)R)
                     yA0 = yA - (yA mod k^(i)R)

  Node's level-i region code can be defined by substitution of xA0,yA0
  in a strong hash function. Node's integrity region code can be
  represented as (RC[H]|RC[H-1]|...|RC[1]|RC[0]). The address space of
  Region Code can be calculated as follows:

  decimal digit L can be expressed by m bit binary numbers,
  relationship of L and m is 

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  The address space of a single region code is p, which can be
  calculated by 
  There are H+1 levels in all, the address space can be calculated by
  Multiplying p by q is the total address space of region code.
  Each node has an unique and constant ID which is substitution of
  node's MAC address or IP address in a strong hash function. Define
  node's RIHA address as the combination of region code and node's ID.
  The integrity RIHA adress of a node is defined as:

  RIHA address is defined according to the location of the node while
  the network is initializing. After that, RIHA address is unique and
  permanent. It represents node's identity in the network.

5.1.2. Merkle Hash Tree

  Nodes in a level-0 grid are considered to be a cluster with a random
  chosen cluster head. All cluster members generate two group keys
  K1&K. K1 is used to send control message in cluster, while K is used
  for authentication request. New node can only get K but not K1. After
  that, every cluster generates and maintains a Merkle Hash Tree.
  Each cluster chooses m nodes randomly as current authentication nodes
  with corresponding sequence number. Authentication nodes calculate
  sub-key seperately and root-key together. Each node only knows its
  own sub-key and root-key. One is chosen from the subkeys as
  authentication key, which is secret to others. Then it will be sent
  to CA(Certificate Authority) safely with K. CA maintains a
  certification database, with format {Vi|Vi = (Ci,K,Sj),i = 1,...,n}.
  Ci is the ID of cluster i, K is group key, Sj is authentication key.

5.2. Geographic Forwarding

  When node needs to forward a packet towards location P, the node
  consults its neighbor table and chooses the cluster head closest to
  P. It then forwards the packet to that node, which itself applies the
  same forwarding algorithm. When the packet reaches the
  cluster-destination, it will be sent to the destination by the
  cluster head.

  SRP uses DH(Diffie-Hellman Algorithm) to generate a private key
  Kdh, which only belongs to the source node and the destination node.
  kDH will be used for the first encryption when the packet is

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  Since the intermediate nodes have not shared any secret key with the
  source, they can not verify the packet. However, each intermediate
  node needs to authenticate the previous node to avoid message
  tampering and replay attacks. So the TIK protocol is used for
  hop-by-hop authentication. 

  When the source node and destination node are in the same cluster,
  the source node will send the following message: 
                   < MAC(K(m+MAC(Kdh(m)))), MAC(Kdh(m)), m, K >
  where MAC(Kdh(m)) (or MAC(K( m+MAC(Kdh(m))))) represents the MAC
  computed over message m ( or m+MAC(Kdh(m))) computed using key
  Kdh(or group key K). The sender discloses the key K at the end of the
  same packet.

  When the source node and destination node are not in the same
  cluster, the source node will first send the following message: 
                    < MAC(K(m+MAC(Kdh(m)))), MAC(Kdh(m)), m, K >
  to the cluster head, then the cluster head will verify that the key K
  at the end of the packet is authentic. After that, the cluster head
  sends the message which includes the MAC computed over message
  (m+MAC(Kdh(m))) using key Kc to the chosen cluster head and discloses 
  the key Kc at the end of the packet.

  When the packet reaches the cluster-destination, the cluster head
  will send the following message: 
                     < MAC(K(m+MAC(Kdh(m)))), MAC(Kdh(m)), m, K >
  where the K represents the group key of the cluster-destination.

5.3. Location Information Update

  When a node moves out of the current grid, it sends a location update
  packet(LUP) to its location services. Then it will be authenticated
  by nodes in the new grid which it moves into. Upon authenticated a
  new node, the new grid will update its group keys. The details are as

5.3.1. Selecting Location Service
  A node selects k*k level-0 grids which have the same region code of
  level-0 to level-(i-1) as its RIHA address located in the current
  level-(i+1) grid to be its level-i location service grids. All nodes
  in the grids are location services and maintain its level-i location
  cache. Especially, level-0 location service grid is the one which has
  the same region code of level-0 as its RIHA address located in the
  current level-1 grid. Nodes in that region maintain its accurate
  location cache.

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  When a node moves out of the current level-i grid, it sends location
  update packet(LUP) to its level-i location service grids. Each node
  knows its location service grids and a location update packet(LUP) is
  sent towards the center of the level-i location service grid in the
  current level-(i+1) grid. Upon receiving LUP, nodes in that region
  forward the LUP to the other k*k-1 location service grids by
  constructing a BFS-tree. Any node receiving the LUP in the location
  service grids updates its cache and broadcasts a Location Update
  Broadcast packet(LUB) with the new location information to all nodes
  in the location service grids.

5.3.2. Entity Authentication

  When a node T enters a new grid, it will first apply for joining into
  the cluster C. CA gives the authentication dataset (group key K,
  authentication key Sj) to T.

