Internet DRAFT - draft-long-gmpls-obs


Internet Engineering Task Force                             Keping Long
Internet Draft                                                 Zhang Yi
Expires: May 2006                                              Yang Xin
                                                          Xiaolong Yang
                                                            Huiqing Liu
                       Special Research Centre for Optical Internet and
                                 Wireless Information Networks (COIWIN)
                      Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications
                                                          November 2005

                Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) architecture's
	      extensions for Optical Burst Switch network

Status of this Memo

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). All Rights Reserved.


   The Generalized MPLS[RFC 3031] suite of protocols has been defined to
   control different switching technologies, such as TDM, Optical
   Circuit Switching, and even Optical Fibre Switching. However, Optical
   Burst Switching(OBS)[Qiao] is a promising optical switching
   technology, which is expected to be deployed in optical network in
   the very near future. Therefore, this document focuses mainly on how 
   to extend the architecture of Generalized MPLS (GMPLS)[RFC 3945] to
   support Optical Burst Switching. Herein, the extensions consist in
   the following issues, i.e., signaling, routing and link management.
   What more, the extended GMPLS architecture will be much more scalable

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   than before. Note that the extensions are not limited a certain OBS
   signaling type, such as Just-In-Time or Just-Enough-Time, Wavelength-
   Routed OBS or traditional OBS.


   The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [RFC 2119].

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction.....................................................4
      1.1  Terminology.................................................4
   2. GMPLS Extensions for OBS -Overview...............................4
      2.1  New type of Switching and Forwarding Hierarchy..............5
   3. Routing and Addressing Model.....................................5
      3.1  Addressing of BSC in hybrid control network.................6
      3.2  Unnumbered Links............................................6
      3.3  Link Bundling...............................................7
   4. GMPLS Signaling Extensions for OBS...............................7
      4.1  Label-Switched OBS Control Packet...........................7
      4.2  Signaling Message's Extensions..............................8
      4.3  LSP in OBS networks.........................................8
      4.4  Explicit route consideration................................9
      4.5  Link protection and re-routing..............................9
   5. Link Management..................................................9
      5.1  Channel Group and Manage...................................10
      5.2  OBS DCG's Bundling.........................................10
      5.3  Link connectivity verifying................................10
      5.4  Fault Location and Notification............................11
   6. Security Considerations.........................................11
   7. Acknowledgements................................................12
   8. References......................................................12
   9. AUTHORS'ADDRESSES...............................................13
   10.IPR NOTICE......................................................14
   11.FULL COPYRIGHT STATEMENT........................................14

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1. Introduction

   MPLS is generalized to enable many switching interfaces (such as
   Time-Division Multiplex Switching Capacity interface, Lambda
   Switching Capacity interface and Fibre Switching Capacity interface,
   and etc.), and its generalized version (GMPLS) has be regarded as
   the most popular control plane protocol suite. Among several optical
   switching paradigms, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is the most
   promising ones, which is able to exploit the terabit bandwidth in 
   optical networks while effectively circumventing the problem of 
   optical buffering and complex optical logic processing. Up to now, it 
   is hopeful for OBS to be used to the commercial optical networks in 
   very near future. Hence, the extension of GMPLS to OBS, i.e. enabling 
   OBS capacity interface, is one more interesting topics in optical

   In the ingress node, packets(cell, frame) are collected into an 
   optical burst before being sent into the OBS network. In essential, 
   the burst assembly is the process of higher-layer flow aggregation, 
   which purpose is to improve the efficiency of the optical processing 
   and simplify the flow management in intermediate optical nodes. As 
   soon as a data burst(DB) is ready, its corresponding Burst Header 
   Packet(BHP) will be generated and sent into a separate control 
   wavelength, i.e. Optical Burst Switching Control Channel(CC). In this 
   way, enough resources are reserved, and the optical switching fabric
   (e.g.OXC) are deployed for the corresponding DB¡¯s transparent 
   transmission in optical domain. Some offset-time later, DB will be 
   sent into Optical Burst Switching Data Channel(DC). 
1.1. Terminology

   Frequently used terms are as follows:

