Internet DRAFT - draft-lopez-mptcp-middlebox



INTERNET-DRAFT                                                  E. Lopez
Intended Status: Informational                                  Fortinet
Expires: May 15, 2015                                  November 11, 2014

                   Multipath TCP Middlebox Behavior 


   As implementation of MPTCP continues to grow, there will be
   interaction concerns regarding MPTCP sessions relative to the
   functionality of middleboxes, particularly those focused on network-
   based security.  The purpose of this draft is to review this
   interaction of MPTCp sessions and middleboxes, the likely response of
   middlebox providers in dealing with any functional degradation due to
   MPTCP, and the potential requirements to support proxy functionality
   for MPTCP sessions.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
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Copyright and License Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.


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INTERNET DRAFT               Informational             November 11, 2014

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.1  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Impact of MPTCP on Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.1 Single-Session Bias  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     2.2 Middlebox Function Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   3 Independent Responses By Middlebox Providers . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.1 MPTCP Fallback to TCP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.2 Fast Closure of Existing MPTCP Sessions  . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.3 Development of MPTCP-Aware Middlebox Functions . . . . . . .  6
     3.4 Independent TCP<>MPTCP Edge Proxies  . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.5 MPTCP Third-Party Proxies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   4  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   5  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   6  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     6.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     6.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8


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1  Introduction

   Multipath TCP (MPTCP) as described in RFC 6824 [RFC6824], provides
   for end-to-end support for sessions utilizing multiple TCP subflows
   to allow MPTCP sessions to benefit from the available performance
   increase and persistence of using multiple forwarding paths.  A
   difficulty comes from the deployment of middleboxes performing
   traffic inspection functions that are unaware of the multipath nature
   of the overall session, as well as suffering from a lack of
   visibility to all of the data within the complete session.  In either
   case, the functionality offered by the middlebox is degraded in the
   presence of MPTCP sessions, where this was not the case for TCP

   Much of this is based on the what could be termed the 'single-session
   bias' on the part of middlebox functionality.  This means that the
   majority of functions supported by middleboxes, relative to TCP,
   assume that the information required by the function exists within a
   single TCP session.  Clearly, the evolution of MPTCP invalidates this
   assumption or single-session bias.  For example, a middlebox
   performing a network security function, such as intrusion prevention
   system (IPS), may not see all of the traffic required to match a
   signature within a single TCP subflow, even though the intrusion data
   is present within the overall MPTCP session.  Even if this example
   IPS does happen to trigger on an intrusion, its actions would be
   likely be limited to the singular TCP subflow, rather than the
   overall MPTCP session.

   The purpose of this draft is discuss the impact of MPTCP sessions on
   middlebox operation, with an attempt to understand how middleboxes
   will respond to the growing presence of MPTCP traffic.  The evolution
   of support for MPTCP on middleboxes will result in requirements to
   support proxy functions to allow the data from all TCP subflows
   associated with an MPTCP session to be examined at an aggregation
   point on the network.

1.1  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Impact of MPTCP on Middleboxes

   Overall MPTCP sessions are an aggregation of one or more associated
   TCP subflows.  Early implementations of MPTCP are generally

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   associated with establishing sessions between endpoint devices, while
   intermediate network devices handling the TCP subflows do not require
   awareness of the overall MPTCP session to perform packet forwarding
   decisions.  The existence and utilization of multiple forwarding
   paths, and the use of different IP source and destination addresses
   on each subflow is inconsequential to the network, as it is the MPTCP
   endpoints that are responsible for the overall MPTCP session

   However, intermediate network nodes, i.e. middleboxes, may perform
   functions on traffic other than forwarding.  Such functions, if
   performed independently on a single TCP subflow, may provide
   erroneous or skewed results, as well as negatively impact the
   integrity of the overall MPTCP session.  A strong example of an
   erroneous middlebox result would be the resulting false-negatives due
   to failures in signature-matching functions, since the matching data
   is distributed across multiple TCP subflows.  A strong example of
   impact to the integrity of the MPTCP session would be the imposition
   of rate-limiting or packet transformation functions on the data
   contained within a single TCP subflow, and subsequent requirements
   placed on the MPTCP speakers to detect a degraded subflow.