  Then the authentication starts:
  1) Node T generates an AREQ and broadcasts it to all cluster members.
  2) When the cluster head receives the AREQ, it will first check the
  timestamp, then check MAC with k. If passed, the cluster head informs
  the cluster members to enter Merkle Hash Tree state by sending AST
  packets, and sends AREP packet to node T. If not, the cluster head
  drops the AREQ, and refuses to authenticate.
  3) All the merkle hash tree members send AEX packets to node T except
  the node with authentication key.
  4) Receiving all the AEX packets, node T gathers all the sub-keys of
  the merkle hash tree together with authentication key it received
  earlier. First, it calculates the root-key according to these
  sub-keys and compares with the m(1-m) received earlier. If they are
  not the same, the authentication will be terminated. Node T informs
  CA that there are compromised nodes in the cluster. If they are the
  same, node T calculates all the sub-keys in the merkle hash tree
  and sends ARET packets to the authentication nodes.
  5) When the authentication node J receives ARET packet, it will
  decrypt the Cipher Text to get m and verify it. After that, it
  compares mj with its own sub-key. If they are the same, node J
  selects all the sub-keys except its own and calculates root-key. If
  the root-key is the same as m(1-m), node T passed the authentication
  by node J.
  6) The cluster head calculates the number of members who admited node
  T. If the number is greater than X( m/2=<X<=m ), the cluster will
  admits node T.

  7) The cluster head updates the group key and sends it to all the

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5.4. Location Service Maintenance
  Nodes in a Location Service Grid are also mobile, and thus the set of
  nodes in a region changes over time. In SRP, all the nodes of a
  Location Service Grid are responsible for keeping location
  information for nodes registered in that region. All nodes keep a
  list, node_list, of other nodes located within the same region as
  themselves. This list is updated as new nodes arrive or leave.

  When a node moves into a new grid, it sends a HREQ packet to its
  neighbor requering location information of the nodes registered
  there. Any neighbor which has such location entries generates a
  HREP packet to the node.

  When the node detect that it left the previous grid, it broadcasts
  HREQ packets in its previous grid informing all nodes of its
  departure. All nodes in that grid then modify their node_lists. When
  a node_list has just one entry, that entry represents the last node
  present in the grid. When this node leaves the grid, the grid will be
  empty. It will be discussed in section 5.6.

  After the node leaves the grid, the cluster head will generate a new
  group key and broadcast to all cluster members.

5.5. Location Discovery

  Say some node S wants to send a data packet to D, it needs first to
  find the current location of D. Therefore it generates LREQ packet
  and sends to Location Service of D. 
  First, node S inquires the region code of level-(h-1) grid which node
  D located in from the level-(h-1) location services of node D in the
  current level-(h-1) grid.

  Second, these location services forward the LREQ packet to the
  level-(h-2) location services of node D in the level-(h-1) grid
  acquired before. There are k*k level-(h-2) location services in that
  grid, the one with the same region code as the level-(h-1) region
  code of node S is chosen to be the forward destination.

  By parity of reasoning, the LREQ packet is forwarding to level-0
  location service of node D to inquire the region code of level-0 grid
  which node D located in.

  Receiving LREQ packet, node D generates a LREP packet and forwards it
  back to node S using MFR route scheme.

  Finally, the two nodes can communicate with each other.

  A node SHOULD NOT originate more than RREQ_RATELIMIT RREQ messages in
  certain interval. If a route is not received in NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME
  the node MAY try again to send another LREQ with a limit of
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5.6. Empty Region

  When a node list has just one entry, that entry represents the last
  node present in the grid. When this node leaves the grid, the grid is
  to be empty. The node generates broadcast message in the level-0 grid
  which has the least Region Code greater than the previous grid. This
  broadcast message contains the location information for all nodes
  that regard the, now empty, grid as their location service grid. If
  this grid is still empty, the messages will be forwarded to the next
  greater one. If there is no greater one, the message will forward to
  the grid with the smallest RC code. If the whole level-1 grid is
  empty, the message will be forwarded to the level-0 grid with the
  smallest RC located in the level-1 grid which has the least RC code
  greater than the previous level-1 grid.

  When a node moves into an empty grid, according to the rule above, it
  collects the location information for nodes register in that region
  by sending HREQ packet to the grid with the least RC greater than the
  empty grid.

5.7. Dead-end operations

  Using MFR Geographic Forwarding scheme, a packet may reach a node
  that does not know about any nodes closer than itself to the ultimate
  destination. This dead-end indicates that there is a "hole" in the
  geographic distribution of nodes.

  SRP uses GPSR to solve the dead-end problem. It is possible using
  the same neighbour position table used in geographic forwarding. GPSR
  demonstrates a loop-free method for routing packets around holes
  using only information local to each node.

6. Security Considerations

  This protocol considers network security as a key factor, an entity
  authenticatoin scheme based on Merkle Hash Tree which was published
  as a paper has been adopted.

7. Acknowledgments

  I want to thank my team members Doctor Du Shuai, Doctor Wu Xiao-bo,
  Master Jin Jin, Master Yang Guang and Master Wang Yao who dug into
  the draft for so long time to help me get it done.

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8. References

   [1] M. Mauve, J. Widmer, H. Hartenstein: A survey on position-based
   routing in mobile ad hoc networks. [J]. IEEE Network Magazine,
   p30-39, November 2001.
   [2] Azzedine Boukerche: Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless
   Networking and Mobile Computing. [M]. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC,
   2006. 328-329.

   [3] Wang Li-na, Shi De-jun, Qin Bo-ping, Zhou Xian-wei:
   Cluster-Based Merkle Hash Tree Entity Authentication Scheme for
   Wireless SenSor Network. [C]. Chinese Journal of Sensors and
   Actuators, Vol.20, No.6, June 2007.

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Author's Addresses

           Tao Liu
           Communication engineering Department
           University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB)
           St.Xue Yuan, No.30
           100083 Beijing 


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