   MPLS -  Mutiprotocol Label Switching

   LSP  -  label switched path

   LDP  -  Label Distribution Protocol

   OBS  -  optical burst switch

   LSR  -  Label Switching Router

2. GMPLS Extensions for OBS - Overview

   In the enhanced GMPLS architecture, the control plane remains
   departed from data plane. The architecture of OBS network is also
   divided into two parts, i.e., one for transporting BHP, and the other 
   for transporting DB. The BHP has to deploy the switching fabric of 
   OBS node to enable its related DB to be switched without o/e/o 
   conversion. In order to BHP's switching control can be be cooperative 
   with DB's all-optical transmission, the data channel and control 
   channel are bundled together logically, and there will be at least a 

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   dedicated wavelength for BHP between two OBS nodes to transmit BHP. 
   When a OBS Label Switching Path(LSP) is requested, two related 
   sub-LSPs are successively established for BHP and DB respectively. 
   At each OBS node, the output wavelength or port for each Data Burst 
   is decided locally and temporary the scheduling time when a BHP is 
   processed. Link Management Protocol [LMP] is also extended for OBS 
   local link management. In OBS network, the BHP has to be disposed by 
   each OXC node, and then the deployed OXC node will be transparent to
   the corresponding DB which means the DB will go directly to the
   outgoing wavelength without o/e/o conversion. In this situation, it
   will be difficult to verify a link fault in transparent OXC node. On
   the other hand, the control channel must has a mapping relationship
   with the data channel. This kind of local mapping must be done by

2.1. New type of Switching and Forwarding Hierarchy

   The GMPLS architecture defined by [RFC3945] supports not only the
   LSRs whose forwarding information carried by packet or cell, but the
   ones whose forwarding information is decided by time slot, 
   wavelength, or physical ports which are called, more precisely the
   interfaces of the LSRs, individually the Packet Switching Capacity
   (PSC) interfaces, Layer-2 Switching Capable (L2SC) interfaces, Time-
   Division Multiplex Capable (TDM) interfaces, Lambda Switching Capable
   (LSC) interfaces, Fiber-Switching Capable (FSC) interfaces.

   A new kind of interface SHOULD be defined to support OBS LSP. Beause
   all the switching information is carried by BHP in control channel,
   the interfaces that can transmit BHP from optical signal into
   electric signal and then deal with it will be called Burst Switching
   Capacity (BSC) interfaces.

   BSC interfaces recognize BHP boundaries, read content of the header
   and transmit the packet to the control unit, finally forward the BHP
   to the appointed outgoing control channel. An example of such an
   interface is the one on Fast Optical Cross-connect with OBS control
   unit that is used to deal with BHP. If OBS CC is wavelength based,
   then BSC interfaces will transmit BHP from electrical to optical or
   vice versa, and BHP will be sent to the OBS control unit to reserve
   wavelength resource for its corresponding DB and to deploy the Cross-
   connect unit if data channel is scheduled successfully. After reading
   DB message, BHP will be modified in control unit: the offset time
   will be re-calculated and the DB wavelength will be changed to the
   scheduled one. In the end, BHP will be sent into Control Channel
   again through BSC. If in the egress node of OBS network, the BHP will
   be dropped by BSC the time recognized, because all the DB will be

3. Routing and Addressing Model

   The enhanced GMPLS architecture in this document is still based on IP
   routing and addressing models. The routing and addressing model is
   based on the OBS Control Channel. If not all the OBS switching

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   fabrics have the ability of wavelength conversion, the routing has to
   consider wavelength-continuity constraint too. The control channel
   and data channel are both belonging to the data plane. In traditional
   electrical network, each PSC interface or router is identified by an
   IP address uniquely locally or all around the Internet.

   In OBS network, only OBS Control Channel needs routing and
   addressing. Hence, every interface of Control Channel SHOULD be
   identified uniquely, usually by IP address in local network or in the
   whole internet. Routing or address has nothing to do with OBS Data
   Channel, only after data channel schedule with routing information of
   BHP at control unit of each switching node, can DB's outgoing data
   channel be decided locally, which makes it no need to identify data
   channel interface with unique IP address in the network. Hence, the
   data interface can be identified with <node ID, local link port ID,
   local wavelength ID>. the "node ID" CAN be IP address or unnumbered,
   while "local link port ID" and "local wavelength ID" are indices to
   local node, and MUST be known by the destination node of this link.
   It is Link Management Protocol that maps local link port or
   wavelength ID to the ones of the node at the other side of link.