2.1 Single-Session Bias

   Most middleboxes suffer from what can be termed a 'single-session
   bias', in which each session is considered a unique data transfer
   between two endpoints, such that the functions being performed by the
   middlebox are bounded to the data within that single session.  In the
   case of TCP, sessions are seen as unique, rather than an element of
   an overall MPTCP subflow.  Even if a middlebox were to have
   visibility to all of the TCP subflows associated with an MPTCP
   session, each subflow would be segregated from the others by a
   differential set of source and/or destination IP addresses, as well
   as by different TCP sequence values.  Without an understanding of
   MPTCP, MPTCP sessions are impacted by the interaction of middleboxes
   on individual TCP subflows.

   MPTCP has been designed to be tolerant of NAT functions performed by
   middleboxes.  However, other packet transformations, such as
   manipulation of DiffServ values or payload substitutions, can have
   very unintended effects of the overall MPTCP session.  The issuance
   of a TCP reset (RST) by a middlebox only fast closes the individual
   TCP subflow, and not the overall MPTCP session.  Ultimately, the
   solution to overcoming single-session bias effect will require
   evolution of middleboxes that are MPTCP-aware.

2.2 Middlebox Function Degradation


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   The functionality provided by middleboxes is too large in scope to
   cover within a single document.  However, we can extropolate possible
   avenues for their functional degradation and failure , based on
   understanding the nature of MPTCP.

   Since data within an MPTCP session can make use of multiple paths, a
   middlebox on any single path can suffer from a lack of complete
   visibility to the overall MPTCP session traffic.  The likely outcome
   of this lack of visibility is a failure of middlebox function due to
   false-negative conditions.

   A grave issue would be in the substitution of data within a single
   TCP subflow, and its impact on the overall MPTCP session.  There are
   no functions defined in which the integrity of data contained within
   one TCP subflow is validated by another subflow.  Data substitution
   within a single TCP subflow impacts the integrity of the overall
   MPTCP session, and is a significant security issue relative to MPTCP
   session operation. 

3 Independent Responses By Middlebox Providers

   The likely outcome is that providers of middleboxes will initially
   view MPTCP traffic as an attack relative to their operation.  It is
   of course desirable for middleboxes to evolve to become MPTCP aware,
   and even support future MPTCP proxy functions.  The following
   subsections describe methods in which middleboxes may respond to the
   presence of MPTCP traffic.

3.1 MPTCP Fallback to TCP

   The methodology for MPTCP session fallback to standard TCP is clearly
   defined in RFC-6824 [RFC6824], section 3.6.  Therefore the conditions
   under which such fallback can occur become available actions under
   which a middlebox can react to the presence of MPTCP.  By forcing
   fallback to standard TCP, the middlebox can effectively mitigate
   functional degradation issues associated with MPTCP.

   This is easily accomplished in one of two ways.  First is to drop TCP
   traffic that contains TCP Options for MPTCP.  Second is to filter out
   TCP Options for MPTCP, and forward the packet without the options. 

3.2 Fast Closure of Existing MPTCP Sessions

   It may also occur that a middlebox, rather than detecting the start
   of an MPTCP session, may instead detect the creation of a new TCP
   subflow via a Join Connection (MP_JOIN) MPTCP option.  The issuance
   of a TCP Reset (RST) would only affect this TCP subflow, but not the
   overall MPTCP session.

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   RFC-6824 [RFC6824] does allow for fast closure of an overall MPTCP
   session, via the MP_FASTCLOSE option.  However, this option must be
   authenticated with the key of the host to which it is sent.  A
   middlebox, with only visibility of an MP_JOIN would not have
   knowledge of the key credentials of either Host A or Host B to be
   able to masquerade an MP_FASTCLOSE option.

   This is of course a trade-off.  While middlebox providers may desire
   the ability to issue third-party MP_FASTCLOSE options to both MPTCP
   hosts, providing the ability to do so would present a significant
   security challenge.  Middleboxes have little recourse when only in
   the path of secondary TCP subflows of an MPTCP session.

3.3 Development of MPTCP-Aware Middlebox Functions

   Another area of advancement is in the development of MPTCP middlebox
   functions.  Much of this effort would result in
   blacklisting/whitelisting of MPTCP-capable sites.  For example, web
   filtering solutions may include information on if sites are MPTCP-
   capable, and offer middlebox operators the option to allow MPTCP
   sessions toward specific sets of sites, rather than in a general
   allow/block state.