   The OBS network can be envisioned as two coupled overlay networks: a
   pure optical network transferring data bursts, and a hybrid control
   network transferring burst header packets (BHPs). All the routing and
   addressing information is about control network.

3.1. Addressing of BSC in hybrid control network

   IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are still used to identify the BSC interfaces
   of OBS network. However it is not requested to share address space
   with the internet address space. It depends on the relationship
   between control network and the internet. In overlay mode, the OBS
   router and control network is identified with private IP address. In
   integrated mode, the IP address space is the same as the internet.
   Finally, the pure optical network interfaces transferring data burst
   maybe "unnumbered" and "local identified" in case of not having IP
   address distributed.

3.2. Unnumbered Links

   Unnumbered links (or interfaces) are extended to support both OBS
   control channels and data channels in the two capacities that are
   defined in [RFC3945]: specify unnumbered links and carry unnumbered
   links information in IGP TE.

   A. the links (or interfaces) are divided into two kinds: control
      channel and data channel, so the identifiers that specify
      unnumbered links are extended to identify the channel is for
      control or data.

   B. When carry (TE) information about unnumbered link of OBS, the new
      sub_TLVs, that defined for IS reachability TLV in IS-IS-TE or for
      the TE LSA in OSPF-TE, is also extended to indicate whether it is

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      for control channel or data channel.

3.3. Link Bundling

   The concept of Link Bundling is employed in certain network that has
   GMPLS control plane is defined by [BUNDLE]. In traditional OBS
   network without Link Bundling, considering both Link Manage Protocol
   and link state routing protocols, they have to advertise every
   wavelength with control channel or data channel identifier for
   resource discovery and dynamic route computation.

   In this network, LSPs between two LSRs can be bundled into Bundling
   however this bundling is in different form from the traditional ones.
   Because the stream of BHP has very low traffic, usually there are
   many streams of BHPs sharing physical channel with others. However,
   each DB stream requests as wide bandwidth as a data channel, and many
   DB will do data channel schedule. OBS data channels sharing some
   appropriate properties being bundled together can meet the request.

4. GMPLS Signaling Extensions for OBS

   The GMPLS signaling extends some functions and modules of the RSVP-
   TE[RFC 3209] and CR-LDP[RFC 3212] signaling. The core GMPLS signaling
   specification are available in four parts: 1. A signaling functional
   description [RFC3471]. 2. CR-LDP extensions [RFC3472]. 3. RSVP-TE
   extensions [RFC3473]. 4. GMPLS architecture [RFC3945].

   In order to support OBS, The GMPLS signaling need some new building
   blocks: 1. Some new traffic parameter TLVs for generic request
   messages. 2. OBS switching support. 3. New approach for Path's
   setting up. 4. Signaling extensions for explicit route in OBS
   networks. 5. Protection and restoration's extensions.

   These building blocks will be described in more details in the

   In OBS networks, traffic packet (DB) and its control header (BHP) are
   transported in control channel and data channel separately, control
   header is sent earlier than its traffic packet, it reserves bandwidth
   along the forwarding path in order to achieve the all-optical
   transmission of its DB. Contrast to general packet-switch which is
   defined in [architecture], the primary difference is the separate
   transmission of DB and BHP, this need some enhancements and
   modifications of generic GMPLS signalling which is described in
   [architecture]. GMPLS signalling must sets up label-switched path or
   support label-swapped for BHP, and it should provide the constrained
   virtual path (not detailed path, maybe a channel range) for DB if

4.1. Label-Switched OBS Control Packet

   In traditional OBS networks, control packet (BHP) is treated as an IP
   packet, and its processing and forwarding are IP-based. But in GMPLS-

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   based network, packet's processing and forwarding are label-based in
   general conditions. In order to support OBS, there need some
   enhancements of GMPLS:

   1) OBS control packet (BHP) is treated as generic packet and packet-
      switched according to the processes which are defined in
   2) The traffic packet (DB) is defined as a special kind of packet, 
      which is switched and forwarded like it in classic OBS networks: 
      DB's route and resources are controlled by its BHP, its forwarding 
      is all-optical.