   Note that this assumes that the middlebox is in the path of the
   initial TCP subflow establishing the MPTCP session.

3.4 Independent TCP<>MPTCP Edge Proxies

   When deployed close to endpoints, the development of TCP<>MPTCP
   proxies would allow middleboxes visibility to all traffic associated
   with an MPTCP seesion.  If effect, the middlebox becomes the endpoint
   for the MPTCP session.  This would require the development of an
   explicit proxy function to convert standard TCP sessions from
   endpoints into an MPTCP session from a multipath-capable middlebox.

   The Internet-Draft 'draft-wei-mptcp-proxy-mechanism-00' [WEI]
   provides an in-depth description of how such independent TCP<>MPTCP
   proxies could function.  However, the use of such edge-proxies assume

   - The MPTCP edge proxy is in the primary forwarding path between
   endpoints- The MPTCP edge proxy would force fallback to TCP for MPTCP
   capable endpoints behind the proxy

   This would be necessary to prevent potential failures due to nested
   MPTCP sessions when both endpoints and middleboxes are MPTCP


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3.5 MPTCP Third-Party Proxies

   While the development of MPTCP edge proxies is relatively
   straightforward, their deployment does not cover the cases under
   which a third-party can observe traffic from all TCP sub-flows for a
   given MPTCP session.  It is not the intention of this draft to
   speculate on why it would be desirable to allow a third-party to
   perform such an aggregation of TCP subflows, and certainly from the
   standpoint of the MPTCP endpoints, such an aggregation is likely sub-
   optimal to the performance and resiliency of MPTCP sessions. 
   However, the intent of this section regards what a third-party
   middlebox could do.

   Two distinct models for a third-party proxy can be described: an in-
   path model, and an out-of-path model.

   The in-path model is in essence an MPTCP<>MPTCP proxy, in which a
   middlebox inserts itself as a man-in-the-middle (MITM) between two
   MPTCP endpoints

              Host A <============> Middlebox <============> Host B

   Within the in-path model, it could be assumed that the Middlebox
   could adjust the initiation of an MPTCP session, for example by
   modification of a DNS Reply message, indicating that Host B is
   masqueraded by an IP address on the Middlebox.  Host A then initiates
   an MPTCP proxy to the Middlebox, which in turn by its proxy function
   then establishes a separate MPTCP session to Host B.  

   The out-of-path model assumes that MPTCP capable endpoints, or
   downstream devices, will encapsulate their traffic, or a copy of
   their traffic, to a third-party middlebox.  Traffic encapsulation can
   be used to differentially forward packets to a third-party.  In this
   case, the third-party middlebox is assumed to be transparent to the
   MPTCP session establishment between endpoints.

   Note that the MPTCP endpoints do not need to explicitly negotiate
   such a proxy, and may not even be aware of such a proxy taking

4  Security Considerations

   This draft is fully concerned about the integrity of MPTCP sessions
   as they traverse middleboxes imposed in their path.  While the
   deployment of middleboxes may in fact be benevolent in intent or
   practice, such devices may currently suffer from a single-session

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   bias relative to TCP subflows in an overall MPTCP session, which can
   cause erroneous or degraded functionality, with potential impact on
   the overall MPTCP session.  As middleboxes become MPTCP aware, the
   rise of independent and third-party proxy functions may exploit MITM
   weaknesses available within and external to the MPTCP protocol.

5  IANA Considerations

   There are no new requirements for IANA consideration in this draft. 
   However, 'draft-wei-mptcp-proxy-mechanism-00' [WEI] suggests that a
   new flag 'P' in MPTCP MP_CAPABLE option needs to be defined, refer to
   RFC 6824, Section 3.1.  This flag could be used by a proxy to inform
   MPTCP capable host the existence of proxy, although as this draft
   suggests such proxies can we created without informing the MPTCP
   capable hosts of their presence.

6  References

6.1  Normative References

   [RFC6824]  Ford, A., Raiciu, C., Handley, M., and O. Bonaventure,
              "TCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple
              Addresses", RFC 6824, January 2013.

6.2  Informative References

   [WEI]  Wei.X, Xiong, C. "MPTCP proxy mechanisms", draft-wei-mptcp-
              proxy-mechanism-00, June 2014

Authors' Addresses

   Edward Lopez
   899 Kifer Road
   Sunnyvale, CA 94086


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