   OBS control packet's (BHP) destination address is replaced by a
   label.This kind label is a GMPLS generalized label, it is distributed
   by the specific signaling protocol (CR-LDP or RSVP-TE). And the
   processing and forwarding of BHP is achieved by various operations of
   this label.

4.2. Signaling Message's Extensions

   In order to support Optical Burst Switching, the defined signaling
   messages in GMPLS signaling protocols must be enhanced by adding some
   TLVs to signaling messages. On account of the particular transmission
   approaches of OBS, Both DB's and BHP's traffic requirements must be
   considered together during path computing and path establish. So it
   needs some new TLVs to take the traffic requirements information 
   about BHP and DB in GMPLS' signaling messages. For example, there 
   need a TLV to take the traffic parameters of DB in label request 
   messages to inform nodes about requirements of DB. The detailed 
   addition of TLVs is out of this document's discussion range.

4.3. LSP in OBS networks

   In GMPLS networks with out-of-band signaling, channels are sorted
   into two classes: GMPLS control channel and GMPLS data channel. GMPLS
   control information packets including routing, signaling and link
   management packets are transported in GMPLS control channel, these
   information packets' forwarding are IP-based. And traffic packets (DB
   and BHP) are transported in GMPLS data channel, these packets are
   label-swapped typically. But there are something unlike general GMPLS
   network owe to some particular characteristic of OBS networks.

   There are two kinds of packet in OBS networks: Data Burst (DB) and
   Burst Header Packet (BHP). The path of BHP is a typical 
   label-switched-path (LSP), the LSP's establish processing is as same 
   as it in MPLS or GMPLS networks. The detailed path of DB is not 
   designated in advance, they are determined by the nodes in its route  
   according to the online state of network resources, and DB's path can 
   be setup as a virtual path and constrained in some channel ranges if

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4.4. Explicit route consideration

   When computing and set up an explicit-route path, all nodes in the
   computed-route must satisfy the requirements of BHPs and DBs
   together, the LSP of BHP can be set up only in this condition.
   Otherwise, the request of this BHP LSP will be refused. During the
   signaling process,signaling messages must inform each node with 
   these requirements completely and timely. The detailed processing can 
   be found in corresponding documents.

4.5. Link protection and re-routing

   The primary ideal of OBS is: traffic packet (DB) and its control
   header (BHP) are transported in control channel and data channel
   separately. So toward each traffic in OBS networks, it has two paths
   under general conditions: a control path (BHP LSP) and a data path
   (DB path). In OBS networks, link protection and re-routing must
   consider both control path and data path, if there is a fault in one
   of these two paths, the protection and rerouting operations must
   recovery these two paths together. In the case of fault in BHP LSP,
   some DB packets may be arrival at next node earlier than its BHP
   because of BHP LSP's interrupt, these DB will be discarded. If there
   is a failure in DB LSP, some DB packets may be dropped owing to the
   failure, their BHP will be also discarded because their corresponding
   DB are not existing.

5. GMPLS LMP Extensions for OBS

   OBS networks consists of OXC, and Dense Wavelength Division Link. The
   OXC has a control unit which has a control plane and BHP delivering
   fabric. The control plane runs Generalized MPLS to dynamically
   administrate OBS data links and distribute routing and signaling
   messages. The BHP delivering fabric deals with BHP to reserve
   bandwidth for the corresponding DB and modifies the contents of BHP,
   such as offset time, outgoing wavelength, Time To Live, etc. The data
   links between two OXCs is grouped into two kinds of channel: OBS
   control channel and OBS data channel.

   OBS control channel and OBS data channel between two adjacent nodes
   are not required to use the same physical medium. For example, an OBS
   control channel may transport BHP in electric other than optical.
   While the corresponding Data Burst runs transparently in optical
   link. For controllable purposes, LMP should be extended to support
   both OBS control channel and OBS data channel.

   Since the data link is divided into two types, most of the functions
   in LMP must be developed, both in terms of link provisioning and
   fault management. TE links in OBS network consist of OBS control
   channel, and these TE links have corresponding OBS data channels. All
   the relationships between them and properties of those two kinds of
   links are managed by LMP.

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5.1. Channel Group and Management

   The first extended function of LMP is the local channel management.
   There are three kinds of channels in GMPLS-based OBS network, control
   plane channel, control network channel, and pure optical data
   channel. An LSP in OBS is made up of control channel and data
   channel, the data channel is mapped to the control channel and
   related with a group of data channels which have the same next hop.

   There might be hundreds or thousands of channels between a pair of
   LSR, and control plane channel may be completely departed with data
   plane channel, and Considering scalability and facility of GMPLS-
   based OBS, the channels in data plane which is OBS network are
   grouped into Control Channel Group and Data Channel Group. All the
   channels that transport BHP belong to the CCG, and is also departed
   with DCG which transport Data Burst transparently.

   In the initialization state of LMP, the active bi-directional control
   channel which is used to do parameter negotiation changes control
   plane information including LMP messages to realize resource
   discovery and neighbor discovery.

5.2. OBS DCG's Bundling

   All the data channels in use are divided into many data channel group
   according to the mapping BHP LSP. The interfaces of a DCG begin and
   end on the same pair of LSRs, and they share some common
   characteristics, such as data channel schedule algorithm. So the DCG
   can be bundled into a bundling for better scalability of TE traffic.

   Link Property Correlation is also extended in LMP to correlate BHP
   LSPs with a DCG's bundling dynamically. The relationship between them
   can be added, deleted or changed by LinkSummary messages.

   For example, between LSR A and B there exists some BHP LSPs mapping a
   DCG bundling D1. D1 has M component data channels. When a new BHP LSP
   is requested to pass A and B, and this LSP can share the same
   property with those LSPs at this span, the data channel of this BHP
   LSP can be bundled into this bundling with LinkSummary series
   messages. Similarly, when a BHP LSP is claimed to be dead, the
   mapping data bundling should be modified to delete one data channel
   with LinkSummary messages. The bundling will be dead when the last
   BHP LSP which is mapping this bundling is claimed to be canceled.

   By manage the data channel bundling dynamically can make the OBS
   network routing and signaling more scalable, and increase the link
   usage, and meet the character of control channel depart from data
   channel in OBS network best.

5.3. Link connectivity verifying

   This extended function is mainly used to discover neighbor and link
   resource exchange after the initialization of OBS network. This

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   function will do link connectivity verifying and the interface id
   exchange of control channel, data channel, and bundling.

   It is very important for OBS network. Without the conform of local
   and remote interface id of channel or bundling, the information in
   BHP will not be explained correctly at each hop, the resource maybe
   reserved wrong.

   The data channel is X-transparent for DB, so every fiber must have at
   least one OBS control channel, by which fiber interface id can be
   exchanged, which means at least one wavelength interface can perform
   o/e/o convention. And verify transport mechanism only do with OBS
   control channel.

   Since BHP defines the wavelength in which its DB, and LSR can only
   deploy the OXC with the information, there must be a set of coding
   criterion indicating each wavelength in one fiber.

5.4. Fault Location and Notification

   In this section, the fault location and notification is still an
   optional procedure and extended from the part of LMP describing how
   data channel failure in OBS is founded.

   In the fault detection of OBS network, control channel can be
   detected in layer3, but the data channel fault detection can only be
   handled in optical layer with some techniques for monitoring optical

   In fault location procedure, there is no change in control channel
   location from traditional, while in data channel location, test
   message can't be sent downstream. The LSR, which find Loss of Light 
   or something wrong in data channel, will send notification to 
   upstream LSR, and the upstream LSR will have to detect its optical 
   signal from upstream, until the one who find all the upstream signal 
   is ok can sure that the fault is between itself and the downstream 
   LSR who notifies him.

6. Security Considerations

   In this enhanced GMPLS architecture, there is a control plane for
   multiple technologies and types of network elements especially for
   OBS, and there is data plane for transporting OBS DB and BHP, in
   which still have OBS control channels and OBS data channels. The
   security mechanisms for control plane is described in [architecture].

   In data plane, BHP is transported though OBS control channel, and
   swapped at each node to reserve optical wavelength resources for its
   corresponding DB. And the DB will runs transparently in the reserved
   wavelength. Hence, GMPLS security MUST extend mechanisms that prevent
   or minimize the risk of attackers being able to modify and/or copy
   OBS BHP packet. The risks depend on the realization and physical
   characteristics of OBS control channel, as well as the level of trust

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   to the BHP at each node.

   The OBS control channel should share the same mechanisms to provide
   authentication and confidentiality as the control plane has. In case
   of transporting OBS control messages in IP layers, the IPsec suite of
   protocols (see [RFC 2402], [RFC 2406], and [RFC 2409])may be used. 
   In case of OBS control messages over optical directly, some advanced
   Encryption methods can be used to provide security.

   After all, the authorization of OBS should be executed in the OBS
   control channel, starting from ingress and ending in egress, and it
   can cooperate with control channel or not.

7. Acknowledgements

   This research is funded by the National High Technology Research and
   Development Program of China (863 Program).

   The authors are grateful to other colleagues and post-graduated
   students for their work and useful suggestions.

8. References

   [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

   [RFC 3031] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A. and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031, January 2001.

   [OBS]      Chuming Qiao and Mungsik Yoo,Optical Burst Switching (OBS)
              ¨CA new paradigm for an optical Internet, J. High Speed
              Networks, vol. 8, no. 1, 1999.

   [RFC 3945] E. Mannie, Ed."Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
              (GMPLS) Architecture", RFC 3945, October 2004.

   [LMP]      Lang, J., Ed., "Link Management Protocol (LMP)", Work in

   [BUNDLE]   Kompella, K., Rekhter, Y., and L. Berger, "Link Bundling
              in MPLS Traffic Engineering", Work in Progress.

   [RFC 3209] Awduche, D., Berger, L., Gan, D., Li, T., Srinivasan, V.,
              and G. Swallow, "RSVP-TE:Extensions to RSVP for LSP
              Tunnels", RFC 3209, December 2001.

   [RFC 3212] Jamoussi, B., Andersson, L., Callon, R., Dantu, R., Wu,
              L.,Doolan, P., Worster, T., Feldman, N., Fredette, A.,
              Girish, M.,Gray, E., Heinanen, J., Kilty, T. and A. Malis,
              "Constraint-based LSP Setup Using LDP", RFC 3212, January

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   [RFC 3471] L. Berger,"Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
              (GMPLS) Signaling Functional Description", RFC3471, 
              January 2003.

   [RFC 3472] P. Ashwood-Smith, L. Berger, "Generalized Multi-Protocol
              Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Constraint-based Routed
              Label Distribution Protocol (CR-LDP) Extensions", 
              RFC 3472, January 2003.

   [RFC 3473] L. Berger, "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
              (GMPLS) Signaling Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic
              Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extensions", RFC 3473, January 2003.
   [RFC 2402] S. Kent, R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC 
              2402, November 1998.
   [RFC 2406] S. Kent, R.Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Security Payload 
              (ESP), RFC 2406, November 1998.

   [RFC 2409] D. Harkins, D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)"
              RFC 2409, November 1998.

   Keping Long
   Special Research Centre for Optical Internet & Wireless Information
   Networks (COIWIN), Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications
   Chongqing, 400065 P.R. China
   University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
   Phone: +86 23 6246 0218
   Fax: +86 23 6246 0220
   Zhang Yi 
   Special Research Centre for Optical Internet & Wireless Information
   Networks (COIWIN), Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications
   Chongqing, 400065 P.R. China
   Phone: +86 23 6246 0223
   Fax: +86 23 6246 0220

   Yang Xin
   Special Research Centre for Optical Internet & Wireless Information
   Networks (COIWIN), Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications
   Chongqing, 400065 P.R. China
   Phone: +86 23 6246 0223
   Fax: +86 23 6246 0220
   Xiaolong Yang 
   Special Research Centre for Optical Internet & Wireless Information
   Networks (COIWIN), Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications
   University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
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   Chongqing, 400065 P.R. China
   Phone: +86 23 6246 0223
   Fax: +86 23 6246 0220
   Huiqing Liu 
   Special Research Centre for Optical Internet & Wireless Information
   Networks (COIWIN), Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications
   Chongqing, 400065 P.R. China
   Phone: +86 23 6246 0223
   Fax: +86 23 6246 0220


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